Australia Day Edition 2013

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ISSUE 2 . January 2013 .




Support fair grocery competition * Watercress nature’s superfood * Darrell Lea makes a comeback


B U YA U S T RA L I AN M A G A Z I N E . C O M . A U

Make everyday Australia Day


B U Y A U S T R A LI AN . I SSUE 2 . Dear readers Australia Day is a great time to reflect on the major fight going on in the towns and suburbs of Australia to control your supermarket dollar.

4 - 5

What’s new in your supermarket aisles?

Coles and Woolworths are trying everything they can to steal market share from independent supermarkets. The results can be seen on the shelves in the chains with fewer choices or products and more home brands. This has hurt many Australian businesses and in the face of rising imports from the chains Australian manufacturers are feeling the pain. IGA is resisting this trend to replace Australian products with imports and is committed to stocking well known brands and supporting local businesses.

6 Spot light on... Joe Canatelli.

8 Cons umer New s

A public petition has been launched to tell the Government that we want a level playing field for all retailers and to stop the chains ruining family businesses. If you would like to support this campaign go to: and Like: HaltGroceryGiantsOnslaught Any help you are able to give in spreading the word is appreciated by all Australian workers as it is keeping them in a job. And next time you reach for an imported product - check to see if there is an Australian product that can do the job equally as well.

1 0 IGA New s What’s happening in store?

1 1 Recipes 11 - 12 13 - 14 15 - 16

Looking your best in the Summer season.

1 8 - 1 9 Cleaning Tip s Keep your house in tip top shape.

Share your thoughts, email me at

Publisher Details Buy Australian Magazine Managing editor – Grant Műller Suite 309/1 Princess St, Kew 3101 Ph: 03 9855 1806 Disclaimer Buy Australian Magazine is continually being researched and updated. Consumers are advised that they should always check labels prior to purchase as 'Country of Origin' can change without notice. Whilst every endeavour is made to make this magazine and it's enclosed information as accurate as possible at the date of publication, no responsibility will be taken for any omissions or changes.

Breakfast Recipes Lunch recipes Dinner recipes

1 7 Groomin g

And support the products with the Buy Australian Magazine tickets!

Grant Műller, Editor, Buy Australian Magazine

2 0 - 2 1 Healt hy Habit s Handy news and tips on how to be more healthy.


buy A us t ralian Buy Australian everyday - not just on Australia Day

Choose something lighter for summer Orgran is proudly made in Australia and is a 100% family owned Australian company. Available at Ritchies, Cornetts and Drakes IGA and all other good independent supermarkets. For more information visit:

This publication or any part thereof may not be used, copied, or transmitted without the express permission of the editor.© Copyright 2010.


Great way to keep in shape

The latest in shopping and food news that matter to you.

This magazine is a testament to store owners’ commitment to maintaining Australian businesses and Australian jobs. But the independent sector needs you to tell the governments of Australia that you are not happy with the current supermarket landscape.

New Product s



NEW P R O DUC T S What’s new on your supermarket shelf? Buy Australian brings you the best.

O r a n g e Powe r W i ns

N a t ur e’ s S up er f o o d

Australian Owned and Made Orange Power has taken out the Reader’s Choice category of the inaugural Green Lifestyle Magazine Awards. That means that Orange Power is Australia’s favourite green cleaner.

Tripod Farmers have begun supplying Watercress due to it’s superfood status and endless health benefits. Watercress contains more vitamin C than oranges, more vitamin E than broccoli, more calcium than whole milk and more iron than spinach!

In addition the AWARE Sensitive products have recently been endorsed by the Asthma Council of Australia’s ‘Sensitive Choice’ program. This program recognises that the entire Aware Sensitive range is completely free from all the nasties that trigger irritation among children and allergy sufferers.

Watercress is best eaten raw or very lightly steamed, so try adding it to a salad or sandwich for lunch!

Keep on buying this product as it’s the only way we can stay on supermarket shelves!

