Fillmore County Journal 7.21.14

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Fillmore County Fair July 22-26, 2014 Check out the inside for stories and a schedule of events!

Pages 6-13


“Where Fillmore County News Comes First” Weekly Edition

Whalan Council talks town improvements page


Monday, July 21, 2014

Rushford Village weeds out issue; looks ahead page


Volume 29 Issue 44

Mabel-Canton Schools face budget cuts page


30th Annual Buffalo Bill Days coming soon page


Canton • Chatfield • Fountain • Harmony • Houston • Lanesboro • Mabel • Ostrander • Peterson • Preston • Rushford • Rushford Village • Spring Valley • Whalan • Wykoff

Krin Abraham signs on as Houston superintendent By A ngie Rodenburg

Krin Abraham signing her superintendent contract. Photo by Angie Rodenburg

The Houston School Board held a meeting on July 15. This meeting was the last for Interim Superintendent Rick as Krin Abraham has successfully completed her superintendent licensure and has accepted the Houston superintendent position. At the end of the meeting Abraham signed her contract that was approved earlier in the meeting. At the meeting, Cody Mathers updated the board on the MNVA Audit that K12 conducted. Mathers said that everything went well. The auditors inquired about procedures and documentation. Houston MNVA was told to put in writing some of their policies. For instance, write a policy on what they do for homeless students

and foreign language students. Mathers also announced that he had been offered and accepted a promotion with K12 as K12’s Northern Region Operations Manager. The board congratulated Mathers on the promotion and wished him the best in his new position. The board approved several items at the meeting including the Hiawatha Valley Education District Services Agreement FY15 and the purchase of a new water heater for the high school. Krin Abraham presented a proposal to the board to lease 37 Apple computers to replace teachers’ old computers. The lease is for four years and when the four years are up, the school can purchase the computers for just $1. The total cost of the four-year lease would be $41,070 and would

Rushford EDA revamps forbearance terms is currently revamping terms of forbearance and looking at accounts that are currently in There’s no denying that forbearance. the Economic Development The EDA has opted to go Authority’s revolving loan fund through process of acknowledghas done great things for Rush- ing default, upon legal advice, ford’s economic growth. At least of accounts that are in fortwo past audits have garnered bearance and non-compliance praise for its efforts. Still, there with loan terms. “The EDA is room for improvement, as has decided to start using the noted by recent EDA discus- d-word, default, in terms. It sions. According to EDA Chair- puts in potential liability,” noted man Tom Driscoll, the entity Driscoll. “’Default’ comes with a By K irsten Zoellner




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include AppleCare Protection Plan for the duration of the lease. While leasing the computers has a slightly higher price tag, it allows for the payments to be spread out. Also, the AppleCare Protection Plan would help to save on repair costs that would inevitably be incurred. After much discussion the board approved the computer lease agreement. Principal Lundberg reviewed changes that had been made to the Houston High School handbook. One change was that all students of families who qualify for free and reduced lunches will now receive free lunches and breakfasts. Also, all kindergarten students will qualify for See HOUSTON Page 15 

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Help Our Neighbors/ tourism center

tremendous amount of weight.” Three companies are currently in default of the terms of their forbearance. EDA conclusion has been to acknowledge the default, then allow time for companies to cure the default. If the default is not cured, the EDA has futher options. With the new terms, the EDA is asking for an exit strategy from forbearance. Companies will continue to be asked for details See RUSHFORD Page 23 



By K aren R eisner

tourism center Monday through Thursday, allowing for time away for HON activities. HON, a At the July 14 Chatfield City non-denominational service startCouncil meeting a proposal from ed by four churches, currently has Help Our Neighbors (HON) to an office at Chatfield Lutheran share space at the Tourism Center Church. was approved. This non-profit The Park and Recreation Comorganization was established in mittee recommended approval. 2012 to help senior citizens stay The two services are expected to in their homes. complement each other. The city HON will share the cost of will provide a desk for HON at utilities and pay for Internet the center and allow a sign recaccess at the tourism center. A person from HON will be at the See CHATFIELD Page 24 


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Monday, July 21, 2014


Page 3

Whalan City Council talks town improvements and house demolition By Steve Harris At the regular monthly meeting of the Whalan City Council that took place on Monday, July 14, a number of items were discussed and actions were approved. Present at the meeting were Mayor Larry Johnson, Everett Johnson, Jim Gustavson, David Rahn, Margaret Chiglo, Lanny Landsverk and Lolly Melander (town administrator). Minutes from the June, 2014, meeting were approved, as was a motion to approve and pay the monthly bills. The council also discussed the following items of old and new business: •Lanny Landsverk informed the

council that the Norland house in Whalan will be torn down. The demolition will take place during the week of July 24. •The council learned that the City gas pump is once again not working. This pump was repaired once before a couple of years ago. A motion was made by David Rahn, and seconded by Jim Gustavson, to authorize Everett Johnson to go to Fleet Farm with Lanny Landsverk to purchase a new pump unit. That motion carried. •Mayor Johnson reported on a recent area meeting in which financial standing of the Lanesboro Fire Department was reviewed. Pull tab funds have been used for a number

of years to sustain expenses of the rural fire department. A decision has been made to increase the annual fees paid by participating towns of the rural fire department over the next three years. The council directed Lolly Melander to budget $1,000 towards this rural fire department fee next year. •The repairs and maintenance of Whalan’s LP tank are underway. The tank top was fixed, the council learned, but it has not yet been painted. It was agreed that Lolly Melander will contact K & H co-op to find out when the tank painting will be finished. •The council discussed the need for additional gravel for the

Shop - Dine - Live

Whalan ball field. The main question is whether or not more gravel needs to be ordered this year. Mayor Johnson told the council that the last loads of gravel were placed on the ball field, on Halverson Alley, and on Tuftin Alley. It was decided that the council will wait on ordering more gravel for this year. •The council affirmed that the current annual fee for a city license for B & Bs and other lodging establishments is $35. Mayor Johnson also informed the council that the State of Minnesota requires all B & Bs and lodging establishments to supply their local city with a copy of their

state licenses. This matter directly affects four businesses in Whalan: Cedar Valley, Cycle Inn, Linger Longer, and Bluff View. The state licenses of these businesses must be on file with the Whalan City Office. If those licenses are not on file, the City of Whalan could potentially be held liable for any injuries occurring within city limits in conjunction with the operation of these businesses. The businesses need to contact Lolly Melander with the needed paperwork and fees for the year. The next regular meeting of the Whalan City Council is scheduled for Monday, August 11, 2014, at 5 p.m. in the Whalan Town Hall.

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Page 4


Monday, July 21, 2014

The FCJ reaches over 13,000 households each week.

C ommentary The “c” word By Eric Leitzen As a historian, I could talk your ear off about taboo. No, not that board game, although I’m pretty good at it. No, not the fiftiesvintage cosmetics brand. I’m talking about those little quirks that each society has about what’s good, what’s bad, Eric Leitzen and more often than not, what’s ugly. The word actually comes from the South Pacific, as a word for something set apart or forbidden. It was the brave and bold Captain Cook that first introduced the word into the English language (possibly before he was chopped into bite-sized pieces) but it wasn’t like we waited for the word before decided what was okay and what was not. Over the past 300 years or so, we’ve come up with, and done away with, more taboos than, well, possibly pieces of Captain Cook. When once it was taboo not to remove your hat in front of a lady, our most modern taboos usually apply to Facebook wall posts or proper Twitter hashtag etiquette. Truly, we have entered a new Golden Age. But all joking aside, we still struggle daily with the taboos not only of the here and now, but of the generations that came before us. I try to keep an up to date catalog for Boomers of “words and terms you’re not supposed to use anymore” and the recent flap over the name of the Washington football team is good proof of that awkwardness. The entire Hobby Lobby fracas over the past few months could be boiled down to a taboo on certain actions that are, funnily enough, actually prescribed in the Bible to begin with. The most successful of the fallen taboos of late would have to be Editorial Cartoon

There is no justice in Houston County

the slowly crumbling opposition to marriage equality not only in Minnesota, but even recently in Wisconsin... pending a judicial By Dr. Bryan Van Gorp review. Never let it be said that Planning and Zoning Director taboos do not die easy. Bob Scanlan, Environmental Ser For instance, there is a large vices Director – Rick Frank, Planamount of our United States ning Compopulation, and the population mission Chair worldwide, that have to deal – Dan Griffin, with a taboo on a daily basis. and Houston Unlike race, or gender identity, County Comor marriage rights, this taboo is missioners – still largely swept under the rug Judy Storlie, and often given a simple (and Teresa Walinsulting) label as opposed to ter, and Steve Bryan education, understanding, and Schuldt have Van Gorp tolerance. The people that suf- denied the fer from these unfortunate situ- citizens of Houston County due ations have been taught since process. Each of them have been birth to hide their true selves at informed verbally and in writing all costs, even when it results in on several occasions of six different tremendous pain to their lives permit violations on the Erickson and bodies, because they don’t mine. They have refused to allow want to be called out in front of us to present our evidence and the rest of society with the good when we filed an appeal to the old-fashioned blanket term of Board of Adjustment several weeks “crazy.” before the vote on the permit, they Some people have mental ill- acted as though it had never hapnesses, and that’s okay. Some pened. They returned the appeal of them simply cannot help it. only after the vote so no action Sometimes there is something not could be taken by us. They also programmed correctly in their falsely claimed that our appeal was brain. Sometimes, as simple as it invalid because a board had made seems, they have what could be the decision. Only Bob Scanlon described as a few wires crossed. It wasn’t a choice. They don’t The Affordable Care Act... want it. They are often tortured To the Editor, by things they do not want to I’m puzzled by Rep. Greg do or see or experience, but their David’s scorching condemnation minds literally will not stop. They of The Affordable Care Act, aka want to be happy, they want to “ObamaCare.” He keeps referring not cause a scene, they want to be to some chimerical, long suffer“normal” just like everyone else, ing 16,000. His opposition flies but they have a genuine mediin the face of the success of the cal condition that prevents them ACA, in spite of some problems from doing that... and instead of helping them find treatment, we that are being worked out. In treat them like freaks because of Minnesota, there are 170,000 enrollees, which is 35,000 more it. than the target number! 47,000 Just like the walls of sexual and are private plan enrollees, 34,000 racial discrimination have fallen Minnesota care enrollees, and down only recently in the his88,000 Medicaid enrollees. Pertorical timeline, I hope someday haps the mythical 16,000 Mr. that we will be able to say that the shunning of someone’s mind, Davids refers to are included through no fault of their own, is in 36,000 who attempted to enroll, but ran into some glitcha thing of the past.

