WP 2013-19 October 2013 Updated August 2014
Working Paper Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-7801, USA
University Licensing of Patents for Varietal Innovations in Agriculture Bradley J. Rickard, Timothy J. Richards, and Jubo Yan
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University Licensing of Patents for Varietal Innovations in Agriculture Bradley J. Rickard, Ruth and William Morgan Assistant Professor (contact author) Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 Tel: +1.607.255.7417 E-mail: bjr83@cornell.edu Timothy J. Richards, Professor and Morrison Chair Morrison School of Agribusiness W. P. Carey School of Business Arizona State University Mesa, AZ 85212 Jubo Yan, Graduate Student Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 Abstract There has been a sharp increase in the number of patented agricultural varieties from public universities in the United States. We develop an experiment to examine the revenue stream to universities from licensing plant-based innovations. In the experiment we asked subjects to bid for access for a patented input that would be used to produce a differentiated product; treatments were employed to solicit bids that were financed by fees, royalties, and a combination of the two mechanisms under exclusive and non-exclusive contracts. The literature studying the economics of downstream duopoly competition in quantity suggests that revenues for the innovator would be greatest under a non-exclusive contract that uses fees and royalties. In our experiment we allow more than two firms to obtain access to the patent in the non-exclusive treatments, and our empirical results suggest that innovator revenues are greatest when royalties are used alone in a non-exclusive contract. Keywords: Agriculture, Auctions, Licensing, Innovation management, Patents, Research and development JEL classification: L24, O32, Q16 August 2014 This research is part of a larger project titled “Optimal Licensing of an Agricultural Innovation� that is funded by the USDA/NIFA/AFRI Markets & Trade Program under grant #2011-02736. i
University Licensing of Patents for Varietal Innovations in Agriculture 1.
Processed-food manufacturers have a ready source of research and development (R&D) financing through either internal or external sources. Moreover, they have the incentive to invest in R&D because downstream food industry product and process innovations are well-protected by existing patent and trademark law (Gopinath and Vasavada 1999). Incentives for investment in innovation in agricultural production are generally much weaker, primarily because of the atomistic nature of agricultural production, combined with the limited ability to extract rents from innovation in farm products or farming production processes (Huffman and Evenson 1993; Alston et al. 2009; Alston et al. 2010). Consequently, the government has traditionally played a larger role in agricultural R&D than in food manufacturing R&D, conducted largely through agricultural experiment stations at land grant universities. Despite their prominent role in funding agricultural innovation, however, universities lack institutional mechanisms to ensure they get the greatest return on their research funding. In this paper, we develop an experimental approach to shed new light on the development of such mechanisms. Federal and state support for investments in agricultural R&D has been declining over the last few decades. Decreasing government support necessitates a reliance on new institutional arrangements to fill the gap (Huffman and Just 1999; Just and Huffman 2009; Alston, Babcock, and Pardey 2010). This trend spans all agricultural sectors, but is particularly acute in horticulture (Cahoon et al. 2007; Alston and Pardey 2008). Collective organizations funded by commodity levies with matching government support are one way to revitalize agricultural innovation in a public-private partnership. Another way is to use formal intellectual property rights embodied in government-sanctioned patents. Both of these alternatives, however, raise
questions about the appropriate mechanism for funding research investments, and pricing research output. We address this issue in the context of the second alternative, and specifically examine the use of fees and royalties in either an exclusive or non-exclusive contract for pricing patents on innovations created by university-based researchers. We frame our analysis using the specific example of research into new horticultural varieties. The passage of the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980 gave universities the ability to claim intellectual property rights from the federal government for university-conducted research. Bayh-Dole gave universities additional incentives to undertake certain types of research, and in some cases an additional source of revenue (Jensen and Thursby 2001; Thursby and Thursby 2003; Bhole 2006; Bulut and Moschini 2009). Questions remain, however, regarding the extent to which university research is transferred to industry stakeholders (Henderson, Jaffe, and Trajtenberg 1998), and the appropriate institutional arrangements for transferring technology to producers (Lach and Schankerman 2008). New institutional arrangements have arisen for the transfer of new plant varieties from research universities to consortia or cooperatives of growers willing to pay for licenses for new varieties (Cahoon et al. 2007), but pricing mechanisms in these markets have been inefficient and not conducive to the rapid growth of research and development in new fruit varieties. Specifically, the primary question is whether university technology transfer offices (TTOs) should use fixed fees, royalties, or a combination of fees and royalties in either exclusive or non-exclusive contracts in order to maximize licensing revenue. Our experiment provides empirical evidence on which of these arrangements is preferred from a TTO perspective.1 Our research is motivated by the rapid increase in the number of patented fruit varieties released by university breeding programs at the University of Arkansas, University of California,
Cornell University, University of Florida, Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, and Washington State University, among others (Brown and Maloney 2009; Bareuther 2011; Gallardo et al. 2012), and consumer interest in better fruit varieties (Yue and Tong 2011; Rickard et al. 2013). Licensing schemes for patented fruit varieties have been determined through negotiations between a TTO and a grower-based licensee. These negotiations typically begin with a request for bids from potential licensees. The bids are evaluated based on financial and management considerations by the TTO with a focus on initial payments, annual payments, quality control issues, contracts with individual growers, and marketing plans. A successful bid for a new variety will often allow the licensee the first right of refusal on subsequent varietal introductions. In different instances in the United States, the licensees include growers or grower-packers, a grower-owned cooperative, or a management company acting on behalf of a group of growers.2 In practice, the varieties are licensed to individual growers and the licensing mechanisms involve some combination of upfront fixed fees and output royalties that require annual payments based on the quantity of fruit that is marketed. In the case of perennial fruit crops, we consider the upfront fees to include the one-time charges applied per unit of land or per tree. Ad valorem or per unit output royalties have not been widely used for patented fruit varieties, but are becoming more common, especially for the most promising varieties (Brown and Maloney 2009). In practice, different universities have adopted quite different licensing schemes for patented fruit varieties; some rely more heavily on upfront fees while others have developed schemes that require royalties be paid annually.3 The structure of licensing payments for varietal innovations in agriculture has not been studied closely by economists. It appears that such licensing has been done without a full
