16 minute read
Consumers are feeling tired and fatigued and are struggling to get through the day
Consumers feel increasingly time scarce as they look to cram as many activities into the day as possible . As consumers juggle and struggle with these personal and professional obligations, it is something that can directly impact on their ability to relax and unwind, something that directly impacts sleeping patterns and related to this, energy levels . When it comes to evaluating the busy lives of consumers, it must be questioned whether this time scarcity is something that is an unfortunate consequence of the modern world or something that is self-inflicted. On one hand, consumers are traveling further to work and back than ever before whilst the concept of the average working day continues to evolve with many working longer hours and taking fewer breaks than ever before . However, on the other hand, consumers can often be distracted by the wealth of personal opportunities that exist from a technological perspective, with habits such as spending time on social media and binge watching television and movie streaming services also having an impact on relaxation time .
Irrespective of the reasons, FMCG Gurus research shows that consumers can often feel tired and fatigued on a regular basis, something that can be linked to consumers feeling time-scarce and linked to this, stressed .
Proportion of consumers who say that they often do not have enough energy to get through the day
Global: 48% Global: 48% Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Africa/ME:Proportion of consumers who say that they often do not have enough energy to get through the day 46%52% 46%46% Proportion of consumers who say that they often do not have enough energy to get through the day Africa/ME: Asia-Pacific: Europe: North America: 46% 52% 46% 46%
South America: 54% South America: 54% Global: 48% Africa/ME: 46% Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from sleep Europe: 46% Asia-Pacific: 52% -related health problemsNorth America: 46% South America: 54%
Global: 53% Global: 53% Africa/ME: 54% Africa/ME: 54% Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from sleep-related health problems 52%56% 55% Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from sleep-related health problems Asia-Pacific: Europe: North America: 56% 52% 55% South America: 44% South America: 44%
Global: 53% Africa/ME: 54%
Asia-Pacific: Europe: Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from stress 52%56% North America: 55% South America: 44%
Global: 57% Global: 57% Global: 57%
Africa/ME: Europe:Asia-Pacific: Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from stress North America: 55%63% 56%36% Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from stress Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from stress
Africa/ME: Asia-Pacific: Europe: North America: 36% 63% 55% 56%
Africa/ME: 36% Asia-Pacific: 63% Europe: 55% North America: 56% South America: 61% South America: 61% South America: 61%
Source: Country Profiles survey Q1 2019/Q1 2020, Cognitive Health survey Q4 2018/Q3 2019
Levels of tiredness and fatigue are something that will impact on cognitive focus and ability to perform tasks, something that will further create feelings of stress and anxiety . Additionally, feelings of stress and anxiety are something that will intensify in 2020 and beyond because of the uncertainty of the impact of COVID-19 .
• As consumers adopt a holistic approach to health, cognitive health and mental wellbeing is something that is deemed just as important to consumers as physical health . For instance, when it comes to cognitive health and the ability to concentrate and focus, consumers will recognize that this is something that can impact on overall quality of life and performance at work . Moreover, it is something that can also create more serious problems, for instance consumers driving safely whilst feeling tired and fatigued .
• Over the period April-July 2020, there has been a noticeable increase in the proportion of consumers who say that they are conscious about their mental wellbeing . This is because consumers have faced severe disruption to daily life and also have high levels of concern when it comes to the future, such as the health and wellbeing of loved ones, the state of the economy and whether there will be a second wave of the virus . Given that issues such as stress and anxiety and sleep-related health problems were common before the pandemic, poor levels of mental wellbeing are something that will intensify in the future, especially as consumers believe that the virus will continue to impact on daily lives for at least twelve months .
• Additionally, it is also worth noting that consumers feel that their energy levels have also been impacted by COVID-19 . This is something that will be linked to potential feelings of lethargy that have occurred because of restrictions on movement . It is something that can also be linked to high levels of uncertainty and stress draining consumers of their energy . This highlights the somewhat vicious circle that can exist when it comes to the need for energy and relaxation simultaneously .
As such, consumers will look to take a proactive approach to seeking out products that offer an energy boost . In addition, they will also have favorable perceptions of products that they believe help them relax and unwind and improve their sleeping habits, something that the beverage industry can capitalize on .