T h e Vi t a m i n Dr o v er Vili’s Pies have just introduced The Drover to their already huge collection of delicious pies, and this one is vitamin enriched. Containing premium chunky beef and onion in a delicious wholemeal pastry, they are a great Aussie made alternative to cure your hunger cravings.

B os is t o’ s L ave nde r Do you have trouble sleeping? Studies have shown that constant poor sleep can lead to lowered immunity, poor concentration and even weight gain. Tackle your lack of sleep with Bosisto’s Lavender Oil and Spray – a natural alternative to help calm nerves, relieve stress and send you off to sleep.

Go to for more Australian products.

Spray Bosisto’s lavender around the room – even on your pillow or sheets – before you go to bed and enjoy a peaceful, uninterrupted night’s sleep. Finally!

A u ssie m a d e snac ks Mornington Peninsula Foods is the newest offspring of Orgran and has been designed to cater for those seeking good quality Australian Owned and Made products. The new line contains great snacks like Lemon Myrtle Biscuits and Mountain Pepper Deli Crackers and the fun kids range Oz Animals includes vegetable pasta shapes and chocolate flavoured biscuits – shaped like Australian animals!

“We are proudly trading on the image of the Mornington Peninsula for quality, untainted and healthy products,”

What’s in Season?

says Matthew Alessi, projects manager at Orgran Natural foods.

Go to for a full list of seasonal fruit and vegetables for this summer season.

Mornington Peninsula Foods are available soon in independent supermarkets Australia-wide.




S PO T L IG H T ON … J o e Canate lli JC’s Quality Foods produces a variety of different products which are stocked in IGA and Foodland stores nationally. They are well known for their nuts and dried fruit mixes and their delicious snack range including veggie crackers, corn chips, soya crisps, rice crackers and organic popcorn.

The Australian government allowed apples from china. From a personal point of view that is when our family decided to stop running our apple orchard as the cost of running it could not compete.

List 3 Australian products you have in your shopping basket each week. Aussie owned milk, Aussie grown almonds, Australian beef/meat.

What do you think of the increasing foreign ownership? I am not a supporter of this but we are in a catch 22 situation, as we want to export and invest in other countries means we also have to be open to offering something in return. We can only hope that government regulation insures that whatever happens, that the foreign owners keep manufacturing in Australia and therefore keep the staff of those company’s employed.

Where do you get your inspiration from? The independent retail industry, it’s what I was brought up in, literally, our family home was next door to our parents fruit and vegetable retail store with apple and pear orchards out back, so just walking through independent retailers stores all over the country and talking to the many customers discussing opportunities keeps me inspired.

What is the number one reason Australians should buy and support the Australian food industry? I think as long as Australians understand that what they are buying is not only an Australian product but also Australian owned, the answer is obvious, besides quality, to support our food, our people, our land, to help us grow and to therefore keep jobs in Australia.

What is your business highlight? Besides being able to work with the independent retailers it is our fellow staff at our facilities in Melbourne and having teams around the country looking after our customers and watching them grow. A Business Excellence award that we won recently was another great highlight.

You have three wishes to change Australia what would you ask for?

They are proudly Australian Owned and have been operating for the past 15 years and won the 2012 Business Excellence Award, Best Overall Company Under 500.

Do you believe there should be tax advantages to buying Australian owned and made products? If there are imported products that are no different to products available here, then yes. PAGE 6

1. For our government to understand how important the Australian primary industry is and making that a top of mind. 2. A review of the two major chains and their practices. 3. That we need to appreciate what we have more. There are many things we could improve on but it is fair to say that overall Australia is a great country.



CONS UME R N EW S The latest in shopping and food news that matters to you.

H a l t t h e O n slau ght

C larifying C ountry of Origin labelling

A social media campaign set up by Master Grocers Australia has been set up, calling on politicians to do something about the huge dominance of Coles and Woolworths and their continual growth.

The ACCC is attempting to address the misleading claims on some labels about Country of Origin, but believe that the problem is with the consumer.