understanding of how it affects the incentives for growers that acquire and manage the new varieties, or to the research institutions that develop the new and improved varieties. The question about exclusivity of the contract is particularly relevant to the case of patented fruit varieties because of recent legal action by growers that were denied full access to a patented apple variety released by the University of Minnesota (see Lehnert 2010; Milkovich 2011). As a result of this litigation, administrators at other land grant universities now appear reluctant to employ exclusive contracts. Our research provides a better understanding of how the design of the license for patented fruit varieties will influence revenues for the innovator using data from a laboratory experiment that mimicked conditions facing fruit growers considering an investment in patented varieties. There is a large literature that studies innovator revenue when licenses are financed by fees or royalties. We contribute to this literature in a number of ways. First, we address a practical limitation in the way patents are licensed in the real world. License auctions for agricultural innovations from universities are often conducted in ad hoc ways with little consideration given to maximizing university revenue; this includes the fee versus royalty consideration as well as the consideration concerning the degree of contract exclusivity. Second, despite the volume of theoretical analyses, there is no empirical research examining contract design for patents covering demand-side innovations. Third, we address the lack of a comprehensive source of patent licensing data by designing an experiment that carefully replicates likely market outcomes for a new fruit product, and the market for its patent. In the next section we provide an overview of literature that has studied innovation and the optimal use of fees and royalties for patents. In the section that follows, we provide a description of the laboratory experiment used to study university revenues for a vertical product
innovation. The next section describes our theoretical framework, and motivation for the core hypotheses we test with the experimental data. We then present the results from our econometric analysis, and interpret how our findings inform the licensing process from a TTO perspective. In the final section we provide the implications of our findings for university innovators more generally, and discuss avenues for additional research related to the licensing of innovations generated by university plant breeding programs. 2.
Fees Versus Royalties in Patent Licensing
Our formal understanding of the optimal mechanism for patent licensing has changed considerably in recent years. Based on Arrow (1962), it was initially thought that patent-licensed revenue is maximized if the innovator is perfectly competitive. With oligopolistic innovators, Kamien and Tauman (1986), Katz and Shapiro (1986) and Kamien, Oren, and Tauman (1992) found that licensing via a royalty system generates less revenue for an external (i.e., not an incumbent) innovator than if a fixed fee were used. However, the bulk of the empirical research finds that royalties, or combinations of fees and royalties, yield the highest returns for innovators (Sen and Taumann 2007). Subsequent research sought to reconcile the predictions of theory with what was observed in industry. By including more realistic institutional attributes of an industry—such as product differentiation (Muto 1993; Fauli-Oller and Sandonis 2002), asymmetric information (Gallini and Wright 1990; Sen 2005), risk aversion (Bousquet et al. 1998), moral hazard (Choi 2001), incumbency (Shapiro 1985; Kamien and Tauman 2002; Wang 2002; Sen and Tauman 2007) or strategic delegation (Saracho 2002)—researchers were able to reconcile their findings with what appeared to be a paradox in the data. Wang and Yang (1999) show that royalties are preferred when rivals compete in a differentiated-products Bertrand environment, while Kamien and
Tauman (2002) find the same result when the number of Bertrand-rival firms rises above a certain number. Fauli-Oller and Sandonis (2002) were the first to consider two-part tariffs (including a fee and royalties) with differentiated products as a potential explanation for the apparent superiority of royalties. Although their focus on differentiated products is relevant to the U.S. fruit market, and two-part contracts are apparently the dominant model, they nonetheless consider a cost-reducing innovation. Indeed, in all of theoretical work cited above, the innovation is cost-reducing, while the bulk of applied research in the horticultural industry aims to improve fruit quality. More recent theoretical work considers innovations that operate on the demand-side (product innovation) and not the cost-side of the market (process innovation). Stamatopolous and Tauman (2008) consider the strategic rationale for pricing an innovation into a downstream duopoly market. Adopting the discrete choice modeling framework used by Anderson, de Palma and Thisse (1992) to study the behavior of oligopolies under product differentiation, demand is represented by an aggregate logit model. The innovator licenses its output using either fixed fees, royalties or a two-part tariff. When the market is covered (all consumers buy), they find that both firms purchase the innovation by paying a positive royalty and no fixed fee. However, if the value of the outside option is relatively high, then both firms will still license the innovation, but pay a two-part tariff. Their model, however, assumes downstream licensees compete in prices, which is not likely the case in any agricultural industry. Bousquet et al. (1998), on the other hand, find that a similar combination of fees and royalties is optimal if demand for the new product is uncertain. In their model, fees and royalties are a means by which a risk neutral innovator can provide insurance—and be compensated for it—to a risk averse licensee. While risk may be an important consideration, our focus is on more fundamental
strategic behavior by downstream producers, and the optimal upstream response. A combination of fees and royalties also results if we assume the licensor possesses superior information to the licensees (Sen 2005). Given that the licensors in an agricultural context are likely to know more about the market than university scientists, this explanation is also untenable. We control for these other explanations in an experimental environment in order to test whether a licensee is able to induce the appropriate strategic responses among downstream licensors in order to maximize license revenue. There is very little theoretical research that considers the strategic implications of licensing demand-side innovations to downstream competitors. In a notable exception, Li and Wang (2010) examine the profits an inventor can realize by using an exclusive or a nonexclusive contract (under different licensing schemes). They focus on a vertical product innovation, which describes the objective of plant breeders who seek varieties with better eating qualities relative to incumbent varieties. Li and Wang (2010) show that, in the case of a duopoly, licensing by means of a two-part tariff generates greater profits for the innovator compared to licenses that are financed through royalties or fees alone. By setting the license price such that both downstream firms license an improved product, the licensee is able to raise industry profit, and then extract much of the resulting surplus via a fixed fee. Although the underlying mechanism modeled in Li and Wang (2010) is likely similar to what we observe in the horticultural industry, we relax the duopoly assumption to also consider the more general N-firm case where firms compete in quantities and purchase licenses from a single innovator. We also allow firms to partially adopt the patented innovation and then continue to also partially use the non-patented technology. Because there are no reliable secondary data available that describes how agricultural innovations patented by universities are
licensed, we collect data from an experiment to test the predictions of Li and Wang (2010). We do this as a way to better understand how the design of patent licenses for new fruit varieties might affect university revenue. 3.
