The Future of Community Development

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NIBC Vision To foster an environment within the community of Battle Creek, where home ownership and wealth attainment are accessible to all residents.

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NIBC Mission To create avenues and pathways that drive the equitable attainability of affordable housing and self-sustainability for families and residents.


Contents Introduction ................ 5 Four Pillars ................... 6 Millennials ................... 8 Workforce ................. 12 Housing ..................... 14 Villages ...................... 16 Homeless................... 20 Possibilities ................. 26 Contact Us ............... 30



Introduction ver the last six months of 2020, Neighborhoods, Inc. of Battle Creek (NIBC) has been in the process of restructuring itself via an initiative called “The ReFresh”, led by the leadership consultancy of Linda M. Fowler, CEO of Regionerate and JD Lee, ThD, CEO of JDL Group. NIBC provides community development services to the citizens of Battle Creek, Michigan to improve the quality of life for those in need of rental housing, financial literacy, and other related services. The ReFresh has put NIBC on track to securing the needed expertise and resources to be a high performing non-profit. This publication presents a strategic vision for what the future of community development can look like; one in which groups collaborate with those who share the common goal of improving the lives of the people of Battle Creek, Michigan. Sincerely, Linda M. Fowler JD Lee, ThD


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he Four Pillars of NIBC

Run™. The end result will

are the foundation on

bring back online a

which it stands as it

number of currently non-

serves the community of

performing city lots, turning

Battle Creek.

them into revenue

The four pillars of

generating properties for

community development

the city, and wealth

are: (1) Lending and loan

creating living units for new

servicing, (2) Housing

homeowners. It is one of

development and

the greatly anticipated

rehabilitation, (3) Property

projects by city officials

management, and (4)

and other stakeholders.

Homebuyer education and financial coaching.

Lending and Loan Servicing

Property Management With a portfolio of 50 rental unit properties, and another 67 properties that

As a registered CDFI (Community Development

we service loans for, NIBC has a major footprint of

Financial Institution), which

property within the City of

can participate with the

Battle Creek. It provides

Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis, NIBC is dedicated to delivering responsible, affordable

and invaluable resource for low to moderate income residents in need of affordable housing.

lending to help lowincome, low-wealth, and

Homebuyer Education

other disadvantaged

/ Financial Coaching

people and communities to attain affordable housing.

In collaboration with a regional community development ally, NIBC

Housing Development

offers financial literacy,

and Rehabilitation

coaching and homebuyer education for those in

NIBC is set to embark

search of a pathway to

on an innovative, forward-

homeownership. The

thinking affordable

initiative is available both

housing development

in person and online.

strategy called A Home 77


ommunity development, is wide-ranging, but usually is understood as the alliance of community organizations, civic leaders, involved citizens, and professionals, to improve various aspects of housing, literacy, health and wellness, workforce empowerment, and

wealth equity, to build

stronger and more resilient

local communities. In urban communities

throughout the U.S., various

development are being

approaches to community implemented by organizations comprised of people from diverse backgrounds, yet who have a common goal to collaborate towards a desired outcome. One such entity is Neighborhoods, Inc. of Battle Creek (NIBC), which promotes 4 pillars of community development: (1) Lending and loan servicing, (2) Housing development and

rehabilitation, (3) Property

management, and (4)

and financial coaching.

Homebuyer education These 4 components of community services allow NIBC to offer a full service, one-stop-shop for 9

communities, which need

The values and belief

healthy approach to

and want their services.

systems of millennials have

doing business, widen the

Particularly for

caused a shift in modern

opinion base and allow

communities like Battle

society’s behaviors. Their

participants to engage in

Creek, Michigan, which

values, norms and habits

other activities

has an aging population

are a departure from those

simultaneously. This is right

along with a a growing

of previous generations.

up the ally of modern

millennial community,

This has affected their

norms of communication

thriving charitable

involvement in community

for the Millennials.

organizations, good


education systems, lots of

For example, due to

As a result of their life experiences, millennials

available land, and good

millennials’ affinity for

have changed the face of

municipal leadership, who

technology, information

community development.

all need to see themselves

concerning interventions

This generation of young

as part of the solution for

during disasters, political

people must be accorded

how their city will function

mobilization and other

equal priority attention, if

and work in the future. This

social engagements are

any social program is to be

inclusive approach is the

often shared through


future of community

mobile apps and social


media platforms.

