JOURN L “Where Fillmore County News Comes First” Special Section
Monday, July 17, 2017
2017 Fillmore County Fair
Fillmore County Fair July 18-23, 2017
2017 Event Guide & News
Canton • Chatfield • Fountain • Harmony • Houston • Lanesboro • Mabel • Ostrander • Peterson • Preston • Rushford • Rushford Village • Spring Valley • Whalan • Wykoff
Page 2
Monday, July 17, 2017
The FCJ reaches over 13,000 households each week.
Fillmore County Fair
July 18-July 23, 2017
A trip of a lifetime
Hannah Grabau of Preston was one of 28 4-H Minnesota delegates chosen for Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF), a weeklong national program held in Washington, DC. More than 300 4-H students from across the country attended CWF. Participants strengthened their civic skills while experiencing the sites of Washington, DC. Photo submitted
By Annie Lewis When 17-year-old Hannah Grabau of Preston heard she was selected as one of the 4-H delegates to go to Washington, DC, she could hardly believe it. “I had never been too far from home, so going on a trip like this was a dream come true,” Hannah said. Hannah heard about the Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) program from Rebecca Lofgren, 4-H Program Coordinator for Fillmore County. CWF is one of many opportunities available for young people through 4-H and the University of Minnesota Extension which oversees 4-H. As a fourth generation 4-H participant, Hannah has been involved in 4-H for 11 years. She has participated at county and state fairs showing her animals and competing in art, food nutrition and preservation. But this experience was something that took her to a whole new level of learning. Hannah was one of 28 Minnesota delegates chosen for CWF and more than 300 from across the country. “I met people from California, Ohio, Colorado and other states,” Hannah said. “It was fun meet-
ing so many different kids and their chaperones. I learned that 4-H is pretty much the same in other states. It was good to hear firsthand from other kids how they do things.” CFW participants learn from and meet young people from across the nation, strengthen their civic engagement understanding and skills, and experience Washington, DC. Participants learn essential civic leadership skills that encourage them to explore and engage in real change in their communities. The program objectives are met through speakers, workshops, pre-conference webinars and workshop, daily excursions to view national sites and Day at the Capitol with elected officials. The week-long citizenship program was held from June 24-July 1 and took place at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center in Washington, DC. Hannah, who will be a senior at Fillmore Central High School, met her fellow Minnesota delegates in Farmington. They were oriented about the trip and boarded the bus for the long ride to DC. When Hannah’s Mom, Amy Grabau, was asked if she was
nervous about Hannah leaving home for a week, she said, “A little, but I knew it was run by 4-H and that gave me peace of mind. Plus, I was so happy for her and knew it would be a wonderful experience.” The Grabau’s are family enrolled in 4-H and all three children are Fillmore County Ambassadors. “As part of my trip,” Hannah said, “I had to make a ‘Pay It Forward Plan’ that I’d like to implement someday. My plan focuses on helping teens and young adults with stress management. My goal is to setup a call line for families to get stress management help and to form a support group for this. I learned through CWF that implementing an idea takes a lot of planning and work.” See HANNAH Page 3
Picture-Perfect Financial Planning
wicz, Chris Eide, kink, Diane Wojtkie Hebrink, Sue Sik y nd Ci r, ate dw len, Donney Row: Kathy Broa , Christopher Skaa ane Eiken, Steve Harmony Back len, James Skaalen brey Johnson, Di aa Au Sk , we on ns Do tia bra ris De Vicki Ch Aggen, ristianson, Jessica Seated: Janet Ch n lso rke To e Su Bridget Case,
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Canton Back Row: Janice Kn ox, Sandy Bens Cathy Newman on, Jill Dawley, Carole Engen, Seated: John Ab rahamson, Greg Turner
An Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County
Continued from Page 2
Hannah said that she really enjoyed seeing Washington, DC. “It’s like being in a different place and time,” she said. “I’ve seen lots of pictures of it, but being there in person and experiencing the history made me feel proud to be a part of this great country.” Specializing The delegates wentin to Horse numerous sites including the National
Livestock Trailers
Monday, July 17, 2017
citizens and leaders. “We were Full service able to see how government works. We got a tour of the shop Capitol and I got to talk with
Cathedral and the Vietnam War Memorial, which made a huge impression on her. Among her favorites were the Arlington National Cemetery, Mount Iwo Jima and the Martin Luther King Monument. She also enjoyed a reenactment that showcased soldiers from the Revolutionary War to the present. CWF emphasizes the importance of developing civic and and social responsibilities as it relates
