Organizational Models for Operations Growth

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Organizational Models for Operations Growth Key achievements and strategy analysis

Project Description: Grow AIESEC operations by creating Specialized Units, finding models of rapid MC expansion, and identifying growth patterns that can be replicated by entities across regions. Impact on team purpose: Increase capacity for MoS achievement across the network and support entities to find models for sustainable growth towards AIESEC 2015.

Specialized Units This element of the Strategic Initiative remains. You can find more information in the section Global Plan > Production Capacity

MC Expansion This element of the Strategic Initiative remains. You can find more information in the section Global Plan > Production Capacity

Entity/Country Development Framework Purpose: Identify growth patterns that will enable entities to grow in different markets and align AIESEC International operations according to this logic (AI services: Country Consultancy and Operations Management) Outcomes  Country Development model created and launched at IC. This model was used as a basis for Country coach allocation, and for “Specific strategies” under Programme Management. Find it here  Growth paths of AIESEC India and AIESEC in Mainland of China have been documented. Identified growth paths will be used as GCPs, not as an operational GCP but as a strategy one. Find it here and here  Country Consultancy service was refreshed and presented at IPM. Find it here Conclusion & Closure  During transition more paths will be identified and spread so other entities can grow faster and stronger using other’ experience.  The initial intention was to identify growth paths that some MCs have followed in the recent history and then compare with each other to find patterns. Those patterns were to be documented and spread as “Growth ways” for the entire network, so any entity can find similarities and learn from the history of each other. Some key realizations: 1. These growth paths are dynamic, not static: After finalizing and documenting a growth path we realized that the entity was already starting a new one. We wanted to “model” and document AIESEC’ entities growth and even if we do, the document will be obsolete after a short while 2. People relate better to stories than models: This is connected to the actual usage of the tool. It was frequently more useful and better received to share stories of success than a step-by-step guide.  Due to the reasons stated before, we decided to stop the Initiative where it is and the output is: 1. A theoretical framework to model growth in AIESEC entities, based on Grenier Curve. Find it here 2. Stories of success: Capturing and sharing stories of entities. This MUST be an ongoing process. Find examples here and here.

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