3.1.3 Organizational Models for Operations Growth Key achievements and strategy analysis
Project Description: Grow AIESEC operations by creating Specialized Units, finding models of rapid MC expansion, and identifying growth patterns that can be replicated by entities across regions. Impact on team purpose: Increase capacity for MoS achievement across the network and support entities to find models for sustainable growth towards AIESEC 2015.
Specialized Units Purpose: Run AIESEC operations in alternative operating units and allow LCs to adapt to their market reality. Progress: 4 scenarios currently running with different MCs Indonesia & Egypt: Big LC Expansion to other universities in the same city Convert weak LC into a specialized unit and focus on one programme only (i.e. iGIP, oGCDP, etc.) Expand into a new territory through a specialized unit Egypt: LC expansion through SU until it reaches specific stage of growth, then conversion More information is available here
MC Expansion Purpose: Expand AIESEC into new countries and territories for MoS growth; increase the reach of AIESEC’s programmes Progress: AI is exploring new ways of expanding AIESEC in accordance with the global plenary mandate A global priority list of territories/countries to expand to has been created 4 templates on new models for expansion have been produced by AI – 6 more to come Since 1 July, AI has received interest to expand to 20 new countries/territories – applications have been submitted for Zambia, Burundi, Chad and Namibia Q4 will see further investments to support OEs and EIs planned by AI More information is available here
Entity/Country Development Framework Purpose: Identify growth patterns that will enable entities to grow in different markets Progress: Entity Development framework developed (see right) Models will serve as patterns to be followed Different Sub-regions have been identified and different programme focus for growth have been established (see regional report) Entity consultancy and operations management executed according to the growth patterns and programme focus Growth paths will be identified and compared to established patterns that can be replicated across regions OD summit output will further analyse and establish the patterns on LC levels as well For more information see here