to the development of better
our State Representative Tim Waltz,” Hannah said. “That was really great, but it made me realize that they have a hard job. I don’t think it’s something I’d ever want to do.” Hannah is preparing her display of her CWF experience for the Fillmore County Fair,
July 18-23 in Preston. She is also getting her rabbits ready to show: Lilly, a Mini Lop; Romeo, a buck (male) Mini Rex; and Fudge, a female Mini Rex. Hannah will be making dilly beans and French prunes for the food preservation competition. Her canned bing cherries won her the grand champion ribbon last year. She is also bringing three pieces of artwork. There are many opportunities
Page 3
for young people to participate in 4-H, including regional and statewide camps. For more information, contact Rebecca Lofgren, 4-H Program Coordinator at (507) 765-3896,, or Lofgren encourages anyone who is interested to get involved. The CWF program cost $1,400 (scholarships available) and included all travel, lodging and about half of the meals.
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Page 4
Monday, July 17, 2017
An Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County
YELLO! Takes Preston Youth to the Big City
Jeremiah Grabau of Preston attended YELLO! (Youth Exploring Leadership and Learning Outloud!), a 4-H citizenship and leadership conference facilitated by the Minnesota 4-H State Ambassadors. YELLO! brings together more than 100 youth from across Minnesota and the nearby region to St. Paul to hear speakers, take part in hands-on activities, engage in a service-learning project, and explore fun and educational opportunities in the region. Photo by Annie Lewis
By Annie Lewis “The Walker Art Center is a really an unusual place,” said Jeremiah Grabau, who recently visited there as part of YELLO! (Youth Exploring Leadership and Learning Outloud!). YELLO! is a 4-H citizenship and leadership conference facilitated by the Minnesota 4-H State Ambassadors. Jeremiah, a 16-year-old Fillmore Central student, attended the 4-H conference from June 14-17 in St. Paul. YELLO! brings together more than 100 youth from across Minnesota and the nearby region to hear motivational speakers, take part in hands-on activities, engage in a service-learning project, and explore fun and educational opportunities in the region. Jeremiah lives in Preston with his parents, Amy and Nathan Grabau, and two sisters. He is a fourth generation 4-H participant and has been actively involved for 10 years. He heard about YELLO! from Rebecca Lofgren, 4-H Program Coordinator for Fillmore County. YELLO! is one of many opportunities available for young people through 4-H and the University of Minnesota Exten-
sion which oversees 4-H. Participants get to meet other youth across the region and plan for action in their home communities through a youth-teaching-youth model. During the week, they engage in leadership activities and a service-learning activity to put into practice some of the skills they learn. Additional activities allow youth to hear from nationally-recognized keynote speakers, learn dances and have a field trip experience in the Twin Cities. “It was so much fun,” said Jeremiah. “We got to pick a night on the town adventure and that’s when I went to the Walker. I’d never been to an art museum like that before. There were seven kids in my group and we just couldn’t believe how cool the exhibits were. There were lots of interactive things to do.” The conference wasn’t all fun and sightseeing. The participants worked on service projects, listened to speakers and learned from one another. One speaker was the head of Canada’s 4-H. Through a mock phone calling exercise, they learned communication skills by actually calling someone to thank them. They also were taught the importance of mak-
Hwy 16 & 52 • Preston, MN • 507-765-9871
ing eye contact and carrying on a conversation. Each day had a different theme. The first day was “Me” day, where Jeremiah said they did things to discover more about their personalities and what motivates them. Day two was “We” day and that was about getting to know others. “We were given a challenge to meet five new friends and I met more than 20,” Jeremiah exclaimed. The final day was “Us” and that focused on team building and doing things for others. “One of the favorite parts for me was the food packing service project,” Jeremiah said. “We worked for a nonprofit called ‘Feed My Starving Children’ and packed 41,000 meals. I learned that this is enough food to feed 113 kids for a year! It made me feel really good to know one person can really make a difference. The leader said we were some of the best packers they ever had and surpassed the goal in the time we had.” The group also went to the Raptor Center, an organization run by the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine that specializes in the See JEREMIAH Page 8
601 W Highway 52 • Canton 507-743-2250 27743 State Highway 16 • Preston 507-765-2484
ers t r o p p u ds u o r p e r ’ We of the ty fair oun c e r o m fill
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Have fun at the Fillmore County Fair!
