Simple Self Defense Tips for Women

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Basic Self Defense Tips For Women

FIGHTING TIPS 2012 Authored by: Jason

Basic Self Defense Tips For Women Self defense is important for everyone and especially so for women. It is well known that women make easier targets than men when it comes to assault and robbery. Other than that women are also exposed to a danger on an entirely different level, the danger of getting raped. As a woman, it becomes very necessary to know some form of self defense. Contrary to what most people believe self defense does not always mean you need to fight. Fighting pretty much goes completely against the whole idea of self defense in so many ways. One of the most effective self defense tips for women is to stay aware of what's going on around you. You can easily avoid most threatening situations simply by being alert. Don’t Miss: 10 Personal Safety Tips For Women

Items Women Should Always Carry Women who have to go out often Basic Self Defense Tips For Women | 1/1/2012

should really consider packing an


inventory of items that can be used in the case of an attack. While carrying things like mace and taser guns are always recommended, you can just as easily make use of items in your bag to ward off most attacker. Literally, any personal object can be used as a potential weapon like an umbrella or even something small like a pen. If you have to go out at night, then it is better that you carry at

least one sharp object with you at an arm's reach just in case something dangerous begins to transpire.

Confront Potential Threats With a Loud Voice Confront any potential threat confidently and with a loud voice. Attackers regard women as easy targets, but this doesn’t have to be the case. You can display your confidence by readying yourself to face the attacker if it seems unavoidable. In most cases, the attacker is deterred if there is a risk that the victim may put up a fight or raise an alarm. Shout out in the direction of the person and try and get some attention although most attackers wait until the victim reaches an isolated place to strike. Yell out in as loud a voice as you can to get some attention. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and if there is anyone around; go to them to ask for help, this will in all probability deter the attacker from making a move.

In Case You Have to Fight, Pick Your Targets Carefully In the event that you are cornered and all else fails, then brace and prepare yourself

should generally protect themselves with brain as opposed to pure brawn. Put your fists up near your chest and widen your feet so that you get into a stance that shows your attacker that you will not back down. This action alone is sometimes enough to send off many attackers. Go for the eyes, face, groin and the legs of your attacker. Use your hands, legs, your nails or even your teeth to inflict some physical damage. Remember that the object of putting up a fight is to create an opening to help you escape.

Basic Self Defense Tips For Women | 1/1/2012

for a physical confrontation. Do this only if it is absolutely necessary. Women


Grab and use whatever you can find to use as a potential weapon. Even a trash can lid can easily be used as a great weapon with a bit of creativity. Learning a handful of fighting tips you can use in any situation, long before you find yourself in such a

Basic Self Defense Tips For Women | 1/1/2012

situation, is best thing you can do to protect yourself.


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