2015 International Congress „Black Out“
International Congress Civil Protect 2015 – –
Topic: BLACK OUT Participation of international Speakers
Key Note Speaker: Marc Elsberg, author of bestseller “Black Out“
Presentation of examples from Italy and abroad: Slovenia, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Audience: operators of critical infrastructure, hospitals, roads and highways, water supply, railways, police, shopping centers, banks, energy networks, governments, volunteers involved in civil protection and fire protection.
International Congress Civil Protect 2015 –
Dates: Thursday 19 – Friday 20 march 2015
Conference languages: italian, german, english
Congress appointments THURSDAY 03/19 Morning: Congress
Afternoon: Excursion
FRIDAY 03/20 Morning: Congress
For further information contact: Fabio Da Col - dacol@fierabolzano.it - 0471 516023
Thank you for your attention!