Global 1213 Quarter4 2012 Report Final

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Table of Contents

Contents' 1.#




2.AIESEC#2015##Programmes#and#Measures#of#Success#Report# 2.1.#






3.1#Production#Capacity# 3.1.1.#






3.2#Quality#of#Experiences# 3.2.1.#






3.3#Branding#and#Marketing:#The#Amplifiers# 3.3.1.#






4.# 4.1.#

Financial#and#Legal#Report#2012L13:#Quarter#2#(Sep#–#Nov):#Executive#Summary#............................................#19# Finance#and#Legality:#Long#Term#Evolution#towards#2015#Key#strategy#breakdown#.......................................#20#





6.1.# #


1. Executive Summary

- Intro: The past quarter was an intensive period for the plan execution of the AIESEC International Team after we created, communicated, validated and further improved the st plan in the 1 quarter. Here are the highlights of the Plan Execution: - Shared Values (our “why”): An 8-step-organization-value-clarification document was jointly created by the AI team as an explanation of the connection between the AIESEC Way, AIESEC 2015 and the BHAG (presented in the previous quarter report). Throughout the past quarter, the document content was firstly incorporated by and aligned with the World Economic Forum’s Global Council Output on New Models of Leadership to ensure the theoretical advancement of our leadership development basis, and then it was further improved with the Global Steering Team’s feedback. The conversation around the “Why” has been physically communicated in all regions of the network by the AI team’s presence in 23 strategic meetings and regional/sub-regional conferences and 32 entity coaching visits. It has also been carried out by 2 major internal communication campaigns to all levels of the organization in order to fully engage the purpose of the organization while facilitating the progress towards the organizational goal achievement. The reaction and validation from the network has proved to be very positive and encouraging. - Production Capacity: GIP Sub-Product Development Strategy

Talent Capacity Alignment: Sales Development Program to enable more & better sellers

Global ER principle revision for win-win global GIP sales

Organiztional Models for Growth through expansions and specialized units

IT System Improveme nt and inventon

Process optimization to offer faster and much more experiences

We have executed various key strategies for the Global Internship Program. We have fully implemented a global subproduct based GIP strategy to enable more effective supply and demand alignment with 2 particular focuses on IT and Teaching, and our Global GIP Matching Rate therefore increased from 45% in Q4 2011 to 55% in Q4 2012. With the launch of the Global Talent Capacity Strategic Meeting output, we have identified the clarity and full alignment between our exchange product strategies and our talent strategy (a.k.a TMP/TLP experience we offer). Our quarter GIP TN raise goal was not achieved due to the lack of quality in the sales activities, therefore, the global Sales Development Program was created to attract and develop sellers (members) and drive a strong sales culture across all levels of the organization. We have revised and tested new Global ER Principles to better capitalize on the MNC market for GIP growth and to align and validate products and pricing for global partners across markets for better delivery and faster growth through internal sales. On the market side, we have been working with piloting entities to speed up our market expansion through a flexible specialized (business) units framework hypothesis. The global information system’s ( analysis modules have been further developed with 6 new menus and we are in the testing phase of an in-house development project for a new Exchange Management module (which includes an API) to maximize our delivery efficiency. We have started a global innovation project of process optimization aiming to reach: 100% realisation rate, 15 days GCDP matching, 30 days GIP matching, and 30 days as an average realisation time. Since October we have finalized our research and planning phase and started the testing phase with internal and external stakeholders. - Quality Experience: EP preparation to enhence the quality of the GCDP product

Talent Capacity Alignment: Project/JD based recruitment

Deliver better experiences through integrated Experiences#

Customer feedback system to measure our success and create organizational behaviors

Customer-Centered Organization

We have identified the importance of having more promoters who lived a qualitative AIESEC experience in order to grow the impact of our programmes, especially in the delivery of the Global Community Development Program. An EP preparation framework has been created to ensure that, throughout the customer’s journey, AIESEC is improving and executing the key processes that define the satisfaction of the participants based on the customer feedback data and the inputs that have been collected from the testing entities.

We have also made changes in our Talent Strategy to align the needs of an EP preparation enhancement: a project/JDbased recruitment has been implemented with a Team Leader to facilitate the project’s delivery. We have started the implementation phase of our global NPS system in which 40% of the network is participating. While generating practical insights of our operations, strategically, we are in the final stage of our research in order to set a Global Measure of Success for the quality of the experience we provide and therefore ensure that AIESEC is becoming a more Customer-Centered Organization. - Strategy Amplifiers: Branding & Marketing: Brand Evolution for better positioning

Connecting Market Brand Strategy with the "why" and the product strategy with a planning and management framework

Massive Online Presense and Enagegement

Organizational Reputation Building

We are currently at the final stage of the brand redesign process together with DesignThinkers Group and regional focus groups to fully align our external image with how we present ourselves online, in print, and in person through our brand. The refreshed visual elements are ready to be launched with its usage. Meanwhile, during the past quarter we piloted, researched and concluded a clear brand planning and management framework to practically align the network’s brand strategies with the “why” and our product strategies. At the same time, a “Drive-Move-Convert” online engagement strategy has been fully implemented on the global level with 3 key projects:, YouthSpeak, and Social Media Marketing Campaign. We tested this through a globally-run online campaign, “International Tech Talent Program”, which attracted 3,200 technical students to join our Global Internship Program for JDs related to IT and Engineering as one of the perfect examples that converts attraction from online audience. We currently have 320,000 fans on our global Facebook channel, which were largely generated through many brandaligned alliances that we have built with the UN, World Economic Forum, Red Cross, and European Employment Forum. - Common challenges of the plan execution: 1. Effectiveness of the strategy: Strategy’s effect is usually shown after a 3-6 month period. Is there a need for prioritization? 2. Assessment of our strategy’s impact on the network: How can AI better support the execution of these strategies for countries that have adopted them? - Growing Sustainably towards our mid-term ambition: In addition to the key long-term strategies that were mentioned above, we have worked on 9 innovation projects (across product development, market development, etc.), to enable AIESEC to continuously grow our production capacity while enabling better quality experiences in the upcoming years. In the meantime, all the tactical approaches we are using to address the current needs of the organization are created in a long-term sustainable framework, the best example being the refreshed program-based country development model aiming at fundamentally supporting entities through the understanding of the product-based development process as well as the capitalization and creation of sub-regional based growth examples. - Finance and Business Development Overview The overall expense lines are generally on budget and we haven’t had any unexpected costs in the quarter, although, some travel budgets have been used heavily, which will be re-allocated in Q1 2013 in order to reflect strategic priorities and to stay on budget. The Business Development Team of AIESEC International exceptionally attended 52 physical sales meetings and over 34 virtual meetings that ensured 85% of the current year’s budget achievement. We project a significant conversion of those prospects into partners in the next quarters. We have also signed a new Global Partnership with International SOS, who will be raising internship opportunities and participating in our conference cycle. However our projected revenue for the 2013-14 budget is significantly down due to major reductions in contracts and drop in partnerships.

Florent Mei Yi President of AIESEC International 2012/2013


Engage with the “Why” of our organization

The foundation of the AI plan is built based on the “why” - Our shared values.! Throughout the year, 3 key strategies have been created and executed to engage the network with our shared values as presented. (P1)

1. Clarity Refreshment An 8-step-organization-value-clarification document was jointly created by the AIESEC International Team as an explanation of the connection between the AIESEC Way, AIESEC 2015, and the BHAG (presented in the previous quarter report) to ensure the purpose of AIESEC is firmly reinforced: Our impact as an International Platform is to enable young people to explore and develop their leadership potential for them to have a positive impact on society through our leadership development experiences. Throughout the past quarter, the document content evolved to incorporate and align with the World Economic Forum’s Global Council Output on New Models of Leadership, a summit in which Florent Meiyi (PAI) participated. This was done in order to include new leadership theory that validates our existing model. After which, further feedback was given by the Global Steering Team, consisting of 12 MCPs from 6 different regions.