Proportion of consumers who say that they have become more conscious about their mental wellbeing as a result of COVID-19 Proportion ofProportion of consumers who say that they have become more conscious about their mental wellbeing as a result of COVID-19Proportion of consumers who say that they will make attempts to stay healthier in the future as a result of COVID-19 y have become more conscious about their ult of COVID-19 Proportion of consumers who say that they will make attempts to stay healthier in the future as a result of COVID-19 ey have become more conscious about their sult of COVID-19 consumers who say daily energy that th levels a
36% 36%36% 36% 39%39%
26%26% 24%24% 33%33%
10%10% AprilAprilApril MayMayMay JulyJulyJuly
93% 94%93% 94%
83% 84%83% 84% 82% 85%82% 85% 82% 86% 88% 82% 86% 88% 77%77% 77%77%
36% 43% 42% 46%
34% 73% 78% 79% 73% 78% 79% 49% 52%75% 82% 84% 75% 82% 84% 81%81% 60% 52% 43%
36% 38% 36% 38% 39% 39%
27% 28% 27% 25% 30%
EuropeEurope North AmericaSouth AmericaNorth AmericaSouth America GlobalGlobalGlobal Africa/Middle Africa/MiddleAfrica/Middle EastEastEast Asia-Pacific Asia-PacificAsia-Pacific EuropeEuropeEurope North AmericaSouth AmericaNorth AmericaSouth AmericaNorth AmericaSouth America
N/A N/A N/A Global Africa/Middle East
Source: COVID-19 survey, 2020
become more conscious about their lt of COVID-19 Proportion of consumers who say that they have become more conscious about their daily energy levels as a result of COVID-19 Proportion of consumers who say that they have become more conscious about their daily energy levels as a result of COVID-19Proportion of consumers who say that they will make attempts to stay healthier in the future as a result of COVID-19 ey have become more conscious about their sult of COVID-19 Proportion of consumers who say that they will make attempts to stay healthier in the future as a result of COVID-19 hey have become more conscious about their esult of COVID-19
48%48% 52% 52% 39%38% 36% 36%36% 36% 39% 39%39% 33%33%
26%26% 24%24%
10%10% April AprilApril May MayMay JulyJulyJuly
83% 84%83% 84% 82% 85%82% 85% 82% 86% 88% 82% 86% 88% 77%77% 77%77% 73% 78% 79% 73% 78% 79% 43% 37%75% 82% 84% 75% 82% 84%
93% 94%93% 94% 81%81%
28% 27% 25% 30%
22% 29% 24% 23% 25% 30%
Europe North AmericaSouth AmericaEurope North AmericaSouth AmericaAsia-Pacific Europe North AmericaSouth America Global GlobalGlobal Africa/Middle Africa/MiddleAfrica/Middle East EastEast Asia-Pacific Asia-PacificAsia-Pacific Europe EuropeEurope North AmericaSouth AmericaNorth AmericaSouth AmericaNorth AmericaSouth America
Source: COVID-19 survey, 2020
A re-occurring theme throughout this report, consumers indicate that they are taking a more proactive approach to improving all aspects of their health and wellness . The importance of addressing energy levels and mental wellbeing in a pandemic will be a priority for consumers for two reasons . Firstly, reduced levels of job security means that consumers will be especially conscious about their cognitive performance in the workplace because of worries about losing their jobs . Secondly, consumers recognize that poor energy levels and mental wellbeing is something that can impact on health beyond simply influencing mood, such as having a direct impact on immune health for instance . As such, they will want products to address this .
Historically, consumers have had reservations when it comes to the energy boosting category . This is because of the association of the category with ingredients that are not deemed beneficial to health, such as sugar and taurine . Such has been the extent of these concerns at a country level that in recent history there has been some bans and restrictions regarding the consumption of energy drinks . At a time when consumers are more concerned about the ingredients used in products than ever before, this is something that can remain a challenge for the energy drink market . As will be highlighted in the next chapter, consumers are placing a high level of importance on products being 100% natural . This is because consumers want products that they believe contain real and authentic ingredients that offer nutritional value and are not detrimental to their health . As such, if energy drinks are to target consumers, they need to reassure consumers that products will not cause any potential side-effects . When it comes to making natural claims, transparency and validation of claims is key .
At the same time, consumers will also want products that offer a sustained energy boost . This is because at least in the short-term, consumers will continue to get up earlier, go to bed later and try to cram as many activities into the day as possible . As such, they will want to ensure that they stay fresh and reinvigorated so that they are energized and focused to carry out these tasks to the best of their ability . It must be noted that consumers will not be willing to trade-off between the desire for natural ingredients and the desire for a sustained energy boost, and products must be seen to do both .
This is a key reason why sports nutrition beverages will continue to become increasingly mainstream, with high protein beverages not just being sought out by regular gym goers but also everyday consumers who associate high protein/low sugar beverages with offering a natural and sustained energy boost .
Proportion of consumers interested in products that offer a natural energy boost Proportion of consumers interested in products that offer a natural energy boost
Global: 63% Africa/ME: 86% Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Proportion of consumers interested in products that offer a natural energy boost 65% 57% 64% South America: 68%
Global: 63% Africa/ME: 86% Asia-Pacific: 65% Europe: 57% North America: 64%
South America: 68%
Proportion of consumers who are interested in products that keep them constantly energized throughout the day Proportion of consumers who are interested in products that keep them constantly energized
Global: Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Africa/ME: throughout the day Proportion of consumers who are interested in products that keep them constantly energized throughout the day South America: 61% 86% 64% 53% 64% 62%
Global: 61% Africa/ME: 86% Asia-Pacific: 64% Europe: 53% North America: 64% South America: 62%
Source: Country Profile survey, Q1 2019/Q1 2020
Consumers will also want beverages that help aid relaxation
Whilst consumers will want to maximize their energy levels to cram as many activities into the day as possible in the short-term, they will also realize that is not the healthiest approach to wellbeing in the long-term . As a result of this, consumers will also look to address their mental wellbeing and make more conscious attempts to relax .