Experimental Design
Our experiment was designed to mimic the conditions facing producers deciding whether to adopt a patented fruit variety offered by a university plant breeding program. We did not use specific language about fruit varieties in the lab, but instead gave subjects the opportunity to produce and sell any combination of two products: i) a traditional product using an existing technology and ii) a new product using a patented technology. The new product was described as a substitute for the traditional product, but was also considered to be a higher quality product. In each round subjects bid for access to the patented technology; bids were solicited across six treatments that are distinguished by contract type (fees, royalties, or a two-part tariff) and by the degree of contract exclusivity (either exclusive or non-exclusive). An auction was used to select the subjects that were eligible to use the patented technology, and then all subjects chose their production levels for the two products (eligible bidders could choose a combination of the two products and non-eligible bidders produced only traditional products). The total quantities selected by all subjects were used to determine market prices for the two outputs. Output prices and selected quantities were subsequently used to calculate subjects’ profits (less any fees and royalties for eligible subjects). The price for the new technology, as determined by the auction, and the total quantity of the new product (using the patented technology) selected by eligible bidders was used to calculate the stream of revenue to the university. The instructions provided to subjects at the start of the experiment are included in Appendix A.
3.1 Definition of Market Parameters In order to be able to form accurate profit expectations, all subjects were told how demand for each type of output, traditional or patented, would change for given quantities of production across all subjects. We provided expected prices for different aggregate quantity combinations of the two products. More specifically, we defined several parameters that provided a market structure for the subjects in the lab. First, the prices for the two products that the subjects produced and sold were described to the subjects (using words and examples) following the definitions in equations (1) and (2). For the quantities considered in our experiment, the implied elasticities in these equations fall within the range of values estimated for fruit in the literature (for a summary see Andreyeva, Long, and Brownell 2010). In addition, our demand framework was designed so that the profit-maximizing outcome for subjects was less than the total production capacity for one firm. The price for the non-licensed traditional variety, pt, and the price for the patented (licensed) variety, pl, are defined in the following inverse demand equations, where Qt is the total quantity of the traditional variety produced by all subjects and Ql is the total quantity of the licensed variety produced by all subjects: (1)
pt 3 0.001Qt
pl 2.5 0.001Ql
Second, the conditions that describe the individual and collective production constraints in a given session (ω) were described to the subjects. Equation (3) shows that total production of each product is the sum of production levels across all subjects, where subjects are denoted by subscript j.
20 Q t q tj j 1 20 Q l q lj j 1 t l Q Q 2000 q tj q lj 100
Each subject was allocated 100 production units and their total production was split between the traditional and licensed products. Each session included 20 subjects, so collectively there were 2000 units produced in every round in every session. We conducted three practice and ten nonpractice rounds per session, and conducted two sessions per treatment. Therefore we collected 20 observations per treatment that describe university revenue. 3.2 Treatments We employed a 3 x 2 design where the first treatment dimension was the payment mechanism for the patent (fees, royalty, or a two-part tariff) and the second treatment dimension was the number of potential patent holders (either exclusive or non-exclusive). In all treatments we asked subjects to submit a bid to gain access to the patented technology. Subjects in fee treatments were asked to submit a bid for an upfront, fixed fee that would not be tied to their production level. Subjects in royalty treatments were asked to submit a bid for a per-unit royalty that would be paid on each unit they produce. Subjects in the two-part tariff treatments were asked to submit a fee bid and a royalty bid. We conducted two sessions for each of the six treatments, and recruited 20 non-student subjects per session yielding bid data from 240 subjects. We decided to recruit non-student subjects to focus on a population that had greater experience making more complex financial decisions. All subjects in all treatments went through three practice bidding rounds and ten competitive bidding rounds. The practice rounds were designed to give subjects exposure to the 10
auction mechanism, to understand the bidding process, and to observe how markets were cleared after each round. At the end of the 13 rounds all subjects completed a short computerized survey with questions related to various demographic and socio-economic variables (shown in Appendix B). 3.3 Bidding process In each round, subjects placed a bid that reflected their willingness to pay for access to a patented input required to produce a new and differentiated product. Markets were cleared by selecting a number of eligible bidders (one in the case of exclusive treatments and a random number between 2 and twenty in the case of the non-exclusive treatments). We used an auction mechanism to determine which bids were accepted and which subjects were eligible to produce the new product. Only eligible bidders were given the opportunity to choose production levels for both products; subjects that were not eligible to produce the new product remained producers of the traditional product. For the eligible subjects, we charged the fee (in treatments that included a fee) regardless of production level, and subjects paid a royalty (in treatments that included a royalty) based on the number of new products they chose to produce. Because only one bid was accepted per round across all subjects in the exclusive treatments, we used a first price English auction to determine the price of the patented input. For the non-exclusive treatments there were between 2 and 20 eligible bidders per round, and therefore we used a random nth-price auction to determine the price of the patented technology and the number of eligible bidders.4 Because we use different auction mechanisms for the exclusive and non-exclusive treatments, we are only able to compare results across exclusive treatments and across non-exclusive treatments. In the non-exclusive fee and non-exclusive royalty treatments, we ranked all bids from highest to lowest, and the price of the patented input
for all eligible bidders was equal to the last accepted bid. In the two-part tariff treatments, we ranked all bids by adding the fee revenue to the potential royalty revenue (using a predetermined quantity of production to calculate the likely revenue from the royalty portion of the bid5). In all treatments the eligible subjects then submitted their choice regarding how much of the new product they would like to produce for that round. One input was used to produce one output for both products. Subjects were told that if they purchased patented production units, the patented units would replace traditional production units and they would continue to produce 100 units total. Following equations (1) and (2), the prices for two products were calculated once the total quantities were selected by the subjects. We used the prices of the two outputs and the quantities produced by individuals to calculate subjects’ profits per round (and subtracted the fees and/or royalties paid by the eligible bidders); the bid price resulting from the auction and the total quantity of patented products chosen by eligible bidders were used to calculate the revenue stream to the university for each round. Within each round, individuals would be shown whether they were eligible bidders or not, they would see the price of the patented input (the last accepted bid for that round), and they would know the total number of patented and traditional products produced across all subjects. At the end of the experiment, we calculated total profits per subject across all rounds to determine their total earnings in a session; subjects were then ranked by their earnings and paid between $20 and $39 (in one dollar increments) depending on the profits they earned in the experiment. 4.
