FightBack May 2011

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Supporting Australian owned and made


Edition 81, May 2011

40,000 Job Losses The fallout from the grocery war? P.3

Free Dinner – 300 free dinners to be given away to lucky readers P.13 Free Nuts – JCs amazing Australian grown almond giveaway P.26

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40,000 jobs threatened by grocery war “Coles and Woolworths now control 78% of the supermarket industry. The independents around 17% and Aldi around 4%.

Australia’s supermarket industry faces losing up to 40,000 jobs if the grocery war continues, according to Ritchies CEO Mr Fred Harrison. He said continued hacking away at prices by Coles to gain a market advantage was threatening the jobs of thousands of workers – particularly young people and women who make up the bulk of the people in the sector. Mr Harrison said 65% of the cost of operating a supermarket was wages – and staff would be the first area cut to maintain profitability. He said the independent sector was competing on price where possible but that eventually its major strength – quality of service – would come under pressure. “You can’t keep slashing prices and not expect a fallout in the industry,” Mr Harrison said. Ritchies employs 5500 people across Victoria, NSW and Queensland. He said his staff, and the staff of all independent supermarkets, were fighting hard to take on Coles and Woolworths. “At the end of the day every dollar we lose in profit translates to a 25% cut in wages,” Mr Harrison said. He said just as concerning were the jobs losses that would occur in the farming and manufacturing sector as a result of the price war. Mr Harrison said the major concern for shoppers should be the outcome of the war.

“At the end of this war the major chains could emerge with an even high market share and that would be a terrible outcome for consumers,” he said. Mr Harrison said the petrol industry, now controlled by the chains, showed how consumers could be affected. “The fuel industry has never been more profitable,” he said. Price war sectors Beer Cheese Milk Nappies Bread Chicken Washing powders Tinned tomatoes Butter Cream Toilet paper Premixed spirits Supermarket and Grocery Stores have the largest turnover of any retail sector. Based on the 2010 Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data, $63 billion was spent in Supermarkets and Grocery Stores. This is approximately 17% of the average household’s total, yearly expenditure. The supermarket industry employs 256,500 or 22.5% of the retail industry. 72.5 per cent of the workforce are aged under than 45 years & 38.9% work full time. Australia‘s $102 billion food and grocery manufacturing industry – which employs more than 288,000 people and is four times larger than the nation‘s automotive sector.

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Woolworths admits milk war will hurt farmers Woolworths has distanced itself from its main rival Coles and admitted current milk discounts will have an impact on prices for dairy farmers. Coles sparked the discounting war in February by dropping prices for home brand milk to $1 a litre, and supermarkets, including Woolworths, matched it.

from processing companies, not dairy farmers. Independent senator Nick Xenophon has slammed Coles for not making a submission to the inquiry. He says the company has shown contempt for the whole process.

“So far Coles has not provided a submission. They’ve got 145,000 employees. You’d think they could rustle up a submission between them,” he said. “All they’ve done so far is to put out a two-page letter that they’ve sent to a number of MPs. There are shopping dockets that are longer than that.”

But in its submission to a Senate economics committee inquiry in March Woolworths says the rapid price drop is unsustainable for the Australian dairy industry. It has agreed with dairy farmers that the discounts can be expected to flow through to the price farmers get paid when new agreements are negotiated. This contradicts Coles’s insistence the discounts will not push down farm gate prices because it buys milk

above: Cows in paddock (ABC Rural: Brad Markham)

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Coles, Woolworths dominance will kill small stores Drakes Supa IGA head Roger Drake is concerned for the thousands of small food retailers targeted by Coles and Woolworths in the price wars. Mr Drake said the predatory pricing would drive food manufacturers and farmers out of business. “The Foodland stores will survive because we are big enough and we will meet their prices,” the Foodland chairman said. “I’m more concerned about the small stand-alone fruit and vegetable stores and other independent food shops who will suffer.” Mr Drake, the owner of Drake Supermarkets with 46 stores and close to 5000 employees, said the actions of Coles and Woolworths were against the national interest and would lead to more and more food imports in future. “At the end of the day they will just screw the little stores, the producers and manufacturers until they can’t

survive,” he said. “Nowhere else in the world have you got two players with such market dominance.” Foodland Supermarkets chief executive Russell Markham said the competition was intense, but Foodland stores were performing well by focusing on service, local produce and local lines not available in other stores. Independent Foodland and IGA supermarkets are estimated to hold more than 27 per cent of the market compared with Woolworths with 41 per cent and Coles with about 32 per cent. The independents’ share was higher 20 years ago when BiLo was an independent before it was bought by Coles. “The independents’ market share dipped in the 1990s but they are gradually coming back and their market share is as high as it’s been since the early 1990s,’’ he said. Mr Markham said the risk-taking and

investment involved in the industry was significant. “The profitability can be quite good, but if a store is not profitable, it won’t continue,’’ he said. “I think the industry will keep innovating and there will be an increasing emphasis on fresh foods and healthy options. “The basic offer of fresh fruit and vegetables in some cases doesn’t cut it with many customers.’’
Mr Markham said time-poor consumers will increase the availability of easy-to-prepare meals, especially if they have a home cooked feel about them, rather than a fast food approach. The next issue of FightBack will highlight the high levels of Australian Owned and Made products stocked by IGA and Foodland stores.

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Watch for Aussie-made PorkMark logo Almost 80 per cent of Australian Bacon is imported from overseas, and consumers are being told it is ‘Made in Australia’.

product is listed as being made in a particular country, the goods must have been “substantially transformed in that country”.

Countries like Denmark, Canada and the United States have highly subsidised agricultural industries and as a result are able to export frozen product in enormous amounts. This product, generally boneless leg meat, is then manufactured into Australian Bacon.

As a result of this, Australian Pork Limited (APL) recently celebrated Australian Bacon Week, in order to better inform the Australian public about the absurdity of this labelling.

Unfortunately, due to Australia’s current labelling issues (please see our previous issue), the bacon is still listed as being Made in Australia or a Product of Australia, and consumers generally prefer to support their industry. Andrew Spencer, CEO of APL has stated that “Our consumer research has shown 95 per cent of consumers prefer to buy Australian.” Generally between 70 and 80 per cent of bacon is made from imported pork. This pork is imported frozen, thawed out and then manufactured into bacon. Current labelling laws state that if a

“Current labelling for bacon is very confusing and at times misleading. For example, ‘Made in Australia’ does not mean the product is made from Australian grown pork, only that it has been manufactured here” Mr Spencer says. “The only way to be really sure you’re buying bacon or indeed any type of smallgoods product made using Australian pork is to look for the Australian PorkMark as your guarantee of Australian Origin.” The pink PorkMark, similar to the Heart Foundation tick of approval, is located on only Australian grown pork, allowing butchers to champion their product and assist customers in differentiating between Aussie grown fresh and processed pork products.

Currently, consumers have no way of knowing where their bacon is coming from, which is why the APL have launched the Australian PorkMark program, which will help shoppers clearly identify home-grown, fresh Australian pork.

Andrew Spencer has stated that the APL “feels that Australian’s prefer to support local producers and buy Australian whenever they can. Our pink label campaign makes it easier for them to do just that.”

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Super Foods - how super are they? Australia’s food industry watchdog is considering relaxing laws to let food growers and manufacturers make health claims about superfood products, provided they can support these claims with scientific evidence. If these recommendations are followed through, it will be much more difficult for manufacturers of foods that are high in salt, fat and sugar to make health claims on their products. It is currently illegal to claim a food is linked to the reduced risk of serious disease, apart from folic acid and reduced neural tube defects. The health claims framework, which is being reviewed as we go to print, will require products to give strong evidence before permitting a health claim, to ensure that such ‘super food’ claims do not go on unhealthy foods. A spokesperson from AusVeg, the Vegetable growers’ group, has said “we would hope the authorities remain vigilant when considering spurious health claims.”

“G e n e r a l l y, w e w e l c o m e t h e liberalization in this area as the consumption of vegetable products assists in reducing incidence of type two diabetes and obesity in the community; products like margarine assist with cholesterol and chewing gum has recognized health benefits.” Experts are urging people to remember that, like anything, these super foods are only ‘super’ in moderation. Choice’s Clare Hughes says that this applies in particular to certain foods – like red wine and dark chocolate. “Yes they both contain anti-oxidants and a small amount of red wine is good for your heart, but that doesn’t mean you should live on a diet of red wine and chocolate.”