2. Role-model Connection We have long recognized the power of the role-modelling effect across various types of organizations, therefore the “8step-organization-value-clarification” document was made compulsory to be addressed before any performance and delivery of other organization strategies. The content has been physically delivered to all regions of the network by the AI team, in person, through 23 strategic meetings (hosted by AI) & regional/sub-regional conferences (participated in or led by AI), through 32 entity coaching visits and through virtual channels to all the MCPs. (Estimated direct reach of over 2,500 national/local executive leaders of AIESEC). The reaction and validation from the network has proved to be very positive and encouraging, based on the 200 sample feedback surveys we have collected.

3. Engagement at all level – Internal Communication Plan We have developed and carried out 2 Major Internal Communication Campaigns with the Internal Communication GST to ensure that our internal communication is able to fully engage all levels of the organization with the purpose of the AIESEC, while facilitating progress towards organizational goal achievement.

Target Audience & Channel


“Believe Campaign” - To all MCPs through weekly MCP newsletter - To all LCPs through Global LCP Podio workspace - Showcase stories of our experiences to engage with the “why”. - Global MoS updates - Showcase stories of entities achieving MoS growth with strong focus on our roots of success. - Reflection of the “why” and the interconnection between MoS, 2015, and the AIESEC Way

“Achieve Campaign” -To all members of the organization through the Global Newsletter and different Global Social Media Group - Story of our experiences to engage with the “why”. - Reflection of the “why” and the interconnection between MoS, 2015, and the AIESEC Way


Global Internship Programme MoS report, key highlights and main strategies



GIP'Q4'Realizations' 1127!














Achievement!2011! Goal!2012!! Achievement!Achievement! 2012! 2011!

Achievement!2012! Achievement!2011! Goal!2012!! Achievement!Achievement! 2012! 2011!



GIP'Q4''TN'Raises' 6000!

3300! 2475!



2000! 0!


4000! Goal!2012!!



Achievement!2011! Goal!2012!! Achievement!Achievement! 2012! 2011!



Goal!2012!! Achievement!2012!









Achievement!2011! Goal!2012!! Achievement! Achievement! 2012! 2011!


Global Matching Rate increased from 45% in Q4 2011 to 55% Q4 2012; 28% Matching growth

75% TN Raising goal achievement; 7% growth in TN raise; 20% Growth in EP recruitment

We had around 30% growth in matching this quarter. The continuous and significant growth in GIP matching and improvement in matching rate proves that we have become more experienced in managing this program globally. Top GCPs are: 1) Culture and supporting structure for delivery; 2) Sub-product based recruitment and delivery; 3) Improved knowledge of supply and demand; 4) Strict raising control and expectation management; 5) Micromanagement of delivery progress Top 10 entities in absolute growth in TN matching are India(75), Brazil(46), Japan(34), MoC(29), Poland(23), Russia(23), Hungary(12), Romania(12), Czech Republic(11), Spain(10)

We didn’t achieve the sales peak we aimed for in Oct-Dec. The main reason is the insufficient quality of sales activities due to -Lack of strategies and activities to drive short-term results -Lack of sufficient and qualified HR for sales -Lack of operation management in peak due to distraction of conference/visit or other activities -Lack of sales campaign management (timing, HR, incentive, tracking, etc) Meanwhile, we are successfully attracting students for the GIP program. However, we are not sure if we are recruiting the right EPs for GIP. Generally, the success of GIP is relying on a massive TN sales activity aligned with the proper EP supply we have. Top 10 entities for absolute growth in TN raises are India (109), Brazil(64), Russia(47), Peru(21), Romania(21), Ireland(20), Norway(13), Belgium(12), Dominic Republic(11), Lebanon, Tanzania, The Philippines(10).

Top 10 entities in absolute growth in EP matching are Mexico(26), Tunisia(22), Poland(18), Russia(18), US(17), Germany(13), Argentina(13), Colombia(12), Egypt(12), Czech Republic, Indonesia, Serbia(11)

Top 10 entities for absolute growth in EP raises are Germany (119), Mexico(78), Tunisia(68), Colombia(63), Morocco(50), US(44),Turkey(38), Egypt(33), Slovakia, Spain(27)

Main strategies in Q4 2012 from the Global Office Global Sales Development Program

Deliver based on Sub Product

In Q4, we continued to support sub-product delivery through AFT evolution, top profile, and sub-product match mania.

Teaching Sub Product Development Framework

IT Sub Product Growth Strategy

ER Principle Revision Testing

Interaction with Network

GIP Radio Click here - 500 Listeners per show/3 shows so far GIP Newsletter to subscribe Click here GIP Wiki Click here GIP IT Wiki Click here


Global Community Development Programme MoS report, key highlights and main strategies

GCDP Q4 Reazliations 3579!




GCDP Q4 Matches 2305!






90% Achievement | 44% growth

GCDP Q4 TN Raises

GCDP Q4 EP Raises





Achieved!2012! Achieved!2011!


101% Achievement | 34% growth

Gaps in supply for quarter 4 and delayed timelines on projects affected the goal achievement. The match to realisation rate for this quarter decreased, compared to Q4 2011, which affected the goal achievement for Quarter 4 in 2012.



Achieved!2012! Achieved!2011!

77% Achievement | 21% growth

75% GCDP programme achievement 44% GCDP Matching growth


75% Achievement | 17% growth



101% TN raising achievement 77% EP raising achievement •

The growth of GCDP EP raising (45%) has decreased compared to last year, while the rate of GCDP TN Raising is constant. The growth of 21% of GCDP EP is still not sufficient compared to the growth and achievement of GCDP TN. This imbalance of supply may affect the matching process of TNs. This indicates that EP growth strategy needs to be explored by having better segmentation for Dec – Jan realisations.

Main strategies from the Global Office


Team Member and Team Leader Programmes MoS report, key highlights and main strategies

7195! 18017!






122% Achievement | (no comparison data 2011)

148% Achievement | (no comparison data 2011)

Accurate TMP and TLP measurement • • • •

Simple and clear counting of experiences and the number of ELD & Engagement participants. Removal of complexity around role assignment, experiences matched and realized. System counting improved such that, an experience is counted as RE based on its start date. Result: Accurate measurement of TMP and TLP experiences in Q4 2012 [145% TMP and 87% TLP relative growth in experiences measured].



TMP RE 7339!





Talent Capacity growth in TMP - TLP 122% - 148% achievement •









Team Based Recruitment: Another recruitment peak for both TMP-TLP Participants & EPs in October and November for about 45 entities in the network. Globally, we educated and coached countries on team-based recruitment (Project & JD based), which also contributed to improving the operations in the network. Flexible Structure & Reintegration: Supporting entities to create flexible structures in order to provide more Team experiences for EPs before the winter realisation.

8986! Q4!2011!





TLP RE 7197!


TMP – TLP for Exchange Performance •

Clarity: Understanding the ‘Why’ we do what we do as an organisation, also brought learning to the network in how to better manage TMP-TLP for exchange growth. This clarity strategically links with the “Backwards Planning in Talent Management, in order to ensure that there is an aligned timeline for TM processes based on each entity exchange program focus and processes. TMP – TLP Management contributed to Q4 exchange performance specifically in 5 entities: Italy, India, Qatar, Czech Republic, Portugal and is currently being assessed by SOGA. AI TM Strategic Meeting Output: Ensuring that talent capacity drives growth of GIP & GCDP. The output has been viewed by over 4,000 people in 100 countries. This output supported Trainings, Conferences, Summits, Country visits, virtual education and consultancy across all regions:

2.3 Team Member and Team Leader Programmes MoS report, key highlights and main strategies

Talent Management Processes Talent Planning

• •

Talent Marketing


System Administration

Talent Dev. & Delivery

Assess ment

Up sales


The alignment between Team Programmes, Talent Management and Talent Capacity has been clarified, and has been communicated to the network in a very simple and understandable way. This alignment mentioned above, also takes the TMP-TLP principles into consideration.