and Rick Frank were involved in the cover-up of Erickson’s permit violations. All decisions made about this permit were based on false statements by Bob Scanlan. The decisions are invalid if they are not based on all known evidence at the time. He repeatedly told each decision making body there were no permit violations; we have solid evidence that he knew about proving this to be a false statement. If we could have a chance to prove these violations the permit would have to be revoked. Instead it was renewed without an adequate investigation of the facts. Violation #1 - Erickson attempted to mine frac sand without a valid permit to do so. That was decided by Judge Walter in court to be a fact. Violation #2 – Erickson broke the county moratorium, there is a record of my call to the Sheriff’s office and the county then passed a stop work order base on that violation. Violation #3 – Erickson cut down trees that were a screen

along Highway 16 that his permit specifically said were not allowed to be cut, we have eye witnesses but Bob Scanlan says that does not constitute evidence. Violation #4 – Erickson dug test wells without a permit; we have an eye witness account and videotape testimony of the company that dug the wells. Violation #5 – Erickson encroached on Rosemary Iverson’s property within the 50 foot setback and caused erosion, we have pictures and a tape measure. Violation #6 – the previous owner buried construction debris at the mine site, if Erickson inherits the permit he inherits the violation, the evidence can be uncovered with a little digging. All we are asking is a chance to present our case, why are they afraid to let that happen? They will likely try to say some or all of this is not true. I say let the appeal be heard and let the Board of Adjustment decide what is true. This is about the governance of Houston County. If we lose we will have to live with it but we should have a right to present our evidence.

es, which are being worked out. According to Minnesota’s State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC), as of June 14 the state uninsured population is the lowest in recorded history, thanks to ObamaCare. It has gone from 445,000 to 264,000. Not bad! Of course to negativists like Davids the glass is always half empty. Sure, there are all sorts of horror stories, many fabricated or blown out of proportion. But numbers, statistics, and facts do not lie. Of course, the learned salon from Preston never let facts get in the

way of his right wing ideology. Jerry Grehl Harmony, MN

Online Reader Poll Results Have you ever attended your town’s city council meeting? • Yes, I go frequently................33.3% • Occassionally, when something pertains to me...........................16.7% • No, I’ve never gone to a meeting...................50%

Next week’s reader poll question:

What do you go to the county fair to see? Cast your vote at

Correction In the July 14, edition of the Fillmore County Journal there was an error in the Wykoff citizen questions city council ethics article. It was NOT Roxanne Mensink who spoke to council about the controlled burn, it was Roxanne Sabatke.

136 St. Anthony St. • P.O. Box 496 Preston, MN 55965 507-765-2151 • 1-800-599-0481 FAX 507-765-2468 e-mail: website:

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Sheena Tollefson

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Mitchell Walbridge

Photo Journalist Ad Design Ad Design

Barb Jeffers Gabby Kinneberg Jana Olson


Sherry Hines


Peggi Redalen

Contributors: Tammy Danielson, Jeff Erding, Liz Giese, Col. Stan Gudmundson, Steve Harris, Becky Hoff, Jackie Horsman, Barb Jeffers, Loni Kemp, Eric Leitzen, Kathy Little, Yvonne Nyenhuis, Gary Peterson, Karen Reisner, Angie Rodenburg, Judith Thomas, Paul Trende, Jeanette Schmidt, Jade Sexton, Mitchell Walbridge, Hannah Wingert, Kirsten Zoellner Published by Sethre Media Group, Inc. every Monday and mailed third class. Circulation: 13,107 FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS to Zip Codes served, 965 FREE STORE DISTRIBUTION and 200 paid subscriptions at $55 per year, third class or $105 first class.

DEADLINE for news & advertising is NOON WEDNESDAY for the Monday Edition. © 2014

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, July 21, 2014


Page 5

C ommentary Are we doomed to polarization? By Lee H. Hamilton We Americans are trapped in a political dilemma. We all like representative democracy, but we don’t much like the way it’s performing. The reason for this dissatisfaction is clear. Polls in recent years detail a polarized nation, divided both Lee H. ideologically Hamilton and politically. This is, as the Pew Research Center put it recently, “a defining feature of politics today.” In the public’s eye, Washington gets most of the blame for this. Yet Congress and the political world around it reflect the rest of the country more than we’d like to believe. Our nation is divided ideologically. It’s also segregated politically, with many Americans preferring to associate with and live near people who share their views; gerrymandered districts and

closed primaries intensify the effect. Our media is more partisan than it used to be. Interest groups — many of them funded by ordinary Americans who want their voices magnified — are more engaged than they were a generation ago. And though we deplore negative politics, we respond to it and even encourage our favorite partisans to engage in it. Anyone who becomes President today does so with nearly half the country opposed to him the day he takes office. Moreover, we face a long list of issues where decisive action may be impossible: abortion, gun control, climate change, a host of budgetary and economic problems, the death penalty, tax reform, immigration, drug laws. These issues don’t just divide Congress; they divide the nation, with no clear path forward. Our admired political system, in other words, is not working well. In Pew’s survey, the extremes make up just over

a third of the American public, but because they’re disproportionately active they drive our politics. The larger, more diverse center can’t agree on a direction for the country, but its members are united by their distaste for the tone of politics and the unwillingness of politicians to compromise and break the stalemate. We are not getting the politics we want. So how do we resolve our dilemma? There are many procedural steps that can ease the gridlock on Capitol Hill. Among them, the House and Senate could schedule themselves so that they’re in session at the same time. Congressional leaders and the President ought to meet at least once a month. Congress needs to work the same fiveday week that the rest of us do, and reduce its centralized leadership by empowering committees. Open primaries would help moderate the nation’s politics, as would bipartisan redistricting commissions capable of

Ashamed of America’s citizens To the Editor, I don’t understand how so much public outcry is simply ignored. No wait, I do understand, it is much simpler to just go on with your routine life and not rock the boat, or to come to terms with the truth. Most people will just immediately say, you’re nuts, without ever looking at the evidence. 9-11, the Twin Towers, most people you ask, how many buildings fell on 9-11, say two, but tower seven fell five hours later, perfectly into its footprint and symmetrical. Why were no plane parts or luggage or body’s found at the Pentagon crash, or at the Pennsylvania crash site. People need to wake up, get informed. There are many places to find the truth and then spread the word and demand that our government do something. Pilots For 911 Truth - Architect’s for 911 Truth - YouTube videos like Loose Change explain

in detail the facts. Your Goverment orchestrated that disaster and murdered innocent people, that is what I believe to be the truth. Do you even know that after that event, Bush signed the Homeland Security Act? Sounds good, but that law allows them to come into your home at any time, WITHOUT A WARRANT, DETAIN YOU WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. We have lost more than lives because of this act. It would only be right to educate yourselves to the truth and to do something about it before it’s to late. I do not believe that anyone who watches a few of those documentaries, which lay out all the facts with expert testimony would believe it was only the terrorists. I hope some people listen, and try to make change, I can’t expect others to do something if I don’t try myself. Tom Frederick Wykoff, MN

Small Government vs. Big Government... To the Editor, I would like to extend an invitation to the Readers of the Fillmore County Journal to send “to the Editor” their opinion on the question “What do we mean when we talk about “smaller” government? The Journal provides a forum for discussion. Everyone has an opinion. What is yours? Respectfully submitted, Yvonne Nyenhuis Lanesboro, MN

Government this week •Monday, July 21, Preston City Council Meeting, 6pm, Council Chambers. •Monday, July 21, Kingsland School Board Meeting, 6:30pm. •Monday, July 21, Chatfield School Board Meeting, 7pm, High School Media Center. •Monday, July 21, RushfordPeterson School Board Meeting, Rushford Computer Room, 5pm. •Tuesday, July 22, Fillmore County Commissioners Meeting, 9am, Fillmore County Courthouse. •Tuesday, July 22, Fillmore Central School Board Meeting, 6:30pm. •Monday, July 28, Spring Valley City Council Meeting, 6pm, City Hall. •Monday, July 28, City of Rushford City Council Meeting, 6:30pm, City Hall. •Monday, July 28, Chatfield City Council Meeting, 7pm, City Hall. Schedule subject to change.

doing away with gerrymandered districts. Increasing voter participation and improving the integrity of our elections would also help. Limiting the Senate filibuster and allowing minority parties in both chambers more of an opportunity to offer amendments, would open up debate and forestall endless stalemates. But resolving our dilemma is unlikely to happen quickly. It’s hard to see either side in this partisan divide winning or losing decisively in the elections immediately ahead. Even if one party wins both houses in Congress, it’s not easy to move when the White House is in the control of another party. With the need for 60 votes in the Senate, the minority party can always find ways to slow things down. Still, it’s worth remembering that American politics is dynamic, not static. Change occurs, sometimes quickly, but more often slowly. We won’t forever be this evenly divided, because public opinion will eventually evolve and the system will respond.

Which raises my final point. Even when our frustration with division and discord spills over into impatience with the system itself, our obligations as American citizens remain the same. We face complex problems that don’t have simple solutions. They demand a willingness to exercise the values of representative democracy: tolerance, mutual respect, accepting ideological differences, working to build consensus. Our core values accept that the differences in opinions among us will continue, but also compel us to find a way through them so the country can move forward. By accepting the challenges that come with living in a representative democracy and renewing our confidence in it, we can lay the groundwork for change. In the end, we created our political dilemma and are responsible for working our way through it. Lee Hamilton is Director of the Center on Congress at Indiana University. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for 34 years.

Rep. Davids named “Legislator of Distinction”

By Jason Wenisch ST. PAUL – The League of Minnesota Cities has honored State Representative Greg Davids (R-Preston) with its 2014 “Legislator of Distinction” award. The League annually recognizes lawmakers who display leadership in supporting city-friendly legislation. “It is truly a privilege to receive this award,” Davids said. “As a legislator who represents a large number of small towns,

I’ve always tried to recognize the importance of city governments and support legislation that gives them the tools they need to succeed.” Specifically, the League noted Rep. Davids’ work on legislation that clarifies the sales tax exemption for cities and counties as well as the need for workforce housing. The League of Minnesota Cities represents 832 member cities.

Retail gasoline prices likely to drop over the next two weeks If you’re seeing a pleasant decrease in the price at the pump you’re not imagining things. The U.S. average retail price of gasoline has fallen below $3.60/ gal for the first time since April 10, 2014. Prices have been on an 18 consecutive day streak where the current price was less than the price from the previous day, and it’s the highest number of consecutive down days since the period between April 4, 2013 and April 19, 2013, when prices fell 11.8cts/ gal from $3.63 to $3.52. The U.S. average, now $3.59/gal., has dropped by 5 cents in the past week. “West Texas Intermediate crude, the benchmark for the U.S., traded below $100 per barrel today for the first time since April, reflecting a slow but steady decline in recent weeks,” said Patrick DeHaan, senior petroleum analyst for GasBuddy. “Over the same period, we’ve seen wholesale crude prices across the country slip dramatically. West Coast wholesale prices have fallen by more than 35 cents per gallon

since the beginning of the month, and across the rest of the country wholesale prices have fallen by 15 to 20 cents per gallon.” “We’re confident that in coming weeks we’ll see retail prices catch up to the wholesale losses. West Coast consumers will likely see their retail prices slide from 15 to 25 cents per gallon over the next two weeks, and across the rest of the country we can expect prices at the pump to shed from 10 to 20 cents per gallon,” DeHaan said. GasBuddy has also unveiled a new website for the media (http:// where media can find live-ticking averages with the latest prices received for over 450 US metros and 100 Canadian cities, as well as national averages and a multitude of other data. Color maps can be created to track prices or changes in price in every U.S. county over selectable time frames, charts comparing prices between areas can be made, with many key statistics on markets updated daily.