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Bega offers $385 million slice to public Bega Cheese, which heralds from Bega in New South Wales, is manufactured by the Bega Co-operative Society LTD, one of the largest cheese companies in Australia, and also one of the favourites. Their cheese and other products are exported around the world and distributed widely around Australia, available in most supermarkets and general stores. Now this Aussie company is taking the next step in business, and is attempting to be listed on the stock exchange. With the approval of their shareholders, Bega will be listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in an initial public offering, which could value the company at up to $385 Million, making it the largest dairy player on the exchange. Bega Executive Chairman Barry Irvin has contacted the groups 150 shareholders outlining that a public float is the favoured option following a strategic review. The main reason for listing was stated as enabling

shareholders to realise value for their shares. “If they vote for this structure, they will have the individual choice as to whether they keep their shares or whether they sell them,” Mr Irvin said. “We do intend to put shareholder caps in to make sure that no individual shareholder can gain too large a stake in the company, so that is one way that, where there will be control, the traditional ownership stays with the shareholders here.” However, analysts have said that supermarkets could affect interest in the Bega Cheese float. Steve Johnson, an independent sharemarket analyst has said “if Coles and Woolies see you are making a lot of money, that tends to be something that lights their eyes up to squeeze you on your prices.” “Woolworths and Coles are renowned

for being very difficult with their suppliers, and this could be one of the negatives. If Bega lists, their financials are out there.”

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Supermarket Wars Update Cheese, chicken and eggs are the latest battle-front for the supermarket war, which began on Australia Day when Coles slashed the price of their homebrand milk to $1 per litre. Experts in the industry have warned Australian consumers to not be duped by the extraordinarily cheap prices being pushed by the duopoly, but to stick with the Australian Owned and Made name brands. Angela Paladino, a Professor in Marketing at the University of Melbourne suggests that “price wars will squeeze out marginal players and change the composition of the market, making it imperative that Australian’s continue to support the name brands on offer.� Smaller brands and businesses will exit the market as a result of the inability to make a profit against no name labels that are replacing household brands. This has a long-term impact on consumer choice.

Remember that while discounts are great at the moment, they will be terrible for Australian consumers, and our industries, in the long run. Flip to our Product Guide in the middle of this edition and make sure you buy the Australian Owned and Made.

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Australia’s Embattled Wine Industry The embattled Australian wine industry is continuing it’s struggle with news that Woolworths is planning to buy The Cellarmasters Group for $340 Million. Those in the Aussie wine industry have stated they fear it will reduce competition and make life even more difficult for business. The Cellarmasters Group owns the Dorrien Estate Winery at Nurioopta in the Barossa Valley which has 21,000 cases if wine leave its warehouse every week for markets around Australia, as well as overseas. Woolworths has stated that the purchase represents an attractive and complementary bolt-on to its existing liquor portfolio which includes Dan Murphy’s and BWS. Both Coles and Woolworths liquor brands make up around 16 per cent of their sales – which is up more than 20 per cent from last year, while other wine companies have experienced significant declines.

In the last year, imported wine sales were worth $506 million – which is one sixth of sales in Australia – and due to our Aussie dollar being so strong, buying an imported wine is cheaper than ever. It’s easy to splash out on a Spanish vino or a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc with such availability and affordability. Now, this $340 million deal has raised even more substantial concerns for winemakers. Stephen Strachan, the Chief Executive of the Winemakers Federation of Australia recently stated that; “obviously the major retailers already have significant market share and this will give them more market share in an area that has been a route to a market that doesn’t rely on the major retailers.”

The two major retailers in Australia already have significant control over our dairy industry, and are destroying other industries with their home brands. Now it seems that the wine industry is next.

“If you look at the evidence of those retailers cutting back the number of wineries they deal with then our fear is that they will cut back on suppliers at Cellarmasters.”

The big issue is that Woolworths has substantial control of the supply chain and the acquisition of Cellarmasters will give the supermarket giant a significant foothold in small wine companies.

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Beer fights back Fosters is one company that would not allow their product to be slashed in price, and is in a powerful enough position to take a stand. Coles and Woolworths were planning on selling Fosters products below cost and engage in what’s known as lossleading activity – in which a product is simply sold at a loss for a period of time to attract customers. Selling a slab of beer for $28 is definitely an example of that.

In retaliation, Fosters pulled key beer brands from the two supermarkets. In a late night operation, the beer company stopped the delivery of tens of thousands of slabs of VB, Carlton Draught and Pure Blonde to Coles’ First Choice liquor stores and Woolworths’ Dan Murphy’s chain. This is an extremely bold move by Fosters who are clearly determined to fight against these price bullies.

Wineries selling at a discount Australian wine growers are having to sell their vineyards at a discount due to the struggling industry. Around six vineyards have changed hands in recent months across key South Australian growing districts in Coonawarra, Clare Valley and Limestone coast to name a few. It seems that state’s wine industry was a victim of its own success. The same large scale commercial operator who went gung-ho and over-planted vineyards several years ago, are now being forced to sell at a

sharp discount. It has been reported that two-thirds of grapes harvested in South Australia were sold below the cost of production. Unfortunately the news doesn’t seem to be getting better as grape growers are being told to brace themselves for another decade of downturn. Only about 300 of more than 1000 growers who responded to a recent survey run by the Wine Grape Council of South Australia have said they made a profit in 2010.

“People have been carrying losses for a long time and I’m fearful of the impact and what’s happening on family businesses” said Peter Hackworth, Executive Officer of the Wine Grape Council. The Council believes that processors and growers need to act now rather than waiting for the market to turn. The export market for low-priced bottled and bulk Australian wine is rapidly shrinking and may not return.

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ASX to remain Australian The proposed merger between the ASX (Australian Securities Exchange) and the SGX (Securities Exchange Limited) has been rejected by Australian Treasurer Wayne Swan, despite the deal getting the greenlight from the ACCC in December. The news will be welcomed by the independent sector that has been under attack by Mr Samuels who has supported the Coles-Woolworths duopoly in his supermarket review and rejected the takeover the Franklins by Metcash. Swans reasoning for the rejection was that the proposed $8.4 billion deal would not enhance Australia’s links into global capital markets. “This is not the right deal to grow our role as a financial services hub in Asia” Mr Swan said. “The deal could only be justified if there were very substantial benefits to our nation.” It was clear that the takeover would be dangerous to Australia’s economy, with

Swan saying “it was a no-brainer that this deal is not in Australia’s national interest.” The ASX ranks 11th in size in the world with $1.5 trillion worth of listed companies, whereas the SGX ranks 21st at $0.672 trillion. “The deal would not provide a gateway to Asian capital flows as SGX has limited flows to the rest of Asia,” he said. “At the end of the day this takeover was more about growing Singapore’s financial sector than Australia’s. The deal just doesn’t stack up whatever yardstick you use” Mr Swan said.

ACCC Chairman Retires ACCC Chairman Graeme Samuels has stepped down from his powerful position after 8 years with the organisation. Mr Samuels recently informed his staff via email of his plan to leave the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission when his current term ends on July 31 of this year, which apparently was always his original plan. There has been no official word as to who will replace Mr Samuel, but it has been reported that an outsider may be named as a replacement. Rumoured suggestions include Ross Jones, the deputy chairman of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, and lawyer Luke Woodward from Gilbert & Tobin.

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Supa IGA Glengala opens

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What they say Snippets from unsolicited customer letters. Congratulations and good luck on the opening of your Glengala Store in Fitzgerald Road. I had the pleasure of shopping in your store on Sunday (21/11/2010) and I wish to acknowledge and inform you of the surprise and delight I experienced on this occassion. With my wife we were looking at some fresh foods in the meat and fish section and let me say we were amazed when one of your female staff actually spoke to us and gave us some valuable (unsolicited) advice.......fantastic! This is something we have never experienced in any other supermarket in more the 40 years of shopping...... your friendly staff should be recognised and rewarded.

L-R. Noel Maghamez, Kathy Campbell, Jason Wright, Maricor Coronel, William Morgan, Daniel Muscat, Andrew Fearn.

This service plus your tremendous opening specials has converted us..... Goodbye Coles and Woolies.....Hello IGA.....we are converted for all time. Well done!