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WE’RE PROUD TO SUPPORT THE FILLMORE COUNTY FAIR Congratulations on your participation in the fair. Great variety on hand now! Bring in your old mower and trade up for the new mower that fits your needs. Rhino tough & ready.
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Page 8
Monday, July 17, 2017
Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!
Fillmore County Fair
July 18-July 23, 2017
Continued from Page 4
medical care, rehabilitation, and conservation of eagles, hawks, owls, and falcons. In the evenings, participants were given the opportunity to learn new dances. “I had never tried ‘swing’ dancing before, but it was a blast. We also did Zumba in the morning. I’ve
never been involved in anything like this and it was great to meet so many other 4-H kids from all over Minnesota. I’ll be going back next year if I can.” Youth grades six through one year past high school can attend YELLO! and all participants stay at the 4-H Building at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in St. Paul. The $225 fee covers food, housing, activities, trans-
portation and admission for a other animal. You teach them field trip and service project, an to stay in position with hand commands and if you train event chaperone and a t-shirt. Jeremiah is getting ready for them right, they will do it.” the Fillmore County Fair, July He’s also preparing his apple 18-23. He’ll be showing his ketchup, pickles and sauerkraut rabbits: Jace, a male Netherland for the food preservation comDwarf; Dutchy, a female Dutch petition and will be entering an and Clary, a female Mini Rex. aerospace project. Jeremiah and “I like training rabbits and pre- his family are family enrolled in SEE US TODAY! paring them for show.SEEIt’s pretty 4-H. He and his two siblings USOFFER TODAY! ENDS 6/30/2017 ENDS or 6/30/2017 similar to training a OFFER dog any are 4-H County Ambassadors.
70 4th St NW, harmoNy, mN • 507-886-4600
There are many opportunities for young people to participate in 4-H. For more information, contact Rebecca Lofgren, 4-H Program Coordinator at (507) 765-3896 or fillmorecomn4H or www.fourh. Lofgren encourages anyone who is interested to get involved. There are regional and statewide camps and some scholarships available.
Case IH Maxxum Series tractors combine efficient power with operator convenience to make loader hay work or more productive with 90tractor to 120 Whether mowing, and baling, loading pulling, Case IH has the youPTO horsepower. Case IH Puma Series tractors offer big performance mid-size versatility. Ranging from 105 to 195 PTO hp with CVT transmissions, need to keep yourtractor operation running. Tier with 4B/Final Maxxum Series Tractors combine they have the horsepower to handle both livestock and row crop tasks in mixed farm operations. Plus efficient power with convenience handletechnology the large workload multiple theoperator new Case IH SCR to engine bringsand a new level of fuel efficiency to your operation. tasks of livestock operations, dairy, row-crop operations, and municipalities.
