New_Production Capacity_GIP growth (SS - proof read)

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3.1.1 GIP growth Key achievements and strategy analysis

Project Description: Grow the Global Internship Programme by addressing sub products (IT and Teaching), evolving the way we sell AIESEC to multinationals and develop sellers and a sales culture in AIESEC. Impact on team purpose: Achieve GIP MoS for 2012-13 and develop the programme for sustainable growth towards AIESEC 2015.

Information Technology: Sub Product Growth Youth Alliances for IT Purpose: Raise technical EPs through other youth organizations for GIP growth: 300 realizations from 15 pilot LCs Progress: In initial phase of piloting with Europe-based organizations: BEST, EESTEC, ESTIEM and IEEE: Building framework of local co-operation for delivery. LC Stars Network: Purpose: Identify, grow and connect top 80 LCs across 5 regions for technical EP delivery for GIP growth Progress: LCs have been identified and projects of University partnerships and youth alliances have been initiated for massive IT EP. Network will receive this list of LC stars in next quarter. IT market segmentation: Purpose: Segment and identify sub products in IT for better raising of EPs and TNs. Progress: Concrete recommendations for IT market segmentation based on enterprise size, product nature and EP profile and skills requirement verified with externals is ready. See it here Global Tech Promo Campaign in Twitter: Purpose: Attract 5000 Technical students through the global Online Registration System th Progress: Campaign and system is ready. Campaign will launch on Oct. 19 for 4 weeks.

Global ER principle revision for GIP growth in Multinationals Purpose: Redevelop Global ER principles to enable AIESEC to grow GIP massively in the multinational sector. Progress: Piloting framework for harmonized product packaging and pricing ready to be run with 11 entities both in developed and fast growing markets. A financial impact evaluation is to be done on an ongoing basis.

Developing Sellers for AIESEC Purpose: Develop sellers for GIP, through a sales culture across the organization and enthusiasm plus credibility for GIP product sales for GIP growth. Progress:  Ongoing work with 15 entities for sales campaigns, also to be shared as GCPs with the network  GIP summits for MCVPs and local sales held  Remodel how we support sales in the network through tracking, support and talent management  Develop STAR sales by redeveloping national partnership models and national sales campaigns . (Click here for details)  Global sales talent recognition through global publishing of data collected through SOGA  Identify top global partnerships. Net quarter we will produce testimonials, endorsements and product evaluation for credibility and positioning.

Teaching: Sub Product Growth Purpose: Define a teaching sub product to permit quality and simple GIP EP and TN raising for Supply & Demand alignment. Progress:  Sub product definition was completed  Standard JDs and clarity of GIP TNs ith GCDP nature to be provided  Timeline alignment for supply and demand alignment between TNs and EPs to be addressed  Product credibility through partnerships to be explored  A meeting for teaching GIP is scheduled in Nov 2012.

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