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Naming Opportunities

NEW: Endowed Chair

Establishes an endowment to for a faculty position, to fund salary and research. Be the first to create an endowed chair at Fielding.

NEW: Named Scholarship for Master’s and Certificate Programs

Ensure the legacy of your family or a beloved faculty member for generations to come by being the first to establish a scholarship in any of our master’s or certificate programs.

Fielding Intensive

Support faculty, students, and alumni to explore research of your area of interest at one of Fielding’s sponsored regional workshop or to organize one of their own.

Project Funding

Support university program work, emergent technology opportunities, and research with a gift that will carry your name.

Writing Center

Name this vital resource for students, including individual writing coach, live and recorded webinars, videos, and a selfdirected writing course developed by Fielding faculty. The expansion of student services our students, particularly the enhancement of academic writing quality, is a university priority.

“Your gift supports the completion of my dissertation this year. I hope my research will further the discourse on equity and public education. Your investment in my scholarly contribution means so much.” – Zabrina Epps, doctoral student, Human and Organizational

Development; student-trustee on the Board of Trustees

“I believe that where we place our finances often indicates our priorities. Therefore, with this belief system, your financial support sends me a significant vote of confidence. I truly am grateful!” – Sharon Gainforth, PhD 2020 graduate

“This scholarship strengthens my commitment to create content to expand awareness, further the discourse, and seek pragmatic resolutions to historical social injustices.” – Lugene Kennebrew, doctoral student, Leadership for Change

“As a first-generation college student, higher education would not be possible for me without the generosity of scholarships like this one. Thank you for recognizing my hard work academically and my dedication as a caregiver.” — Erinn Cameron, doctoral student, Clinical Psychology


Matching Gift Campaigns to support causes you love.

Want to make Fielding gift in support of a cause close to your heart? We help you rally your community. For donors of $10,000 or more, we create a customized fundraising campaign which reaches out to the Fielding community to double your impact.

A giving campaign in celebration of a significant anniversary or in memory of or in honor of someone special in your life. We create a custom online fundraising campaign to raise funds that support your favorite cause at Fielding.

The Nancy Wermuth Francke

Memorial Alumni Award Nancy Wermuth Francke In honor and memory of her sister, Fielding HOD alum, Barb Mather, PhD, established the Nancy Wermuth Francke Memorial Alumni Award to support a recent Fielding graduate who is working in the area of health education, with a particular desire to serve women, the underprivileged or undereducated. The Wermuth family, Dr. Mather’s colleagues, and Fielding alumni participated, with Dr. Mather matching funds for every additional gift. More than $2,500 was raised for this new award.

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