In our framework an agricultural innovation occurs in an environment in which there is a single, upstream innovator (the licensor, or the university), and multiple potential downstream licensees.
The licensees, in turn, sell products either directly to retailers or to processors. In this scenario, if the licensors are sufficiently large to possess some market power, such as if individual growers band together in a cooperative or trade association, then potential bidders plausibly interact in the output market as Cournot oligpololists. Therefore, our empirical model is designed to test the implications for innovator revenue of downstream competition among oligopolists competing in quantities. We define the innovation in our experiment as exogenous to the bidding process, and subject to fully-enforceable intellectual property protection. 4.1 Conceptual Model In our experiment, we extend and test the theoretical predictions of Li and Wang (2010). We extend their model to show the theoretical predictions when there are more than two potential licensing firms (to reflect the market structure in U.S. horticultural markets), and we test these predictions using the data from our experiment. The underlying prediction is that an innovator licensing its patent on a new, economically-significant, demand-improving technology will prefer to license its technology using a non-exclusive, two-part tariff contract that consists of both a fixed fee and a per-unit royalty.6 In this section, we summarize the context of these predictions, and discuss the findings regarding the rank-ordering of profits to the universityinnovator under the three exclusive licensing arrangements and under the three non-exclusive licensing arrangements. The innovation is vertical in the sense that licensees have the opportunity to produce a product that is generally regarded as being better than the old technology. We consider a market with several downstream firms that compete in quantities and that must decide whether to compete for a license to the innovation that improves the quality of the product. Consumers have a Mussa-Rosen utility structure (Mussa and Rosen 1978) given in equation (4) by:
s pi , if they buy a good with quality si , V i if they do not buy, 0,
where si indicates the level of quality of the product being considered, i = t, l and θ [0,1] is a taste-for-quality parameter that is uniformly distributed over consumers. The level of quality for st is set equal to 1 and the level of quality for sl is set equal to 1/λ; the degree of innovation is represented by the parameter λ, where λ (0,1), and a larger value of λ indicates a smaller quality improvement. Consumers are assumed to buy only one unit of output, and the population is normalized to 1. The innovator and the downstream firms play the following game: In the first stage, the innovator decides to license to one firm or multiple firms. In the second stage the innovator offers a license on the patented innovation using a fixed fee, royalty, or a two-part tariff. In the third stage, each firm decides to accept or reject the offer from the innovator, and in the fourth stage, the firms compete downstream in quantities with full information whether the other firms have accepted the offer or not. The innovator’s preference for fees, royalties, or two-part tariffs, and the exclusivity of the contract offered, are driven by the relative profitability of each strategy. Therefore, the preference for the type of contract depends on how much the innovator is able to extract from the downstream firms in each case. The amount of surplus available, in turn, depends on the demand facing each firm and the total amount of market demand. For the nfirm case, the market demand without the innovation is: (5) Qt
qtn 1 pt st 1 pt ,
so the market inverse demand equation is given by pt 1 n qtn . The standard Cournot equilibrium quantities (in the case without access to the new innovation) are shown in equation (6), and equilibrium profits for firm n are shown in equation (7). 14
1 (n 1)
1 (n 1)2
In Li and Wang (2010), the resulting game is then solved for equilibrium output, prices, and profits for each of the firms and the innovator when the patent is introduced. They solve the equilibrium conditions under the various combinations of licensing mechanisms (for the case of exclusive contracts and for the case with non-exclusive contracts in a duopoly setting). We generalize the equilibrium conditions in Li and Wang (2010) for the n-firm case, and show the predicted innovator profits with an exclusive contract in Table 1 and the predicted innovator profits with a non-exclusive contract in Table 2. In each table we show the predicted profits when n=2 and when n=20, and across a range of innovation levels. We write the innovator’s profit under each scenario as hk , where h = F, R, and T, and k = O, B; F denotes a fixed fee, R denotes a royalty, T denotes a two-part tariff (including fees and royalties), O denotes an exclusive contract, and B denotes a non-exclusive contract. In Table 1 we list the innovator profits under the three licensing arrangements across a range of innovation levels with an exclusive contract; we also highlight the relative rankings across the licensing mechanisms for both sets of market conditions. The results show that the innovator profits are always greatest with the two-part tariff followed by the fixed fee. The difference in profits between the licensing arrangements decreases as the value of λ increases. Shifting from the case where n=2 to the case where n=20 increases the gap in innovator profits between the licensing scheme that employs a fixed fee and the scheme that employs royalties. We provide a similar set of results for the non-exclusive contract in Table 2. Here we see that innovator profits are generally the greatest with the two-part tariff across innovation levels; with 15
the non-exclusive contract the innovator profits are lowest under the fixed fee arrangement (except when n=2 and the level of innovation is very high). The differences in innovator profits between the licensing arrangement with a two-part tariff and a royalty are relatively small, and both licensing arrangements yield far greater profits than when a fixed fee is used. In horticultural markets, we typically observe non-exclusive licenses for varietal innovations from universities. This is due, in part, for political reasons on the part of university administrators. Therefore we pay special attention to the treatments that focus on non-exclusive licensing arrangements. Because the differences in innovator profits with a two-part tariff and a royalty are particularly small when n=20 compared to when n=2 in Table 2, we use data from the experiment to examine the preferred licensing scheme for the non-exclusive case, in terms of revenue for the university. 4.2 Empirical Model Our model describes the potential revenue for the licensor of a vertical product innovation. Because the subjects in the experiment take the roles of firm managers, our experiment generates behavioral data indirectly on how much revenue, or licensing profit, can be earned by the innovator. Conceptually, the potential profit can be thought of as some combination of the alternative licensing schemes available to the innovator in the exclusive case and in the nonexclusive case. Econometrically, we estimate the innovator profit in the following way: (8)
rhk γr Zr β Fk X Fk β Rk X Rk βTk X Tk rhk In equation (8), rhk describes the profit earned by the innovator in session r under the
licensing mechanism h and with contract exclusivity k. The variables in Zr are included in the model to control for round-specific effects. We also include three treatment variables, denoted
