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Plant-based alternatives - a growing market
Source: Fi North America and SupplySide West 2019, Food ingredients Theater 1
While the snack sector continues to drive high protein claims, the trend has spread across just about
every category; from dairy to beverages. Another interesting trend is the emergence of blended protein
products, which can provide the taste and experience of an animal protein product with a healthier
nutrition profile. While only 6% of the US adult population claims to be vegetarian, regardless of their dietary
preference, Dornblaser stressed the importance of remaining aware of the fact that, for consumers, “taste
always comes first.” 1
With the demand for meat alternatives on the rise, especially among US Millennials, 1 there is no denying
that the industry can expect a heavier focus on plant-based substitutes in the coming years.
According to research done by Future Marketing Insights - a provider of market intelligence and consulting
services – the plant-based meat alternative market is currently valued at $12.1 billion; with estimates of it
reaching almost $28 billion by 2025 (predicting a CAGR growth of 15% over a 6-year period) 4 and even
$140 billion by 2029, according to analysts at Barclays. 5
Alternative meat's slice of the global meat industry
1% $14 billion
10% $140 billion
Source: Barclays Research 5
Moreover, considering how popular snacking has become, it is no surprise that the global value of the
plant-based snack market has been valued at $34.7 billion dollars in 2019 alone, and is expected to grow
at a CAGR of 8.7% by 2028, resulting in a staggering value of $73.6 billion. 6
Looking at the US market specifically, The Good Food Institute reports several interesting industry
developments occurring over the last two years. US retail food grocery sales have increased by 4% in total;
while direct animal replacement plant-based product sales have grown by 18% between 2018 – 2019. 7
U.S. Plant-Based Meat Market
Source: The Good Food Institute 7
Similarly, with plant-based milk accounting for nearly half of the total plant-based food market, it has led
to an increased acceptance by consumers of other plant-based dairy products, such as plant-based
creamer (34.3%), yoghurt (31.3%), cheese (18.3%), ice cream (+5.7%); all having seen significant increases in
sales across 2018 and 2019. 7
Total U.S. Plant-Based Food Dollar Sales and Dollar Sales Growth by Category 2019
Source: Source: The Good Food Institute 7
Other Plant-Based Dairy Category Dollar Sales and Dollar Sales Growth 2019
Source: The Good Food Institute 7
The vegan market has also greatly contributed to the growth seen in the demand for more plant-based
alternatives, with the vegan cheese market expected to see a 7.6% CAGR by 2024, reaching a value
of nearly $4 billion. Likewise, within the next decade, vegan yoghurt sales are said to exceed a value of
$12 billion and the vegan ice cream sector is predicted to reach a value of $2.45 billion. 8