FightBack Australian Owned Brands Guide Asian Noodles & Foods: Buderim Ginger, Black & Gold Dimsims, Crafty Chef, Nutrisoy Tofu - Tempeh - Desserts - Prepared Meals, Soyco Tofu - Plain - PreCooked - Marinated, Taings Steamed Buns, Taings Noodles - Hokkien - Thin Hokkien - Singapore - Thai - Udon - Egg - Rice - Shanghai Noodles, Taings Rice Lasagne Sheets, Homai range, Hong Kong Gold Dim Sims, Hong Kong Chef Spring Rolls, IGA Mini Spring Rolls, Marathon Dim Sims - Hamburgers Mini Bites - Spring Rolls - Puffy Dogs Range, IGA Party Spring Rolls, The Curry Makers, Taylors Air Fresheners: Bosisto’s Eucalytpus Spray, Bosisto’s Lavender Spray, Tonizone Air Fresheners, Orange Power - Orange, Lime & Lemon Myrtle, IGA Adore Air Fresheners Baby Products: Herron Baby Gel Baking Needs: Aunty Kath’s Cookie Dough, Black & Gold Plain Flour, Corn flour, Buderim Ginger, Sunny Cane Icing Mixture, Snowflake Icing Sugar, Anchor Semolina - Coconut - Baking Powder Imitation Vanilla Essence, Anchor Breadcrumbs, Lion Pastry Mix, Fowlers Vacola, JC’s Fruit & Nut Products, Hoyt’s Vanilla Sugar - Essences, Sanitarium range including Oat Bran, Rolled Oats, Sultanas, Raisins, Dried Apricots and Nuts, Pampas Pastry, Mountain Valley Maple Flavoured Syrup, Ward’s Gelatine - Baking Powder - Icing Sugar, McKenzie’s Cream of Tartar - Coconut - Bi Carb - Citric Acid - Tartaric Acid, McKenzie’s Party Bits, IGA Minute Oats, Hole-Sum Nuts and Dried Fruits, Melrose Golden Flaxmeal - Organic Omega-3 flax seed, Nuts In Paradise, Orgran All purpose rice crumbs, bulk crumbs, falafel mix, Egg replacer Bath & Shower Gels: Organic Care Shower Crème, Natures Organics SPA, Melrose Natures Herbs, Bathox Bath & Shower Gels - Lavender, Milk & Honey, Anti Stress, Arthritis, Tea Tree Oil and many more. Bathox Aromatherapy Bath & Shower Gels Honey & Chamomile. Kids Bubble Mate Bubble Bath, Sud Sational Bubble Bath, Angel Girl Body Wash Exfoliant Bead Bathroom Cleaners: Bosisto’s Eucalyptus Oil, Bosisto’s Eucalyptus Spray, Tonizone Shower Cleaner, Glitz, Scott’s, IGA Gleen Window & Glass - Shower Cleaner, Green Choice Toilet, Bath &

Shower Cleaner, Melrose Organic Eucalyptus Oil - Organic Tea Tree Oil, Orange Power Shower Bath & Tile Cleaner Beans, Legumes & Seeds: Hoyt’s Foods range, Sanitarium Lentils & Soup Mix, McKenzie’s Soups - Lentils & Beans, JC’s Quality Products Biscuits: Big Sister, Carman’s, Dick Smith, Freedom Foods, Paradise, Kurrajong Kitchens - Original Lavosh Bites - Original Snacksize Lavosh - Lavosh Thins Caramelized Onion & Sea Salt - Rosemary & Sea Salt - Dhukkah - Wholemeal & Malted, Wheat Lavosh Bites - Poppy & Sesame Seed Bites - Cheese Lavosh Bites, Orgran crackers, Shortbread, Crispibites. classic cookies Bottle Water: Black & Gold Spring Water, IGA Spring Water, Nippy’s Spring Water, Nuqua Traditional Spring Water, Mountain Ridge Natural Spring Water, Vaqua, Aqua Pura, Frantelle, Drake Crystal Pure Water, Drake Spring Water, Foodland Spring Water, IGA Evita Spring Water, Aqua Fresh Water, Nuts In Paradise Bread: Gold Coast Bakeries fresh Bread, Rolls, Artisan Bread, Tortillas baked 7 days fresh, Diego’s Flour, Omega 3 DHA and Reduced Carb Wraps, Diego’s White Corn Tortillas, Golden Hearth Bakery producer of Organic Wholegrain breads, Fruit loaves and Gluten Free products, La Famiglia, Homestyle Bakeries range of Bread, Rolls, Pocket & Specialty Breads, Drake Foodmarkets range of bread products, Foodland Bread, Maypole Foods Crumpets, IGA Bellini Garlic & Herb Breads, Buttercup, Mollenberg, Helga’s, Mighty Soft, Wonder White Bread Mixes & Flour: White Wings, Defiance Flour & Bread Mix, Laucke Flour, Laucke Wallaby Flour, Lighthouse Plain & Self Raising Flour,  Lighthouse Flour - Bread & Pizza - Lighthouse Cake & Sponge - Biscuit & Pastry - Pasta & Noodle, Lighthouse Bread Mix - Crusty Vienna - Wholemeal - Ancient Grain - Light Rye, Lion Flour, McKenzie’s Rice Flour - Ground Rice - Arrowroot, IGA Bakers Best Flour Breakfast Cereals: Black & Gold Bran, Muesli, Oats, Corn Flakes, Carman’s Fruit Muesli - Natural Bircher Muesli - Original Fruit-Free Muesli - Premium

Traditional Oats, Dick Smith Bush Foods, Freedom Foods, Golden Fields, IGA Quick Oats, Sanitarium Skippy Cornflakes, Granola Clusters, Honey Weets, Light N Tasty, Weet-Bix Crunch, Weet-Bix, Weet-Bix Fruity, Weet-Bix Hi-Bran, Weet-Bix Kids, Weet-Bix Multi-grain, Weet-Bix Organics, Sanitarium Up n Go, Up n Go Energize, Sanitarium Muesli, Sunsol, Merriram, Foodland, McKenzie’s Natural Bran, IGA Cocoa Orbits Gluten Free, Nuts In Paradise, Orgran Amaranth puffs, multigrain O’s, Cocoa O’s Butter & Margarine: Black & Gold Butter, Unsalted Butter, Meadow Lea, Logicol, Gold ‘n Canola, ETA, Olive Grove, Allowrie, Bega, Devondale, Dairy Soft, Sunbeam, Smart Balance Cholesterol Reducing Spread, Smart Balance Olive Cholesterol Reducing Spread, Tablelands, Vitalite Canola, Golden Bounty, Golden Pastures, Harvest Award, Devondale, Foodland Butter, Warrnambool Butter, IGA Country Grove Butter, Olive Gold, Miracle, Melrose OmegaCare spreads Cake Mixes: White Wings Cake Mix, Lion Scone Mix - Biscuit Base , Lion Cake Mixes, Laucke CWA Scone Mix, Aunty Kath’s Cookie Dough, Orgran chocolate cake & pancake mix, Cakes & Puddings: Big Sister Fruit Cakes and Puddings, Fowlers Vacola, George & Simpson, Nanna’s, McKenzie’s Puddings, Homestyle Bakery, Vili’s Cakes, Foodland Cake Range, White Wings, Maypole Foods, Noble Cakes, IGA Range of Cakes - Muffins - Slices, IGA Bake House, Drake Foodmarkets range of Doughnuts, Cakes, Mince Pies, Hot X Buns Canned Fruits & Vegetables: Black & Gold Beetroot, Cowra Gold, IGA Pineapple, Windsor Farm Sliced Mushrooms - Petite Potatoes - Asparagus Creations - Mushy Peas, Foodland Range of Canned Fruit & Vegetables, IGA Signature Pineapple - Beetroot Car Care: Star Shine Car Wash, Star Shine Car Polish, Black & Gold Engine Coolant

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Cheese: Black & Gold Mozzarella shredded, Tasty shredded, Parmesan, Dick Smith Cream Cheese Spread, Australian Farmers, Caboolture, Bega, Devondale Block - Sliced - Cream Cheese, Pantalica, Foodland, Gippsland, Warrnambool Cheese, Great Ocean Road Cheese, IGA Cheese Slice, Vintage, Paris Creek Cheese P/L Chicken & Turkey: Drake Foodmarkets Turkey Breast, Foodland, Ingham Chicken & Turkey Value Added Products: Foodland, IGA Miranda Chicken Kiev - Schnitzel - Spicy Wingette - Sweet Chilli Strips, IGA Chicken Nuggets Chocolates / Confectionery: Black & Gold Bananas, Fruity frogs, Clangers, Black Cats, Wildberries, Racing Cars, Snakes, Teddy Bears, Candy Teeth, Choc Babies, Buderim Ginger, Sweet House, Go Natural, Sun Fruits, JC’s Quality Fruit - Nut Chocolate Products, The Jolly Lolly Company, Hilliers, Newman’s, Coffler, Drake Foodmarkets Party Mix, Ballantyne, IGA Fun Confectionery range, Black & Gold, Nuts In Paradise Coffee: Grinders Coffee Condiments & Sauces: Beerenberg - Terriaki Grill - Plum & Shiraz - Chilli Sauce and many other, Buderim Ginger, ETA BBQ Sauce, Cornwells Sauces - Vinegars, Three Threes, Outback Spirit Sauces - Mustards & Relish, Anchor Vinegars - White - White Malt - Spiced Malt, Praise, Holbrooks Sauce, Taylors, Jensen’s Choice, Spring Gully Worcestershire Sauce - Chilli sauce, Melrose Australian Tahini - Organic Mayonnaise - Dijonnaise - Worcestershire Sauce - Balsamic vinegar, Melrose Nut Spreads Cooking Oils: Crisco, Chefol, ETA, Dick Smith, Golden Fields, Sanitarium Macadamia Nut Oil, Sunshine, Foodland range of Cooking Oils, Melrose Kitchen Oils Cooking Oil – Olive: Black & Gold Olive Oil, IGA Olive Oil Olive Grove, Dandaragan Select - Fruity - Robust - Delicate Cooking Sprays: Crisco Cooking Sprays, Pro Chef, IGA Homestead Cottage Cheese: Bulla, Blue Cow Cordial: Plain & Diet - Buderim Ginger, Bickford’s, Sunshine, Ultra C, Foodland, IGA Cordial - Flavours, IGA Way of Life Cordial, Anchor Treehouse Cordial Cream: Black & Gold Cream, Thickened cream, Skimmed cream Bulla Cream - Sour Cream, Jalna Reduced Sour Cream, Foodland, Devondale Fresh