Case IH Maxxum Series tractors combine efficient power with operator convenience to make loader and hay work more productive with 90 to 120 PTO horsepower. Case IH Puma Series tractors offer big tractor performance with mid-size versatility. Ranging from 105 to 195 PTO hp with CVT transmissions, they have the horsepower to handle both livestock and row crop tasks in mixed farm operations. Plus the new Case IH SCR engine technology brings a new level of fuel efficiency to your operation.
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We’re proud supporters of the fillmore county fair
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dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Down payment may be required. Offer good through June 30, 2017. Not all customers or applicants may qualify for this rate or term. CNH Industrial Capital America LLC or CNH Industrial Capital Canada Ltd. standard terms and conditions will apply. This transaction will be unconditionally interest free. Canada Example: 0% per annum for a total contract term of 60 months: Based on a retail contract date of April 1, 2017 with a suggested retail price on a new Maxxum 135 CVT tractor of C$194,716.00, customer provides down payment of C$39,000.00 and finances the balance of C$155,716.00 at 0% per annum for 60 months. There will be 5 equal annual installment payments of C$31,143.20 due on April 1, 2018. The total amount payable will be C$194,716.00, which includes finance charges of C$0.00. Taxes, freight, setup, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in suggested retail price. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice.
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% CNH Capital and Case IH are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC.
CNH Capital and Case IH are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC.
onthON NEW MAXXUM M f e e B Please contact me with your ideas and suggestions.
Representative Greg Davids 585 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155
I hope to see you all at the Fillmore County Fair!
* For commercial use only. Customer participation subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Industrial Capital America LLC or CNH Industrial Capital Canada Ltd. See your participating Case IH
Whether mowing, baling, loading or pulling, Case IH has the tractor you need to keep your operation running. Tier 4B/Final Maxxum Series Tractors combine efficient power with operator convenience to handle the large workload and multiple tasks of livestock operations, dairy, row-crop operations, and municipalities.
HAMMELL EQUIPMENT INC. 330 North Main Harmony, MN 55939 507-886-2255
* For commercial use only. Customer participation subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Industrial Capital America LLC or CNH Industrial Capital Canada Ltd. See your participating Case IH
dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Down payment may be required. Offer good through June 30, 2017. Not all customers or applicants may qualify for this rate or term. CNH Industrial Capital America LLC or CNH Industrial Capital Canada Ltd. standard terms and conditions will apply. This transaction will be unconditionally interest free. Canada Example: 0% per annum for a total contract term of 60 months: Based on a retail contract date of April 1, 2017 with a suggested retail price on a new Maxxum 135 CVT tractor of C$194,716.00, customer provides down payment of C$39,000.00 and finances the balance of C$155,716.00 at 0% per annum for 60 months. There will be 5 equal annual installment payments of C$31,143.20 due on April 1, 2018. The total amount payable will be C$194,716.00, which includes finance charges of C$0.00. Taxes, freight, setup, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in suggested retail price. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice.
State Representative
Greg Davids
Minnesota House of Representatives - District 28B
Paid for by the People for Davids Committee, P.O. Box 1, Preston, MN 55965
The FCJ reaches over 13,000 households each week.
Monday, July 17, 2017
Page 9
SWCD to hold monthly meeting at fairgrounds July 20 The Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Board will hold its regular
monthly meeting at the Fillmore County Fair on Thursday, July 20, at 5 p.m. in the
west end of the fairgrounds in the Commercial Building. As a locally elected board, all meet-
Summer fun that is close to home
Check the town bulletin for a list of entertaining summer events right in your own backyard. Summer is prime vacation season when travelers take trips to every corner of the world. While faraway destinations abound, those looking for fun can also find enjoyable activities much closer to home. Many communities come alive during the warmer weather, hosting an array of locally driven events. People looking for a day
of entertainment or an evening of excitement may be able to find an event that's just a short car ride away. Pick up a local newspaper or log on to your town's official website to browse a listing of events in your community this summer. Here are a few events you're bound to find. • Carnivals and fun fairs: Open land or empty parking lots can be transformed into bustling carnivals in a matter of days. Carnivals or fairs may be sponsored by private businesses or local religious
organizations looking to raise funds. Some fairs are established by the county and attract participants from near and far. Carnivals often boast a wide array of entertainment, from amusement park-style rides to games of chance to music. • Summer concert series: Summer concerts series typically begin when the weather warms up, and music may not stop playing until Labor Day. Concerts may range from more intimate affairs that attract a few dozen people to a town square to larger events at beaches and boardwalks that draw thousands of visitors. • Food festivals: Various towns close down their Main Streets from time to time to accommodate food festivals that feature a variety of cuisines. Some food festivals may feature one ingredient, such as garlic or cheese, while others may delve deeper and offer broader menus. Food
ings are open to the public.