Fillmore County Fair July 21-26, 2014 • Preston MN

Friday, July 25 • kids day

Monday, July 21 • entry day 1:30 - 7:00pm

4-H General Project Day

10:00am 1:00pm 3:00pm 4:00pm 4:15pm

4-H Horse Training 4-H Horse Pleasure Show 4-H Poultry Show All 4-H Livestock in place Registration for Dairy & General Livestock Judging Contest Dairy & General Livestock Judging Contest Church Night (Grandstand)

tuesday, July 22 • entry day

5:00pm 6:30pm

wednesday, July 23 • FaMily day 7:30am 8:00am 9:00am 1:00pm 1:00-5:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm

4-H Swine Show 4-H Horse Trail & Game Show Open Class Judging Sheep Show (beginning with Lamb Lead) Armband Hours 4-H Hands on Activity (near Ambassador Office) 6:30pm Awards Program 7:00pm 4-H Night Live Auction 7:30pm 4-H Night (Grandstand) 8:30pm-12:30am The Band Hubba (Beer Barn)

thursday, July 24 • 4-h day 9:00 am 10:00am 1:00pm 1:00 - 5:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm 3:00pm 5:00pm 6:00 - 10:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:30pm

8:00am 11:00am 1:00 - 5:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm Office) 2:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00 - 10:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:00am 8:30am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm-4:00pm 2:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30Pm 8:30pm

Welcome to the Fillmore County Fair

GRANDSTAND SHOWS Fillmor County e Fair


tan BUTTON d S $


4-H Llama Show Looney Lutherans (Small Arena) Pedal Tractor Pull Armband Hours Jackpot Goat Show, Weigh in @ 3pm Jackpot Sheep Show, Weigh in @ 5:30pm Triple B Rodeo (Grandstand) Troubleshooter (Beer Barn)

saturday, July 26 • senior day

4-H Dairy Show 4-H Rabbit Show 4-H Goat Show Armband Hours 4-H Hands on Activity (near Ambassador Office) Pioneer Photography-School House Memories (Old School House) Pioneer Photography-Heart of Farm (Old School House) Armband Hours Arm Wrestling Contest (Beside Beer Tent) Bull Riding (Grandstand) Tripwire (Beer Barn)

$5 - Bull Riding $10 - Rodeo $10 - Demolition Derby

4-H Beef Show Draft Horse Pull (Grandstand) Armband Hours 4-H Hands on Activity (near Ambassador

Buyers’ Breakfast 5K Ribbon Run/Walk 4-H Market Livestock Auction 4-H Horse Fun Show Open Class All Breeds Dairy Show 4-H Hands on Activity (near Ambassador Office) Painting 101 (Small Arena) Species Scramble Demolition Derby (Grandstand) ExHiBiTs RElEAsED lost Faculties (Beer Barn)

CHURCH WORSHIP NIGHT Tuesday, July 22 6:30pm

Fillmore County Fair July 21-26, 2014 • Preston MN


7:00pm Big Barn Weigh-In 5:30-7:00pm Entry Fee $15 per Head Contact Heath Williams



Arm Wrestling Contest Thursday, July 24

Weigh in: 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Contest begins at 8:00 pm

Held Beside Beer Tent FREE ADMISSION!

4-H Night Live Auction Wed. July 23rd 7:00pm @ the Grandstand

Wednesday, July 23 7:30 p.m.


Come check out all the great project collections the 4-H families have put together!

4-H Fashion Revue Friend of 4-H Award Hall of Fame Induction


RIDING Thursday July 24 7:00 pm


Friday, July 25 • 11am @ Grandstand

Fillmore County Fair

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Lottery System Mutton Bustin Friday July 25

Friday July 25 • 7:00 pm

Triple B Rodeo Company

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Page 8


Monday, July 21, 2014

The FCJ reaches over 13,000 households each week.

Fillmore County Fair July 22-July 26, 2014

What’s new at the fair? What’s new at the fair is the question of the week, and there are lots of new things. Last year we made the big move changing the beer garden into the Goat Building and making the old Dairy Barn into the bigger and better Beer Barn featuring free music every night. We hope to have better weather this year so our music can be outside. Come enjoy Hubba, Tripwire, Troubleshooter, and

Lost Faculties, there should be a music type for everyone. We heard many of you have made the trip to Minneapolis to enjoy the Church Basement Ladies. We thought we would save you that long trip. Come see the Looney Lutherans, 4 p.m., Friday, July 25. These Lutherans are part of the Church Basement Ladies cast. The ladies will have you rolling in the aisles.

For those history buffs out there we have something for you too. Come join Doug Ohman at the O’Hara school at 3 p.m. for School House Memories bringing you back to a time when all eight grades were in one class-room. Then at 5 p.m. enjoy Heart of the Farm barns of Minnesota. From early days of statehood through the era of agribusiness our barns tell a story. For those of you who are into bettering your health come join

us for the first 5K Ribbon Run registration at 7:30 p.m. with ringing at 8:30 a.m. Saturday morning. We will be meeting at the historic main gate and run out on the trail. Bring your running shoes and join the fun. There are always the tried and true favorites Arm Wrestling, Bull Riding, Mutton Busting, Rodeo, Demo Derby, and ride the rides. Come and enjoy the hard work done by the 4-Hers both in the livestock barn and in the

4-H building. 4-H is not the only talents on display. Open class is always a busy area. We have some really talented people in this county. Come and be amazed or better yet bring your treasures and share. Entry day is Tuesday, July 22. We have room for all of you. We are looking to seeing you at the fair. Come enjoy the fair food, laugh, be amazed by the great people in this county, and meet your friends at the fair just like the good old days.

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Stolen animals an issue at Winona County Fair Full service bits had been stolen overnight have been the cause for the miss By Carol Boynton along with a pet carrier from a ing hair or the broken toe. Lewiston Journal Editor shop It might have started out as third 4-H member. There was also The 4-H members have been a joke or just a bad choice gone evidence that a number of rabbits too far...but stealing two bunnies had been moved or handled. from 4-H members at the Winona Later in the day it was also County Fair is no laughing mat- noticed that one rabbit had hair missing and one had a broken toe ter. It started out as a bittersweet during the repositioning of rabday at the Winona County Fair, bits. Mixing rabbits together that have not been together causes an when two 4-H members arrived and Specializing in Horse on Thursday morning, July 10. aggressive behavior in rabbits so Livestock The 4-Hers found that Trailers their rab- they begin to fight, which may


Monday, July 21, 2014

really saddened by the event. They shared, “We don’t want to prosecute but we want our bunnies back. Each of the rabbits have permanent identification and marks. So if the person or group responsible for taking them would just take them to a local vet clinic...even to set them in the carrier outside any vet would

really be appreciated so that these 4-Hers get their bunnies back. The situation happened sometime between 11:15 p.m. and midnight on July 10. One bunny was a Red-Eyed White Mini Rex buck, the other was a Blue Tort Mini Lop doe. Again, these rabbits can be dropped off anonymously at any vet clinic in the Winona County area and will be returned to their owners. These animals are identifiable by the owners. Some years ago two kid goats were stolen from the fair from

Page 9

two young 4-H members from the Happy Hart Club, but over the years there hasn’t been that kind of activity. A reward is being offered by the editor of the Lewiston Journal for the return of the rabbits. So please if you have these rabbits please let’s get them back to their rightful owners. These rabbits are not only their pets but they are part of their future rabbit programs. 4-H members set up goals and programs for the re-breeding and improvement of their animals. These rabbits are a part of these 4-H programs.

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Thank You

We honor the commitment and dedication of all of the young people and adults involved with the many 4-H programs and the 2014 Fillmore County Fair.

Page 10


Monday, July 21, 2014

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Fillmore County Fair July 22-July 26, 2014

Fillmore County 4-H day camps scheduled This summer, there will be two 4-H Day Camps scheduled for youth (3rd-5th graders) to attend to engage in educational and recreational activities as well as meet with other 4-H members around the county. The day camps are scheduled for the two Tuesdays following the Fillmore County Fair, which are July 29 and August 5.

The timeframe for these camps are from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. On July 29, the 4-H Day Camp is planned to take place at Preston Park. Come join in on the fun as a day of activities are planned. The idea of this day camp is for a day of relaxation from the fair, with plans of having fun recreational/outdoor activities, with the thought

of hopefully being able to swim later on in the afternoon at the Preston Pool (Weather Permitting). The cost for this camp is $10; that will include lunch and admission into the pool. On August 5, the 4-H Day Camp is planned to take place at Forestville State Park. Join us for a fun-filled day of exploring & learning. We will schedule

a cave tour as well as see Historic Forestville and learn a little about our past history in Southeastern Minnesota. Registration will be $10 and we ask that you bring a sack lunch to the Day Camp. If your child(s) is at all interested in attending any of these day camps, please call the Fillmore County Extension Office (507-765-3896). If you are interested in attending Historic Forestville on August 5, please

call early to reserve your spot, so your child may be registered for the day tour. Any other details or questions you may have, you may contact Will Larson, Fillmore County 4-H Youth Development Intern at the Extension Office or through email at LarsonWG05@gmail. com.

Thompson moTors of Wykoff, Inc Diesel Truck & Service Wykoff, MN 507-352-2435

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Monday, July 21, 2014


Page 11

Fillmore County Fair July 22-July 26, 2014

Fillmore County Master Gardners The Master Gardeners for Fillmore County are busy this time of year but not too busy to answer any horticulture related questions you may have. There are nine volunteers who have been trained through University of Minnesota Extension to serve as our Fillmore County Master Gardeners and they are always ready to welcome more! They will be at the Fillmore County Fair, July 22-26. The Master Gardener table will be located in the open class area, near the horticultural exhibits. Please stop by with your garden questions between 2 – 6 p.m. each day. Let’s meet your Fillmore County Master Gardeners: Elsa Bye works three months out of the year at a local garden center and knows plants. She Printed with Soy ink will happily answer questions about vegetables, wild flowers, and small fruits. Lori Slindee was Soy a pastinK colPrinted with umnist for the local paper. She will make personal visits to view anyPrinted garden plantpaper probon or recycled lem you might have. She prePrinted on recycled PaPer

fers to answer questions about herbs, trees, and perennials. LaVerne Paulson will answer questions about annuals and perennials. He could also talk to you about composting. LaVerne is active with the community gardens and is doing the annual seed trials for the University of Minnesota. Sandy Sullivan is a recently retired college biology teacher. She likes to answer questions related to vegetables, tree fruits, and small fruits. She is interested in hearing from someone who raises red currants. Beverly Sandlin is our newest Master Gardener in Fillmore County and she has a wealth of knowledge. She has a Monarch Waystation at her home. Sullivan will help you with questions regarding perennials, flowers, landscaping, and water gardens. Monica Ortner is doing seed trials for the University Minnesota as well. She’s worked with Farmers’ Market in the past and this year is helping a local assisted living site with their garden project. Questions you

may have on vegetable gardening and fruits, Ortner is willing to help! Pam Freet will answer your vegetable gardening and perennial questions. She’s given the Farmers Market help and has worked with youth groups and their gardening experiences. Shelly Skindelien can help you with invasive plant issues. She can also assist with tree and shrub problems. Skindelien has helped out at a local State Park in the past. Judy Lacey likes questions about vegetable gardening, flower gardening, and house plants. She is trying to raise okra this year and it needs more warm weather! Lacey has done many seed trials in the past. Lacey will be in the Extension Office throughout July & August to assist you in any way she can. A brochure with the Fillmore County Master Gardeners contact information is available at the Extension Office, 902 Houston Street NW, Preston. Phone: 507-7653896. Don’t forget to visit their table at the County Fair!

