Engage with the “Why” of our organisation
The foundation of the AI plan is built based on the “why” - Our shared values. After the re-planning at the middle of the term, 3 key strategies have been evolved into a more concrete engagement plan.
1. Clarity Refreshment Internally, we are in the creation process of “The Very AIESEC Book” - a simple handy book that can be showcased to the entire membership as a medium to explain our organisational purpose. AIESEC International in consultation with the WEF’s Global Agenda Council on New Models of leadership as well as our communication partner Design Thinker has developed a simple storyline script to align the network in telling the fundamental story, purpose and relevance of AIESEC. As for the next step, in order to make “The Very AIESEC Book” a true representation of our DNA, we are inviting the entire network to collaborate on this global project to create their own version of the storybook by using images, illustrations or photographs to match the storyline therefore expressing their understanding of the common purpose while representing their culture and context. AIESEC International will collect the final outcome from 117 membership countries and territories and publish “The Very AIESEC Book” to fully engage the “why” across all level of the organisation. Externally, in line with the creation of “The Very AIESEC Book”, we are in the preparation of turning the Book - an internal communication tool into a Marketing and Engagement content for youth in general and other stakeholders to understand and engage with the “why” of AIESEC through various media including interactive web-pages, viral video etc. in keeping with our newly launched global brand re-design.
2. Role-model Connection We have realized the best way to integrate the “why” into every level of the organisation is to embed it into our operation particularly in planning and product development. And it needs to start from AIESEC International all the way down to national/local planning. 1) Evolution of the project: The entire “why” project has been re-constructed from a PAI-leading-initiative to a whole-team-driver in particularly involving the Operation Team and the Brand Team. Apart from role-modelling it we decided to set concrete deliverables as follow: ! ! !
To create tool and content of the “why-communication” both internally and externally for long-lasting impact; To integrate “why” planning into AI plan and National Planning Framework; To create an organisation culture of “why” by reaching out to every MCPs/LCPs in the network;
2) Sub-product “Why” integration in AI plan: To start integrating the “why” into operation we started with the subproduct strategies we globally run for the Global Internship Program to ensure each sub-segment and subcategory of the product all has clear “why” emphasized and its visible to the entire network 3) Planning tool for MCP including product development framework: Education is ready to roll out in the upcoming quarter.
3. Engagement at all level – Internal Communication Plan We have developed and carried out 2 Major Internal Communication Campaigns with the Internal Communication GST to ensure that our internal communication is able to fully engage all levels of the organisation with the purpose of the AIESEC, while facilitating progress towards organisational goal achievement.
Target Audience & Channel
“Believe Campaign” - To all MCPs through weekly MCP newsletter (Ongoing) - To all LCPs through Global LCP Podio workspace (Focus Group was run in 4 different regions, feedback taken and we are currently working on the improvement of the workspace design – 500 active users till the end of the term redefined.)
“Achieve Campaign” - To all members of the organisation through Global Newsletter and different Global Social Media Group featuring powerful stories of AIESECers (Ongoing)