Prior to the pandemic, consumers were not happy with their work/life balance . This is something that can be attributed to the changing nature of work, with many experiencing long commute times and long working hours . This is something that has resulted in consumers often having to take work home with them and not taking their full holiday allowance . This is something that can result in consumers feeling constantly fatigued .
At the same time, consumers are taking a holistic approach to health as discussed earlier in the report . This means that they are recognizing that mental wellbeing is just as important to overall wellbeing as physical health, and that negative emotions are something that can directly impact on other areas such as heart health and immunity . This is something that consumers will want to avoid in a pandemic environment as they look to maximize their health and reduce their vulnerability to illness .
However, COVID-19 is something that will intensify problems that were already common prior to the pandemic . As mentioned, poor sleep health, stress, and anxiety are already common amongst the globe . For instance, consumers can often worry about a variety of issues such as the state of the economy and household bills, the health and wellbeing of loved ones and wider issues that can disrupt daily life . These are worries that will intensify in 2020 and beyond . FMCG Gurus research conducted in 2019 for example showed that sleeping habits across the globe were already in need of improvement .
Proportion of consumers who say that they find it difficult to get to sleep once they get into bed Proportion of consumers who say that they find it difficult to get to sleep once they get into bed
Global: 33% Global: 33% Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Africa/ME:Proportion of consumers who say that they find it difficult to get to sleep once they get into bed 28% 32% 35% 34% Africa/ME: 28% Asia-Pacific: 32% Europe: 35% North America: 34% South America: 31% South America: 31%
Proportion of consumers who say that they typically get less than five hours sleep in the average nightProportion of consumers who say that they typically get less than five hours sleep in the
Global: Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Africa/ME: average night Proportion of consumers who say that they typically get less than five hours sleep in the average night South America: 25% 33% 20% 27% 23% 23% Global: 25% Africa/ME: 33% Asia-Pacific: 20% Europe: 27% North America: 23% South America: 23%
Source: Sleep and Stress Management survey, Q3 2019
As a result of this, consumers were already demonstrating an interest in products that help them rest and relax, improve sleep quality, and help them wake up feeling refreshed .
Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products that help them relax and unwind Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products that help them relax and unwind Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products that improve sleep quality
Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products that help them relax and unwind Global: Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Africa/ME: Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products that help them relax and unwind South America: 62% Global: 55%68% 64%83% Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Africa/ME: Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products that help them relax and unwind 60% South America: 62% Global: 83% Africa/ME: 68% Asia-Pacific: 55% Europe: 64% North America: 60% South America: 62% Global: 62% Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products that improve sleep quality 55%68% 64%83% Europe: 55% Asia-Pacific: 68% North America: 64% Africa/ME: 83% 60% South America: 60% Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products that improve sleep quality
Global: 62% Global: 62% Global: 62% Global: 62% Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Africa/ME: Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products that improve sleep quality 55%65% 68%78% Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Africa/ME: Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products that improve sleep quality 78% Africa/ME: 65% Asia-Pacific: 55% Europe: 68% North America: Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products help reduce stress 55%65% 68%78% Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Africa/ME: 78% 65% 55% 68%
South America: 70% South America: 70% South America: 70% South America: 70%
Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products help Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products help reduce stress
Global: 64% Global: Europe: 58% Asia-Pacific: 64% North America: 67% Africa/ME: 85% reduce stress Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Africa/ME: Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products help reduce stress Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink products help reduce stress South America: 70% South America: 64% Global: 85% Africa/ME: 64% Asia-Pacific: 58% Europe: 67% North America: 70% South America: 64% Global: 64% Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink that helps them wake up feeling fresh 58%64% 67%85% Europe: 58% Asia-Pacific: 64% North America: 67% Africa/ME: 85% 70% South America: 70% Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink that helps them wake up feeling fresh
Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink that helps them wake up feeling fresh
Global: Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Africa/ME: Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink that helps them wake up feeling fresh South America: 67% Global: 61%70% 70%88% Europe:Asia-Pacific: North America:Africa/ME: Proportion of consumers who say that they are interested in food and drink that helps them wake up feeling fresh 65% South America: 67% Global: 88% Africa/ME: 70% Asia-Pacific: 61% Europe: 70% North America: 65% South America: 67% Global: 88% Africa/ME: 70%Asia-Pacific: 61% Europe: 70% North America: 65% South America: 67% 88% 70% 61% 70% 65%
Source: FMCG Gurus Country Profile survey Q1 2019/Q1 2020
Again, when it comes to beverages that help aid relaxation, it will be crucial that products are deemed natural and free from chemicals . This is because consumers will want to avoid products that they feel carry long-term health implications to address short-term health issues . Furthermore, transparency is something that will be also of high importance to consumers when it comes to nutritional labeling . This is something that will drive demand for botanical ingredients that consumers associate with being natural and aiding relaxation .
It must be noted that when it comes to relaxation, consumers do demonstrate some interest in the ingredient CBD . However, the mainstream appeal of this ingredient is something that will be undermined by consumers have concerns about the risk of side-effects from such an ingredient .