Lana Grossa FILATI No. 50 (Fall/Winter 2015/16)

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w w w. l a n a g r o s s a . c o m


Naturally relaxed!


Cosy Connection! 6 Space for Style 24 Lifestyle 38

Cool knits for cold days

Autumn Dreams! 42 City Street Style 52 Instructions 64

Color Play

from subtle to vibrant


PUBLISHER‘S INFO Publisher: Lana Grossa GmbH, Gaimersheim

Cosy Connection! 6

Photos: Nicolas Olonetzky c/o Bascha Kicki Fotografen, Art Director: Bärbel Miebach Models: Nour/Talents, Vanessa/Model Management, Nadeschda/Mega Models Hair and make-up: Charline Robichaud/Bigoudi Styling: Antonia Haacks/Phoenix Designs: Lana Grossa Studio Instructions/techn. layout: Edeltraut Söll Editor: Claudia Strack Graphics/layout/typeset/litho: MXM Digital Service GmbH, München Print: Druck Pruskil, Gaimersheim All designs are copyrighted. No material herein may be reproduced in any form by any means without the express written consent of the publisher. Marshes absorb greenhouse gases. Protecting the marshes means protecting the climate. With a small donation of just € 25.-, the Loki Schmidt foundation is able to buy 10 m2 of forest and wetlands in the Hamburger Wittmoor.


Knit and crochet timeless classics with exquisite yarns, luxurious fibers and innovative blends that inspire and delight us and YOU every season.

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