Fillmore County Fair nitrate and radon testing event Fillmore County Public Health (FCPH) and the Fillmore County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) are partnering to host radon and nitrate testing at the Fillmore County Fair. The event will be held Friday, July 25 from 3 to 6 p.m. at the west end of the Commercial Building located on the fairgrounds in Preston. Radon kits will be given out for patrons to take home and use. To have your water tested for nitrates, bring one-half cup of well water in a clean glass jar or plastic container. Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that is found in over half of Fillmore County homes. Radon is the number one cause of lungcancer for non-smokers and the second leading cause of lung cancer in smokers. Testing your home for radon is easy, inexpensive, and only takes a couple of days. Another environmental issue that can affect Fillmore County residents is the nitrate level found in their private drinking water wells. High nitrate lev-

els are linked to causing Blue Baby Syndrome in infants. For the general population, high nitrate levels may indicate other problems with their water such as having an increased risk of drinking harmful bacteria. For radon testing and mitigation information call FCPH at 507-765-3898. Call SWCD at 507-765-3878 Extension 3 for info about nitrate and bacteria testing in water.

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Page 12

Monday, July 21, 2014

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Miller family recognized as a 2014 “U of M Farm Family” second oldest continuous Angus herd in Minnesota – celebrating 111 years this summer. Chris owns and operates the current farm operation with his parents, Larry & Margaret Miller. This makes Chris the seventh generation to farm the land, and the fifth to breed purebred Angus cattle on the family farm. The farm consists of over 1,000 acres with 400 acres dedicated to per-

Mabel, Minn. — The Chris & Melissa Miller family has been named Fillmore County’s “2014 Farm Family of the Year” by the University of Minnesota. Miller’s Viewlawn Farm was started in 1866 by Chris’s greatgreat-great grandfather Manoah Miller. Of the six current farms, two are recognized as Century farms. Miller’s Viewlawn Farms is proud to be recognized as the

manent pasture, the remaining filled with corn, oats, and alfalfa. Two additional farms are rented for added crops. In addition to the 240 Angus cows, the Miller’s have 50 Suffolk ewes and a customfinish hog operation. Seedstock Angus bulls and heifers remains the primary business. They thrive on word of mouth advertising from third, fourth, and even fifth generation cattle customers. With

this robust and busy farm, Chris and Larry are fortunate to have John Brink as a dedicated employee of 32 years. Margaret also plays a crucial role in the farm handling all registrations, bookwork, and most importantly, the cooking. Chris is in partnership with his parents, Larry & Margaret, and runs the day to day farming operation. Chris’s wife Melissa is fresh to the farm – being just married in

October of 2013. She has adapted from city-life and has the job description of a jack of all trades. Aside from working as a Registered Nurse at Gundersen Health System in La Crosse, Wis., she is the photographer, social media rep, secretary, supply gopher, and equipment mover for the farm. Melissa’s son Colton is learning the ropes of farm life since moving to the farm in June 2013, and enjoys the 4-wheelers, feeding sheep, grounds maintenance, and See MILLER FAMILY Page 13 


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The FCJ reaches over 13,000 households each week.

Monday, July 21, 2014


Page 13

Fillmore County Fair July 22-July 26, 2014

MILLER FAMILY Continued from Page 12

has mastered the art of “don’t tell mom” activities. Chris is president of the Iowa Angus Association, board member & past president of the Fillmore County Cattleman’s Association, board member & past chairman of the Fillmore County Extension Committee, 4-H volunteer including sheep, beef and swine PDC committees, member & past delegate of the American Angus Association, and member of the Minnesota Angus Association. Melissa is a key coordinator of the annual Mabel-Canton FFA General Livestock Judging Contest held each September at the Miller Farm in existence since the mid-1960s with area schools and 4H teams. As the “First Lady” of the Iowa Angus association, Melissa helps Chris with the behind the scenes work and social events. She is also involved in various school activities and is excited for the new opportunities being a farm wife has to offer. Colton is active in the Mabel-Canton Cub Scout Pack as well as choir, band, and the Gifted & Talented reading program at Mabel-Canton Elementary School. He is also involved in 4-H in Houston County transitioning

to Fillmore County to be a member of the Mabel Busy Bees. The Miller’s are looking forward to the birth of Baby Boy Miller in September 2014 which will allow them to increase their involvement in all of the opportunities being a farm kid has to offer. While Chris & Melissa are a young farm family, they would like to recognize that the lesson they’ve learned is that they are here because of the determination of a few men to start, improve and maintain a family farm of 148 years. The Miller’s are energetic, eager, and strive to enrich their community and the farming industry. The Miller family is one of the many farm families from around the state, one from each participating county, being honored by the University this year. The families will be officially recognized in a ceremony Thursday, August 7 at the annual Farmfest near Redwood Falls, Minn. Profiles of the 2014 honorees and information on the recognition event can be found on the U’s farm family website, http://mnfarmfamilies.cfans. Families receiving honors were selected by their local county Extension committees and have demonstrated a commitment to

enhancing and supporting agriculture and agriculture production. “The 2014 Farm Families were chosen based on their contributions to agriculture and their communities,” said Bev Durgan, Dean of University of Minnesota Extension. “Farm families are the foundation of Minnesota communities. More than 90 percent of Minnesota farms are operated by a farm family. These farm families live and work in our rural and urban communities.” The Miller Family will be recognized locally on Wednesday, July 23 at 6 p.m. in the Grandstand at the Fillmore County Fair. Along with Farmfest, University of Minnesota units sponsoring in this award include University of Minnesota Extension, the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, and the College of Veterinary Medicine. Farmfest runs Aug. 5-7 at the Gilfillan Estate, near Redwood Falls, MN. Event hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Aug. 5 and 6, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Aug. 7. Admission is $12 at the gate. More information on Farmfest is available at ffst/index.po

Root RiveR Ag SeRvice Fountain, MN • 507.268.4994

State Fair competition entry deadlines approaching ST. PAUL, Minn. - The state’s best in art, education and agriculture will be on display at the 2014 Minnesota State Fair, Thursday, August 21 through Labor Day, September 1. Winning exhibitors will be awarded ribbons, trophies and nearly $1.3 million in total cash prizes. For complete prize lists and information on how to enter Minnesota State Fair competitions, visit; e-mail; or call (651) 288-4417. Deadlines for entering Minnesota State Fair competitions are as follows: •Horses: July 21 (mail entries); August 8 (online entries) •Beef and Dairy Cattle (Open Class and FFA): July 28 (mail entries); August 4 (online entries) •Poultry (chickens, waterfowl, turkeys and pigeons): July 30 •Rabbits: July 30 •State Fair Rural Youth Scholarship: August 1 •Dairy and Boer Goats: August 4 •Llamas: August 4 •Market Goats (FFA): August 4 •Sheep (Open Class and FFA): August 4 •Stock Dogs: August 4 •Swine (Open Class and FFA):

August 4 •Creative Activities (baked and canned goods online registration): August 5 •Creative Activities (non-baked/ canned good entries): Visit for delivery information. •Education (K-12 projects) (online registration): August 5 •Education (K-12 projects): Visit for delivery information. •Christmas Trees: August 6 Judging Contests (FFA): August 6 •Crop Art & Scarecrow: August 8 •Crops (FFA): August 8 •Farm Crops: August 8 •Flowers: August 11 •Fruits: August 11 •Bee & Honey Culture: August 11 •Vegetables & Potatoes: August 11 •Wine: August 11 •Agriculture Technology (FFA): August 17 •Safe Tractor Operators Contest (FFA): August 18 •New Corn: August 28 Permalink:


Page 14

Monday, July 21, 2014

The FCJ reaches over 13,000 households each week.

Fillmore County Fair receives hefty donation The 15-member board works year round to make contacts with local companies, many with agricultural ties. Last year, a familiar conversation about the fair and projects between Fillmore County Fair board member Doug Lind and Winneshiek Cooperative Board member Doug Van Sloten lead to a lucky break for the fair. “Like most fair boards, we have limited funds. We were talking and he told me, ‘Find a project and send a proposal.’ There are probably funds we can send your way,” said Lind. “I knew there was the ability to find some matching funds and was told they could probably make a sizeable donation, but I had no idea how much that could be.” Patiently waiting for the right project, the board made the determination that it would earmark funds for repair of the massive main barn. Earlier this year, the

By Kirsten Zoellner Each year, thousands flock to Preston for Fillmore County’s grand celebration, eager to fulfill the annual summer tradition. Slated to run Tuesday, July 22 through Saturday, July 26 in 2014, the fiveday event showcases the county’s flourishing agriculture and talented exhibitors. Capped with grandstand entertainment ranging from a variety of live music and demolition derby, to thrilling bull riding and Triple B Rodeo, as well as contests of strength, a pedal tractor pull, 5K run/walk, food to whet any appetite, and a midway carnival, the fair is bursting with things to do. Recent years have been a challenge to county fairs as upkeep and maintenance costs, as well as entertainment expenses, continue to rise. Financial donations have been key to keeping the long-standing tradition going.

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fair board received quotes from contractors on the repainting of the steel roof and submitted their proposal to Winneshiek Cooperative Association. The cooperative approved a gracious $5,000 donation towards the $12,000 project. Through a “Sharing Success” matching funds program from CoBank, a financial institution for many area cooperatives, the fair board was thrilled when the project was matched 100 percent, adding another $5,000 donation. This spring, the barn project was lined up and completed with the funds channeled through the Fillmore County Agricultural Society. “It was perfect timing,” added Lind. “It’s nice to see that an agricultural outlet sees the value of donations. To me, it’s a donation to the kids,” he continues. “They’re giving to a very strong agricultural community. It speaks volumes that they see the value. Being an agricultural county, we might not have the carnival that other big fairs might have, but no one else has the livestock that we have,” Lind enthuses. In Fillmore County, 357 youth are enrolled in 4-H enrollment is 357 youth, with an additional 108 adult volunteers. Ten 4-H youth serves as Junior Board members relaying information between the board and the 4-H program participants. In recent years, there

have been 900 livestock exhibits. According to a University of Minnesota Extension press release, 1,200 exhibits are registered for the 2014 Fillmore County Fair. “4-H a big part of the fair,” notes fair board secretary/treasurer Kathy Tesmer. “This donation to fair really helps everybody though. It benefits everyone in the county; 4-H kids, families, and adults that

take in the fair each year. People need to know that donations are appreciated and treasured and used to the best.” The fair kicks off Tuesday morning with open-class entry and 4-H Horse Training projects at 10 a.m. For more information and a schedule of events, go to or find them on Facebook.