1. TM Process Review: Adding system administration as a key TM process, implemented consciously on the local level, as part of induction, ensured that 80% of all members recruited in Q4 was properly recorded. 2. However, continuously doing this not just systematically, but as a key organisational behavior is required, for Q1/Q2 (2013) and a long-term management of TMP-TLP.


Global Internship Programme growth Key achievements and strategy analysis


Information Technology: Sub Product Growth Project Description: Grow the Global Internship Programme by addressing sub-products (IT and Teaching), evolving the way we sell AIESEC to multinationals and develop sellers and a sales culture in AIESEC. Impact on team purpose: Achieve GIP MoS for 2012-13 and develop the programme for sustainable growth towards AIESEC 2015. IT EP selection process evolution: Purpose: Increase the level of the current selection process of applicants with IT background, by using specific IT tests. Progress: MoU with partner (e-learning company) has been agreed, sign up expected. Currently 9 AIESEC entities are participating in the pilot by having access in the tests; results are expected by end of January.

Youth Alliances for IT Described in Innovation Team’s reporting (see for details)

EP/TN form tech evolution: Purpose: Update the tech skills in EP/TN form in order to improve S&D and offer more options to our partners. Progress: Global survey was sent to entities for input gathering, externals have been consulted. Finally 35 new tech skills have been added and 2 new areas have been created (check here). All changes are already in the system.

International Tech Talent program: Purpose: Attract 5,000 Technical students through the global Online Registration System Progress: Campaign was executed! Posters and videos from Interns and partners were shared on Facebook and Twitter. More than 1,500 likes, 200 share and 150 comments! Finally 3,100 people with IT/Engineering background were registered in ORS.

LC Stars Network: Purpose: Identify, grow and connect top 80 LCs across 5 regions for technical EP delivery for GIP growth Progress: 65% of LCs have already received coaching/support, 4 webinars have been delivered. Project is on time but the results are not sufficient yet.

Result and achievement: IT sub product grows 23% in matching, 9% in realization, 18% in EP raise and drops 2% in TN raise.

Global ER Principle Revision Purpose: Revise Global ER principles to enable AIESEC to grow GIP massively in the multinational sector. Progress: Please refer to the Business Development Report for further details.

Sales Development Programme Purpose: Develop sellers for GIP, by driving a sales culture across the organization and creating enthusiasm and credibility for GIP product sales for GIP growth. Progress: • Ongoing work with 11 entities for sales progress and GCPs for the network • Further develop global sales development program into 3 sub programs: SDP Newsletter, Global Top Sales and Global Top 100 Partnership • 3 SDP newsletters were issued, reaching more than 10,000 members for sales knowledge and experiences sharing# • Global Top 100 Partnership list is finalized and testimonials are being collected across the network# • Survey has been launched to collect nominations for global top sales; global recognition is to be launched in early February#


Key Resources to be shared: -The key model for developing organization sales capacity: Click here -All the resources are shared on SDP wiki: Click here

Teaching Sub Product Growth

Purpose: Define a teaching sub product to permit quality and simple GIP EP and TN raising for Supply & Demand alignment. Progress in Q4: GIP summit was hosted in Poland during Nov 30-Dec 1, to clarify the product definition and develop growth strategies. As a result, • • •

Teaching GIP is clearly defined with clear definition, indicators and sample JDs Recommendations for teaching sub product growth strategy were proposed Main partnerships of teaching sub product are established for growth in next two quarters For output for teaching sub product growth: Click here

Key Result: -Match Rate of Teaching Sub Product has grown from 41% in Q4 2011 to 65% in Q4 2012. –Teaching sub product grows 26% in Raise, 80% in Match, and 30% in Realization in Q4 2012 compared with last year.#




Process Optimization

Key achievements and strategy analysis

# Project Description: To improve and invent systems and tools in order to maximize the delivery of AIESEC experiences. Impact on team purpose: Strengthening the network belief in our MoS through the ability to deliver AIESEC experiences in a faster and more intelligent way.


Exchange Process Optimization Purpose: In order to deliver 1 Million experiences by 2015, we have to become ten times faster in exchange process optimization. This project aims to reach 100% realization rate, 15 days GCDP matching, 30 days GIP matching and 30 days as an average realization time. Progress: Since October we finalized our research phase by collecting all kinds of customer data; created a testing and implementation plan; started the testing phase; created a design brief for an IT platform; validated our progress with internal and external stakeholders, and started collecting quotes from IT companies.

Building Systems and Tools to maximize delivery of experiences Project: Development of the Online Registration System (ORS) Purpose: By developing a long-term ORS, AIESEC will be able to track conversion to customer ratio. Progress: 1. We have enhanced the functionalities of the Online Registration System (ORS) for Students. 2. We have built the Online Registration System (ORS) for Alumni to show interest in raising TN without AIESEC contacting them.

Project: Development of Web Application Purpose: By optimizing processes through new systems and tools, the network will maximize its efficiency being able to deliver 12/13 MoS and also move faster towards 2015 goals achievement. Progress: After 8-weeks CEEDerships, we developed significant parts of the database interface and implemented most of the desired business logic in the Exchange Management module of the Process Optimization Platform (which includes an API). However, after piloting CEEDership-based development of such a large project, we realized that there may be much more efficient development models. Before further development we decided to take a step back and take a look at different models, like in-house open sourced and outsourcing hybrids. For more regular updates on this topic, please refer to the document "Global Information System development models from scratch", or contact the Global Information Management Manager (Thomas,


Improve systems and tools to maximize delivery of experiences Project: Improving current

Project: New Analysis Menu in

Purpose: Improving constantly the current GlS in order to maximize the ‘Performance & Functionality’ of the System.

Purpose: By having real-time Business Intelligence, the network will have clarity about its local/national and global markets and products in order to make business’ decisions faster.

Progress during Quarter 4 2012: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Browse Internships Filters act like AND and not OR Analysis Organizational Goal - Front Page Members Count on Entity Page (ENG & ELD) Removing Creation/Role Assignment with duration lesser than 56 days TMP/TLP Counting - Raising (Adding Role Assignment) Ranking Report - Showing Active/Closed LCs Finding Inactive users in the system Delete Incomplete EP/TN Forms Remove Accepted Status.

Progress: !


We have deployed 03 new Analysis Menu in o Entity Report o Supply and Demand Management enhanced filters o Number of Participants & Partners We will deploy 03 new Analysis Menu in during Quarter 1 of 2013: o New vs. Returning o Conversion o Efficiency


Organizational Models for Operations Growth Key achievements and strategy analysis

# Project Description: Grow AIESEC operations by creating Specialized Units, finding models of rapid MC expansion, and identifying growth patterns that can be replicated by entities across regions. Impact on team purpose: Increase capacity for MoS achievement across the network and support entities to find models for sustainable growth towards AIESEC 2015.