The campaign has been set up at with an accompanying facebook page and online petition. Master Grocers Australia is urging everyone to jump online and sign the petition which asks that the Federal Government strengthen competition laws and that State Planning Ministers take a united stance to the fair allocation of retail floor space in town planning practices. Go direct to their website or go to BuyAustralianMagazine for more information.

S el f -ser v e c he c ko u ts — go o d o r bad? While self-serve checkouts are slowly invading supermarkets nation wide, a recent survey from Choice has shown that more than half of shoppers still prefer a regular checkout. Do you prefer the traditional checkout, or the self-service checkout? Let us know at or head to

“The problem arises, it seems to me, if the only label people are looking for is ‘Made in Australia’ when what they want is a product full from Australian sources,” says Rod Sims, ACCC Chairman. Currently, a product can be described as ‘Australian Made’ if it is ‘substantially transformed’ in Australia and at least 50% of the cost of manufacturing it is incurred here. The Australian Made Campaign supports tightening of the guidelines around what constitutes ‘substantial transformation’ in food products, to ensure that products such as bacon or ham, processed in Australia from imported pork, cannot use an Australian Made claim.

“Until our food labelling laws have been overhauled, consumers should look for the green-and-gold AMAG logo when they shop to be sure they are buying genuine Aussie products and produce,” said Australian Made Chief Executive Ian Harrison. For more information on the confusing labelling system, go to

AUSTRALIA’S FRESHEST EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL Lovers of delicious olive oils know that the fresher the oil, the better it tastes. That’s why Cobram Estate is pleased to announce their 2012 Harvest olive oils are now available. Only just harvested in Australia between May and June, Cobram Estate 2012 extra virgin olive oils are dripping in flavour and are perfect for pairing with and enhancing your favourite foods.

D uopoly The ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) is making progress in its investigation of whether the major supermarket chains are abusing their market power when dealing with suppliers. They are also looking in to the petrol industry and the use of shopper dockets. Competition issues arise from the extended frequency, duration and amount of shopper docket discounts on offer.

When you choose the freshest of extra virgin olive oils, you’re also making a healthier choice. While the flavours and aromas are exquisite, the fresher the oil the higher the levels of antioxidants (which are sensitive to ageing) and the better for you. Choose the right Cobram Estate extra virgin olive oil for you, by the flavour intensity you prefer. Light

Use For: Shallow frying, BBQ’s & baking; sauces & marinades; salad dressings & dipping Best With: Seafood, chicken, mashed potato, steamed or roast vegetables


Use For: Perfect for all your cooking needs including salad dressings & dipping, shallow frying, BBQ’s & baking Best With: Risotto, paella, salads, bread & dukkah, fried eggs


Use For: Salad dressing & dipping; shallow frying, BBQ’s & baking; sauces & marinades Best With: Rocket salad, red meats, tomato-based sauces, bruschetta

Flavour Intensity

Flavour Intensity

Flavour Intensity

For more information, stockists and recipes visit or for updates on awards and products follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Taste the difference

R E C i pe s

IGA NEW S A u ssie c om mu ni ti e s be ne fi t as R i tc hies d on a t ion s hi t $ 4 0 m mark The Ritchies Community Benefit card program has officially passed the $40 million mark in donations handed out to charities, schools, community groups and a range of other recipients across Australia. When Thomas Ritchie opened a grocery store in the tiny country settlement of Frankston in 1870, he did so intent on donating part of his profit back to the community. So Mr Ritchie created his “shilling for every pound” offer - in which he donated a shilling to the local community for every pound spent at the store - which has since grown into the famous Ritchies Community Benefit program When a Ritchies Community Benefit Card is scanned at the checkout register, a portion of the money spent is donated to the charity chosen by customers. Customers can choose their children’s or grandchildren’s school or kindergarten, a local service or sporting club, or it may be a hospital, nursing home, community group or a preferred charity.

brea kfast R E CI P E S So why not ask for your free Community Benefit Card at your nearest Ritchies supermarket and help Ritchies give something back to your community?