As we face a future

The increasing

This way, communities and society will prepare millennials for the greater

that is expected to witness

dominance of interactions

task of being productive

a growing contribution of

through social media and

human beings and

community intervention in

apps, as opposed to

building strong, healthy,

governance and

interpersonal interactions

viable and connected

developmental drive of

among those in previous

communities. Through

the society, we need to

generations, is impacting

good leadership and

weigh the contribution of

community development.

purpose driven strategies

the new generation of

In many cases, due to

involving housing,

millennials toward

the Covid-19 pandemic

education, workforce

community development.

and even before then,

empowerment, and

there has been a growing

wealth equity initiatives,

calculations, the largest

need to hold town hall

NIBC can help constitute

generation in history, are

meetings, and other

the next generation of

now advancing into

municipal related

great community leaders.

adulthood. This means

meetings, job related, work

they are poised to reshape

group collaboration

future of community

the way community

meetings, and discussions

development, but we do

development is being

through social media or

not have to wait until

achieved in their society,

digital video platforms. It is

tomorrow to empowering

through their own life lens.

believed that this will

their lives. The future can

maintain a safe and

start today.

Millennials, by expert


Millennials are the



construction trade Pre-Apprenticeship: NIBC is positioned to broker programs tied to its housing developments. Programs will be designed to prepare individuals for entry into Register Apprenticeship Programs (RAP) or other may last from a job opportunities. Pre-apprenticeships few weeks up to a few months and may / may not include wages.

Skilled Trades: For occupations that require a special skill, knowledge or who participate in its ability, NIBC is positioned to help connect those pre-apprenticeship program, to further their education at a college, technical school or through specialized training curriculums. These skilled trades four-year degrees. are an alternative to jobs that require

Stackable Credentials: NIBC is positioned to broker additional programs that are “part of a sequence of credentials that can be accumulated over time. The Options are an (POS’s) Post-secondary Education opportunity for eligible high school students to enroll in college or for both their high university courses that earn credits simultaneously school diploma and their college degree.

Wraparound Services: NIBC is positioned to broker services designed for high-risk children, adolescents and / or adults, with complex social economic needs. These services could be: (1) Pre-school, (2) After school, (3) Daycare (4) Childcare, and / or (Tutoring services to meet participants in its community development the needs of initiatives. These essential services will be delivered by collaborative partners.

NIBC is positioned to broker services Job Retention: for finding suitable jobs, especially temporary jobs for a student or unemployed persons. Employment retention will be a key part of NIBC’s programming success, and is still employed at a it will indicate whether a participant certain time after being initially placed in a job.


Education: AHomeRun™ begins with financial, home systems, and knowledge lays the home maintenance literacy. We recognize that foundation for empowerment and wealth building. The goal of AHomeRun™ is not to simply build homes, but to build futures as well.

action. AHomeRun™ Service: Education done correctly gives birth to candidates follow through on their education by helping other candidates build their homes and neighborhoods. We recognize that it takes everyone to build a community.


Financing: The credit building and qualifying process begins in the Education stage and culminates at Financing. Mortgages are jointly held in a Project LLC for the first 5 years to leverage each property for Tax Credits, then flipped to final owners in year 6 – 30.

of the home construction is performed Building: Most off-site to provide efficiency and quality control. Homeowners participate with family and friends in the set and final finish and landscaping of their home. This, along with their service hours is counted as part of their down payment.

Increasing: NIBC and the new homeowner partner to fill the efficiency apartment / ADU, manage the growing investment and maintenance funds, maintaining and remodel the home as needed to adjust to the changing needs of its occupants.


ousing is by far, one

of the most crucial

elements of any city, particularly those which have diverse populations, but it is not the only one. Urban Villages™ offers a innovative approach for cities to utilize underused land, reverse the effects of blight, equitably provide a range of housing products

for diverse income groups,

increase their property tax

base, and provide local wrap around services. NIBC is positioned, with its partners, to bring this

fresh approach to the City

of Battle Creek, as part of

its 4th pillar of community development. By embracing the Urban Villages ™ platform, NIBC will bring together the components for housing development and community services, into a micro sized footprint that maximizes collaborative efforts by all stakeholders.

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omelessness is a

unemployment, (3)

poverty, (4) mental illness

services, (5) substance

abuse and lack of needed

sidewalks, parks, cars, or

abandoned buildings).

homelessness can be

mitigated and NIBC has a

Battle Creek. Are you

direct correlation of a number of socioeconomic outcomes. According to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, the top causes of homelessness among unaccompanied individuals are (1) lack of affordable housing, (2)

and the lack of needed

services and (6) recidivism. Based on recent reporting, decades of misguided and faulty policies, homelessness is a serious problem. Over half a million people go homeless on a single night in the United States. Approximately 65 percent are found in homeless shelters, and the other 35 percent, just under 200,000, are found unsheltered on our streets (in places not intended for human habitation, such as

The challenge of

solution to curb the crisis in ready to partner with us?