as Xhk, to describe the licensing schemes considered in the experiment, and βhk are the coefficients for the treatment effects. Because of the design of our experiment, the observed outcomes in the non-exclusive treatments represent only a small subset of the possible outcomes. In the empirical framework we wanted to consider a much wider spectrum of possible outcomes that would have happened under different draws on the number of eligible bidders. We develop this larger set of outcomes for two cases using actual bids from the lab and by simulating quantity choices under different combinations of eligible bidders (following the literature on inference with simulated data by Gregory and Smith 1991; Hansen and Heckman 1996; Dawkins, Srinivasan, and Whalley 2001). First, we considered the full range of the number of eligible bidders and the full range of quantities of the new product that the eligible bidders could choose in every round. Second, we determined the likely production quantity for each potential number of eligible bidders using information on quantities selected in the lab for specific numbers of eligible bidders. The mean quantities selected in the lab, and the full range of eligible bidders, were used in the second case. Therefore, in addition to reporting results for the observed outcomes in the lab, we also report results for the non-exclusive case that consider this more complete spectrum of outcome possibilities. By imputing behavior in this way, we do not bias the econometric results because we continue to calculate innovator revenue using actual bids from the lab and following the nthprice auction method. 5.
Summary statistics for the data collected in the experiment are shown in Table 3. The top section of Table 3 reports information about subjects’ bids by treatment. The summary statistics for these bids show that the mean bid was $468.18 for the exclusive fee treatment, $20.92 for the
non-exclusive fee treatment, $0.88 for the exclusive royalty treatment, and $0.65 for the nonexclusive royalty treatment. In the exclusive two-part tariff treatment the mean bid was $104.01 in fees and $1046.10 in royalties7; in the non-exclusive two-part tariff treatment the mean bid was $19.49 in fees and $1.53 in royalties. Because fees are paid regardless of output and royalties are paid based on output, and because the number of subjects that become market participants in the non-exclusive cases are not known, it is difficult to use the summary statistics to assess the relative preference for the various types of contracts and we rely on the results of the econometric models to estimate the impact of licensing arrangement on university revenues. The lower portion of Table 3 highlights summary statistics for demographic variables for the subjects that participated in the experiment. The average age of subjects was 40.3 years, the average time spent working in the public sector was 7.2 years, and the average time spent working in the private sector was 11.8 years. The subject pool was 74% female, 83% held a degree, and approximately 55% had taken an accounting class and did their own taxes.8 Table 4 presents the baseline estimation results for the exclusive case and for the nonexclusive case; for each case we show results from a model that only includes the treatments as variables (the unrestricted model) as well as a model that includes the treatment variables and round-specific control variables (the restricted model). Our experiment generated data to calculate 120 observations for university revenue; we use the data from the 10 competitive rounds in the experiment (rounds four to 13) across 12 sessions. Since six session focused on the exclusive case and six sessions focused on the non-exclusive case, we have 60 observations for university revenue for each case. The dependent variable is innovator revenue from fees and/or royalties collected from all eligible bidders in a round in a session. Innovator revenue is
calculated using the price established in each round for the patented technology (equal to the last accepted bid) and the total quantity of new products produced by the eligible bidders. The columns on the left side of Table 4 report results for the exclusive case. Here we see that the two-part tariff treatment has the largest coefficient in both models, however, it is only statistically significant in the unrestricted model. The results in the unrestricted model largely agree with the predicted innovator profits in Table 1, and support the hypothesis that the use of a two-part tariff would generate the greatest profits for the innovator with an exclusive contract. On the right side of Table 4 we show the results for the non-exclusive case. The estimated coefficient for the fee treatment and the two-part tariff treatment are statistically significant in the unrestricted model, but the results are not robust in the restricted model. We expect that the absence of robust results between the unrestricted and restricted models is due to the low number of observations per treatment. However, for the non-exclusive case, we do have a much larger sample of potential market outcomes if we infer information about subject behavior across a wider range of eligible bidders. In Table 5 we show the frequency on the number of eligible bidders selected in a round. There are 19 possible outcomes ranging between two and 20 eligible bidders and we do have at least one observation for each of the 19 outcomes over our six non-exclusive sessions. Therefore, next we present results that apply the auction data to a more complete set of output choices by subjects. This was done to generate a range of potential market outcomes and as a way to circumvent the issue of limited available data in the non-exclusive case. Regression results using data from the simulated outcomes are reported in Table 6. The first two columns in Table 6 considered 114,000 possible outcomes. This was done using the data from ten rounds in the six sessions. In each round we considered the outcome for 19
scenarios of eligible bidders (between two to 20) and 100 quantity choices for those eligible bidders (from one to 100 in one-unit increments). The results here, for the unrestricted and restricted models, show that the estimated coefficient is highest for the royalty treatment and lowest for the fee treatment. In the final two columns of Table 6 we use simulated data to describe 1140 possible outcomes; here we use the mean quantities observed in the lab for each number of eligible bidders. Again, like the results in the first two columns, the results that hinge on the mean quantities observed in the lab to simulate innovator profits show that the royalty treatment has the highest estimated coefficient. Overall, the results in Table 6 indicate that a non-exclusive licensing scheme that relies solely on royalties has the greatest impact on university revenue. This finding is in line with the predictions from Table 3 that closely ranked the royalty scheme and the two-part tariff scheme as the licensing arrangements that would maximize profits for the innovator. In addition, we think this is an intuitive result for our specific case that gave subjects the option to partially adopt the patented technology and to also produce with a non-patented technology. In this setting, riskaverse subjects may be more likely to adopt the patented technology via a royalty only. In the context of the economics of downstream oligopoly competition in quantities, it is reasonable to expect that the number of potential buyers for a university innovation is an important consideration and that it will affect the licensing scheme for the university. As the number of potential buyers increases, the buyers will become more competitive and will produce more output under the patent than would the firms in the duopoly case. Given the large number of newly patented fruit varieties that are under development, it is important for university plant breeding programs and TTOs to understand the market potential for each new variety as well as the factors that influence that potential. It is equally important