R a s p b er r y B a s i l S m o o t h i e

Major Marketing Supa IGA has launched a $3.5 million marketing campaign across TV, radio and print after it’s expansion from 272 to 346 supermarkets.

Ingredients 450g frozen or fresh raspberries 750m water 125g sugar

The campaign will focus on the SUPA IGA brand.

“The SUPA IGA brand positioning builds on the positive brand image of IGA, but on a larger scale with very competitive pricing and ranging against the national chains,”

A handful of basil leaves Method 1. Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

said Silvestro Morabito COO of IGA’s supplier Metcash. “All IGA stores will continue to deliver on their proposition of ‘how the locals like it,’ offering real choice to consumers of products that they want, not simply what supermarket head offices want to sell to them.”

Yo g h o ur t a n d Mues l i Pa r f a i t w i t h b e r r ie s Ingredients ¾ cup blueberries, raspberries or sliced strawberries A small tub of flavoured yoghourt (try Jalna’s Strawberry Yoghourt) 6 tablespoons of muesli Mint leaves for a garnish Method 1. Spoon one third of yoghourt into a tall glass or wine glass, 2 tablespoons of berries, and 1 tablespoon of muesli, repeat layers 2 more times. 2. Garnish with a mint lead and serve immediately.




R E C i pe s

B L AT w it h Pr im o Bac o n M ayo nnai se Serves 4 * From Ingredients 250g Primo short cut bacon 2 egg yolks 2 tsp Dijon Mustard White Wine vinegar 1 clove garlic, minced Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 100ml vegetable oil 100ml extra virgin olive oil 8 slices good sourdough bread 1 head lettuce, washed and roughly shredded 2 large ripe tomatoes, sliced 1 avocado, sliced

Method 1. Place a frying pan over low-medium heat and add a little olive oil. Place in the bacon and cook slowly until the fat has rendered away and the

bacon is crisp. Place the bacon to the side and reserve the rendered bacon fat. 2. In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, mustard, garlic, a few drops of white wine vinegar and some salt and pepper. Add the slightly cooled bacon fat, then slowly, whilst whisking, add the vegetable and olive oils until you have a thick, emulsified mayonnaise. Season to taste.


Gr i l l ed S q ui d wi t h T h a i R o ck et Sa l a d

1 of 3 Wooden Tea Box Hampers



3 large squid tubes, cleaned

1. Slice open squid tubes and lay flat. Gently use the tip of a knife to score the outside of the squid tubes in a criss-cross pattern. Cut squid into 5cm squares.

1 clove garlic 2 cm piece of ginger, grated 1 long red chilli, finely sliced Finely grated zest of 1 lime 1 tablespoon oil ½ cup Coriander leaves

3. Brush the slices of bread with a little oil and grill until lightly charred. Spread a little mayonnaise on the bottom slice, top with shredded lettuce, then add the bacon, tomato and avocado, finishing with another drizzle of mayo and a good crack of pepper.

1 x 100g packet We Wash ‘n Toss Rocket leaves 1 red onion, finely sliced 2 tomatoes, deseeded and finely chopped 1 cucumber, peeled into ribbons

Vegetable patties with herb and garlic sauce

Buy Australian Magazine is giving away three stunning wooden tea boxes packed with Australian made Madura Tea. The Tea Box includes Madura’s Premium Blend, Green Tea, English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Green Tea & Australian Lemon Myrtle and Pure Assam – a black tea with a unique rich aroma, clear dark red liquor and malty taste.

H ow to enter



700g vegetables (carrot, pumpkin, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, spring onions) – grated or chopped finely

1. I n a large bowl combine the vegetables, potato, egg and seasoning

400g cooked mashed potato 1 egg 2 tsp pizza seasoning

To be in with a chance to win 1 of 3 Wooden Tea Box hampers, simply ‘LIKE’ and share the page with your friends. Head to and hit the LIKE button today.


