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Urgent Needs
Change the world. Start with yours.
Considering a gift to Fielding, but not sure where to apply your gift? Several funds are in need of immediate support.
Advancement Scholarship
Helps students who are near graduation, but face financial circumstances that prevent them from degree completion. Established by Fielding’s Board of Trustees.
Total funds currently remaining for awards: $5,000. Award size: varies, up to $5,000.
Ethnic Minority Dissertation Scholarship
Annual award for doctoral students who have completed a dissertation draft on a topic related to historically underrepresented groups.
Total funds currently remaining for awards: $1,403. Award size: $500.
Chair of the Board Scholarship
Supports students who are current members of their program’s student governance team. Fielding President Katrina S. Rogers matches gifts up to $1,000.
Total funds currently remaining for awards: $1,500, award size: $2,000.
Annual Fund
Raised each year to use where the university has the most need, this fund could be for student and faculty research, to upgrade systems, infrastructure, or urgent needs that arise during the year. Annual