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Christian communities in Winnipeg commemorate Lenten Season


The Christian community in Winnipeg has been actively participating in various Lenten activities, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. From the Public Way of the Cross to the Washing of the Feet, the community has come together to commemorate the season of Lent in a meaningful way. The Easter Vigil and Easter Salubong are also significant events that are eagerly awaited by the faithful. After years of pandemic-induced disruptions, the community is happy that these traditions are making a comeback. These events are not only an expression of faith but also a celebration of community and togetherness, which are more important than ever in these trying times.

Bákit kinakailángang matakásan?

Anó ang nása kabilá ng lagúsan?

Sinó ba ang dápat itúring na gabáy-Magúlang kaibígan o katháng-sakláy?

Mabutí pa kayáng sundán ang kuného

Sa bútas túngong matalinhágang mundó Nagsánib ang riyalidád at pantásya Kapaláran sa baráha iniása

Sa kahón pag-iísip ay wag ikulóng Salamángka saláwikaín at bugtóng Salitáng ánimo waláng katuturán Lahát ng repleksyón ay kabaligtarán

Hílig ay lóhika at matemátika Literatúra tulâ potograpíya Matatálik na kaybígan mga paslít Isinasalaráwan nang waláng damít

Hindí na malúlutas pa ang mistéryo Ng síning pánitikan erotisísmo Di masaságot ang mga katanúngan 'Sáng paláisipán ang katotohánan

Note: A poem consisting of five quatrains of 12-syllable lines

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