Fortune Cookies September 2014 issue

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Monthly| July 2012| Volume_7 Edition_7 Issue September 2014

FROM OUR DESK September was a sullen month as we bore the unfathomable loss of a friend and comrade. September was a busy month as we neared the term end and prepared for examinations. Through this issue of Fortune Cookies, we recap all the events of September, and relive the moments together. - Akshita Agrawal Swati Sharma Corporate Communication Department


Through Busy Corridors of FIIB Featured story on Alumni activities, conferences and industry visits which made September a busy month

From the Community


Candid tete-a-tea with FIIB Staff and Faculty: An insight into behind the scenes


Want to write for Fortune Cookies and be a part of the Editorial Board? Write to us at by 20th September 2014

Remembering Vaibhav FIIB Community pays homage and remembers Vaibhava great student, friend, and achiever

Sustainability Initiatives


A snapshot of the outcome of t he continuous sustainability efforts at FIIB

RIP Vaibhav In September, our community was deeply saddened by the loss of a dear member- Vaibhav. It has been a difficult month, and I am appreciative of all the community members (faculty, staff, fellow students) who have came forward to pray and lend support at this tragic time. Vaibhav was a vibrant and responsible student. His untimely and sudden death has shocked everyone. As an FLP scholar, Vaibhav was a shining star on campus. A close friend to many, an inspired student, a prolific graffiti artist, Vaibhav will be strongly missed. I am reminded of a blog Vaibhav wrote on "The World of Supercars" and it seems to me he lived his life in a similar fashion - "out of this world with a unique culture and way of living"! We commemorated this truly remarkable student and decided to not allot Roll Number 121 to any student starting Batch 2015 onward so that Roll number 121 is always remembered at FIIB in the name of Vaibhav Chaudhary. We also figured out several meaningful ways to remember Vaibhav. We undertook road safety campaigns and slogan writing competition, and several other initiatives would be launched soon. While this loss cannot be forgotten easily. I urge everyone to celebrate the life he led and remember him in our thoughts, while we move on together. May his soul rest in peace. - Ms. Radhika Shrivastava, Executive Director (FIIB)


Issue September 2014 April-July 2013| Volume_7 Edition_9

THROUGH THE FIIB hosted 4th Edition of ‘Innovation in HR Gearing for 2020 Series’ on 20th September 2014 Key Note Speaker, Mr. Rajeev Kumar (Vice President- HR, NIIT Technologies Limited) introduced ‘Generation Y’ to the audience and explained that they look at a job as life experience, rather than as an end goal, consider life over work, are vocal about their likes and dislikes, demand change, are tech savvy and emphasize action over thoughts. To conclude his talk he said, “Millennials want same things as other generations but they prioritize differently.”

Panel Discussion: Talent Acquisition in the 21st Century: Attracting the Millennials The Panel Speakers were: •Mr. Subodh Saluja: Projects Head, Manpower Solutions •Ms. Archana Khurana: Founder, Human Rhythms •Mr. Somraj De: Senior Manager- Strategic HR & Operations, Lloyd Group

SUMMARY OF THE DISCUSSION: Ms. Archana shared that Millennials are multitaskers, fast in their thought process, social media users, and have created the need for managers to think and act like millennials. She suggested that with “Boss Culture” it is difficult to manage Gen Y; and instead the managers should try to be their mentors or coaches. Mr. Saluja added that if companies want to hire talent, organizations should be able to engage and gel with Gen Y; as Talentism is now the new Capitalism. During his talk he talked about ‘Concept of Gamification of Work’ which is generally practiced in IT companies. He explained how a normal induction process and brain storming sessions can be gamified and make managers and peers employee friendly individuals. Mr. De took the discussion further by talking about how to handle the millennials and ensure low rate of attrition in an organization. He suggested keeping all channels of communication open and transparent and also stressed on regular feedback sessions. He also advised the managers to come with innovation in organization practices to retain the millennials. Panel discussion was followed by Corporate Case Study, Business Simulation, Quizzes and Competitive Games

Mr. Sharad Bhoyar, Chief Consultant, AJAX Consulting shares his thoughts

Students presenting their case study

Winners receive their awards for excelling in case study competition

Issue September 2014 MonthlyApril-July September 2013| Volume_7 2012| Volume_7 Edition_9 Edition_9