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- UHT - Light Sour Cream, IGA Thickened Cream, B-d. Farm Paris Creek Dairy & Traditional Dips: Jensen’s Organic Salsa Dips, Copper Pot, Chris’s Greek Dips - Traditional Homestyle - Chunky Dips - Lite & Fresh, Poseidon Black Swan, Foodland, Tasmanian Pate, IGA Caville Dairy Dips Deodorant: Australis Body Sprays, Evoke Body Sprays, Body Choice Aluminium - Free Deodorant, Cedel, Eden Organics Desserts: White Wings, Nanna’s, Creative Gourmet Fruit, Big Sister, Lion Sago - Custard Powder, Tom Piper, McKenzie’s Seed Tapioca, Maypole Foods, Noble Cakes, Whittings Cakes & Puddings Dishwashing Liquid: Blast, Earth’s Choice, Natures Organics, Now, Scott’s, True Blue, So Gentle, Green Choice, IGA Swift, Hygiene Household Dishwashing Liquid Dried Fruit / Nuts: Angus Park, Hole-sum Nuts & Dried Fruits, Mildura, Sunbeam, Verity - Dessert Maid - JCG - Excello Prune Products and Dried Fruit, Big Sister Cherries, JC‘s Quality Dried Fruit- Nut - Seed Products, Drake’s Aussie Salted Peanuts - Pistachio - Macadamias - Almonds, Sanitarium comprehensive range of Dried Fruit & Nuts, McKenzie’s Coconut, Eltham Valley Pecans, IGA Fruit & Nut Mix, IGA Fun Sultanas - Fruit Packs, IGA Maple Grove Mixed Fruit - Sultanas, IGA Nuts Mixed -Peanuts - Fruit & Nut Mix, IGA Fun Sultanas - Fruit Packs, IGA Maple Grove Mixed Fruit - Sultanas, Buderim Ginger, Neighbours + Growers, Nuts In Paradise Eggs: Drake Foodmarkets Plain & Free Range, Foodland, IGA Caged and Barn laid eggs Entertaining Friends: Kurrajong Kitchens - Original Lavosh Bites - Original Snacksize Lavosh - Lavosh Thins Caramelized Onion & Sea Salt - Rosemary & Sea Salt - Dhukkah - Wholemeal & Malted Wheat Lavosh Bites - Poppy & Sesame Seed Bites - Cheese Lavosh Bites, Orgran Toasted Corn Dippers, Deli Crackers, Wild Raspberry Fruit Filled Biscuits, Classic Choc Biscotti, Premium Shortbread Hearts Feminine Hygiene: Femisil Frozen Fruit & Dessert Products: Arriba Frozen Burritos, White Wings, Pampas, Creative Gourmet Fruit Fruit Juices: Nippy’s Fresh Fruit Juices, Nippy’s Long Life Fruit Juices, Gourmet Farm Prune Juice, Pure & Natural, Drake Foodmarkets, Foodland Fruit Drink - Fruit Juice & Long Life Juice, Bickfords, Ward’s Fruit Saline, IGA Fruit Juice Drink

Gargles / Mouthwashes: Anti Plaq, Oral Care Tartar Control - Mint Fresh - Super Strength Complete Protection Mouthwash, Eden Organics, Germaseptic, Chloromint, Chloroseptic, Breath Pearls Gluten Free: Golden Hearth Bakery producer of Gluten Free Breads, Rolls, Foccacia, Garlic Bread, Pizza and Muffins. Aunty Kath’s Cookie Dough, Carman’s Deluxe Fruit Muesli, Thomas Chipman Corn and Potato Chips, Hole-Sum Corn and Potato Chips, Mexicana Corn Chips, Jalna Yoghourt Range, White Wings Gluten Free Flour, McKenzie’s Italian Style Soup Mix - Bi Carb - Ground Rice - Rice Flour - Baking Powder, IGA Cocoa Orbits, Buderim Ginger, Laucke Easy Bakers Gluten Free Bread Mix range, Patties Gluten Free Range, Many Spring Gully products, Melrose products are Gluten free, Nuts In Paradise, Nature’s Blend OmegaHoney -OmegaSmart Omega Peanut Butter -LiteSmart Peanut Butter Crunchy - LiteSmart Peanut Butter Smooth, Melinda’s Gluten-Free Goodies, Orgran (GfG) Gluten Substitute, Orgran GF Cereals, Orgran GF Crispbreads, Orgran GF Pasta Gravy & Stock: Massel, White Wings, Orgran Gravy Mix Hair Care including Shampoo & Conditioner: Organic Care, Fruits, Turning Point, Inprofile Iced Gel - Coloured Gel - Hair Styling Shaper, Monique Hair Spray, Eden Organics, IGA Kids Shampoo & Conditioner, IGA Vita Shine Shampoo & Conditioner, Melrose Natures Herbs, Melrose Botanicals, Melrose Hemp Shampoo Handwashes / Soaps: Bathox Handwashes, Dermasoft, Eden Organics, IGA Adore Soap Handwash, Melrose Organic Castile Soap Health Bars: Carman’s Classic Fruit Muesli Bars - Original Fruit-Free Muesli Bars - Apricot and Almond Muesli Bars, Sunripe, IGA Active Start Muesli Bars & Fruit Bars, IGA Way of Life Fruit & Nut Bars, IGA Signature, Black & Gold Health / Personal Care: Bosisto’s Tea Tree Oil - Tea Tree Spray - Lavender Oil -Eucalyptus Oil, Euky Bear Steam Vaporiser, Melrose Organic Eucalyptus Oil, Melrose Organic Tea Tree oil Health Foods: Carman’s Muesli, Soyco Tofu - Plain - Pre-cooked - Marinated, Nutrisoy Tofu - Tempeh - Deserts - Prepared Meals, Sunsol, Thomas Chipman Corn & Potato Chips, Hole-Sum Corn and Potato Chips, Hole-Sum Nuts and Dried Fruits, JC’s Quality Fruit - Nut - Seed Products, Mexicana Corn Chips, Sanitarium Vitality Blend Range, Sanitarium Dried Fruit, Nuts and Seeds range, Sanitarium Muesli range, Eltham Valley Pecans, Laucke WaferGrains with Bio-Fort Selenium, Melrose Nut Spreads - Flaxseed Oil,

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Nuts In Paradise, Nature’s Blend OmegaHoney OmegaSmart Omega Peanut Butter - LiteSmart Peanut Butter Crunchy - Smooth Sun Health Foods Health Bars, Orgran high fibre crackers Herbs & Spices: Hoyt’s Herbs and Spices, Windsor Farm Chicken Salt - Bacon Blast Sprinkles - Salt & Vinegar Sprinkles, Hi Qual Chicken Salt, McKenzie’s Herbs & Spices - Curry - Grinders and Shakers, Ward’s, Spencers Herbs & Spices, Jensen’s Choice, Saucesetta, Clive of India, Anchor Chicken Salt, Heath-Rite Veggie Salt Herbs & Spices Crushed: Variety Dash - Crushed Ginger - Crushed Garlic, Jensen’s Choice Organic Ginger - Garlic - Chilli, McKenzie’s Herbs & Spices - Curry - Grinders & Shakers, Wards

Tonizone Carnauba Wax Furniture Polish, IGA Gleen Window & Glass - Shower Cleaner - Mould Killer - Kitchen Cleaner - Cream Cleanser, Earth Choice Multi-purpose - Shower Cleaner - Window Cleaner, Bosisto’s Eucalyptus Spray Household Wipes: Hillmark SteelKleen EziWipes, IGA Gleen Wipes, Selleys BBQ Tough Wipes Ice Cream: Bulla Ice Cream, Dairy Bell Ice Cream, Golden North, Gelati Italia, Bulla Frozen Yogurt, Sanitarium So Good Soy Ice Cream, Foodland Ice Cream, Drake Foodmarkets, Weis Frozen Foods Bars and multipacks: passionfruit, mango, vanilla & raspberry, macadamia, coffee almond - 1 litre tubs: coffee with cream, vanilla bean, macadamia chunks, Queensland mango - Sorbets: berry, lemon, mango