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Continued from Page 1

free breakfasts. Another change to the handbook opens up the eligibility of sophomores to do PSEO.The board approved the changes to the Houston High School handbook as well as changes made to the MNVA and Summit handbooks. The meeting came to a close with the board thanking Dr. Rick for his service to Houston as the interim superintendent. Dr. Rick responded saying, “It’s been a pleasure to work with such great people. I have learned a lot.” The next school board meeting is scheduled for August 5 at 6 p.m. in the Houston High School Library.

Rushford Village weeds out issue; looks ahead By Kirsten Zoellner Following the Tuesday, July 15 council meeting, the City of Rushford Village has taken decisive action against the flourishing thistle population within its borders. According the Mayor Gordon Johnson, a specific complaint regarding a property was brought to the attention of the City of Rushford, which in turn notified the City of Rushford Village. The complaint is in regards to rampant thistle growth on agricultural pasture within the Village limits. According to Councilor Hamilton Peterson, the property is roughly 25-30 acres. Rushford Village ordinances state that, “Rules and regula-

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Monday, July 21, 2014

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tions shall be in effect for all property in or adjacent to the Rushford Village Residential areas… The council may, upon receiving a complaint(s), or other notification that grasses and/or weeds on a particular property are not being maintained at the maximum height or less, instruct the clerk to issue a notice to the owner of record, ordering the mowing of said property to comply with this Ordinance within a period of ten days of the mailing date of said notice.” “The Council may, upon failure of the owner of record to comply with the Notice Ordering Mowing, order the mowing of said owner’s property and bill said owner for the cost of mowing and the costs of the notice and billing. If the owner fails to pay the costs billed, said costs shall be collected according to the terms and conditions of the Rushford Village Collection Ordinance.” “Agricultural crops shall be exempt and the control of noxious weeds is regulated by Fillmore County Ordinance.” “We need to address the issue,” noted Mayor Johnson, “But keep in mind, there might be a lot that need notification. It’s gotten out of control.” A letter was mailed to the property owner July 16. They have until July 26 to comply.

In other news, Zoning Administrator Jon Petit attended a FEMA meeting regarding flood mitigation and community planning. Discussed were established Village problems and pre-disaster planning, including improving comprehensive plans, water runoff in watershed areas, and farming practices along rivers. According to Petit, some mitigation assistance may be available to the city for projects associated with flood prevention. A proposed FEMA flood plain map is due this year. The city will continue to work towards prevention methods. Also looking to the future, the city has entered into a Municipal Advisory Contract with Mike Bubany, of David Drown Associates, for any potential future projects. “We would need to have contract or agreement for his work to correlate to projects, addition to what’s already in place,” noted Mayor Johnson. “This is for individual projects. It keeps us one step ahead of things for new development or industry and will give us time to facilitate if there’s an agreement in place to allow work to be done on various projects.” The city also reviewed quotes on replacement of its seven-year old Freightliner truck. Typically trucks are on a 10-12 year rota-

Page 15

tion, and equipment as needed. Quotes ranged from $92,601 to $109,500. Prices additionally lowered approximately $40,000 with truck and equipment trade in. “Is it justifiable to spend the money to replace something that is that old? Are we in a position now that we’re a little premature, ‘cause it’s only seven years old or is it really time in your opinion?” asked Mayor Johnson of Public Works/Maintenance Director Bob Thieret. Thieret noted that the value of the trade-in would go down substantially in next two years. “The truck would serve another 2-3 years, but in 2-3 years, we’ll only get so much for it,” he added. Equipment purchases for the current truck near $60,000 and the equipment is far more valuable than worth of the truck in trade-in. The equipment could be used on a new truck, but if the equipment is taken off the tradein value on the quotes, the city would get just $10,000 in trade-in value. New councilor Chad Rasmussen noted that state trucks are typically on a 20-year rotation. The council voted to reject all bids at this time. Rather than adjournment, the meeting will be continued July 29. The next regularly scheduled council meeting is Tuesday, August 5, at 7 p.m., at city hall. The public is encouraged to attend.

Reader’s Choice Awards Vote for the “2014 Best of the Best” and you could win a $50 Gift CertifiCate

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Ballots are due in our office by noon on September 5, 2014. Results will be published in a special edition of the Fillmore County Journal on September 29, 2014. Only ballots submitted by mail or dropped off at our office will count towards the voting system. MAIL TO: Fillmore County Journal, PO Box 496, 136 St. Anthony St., Preston, MN 55965


Page 16


Obituaries Mildred Charlotte Anderson Johnson Mildred Charlotte Anderson Johnson, age 92, of Mabel, Minn., died T h u r s d a y, July 10, 2014 at Green Lea Senior Living in Mabel. Mildred was born March 5, Mildred 1922 near Charlotte Bratsberg, Anderson Minn., rural Johnson Rushford, Minn., to Melvin and Catherine (Humble) Anderson. She attended Bratsberg Schools and later, when the family moved to a farm near Lanesboro, Minn., attended the Lanesboro High School in the Class of 1940. She was baptized at the Highland Priarie Lutheran Church and confirmed at Elstad Lutheran Church in rural Lanesboro. She was united in marriage to LaVerne Johnson of Mabel on October 5, 1940 at the Elstad Lutheran Church. She worked as a homemaker, assisted with farm work, and nursing assistant at Green Lea Manor for 25 years. She served as organist at Elstad, Scheie, and Garness Lutheran Churches since 1940, and was

Monday, July 21, 2014

the pianist for Luther League, LDR, choir, Sunday school, and assisted as pianist for various pastors conducting worship services at Green Lea Manor since 1962. She held various officer positions at Scheie WELCA, Sunday School Superintendent, and Luther League and LDR advisor. She was a member of “Bits and Pieces Quilt Club” and the former “Mabel Garden Club” and delivered Meals on Wheels, taught several Norwegian baking classes through Mabel Community Education. Mildred’s special joys were her grandchildren, great grandchildren, memories of co-workers at Green Lea Manor, and church activities. She had a love of all crafts, quilting, gardening, taking care of flowers, cooking especially baking, music, and the chance of playing with the “Chimes” for a short time. After marriage she and her husband, LaVerne, lived near Newburg, Minn. then moved to Tawney, Minn. area before moving into Mabel in 1985. Mildred is survived by her two children LaVaughn (Paul) Vitse of Mabel, and Jim (Barb) Johnson of Eau Claire, Wis.; three grandchildren Cassie (Ben) Brenden, Clay (Beth) Johnson, and Camren Johnson; four great grandchildren Hailey and Hannah Brenden, and Myles and Reed Johnson; and

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

united in marriage to Norris Tilford Bothun of Lanesboro, son of Alfred and Bertha Bothun, at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Lanesboro. From 1946 until 1965, they owned and operated a livestock sales business in Whalan, Minn. and then Lanesboro. In 1951, they purchased a farm two and one half miles north of Lanesboro on County Road 8 which created loving memories for the family. Agnes especially enjoyed homemaking, her family, cooking, gardening, neighborhood and church dinners, and going out to eat. Her favorite foods include lutefisk and lefse. On two occasions, she enjoyed visiting her parents’ farm at Vradal, Porsgrunn and Ulefoss Agnes Christine Bothun Agnes Christine Bothun, 98, in Telemark, Norway. Agnes of Lanesboro, Minn., died unex- was a member of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church. pectedly at Survivors include three sons, Good ShepRoger of Lanesboro, Darald herd Luther(Leitha) Bothun of Rochester, an Home in Minn., Peter Bothun of ArlingRushford, ton, Texas; six grandchildren, Minn., passKimberly (David) Evenson of ing through Savage, Minn., Erick (Cara) death into the eternal care Agnes Christine Bothun of Roseville, Minn., Kristin Bothun of Kasota, of our Lord Bothun Minn., Laura (David) Cowan on Tuesday, July 15, 2014. She was 98 years of Wolfforth Texas, Abigail (Craig) Ferguson of Singapore, young. Agnes was born on November Minn., and Andrew Bothun 26, 1915, in rural Rushford to of Fayetteville, Ariz.; 10 great Peter and Liv (Stromme) Peter- grandchildren, Annika Evenson. On April 3, 1941 she was son, Andrew Evenson, Ben-

sisters-in-law Dagney Anderson, Marian Anderson, Dorothy Anderson, Shirley Ellestad, and Irma Johnson; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband LaVerne; her parents; son-in-law and grandson Robert and Todd Johnson; sister Alice Luella; and brothers Orville, Norman, and Morris. Funeral services were on Monday, July 14, 2014 at the Scheie Lutheran Church in rural Mabel with the Rev. Mary Waudby officiating. Interment was in the church cemetery. Visitation was on Sunday at the Mengis Funeral Home in Mabel and one hour prior to services at the church.

jamin Evenson, Cole Bothun, Dane Bothun, Luke Bothun, Thea Bothun, Kaylee Cowan, Kennedy Cowan, and Kason Cowan. She was preceded in death by her parents and loving husband Norris of 58 years; an infant son Gary; and six brothers Carl, Edward, Gilbert, Oscar, Leonard, and Palmer Peterson. The funeral service will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Monday July 21 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Lanesboro with the Rev. Kerry Eversole officiating. A committal service will follow at in the Lanesboro Cemetery. Visitation will be one hour before the service at the church. Olive Aletta Peterson Olive Aletta Peterson, 96, of Peterson, Minn. died on Thursday, July 10, 2014, at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Home in Rushford, Minn. Olive was born on Sep- Olive Aletta tember 4, Peterson 1917, on the family farm in rural Peterson, Minn. to Cornelius and Anna (Quamen) Fossum. She was raised on the farm and attended the Gilbertson School. On See OBITUARIES Page 17 