festivals allow visitors to sample many different treats and may serve to advertise for neighborhood eating establishments. • Street fairs: Street fairs also may close down thoroughfares in town. These events usually bring together a variety of vendors selling their wares in an open market setting. You can make a day of touring all of the vendor booths and buying handmade items from local artisans. • Outdoor movies: Local parks frequently host summer movie nights when participants can view a movie on the big screen while under the stars. This can be an informal way to get the entire family together for a fun flick. Films are typically family-friendly and schedules are available well in advance. Bring a blanket and some snacks and enjoy an inexpensive evening together. Many people need not travel far for a little summertime fun, as many communities host fun events throughout the warmer months.
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Page 10
Monday, July 17, 2017
Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!
Something for everyone at the fair! It’s that time of year to make plans for the Fillmore County Fair. Last year the new adventure was Go Kart racing. Because of the enthusiasm generated by the fans and participants they will be back on Wednesday night. Come cheer on the drivers from 5 p.m. to ?? Thursday is going to be a night of firsts. The fair board has listened to you and have brought
the smoke and roar back to the grandstand with a Tractor Pull. The big Red Sled will be there to challenge all comers. On the other side Four Daughters Vineyard & Winery will be having a wine tasting event in the Beer Barn from 4-9 p.m. Come in and sample the wares of this nationally recognized local business. Come enjoy nightly music in the Beer Barn. Several area
bands will take the stage. As always, kids are our business whether showcasing their skills in the show arenas or exhibiting their talents in the non-livestock areas. There is much to enjoy. Little Farm Hands is the area for those little ones to try their hand at doing things farmers do. This year there will be a chance to enjoy “Wild Things Zoo Attractions” on Saturday from 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. Come
and enjoy these animals and learn about their lives. Jump, jump, jump! The free jump houses are back by popular demand. Benches will be
nearby for the parents to sit and visit while you wait. Come and meet your neighbors for food, fun, and laughter at the Fillmore County Fair.
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Good Luck at the Fair!
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Spring Valley, Mn
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HaVe fun & good luck, participantS!
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Good luck at the Fillmore County Fair!
Park Lane Estates Assisted Living 111 Fillmore Place SE, Preston, MN • 507-765-9986 • 507-259-3291
Have fun at the Fair!
Check out our inventory at the
Fillmore County Fair!
Sales - Service - Parts - Body Shop - Towing
Preston Foods • 507-765-2465 Harmony Foods • 507-886-2225 Rushford Foods • 507-864-2878 Have a fun time at the Fillmore County Fair and Good Luck to all Exhibitors and Conpetitors!
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See you at the
Fillmore County Fair!
Ristau Farm Service Preston 507.765.3873
Have a great time at the
It is a privilege to work with you to help make our great state an even better place to live, work and raise a family. I work hard to be a voice for the people I represent and to do what is best fot the long term health and strength of Minnesota. Senator Jeremy Miller
120 E. Grant Street, PO Box 271 • Spring Valley, MN 55975
Paid for by Friends for Miller, P.O. Box 30024, Winona, MN 55987
Fillmore County Fair