Specialized Units

Purpose: The aim is to test the concept of specialized units in different scenarios and to be able to decide which scenarios do we want to drive in the network to be able to grow more. We believe that SUs will help us grow more effectively. Progress: Slovenia: A weak LC was turned into an SU. EBs selected & members recruited for SUs for OGIP & another for IGCDP. Growth from 0 members in 2011 to 10 members & from 0 applicants for OGIP to 40. Honduras: A new expansion country started as an SU by AIESEC in Nicaragua. A CEED has been sent there to support the expansion team (non-AIESECers) to start an OGCDP SU. Indonesia: SUs starting in big & small cities & led by LCs. 13 SU EBs were selected across the entity. 4 are active for winter peak and have 17 RA so far. The rest are preparing for the summer peak. Egypt: Planning for 12 SUs to become LCs later. 3 are already functioning & have a result of 6 OGCDP & 8 IGCDP in the winter peak. 3 SUs out of the 12 are focused on IGIP & the rest on GCDP. They also have SUs that aren’t meant to be LCs in the future and they exist in the capital and focusing on OGCDP. More information is available here.

MC Expansion Purpose: Expand AIESEC into new countries and territories for MoS growth; increase the reach of AIESEC’s programmes Progress: 1. AI finalized the new expansions process to be legislated in IPM and a global priority list of territories/countries to expand to, has been finalized & legislated in November virtual legislation. 2. Since October 1, applications to become Expansion Initiative have been submitted from Laos, Sierra Leone & Burundi (re-applied). Also, Namibia, Laos & Burundi were accepted to become EIs. Namibia became a contracted unit with Germany as their current financial partner entity. 3. Expansions summit happened virtually with the GST to finalize all templates, documents & contracts needed to continue with the new expansion process. 4. A document has been created to explain the new expansion process for AIESECers and non-AIESECers so they know what they need to do in order to expand together. On-going coaching from AI & GST to current expansions regarding the process and strategies of expanding. More information is available here. Next steps include: • Releasing the Expansion campaign to the network to attract more Entity partners • On-going support and coaching to Expansions and key investments into making expansions happen

Entity/Country Development Framework Purpose: Identify growth patterns that will enable entities to grow in different markets Progress: 1. Growth paths of AIESEC India and AIESEC in Mainland of China have been documented. 2. Identified growth paths will be used as GCPs, not as an operational GCP but rather as a strategic one. 3. The next step is to document more paths and use them so other entities can grow faster and stronger using other’ experience. 4. Consultancy week delivered to support entities not visited yet with coaching and provide operational training to the entire network. Find the output here. 5. Delivered: Programme based strategic meetings (TMP/TLP at AI office, GCDP in Turkey and GIP in Poland and Finland), Country Visits, Sub-Regional Summits. 6. The next step is to create a Consultancy programme that enables entities’ growth. This programme includes (but not limited to) physical consultancy, virtual spaces, Regional & Sub-regional collaboration, Conferences and Meetings.


Customer Feedback System Implementation & Usage Key achievements and strategy analysis

# Project Description: We have system(s) in place to react to our customers’ feedback and fully measure our success as organization. Impact on team purpose: Because of this, entities have reacted for customer care, innovation, process optimization and showcasing impact. Furthermore, we have set Organizational Goals for 2015 around Quality, which leads to long term achievement of AIESEC 2015.


NPS: Customer Gauge System Implementation Purpose: Implement Customer Gauge NPS across another 33 entities (44 in total) spanning around 80% of Exchange operations to be ready for full global implementation from 2013-14 year onwards. This will give us final insights into system and management evolution required for AIESEC to fully measure and deal with customer feedback as a quality framework. Progress: • The first implementation phase started with a total of 43 entities involved. • All people who had ELD experiences between July 2012 and January 2013 has been and will be surveyed • Based on the initial pilot, changes were made in surveys for all programmes • A Global Support Team is in place to support the entities and document cases of NPS data usage for assistance to our customers (fire- fighting), marketing and processes improvement Next • Present our findings, conclusions, and scenarios of full IT-system implementation to the Global Plenary to make a decision upon it • Present findings and conclusions for strategic implementation and educate the network of MCPs around it • Integrate NPS into the Global Planning process • Based on the two points mentioned above, we will define the steps until the end of AI 12-13 term Key general insights: • Even though some system set-up delays affected, AIESEC still needs to learn how to deal with and reply to customer feedback including resource allocation • Initially, NPS was explored to solve the gap in Quality as MoS, but our experience shows that it goes beyond that, challenging AIESEC to become a customer-centered organisation • Key challenge we foresee is the disconnect between growth and customer experience that leads into NPS being a “nice to have” • Beyond system and technical education, strong cultural shaping is needed


Integrated Experiences Key achievements and strategy analysis

# Project Description: Deliver more integrated experiences to enhance the quality and impact of the AIESEC Experiences we deliver. Impact on team purpose: Achieve MoS for 12/13 and towards AIESEC 2015 and reinforce the belief in the “Why” and our impact model.


Defining and measuring Integrated Experiences Purpose: Defining what an integrated experience looks like in the new AIESEC Experience and start measuring it Progress: • After the definition of Q3, the progress in Q4 is in terms of measuring integrated experiences: a new “conversion menu” is currently added in the “Analysis Menu” on The menu is currently in the testing phase and will be launched in Q1 to the whole network. We believe that this menu plays a huge role for integrated experiences, as everyone will be able to see the results and thus plan accordingly (feedback given also by Steering Team). •

Based on this we are extracting data from to track the number of integrated experiences lived and in what order. Please find bellow the for results of the year 2012:

Growth in GCDP from our current talent capacity Purpose: More and better GCDP experiences and more integrated experiences. Progress: • Resources generated for product development of GCDP opportunities for TMP and TLP • Collection of GCDP from main Entities as Brazil and India.

Growth in Talent Capacity reintegrating GCDP participants Purpose: Growth in Talent Capacity and more integrated experiences " Reintegrate 20% of the members who went on GCDP during Q3 " Run a pilot with specific entities to develop a framework for reintegration. Progress: • Proper implementation in 7 Entities: Egypt, Brazil, India, Kenya, Colombia, Russia and MoC • Resources generated: re-integration checklist, Guide on how to improve GCDP quality & Talent Pipeline through Re-integration • Good Case Practices from India, Brazil and Egypt on how to do re-integration

Improving EP delivery in GCDP Purpose: Better quality of GCDP experiences Progress: Framework development of the role of an EP with previous TMP/TLP experience (for more info see strategy “enhancing learning experience” in the EP delivery report or GCDP summit output)

Improved GIP experiences after team experiences Purpose: Better quality of GIP experiences Progress: not a focus in this quarter. Next steps: ! Connection between NPS and Integrated Experiences ! Re-integration report of the pilot Entities ! Direct support to specific Entities ! Resource center updates with more GCPs from the network. ! Education of IXP on usage of the new menu.


EP Experience Preparation Key achievements and strategy analysis


Project Description: We develop models of better EP Experience preparation for better experience delivery. Impact on team purpose: By focusing on the EP experiences we are able to create more promoters of AIESEC to # grow our Exchange programmes and achieve MoS both in 12/13 and towards long-term AIESEC 2015 sustainable growth. We deliver our value proposition and reconnect our experiences with the “Why� of AIESEC and how our # exchange programmes help young people to explore and develop their leadership potential.


Creating more promoters through better GCDP Experience Delivery

Purpose: Clear framework for entities to create more promoters for GCDP in delivering better GCDP experience. Progress overall: The framework is established and addressing the concerns of GCDP customers through out their experience. See below for the complete framework.

