Consumers want beverages that offer a natural and sustained energy boost Consumers are feeling tired and fatigued and are struggling to get through the day Consumers feel increasingly time scarce as they look to cram as many activities into the day as possible. As consumers juggle and struggle with these personal and professional obligations, it is something that can directly impact on their ability to relax and unwind, something that directly impacts sleeping patterns and related to this, energy levels. When it comes to evaluating the busy lives of consumers, it must be questioned whether this time scarcity is something that is an unfortunate consequence of the modern world or something that is self-inflicted. On one hand, consumers are traveling further to work and back than ever before whilst the concept of the average working day continues to evolve with many working longer hours and taking fewer breaks than ever before. However, on the other hand, consumers can often be distracted by the wealth of personal opportunities that exist from a technological perspective, with habits such as spending time on social media and binge watching television and movie streaming services also having an impact on relaxation time. Irrespective of the reasons, FMCG Gurus research shows that consumers can often feel tired and fatigued on a regular basis, something that can be linked to consumers feeling time-scarce and linked to this, stressed.
Proportion of consumers who say that they often do not have enough Proportion of consumers who say to that get they often do not havethe enough energy to get through the day energy through day
Global: 48% Global: 48%
Proportion of consumers who say that they often do not have enough energy to get through the day Africa/ME: Asia-Pacific: Europe: North America: 46% 52% 46% 46% Proportion of consumers who say that they often do not have enough energy to get through the day Africa/ME: Asia-Pacific: Europe: North America: 46% 52% 46% 46% Africa/ME: Asia-Pacific: Europe: North America: Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from sleep-related health problems 46% 52% 46% 46%
Global: 53%
Africa/ME: 54%
Global: 48%
South America: 54% South America: 54% South America: 54%
Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from sleep-related health problems
Global: 53% Global: 53% Global: 57% Global: 57% Global: 57%
Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from sleep-related health problems Asia-Pacific: Europe: North America: 56% 52% 55% Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from sleep-related health problems Africa/ME: Asia-Pacific: Europe: North America: 54% 56% 52% 55% Africa/ME: Asia-Pacific: Europe: North America: Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from stress 54% 56% 52% 55% Africa/ME:
Proportion of consumers who say that they suffer from stress Asia-Pacific: Europe: Asia-Pacific: 63% Asia-Pacific: 63%
Europe: 55% Europe: 55%
South America: 44% South America: 44%
North America:
South America: 61%
North America: 56% North America: 56%
South America: 61% South America: 61%
36% 63% 55% 56% Proportion of consumers whowhosay that theyfromsuffer Proportion of consumers say that they suffer stress from stress Africa/ME: 36% Africa/ME: 36%
South America: 44%
Source: Country Profiles survey Q1 2019/Q1 2020, Cognitive Health survey Q4 2018/Q3 2019
Levels of tiredness and fatigue are something that will impact on cognitive focus and ability to perform tasks, something that will further create feelings of stress and anxiety. Additionally, feelings of stress and anxiety are something that will intensify in 2020 and beyond because of the uncertainty of the impact of COVID-19.
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