21 21

Project Approach and

Program Endeavors

NIBC proposes a collaboration with

municipal agencies,

homeless shelters, criminal justice organizations,

charitable organizations,

and other communitybased programs, to

provide supportive housing

and case management

services for the homeless population of Battle Creek.

NIBC will use existing community relationships to

provide the needed wrap

around services, i.e. food, transportation, personal

development, treatment

assistance, medication

management, etc.

wrap around services, as


from a Battle Creek based

philanthropic organization,

services, workforce reentry

NIBC will also provide the opportunity to create permanent supportive housing for clients if they choose to attain residence at a transitional housing site. NIBC can provide the housing and management of property, while working with other stakeholders to provide the necessary

NIBC proposes funding

to help underwrite part of a pilot program in 2021.


Capacity and


NIBC already provides

a variety of services to our

constructing at least 10-12

units of affordable housing

year. Each new single-

family home would also

Dwelling Unit) built on site.

clients such as (1) Lending and loan servicing, (2) Housing rehab and development, (3) Rental property management, and (4) Homebuyers education and financial coaching. Via our housing initiative called A Home Run™, we endeavor

within the next calendar

have an ADU (Additional These ADU’s would be micro housing to be used as living spaces. These ADU’s are a perfect match for those who are in need of temporary housing. Additionally, NIBC has property with which it can

around services on site as

needed. Costing for these

stand up a temporary housing community, with adequate amenities for sleeping quarters, restroom facilities, cooking area, living space, and a full complement of wrap

options vary, depending on the units required. 23



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IBC seeks to partner with both individuals and, organizations. If you are a government agency, a for or non-profit business, a charitable foundation or private individual, we can help you realize a part of your vision that may be based in establishing a positive social impact in the world. We are growing an effective and sustainable

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business model that

percent occupied. We

Creating Lasting

creates impact by serving

also have 67 self-created

marginalized population

mortgages that we

Impact and Engaging

groups in our community.

service. Additionally, we

NIBC’s major emphasis is to

have 5 lots in the North

provide (1) lending and

Eastern section of Battle

loan servicing, (2) housing

Creek, which are owned

rehab and development,

free and clear.

(3) rental property

We have initiated the

management, and (4)

steps to put in place an

homebuyers education

affordable housing solution

and financial coaching.

called A Home Run™ and

NIBC brings together

we seek to launch that in

partners and supporters

the calendar year of 2021.

with aligned goals to

This housing initiative will

create community-based

allow us to begin the

solutions for a segment of

process of generating 4

the Battle Creek populous

arteries of revenue that will

who desperately needs it.

generate new wealth for

In the past, our ability

(1) The homeowner, (2)

to grow and expand has

The City of Battle via new

been limited by a sole

property taxes, (3) The

reliance on outside

Calhoun County

funding to sustain our

Landbank via lot

programming. However,

acquisition and profit

we have established a

sharing, and (4) NIBC via

new menu of initiatives,

property management.

which has built in

NIBC is financially

sustainability. Thus, our

stable and able to provide

future dependency on

services at its current level

outside funding will be

for the next 4 years,

lessened over the years, to

according to our recent

the point where we will be

FYE 2020 audit. However,

totally self-funded and

our desire is to grow our


community development model and expand the

Sustainability and

impact of our organization.

Future Growth

Our model is only limited

NIBC currently has an asset portfolio of 50 paid rental units, that are 100


by vision, strategy, and leadership, of which we have spent the past 6 months in shoring up.

with Like Minds A partnership with NIBC, affords stakeholders the chance to share in having a collective impact, building on the strength of collaboration, to create a community that truly is intentional about its approach to solving a problem or multiple problems – together. Our desire is to foster an environment, inclusive of voices representing the community, to tackle the necessary challenges to make lasting, "systems change." Your financial support could truly be a catalyst that helps create the future of what our community can become, today. Thank you!


Kristyn Denison

Acting Managing Director Neighborhoods, Inc. of BC

Contact Neighborhoods Inc. of Battle Creek 47 N. Washington Ave.

Battle Creek, MI 49037

Nionni Permelia Executive Assistant Neighborhoods, Inc. of BC


p: 269.968.1113


© 2020 NIBC, All Rights Reserved Worldwide Written and Edited by Linda M. Fowler and JD Lee. | Designed and Produced by Fifth & King Media.

Penny Beemer Asset Manager Neighborhoods, Inc. of BC


NIBC Board of Directors

Lester L.E. Johnson Chair

Diane Ramirez Vice Chair

Dianne Hatley Secretary

Jeff Breedlove

Adam Dingwall

Lynn Ward Gray

Dennis McKinley

Nicole McNichols

Karen Todd

Mattie Childes

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