for TTOs to understand the key factors that influence the design of contracts with end users and the stream of revenues that accrue to the university. We find some evidence that a two-part tariff would generate the most revenue for the university in the exclusive case. However, we focus much of our analysis on the non-exclusive case as this appears to be the preferred strategy among university administrators for licensing new fruit varieties. For the non-exclusive case, our findings in Table 6 indicate that royalties will provide more revenue to the innovator compared to a scheme that uses fees or a two-part tariff. This assumes that there exist a number of potential buyers interested in licensing the patent from the university, and that buyers have other non-patented varieties that could be produced and marketed. Despite the large volume of agronomic research into new plant varieties, the industry is proceeding without a commensurate amount of economic information. This research provides a better understanding of, and a commonly-shared platform for, establishing contracts for licenses to agricultural innovations. 6.
Conclusion and Industry Implications
This research is motivated by the sharp increase in the number of patented fruit varieties developed by breeding programs at public universities in the United States. Such varieties are licensed to growers as a way to generate revenue for universities through the use of fees and royalties. Although the use of fees and royalties for patents has been well discussed in the economic literature, there is very little empirical work that examines these questions for varietal innovations in agriculture. Horticultural variety innovations are particularly interesting as they typically involve a demand-enhancing innovation rather than a cost-inducing innovation, and because, in most cases, the new varieties are only intended to replace a small share of production dedicated to existing varieties. Furthermore, many horticultural crops are perennial in nature, and new variety selections by growers are a long term decision. This research not only examines
the design of licenses for patents on agricultural innovations with these specific characteristics in mind, it also contributes to the fee versus royalty debate in the licensing of patents by using experimental data. To address these questions we developed an experiment designed to examine which institutional mechanism generates the greatest revenue for a university-innovator: fees, revenues, or a two-part tariff and whether the contract should be offered to only one downstream producer, or several. In the experiment, subjects were asked to bid for access for a patented input that would be used to manufacture a differentiated product. The empirical results suggest that innovator revenues are largest when royalties are used alone with a non-exclusive contract. Our research serves as a starting point for additional work that explores two related issues concerning the licensing of new agricultural varieties. First, because patented apple varieties are being released from different land-grant universities, additional research might explore how the reputation of specific plant breeding programs influences the institution’s pricing strategy for patents on varietal innovations. Previous research has shown that a university’s prestige does influence their ability to license innovations (Sine, Shane, and Di Gregorio 2003). Second, given that the innovations are occurring at land-grant universities and that the technology is largely being distributed to U.S. growers, further work might consider the net societal impacts of the various licensing strategies; this would extend our analysis to consider the economic effects from licensing on the innovator as well as the effects on producers. Some growers, in particular those that do not have access to patented varieties (see Milkovich 2011) have expressed strong preferences for the type of licensing schemes that are employed for varietal innovations in the horticultural sector.
Our research also informs the patent-licensing process for agricultural innovations more generally. Regardless of whether the innovation involves an agricultural variety or some other technology that is likely to increase downstream consumers’ willingness-to-pay, the more competitive the industry structure and the greater the number of competing non-patented technologies available, the more likely will non-exclusive, royalty contracts be the preferred licensing scheme for the TTO. Given the inherent complexity of two-part tariff contracts, both in design and administration, and the competitiveness of many technology-based industries, our findings suggest that non-exclusive, royalty-based contracts may be a more popular defaultoption than once considered desirable.
Endnotes 1
We assume that the primary objective of the TTO is to maximize revenue from licenses on intellectual property rights on behalf of the university (Jensen and Thursby 2001). 2
In some cases patented varieties are released to one grower or a relatively small set of selected growers, and these varieties are often referred to as “club” varieties. In other cases the patented varieties are initially made available to a larger group of growers in a specified region and are referred to as “managed” varieties. 3
For example, Cornell University has recently released new apple varieties that require fees and output royalties to be paid to the University (see http://www.syracuse.com/entertainment/ index.ssf/2013/10/who_owns_the_apples_new_yorks.html), whereas Washington State University has released a new apple variety that requires licensees to pay only upfront fees (see http://treefruit.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/WA38-RFP.pdf?9d7bd4). Both universities have decided to adopt non-exclusive licenses for these varieties. 4
In the non-exclusive treatments we used the random nth-price auction rather than the Vickrey auction or the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak auction because it uses a random and endogenously determined market-clearing price (Shogren et al. 2011). Because the market-clearing price is drawn from the pool of bids received in the auction, it retains some relation to bidders’ valuation of the patented input in our experiment. 5
The average level of production chosen by subjects in the exclusive royalty treatments was 30 units; it was 19 units in the non-exclusive royalty treatment. To rank bids in the two-part tariff treatments we applied these quantities to the royalty portion of the bid to determine potential revenues to the innovator. 6
In summarizing the findings of Li and Wang (2010), we consider cases where the degree of innovation is relatively high (i.e., 0 0.40 ). 7
The mean royalty bid in the exclusive two-part tariff case was inflated due to a nonsensical bid from one subject. Although this bid did affect the summary statistics, the general thrust of the estimation results did not change once we dropped this observation from the data. 8
Our experiment took place in a laboratory on a university campus, however, none of our subjects were students (undergraduate or graduate students) and none were faculty. The subject pool consisted primarily of university staff members and residents of the local community.
