FAST WAY TO BUILD MUSCLE The way how your muscle is constructed may sound like rocket science, but amazingly it is quite the opposite. Your muscle only grows when they are under stress, stress like lifting heavy weights. Once you picked up the weights and apply extreme stress to your muscles, your muscles will start to have small tear within the muscle fibers. The body is being signaled that I need stronger muscle fibers, to prevent it from tearing again, hence it repair the small tears with stronger muscle fibers.
If you are very much conscious for a fit body and good muscles, then you should definitely read this article. Today's generation is more into exercising, in order to be fit and develop a good personality. People even try for easy ways that help build muscles mass fast. They try out going gyms, practice healthy diet habits, meet dietitians, and lot many. But, who can't spare time going out for these. Here are some tips, which can definitely help and do wonders. For building muscle mass fast, you can try out these tips and see the results yourself. Go out for gyms - Use Free Weight You must use free weights because they stimulate your muscles more as your body has to stabilise them. You will work more muscle fibres using free weights. Compound exercises are lifts that work more than one joint at a time. For example a bench press works the shoulder and elbow joint. The main compound movements are squat, deadlift, bench and row. Focusing on these exercises is one the best way to grow muscle mass fast.
Training Heavy And Hard Regular work out. The first and most important thing to build muscles is to create the work-out program that would suit you. The second thing is to follow it. Remember that only persistent work can bring good results. Make a commitment to work out. Plan your week and include regular work-outs in your plan. During one work-out don't try to build all of your muscles at once. Train some groups of muscles on one day and other groups on another. Make the intensity of your work-outs very high. Give 100% effort.
Avoid Overtraining Overtraining as the name would suggest is were you train to much, thinking that more is better. Well, remember the last tip were we found out that training damages your muscle and recovers after? If you train too much you will damage your muscle, but they will not have enough time to recover and will not grow. You must give your muscles time to recover and grow from your last workout. It is similar to cutting yourself on the same place everyday, your skin will never heal until you give it time to.
Food to Build Muscle
Besides good training, good muscle building nutrition is the best way to build muscle mass fast. This is where most people fail to build new muscle mass. Remember how we talked about recovery being when your body builds muscle? Well your body uses food to repair those damaged muscle fibres. If you do not eat enough then your body cannot repair and add more muscle. You should aim for 6 meals a day and try to eat every 3 hours or so, this will keep your body in an anabolic state.
Nutrition to Build Muscle - Eat More Protein Healthy and nutrient-rich diet is the way to increase the speed of your muscle growth. Muscles need a lot of energy and the growth material. Fat and carbohydrates are the energy sources and protein is the building material. There are "good" and "bad" carbs and fats. Good carbs are poly carbs. They are digested slowly and do not turn into fat like simple or mono carbs do. "Good" fats are non-saturated fats. They are non animal fats. These fats don't cause heart diseases like animal fats do. So be selective in the energy sources. Eat more protein if you are expecting your muscles to grow fast.
Drink More Water
Most people are walking about in a state of semi-dehydration, which can greatly affect their bodily functions. It is funny that when someone is looking for the best way to build muscle mass fast, they look to supplements and workouts. However, when you are in a semi-dehydrated state, your
strength levels drop by as much as 30%. If you have ever seen a massive muscle bound guy walking about a gym with a 2 litre water bottle, you now understand why. Make sure you get plenty of water into your system everyday. This means more than the recommended 8 glasses a day, this is for average people. We are trying to find the best way to build muscle mass fast, which means we have to do more than the average person.
Consistency Is The Best Way To Build Muscle Mass Fast
Consistency is key. Those who find the best way to build muscle mass fast, are the ones who are able to follow the proper techniques on a highly consistent basis. Doing this on a constant basis every week will ensure you add on muscle mass fast.
The rationale for this is that you do not want your muscle to break down for energy after a long time of workout. So keep your workouts short, fast and move on, if not your body will eat your muscles for energy. You might have realize that the fastest way to build muscle is so simple, just lift heavy weights with the recommended reps and sets. Do You know the exact way of building rock-hard, ripped and shredded body? If No! Not to worry. For the complete guide on how to build muscle fast and get the body shape click here