04 New_Quality Experience_Customer Feedback System

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3.2.1 Customer Feedback System Implementation & Usage Key achievements and strategy analysis

Project Description: We have system (s) in place to react to our customers’ feedback and fully measure our success as organization. Impact on team purpose: Because of this, entities have reacted for customer care, innovation, process optimization and showcasing impact. Furthermore, we have set Organizational Goals for 2015 around Quality which leads to long term achievement of AIESEC 2015.

NPS: Customer Gauge System Pilot Purpose: Run a pilot with a system vendor to evaluate system feasibility and implementation strategy. Progress:  A full pilot was run with 11 entities for experiences between January and July 2012 in GIP, GCDP and TLP.  Full reports of the pilots were sent to the participating entities – system usage and feasibility was evaluated.  Decision to go ahead with Customer Gauge’s NPS (Net Promoter Score) system was taken based on the experiences Key general insights:  AIESEC needs to learn how to deal with and reply to customer feedback including resource allocation  Deeper understanding of real value proposition for our customers  Key input for the development of our “EP Experience delivery model” project (refer to 3.2.2)  Key usage to showcase our programmes for marketing and PR perspectives  Insights into programme development and innovation Examples of programme insights: GCDP:  63% of our GCDP promoters marked “Cross-cultural understanding & awareness” and “Personal Development”  57% of our GCDP detractors were unsatisfied with “Support by home entity during the experience” and “Opportunity to create positive societal impact” Read more on pilot here See data analysis from NPS here:

Phase 1 implementation Purpose: Implement Customer Gauge NPS across another 33 entities (44 in total) spanning around 80% of Exchange operations to be ready for full global implementation from 2013-14 year onwards. This will give us final insights into system and management evolution required for AIESEC to fully measure and deal with customer feedback as a quality framework. Progress:  Decision made that Customer Gauge system delivers on AIESEC’s needs  Full framework implementation, including cost overview negotiations have bee concluded  Ready for phase 1 implementation in October 2012  Education and support to large part of network on implementation coming Expected further insights from phase 1:  Understand what structures best support NPS usage locally/nationally/globally  How to do goal setting around NPS?  How do we want NPS to shape our culture?  What areas we need to shape based on this (Incentives, Awards, LC/MC JDs)?

EPs before being interviewed about their experiences by the top leaders of AIESEC at IC 2012. COOKIES!

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