Busy FIIB Corridors FIIB-ians visited Yakult Danone India Pvt. Ltd, at their Sonepat plant to learn about the operation processes and marketing strategies. Mananshu Singh, second year student shares, “It was a great learning experience for me, I learned many things related to strategies, Supply At Yakult Factory on September 17, 2014 Chain management, reverse logistics, production planning and Quality management. Overall it gave me a good learning experience in my core operation area.� Students were recognized for academic excellence as recipients of President Honor Roll were announced for Term IV. Seen here with Dr AK Sinha (Director) and Mr. Neel Deshmukh (Academic Coordinator). The President Honor Roll is awarded to Top 10% of the batch for their meritorious performance every term (determined by their GPA)

Students with Dr Sinha and Mr. Neel

Alumni who are not based out of Delhi or are unable to come to campus due to office commitments, stepped forward to interact with students preparing for placements and undertook long call and skype conversations. - Ms. Aditi Gaur (Class of 2014) who works with EnY, spoke to students during interviews for Ken Research - Mr Vishnu Channon (Class of 2014) discussed tips for those appearing for placements in Stellar Search - Mr. Asim Agha (Class of 2013) assessed students applying for Oxylane before they sat for actual interviews

Alumni on Campus

Mr. Rahul Puri (Class of 2008) who works with Afaqs! Discussed about career opportunities in Digital Marketing Mr. Puri helped students understand the basic difference between sales and marketing in digital media, shared some facts about career opportunities and also touched on theoretical aspects of the subject.


Issue September 2014

FROM FIIB COMMUNITY In conversation with Ms Kritika, Guest Faculty for Mandarin classes What was the best thing about teaching students at FIIB? It was an absolute pleasure teaching at FIIB. The best thing about teaching here is all students are well behaved and they not only complete their assignments on time which is expected from management students, but also are quite sincere in their approach. Did you face any challenges? As far as challenges are concerned I did not come across any major challenge as the cooperation of students is the most important aspect Learning Mandarin was a unique of teaching. Mandarin is the most difficult language to learn and is and an amazing experience. I really time consuming but students made the job easy as their participation appreciate the patience shown by was good. our trainer Ms. Kritika as it took us some time to pronounce the words What will you suggest to students, so that they don't go out of correctly. Many funny incidents in practice? class made it more interesting and I will suggest students to keep interacting with each other and speak joyful. I am happy that I can now in mandarin so that they can keep in touch with the language. The converse in basic Mandarin. best way to learn a language is to apply it regularly. Xie Xie (Thank you) - Swati Sharma ( Corporate Any funny incident you remember? Communication) on being a If I have to talk about funny incidences, there was not one but plenty student in the Mandarin Classes specially to do with pronunciations. Mandarin is a tongue twister and there were many hilarious pronunciations and sounds, we heard in the classes which created a laughter riot . In conversation with Senor Mridul Sareen, Espanol Profesor de FIIB! What was the best thing about teaching students at FIIB? It was a great experience teaching students at FIIB as the students showed keen interest in the language which indeed make teaching more meaningful. Did you face any challenges? Teaching a foreign language is always a challenge task because language is not just words or sentences it involves learning about a new culture but at FIIB it was not so. What will you suggest to students, so that they don't go out of practice? Its truly said- Out of sight, out of mind. The best way to stay in touch is to run through the notes as and when possible. Also exists some brilliant sites where one can practice Spanish online. Our students in one word? Exuberante

Issue September 2014

REMEMBERING ROLL NO 121 Losing Vaibhav was tragic for all of us and we will never be able to forget the beautiful memories we shared with him. FIIB remembers Vaibhav as a FRIEND, STUDENT, SHINING STAR, GRAFFITI ARTIST and ofcourse as an ACHIEVER through this Memorabilia. It is difficult to accept that VAIBHAV is no more with us. We dedicate this issue to Vaibhav, and cherish and revive the memories we have spent with him. As a student Teachers remember Vaibhav as a willing student who was always eager to learn. He was fun loving, an inspiration to all students and teachers on campus; an FLP scholar and Cue Club CoHead who was had grand plans. He will be missed for as a bright and brilliant chap that he was. Prof. Vidya Iyer said she can never forget The smiling face She recalls “Once he was looking worn out in the class and I asked him," Do you want to go and take rest?" His reply was," No Ma'am, I am fine, just that I couldn't sleep enough because of work". I was mesmerized by his dedication. I pray your soul rests in peace. You will be missed, but we let you go to a wonderful place in the eternal world! God Bless!” With FLP Team at Shift Series Conference Prof Monica Mor said it was an honor being his mentor. Recollecting his memories during classroom sessions teaching, his music, tattoo, punkish hairstyle and ofcourse the Super Cars; she said teaching will never be same for her ever. “You were the vivid member of FLP. We badly miss your presence. Vaibhav wherever you are May you Rest in Peace! May God give strength to your near & dear ones so they can go on without you. Without you to bother them. Without you to laugh with them. Dear Vaibhav, see you in another life.” In the picture, Vaibhav is seen with his FLP team mates while attending the Shift Series Conference, August 2014 at India Habitat Center. For once he had come an hour early!!!. He loved Dhruv Vishwanathan's performance.

