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Menu for me: Consumers in India want customized solutions for their health care issues

As has been highlighted throughout the report, consumers in India are becoming more conscious about their health and wellness. As these worries intensify, more consumers are feeling that health and wellness products on the market are too generic and not suitable to their specific needs and wants. Moreover, consumers in the country can also believe barriers to purchase exist when seeking out such products from a taste and affordability perspective.

Over the next decade, there will be increased demand for nutritional products that are customized and personalized to deal with specific health issues. Consumers will also want apps that they feel offer them nutritional information in real-time. When launching such products, it is crucial that such products are deemed to be affordable.

I don't feel that there are any food and drink products on the market currently that meet my nutritional requirements (2020)

I feel that there are products on the market currently that meet my nutritional requirements but are too expensive (2020)

7% 14% 37%

17% 26%

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35% 40%

5% 12% 17%

Strongly disagree Disagree Not sure Agree Strongly agree

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