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Table 1. Innovator Profit under Alternative Exclusive Licensing Scenarios Equilibrium Condition for Innovator Profit with: Fixed Fee Royalty
(n n ) 2 1 2 (2n n ) (n 1) 2
(n n )2 4n (2n n )
Two-part Tariff
(n n ) 1 4n (n 1)2
Innovation level (λ)a 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 Rankings for λ=0.1 Rankings for λ=0.4
Calculated Profits for the Innovator in the Duopoly Case (setting n=2) 2.262 1.157 1.011 0.533 0.593 0.325 0.383 0.222 2 3 2 3
2.264 1.014 0.597 0.389 1 1
Innovation level (λ)a 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 Rankings for λ=0.1 Rankings for λ=0.4
Calculated Profits for the Innovator in the n-firm Case (setting n=20) 2.255 1.075 0.999 0.453 0.577 0.248 0.364 0.148 2 3 2 3
2.260 1.010 0.594 0.385 1 1
Note that a lower value of λ describes a greater level of vertical product innovation.
Table 2. Innovator Profit under Alternative Non-exclusive Licensing Scenarios Equilibrium Condition for Innovator Profit with: Fixed Fee Royalty
n n 2 (n 1) (n 1)2
n , 0< 0.25 4 (n 1) n 1 1 , 0.25 n 1
Two-part Tariff
1 n 2 n(2 4 ) 4 (n 1) 2
Innovation level (λ)a 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 Rankings for λ=0.1 Rankings for λ=0.4
Calculated Profits for the Innovator in the Duopoly Case (setting n=2) 2.000 1.667 0.889 0.833 0.519 0.550 0.333 0.387 2 3 3 2
2.278 1.028 0.611 0.403 1 1
Innovation level (λ)a 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 Rankings for λ=0.1 Rankings for λ=0.4
Calculated Profits for the Innovator in the n-firm Case (setting n=20) 0.408 2.381 0.181 1.190 0.106 0.786 0.068 0.553 3 2 3 2
2.455 1.205 0.788 0.580 1 1
Note that a lower value of λ describes a greater level of vertical product innovation.
Table 3. Summary Statistics From the Auction Data Treatment Observations (all bids across 10 rounds) Fee Exclusive 400 Non-exclusive 400 Royalty Exclusive 400 Non-exclusive 400 400 Two-Part Tariff Fee Exclusive Royalty 400 400 Two-Part Tariff Fee Non-exclusive Royalty 400 Age and professional variables Observations (all subjects) 240 Age 240 Years in Public Sector 240 Years in Private Sector 240 Years of Management Position Other selected demographic variables (all subjects, n=240) Gender Male Female Education High School College but no degree Associate Degree College Degree Master Degree Doctoral Degree Accounting class taken Yes No Do-it-yourself taxes Yes No
Mean 468.18 20.92 0.88 0.65 104.01 1046.10 19.49 1.53 Mean 40.3 7.2 11.8 3.6
Standard Deviation 712.39 61.42 0.99 4.74 415.34 22821.61 107.36 8.93 Standard Deviation 13.6 9.5 11.9 6.1 Frequency
62 178 4 37 31 89 60 19 132 108 133 107
25.8 74.2 1.7 15.4 12.9 37.1 25.0 7.9 55.0 45.0 55.4 44.6
10000 500 10 100 6000 500000 850 70 Maximum 69 35 45 28 Percent
Table 4. Estimating University Revenue Using Auction Bid Data and Observed Quantities Explanatory Variables Fixed fee Royalty Two-part tariff Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 N
Exclusive Unrestricted Restricted model model a 0.0512 -1.626 (0.02) (-0.28) 0.000679 -1.676 (0.00) (-0.29) 5.032* 3.355 (1.74) (0.58) -0.00880 (-0.00) -0.00878 (-0.00) 0.0183 (0.00) 0.0373 (0.01) 16.66** (2.24) -0.00459 (-0.00) 0.0407 (0.01) 0.0277 (0.00) 0.00854 (0.00) 60
Non-exclusive Unrestricted Restricted model model a 0.000219*** 0.000157 (5.48) (1.06) 0.0000363 -0.0000254 (0.91) (-0.33) *** 0.000162 0.0000999 (4.04) (1.31) -0.0000335 (-0.34) -0.0000356 (-0.36) 0.0000322 (0.33) 0.000137 (1.38) 0.0000164 (0.17) 0.000140 (1.42) 0.0000955 (0.97) 0.0000287 (0.29) 0.000237** (2.40) 60
Note: The t statistics are shown in parentheses; a * denotes p < 0.10, ** denotes p < 0.05, and *** denotes p < 0.01. Innovator revenue is calculated following the structure of the random nth-price auction where the innovator charges all eligible bidders a price that is equal to the last accepted bid in that round. a
The restricted model includes additional dummy variables to control for round effects within sessions.