Home Brewers Kits & Accessories: Coopers Honey: Beerenberg, Beechworth Honey, R Stephens Tasmanian Honey - Golden Bee - Golden Nectar - Real Leatherwood Honey, Capilano, Barnes, Allowrie, Heather, Smith’s, Bee Vital, Leabrook Farm, Sanitarium, Wescobee, Superbee, Foodland Blue Gum, Blue Hills Honey, IGA Australian Gold honey, Nature’s Blend OmegaHoney Household Chemicals: Gelimac Bore Stain Remover, White Knight, Oomph Degreaser - Glue Remover, Pascoes Janitorial Cleaning Chemicals, Mechanix Caustic Soda - Distilled Water - Coolant, Orange Power Sticky Spot & Goo Dissolver, Hillmark BBQ Stainless Steel Cleaner & Protector - BBQ Enamel & Steel Cleaner - BBQ Grill & Hotplate Grease & Fat Remover, Harpers Borax, IGA Gleen BBQ & Oven Cleaner, IGA Gleen Carpet Stain Cleaner, Solvit Citrus Clean, Grime Goblin, Tuff Degreaser Cleaner Household General: Hillmark SteelPower - ScalexPlus - ExpressoKleen - Cooktop Scraper - Cerapol Ceraseal - Rangehood - FilterKleen - Stainless Steel BBQKleen - Oven & BBQ Kleen - Selleys Rapid Mould Killer - Oven Plus Heavy Duty Gel - Oven Clean - Sugar Soap, Sugar Soap Disinfectant for Floors - Leather Clean - BBQ Tough Clean - BBQ Exterior Clean & Shine- BBQ Area & Furniture - Stone Benchtop Clean - Absorb It, Super Cloth - Super Cloth Twin Pack - Wash Up Wiz - Grout Stain Whitener, Earth Choice Floor - Surface Cleaner -Toilet Cleaner - Cream Cleanser, Hygiene Household Disinfectant, Orange Power Spray & Mop Floor Cleaner Household Spray Cleaners: Orange Power Furniture Polish & Restorer, Tonizone Furniture Polish Spray & Trigger - Stainless Steel Polish - Chewing Gum Remover - Surface Spray Disinfectant, McLintocks Vanilla Fridge Wipe, Orange Power – Shower - Carpet – Floor & MultiPurpose, Hillmark SteelKleen, Glitz, Scotts, Selleys Super Kleen, Oomph, Tonizone Shower Cleaner,

Ice Cream Toppings: Buderim Ginger, McKenzie’s Traditional Toppings. Iced Confections: Icy Fruit Sticks, Juicy Fruit Sticks, Skybomber, Snowboy, IGA Old English Toffee Ice cream, Light Vanilla Ice Cream, Rainbow Ice Cream, Cookies & Cream Ice cream Insecticides & Candles: Hovex, Tonizone POW Fly & Insect Spray, Tonizone POW Jam: Buderim Ginger, Beerenberg, Jamsetta, Young Maid, Prue Sobers, IXL range of Jams & Spreads, Outback Spirit Spreads Juice - Lemon or Lime: Sunshine Lemon Juice - Lime Juice, Nippy’s Frozen 100% Lemon Juice, Nippy’s Frozen 100% Lime Juice Laundry: Aware Eco and Aware Sensitive Powders, Aware 4X Laundry Liquids, Black & Gold Nappy & Laundry Treatment, Laundry Soap, Bluo, Euca Laundry Powder, Tonizone Pre-Wash Sprays Liquid Laundry Starch - Ironing Spray - Spray Starch, So Gentle Laundry Liquid - Fabric Softener - Wool Wash, IGA Swift Ironing Spray - Laundry Liquid - Laundry & Nappy Soaker - Laundry Powder - Multi-Purpose Stain Remover - Prewash - Rinse Aid, IGA Adore Fabric Softener - Wool Wash, Tonizone Shower Cleaner, IGA Gleen Window & Glass - Shower Cleaner - Mould Killer - Kitchen Cleaner - Cream Cleanser, Silver Star Starch, White Tulip, Bosisto’s EucoFresh Laundry Powder - Prewash Stain Remover - Allergen Laundry Liquid - Dust Mite Wash, Long Life Fabric Care, Earth Choice Laundry Powders - Wool Wash - Fabric Softener, Activ 750ml concentrate, Hillmark ScalexPlus Meal Starters or Bases: The Curry Makers Meat Pies, Pasties & Sausage Rolls: Patties Pies, Four ‘N Twenty, Herbert Adams, Vili’s Range of Pies, Pasties, Sausage Rolls, Homestyle Bakeries, Foodland, Maypole Foods Pies, Pasties, Sausage

Rolls, Party Pies, IGA Party Pies - Sausage Rolls - Pies. Mexican Foods: Byron Bay Chilli Corn Chips & Salsa, Mexicana Corn Chips, Diego’s range of Authentic Mexican Style Tortillas. Milk: Liddell’s Lactose Free, Dutch Jug, Diploma, Drake Full Cream & Reduced Fat Milk, Foodland, Devondale Sungold Milk - Fresh, Low Fat, No Fat, Lite One, O Frothy One, IGA Whole Milk, Lite Milk, B-d. Farm Paris Creek Milk Shake Mixes / Milk Powders: Aktavite, Dick Smith OzeChoc, Devondale Skim Milk, Bickfords, Saunders Malt Extract, IGA Skim Milk Powder Milk Drinks: Nippy’s Flavoured Milk, Sanitarium Up n Go, FM Flavoured Milk, Great Ocean Road Premium Flavoured Milk, Sungold Soy Drink Organic: Golden Hearth Bakery Organic certified Bread, Thomas Chipman Corn and Potato Chips, Mexicana Corn Chips, Jalna Bio Dynamic Yoghourt Range, Sanitarium Organic Dried Fruit & Nut range, B-d. Farm Paris Creek, Jensen’s Choice Pasta Sauces - Salsa Dips, Sanitarium Weetbix Organic, Melrose - Flaxseed, Kitchen Oils - True Blue Teatree Oil - Worcestershire Sauce - Balsamic vinegar Pain Relievers: Herron Paracetamol, Herron Blue - Ibuprofen, OsteoEze - Glucosamine, Paralgin Paracetemol Paper Products: Black & Gold Lunch Paper Bags, IGA Gleen Paper Towels, IGA Toilet Tissue, IGA Facial Tissues, IGA Eden Toilet, Safe - Bouquets - Encore Toilet Tissue, Facial Tissue and Paper Towels Pasta / Sauces: Kookaburra Pasta, Rinoldi Pasta, Taings Noodles, Taings Rice Lasagne Sheets, Nanda, Vetta, San Remo range of fresh pasta and pasta sauces, Zafarelli, Fantastic Noodles, Byron Bay Chilli, Beerenberg, Orgran, Jensen’s Choice Pasta Sauces, IGA Bellini Pasta - Pasta with Sauce - Pasta Sauces, IGA Pasta Sauces, Pizza Bases, Stromboli Pasta Sauces, Taylors Marinades & Sauces, Jensen’s Organic Pasta Sauces, Drake Foodmarkets range, Orgran pasta and lasagne sheets Peanut Butter: Dick Smith, Sanitarium Health Foods, Foodland, IGA, Nature’s Blend OmegaSmart Omega Peanut Butter - LiteSmart Peanut Butter Crunchy - Smooth

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Pet Food & Accessories: Black & Gold Baked dogs biscuits, Budgie & Canary mix, Parrot, Guinea Pig & Rabbit Mix, Nature’s Gift Australia canned dog food, Nature’s Gift Australia dry dog food, Nature’s Gift Australia dog treats. Ecopet, Pet Munchies, IGA Degree Dog Food - Canned - Dried - Treats, IGA Degree Cat Food - Canned - Dried - Treats, IGA Cat Litter, IGA Bird Mix, The Show ‘em How Much You Love ‘em Company, Melrose Omega Pet, Our Dog Shampoo & Conditioner, Our Dog Spray, Nature’s Pet ARTHRI-STIX - Dirty Dog Shampoo - Joint Formula - LIVER SNAPS - OMEGA-STIX Sausage SNAPS - Shark Cartilage Stix - SNAP ‘N’ SHARE - SNAP-STIX - SNAPS Treats Personal Insect Repellent: IGA Fatal Insect Spray Personal Wipes: Pure & Soft Facial Wipes Pest Control: Talon Pellets - Wax Blocks Pizza: Maypole Foods, IGA Bellini Pizza, IGA Bellini Pizza Bases Pickled Vegetables: Three Threes Beerenberg, Aristocrat range of Mustard Pickles - Chutney - Pickled Vegetables, Rosella Mustard Pickles & Fruit Chutney, Spring Gully Range, Gardener, Old Country Onions - Mustard Pickles, Pickle King, Blue Banner Pickled Onions, Sandhurst Foods, Foodland Condiment Range, Anchor Onions & Gherkins, Hoyt’s range of Pickled Vegetables including Olives - Sun Dried Tomatoes, - Gherkins - Pickled Onions, IGA Homestead Pickled Onions - Mustard Pickle - Gherkins Prepared Meals: Crafty Chef, Foodland, Sanitarium, Sunrice, Homai Finger Food, Hong Kong Gold & Chef, Marathon Dim Sims - Hamburgers - Mini Bites - Spring Rolls - Puffy Dogs range, Uncle Harry’s Natraburgers Rice Products: Taings Rice Lasagne Sheets, JC’s Quality Products - Rice Crackers, Yummy Snack Foods - Rice Crackers, McKenzie’s Rice flour Ground Rice, Tom Piper Rice Cream, Parsons Rice Cream, IGA Salero Rice Crackers, SunRice Salad Dressings: Outback Spirit, Beerenberg - Blue cheese - Caesar, Ranch - Lemon & Herb dressing, Praise, Cowra Gold Salad Dressings, Anchor Varietal Red, White & Balsamic Vinegars, Cornwells Vinegars, IGA Homestead Salad Dressing, Taylors Salad Dressings