Source information: Global GCDP Strategic Meeting 1. Creating Promoters through issue development Purpose: Better standardization on Job Description, Impact Creation and Communication in GCDP Project implementation. Progress in the network (strategy example): We are driving entities to standardize JD and measure of success of their national project to ensure quality of the experience delivery. For example, AIESEC in Brazil having 13 of their national project being standardized in their JD and timeline for every week of the program. 2. Creating Promoters through better project management based on customer experience Purpose: Having a standardized project management framework for the network and management of EP Experience in the process. Progress in the network (strategy example): We are currently delivering education to entities to include in their project plan EP experience delivery from project preparation, cultural preparation, logistical preparation, and experience evaluation for better delivery. This education is provided to the network and especially for entities that are part of the implementation strategy. 3. Creating Promoters through enhancement of EP learning/leadership experience Purpose: Creating a better environment for our exchange participants where they can learn and explore the possibilities in their internship. Progress in the network (strategy example): There are 4 main activities being implemented in several entities. These include: Trainee Conference, LEAD for EP, Micro Experience, and EP Team Leader. For example EP Team Leader and LEAD for EP is starting to be implemented in AIESEC in Brazil and AIESEC in Colombia partnership. Trainee Conference is implemented in AIESEC in Egypt. 4. Creating Promoters through better customer feedback and resolving system Purpose: Creating the behavior in real-time customer feedback through a better communication. Progress in the network (strategy example): Several entities in the network are currently creating structures and final responsibles for quality in their local and national operation. Mostly, this is found inbig operational entities. We highly recommend every entity to have their Local Exchange responsible to be at least holding the responsibility in quality of experiences. Strategy Implementation Plan: - GST is currently tracking on entities that are in the implementation strategy plan. The implementation is based on the NPS feedback and the delivery plan based on the creating promoters strategies.


Brand Evolution for better Market positioning Key achievements and strategy analysis

# Project Description: Aligning external image with how we present ourselves online, in print and in person through our brand. Align these with the brand attributes defined in May 2012 by the Global Strategy Meeting. Impact on team purpose: Supports the attraction of more people to AIESEC to become customers and promoters of our ELD programmes. This supports all our programmes both in achieving MoS 12/13 as well as for long term sustainable growth towards AIESEC 2015. Detailed explanation of the AMPLIFIERS Strategic Initiatives can be found at:


Brand Experience Summit

# Purpose: Produce STRATEGY section of the AIESEC Brand Refresh Project. Define global strategy around brand planning, brand management and creating communications strategies that are brand-aligned. th th Progress overall: The summit took place November 12 – 16 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. We had representatives from Brazil, Hungary/Colombia, Canada, Germany, India, Greece, Poland and Austria/Southern Cone. The summit focused on creating output with using brand to support with 3 areas of AIESEC: • Planning & decision making: here • Online communications activities: here • Operations (physical) activities: here Check out the overall output (including the why section & explanation) here

Creating Brand Visual Elements Purpose: Have easy to use and simple brand visual elements to be used online, in print and in person for AIESEC globally such as: • New visual elements (colours, images, fonts, usage of logo, etc.) • Brand guidelines & support for brand-aligned communications strategy • Website refresh • Examples of marketing and promotional material Progress overall: • Focus Group testing of visual elements proposal completed in 8 entities and with the 12 Brand Experience Summit participants from 10 different entities. • Output compiled, currently finalising the guideline documents with Design Thinkers (the organization we are partnering with to complete the brand refresh) • Materials and the official guidebook will be released in January 2013 • Check out the Brand Refresh wiki for more information here

Youth Speak 2015: Youth Opinion and Brand Audit Purpose: Reach more than 50,000 people to gather youth opinions and their perceptions on the AIESEC brand. We have partnered with Microsoft also to specifically gather some information about youth perspective on technology. th

Progress: YouthSpeak 2015 was launched on December 17 , 2012! You can find the survey here. We need your help to promote this survey and make it the largest survey of its kind in the world. Each region has a target of respondents to reach, for more information about the survey, including regional response targets and overall goal breakdown check out the wiki here. Promote online, through mailing lists and on social media!


Massive online presence and engagement Key achievements and strategy analysis


Project Description: Increasing our virtual reach will enable us to open the doors of the AIESEC Experience to more and more people by creating promoters and customers of AIESEC. Impact on team purpose: The project impacts the purpose in a three-way process: 1. Drive: Building more traffic and reach for our online channels 2. Move: Traffic Optimisation 3. Convert: Convert traffic into customers of ELD programmes Detailed explanation of the AMPLIFIERS Strategic Initiatives can be found at:

Key Online Projects Purpose: Allow non-AIESECERs to understand the why-how-what of AIESEC and become a customer/ promoter. Progress overall: • Cultureshock: Launched last Dec. 14, 2012. CultureShock is a platform for AIESEC and externals to share there snapshots of their experiences exploring other countries. The website is active and entities are highly encouraged to contribute and share their stories. Visit the website here. For more information, Visit R&I Projects Section. • Youth Speak 2015: Launched Dec.17,2012. Survey will run until Feb. 15, 2013. Each region has a specific target number of respondents. Visit the survey here. For more information, refer to Brand Evolution Section. • Social Media Marketing Campaigns: There have been more specific Programme promotions on our global social media, as well as investments in Sponsored Posts on Facebook ex. International Tech Talent Programme which generated 3000+ global online registrations for Technical and Engineering backgrounds. •

Drive: Daily Content Evolution

Purpose: Content evolution of our online channels to create more customers and promoters for our ELD programmes. Progress: Increase of posts and campaigns that showcase: (1) our ELD programme experiences, (2) the external initiatives and events we take part in, (3) insights and values that we obtain through AIESEC and (4) re-shared thoughts and ideas that reinforce the reputation we want to build.

Total Facebook Likes as of December 31, 2012= 320,250 Twitter Followers grew by 3,238 from Oct.1-Dec.31, 2012 Total Twitter Followers as of September 30,2012 = 31,378

Move: Traffic Optimisation Purpose: Drive traffic to Global or national channels of customer conversion such as the Global Online Registration System Progress: Driving traffic from Social Media channels to and from our different online platforms,, and Youth Speak 2015. ON each page, we ensure that there is a “call to action” feature to activate users. Education: Global Online Traffic also involves activities generated by Entities. Thus, an output of the Brand Experience Summit in October, 2012 was a guide on how to manage and optimise an online brand:

Convert: Online registration system Purpose: Build a simple and effective online tool allowing those wanting young people, alumni and companies to express interest to become a customer of AIESEC. (In 2011-12 AIESEC had over 200,000 online registrations, without having a good system of follow up) Progress: Alumni ORS Launched and can be accessed here. Student ORS Management Continued – see 3.1.2 Process Optimisation and here. Management system is available for Team and Exchange Programmes, and can be managed by anyone with login see here.

Next Steps: ! ! !

Cultureshock Build up (Drive) Global Leadership Summit (GLS) Live (Drive) Youth 2 Business Output Showcasing (Drive)

! ! !

YouthSpeak 2015 promotion build up (Drive) LinkedIn strategies for Alumni and GIP Raising (Drive) Global Website and Social Media Redesign (Move)

3.3.3 Organizational Reputation Building Key achievements and strategy analysis


Project Description: Building our desired reputation— “The global youth platform impacting the world through leadership development experiences”— v# through partnerships and alliances with other organizations, presence at events, showcasing opportunities and impact. The reputation is aimed at youth, but also at other target groups outside our core demographic. More information here. Impact on team purpose: Build more promoters and customers of AIESEC’s ELD programmes which drives MoS achievement for 12/13 and long term sustainable growth towards AIESEC 2015. Purpose: AI seeks to balance focus on specific aspects of the brand attributes to build our desired reputation. Brand Attributes are seen on the diagram to the right. All the below activities are with this in mind. Detailed explanation of the AMPLIFIERS Strategic Initiatives can be found at:

Partnerships and Alliances Progress: (1) World Economic Forum: Last quarter, Florent Meiyi, President of AIESEC International was invited to join the Global Agenda Council on New Model of Leadership that helps to define the agenda for World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting (DAVOS). Since then, he has attended a Global Summit in Dubai to meet with fellow members of the Council to develop organisational leadership models 2013. (2) World Blu- AIESEC’s membership as a World Blu orgnisaation has been renewed (3) Grameen Creative Lab- By sending an AIESEC representative and supporting this year’s Global Social Business Summit in November, we have kick-started the cooperation with GCL.