Table 5. Descriptive Statistics for Quantities Observed in the Lab in Non-exclusive Rounds Number of Eligible Bidders 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Observed Quantity Produced by Eligible Bidder(s) Session Mean Median Standard Minimum Maximum Frequency deviation (total of 60) 3 29.0 39.0 22.7 3.0 45.0 4 143.5 142.0 25.2 120.0 170.0 3 110.3 113.0 37.1 72.0 146.0 5 102.4 115.0 25.7 57.0 118.0 1 202.0 202.0 na 202.0 202.0 1 156.0 156.0 na 156.0 156.0 2 190.0 190.0 9.9 183.0 197.0 2 170.5 170.5 36.1 145.0 196.0 4 208.0 207.0 74.8 135.0 283.0 6 197.7 180.0 82.7 120.0 354.0 2 189.5 189.5 24.8 172.0 207.0 7 207.3 191.0 71.5 119.0 315.0 4 235.5 238.5 56.5 178.0 287.0 2 207.5 207.5 14.9 197.0 218.0 4 338.5 349.0 58.3 259.0 397.0 4 332.0 278.5 167.9 202.0 569.0 2 244.5 244.5 43.1 214.0 275.0 1 300.0 300.0 na 300.0 300.0 3 490.3 479.0 262.2 234.0 758.0
Table 6. Estimating University Revenue Using Auction Bid Data and Simulated Quantities for Non-Exclusive Rounds Explanatory Variables Fixed fee Royalty Two-part tariff Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 N
All output Combinationsa Restrictedc Unrestricted 69.07*** -87.71*** (15.21) (-9.88) 1035.9*** 879.1*** (228.14) (99.01) 783.8*** 627.0*** (172.61) (70.61) 45.27*** (3.95) -108.0*** (-9.42) -101.3*** (-8.84) 165.2*** (14.41) 227.3*** (19.83) 241.0*** (21.02) 289.6*** (25.26) 306.5*** (26.74) 502.1*** (43.81) 114,000
Combinations using mean observed quantitiesb Restrictedc Unrestricted 55.34*** -1.042 (4.96) (-0.05) 328.2*** 271.8*** (29.45) (12.76) 279.6*** 223.2*** (25.08) (10.48) 16.81 (0.61) -37.67 (-1.37) -34.37 (-1.25) 52.36* (1.90) 81.98*** (2.98) 83.80*** (3.05) 103.3*** (3.76) 117.5*** (4.27) 180.1*** (6.55) 1,140
Note: The t statistics are shown in parentheses; a * denotes p < 0.10, ** denotes p < 0.05, and *** denotes p < 0.01. Innovator revenue is calculated following the structure of the random nth-price auction where the innovator charges all eligible bidders a price that is equal to the last accepted bid in that round. a
In these columns of results we use the auction bids, all possible quantity combinations (between 1 and 100), and the full range of eligible bidders (2 to 20) to simulate innovator revenues. b
In these columns of results we use the auction bids, the mean observed quantities in Table 4, and the full range of eligible bidders (2 to 20) to simulate innovator revenues.
The restricted model includes additional dummy variables to control for round effects within sessions. 34
Appendix A. Experiment Instructions for the Input Choice Study Welcome to an experiment in production decision making. Please read these instructions carefully and refrain from communicating with other participants. Also, please do not use any software programs on your computer other than the program we will use for our experiment, and refrain from using your cell phones during the experiment. As stated in the Consent Form, your participation in this experiment is voluntary and you can withdraw from this experiment at any time. Submitting Your Bid In today’s experiment, you will be asked to indicate the highest amount of money you would be willing to pay for an input used in manufacturing. We will refer to this amount as your bid. You will indicate your bid via the computer. Below is a useful way to think about the bidding process. We will give you a fixed number of units of a traditional input that can be used to manufacture traditional products that you can sell. In some rounds, we will also give you an opportunity to purchase a new input that can be used to produce a premium-priced product. We’d like you to tell us the highest price you are willing to spend for this new input (your bid) before the purchase price of the new input is determined. Once all bids have been submitted, we will sort all bids from highest to lowest determine the bidders that are eligible to buy the new input; the price for the new input will be the bid from the last subject eligible to purchase the new input. Once the price has been determined, we will ask eligible subjects to request the number of new inputs they would like to purchase. All subjects not eligible to purchase the new input will continue to use the traditional inputs. Profits for all subjects will be calculated after each round and displayed on your computer screen. This procedure ensures that it is best for you to truthfully reveal the maximum price you want to pay for the new input. If you submit a bid that is higher than the maximum amount that you want to pay, you may actually have to pay that higher price. If you submit a bid that is lower, you may be disappointed if the drawn price is higher than your bid but lower than your “true” bid. Entering a bid that reflects the highest price you would be willing to pay gives you the chance to purchase the new input at a price equal to or less than your bid, and you will never have to buy the new input when the randomly drawn price is larger than your bid. Please note that you are purchasing fictitious inputs and are earning profits on fictitious manufactured products. You will not physically receive any inputs or outputs, but you will earn profits from selling these products. Your profits will be converted to earnings at the end of the experiment. Subjects will be ranked based on their total earnings and the subject with the highest profits will earn $39; based on this ranking subjects’ earnings will fall in one-dollar decrements and the subject with the lowest earnings will earn $20. Please make sure that you clearly understand these instructions. Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Appendix B. Survey Questions Presented to Subjects Following the Auctions 1.
What is your age? _____
Are you male ________ female _________?
What race are you? ____ Caucasian ____ African American ____ Asian ____ Hispanic ____ Native American ____ Other ____ Prefer not to answer
What is your household income level? ____ less than $40,000 ____ $40,000-$80,000 ____ $80,000 - $120,000 ____ $120,000-$160,000 ____ over $160,000
What is the highest education level that you have achieved? ____ High School ____ some college but no degree ____ Associates Degree ____ College Degree ____ Masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Degree ____ Doctoral Degree
Which one of the following categories best represents your employment status? ________ Full time employed ________ Part time employed ____ Stay at home to take care of my family ____ Unemployed ____ Retired
Are you married or living with someone in a long term relationship? ____ Yes ____ No
Do you have children under 18 years old living at home? ____ Yes ____ No
Have you ever taken classes in accounting or finance (at high school or college)? ____ Yes ____ No
Do you complete your own (or your familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s) tax return each year? ____ Yes ____ No
How many years have you worked in the public sector? ____ Years
How many years have you worked in the private sector? ____ Years
How many years have you held a management position (in public or private sector)? ____ Years
Have you ever owned (or co-owned) your own business? ____ Yes ____ No
When you think about your investment portfolio, how would you describe the relative amounts in the following categories (expressed as a percentage of the total)? ____ Stocks ____ Mutual Funds ____ Bonds ____ CDs ____ Property