Lunch R E CI P E S

Oil for shallow frying 200g Bulla Sour Cream ½ tsp garlic granules ¼ cup fresh herbs, finely chopped Zest and juice of 1 lemon

2. Form the vegetable mixture into large patties. Shallow fry in a non stick fry pan until golden turning only once during cooking Remove, drain and keep warm

Dressing ¼ cup finely grated palm sugar or brown sugar 2 tablespoons fish sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 clove garlic, crushed Juice of 1 lime

3. Whisk together the Bulla Sour Cream, garlic, herbs, lemon juice and zest

2. Roughly chop 1/3 cup coriander and reserve the rest. Combine chopped coriander with squid, ginger, garlic, chilli, lime zest and oil. Marinate for at least 1 hour or overnight if possible. 3. Combine dressing ingredients in a bowl 4. Gently combine the We Wash n’ Toss Rocket leaves with onion, tomato, cucumber, remaining coriander and dressing in a large bowl, arrange on a serving platter. 5. Heat a large frypan over high heat, add enough oil to lightly coat and cook calamari in batches for 1 minute, or until just cooked through. Arrange warm calamari over the salad and serve.

4. Serve vegetable patties drizzled with sour cream and the herb & garlic sauce.



R E C i pe s


Mediterranean C hicken, S undried Tomato

C a r a m el i s ed o n i o n , G o a t s C h ees e a n d

and Avacado s alad


C h er r y T o m a t o T a r t


2. Mix dressing ingredients in a small bowl and refrigerate for several hours to allow colour to develop.

600g chicken breast fillets 2 cloves of garlic, crushed 1 tablespoon Cobram Estate olive oil Salt & freshly ground pepper 1 red onion, peeled and sliced into 1cm thick wedges 100g ciabatta bread, sliced into wafer thin slices Extra virgin Cobram Estate olive oil, for drizzling 2 x 100g packet We Wash n’ Toss Mixed Salad ¼ cup sundried tomatoes, sliced into bite size pieces ½ cup torn basil leaves ½ large avocado, sliced

Dressing 1/3 cup good quality mayonnaise Juice of ½ lemon 2 tablespoon finely chopped red onion Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Method 1. C ombine chicken with garlic, olive oil and season to taste. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or overnight if possible.


Serves 4

3. Preheat a grill or barbecue until hot, lightly grill onion for 2 minutes until just coloured but not yet soft, set aside. Reduce heat and barbecue chicken breasts over medium heat until nearly cooked through. Transfer to oven and cook at 180c for 5 – 10 minutes or until cooked through. Slice into bite size pieces. 4. Brush bread slices with olive oil, arrange on a baking tray in a single layer. Bake at 170c for 15 minutes or until golden and crisp. Allow them to cool. 5. Place the We Wash n’ Toss Mixed Salad in a large bowl and toss through half the dressing, sundried tomatoes, basil, onions and sliced chicken. Gently add in the avocado and toasted bread until just combined. Arrange in a large salad bowl or on individual plates and drizzle with remaining dressing before enjoying warm.

C h un ky v eg et a b l e b a ke

Serves 4 * From Ingredients

Lightly beat one egg and brush it over the pastry and return the base to the oven for two minutes just to set the egg.

Savoury shortcrust pastry 5 free range eggs 400ml pouring cream 300g goats cheese 180g cherry tomatoes 250g Beerenberg Caramelised Onion 5 Sprigs of thyme, leaves picked and washed Pinch of salt and pepper

Method 1. P reheat oven to 170c. Grease and line a 20cm round tart tin with shortcrust pastry and trim the edges. Line the pastry with baking paper and fill the base with dried rice or beans 2. Blind bake the pastry until it is cooked through and golden, around 10-15 minutes. Then remove baking paper and rice or beams.

3. Take the goats cheese and crumble into the tart shell, covering the bottom. Spread the Beerenberg Caramelised Onion over the top of the goats cheese. Whisk the eggs and cream together in a bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper and the thyme, then pour gently into the tart. 4. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and place on top of the tart. Bake in the oven until the tart is set and golden brown, around forty minutes. Remove from the oven and place onto a cooling rack. Once cool enough to handle, remove from the tin, slice and serve with fresh salad greens.

