Personal branding

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Training program proposition


A unique educational program based on the latest scientific know-how in the field of personal development striving to release the unsuspected potential of human brands.

Filip Kahoun

Intro „Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.“ Jeff Bezos the founder of Every single person presents a brand for its society. When we want to have a successful personal brand we need to take care of it and develop it. Every personal brand needs a different approach. There is a difference between managing a personal brand of: • salesman, who is interested in higher sales, • employee, who wants to build a career, • manager, who needs to be followed and respected by his/her people… Nevertheless there is one rule that is common for all personal brands, with no exceptions. When we want to be percieved as a strong and successful personal brand, we have to build such a brand in our head first. Before we see ourselves as a charismatic brand, no one else will see us see that way. This is the main mission of all trainings called „HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL PERSONAL BRAND?“. We help people to build a successful personal brand in their mind.

Proposed trainings - overview The proposed series of trainings has a unified title...

HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL PERSONAL BRAND? There are three versions of the training







Managers represent a very specific group of personal brands. They have in their hands not only management of other personal brands but they also have significant influence on position of the company brand from the market perspective. Should the manager be able to manage effectively brands around, (s)he needs to know how to handle his or hers own personal brand first.

To become a successful salesperson in todays competition, means to work hard on one´s personal brand. To promote it marketwise and to spread its positive reputation. This is the best way, how to get new buisness opportunities and increase sales. Therefore every salesperson should be aware of all tricks in personal marketing.

Success of every company depends on quality of its team and health of its inner culture. These two basic assets create a real competitive advantage. If a company wants to strenghten a market position of its brand, then needs to start with development of personal brands in the team. This training is suitable for internal academy or talent programs.

Trainings objectives Common objective of all trainings To help participants with building a successful personal brand in their mind, what practically means to clean their relationship to themselves (necessary step toward healthy relationships with others) and reduce their stresses.  SELF-CONFIDENCE: To anchor positive self perception, that determines outward picture of our personal brand (how we are percieved by others)  SELF-COGNITION: To find out natural talents and strenghts of ours, that are basics for building a real competitive advantage of every personal brand (how to release one´s human potential)  SELF-MARKETING: To offer proven methods how to efectivelly present our personal brand externally (how to sell ourselves)

Specific objectives of each training FOR MANAGERS


How can I be „my own“ leader, so I can lead others

FOR EMPLOYEES How to start up a career and proffessional growth

How to increase sales and business performance

Practical benefits of trainings

„What´s in it“ for the participants? Detailed instructions how to use a personal brand to... Managers • • • •

To build a natural leader´s authority in the team To identify the potential of the team and develop it To anchor success in the mindset of the team To determine the source of all malfunctions in a leader´s life

Sales Personnel • • • •

To achieve higher sales and business performance To strenghten relationships with clients To support one´s positive reputation on the market To create an effective advertising for one´s offer

All Employees • • • •

To achieve proffessional and career growth To strenghten a bargaining position in the team To deliver better work results To sell effectively one´s work and achievements

• • • •

To Increase healthy self-confidence To „clean“ reletionships with others To stop living in fear To handle personal emotions so they will be a servant, not a master • …and how to look forward to work

Structure of trainings Every training consists of

4 thematic sessions Their combination is tailored to the participants´ profile:

Thematic session




1. Psychology of personal brands

2. Audit of one´s current brand

3. Proffesional and career growth of a pers. brand

4. Communication of a personal brand in a team

5. From a manager´s brand to a leader´s brand

6. Synergy of a company and manager´s brand

7. A new identity of a personal brand

8. Advertising tricks for a personal brand support

Comment.: It is possible to set up an individual plan of sessions, even to incorporate a new topic (according to client´s needs).

On the next two pages you can find a detailed content of each session...

Structure of trainings •

1 Psychology of personal branding

Image of every personal brand is crated in everyone's head. How do we percieve ourselves determines what picture of ours we send out.

First session is intended to support healthy self-confidence.

Other people can appreciate our personal brand only when we realize its value and uniqueness.

A path to a successful and self-confident personal brand leads through self-cognition.

2 Audit of current personal brand

3 Proffessional and career grow of a personal brand

The objective of the 2nd session is to reveal natural talents of participants and to teach them how to benefit from their hidden potential.