Fillmore County Church Directory Fillmore County Journal • Preston MN 507.765.2151 Perfect Glossy • Preston MN 507.251.5297 A rendahl Lutheran Church....………………………Sundays - 10 : 30am Highway 30, Peterson, MN 55962 (507) 875 -2477 A ssembly Of God Church & Valley Christian Center..... Sundays - 10 : 00am 610 Territorial Rd, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2101 Assumption Catholic Church.……..…Fri. - 8 : 30am & Sat. - 5 : 00pm 207 N May St, Canton, MN 55922 (507) 743-8320 Bethlehem Lutheran Church...………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am 200 Kenilworth Ave S, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3344 Calvary Baptist Church.…….…………Sundays - 10 : 45am & 6 : 00pm 910 Winona St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4686 Canton-Scotland Presby terian Church.....…………Sundays - 9 : 00am 104 W Fillmore Ave, Canton, MN 55922 (507) 743-2260 Chatf ield Lutheran Church……………..Sundays - 8 : 00am & 9 : 30am 304 Fillmore St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4721 Chatf ield United Methodist Christ…………………Sundays - 9 : 30am 124 Winona St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867-3529 Cherry Grove United Methodist...…………………Sundays - 10 : 00am 18183 160th St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (Cherry Grove) (507) 937-3177 Christ Lutheran Church...……………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am 509 Kansas St NW, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -2161 Christian Science Services.…………………………Sundays - 10 : 00am Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-2251 Destiny Life Church.............………………………Sundays - 10 : 00am 104 West Jessie Street, Rushford MN 55971 (507) 429-1222 Elstad Lutheran Church...………………………….Sundays - 10 : 30am 37784 Dogwood Rd, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3769 Emmanuel Episcopal Church....……………………Sundays - 10 : 00am 217 W Jessie St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2164 Faith United Methodist Church..……Sat. - 5 : 00pm & Sun. - 9 : 00am 617 Maple Ln, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2830 Fillmore Free Methodist Church...…Sundays - 8 : 30am & 10 : 30am 19127 County 8, Wykoff, MN 55990 (Fillmore) (507) 352-5450 First Baptist Church....…………………Sundays - 10 : 30am & 6 : 00pm 701 Kasten Drive, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2840 First Baptist Church-Preston.…………Sundays - 10 : 30am & 7: 00pm 108 Chatfield Ave NW, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 - 4960 First English Lutheran Church.……………………..Sundays - 9 : 00am 217 W Grant St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2793 First Lutheran Church of Highland.………………..Sundays - 9 : 00am 22423 391st Ave, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3318 First Presby terian Church..…………………………Sundays - 10 : 00am 110 S Mill St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2854 Fountain Lutheran....…………………………………Sundays - 8 : 30am Main Street, Fountain, MN 55935 (507) 268- 4413 Fountain United Methodist Church...………………Sundays - 8 : 30am Co. Rd. 8 and Cedar St., Fountain, MN 55935 (507) 268- 4456

Brought to you by: SMG Web Design • Preston MN 507.765.2151

Garness Trinity Lutheran...……………………..…Sundays - 9 : 00am PO Box 88, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5905 Grace Lutheran Church..……………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am 365 Park St, Peterson, MN 55962 (507) 875 -2218 Greenf ield Lutheran Church..…………………......Sundays - 9 : 00am 235 Main Ave S, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886-3272 Greenleaf ton Reformed Church..…………………Sundays - 10 : 00am Highway 9, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -2546 Harmony United Methodist Church..…..............................8 : 30am 60 Main Ave S, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886- 6851 Henry town Lutheran Church.…………………………Sun. - 10 : 30am PO Box 103, Harmony, MN 55939 (Henrytown) (507) 886-2425 Highland Chapel Seventh-Day Adventist..….....Saturdays - 9 : 00am 217 W. Jessie St., Rushford (507) 993-8328 Highland Prairie Lutheran Church.……………….Sundays -10 : 30am 43267 Bowl Dr, Peterson, MN 55962 (507) 864-2731 Historic Lenora United Methodist Church (Special Occasions) Lenora, MN (Rural Canton) (507) 545 -2641 Immanuel Lutheran Church..………………………Sundays - 9 : 30am 254 Main St S, Wykoff, MN 55990 (507) 352-2801 Lanesboro United Methodist Church..……………Sundays - 10 : 30am 507 Parkway Ave S, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-2646 Mabel First Lutheran Church………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am 202 N. Oak, P.O. Box 395, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5293 Mabel United Methodist Church..…………………Sundays - 9 : 30am 111 W Newburg St, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5296 Nativity Catholic Church...Sun. (1 & 2) - 8 : 45am & (3 & 4) - 10 :30am 640 1st Ave SW, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886-2393 Newburg United Methodist Church 3.1 miles N. of Mabel on Hwy. 43; 2.2 miles W. on Co. Rd. 24 North Prairie Lutheran.……………………………Sundays - 10 : 30am 35957 Highway 30, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 875 -2460 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.……Sundays - 8 : 00am & 10 : 30am 805 S Broadway St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-7251 Pilot Mound Lutheran Church.……………………Sundays - 9 : 00am 8 miles N. of Lanesboro on 250 then 4 miles W. on Hwy 30 (507) 875 -2460 Pioneer Presby terian Church ………………………Sundays - 8 : 30am 206 Fillmore St NE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4037 Preston United Methodist Church ……….........................10 : 30am 212 Saint Anthony St N, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -2503 R iver Of Life Regional Church 220 N Money Creek St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2853 Root Prairie Lutheran Church ……………………Sundays - 10 : 00am County Rd 11, Fountain, MN 55935 (507) 268- 4455 Root R iver Church of the Brethren ………………Sundays - 10 : 00am 23553 County Rd 20, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 - 4772

Studio-A-Photography • Preston MN 507.251.6372 Visit Bluff Country • Preston MN 507.765.2151 Root R iver Community Church …………………Sundays - 10 : 30am 503 Nannestad Lane, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7074 Rushford Lutheran Church …………………Sun. - 9 : 00am & 5 : 30pm 101 S Mill St., Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7152 Saetersdal Lutheran Church.………………………..Sundays -10 : 30am 21447 Co. Rd. 30, Rural Harmony, MN Scheie Lutheran Church..……………………………Sundays - 9 : 30am PO Box 88, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5680 St Columban Church.……..…………………………Sundays - 8 : 30am 408 Preston St NW # 2, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -3886 St Ignatius Catholic Church.………………………Sundays - 10 : 30am 213 W Franklin St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-7565 St John Lutheran Church.…………………………..Sundays - 9 : 00am 241 Line St S, Wykoff, MN 55990 (507) 352-2296 St Joseph’s Catholic Church.………………………Sundays - 10 : 30am 103 N Mill St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2257 St Mark ’s Lutheran Church...………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am 104 E North St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7111 St Marys Catholic Church....…......……………………Sun. - 10 : 30am 405 Twiford St SW, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867-3148 St Matthews Episcopal Church..……………………Sundays - 9 : 30am 100 Fillmore St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923-1219 (507) 867-3707 St Matthew’s Lutheran Church..……………………Sundays - 9 : 00am Harmony, MN 55939 (Granger) (507) 772- 4474 St Olaf Catholic Church.....Sun. (1 & 2) - 10 :30am & (3 & 4) - 8 : 45am 114 N Locust, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5268 St Patrick ’s Church Hall ………………………...…Saturdays - 5 : 00pm Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-2480 St Paul Lutheran Church..………............................Sunday - 9 : 00am 128 Fillmore St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4604 St Paul’s Lutheran Church...……………………....Sundays - 10 : 30am Harmony, MN 55939 (Big Springs) (507) 886-8175 Sumner Center United Methodist Church.………Sundays - 10 : 30am 9 miles N. of Spring Valley on Co. Rd. 1 (507) 696- 4197 Trinity Fellowship ELCA..…………………………Sundays - 10 : 00am 110 S Mill St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7211 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church………………Sundays - 10 : 30am 204 South St, Ostrander, MN 55961 (507) 657-2203 Union Prairie Lutheran..……………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am Hwy 16, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3363 United Methodist Church.…………………………Sundays - 8 : 30am 236 Gold St S, Wykoff, MN 55990 (507) 352- 4136 W halan Lutheran Church..………………………….Sundays - 10 : 30am Lanesboro, MN 55949 (Whalan) (507) 467-2398

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Continued from Page 16

November 6, 1937, Olive was united in marriage with Oscar Peterson in Peterson. Olive and Oscar farmed on her family Century Farm where her daughter and son-in-law live today. Olive was a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, greatgrandmother and godparent to 14 godchildren. Olive was also a cook at the Peterson School. She loved cooking, baking, and serving people. Olive was a member of Grace Lutheran Church where she was a Sunday school teacher, sang in the church choir, was a WELCA officer, and made quilt’s for the church bazaar. Olive also enjoyed making quilts for World Relief and for her family and friends. She was a member of the Peterson American Legion Auxiliary and was Grand Marshal of the Gammel Dag Parade in Peterson. Olive is survived by her daughter, Linda (Allan) Kingsbury of Peterson; three grandchildren: Teresa (Andrew) Pederson of Weston, Wis., Chad (Kari) Kingsbury of Trempealeau, Wis., and Allison (Jeffrey) Miller of Northfield, Minn.; three great-grandchildren: Brennan, Kole and Evan; and two sisters-in-law; Olive W. Peterson and Agnes Bothun, both of Rushford. She was preceded in death by her husband; a grandson, Andrew Kingsbury; and six siblings: Cora, Gladys, Selmer, Alvin, Arnold and Ernest. There was a funeral service for Olive on Wednesday, July 16, at Grace Lutheran Church in Peterson with the Rev. Kerry Eversole officiating. Burial was in the West Grace Lutheran Cemetery in Peterson. Visitation was one hour prior to the service at the church.

Lillian D. Turner Lilllian D. Turner, 101, formerly of Lanesboro, Minn. passed away July 13, 2014 at the Green Lea Manor in Mabel, Minn. Lillian was born October 15, 1912 in Kendallville, Iowa to Edward and Jane (Ellingson) Hoiness, Lillian D. Turner the sixth of 11 children. The family moved to Harmony, Minn. where her father owned and operated the Harmony Creamery. She graduated from Harmony High School, and later moved to Billings, Mont. where two older brothers were living. It was in Billings that she met John L. Jones. They were married in 1935 in Decorah, Iowa. John was active in the Shrine, Lillian was a member of the Daughters of Nile. Their involvement in the Shrine activities was important to them both. “Johnnie” passed away in 1984. Lillian was very active in her church, also belonged to the Sons of Norway, American Legion Auxiliary. and Eastern Star. While living in Billings she owned and operated a knitting shop, also giving knitting lessons to both men and women. Cooking was a joy and a hobby as evidenced by her large collection of cookbooks and recipes. She loved to travel and had been to China, Spain, Hawaii, Mexico and Norway. In 1989 she married Earl Turner of Lanesboro. They enjoyed traveling, eating out and being with their family and friends. Earl passed away in 1998. She will be remembered for her great sense of humor and a positive attitude. Survivors include two children, John Robert “Bob” Jones of Houston, Texas, Jacqueline