Events and Awards Progress: Events: Each event AIESEC attends aims to both promote AIESEC within the physical audiences of these events as well as showcase the outcome and AIESEC’s participation through social media. (1) Pioneers Festival, October, 2012 (2) Summit for the Global Agenda, WEF, November,2012 (3) Global Social Business Summit (4) Red Cross Global Youth Conference, December 2012 (5) European Employment Forum, November 2012 Awards: ‘Enabling Youth Mobility’ is an award for AIESEC’s Global Internship Programme presented by the European Alliance on Skills for Employability and sponsored by Adecco. See the award video here. and the article here.

Showcasing Progress: With every PR activity we run (AIESEC events, representation at external events, strategic alliances, awards applications etc.), there is a need to build the exposure by showcasing these on our online channels and through our media and distribution partners. For more information on how AIESEC globally builds Organisation Reputation, please visit the wiki here.

Next steps: ! !

Request entities to engage with external environment by prospecting the right PR tactics globally The initiatives below also strive to support the network in reputation building the reputations they possess nationally.

Ongoing activies: !

! !

Press and Publications- On our global website the Press Release page, AIESEC stories and Publications are being re-established as channels to showcase our AIESEC activities as well as participation in external events. With every post, the articles will be shared on social media and our external networks to build our exposure. Events (UN events, Global Social Business Summit, Pioneer Festival) Managing alliances (UN, WEF, ISIC, etc.)

Upcoming initiatives: ! ! ! ! !

Central Resource Platform to share stories and promotional materials globally Youth to Business publication Partnering with Youth Alliances (see GIP Youth alliances section) Prospecting new alliances Application for awards and recognitions

4. Financial and Legal Report 2012-13: Quarter 2 (Sep – Nov): Executive Summary Key achievements and strategy analysis


Project Description: Sustainable Financial Management of AI. Invest organizational resources towards AIESEC 2015 MoS achievement. Managing Legality of AI Impact on team purpose: Allows AIESEC International to operate.

Budget – Quarter 2 Profit & Loss Overall • € 29k surplus in quarter (total for Q1+Q2: € 53k) • Costs in line with budgets • Global Partner revenue is reasonable this year but dropping from 12/24 months ago Cost control • Expense lines generally on budget • No unexpected costs in Q although some travel budgets have been used heavily. They will be re-allocated in Q1 to reflect strategic priorities and to stay in budget. Revenue and sales • Sales revenue € 22k above break-even budget for the quarter • Projected sales result € 100k above minimum budget (down from € 250k last year) • Projected revenue for 2013-14 significantly down due to major reductions in contracts and drop in partnerships. Proposed 2013/14 budget will be significantly down due to these revenue projections. Will result in reduced capacity of AI.

Investments Quarter 2 investments made • NPS Phase 1 implementation: € 15k (Initial Pilot phase € 5,5 k for total of € 20,5k this year) (another € 20k invested by entities themselves) • Expansion investment decision of € 5k into Central America expansion summit made. Cancelled due to operational challenges in execution • € 1k invested into Pilot Project of intensive consultancy and support to AIESEC France. • € 10k EUR invested into reprogramming of back-end and redesign of front-end of for security purposes and brand/marketing purposes Long term evolvements: • NPS Customer Feedback system in global funds around € 65k per year • Long term TCS contract (3 years) of yearly € 107k under negotiation for System Development and. To be signed in Jan 2013 • Audit sponsorship by PwC Netherlands worth € 15k annually ended after 15 years. AI thanks PwC for its sponsorship and is currently evaluating next steps. Cost will come from operational reserves as no budget is allocated.

Legal Update of AIESEC International

Cash and liquidity Corporate Receivables • € 131k as of 30.11.2012 (€ 70k older than 90 days) • Situation similar to Q1 Entities in debt: (payment over last 12 months compared to simulated year fee) Ireland:€ 20,590 (€ 5000 paid back; Simulated yearly fee € 5,596): 89% UAE: € 12,983 (€ 300 paid back; Simulated yearly fee € 4,223): 7% Botswana: € 2,865 (€ 1,400 paid back; Simulated yearly fee € 1,580): 88% Rep. of Macedonia: € 970 (€ 712 paid back; Simulated yearly fee € 1,394): 51% Cash flow: • € 100,000 negative cash flow Q2 – as predicted (non-member fee Quarter) • Net cash end of Q1: € 2m (includes Global Funds and AI investments and reserves) • Operational Reserves (end 11-12 fin year): € 1,171m (12 months operations)

Tax • •

No outstanding issues with Tax authorities Corporate Tax agreement process started with lawyers – initial phase.

Employment • All employees legally working and residing in the Netherlands Articles of Association • To be re-legislated and approved at IPM 2013 to be in accordance with AIESEC Way – were on hold due to various issues since IPM 2009 Trademark • Trademark registration is going slow although there is global funds to support – Appears that the network is not reacting appropriately • Y2B trademark registration again a discussion on AI team ! would like repeated conversation with SG on it


Finance and Legality: Long Term Evolution towards 2015 Key strategy breakdown


Global ER principles revision

Global Distribution Model revision

Please refer to Q2 report for details on background Current state • From October to December, AI started pilot with the 11 entities (US, FRA, SWI,, NED, GER, INDIA, MoC, PHI, MAL, INDO) for harmonized and regionalized pricing and delivery structure of Global Exchange Products to multinationals • Global ER principles revision recommended to be legislated at IPM 2013 according to Global Strategy meeting output: • Key points: o Co-selling framework designed to align interests of MCs and AI to deliver more and better GEP exchange experiences o Harmonized pricing and product structure for Global Partners delivery of TNs o Market access definitions of AI (what companies?) and of National Exchange Partnership retention of countries o Global Active Prospecting list of AI and reporting thereon regularly.

The global distribution model defines how global fees (AI budget and other investments) are distributed between the Member Entities. Currently it contains internal factors (Exchanges, Local Committees, Individual Members) and external economic indicators (GDP/PPP per capita) Overall • Strategy meeting April 2012 with framework for revised model that should contain following factors. o Members in TMP/TLP programmes o Realized Experiences in GIP and GCDP o External market potential of entity (student population) • These factors are still to be adjusted according to external economic indicator GDP/PPP per capita (other factors are better in theory, but in practice prove hard to measure and find as objective) Current State • Global Finance Sub Committee evaluating results of simulations and deciding on models to bring forward for IPM 2013 legislation Target Condition: • A revised distribution model to be legislated by IPM 2013 • Model should represent higher payment of entities with more ability to pay which are currently underpaying due to external factors and vice versa • Would align overall investment ability of global plenary with specific entities ability to invest

Global Finance Legal Board During IC 2012 a Global Finance and Legal Board was established through legislation. It is established as a permanent virtual unit to provide constant and consistent support and development around Financial and Legal issues to the AIESEC network. It reports to AI VP Finance, but is run independently It currently has four divisions: 1. Education; 2. Standards 3. Statistics A physical planning meeting took place in Prague in December 2012. Please check here for plan and output on how to support the Global Network on Finance and Legality:




Business Development Report Key achievements and strategy analysis

Project Description: Raise a minimum of 49% of the global budget to sustain AIESEC International. Ensure longterm sustainability of partnerships. Sign 60% of Business Development target for 2013-14 year by 1 June, 2013. Impact on team purpose: Allows AIESEC International to operate. Additional sales are re-invested into AIESEC and permit long-term investments towards AIESEC 2015.

