New_Production Capacity_Org models for operational growth_KO Edits

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3.1.3 Organizational Models for Operations Growth Key achievements and strategy analysis

Project Description: Grow AIESEC operations by creating Specialized Units, finding models of rapid MC expansion, and identifying growth patterns that can be replicated by entities across regions. Impact on team purpose: Increase capacity for MoS achievement across the network and support entities to find models for sustainable growth towards AIESEC 2015.

Specialized Units Purpose: Run AIESEC operations in alternative operating units and allow LCs to adapt to their market reality. Progress: 4 scenarios currently running with different MCs  Indonesia & Egypt: Big LC Expansion to other universities in the same city  Convert weak LC into a specialized unit and focus on one programme only (i.e. iGIP, oGCDP, etc.)  Expand into a new territory through a specialized unit  Egypt: LC expansion through SU until it reaches specific stage of growth, then conversion More information is available here

MC Expansion Purpose: Expand AIESEC into new countries and territories for MoS growth; increase the reach of AIESEC’s programmes Progress:  AI is exploring new ways of expanding AIESEC in accordance with the global plenary mandate  A global priority list of territories/countries to expand to has been created  4 templates on new models for expansion have been produced by AI – 6 more to come  Since 1 July, AI has received interest to expand to 20 new countries/territories – applications have been submitted for Zambia, Burundi, Chad and Namibia  Q4 will see further investments to support OEs and EIs planned by AI More information is available here

Entity/Country Development Framework Purpose: Identify growth patterns that will enable entities to grow in different markets Progress:  Entity Development framework developed (see right)  Models will serve as patterns to be followed  Different Sub-regions have been identified and different programme focus for growth have been established (see regional report)  Entity consultancy and operations management executed according to the growth patterns and programme focus  Growth paths will be identified and compared to established patterns that can be replicated across regions  OD summit output will further analyse and establish the patterns on LC levels as well For more information see here

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