The output will be used as a solid base for building a personal competitive advantage.

Most employees are motivated with the vision of their career qrowth.

Third block is focused on how to become a hot candidate for internal career and proffessional challenges.

Success is state of mind. Sportsmen say a victory comes from their head. A good news is that this mental state can be learned.

Every employee engagement survey usually brings two key learnings: the company doesn´t care about its people properly plus there is a problem with


internal communication. •

Communication of a personal brand in a team

In this session the participants will learn how to promote and communicate effectively and reasonably their brand within the team (and beyond).

It´s almost an art to sell results of one´s personal brand. But the same art is not to get blown over with the self-promotion.

Structure of trainings •

might have. Fear doesn´t block only human potential but also potential of

5 From a manager´s brand to a leader´s brand

A strong leader does his best in order to get rid of fear, that his team members

companies and even the entire countries. •

This session is dedicated to a question, how to develop personal brands in the team to release their potential.

First of all it is necessary to teach people how they can be their own leaders (what is a skill that a manager needs to know first).

Manager´s brand is closely linked to the corporate brand. Managers are creators of a company culture that is a mirror of a brand position on the market.

6 Synergy of a company & a manager´s brand

managers´ personal brand and a corporate brand. •

brand, he will become a real leader.


Advertising tricks for a personal brand support

Success of any brand is determined with its ability to differentiate in a relevant way from the competition. Personal brands are no exception.


Only when the manager learns how to be a leader of himself, when he teaches his people the same skill and when he feels the responsibility for the common

A new identity of a personal brand

In this block will be demonstrated a synergic principle that exists between

The objective of this session is to define a clear competitive advantage of a personal brand of all participants.

The competitive advantage will be converted into a „brand promise“.

Brand promise is a binding agreement with the client, saying that every brand experience will have some guaranteed level of quality.

This block is intended to fill the brand promise with a concrete content and to prepare a marketing plan that will deliver the new brand story to the market.

Salespersonnel will learn which marketing tricks to use in what situation and how to support the positive word-of-mouth.

Organization and prices Trainings organization 

Trainings are designed for one day (8 hours) or two days (2 x 8 hours)

The capacity of every training is limited to 15 participants

Both options include 4 thematic sessions, but the two-day course is about a deeper dive into every area (with more practical excercises).

Trainings usually take place in client´s offices (or other places defined by client) The couch can arrange a training class outside of company premises, but the charges will be billed on top of the course fee

Trainings prices COURSE



For managers

1.500 €

2.400 €

For employees

1.100 €

1.800 €

930 €

1.300 €

For salespersonnel

Note: •

The prices are final no VAT will be charged

In case of a long-term cooperation the prices are defined individually.

Prices don´t include cost for accommodation + delivery for the couch, should the training take place outside of Prague

Prices do not include rental charged of classroom, should the training take place outside of company permises


„Logical structure, significant impact to key points of personal branding. The tangible output is a template of key learnings that allows the participant to return repetedly to the lessons learned...what is crucial taking in account the long-term process of building a personal brand.“

Ing. Vít Ratislav, MBA Sales Director for Western Bohemia Generali Czech Republic

About lecturer Ing. Filip Kahoun, Ph.D. Graduated from Economics and Management at University of Southern Bohemia. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Marketing (in 2005) at the University of Economics in Prague. Throughout the entire study he had been interested in personal branding that finally became the subject of his doctoral thesis. Filip Kahoun has extensive experiences in strategic marketing. For ten years he worked in top management of international corporations as a Marketing Director for the Czech Republic and later for Central and Eastern Europe. His teams have won a number of prestigious, national awards in the area of PR, online and marketing communication. At the present he is focused on marketing educational programs and publishing.




MALL (2012 – 2013)

Marketing Director for CEE

Generali Pojišťovna (2009 – 2012)

Marketing Director for CZ

Česká pojišťovna (2007)

Direct Sales Director

První Callin agentura (2005 – 2006)

Managing Director

CETELEM ČR (2003 – 2005)

Marketing Director for CZ

University of Economics (2002 – 2005)

Professor of Marketing


+420 602 473 371

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