Ingredients 1kg mixed vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin, carrot, sweet potato, cauliflower, broccoli) 2 tbsp butter 1 onion, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, crushed 600ml Bulla Cooking Cream 1 tbsp chicken stock powder 1 bunch fresh chives, chopped 1 cup matured cheese, grated ½ bunch fresh parsley, finely chopped 100g butter 4 cups fresh coarse bread crumbs

Method 1. Preheat oven to 180c. Peel and cut chosen vegetables into chunky bite sized pieces. Place vegetables into a large casserole dish.


2. Melt butter in a large saucepan over a medium heat and sauté the onion and garlic 2 minutes. 3. Stir in the Bulla Cooking cream, stock powder, chives, cheese and parsley, cooking stirring continuously until mixture begins to boil, reduce heat and simmer 2 minutes. 4. Pour the sauce over the vegetables. Cover with foil and bake in the pre-heated oven at 180c for 40 minutes. 5. Melt butter in a large frying pan and add breadcrumbs, toast gently until crumbs are golden. 6. Mix the cooled crumbs with the grated cheese and sprinkle the mix over the vegetables. 7. Bake uncovered in the oven for a further 20 minutes.


R E C i pe s

loo king your best in the summer season

Pr a w n R iso tto Ingredients


3 cups arborio rice

1. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat and sauté the onions and garlic 2 minutes. Add the rice and toast 4 minutes stirring constantly.

1 tbsp Cobram Estate olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 6 cups light fish or chicken stock, hot

2. Stir in the hot stock one ladle at a time, stirring constantly until all the liquid is absorbed repeat with remaining stock. Until rice is tender but firm. This process may take up to 20 minutes.

3. Stir in the herbs, Bulla Thick Cream and the green prawns cook stirring occasionally until prawns change colour. 4. Stir in the lemon zest and juice. Season with black pepper to taste. Serve hot with a dollop of Bulla Thick cream.

2 tbsp fresh chives, chopped ¼ cup fresh continental parsley, chopped

A sunny and safe summer.

Natural skin care products are often the best and most effective choice, so if you or your child is faced with acne your first step should be Tea Tree Oil. Bosisto’s Tea Tree Oil is an excellent natural antibacterial treatment which works to clear up the affected area by killing bacteria and soothing the affected area. It also includes healing properties making it the perfect acne fighter. Another natural acne fighter from the team at Bosisto’s is their Lavender Oil. Lavender is well known for it’s antibacterial and soothing properties and is an excellent preventative treatment for acne.

200ml Bulla Thick Cup Cream 24 large green prawns, peeled Juice and zest of 1 lemon

Hair and Sun

Black pepper to taste

Although your hair can’t be devastated by sunburn or cancer, it can be damaged in a number of other ways. Prolonged sunlight can cause dry and brittle hair and can also make it more susceptible to split ends.

100ml Bulla Thick Cream Lemon wedges to garnish

Try our Caramelised Onion


There are many natural products you can use on you hair to lessen the effect of the sun this Summer. Nature’s Organics is one of Australia’s leading organic beauty companies and have a wide range of products and brands under their umbrella. The Fruits Haircare line combines today’s technology with plant -derived ingredients to revitalize and restore body and shine to your hair. It’s healthier for you and for the planet! Plus they come in a wide variety of different scents including Apple Fresh, Wild Berry, Juicy Fruit, Mango and Coconut and Grape Burst.

It will change your life

PA S S ION ATELY A U S T R A L I A N M A DE A N D O WwN w EwD. b u y a u s t r a l i a n m a g a z i n e . c o m . a u





Line dry laundry

Wash outdoor furniture

Clean your fridge

Drying clothes and sheets on the line will not only cut your summer energy bills, but will also brighten your whites in the sun and make everything smell much fresher.

Our outdoor furniture is likely to be neglected in the colder months, so now that Summer has arrived it’s important to clean your outdoor pieces so you can enjoy them for years to come.

A cleaner fridge means fresher food. Wipe the inside of the fridge with a mixture of baking soda and hot water.