Budget Targets and numbers AI budget 12/13: 51% - Member Fees: 49% - BD sales revenue target 12/13: BD Revenue signed for the 12/13 term (to date): BD Revenue signed for the 13/14 term (to date):

1,154,362 EUR 588,724 EUR 565,637 EUR 479,815 EUR 159,023 EUR

Impact on entities and MoS Quarter 4 Q4 Amount of GIP through GEP Raised Q4 Amount of GIP through GEP Realized Amount of GIP (TT) Raised Amount of GIP (TT) Realized Amount of Entities we are working with

64 56 9 5 30+

(minimum sales target) (achieved 85% ! target 100%) (achieved 45% ! target 60%)

*The revenue figures above include total amounts for partnerships whose revenue will be recognized in the 12/13 term as well as recognized for the 13/14 term.

Quarter 4 Highlights • • • • •

We have sign a contract with a new Global Partner: International SOS. International SOS will be raising internships opportunities and participating in our conference cycle. We visited the following global partners and global trial partners: ING, Cognizant, Nike, DP DHL, Unilever, Stanley Black and Decker, BP, Microsoft Electrolux, Husqvarna, and EF. We signed contracts with Potencia Ventures (2-year contract) and ING (1-year contract). We attended 52 meetings in-person and we had over 34 virtual meetings. These will become a good pipeline for conversion between prospects to partners in the next two quarters. We participated in Global Consultancy Day, contributed to the Sales Development Programme, and participated in the Nordic Sales Summit.

Partnership Management •

• • •

Overall, relationship management and account delivery of global partnerships are on track according to our contracts. As reported in Q3, we are currently in the process of converting one-year partnerships into two-year partnerships for increased sustainability. We foresee that in the next 6 to 12 months some major changes will occur in terms of budget allocation and delivery of contracts due to the current financial and economic crisis. We decided to convert the following global trial partners to national partners because their size of activities is not relevant enough to be managed globally: Kermel, Nestle and Nike. Due to financial constraints, Vale will no longer continue as a Global Exchange Partner starting from January 2013.

Pipeline Management AIESEC International continuously strives to attract new organisations in order to give more opportunities to AIESECers around the world. We are currently working with MCs to co-sell global partnerships to the following organisations: • CH Robinson • Deutsch Bank • Walgreens • Glenmark Pharmaceuticals • Asurion • Larsen Toubro • Michael Page • SABIC • Infosys • Johnson & Johnson • SAP • Euromoney • Pfizer • Merck • Universum • Y&R • MasterCard • H&M • Purac • Yara

6. Sustainable growth towards 2015 !

Key achievements and strategy analysis

! ! !!






AIESEC 2015: Measures of Success Achievement

! Community Development Programme: Global •! • • ! • •


End of Q4 we have achieved 95% of the 2012 goal of GCDP Achieved 2695 GCDP realization by quarter 4 GCDP Growth rate is 17% growth comparing to 2011 in quarter 4 Currently 3675 TNs are matched Currently 6535 TNs and 3532 EPs are available raised after July 2012

Conclusion: Currently the supply of EPs is almost half of the TN supply, the other percentage of EP supply was ! before July 2012. Retaining EPs is needed for the realisation of Q1 2013 goals. There needs to be more raised exploration in oGCDP raising and matching efficiency.

! !

Global Internship Programme: •! • •!

We have achieved 5231 GIP realization-75% of original 2015 ambition for 2012 We have grown 8.3% from 4831 in 2011 We have 936 forms matched in the system to be realized

Conclusion: The fundamental reason that we didn’t achieve the goal 7000 for calendar year 2012 is because the network is not yet prepared for that scale of achievement. GIP hasn’t achieved a breakthrough in the previous years and the term 2011-2012 grew only 4% compared with term 2010-2012. For the 45% growth that we aim, it demands much more time and experience. The network needs to focus, try, learn, share success and failures, and eventually gain the knowledge and experience for the program. However, from Jul to Dec, AIESEC has grown 30% in GIP matches, which is very rare in recent history. We are confident that we are learning and growing in GIP and that we do have the capacity to deliver 7,000 GIP experiences. Team Member Programme: • •

At end of Q4 we achieved 79340 experiences, 97% of 2012 TMP goal. System improvement for experiences in retrospect: The experiences matched/realized before October 18th were also adjusted to align with the current system logic of realized TMP-TLP experiences based on exact role start date. 46064 realizations were achieved from AI 2012-2013 goal.

Conclusion: We have bridged a huge gap in TMP compared to the beginning of 2012. Experiences on the system are been recorded properly and processes have been put in place to balance that physically at local and national level. Now is the time for two main things: 1. Educate more the network how to capitalise on the improvement done so far, customising TM process based on organisation need. 2. To scale up TMP growth across all entities (top, medium and less performing entities) to build a strong pipeline which will contribute to GIP & GCDP goal achievement. Team Leader Programme: • • •

At end of Q4 we have achieved 33710 experiences, 160% of 2012 TLP goal. Same system logic for TMP retrospection above, also applies to TLP. 18347 realizations was achieved from AI 2012-2013 goal.

Conclusion: TLP is a more mature program, considering the need for people to want to become leaders for themselves, for AIESEC, and for the society at large. This is evident in the achievement of TLP goal in 2012 and even with a great pipeline generated for 2013! Now is the time for two main things: 1. Completely balancing the TLP ratio with TMP based on TMP-TLP Principle, making sure that TMP grows at par with TLP. 2. Capitalizing on the maturity of this program to grow other programs (TMP, GIP & GCDP) as it is also justification of quality of Team Leader participants! Quality: Even if we don’t have a goal set for 2012 until 2015, AIESEC International is working hard in the implementation of the NPS methodology to ensure we are able to fully measure our success as organisation. For more details please refer to the report regarding the Strategic Initiative of “Customer Feedback System Implementation and usage”


Innovation The purpose of the Innovation team in AIESEC International is to bring innovative solutions, which would make achievement of 2015 goals possible. That is why we are currently running 9 innovation projects, which are directly linked to MoS and the impact of these projects should directly influence the achievement of the goals for not only term 12/13 but the following terms in order to achieve goals of 2015. For more information about the projects and their progress please follow the Innovation team report.

Information Management The main milestones of Quarter 4 towards 2015 were: " " " " "

Gergely Doszpod, the AI IT Auditor, has worked with IM SC in order to provide the first IM audit the audit whose results will be presented at IPM 2013. Enrique Villal贸n, previous AI VP IM, has accepted the role of Chair of the Information Management Advisory Council. AIESEC International has progressed significantly and is finalizing the renegotiation of a Long Tem contract for the development and maintenance of with Tata Communication Service. AIESEC International has deployed 3 new Analysis Menus and is currently testing 3 more. The IM Team started to pilot new IT projects related to web application, API and cloud computing (Please refer to Production Capacity: Process Optimization)

Brand Experience The brand refresh is a strategy that began in 2011 and will continue until 2015, it is about innovating around how we present ourselves and improving the message about AIESEC we communicate online, in print and in person. The process has involved input from all regions of the global network, from 2 AIESEC International teams, and from the Supervisory Group of AIESEC International. Based on the 5 brand attributes, a process has been undertaken to realise the best way to present AIESEC to the world. This process will include changes to marketing materials, online communication channels (e.g. website, social media) as well as strategies on how to align our actions and programmes to the reputation we want to have. Please refer to the Brand Evolution strategic focus for more information about how this looks in the 12-13 term.