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Monday, July 21, 2014


Page 17

Minn. and attended the University of Minnesota where she met her future husband Rod Wolsted. She and Rod were married February 21, 1939 in Brainerd. Marcie enjoyed spending time with her family in Harmony and their home at Round Lake by Brainerd. Marcie also enjoyed playing cards with her family, was an avid reader and worked Crossword Puzzles. She and her husband traveled throughout the United States, Europe and Mexico. Marcie was active in civic and youth organizations in Harmony. She was a lifelong member of the American Legion Auxiliary and served as its first President after WWII. In 1985 Marcie moved from Harmony to Rochester where she developed many close friends, she returned to Harmony in March of 2014. Marcie is survived by two children: Michael (Donna) Wolsted of Minneapolis, Minn. and Barb (Jeff) Soma of Harmony; six grandchildren: Michele, Lori, B.J., Joel, Lisa and Lynn; Marcie Wolsted Marcie Wolsted, age 96, of four great-grandchildren: Matt, Harmony, Minn. and formerly Dan, Katie and Bailey; and a sister, Gloria VanEssen of Harof Rochester, mony. Minn. died She is preceded in death by Sunday, July her husband Rod in 1982; a son 13, 2014 at David in 1974; and a brother St. Mary’s and sister-in-law, William and Hospital in Patricia VanEssen. Rochester. Memorial Services will be Marcie was Martha Ellen Vogen Monday, July 28 at 11 a.m. at Martha Ellen Vogen, age 93, born Janudied Saturday morning, July 12, ary 1, 1918 Marcie Wolsted Nativity Church in Harmony 2014, at the Stewartville Care in Kenosha, Wis. to Clarence with visitation one hour prior and Clare (DeRocher) VanEs- to the service. Burial in Big Center. sen. She graduated from Brain- Springs Cemetery, rural Har Martha erd High School in Brainerd, mony, will occur at a later date. was born June 26, 1921, in Austin, Minn., the 8 daughter of Casper and Cora (Wead) Martha Ellen Bremseth. Vogen She was married in 1940 and later divorced. On August 13, 1973, she mar- Sydney Johnson, of Lanesboro, country girl and considers herried Gerhart Vogen in Har- Minn., represented Fillmore self extremely fortunate to have mony, Minn. Martha resided County as Miss Fillmore Coun- grown up in rural Lanesboro... in and around Fillmore County ty in the 2014 Miss Minnesota where everyone knows everyone, and neighbors eem more her entire life where she enjoyed International like friends. Her family is her dancing, fishing, jigsaw puzzles compeititon foundation. To make the pledge took and most of all, the company that and read more about Miss Fillof family and friends. Gerhart place in St. more County, visit her webpage Cloud, Minn. died July 26, 1985. Her final on Saturday, years were spent at the Stewsydney-johnson. March 8. artville Care Center where she The winner of this year’s Johnson was found new friends among the Miss Minnesota International named second patients and staff. Sydney Johnson She was a long standing mem- runner up for Miss Fillmore County was Gabby Taylor of Stillwater, Minn. Taylor will compete with ber of Our Savior’s Lutheran the title. Also, Johnson received the Photoge- 50 other state winners for the Miss International 2014 title nic award in the competition. OPen SeVen DAYS A WeeK 9am-6pm Sydney Johnson’s platform is this July 31 to August 2, which “Texting and Driving - It Can will be held at Times Union Michigan Blueberries, Wait PLEDGE and Make a Dif- Center for Performing Arts in Dark Sweet Cherries ference!” Sydney is a small town Jacksonville, Fla. and Peaches have arrived!

L. Crutcher of Lanesboro and step daughter Elaine Turner of Wykoff, Minn.; four grandchildren: Lisa (Chris) Osgood of Tacoma, Wash., Julie McDonald of Portland, Ore., Pamela Lyles of Las Vegas, Nev., Paul Crutcher of Portland; 12 great grandchildren: Nathan (Crystal) Phillis, Brodie and Logan McDonald, Eric, Brian and Stephen Osgood, Turner Witt, Tara (Shaun)South, Ronald Lyles, Kyle, Madeline, and Cameron Crutcher; and three great-great grandchildren: Chasen and Eliana Phillis and Nathan Witt. Survivors also include one sister Muriel Waage, of Northfield, Minn., three sisters-inlaw: Zola Hoiness of Harmony, Minn., Carol Jones of Wilsonville, Ore., and Ruth Jones of Sun City, Ariz. Many beloved nieces and nephews also survive. Lillian was preceded in death by her first husband John Lewis Jones, second husband Earl Turner, and her parents, seven brothers, and two sisters. A memorial service was on Saturday, July 19 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Lanesboro with Pastor Kerry Eversole officiating. Visitation was one hour before the service at the church. A committal service will take place at a later date in Billings.

Church in Spring Valley, Minn. Martha is survived by six children, Barbara Swenson of Lincoln, Ark., Arlyn (Beverly) Sorum of Round Rock, Texas, Geraldine Sporcic of Springfield, Mo., Nick (Maggie) Sorum of Rochester, Minn., Marilyn Hegna of Springdale, Ark. and Gene Sorum of Hsinchu, Taiwan; four grandchildren, Darwin Guy, Douglas (Sue) Guy, Debra McCabe and Dawn (Nub) Elmore; five stepgrandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; four stepgreat-grandchildren; six great-great-grandchildren; one sister, Ovedia Bakken of Wykoff, Minn.; one brother, Jim Johnson of Rochester; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, along with nine sisters, and six brothers. The funeral was on Wednesday, July 16, 2014, at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Spring Valley with Rev. Dennis Timmerman officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.

Sydney Johnson is second runner up in Miss Minnesota International competition

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Page 18



Monday, July 21, 2014


Snyder ~ Meisch Amber Rae Snyder and Christopher John Meisch are pleased to announce their engagement and upcoming marriage. Amber is the daughter of

Open House

Bridal Shower in honor of

Kati Tweeten

bride-to be of Brandon Bergey Saturday, July 26th 11:00am Mabel Community Center

Hosted by Kati and Brandon’s Aunts Bridal Registry: Target, Kohl’s, Macy’s and Pine Clone Place

50th Class Reunion Preston High School Class of 1964

A casual weekend is planned!

Mary Ann and Marlin Carrier of Rushford, Minn. and the late Kerry Snyder. She is a graduate of Rushford-Peterson High School, Winona State Universit y (Elementar y Education), and Bemidji State University Graduate Program (Special Education). She is currently employed as a Special Education Teacher for Plainview-Elgin-Millville Elementary School. Christopher is the son of Linda Meisch of Lewiston, Minn. and the late Phil Meisch. He is a graduate of Lewiston-Altura High School, and Winona State University (Criminal Justice and Psychology). He is currently employed as the Digital Media and Wireless Specialist for the Rochester Public School District. The couple will be married on September 13, 2014, at a garden ceremony in rural Rushford.

By Loni Kemp ©SallyKeating2011

announcements free of charge. Send your announcement and photo to

Preston Servicemen’s Club Friday, August 1st • 5pm-?? Preston Golf & Country Club Saturday, August 2nd Join us after 8pm

50th Wedding Anniversary

Ally Lynn Austin is One!! Happy 1st Birthday to our sweet girl

Open House Celebration

Friends and family of Paul and Diane Schmelzer are invited to celebrate their 50 years of marriage. An open house celebration will be held at Paul and Diane’s home at 2756-250th Street, Ridgeway, IA on

Sunday, July 27 from 1:00-5:00 p.m. Paul and Diane were married on August 1, 1964 at Plymouth Rock Church. They have 7 children, 29 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren. The open house celebration will be hosted by their children and their spouses: Paula & Don McIntyre, Pam & Jerry McCabe, Denise & Kent Stille, Doug & Jackie Schmelzer, David & Jennifer Schmelzer, Dana & Don Smith, and Pat & Shannon Schmelzer.

Weddings | Engagements Birthdays | Anniversaries Birth Announcements Special Occasions!

A View From The Woods

Grand View Grows From Land John Weiss, Senior Staff Writer for the Rochester Post Bulletin, had been nudging me for several months to talk about my consulting work. We finally caught up with each other in my garden during asparagus season, and he wrote this article for his weekly column, Back Roads. Printed with permission of the Rochester Post Bulletin. CANTON — Through the Internet, Loni Kemp can sit in her home in the woods north of Canton and connect with the world as she works to help solve some of the country’s most pressing environmental issues. Through the window of her Birth Announcement home, Kemp can see what she’s Rafe Andrew Horihan working to preserve, and how Liam and Fiona are proud to to address the micro-issues that announce the birth of their baby affect land locally. brother! Rafe Andrew Horihan The land is her connection to was born on June 8, 2014 to both worlds. “I think my roots Kevin and Laura Horihan of are down here,” she said. Lanesboro, Minn. He weighed Kemp is a consultant for envi9 pounds 11 ounces and was 20 ronmental heavy hitters such as 1/2 inches long. the Union of Concerned Sci Grandparents are John and entists, National Wildlife FedJennifer Horihan of Lanesboro; eration and Natural Resources Randy Gossman of Canton, Defense Council. Minn.; and Lisa and Doug She helped write such papers Anderson of Eagan, Minn. as “Growing a Green Energy Future.” She’s now working on the issue of moving from corn to cellulose for energy. Many experts are highly specialized, she said. The Fillmore County Journal “I think what I can bring to publishes engagement

Paul and Diane Schmelzer’s

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

We love you so much! Love Mommy & Daddy

the table is a generalist’s view,” she said. “I see myself as a resource person to a lot of different groups who are trying to propose policies that make the change.” She said she wants to see more groups connect and discover ways both can meet their needs. Some of her perspective on the big issues comes from the view out her window. She and her husband, attorney Dick Nethercut, “came here on a lark” when they thought about living outside a city and fell in love with it, she said. “I definitely can say the land called us here,” Kemp said. “We got back in the woods here and we thought, oh my gosh, this is spectacular. We have to be here.” She’s not sure if she would be a different person or would think differently if she lived in Washington D.C. What she does know is that once they built their house, they gradually added land that now includes woods, meadows and cropland. It’s a place where she can relax, grow a big garden and work on ways to be sustainable. And she’s happy there. “It suits me very well,” she said. She takes joy when she sees

farmers using contour strips, grass waterways and no-till to reduce erosion and protect the land. But she is dismayed when the Root River runs high and muddy after a rain. There is work to do. She is a deep believer in living a sustainable life, of not treating the land as a commodity to be exploited. “There are so many ways corn producers could improve their practices” and still make a good profit, Kemp said. They could plant more grasses for energy or rotate corn with hay. That reduces erosion and the chance drought will hurt profits. “I think we can make a difference,” she said. She has Amish neighbors grazing livestock on her land, she has one man growing pumpkins and her cropland is farmed sustainably. “I love agriculture,” she said. “There is nothing I get more joy out of than planting and harvesting.”

Easy Green Soup

Sauté one onion in a little butter in saucepan until soft. Add 2 cups of chopped asparagus, broccoli or peas and stir for a couple of minutes. Add 2 cups of chicken or vegetable broth (or water) and boil until the vegetables are tender. Let cool a bit. Blend for at least 60 seconds, until very smooth. Put a dishtowel over the blender lid’s hole to prevent spitting, if it is very hot. Add a half cup of your choice of cream, half and half, sour cream or plain yogurt. Add salt and pepper to taste and maybe a small strip of lemon peel. Blend a few more seconds. Serve room temperature or cold in summer, or return to the pan to reheat gently, depending on the weather. You could top with a dollop of sour cream or crispy croutons.

