merry christmas VOLeUm-23 NO. 11
Recognize this guy? He escaped from Nadro, Fiji. Name the person and win your $50.
Obama HealtH Care UniOn Seminar at SaCramentO
email :
A patriotic Ali of Fiji ( See People’s Profile page-10)
Annie KoyA report on pAge-38
SPC must remain political Fiji Sun TV covering Obama Care in sacramento Fiji sun associate editor annie Koya shares Fiji sun copy with the communication specialist sean Wherley.
Fiji Attorney Sahukhan in NZ Sachin Tandukar’s farewell from cricket world
Word famous top Indian criceketer Sachin Tandurkar, regarded as the God of cricket, got a huge warefell at the end of his over 20 years .of career.
Hayward Honda sales rep del gives 2014 new Honda Crv Key to annie Koya
Bhangra Group
Honda of Hayward on Mission Blvd led By general Manager JaCK ZHang KiCKed off a MaJor tHanKs giving sales CaMapign. fiJi sUn assoCiate editor annie Koya was one of tHe first Clients to BUy Her dreaM Car and got one of tHe Best deals.
The Secretariat of the Pacific Community must stay the course in remaining the apolitical regional organization that is people-centered in its vision and mission and fair and equitable in the delivery of its service to its members. Those were the sentiments of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, RatuInokeKubuabola at the opening session of the 8th meeting of the conference of the Pacific community. Pacific Community, as the region’s leading technical and scientific organization, has over the years been instrumental in guiding the Pacific people towards the achievement of their development goals,” RatuInoke said. “It must stay the course in remaining the apolitical regional organisation that is people-centred in its vision and mission, and fair and equitable in the delivery of its service to its members.” Minister Kubuabola in highlighting the 2012 Independent External Review (IER) of SPC said that the commissioning of the IER by the Director General with the approval of the Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA) together with the resulting report and subsequent implementation of its recommendations had lifted the profile of SPC. “I am happy to report that our Secretariat has implemented 37 out of 42 recommendations, it is progressing implementation on a further 3 and have deferred implementation of 2 recommendations to 2014,” RatuInoke said. “They should be commended for embracing this whole heartedly.”