Pa ge

9 : 4 3

A WA R E p a l m o i l T 5 H P a d . p d f


1 / 1 0 / 1 0 ,

Keep out the ants It’s very easy to make an effective, non-toxic

homemade ant repellent. Simply pour equal amounts of water and white vinegar into a spray bottle, and shake to mix. Spray the solution around water-resistant areas that are likely to attract ants such as kitchen floors, verandahs and outdoor furniture.

Bleach made easy

smell, potency and use.

Bleach has always been our mums and grandma’s favourite and most effective cleaning tool. It effortlessly removes grease, germs, dirt and stains, however, over the years this efficient household product has been sidelined by younger generations who fear its

But now inexperienced cleaners no longer have to worry about spilling or splashing scary bleach while preparing the product for use. White King’s easily stored and transportable bleach tablets take the fuss out of using bleach.

The tablets can be used to achieve a powerful clean anywhere. When added to washing machines or used for cleaning toilets, floors, tiles, bathtubs, showers, kitchen sinks and all the icky household mess hotspots, they do the dirty work for us in a compact form with a reduced bleach smell.



So powerful it even cleans your conscience.

As the first laundry product with no palm oil, Aware removes stains, not rainforests. So why would you use anything else? For clean clothes and a spotless conscience, be aware, buy Aware, and save the orangutans for our children’s sake.

Available at supermarkets. For more information visit 10 cents from every Aware laundry product sold between Ist October 2010 to 31st March 2011 goes to Planet Ark who

w w w . b utoy fi and u sout t r amore. P A G E 1will 8 distribute this money to projects protecting orangutans. Go to



H ealthy Habits

Tip of the Month

Exer ci s e dur i n g t h e S um m er s ea s o n

from Flowers can droop quickly if their water turns slimy and smelly. But add just one to two drops of White King All Purpose Bleach for every cup of water in your vase and your flowers will stay fresh and beautiful in slime-free water.

There are many reasons why it can be more difficult to maintain your regular exercise routine during the summer season – entertaining visitors, additional responsibilities and jet lag from travel – but it can still be done!

C ook in g w ith Co bram The holiday period is probably the most difficult time of year to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But just by using Olive Oil instead of butter, you could not only save yourself a few kilos but also have more energy, increase your brain power and live longer. Cobram Estate Olive Oil is packed with monounsaturated fats which, when replacing saturated fats, can encourage weight loss. It breaks down fats inside fat cells, gets rid of belly and fat and reduces insulin insensitivity.

Nobody wants to head to the gym at 6am to do weights on their own as the summer is a time for family and friends. Try changing your normal exercise routine to fun activities the whole family can enjoy. Encourage a game of street or beach cricket with the kids, a backyard game of chasey or a swim at the beach. Social exercise does not feel like the regular “work out” and it gives everyone a chance to participate.

Hi g h C a l o r i e o r Hi g h Pr o t ei n ?

Cobram Estate Olive Oil can also lessen the effects of cardiovascular disease and can prevent the cognitive decline associated with aging and diseases like Alzheimers.

We have all been told that the fastest way to lose weight is to start a high protein, low-carbohydrate diet, but new research has shown that a more level-headed approach could be the right answer,

This summer use Cobram Estate Olive Oil to keep the family happy and healthy.

A diet high with fruits, vegetables, nuts and wholegrains – which all release energy slowly – saw sustained weight loss and reductions in diabetes and cholesterol levels.

Nu t s w on ’ t make yo u fat

A low-glycemic index diet calorie intake was limited to 40 per cent carbohydrate, 40 per cent fat and 20 per cent protein.

There are many people are under the assumption that nuts will make you fat and so avoid them at all costs. However, while nuts are full of fat (for instance pistachio nuts contain over 50% fat) recent studies have shown that regular nut-eaters don’t appear to gain weight, in fact they can assist in weight loss.

What diet works for you? Head to our website and tell us about it.

Eating 30g of nuts 5 times a week can even reduce heart disease risk by up to 50 per cent and can keep blood pressure healthy. Checkout the JC’s nuts range of Australian products in your IGA.