Sandy Bay Seafood Crumbed Calamari - Crumbed Whitting Skin Care: Natures Organics Natural Skincare, Eden Organics, Bosisto’s Tea Tree Oil -Tea Tree Spray Smallgoods: Black & Gold Beef Burger, Corned beef, Frankfurters, Farmers Selection, Gerns Continental Smallgoods, Foodland, Primo Smallgoods, Black & Gold Leg Ham, IGA Deli Gourmet - Leg Ham - Roast Beef - Roast Chicken - Frankfurts – Cocktail Snack Foods: Hole-sum Corn and Potato Chips, JC’s Quality Products - Fruit - Nuts - Rice Crackers, Hole-Sum Nuts and Dried Fruits, Sunripe School Straps - Go Fruits - Fruit & Crumble, Windsor Farm Fruit Straps - Go Fruits - Fruit & Crumble, Byron Bay Chilli Corn Chips & Salsa, Sanitarium Vitality Blend range - Mini Delights, Go Natural, Mexicana Corn Chips, Mexicana Concho’s , Drake Aussie Salted Peanuts, Hoyt’s Popping Corn, Thomas Chipman Corn - Potato - Beetroot Chips, Ward’s Popping Corn, IGA Way of Life Chips ‘No Salt’, IGA Vibes Thin Cut Chips, IGA Snack a Pack Pop Corn, Nuts In Paradise, Kurrajong Kitchens - Original Lavosh Bites - Original Snacksize Lavosh - Lavosh Thins Caramelized Onion & Sea Salt - Rosemary & Sea Salt - Dhukkah - Wholemeal & Malted Wheat Lavosh Bites - Poppy & Sesame Seed Bites - Cheese Lavosh Bites, Orgran Molasses Liquorice, canned beans & spaghetti, biscuits and crackers Soft Drinks: Black & Gold Soda Water, Mineral Water, Buderim Ginger, Saxby’s, Nippy’s Ginger Beer, Nippy’s Sparkling Mineral Waters - Fruit Flavours, Bundaberg Drinks range, L A Ice Cola, Foodland, Bickfords, Espirit, Applemaid Sparkling, IGA Softdrinks - Cans & Bottles Soup: McKenzie’s Soup Ingredients - Starters, Rosella, Mrs Crocketts fresh soups, Foodland range, Orgran tomato & vegetable cup-o-soup Soy Products: Sanitarium So Good Milk & Iced Cream, Sanitarium Organics Milk, Sanitarium Flavoured Soy Milks, So Natural, Australia’s Own, Vita Life, Sanitarium Vegie Delights, Soyco Tofu - Plain - Pre - cooked - Marinated, Nutrisoy Tofu - Tempeh - deserts - prepared meals, IGA Country Grove Soy Milk, Nuts In Paradise Sports Drinks: Staminade, Upper E, Raw Energy, Ward’s Fruit Saline

Salad Products: Harvest Fresh, Maypole Foods Salt: G Fresh range, McKenzie’s Salt, Health-Rite Veggie Salt - Sea Salt - No-Salt Seafood Products: Aquatas Smoked Salmon, Tassal Pure Tasmania, Tasmanian Smokehouse,

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Spreads: Dick Smith, Sanitarium Peanut Butter, Mighty Mite, Temptation Choc Duo, Temptation Fairy Dust, Sunny Cane Golden Syrup, Freedom Foods, Devondale, Mountain Valley Maple Flavoured Syrup, Buderim Ginger, Leabrook Farm Honey spread, Naturals by Melrose Nut Spreads

Sugar: Black & Gold Raw sugar, Caster sugar, Sunny Cane Icing Mixture - Pure Icing Sugar, Foodland, IGA Maple Grove Sugar - Caster Sugar Sweetener: Sugarless - Sachets, Liquid and Tablets Sun Care: Key Sun Suncare - Zinc, Sports Zinc, Cancer Council, Le Tan, Great Bloc Tea: Madura Tea Estates - Premium Blend - English Breakfast - Earl Grey - Pure Assam - Green Tea Green Tea with Jasmine - Green Tea with Papaya Leaf - Green Tea with Lemon - Green Tea with Mint - Camomile Calmer - Peppermint Cooler, Daintree Tea, Planet Organic Tea, Foodland, Espirit Iced Tea, IGA Tea Bags, IGA Court Yard Tea Bags Tissues: ABC Tissue, Pockets, Safe, Bouquets, Elite, Puresoft, Softesse, IGA Facial Tissues Toilet Tissue: Autumn Soft, Safe - Bouquets Encore Toilet Tissue, Bouquets for Kids, Earthwise, Elite, Naturale, Quilton, Softly, IGA Gleen Paper Towels, IGA Toilet Tissue, IGA Eden Toilet Tissue Tomato & BBQ Sauce: Coopers Ale BBQ Sauce, ETA BBQ, Beerenberg Tomato Sauce, Freedom Foods, Foodland, Rosella, Byron Bay Chilli’s Jack Thompson BBQ Sauce, Spring Gully Homestyle sauce Toothbrushes & Toothpaste: Cedel, Eden Organics, Wisdom Toothbrushes, 5 Star and Value, Little Miss and Mr Men Vitamins & Supplements: Herron Vita-Mini’s, Herron, Herron Osteoeze, Blackmores, Completely Natural Herbal Medicine Range, Dr Macleod’s Formula, Cottage Vitamins range, Melrose Omega 18/12 Fish Oil - Vegetarian Glucosamine - Vitamin C powders, Melrose Clean Green supplements, Nature’s Blend OmegaSmart Omega Peanut Butter - OmegaHoney Yoghurt: Attiki, Bulla, B-d Farm Paris Creek, Chris’s Greek Style Yogurt, Jalna Natural Yoghourt - BioDynamic - Flavoured - Vitalize, Margaret River Yoghurt – Drinking: Bulla Drinking Yogurt, Jalna Vitalize A - Z Health Care Brands: Senna Tabs, Goanna Heat Rubs, Cottons, Eucanol, Dick Smith Eucalyptus Throat Lozenges and Chest Rub, Bosisto’s, McKenzie’s Saline, Completely Natural Herbal Medicine Range, Key Sun Lipguard, Bosisto’s Sugarfree Medicated Lozenges, Melrose Olbas Oil

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FightBack Q&A Food for Health, Gluten Free Bars with Cranberries. Sun Health Foods, Almond and Honey Bars. Real Foods, Corn Thins Originals And Melrose Organic Flaxseed Oil. Where do you get your inspiration from?

Warren Morey General Manager

Melrose Health Staff numbers: 20 Annual turnover: $30 million Warren Morey is the General Manager of Melrose Health, a whole body health company committed to providing safe and effective natural and organic food and health products. Currently, Melrose Health has 45 staff members and an annual turnover of $30 million. How would you describe yourself as an Australian? Like most Australians I love the landscape. Growing up in Melbourne all I wanted to do was work in the country. After qualifying with a degree in Horticulture I spent 10 years working on vineyards, orchards and with cut flowers. I certainly learnt that the Australian landscape is very harsh and I have a real appreciation for what farmers have to endure. Which Australian do you admire the most and why? My most admired Australian is Lady Elisabeth Murdoch. Her work as a philanthropist is unrivaled in Australia. Her energy and longevity is an inspiration. Her broad range of supported charities is amazing. And finally my interest is horticulture makes me very envious of her property, Cruden Farm, near Frankston. List three Australian products you have in shopping basket each week:

Our inspiration comes from our customers, we like to solve people’s problems. We get a lot of customer feedback and we always treat it seriously. Our customers often give us ideas for new products and product improvements What is your company’s business highlight? Melrose was first to recognise the severe shortage of Omega 3 essential fatty acids in the Australian diet. We found flaxseed oil contained more than 50% Omega 3 and introduced it to the Australian market. These days everyone is familiar with the health benefits of Omega 3 but in 1980 when Melrose introduced flaxseed oil it was a different market. At that point all fats were bad, no one had heard the concept of a good fat. Melrose has expanded it’s omega 3 offering to include its patented Omega Care oil spreads. These oil spreads are made without hydrogenation, and deliver a high omega 3 spread that is very low in saturated fat. Melrose also sells large quantities of Omega 18/12 Fish Oil, we donate a proportion of these sales to Royal Adelaide Hospital, Department of Rheumatology, for further research into inflammatory conditions and the benefit of Omega 3. Last year this was more than $170,000.00. Do you believe there should be tax advantages to buying Australian owned and made products? Melrose simply looks for a level playing field. Melrose holds a TGA license to make therapeutic goods, Organic Certification, and is a License Food premises. I hope that imported products are manufactured to the same standards. What do you think of the increasing

foreign ownership of Australian brands and businesses? Melrose changed hands last year after more than 30 years of Family ownership. Our founder Geoff Steinicke took time to select an Australian buyer with the right cultural fit to continue the development of the Melrose brand. Should Coles and Woolworths be restricted in size? Compared to other world markets Coles and Woolworths control an incredibly large slab of Australian retail sales. I am sure ACCC will review any takeovers carefully. I must say I was a supporter of the Woolworths purchase of Macro as the alternative was very grim. What advice would you give to other business people who are thinking of promoting and manufacturing Australian produce? Innovation is one key to success. Australian health food products have always thrived on innovation. But it’s not simple, there is a lot of education to be done to explain the benefits of new products. For example, Melrose knows the benefits of Flax lignans found in Flaxseed and Flaxmeal but it take years to build consumer knowledge about the role Lignans play in maintaining breast and prostate health. What is the number one reason Australians should buy and support the Australian food industry? The answer is high skilled jobs. If these products are imported all you get is the retail jobs. When you manufacture in Australia you employ Laboratory staff, Food chemists, Quality Control Personnel, Formulators, Production Managers and Clean Room production staff. If our production base shuts down these, we lose these skills. You have three wishes to change Australia what would you ask for? 1. Ban genetically modified foods 2. Educate students how to cook healthy foods from scratch. 3. Protect our most productive land from urban sprawl.

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Please stop gambling with our future Independent Senator Nick Xenophon has launched a new website to help combat one of Australia’s biggest problems – gambling.

These lobby groups, who are progambling, are suggesting that the proposed reforms – such as a budget for every gambler – are “un-Australian.”

The website – - was established to counter the grossly misleading claims by the Hotels and Clubs lobby groups about the proposed gambling reforms.

However, the facts don’t lie. $12 billion a year is lost on the pokies, 100,000 Australians are problem gamblers, and an additional 200,000 are significantly at risk of developing a dangerous addiction.

The website is extremely informative and some incredible statistics are made on the website in regards to gambling. For instance, • 40 per cent of losses on poker machines come from problem gamblers • Poker Machines are the second highest cause of crime in the community apart from the illegal drug trade • Hotels and Clubs have admitted to reaping $800 million a year from problem gamblers (that is, people who shouldn’t even be on their machines.)

Wouldn’t it be more Un-Australian to let this addiction continue? Have a look at the website and help make your mind up.

Vili’s “Taste the difference”

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Editorial Down, Down, Prices are Down. But for how long? Once the dust settles from this grocery war we will be faced with a further consolidation of the market share of Coles and Woolworths. Even less competition leads to higher prices or, perhaps worse, a loss of even more manufacturers and even fewer jobs controlled by Australian businesses. The only way to cut prices is to cut costs - and people are a major expense. The war on prices occurring in Australia’s supermarkets is threatening businesses, livelihoods and the employment of thousands of people. These jobs stretch from the paddocks of the Australian farming communities through to the people who deliver the goods and ultimately to the people who serve you in the stores. As consumers FightBack readers understand the implications of buying actions and are proud supporters of Australian owned and made products.

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Our research shows you are even prepared to pay a little more for home grown products of similar quality. FightBack actively supports Australian Owned and Made products but if this is not available will then choose Australian made to maintain local jobs. Our dairy farmers are showing the way by protesting loud and long. Let us have a consumer boycott of unbranded goods support the independent sector, and make sure we continue to buy Australian Owned and Made. A few cents saving today could cost us a lot more in the future. page 24

Facebook: FightBack for Australia

Publisher Details FightBack Managing Editor - Grant Müller Suite 309/1 Princess St Kew 3101 Ph: 03 9855 1806 Disclaimer: FightBack Newspapers and the enclosed Australian Owned Brands Guide are continually being researched and updated. Consumers are advised that they should always check the labels prior to purchase as “country of origin” can change without notice. Whilst every endeavour is made to make this newspaper and its enclosed shopping guide as accurate as possible at the date of publication, no responsibility will be taken for any omissions.The Australian Owned Brands Guide is a publication of Impact FightBack Pty Ltd, Suite 309/1 Princess St, Kew 3101. This publication or any part thereof may not be used, copied, or transmitted without the express permission of the editor. Copyright 2010.

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Letters Dear Grant, Thank you for publishing this great newsletter, we read it from cover to cover! We have been shocked by the Channel 7 expose regarding the toxic depleted-of-nutrition rubbish that is coming into this country masquerading as “food”.Is this going to be the legacy for this country now that governments of both persuasions have sold our land down the gurgler and sacrificed it to so-called globalisation? This insidious corporate-driven agenda is so blatantly against our national interest that it beggars belief that the government is not even trying to stand up to the “bullying”of the World Trade Organisation, not even trying to maintain the integrity of our quarantine restrictions, not even trying stop the sell-out of our farmers and the health of the population or even trying to stop the contamination of our biodiversity and organic farms with genetically modified organisms. I sincerely hope that IGA/Foodland stores will do everything in their

power not to sell toxic, pesticide and chemical-laced products to the trusting and unwary public. We have to stop this dreadful global agenda which will undermine our economy and drag us down to Third World standards. Kind regards Ms Alex Hodges

I picked up your magazine at the Yarra Glen IGA store and I noticed that you wrote quite a lot about chain stores and the milk cut. I agree with you that this is a bad thing and my family and I have pledged to buy only brand milk. Keep up the brilliant work, we love the magazine!

Hi, The place of origin, or processing, of foods that are bought at the supermarket are often hidden from consumers. I have written a blog about food labeling (“Food labeling – A consumer minefield” which describes what happens to a brand of Australian prawns from the time they are caught to the time they end up on supermarket shelves. Consumers would be surprised. The blog is on my website at www. Regards, Professor Alfred Poulos Promoting Good Health

Kind Regards, Diana, aged 15.

Dear Grant. My family have been growing and producing our own crushed tomatoes and pasta sauces since 1994. We are proudly Australian. I came across the fight back news and thought of our own struggle with the larger companies, and how they continue to buy overseas, therefore suppressing the smaller Australian owned business’. It has been an on going struggle trying to get in to Coles and Woolworth stores

Give your dog a health challenge with Nature’s Gift. Feed your dog Nature’s Gift for ONE WEEK and you’ll notice the difference! If your dog is healthy on the inside it shows on the outside.

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Letters on and off for the last 10 years with our own brand. With them just being able to drop lines at any convenience. Unfortunately the only way we are able to sell our product in Australia is under another label. We are in some IGA Stores, most catering suppliers use their own labels on our product, we were packing for san Remo and currently our major customer are Aldi stores. Just wanted to say that after the drought and allot of other hard ships, (as we are based in Jerilderie NSW) we now have yet another obstacle, having to deal with overseas imports.

continue selling our products at such low prices with the outgoing cost that we have. With that said, we support the fight back but it isn’t easy!! I full heartedly support what Harvey Norman said, too many people were too quick to jump back at him!! he was supporting the little guys.

not protect our rural industries at all, I’ll back any protest and sign any petition available.

Just letting you know, there are many of us out here

Read more letters at

Australians need to know how hard it is for local business’ to sell and try and break even when we are competing against overseas imports. With such low labour costs and no import duties, they are importing for next to nothing and we cannot compete. Yes, we are dealing with quite an inflated economy, but we are doing our best to keep up. However, when aussies support large chains like Coles/ Woolworths, they are forcing our own aussie businesses out of the market. we are unable to

I am right there with you in your fight to protect the rural producers of this country. Surely there is some way that the blatant discrimination of only Coles and Woolworths home brand stuff being reduced in price could be used against the principals in this price war, which I understand may expand to include eggs as well as the already down priced items such as milk and bread. The government is certainly not doing anything about the monopoly of the two large supermarkets and does

Anne Walmsley SARINA QLD 4737

Regards Jenna Robinson

This month’s FightBack Prize Winners $400 IGA shopping voucher

Y I D n a i l a r t s u A t a e The Gr Beer Competition w DIY unch of Coopers ne the la e th e at br le ce To u tback are giving yo Microbrew Kit Figh six of the kits. of chance to win one st DIY Beer is the easie You’ll find Coopers DIY project you’ll ng and most rewardi e and even ak ever do. Easy to m easier to drink. .au


Suze Hutchinson, Woodville Adelaide, 5011

Coopers DIY Brewing Kits Rex Little, Yackandandah, 3749 Aaron Young, Adelaide, 5351 Please contact to claim your prize.

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Pin pointing healthy lifestyles Acupuncture is an alternative medicine that has been used for thousands and thousands of years. Originally beginning in China, acupuncture is an alternative medicine that treats patients by insertion and manipulation of needles in the body. Some people swear by it, yet others understandably remain suspicious of the process. Acupuncture has been the subject of scientific research for years and years, and remains controversial among medical researchers and clinicians. However, new research suggests that acupuncture can treat hot flashes and make other symptoms of menopause far more bearable. Turkish researchers recruited more than 50 post-menopausal women and assigned half of them to a five week course of acupuncture – that’s two twenty minute sessions a week – while the other half of the women were given an imposter treatment that they thought were real.

