Zuma Heaters

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rei gni ti ngtheoutdoorďŹ remarketwi th af f ordabl eproductsf eaturi ngmarket l eadi ngtechnol ogyanddes i gn.



TheZumaHeatW i sahi ghl yst yl i sh f r eest andi ngt abl edesi gncomeswi t h doubl ebur ner st oenhanceanyout door sur r oundi ng.

Model :ZUMAHEAT Ourheat er swi l lputat ouchofr omant i cwar m i nt oyourout doorsur r oundi ng.When t emper at ur edr opZumaHeatwi l lkeepyou war m.

TheZumaHeatLof f er spower f ulst unni ng flamewi t hel egantver t i caldesi gnwi t h met alt op.Gr eatusedur i ngchi l l ywi nt er s.

•Per f ec tf orRes t aur ant s ,Caf es ,Gar dens , Campi ng&al l Out door s . •20bur ni nghour satf ul l powerwi t hfi r e adj ut ant . •UKdes i gnwi t hhi ghqual i t yEur opean ( CE)appr ov al sof f er i ngt ops af et y pr oduc t s . •Eas i l ymov abl ewi t h4hi ghqual i t ywheel s . •Doubl ebur ner s . •Choi c eofLav aSt onesorgl as sbeads . •Rai nCov er( Opt i onal ) .

•Per f ec tf orRes t aur ant s ,Caf es ,Gar dens , Campi ng&al l Out door s . •40bur ni nghour satf ul l powerwi t hfi r e adj us t ment . •UKes i gnwi t hhi ghqual i t yEur opean( CE) appr ov al sof f er i ngt ops af et ypr oduc t s . •Eas i l ymov abl ewi t h4hi ghqual i t ywheel s . •Choi c eofLav aSt onesorgl as sbeads onbur ner . •Rai nCov er( Opt i onal ) .

•Per f ec tf orRes t aur ant s ,Caf es ,Gar dens , Campi ng&al l Out door s . •40bur ni nghour satf ul l powerwi t h fi r eadj ut ant . •UKdes i gnwi t hhi ghqual i t yEur opean ( CE)appr ov al sof f er i ngt ops af et y pr oduc t s . •Eas i l ymov abl ewi t h4hi ghqual i t ywheel s . •Choi c eofLav aSt onesorgl as sbeads . •Rai nCov er( Opt i onal ) .

Speci ficat i ons

Speci ficat i ons

Speci ficat i ons

1.Si z e: 960x560x895mm 2.Wei ght :44k g 3.I nput: 14k w 4.MaxCy l i nder Si z e:318x580 ( Smal l Si z eCy l i nder ) 5.LPG : 37mBar 6.But ane:2830mBar

1.Si z e 500x500x1345mm 2.Wei ght48k g 3.I nput7. 3k w 4.MaxCy l i nder Si z e318x580mm ( Hous ehol dCy l i nder ) 5.LPG 37mBar 6.But ane2830mBar

1.Si z e 520x470x1398mm 2.Wei ght45k g 3.I nput7. 3k w 4.MaxCy l i nder Si z e318x580mm ( Hous ehol dCy l i nder ) 5.LPG 37mBar 6.But ane2830mBar

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