Financial Management and Business Development AIESEC International has been working with the AIESEC network in order to revise the Global ER Principles this year. The reasons for doing this is to capitalize better on MNC market for GIP growth, align incentives of MCs and AI on global sales, harmonize products and pricing for global partners across markets for better delivery and faster growth through internal sales, and to avoid competition between AIESEC entities in sale to MNCs Initiative #1: Pilot of Price Harmonization Context: Harmonized products and pricing in developed markets for consistent product delivery and sales Goal: Raise 24 TNs with specific Global Partners and with specific AIESEC entities and attract potential global partners Global Partners Participating: DP DHL, UBS and Alcatel Lucent AIESEC Entities Participating: US, France, Netherlands, Germany, India, Mainland of China, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Egypt) Results: 7 TNs raised and over 10 companies in the pipeline waiting to be converted to global partners or global trial partners (you can find some of these in the pipeline management section). Recommendations: We recommend that we continue piloting with these companies and these specific AIESEC entities for the next 3 months. The recommendation comes from the fact that our global partners received the pilot very well, but told us that driving internal sales during this period is difficult (Q4) since budgets have already been allocated. Our global partners see the relevance of the pilot and would like us to continue the implementation of it.

Initiative #2: Global ER Principles Strategic Meeting Context: AIESEC International hosted a 4-day strategic meeting to evaluate the current ER principles and come out with output for legislation AIESEC Entities Participating: Turkey, Netherlands, Germany, Singapore, Mainland of China, India, United States, United Kingdom, Hungary, Czech Republic, Colombia, and Bahrain Recommendations: • • • • •

Delivering the “Why” through GEPs: We need to communicate the why of GEPs in every step of the process. One consistent product in a global market: We need to have a consistent product in order to be able to sell externally as a global organisation and increase our relevance. Access to Global for GIP Growth in MNCs: We need to create a global prospect list that aligns AIESEC International and AIESEC entities in the network. Co-Sales and Up scaling to Common Value Creation: We need to drive co-selling and upscaling partnerships between entities in order to increase our impact and create common value across the world. Making ILM’s more sustainable: We need to create a common understanding and share value between CCs and AIs in order to make ILM’s more sustainable.

Wiki of the Global ER Strategic Meeting with in-depth recommendations:


Innovation towards AIESEC 2015 Key achievements and strategy analysis

! The purpose of Innovation team: experimenting with new ways of delivering the AIESEC experience in order to make sure we deliver 1,000,000 experiences by 2015. Main deliverables:

Establishing Innovation in AIESEC From the beginning of the term we have been working on establishing the way innovation in AIESEC should work. We have established the framework in the first quarter of our term and we have continued using this framework in the second quarter of our term. For more information about the Innovation in AIESEC itself please follow the link.

Running Innovation projects (9 projects of Q3) Technical youth alliance partnerships for GIP EP supply Purpose: To contribute to the growth of our core Global Internship Programme through focused partnership with technical youth organisations: Pilot 15 LC partnerships for 300 EP realisations. Progress: We are exploring partnerships with predominantly European-based youth organisations - BEST, EESTEC, ESTIEM and IEEE. We are in final negotiations with EESTEC, ESTIEM and IEEE to sign global partnerships. We are piloting a framework with 15 LCs from across a variety of countries to see if we can develop a local model for cooperation with these organisations.

CultureShock ( - Online Storytelling Purpose: To build a new online product relating to the engagement with AIESEC phase of the AIESEC experience. Enable AIESEC to attract a student audience of 50,000 young people that are interested in exploring new cultures. We aim to attract 2000 of these to the ORS system to indicate their interest in joining an AIESEC programme. Progress: We have built and launched a beta version prototype and are running a one months test phase (Dec 2012-Jan 2013). We are currently 2 weeks into testing (see below for statistics so far). If you haven’t shared your story so far, take a look! Metric




Unique visitors


Story Views


No of stories


No. of Non AIESEC stories


We are very interested to get feedback from the AIESEC network and for AIESECers to test the platform!

Online Challenge Purpose: To build a new online product relating to the engagement with AIESEC phase of the AIESEC experience. Engaging 50,000 young people online towards a challenge that innovates how we provide practical learning experience to young people. We aim to have 2,000 people sign up to an ELD programme as a result. Progress: We have completed the research phase of the project and have taken the decision to put this innovation project into the innovation bank. The research showed that this idea would not yield the return on investment of resources required at this moment in time. To see the output paper with the conclusions of the research, please see here.!

Raising Global Internship Programme through Alumni Purpose: To contribute to our growth in Global Internship Programme by creating a sub-product for our Alumni and realizing 1 000 GIP by 1t July 2013 (new partnerships, not re-raised). Progress: We have working Online Registration System with updated information about GIP. We have launched the campaign and achieved over 30 relevant registrations for GIP TN in different countries/territories. We are launching the second wave of the campaign to boost the results even more. More over we have collected references from Alumni who took GIP TN in past and we are promoting it in the campaign and website. Besides the campaign and ORS we have developed how, together with the LinkedIn group, we can support raising GIP TNs on the global and local level to bring

additional growth to achieve our goals.

Building reputation through Alumni Purpose: To contribute to our reputation building by capitalizing on showcasing the stories and profiles of our Alumni. 100,000 members on AIESEC Alumni Global and 20 000 people traffic to from LinkedIn are the goals we are striving for. Progress: After last quarter when we developed the content of the group, we focused this quarter on mapping our alumni on LinkedIn, driving the growth of members in our AIESEC Alumni Global group, and creating an active group. We achieved the following results: 76 % growth in Alumni joining the group in comparison with previous quarter and the highest discussion rate from the start of the group in 2007. We are working currently on cross connecting of the group with other groups and other social media and channels, getting key people to support us in bringing new members, managing the information towards AIESEC members on how to work with content of the LinkedIn group. These initiatives should bring even bigger results in following months.

Exchange Process Optimization Purpose: In order to deliver 1 Million experiences until 2015, we have to become ten times faster in exchange process optimization. This project aims to reach 100% realisation rate, 15 days GCDP matching, 30 days GIP matching and 30 days as average realisation time. This has been confirmed by the Process Optimisation Strategic Meeting in November. Progress: Since October we finalized our research phase by collecting all kind of customer data; created a testing and implementation plan; started the testing phase; created a design brief for an IT platform; validated our progress with internal and external stakeholders, started collecting quotes from IT companies. For more information, please refer to the Process Optimisation Strategic Initiative!

Sub-product Evolution Purpose: We have to develop more sub-products before 2015, therefore starting with GIP we aim to create a breakthrough for the tourism and engineering product by realizing 500-500 realizations. Moreover, we decided to focus on GCDP by creating a Global GCDP Segmentation Strategy for bigger production and better quality of our experiences. Progress: Regarding GIP we started working on 4 sub-segments – electronics, electrical, industrial, mechanical – in the engineering product with 1 entities. We have a matching sheet and a Podio working space for the cooperation and we had the first round of evaluation. We executed the same set of actions for tourism as well. Regarding GCDP, we created a plan and launched a survey in order to gather information and involve entities. GCDP – Next Steps

GIP – Improvement Points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Education Materials Specific AFT & Performance Tracking GCPs & Success Stories Regular Meetings Better usage of our working space

1. 2. 3.

Internal and External Research Strategic Meeting Validation at Expro

Customer Experience Evolution Purpose: Customer experience is the main source of innovation. We aim to develop customer experience analysis activities in order to have one innovation project on customer experience evolution. Progress: We executed the same activities: built knowledge about customer experience, provided data analysis for AI and pilot entities, collected all kind of changes in the system and operation to have a better data asset for the future. Moreover, we had a physical ICB meeting where we created a simplified and visualized XPP; an XPP compliance checklist, showcased exact Exchange Cases, developed the ICB wiki.

Increasing AIESECs Competitive Advantage Purpose: Create competitive analysis for our programmes, organization in order to increase our impact model and the competitive advantage of our strategies. Progress: We delivered a research on 3 main aspects: trends affecting youth leadership, trends affecting organisations as potential customers, comparative analysis of AIESEC and its potential competitors. We summarized the conclusions and decided to run an innovation project on how to develop and maximize the learning experience of our ELD participants.

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