At the end of the study, the researchers found that the women that received the legitimate acupuncture showed far more relief from their post menopausal pain than those who received the mock treatment. Their hot flashes were less severe, their psychological symptoms improved and estrogen levels were much higher. The researchers suggested that with 10 more sessions, the benefits of the program may have been greater.

Research continues into the benefits of acupuncture, and obviously we are years away from knowing its true capability, but we’re sure those ladies are happy! The results were published in the journal Acupuncture in Medicine.

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Cricket Racing Tennis Cycling Rugby Diving Skiing Basketball

































































































































































































e pl m a f onds s ee ck oalm r F pa n lia a r st u A

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Brain Teaser Q: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps? A: A River Q: When is four half of five? A: When it’s a Roman Numeral - F(IV)E Q: What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years? A: The letter M

Jokes Q: Why is it dangerous to do maths in a jungle? A: Because if you add four and four, you get ate! Q: What did the duck say to the cashier? A: Just put it on my bill. Q: Where does Dracula keep his money? A: In the blood bank! Q: What do you call a cute volcano? A: Lava-ble! Q: Why did the bacon laugh? A: Because the egg cracked a yolk!

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This will fill you up! Four ‘N Twenty have recently announced a brand new, very ‘manly’ product – the Cheese & Bacon Sausage Roll – as part of their Hungry Man range. The massive new product features the traditional Four ‘N Twenty recipe with a tasty mix of bacon, herbs and spices, held together in the crispy, flakey pastry, and layered with quality cheddar cheese. Four ‘N Twenty Brand Manager Mark Malak says, “Guys with big appetites love our Hungry Man range of pies and sausage rolls, because they really do the job of satisfying hunger.”

Relish the chance

At a whopping 280 grams, the Hungry Man Cheese & Bacon sausage roll will do just that. This new product is actually 55% bigger than the Four ‘N Twenty King Size, making it the best value on the market, while delivering the same great quality. “After straight beef, Cheese & Bacon is the most popular flavour profile so it was a natural extension for us to introduce this in to our Hungry Man Range” Mr Malak says. Four ‘N Twenty Hungry Man Sausage rolls are available from most convenience stores at a recommended retail price of $3.95 each.

Beerenberg had just released its new Red Pepper Relish. A crafted relish full of ripe Australian red capsicums, delivering a pure and vibrant fresh taste that is great with grilled pork, your favourite sandwich or in a salad. It will be available in IGA nationally soon.

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Profile - Billabong products Jenna wrote to us saying “it has been an ongoing struggle trying to get into Coles and Woolworths stores for the last 10 years. Its hard as they just drop lines of stock at any time for their own convenience.”

Yet another battling Australian company has reached out to FightBack to express the difficulty and hardship involved in dealing with the big supermarkets. Jenna Robinson is one of the key people behind Billabong Produce – a company that harvests and distributes pasta sauce and crushed tomatoes, amongst other things. Billabong Produce is a privately owned Australian Company that has been operating as a family since 1966. Their product is of the highest quality and contains no artificial preservatives, colourings, food additives or modifying agents. That all sounds perfect – so why is this little company being given such a hard time?

Australians need to know the difficulty involved for local businesses to sell, or even break even, when they are competing against the overseas imports favoured by the big supermarkets. Due to such low labour costs and no import duties, Woolworths and Coles are able to import for very cheap prices and smaller businesses simply cannot compete. “We are dealing with quite an inflated economy, but we are doing our best to keep up. However, when Aussies support the large chain supermarkets, they are forcing Aussie brands out of the market” Jenna says. Billabong Produce is currently stocked in some IGA stores and most Aldi stores, but ultimately due to the hardship faced by Australia this year – drought, floods, cyclones – the company will continue to face many more difficulties in the years to come.

Seasonal fruit and veggies May - late autumn - fruit 
 apples - bonza - braeburn - cox’s orange pippins - fuji - gala - golden delicious - granny smith - jonagold - jonathan - mutso - pink lady - red delicious snow - sundowner, banana, cumquat, custard apple, feijoa, grapes - purple cornichon - waltham cross, kiwifruit, lemons, limes, mandarin - imperial, melon - champagne, nuts - chestnut - hazelnut - peanut - walnut, pears - howell - josephine - packham red sensation - williams, persimmon, quince, rhubarb.

May - late autumn - vegetables 
 asian greens - bok choy, - choy sum gai laan - wonga bok, avocados - fuerte - sharwill, beetroot, broccoli, brussels sprout, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, daikon, eggplant, fennel, garlic, ginger, horseradish, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms - wild field - pine - slippery jacks, okra, olives, onions - brown - spring, parsnip, peas, potato, pumpkin, shallots, silverbeet, spinach, squash, swede, sweet potato, taro, tomato, turnip, witlof, zucchini. SUBSCRIBE TO WIN PRIZES!

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Recipes (taken from

Beef Casserole with Parmesan Dumpling

Boeuf Bourguignon

Ingredients (serves 4)

1.2kg chuck steak, trimmed of fat, cut into 4cm cubes 1/4 cup plain flour 20g butter 2 tablespoons olive oil 150g small button mushrooms 200g bacon, cut into 3cm cubes 12 eschalots or spring onions 1 large carrot, peeled, diced 1 cup red wine (such as shiraz or cabernet sauvignon) 1 1/2 cups beef consomme or stock (preferably home made) 1 bouquet garni flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped, to serve

1kg gravy beef, cut into 2cm chunks 1 tbs olive oil 1 onion, chopped 6 bacon rashes, chopped 500g button mushrooms, halved 4 whole garlic cloves, peeled 2 tbs plain flour 2 cups (500ml) beef stock 1 cup (250ml) red wine 2 fresh thyme sprigs 3 bay leaves 50g butter 2 cups (300g) self-raising flour 1/2 cup (45g) parmesan 3/4 cup (185ml) milk


Brown 1kg gravy beef, cut into 2cm chunks, in 1 tbs olive oil over medium heat. Transfer to plate. Add 1 onion, chopped, 6 bacon rashes, chopped, 500g button mushrooms, halved, and 4 whole garlic cloves, peeled and cook until soft. Stir in 2 tbs plain flour. Add 2 cups (500ml) beef stock, 1 cup (250ml) red wine, 2 fresh thyme sprigs and 3 bay leaves. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low, add beef and simmer covered for 1 1/2 hours. Spoon into a 2 litre (8 cup) ovenproof dish. Preheat oven to 200째C. Rub 50g butter into 2 cups (300g) self-raising flour. Stir in 1/2 cup (45g) parmesan and 3/4 cup (185ml) milk. Bring together. Roll into 20 balls. Place on beef. Bake for 20 minutes.

Ingredients (serves 4)


Preheat oven to 200째C. Lightly coat meat with flour. Heat a large, ovenproof casserole dish over a medium-high heat. Add 10g butter and 2 teaspoons oil. When butter and oil are sizzling, add one-sixth of meat and cook for 6 minutes or until well browned on all sides. Transfer to a large plate. Repeat with remaining meat, adding more butter and oil as required. Add mushrooms to casserole and cook, stirring often, until golden. Transfer to a plate and set aside until required. Add bacon, eschalots and carrot to casserole. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until golden. Drain away any remaining oil. Pour wine and consomme into casserole. Bring to the boil, stirring with a wooden spoon to loosen sediment on base of casserole. Return beef to casserole with bouquet garni. Cover and place in oven. Cook for 45 minutes. Remove from oven and add mushrooms. Return to oven, covered, for 20 minutes. Remove bouquet garni and season with salt and pepper. Spoon casserole onto plates and garnish with parsley.

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Recipes (taken from

Chicken, Corn and Noodle Soup Ingredients (serves 6)

2 tablespoons olive oil 1 large white onion, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 3 stalks silverbeet, stems finely chopped, leaves shredded 6 cups chicken stock 3 small chicken breast fillets, trimmed, diced 80g egg vermicelli noodles 3 fresh corn cobs, kernels removed (see note)


Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion, garlic and silverbeet stems. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes or until soft. Add stock and increase heat to medium-high. Bring to the boil. Add chicken and noodles. Stir until noodles have separated. Simmer, uncovered, for 8 minutes. Add corn and silverbeet leaves. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes or until corn is cooked through. Season with salt and pepper. Ladle soup into warmed bowls. Serve.

Very Berry Dessert Ingredients (serves 4)

600g mixed fresh or frozen berries 2 cups natural yoghurt 1/4 cup caster sugar 2 tablespoons self-raising flour 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 100g packet flaked almonds 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon


Preheat oven to 180째C. Place berries into a 23cm (base) pie dish. Combine yoghurt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, flour, eggs and vanilla. Spread over berries. Bake for 20 minutes. Remove from oven. Sprinkle with almonds and combined cinnamon and remaining 1 tablespoon sugar. Bake for a further 10 minutes, or until golden. SUBSCRIBE TO WIN PRIZES!

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