Co c o nu t be ne fi c i al Over the past year or so you may have noticed more and more people sipping on coconut-infused beverages – it has become a trendy health drink – and new findings mean it may become even more popular. Oxford University researchers have announced that coconut oil may assist people with Alzheimer’s Disease reclaim some of their memory. Currently the results show a temporary effect, however the treatment of patients has nevertheless been successful. The Oxford research noted that 30g of coconut oil a day could be beneficial to Alzheimer sufferers.

T oo M u c h S a lt Cardiovascular disease is Australia’s number one cause of death and salt is one of the prime culprits. “Excessive salt consumption is a major killer, with estimates suggesting it may be responsible for as many as 6000 premature Australian deaths a year, mostly from heart attacks and strokes,” said Dr Lyn Roberts, CEO of the Heart Foundation. Experts in the UK have suggested that up to 30,000 deaths could be avoided per year in the UK through reducing salt and saturated-fats in food, banning the use of industrial trans fats and a more education on fruits and vegetables. To find out more about the dangers of salt, head to our website and read more about it,




buy Australian every day not just on A ustralia day Australia Day, the most patriotic day of the year, is a great time for all of us to celebrate the things our country does best; manufacturing high quality products and growing delicious, nutritious food are a couple of great examples. So this Australia Day, the Australian Made Campaign is encouraging shoppers to celebrate our great Aussie traditions with equally great Aussie-made and Aussiegrown products. “We have some of the best products and produce in the world, and we should be proud of that,” Australian Made, Campaign Chief Executive, Ian Harrison said.


“Australia Day is a great time to celebrate that, and the people behind them. “When you buy Aussie-made and grown products, you know you’re getting great quality, but you can also count on the fact that your purchase is supporting a local grower or manufacturer at the same time, and there’s nothing more Aussie than backing your mates,” Mr Harrison, said. The green-and-gold Australian Made, Australian Grown (AMAG) logo is the best way for consumers to be sure the products they are purchasing are genuinely Australian.

The AMAG logo is the only registered certification trade mark for Australian country of origin claims.

“When you see the AMAG logo on products or produce, you know you’re buying genuine Aussie,” Mr Harrison said.

“The best thing of all is that you can make every day Australia Day – look for the green-andgold kangaroo logo.”

Buy Australian Magazine is building a database of Australian made products that are being tagged throughout the IGA network as a sign of their commitment to local jobs and local businesses. When you walk through your IGA or Supa IGA store look out for the green and gold tickets with the kangaroo logo and think twice about buying an imported product.

Think twice about imports Buy Australian Made products.

Not available at all stores.



Not available at all stores.

bodbyody Keep your engine oiled. Keep your engine oiled.

And get the best out life’s journey. And get the best out ofof life’s journey.



It may assist blood circulation, may help increase joint mobility associated with arthritis, and may help in maintaining It may assist blood circulation, may help increase joint mobility associated with arthritis, and may help in maintaining normal healthy cholesterol levels in healthy individuals. Melrose High Strength Fish Oil is a natural source of marine normal healthy cholesterol levels in healthy individuals. Melrose High Strength Fish Oil is a natural source of marine omega-3 fatty acids and has anti-inflammatory activity that may help reduce joint inflammation associated with omega-3 fatty acids and has anti-inflammatory activity that may help reduce joint inflammation associated with arthritis. And it’s sustainably sourced from wild fish off the coast of South America. arthritis. And it’s sustainably sourced from wild fish off the coast of South America. Pull into your nearest pharmacy or local health food shop to get 200ml of this rich source of EPA and DHA to help Pull into your nearest pharmacy or local health food shop to get 200ml of this rich source of EPA and DHA to help maintain your general well being, just like a well oiled machine. maintain your general well being, just like a well oiled machine.

For more information contact Melrose Health For more information contact Melrose Health Phone 1800 632 254 or Phone 1800 632 254 or Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional. CHC42374-02/12 CHC42374-02/12

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