With friends Manya and Jivesh during Internship


Issue September 2014

With Ms Akshita (Cue Club Mentor) and Manya (Cue Club Co – Head) Mr. Neel Deshmukh- Academic Coordinator shares, “I am deeply saddened by the sudden loss of Vaibhav. I'm proud to have known such a kind, warm and brilliant person. My prayers and thoughts are with him and with those he left behind”

With his friends at various occasions

Ms. Akshita Agrawal- Cue Club Mentor said, Vaibhav was only student who met her Everyday!! “I remember how you would shout from the alley as you would run towards me with a laptop in your handjuggling your laptop and bag. You would come to me and share your grand plans for Cue, submit your half written speech which made no sense and then insist I treat you to some Pepsi. You would force me to listen about your graffiti and your tattoo even when I told you I was busy. You would not agree to rework your speech, even when I told you it needed a lot of work. You just never listened! You barged into my room everyday- irrespective of whether I wanted to see you or not. Vaibhav, you never listened to me; but if possible barge into my room once more; and I will listen to you”

FIIB’s Program Office has decided to not allot Roll Number 121 to any student starting Batch 2015 onward, to commemorate Vaibhav’s life. Roll number 121 will always be remembered at FIIB in the name of Vaibhav Chaudhary. As a Friend

As a friend, Vaibhav is remembered to be most loving and sophisticated gentlemen, an inspiration who always smiled and made others smile. ‘Mr. Popular’, attention grabber and someone who could turn boring classes to lively and energetic, Vaibhav is missed as a naughty but bright student, STAR of FIIB, who was crazy for sporty cars, watches and graffiti. “Vaibhav you have always be an inspiring soul. I have never seen you sad or upset rather you always had a smile on your face and always tried to make others happy with your funny jokes and comments. You will always be remembered by each and every student of the batch as you made the classes more lively and energetic. You will always remain an inspiration for many.” -Bharti Khurana

“All I can say is I am still not able to accept the bitter truth..!! You impacted our lives like no -one else did.. your craziness.. your madness.. your "nakhre"...will always be fresh in my mind & heart… you will be missed badly..!! May your soul rest in peace..!! Love you loads!”- Vaishali Dhawan “I will remember you as one the most naughty but bright batchmate.. WILL ALWAYS MISS U VAIBHAV” -Megha Sinha

Issue September 2014

“I confess that my friends and I use to feel jealous of your popularity in college. Today I am in shock that this has happened. We all prayed for you but God didn't accept our prayers, may be because He wants good people to be with Him. Hope to meet you in next life. May your soul rest in peace” – Sathi Paul With students from Sam Walton College

With his dear ones at a get together

"HEY BRO" whenever anyone called me like this, I knew it was you. I will always be your fan for your cool attitude and passion to design a SUPER CAR. I still remember sitting next to you while you sketched a car during a lecture. You said to me that your paintings are fabulous. Please give life to my car by your color. Bro I wish in future I do the same for you. Miss you always” – Vatsal Srivastava

“I remember we discussed about our common fondness for watches during BRC class and I remember him telling me how much he liked my watches and that he would steal my watches one day. We ended the conversation by planning to carry on with the conversation in the next BRC class on Friday”- Akash Sagolsem “Vaibhav, you were my first friend at FIIB. You made me strong enough to find a way even in unfavorable situations. He was crazy about cars, and made me crazy too. He loved graffiti and inclined me towards sketching. Yes! I now make cartoon sketches when I get time. . I admired the way he used to give presentations in class. I always wanted to present with him but never got a chance in the first year and when I finally got the chance to present with him in the group project of Business Intelligence Analytics (BIA) on 13th September 2014, he left me alone to stand and deliver. I want to thank you for everything you have given me. I want to thank god for giving me the chance to be a part of your life. The best thing that has happened to me at FIIB is I met him!!”– Manish Saraswat

