5 Secrets to Attract More Boldness, Balance & Bank Tap into your inner confidence to attract your ideal lifestyle + wealth.
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Intention: I truly believe in setting an intention before doing anything. This helps us keep our “eye on the prize” and keeps us focused. By setting an intention before diving it, you will be able to get the most benefit from these exercises. So what’s your main goal or desired outcome for this guide? Write it down below.
Copyright 2016. Fierce Fab Life. Not to be distrubted.
“We are always getting ready to live but never living.�
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Secret #4:
Spend out of love, not out of fear. Just as you de-cluttered your relationships, it’s time to de-clutter that mess of a closet of yours that is filled with junk you know you need to get rid of. If you have to really think about a time when you MIGHT wear it or you always say to yourself “well I might need it in the future one day”, chuck it. Imagine: Having a beautifully organized closet with high-quality, fabulous clothes you LOVE. Before every purchase, ask yourself if you really love it before you buy it. If you only kind of like it but don’t really LOVE it, don’t get it. This will save you so much money in the long run and stress of rummaging through junk on the daily. What high-quality items would you have in your closet that you would LOVE and wear for years to come? Write them below.
Copyright 2016. Fierce Fab Life. Not to be distrubted.
Secret #5:
Don’t wait to start living your life. In Secret #2 we talked about visualizing what it is you want. Now that you know what it looks like, how would you look, feel, talk and act if it already happened? Make the commitment to talk as if you’ve already created the life you want, look as if you’ve already reached your goals and enjoy life as though you are where you want to be. Now let’s take action and become that Fierce Fab woman. What are 10 things you can start doing to get you towards your ideal day? Write them down below.
Copyright 2016. Fierce Fab Life. Not to be distrubted.