Stealing a moment between classes with friend Manish


Issue September 2014

Vaibhav-The Superguy who loved Supercars “You were one of the most shining stars of FIIB.. You were a good friend n great group member.. will always miss u Vaibhav.. RIP Bro!! – Tarun Narang

With Classmates in Dubai for Study Abroad Program

An Achiever •

KEEP THE FLAME BURNING As a community, FIIB came together to undertake conscious efforts on spreading awareness on Road Safety. We organized Slogan Writing & Poster Making Competition for faculty, staff and students.

• • • •

Active member of Cue Member- always ready with grand plans for the club Awarded Honor Roll for all 3 terms Awarded RK Shrivastava Scholarship Energetic and dynamic member of FLP Active Participant in competitions and volunteer in conferences

All these achievements talk of his determination and zest to fulfill his dreams Select Slogans

Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead. – Manu Choudhary, 2nd year student Drivers can't be minors Drivers can't be drunk Drivers don't speed And lights they don't jump Roses are red, their leaves are green Friends never leave, their friends to bleed – Ms. Radhika Shrivastava, ED

Safety on road is Safe Tea at home - Prof. Anupam Bhaskar

अगर अपने सफर को बनाना चाहते हो सुरक्षित और सुहाना। बचें गे दर् घ ना से लेककन हमे ु ट सरु िा ननयम है अपनाना ॥ – Ms. Lavisha Chawla Corp. Comm Department

Do Accelerate your Dreams, Do Accelerate your Life, Don't Accelerate your Vehicle....Sumit Jha

While driving park your phone – Ms. Swati Sharma, Corp. Comm Department

Rear view & side view mirrors are for viewing, not for decoration!! – Prof. Monica Mor

Issue September 2014

Poster Entry

Ms. Akshita Agrawal, Anuja Bedi, Lavisha Chawla and Swati Sharma shared a poster they designed and contributed to FIIB’s initiative towards increasing awareness on Road Safety

SUSTAINABILITY: A Core Value at FIIB FIIB members also focus on contributing towards sustainability of the environment in any way they can Did you know?? This year, FIIB has recycled 341.3 Kgs of food waste in to fertilizer 1579.8 Kgs of paper has been recycled so far 892.7 Kgs of garden waste recycled into manure Members carpool whenever possible Apart from using Public transport, several members use cycles


Issue September 2014

CROSSWORD DE-PUZZLED Across 3.HEATH—Open land with low growing grasses and plants 8.MOTLEY—Diverse and poorly organized group 9.VULPINE—Dog that looks like fox 10.PEDAGOGUE—Teacher 12.TURF—Top layer of ground 13.ANOINT—Chosen by divine intervention 14.EFFUSION—Unrestrained explosion of expressions

Down 1.BELABOR—Criticize/ Beat soundly 2.QUADRUPED—Four feet animals 4.CONNOTE—Giving a hint 5.SANCTIMONIOUS—Hypocritically pious 6.ESCARPMENT—Long steep slope at the edge of a plateau 7.REBUKE—Reprimand 11.ALLUDE—Coy/ Indirect

Save the date October 27th Onwards

November 1

October 15

Jaagriti’s E-Waste Collection Drive

Annual Marketing Conclave

ADHM Registration Deadline

Letter to Editor I thoroughly enjoyed reading stories on Red Carpet on Campus, Interviews from FIIB Community and the Crossword Challenge. Fresher's party scenario was nostalgic and the Interview with Deepankar sir was nice. I also liked the idea of including a crossword puzzle. I hope we have such puzzles in further also. I would like to read Faculty/Staff Interviews, and Student Blogs in the upcoming issues. -Anuja Bedi Admissions Department

I really liked the story "CHAI PE CHARCHA" Session for two reasons- i found the name quite catchy and secondly i really like the efforts taken by our institute to help students to achieve their career goals, and I believe that alumni are the best mentor after faculty. I would also like to read more faculty and staff interviews in the upcoming editions. -Lavisha Chawla Corporate Communication Department

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