50th Anniversary Open House

Carroll & Anna

Gilbertson Sons of Norway Lodge, Lanesboro, Minn. Sat., July 26, 2014 1 to 4pm

400 South Mill Street Rushford, MN • 507-864-2878 MON–SAT: 7:00am – 9:00pm SUN: 7:00am – 9:00pm

55 Center Street West Harmony, MN • 507-886-2225

105 Fillmore Street West Preston, MN • 507-765-2465

MON–SAT: 7:00am – 9:00pm SUN: 8:00am – 7:00pm

MON–SAT: 7:00am – 9:00pm SUN: 8:00am – 7:00pm

Prices Effective July 21st-July 27th 18.4 Oz. • Assorted

Pillsbury Brownie Mix 4/$


4-6 Oz. • Assorted • Yoplait

Original, Whips or Light Yogurt 10/$


15-16 Oz. • Assorted

Pillsbury Frosting $ 69

15.25 Oz. • Assorted • Pillsbury


Premium Cake Mix 4/$


7.6-8.2 Oz. • Assorted

Pillsbury Muffin Mix ¢


16 Oz • While Supplies Last

Sweet Dreams Peaches ¢


Bubba Original Grillers $ 99


MEAT Tyson • Family Pack


Oscar Mayer Sliced Ham...................... 7 Oz. • Assorted • John Morrell


16 Oz. • Oscar Mayer


Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast $ 49


219 $ 89 Off the Bone Carved Turkey or Ham.... 2 $ 69 Turkey Bologna or Cotto Salami.............1 $ 39 IGA Sliced Pepperoni............................ 2 $ 29 Farmland Jumbo Deli Style Franks..........1 $ 99 Bratwurst or Smoked Sausage.............. 2 $ 49 Pork Sausage Roll or Links.......................1 $ 99 Salmon Fillets.......................................... 3 $ 99 Shurfine Crunchy Fish Sticks.................. 3 $ 29 Jimmy Dean Breakfast Bowls................ 2 $ 99 Klements Summer Sausage...................7 2/$ Old Wisconsin Bratwurst & Wieners...............6 $ 29 Oscar Mayer P3 Portable Protein Pack..1 $

6-8 Oz. • Assorted

Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs $ 29

8 Oz.

16 Oz.


12-14 Oz. • Assorted • Johnsonville 8-12 Oz. • Farmland Ember Farms


Boneless Pork Loin Roast $ 19

Pork Sirloin Roast $ 59






Bakery & Deli $ 69 Garlic Herb Chicken Breast...................5 $ 59 Shurfresh Premium Turkey Breast.......... 4 $ 79 Pretzilla Pretzel Buns or Mini Bites......... 2 $ 99 The Father’s Table Cheesecake........... 3 2/$ Sweet P’s Mini Cupcakes...............................5


25 Oz.

7 Oz. • Assorted

Dubuque Smoked Pork Chops $ 79 Lb. Boneless Boneless Pork Pork Sirloin Chops Chops $ 29 $ 69 Lb.


12 Oz. • Treasures From The Sea

2 Lb.

12-14 Oz.

2 Oz. • Assorted


Chairman’s Reserve • Boneless

Per Lb. • Butterball

Beef Chuck Roast $ 89

Chairman’s Reserve • Boneless

New York Strip Steak $ 99

Per Lb.


4-13 Count • Assorted




Chairman’s Reserve • Boneless

Beef Chuck Steak $ 99



Family Pack

12 Oz.

80% Lean Ground Beef $ 29

10.5 Oz. • Assorted




Raspberries 2/$


5 Lb.

Green Giant Russet Potatoes $ 79



Mangoes ¢


Dole Iceberg Salad $ 29



Blueberries 2/$



Whole Seedless Watermelon $ 99


5 Lb.

Sweet Corn 12/$


Yellow Onions $ 99

2 • •

6 Oz.

Hunt’s Tomato Paste ¢



12 Oz. • Ronzoni

8 Oz. • Assorted

Hunt’s Tomato Sauce 2/$

Whole Wheat Wide Noodles 4/$


8.7-10.9 Oz. • General Mills

Cheerios, Kix, Wheaties, Total Whole Grain Cereal 3/$



8 Count • Grandma Alice’s

Hamburger & Hot Dog Buns ¢


4.4-4.86 Oz. • Assorted • Kelloggs

Special K Bars or Pastry Crisps $ 99


4.2-7.2 Oz.

Pasta Roni & Rice A Roni ¢


12-16 Oz. • Assorted

Creamette Pasta 4/$


4 $ 29 Hidden Valley Salad Dressing...............3 $ 19 Hunt’s Tomatoes.......................................1 $ 39 Francesco Rinaldi Pasta Sauce..............1 $ 99 Tippy Toes Yogurt Bites............................1 $

28 Oz. • Assorted


Jif Peanut Butter...................................... 16 Oz. • Assorted

14.5 Oz. • Assorted 24 Oz. • Assorted 1 Oz. • Assorted

11-13.1 Oz. • Assorted

Kellogg’s Special K Cereal $ 99


30 Oz.

IGA Whipped Salad Dressing $ 99


2 $ 99 Pancake & Waffle Mix.............................1 $ 49 Quaker Chewy Granola Bars................2 $ 99 Cap’N Crunch Jumbo Cereal...............2 24-27.6 Oz. • Assorted


Hungry Jack Pancake Syrup................


28-32 Oz. • Assorted • Hungry Jack

6.5-6.7 Oz. • Assorted

20 Oz. • Quaker

299 $ 99 Nabisco Oreo Cookies.......................... 2 $ 19 Kraft Caramels........................................2 3/$ Hershey’s Brand Candy Bars........................ 2 $ 49 Tippy Toes Puffed Snacks........................1 18 Oz. • Assorted


Quaker Jumbo Life Cereal.................... 13.1-15.25 Oz. • Assorted 11 Oz. • Assorted Assorted

1.48 Oz. • Assorted

General Merchandise Charcoal Briquets $ 99

56-68 Count • Assorted

Puffs Facial Tissue ¢


8 Rolls

Bounty Basic Paper Towels $ 99

50-150 Count • IGA




72 Count • Assorted

19-26 Count • Assorted

75 Oz. • Assorted

12 Rolls • Charmin 2-8 Count

12 Oz. • Suave

IGA Plastic Wrap 2/$


Baby Soft Jumbo Diapers......................

4 Pack • Assorted


Snap & Seal or Sandwich Bags 2/$

200 Feet

559 $ 99 Tippy Toes Baby Wipes............................1 $ 99 Tippy Toes Training Pants....................... 6 $ 99 9 Lives Canned Cat Food........................1 $ 99 Xtra 2X Liquid Laundry Detergent..........1 $ 99 Basic Double Roll Bathroom Tissue....... 5 2/$ Domestix AAA,C,D Batteries..........................4 $ 49 Domestix Flashlight................................ 2 $ 99 BIC Dry Erase Markers..............................1 $ 99 Topcare Multi Vitamins.......................... 3 23-50 Count • Assorted • Tippy Toes

16.6 Lb. • Kingsford

16-24 Count • Assorted

Tampax or Always Pads $ 29


1.4 Oz. • Assorted

Suave Deodorant ¢


Shampoo & Conditioner ¢


Each • Assorted 4 Count

100-160 • Assorted • •



8-11 Oz. • Assorted • Pillsbury

Breads, Pizza Crust, or Breadsticks 2/$ Cheddar or Mozzarella Shredded Cheese $ 79


12 Oz. • IGA


8 Oz.

IGA 100% Grated Parmesan Cheese $ 79


8 Oz. • Tub • Assorted

Philadelphia Soft Cream Cheese $ 29


12 Oz. • IGA/Shurfresh

American Cheese Singles 2/$


20 Oz. • Assorted

Simply Potatoes $ 19


13-16 Oz. • Assorted

Parkay Margarine 4/$


4 Count • Assorted • Pillsbury

Biscuits Value Pack 2/$

48 Oz. • Assorted


Jack’s Original Crust Pizza 3/$

16 Oz. • IGA/Shurfine

8.5-10.5 Oz. • Weight Watchers


32 Oz. • Coffee Dream

Original Coffee Creamer 2/$

Classic Garlic Bread $ 99


12 Inch • Assorted

Kemps Ice Cream Scrounds $ 59



Smart Ones Classic Favorites 5/$


12 Oz. • Assorted • Shrufine

Steamin Easy Vegetables $ 29


24 Oz.

Shurfine Sliced Strawberries $ 99


BEVERAGES 24 Pack • Assorted

24 Pack

Pepsi & Mountain Dew Products $ 99

Aquafina Water $ 99

12 Pack • Assorted

12 Oz. • 8 Pack • Assorted


Coca Cola Products 3/$



2 Liter • Assorted

7.5 Oz. • 8 Pack • Assorted

Pepsi & Mountain Dew Products 3/$

Coca Cola Products 3/$


Pepsi & Mountain Dew Products 2/$


2 Liter • Assorted


1.62 Oz. • Assorted

Coca Cola Products 3/$

Shurfine +H2O Liquid Beverage Enhancer $ 79



e h t njoy


8 Pack • Assorted

Gatorade Sports Drinks $ 99


24 Pack

IGA Spring Water $ 99


SNACKS 8-9.75 Oz. • Assorted

Frito Lay Fritos & Cheetos 2/$


8-9 Oz. • Assorted • Old Dutch

Dutch Gourmet Chips 2/$


7-8.5 Oz. • Assorted

Frito Lay Kettle Cooked Chips 2/$


20 Count • Assorted

Frito Lay Variety Snack Bags $ 99


Rushford Foods • Harmony Foods • Preston Foods

13-20 Oz. • Assorted

Party Size Tostitos or Ruffles 2/$


20 Oz. • Assorted • Old Dutch Super Size

Restaurante Style Tortilla Chips $ 88


12 Oz.

IGA Skinless Party Peanuts 2/$


• Dry Cleaning Pick-up & Delivery • Rug Doctor Rental • WIC Accepted

We reserve the right to limit quantities • Not responsible for graphic or typographical errors

• Minnesota EBT Cards Accepted • Gift Certificates

• We Accept:

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Monday, July 21, 2014

cost could reach $20,000-30,000. “We’re not in a satisfactory position until we answer the security question,” continued Sarvi. “The EDA wants to recover funds and revolve them. If they weren’t in business, we couldn’t collect. This is the best option we’ve seen so far.” “I commend the EDA on discussions,” added City Attorney Terry Chiglo. “If both sides agree to terms, if in non-compliance, give them a chance to comply. Give them time to perform. If EDA needs forensic accountant, do now before it reaches complete default and I have to collect loan.” The council voted unanimously to acknowledge default from November 2013 to May 2014 and provide 12 months further forbearance, from May 2014 to May 2015. Payments are scheduled to resume May 2015. The council also approved extending the default cure period for Historic Bluff Country to October 31. HBC has been working with a Community & Economic Development Associates representative on a modified business plan. However, due to the CEDA representative leaving their position, as well as the height of the tourist season, the EDA has suggested extending the date for the business plan to August. A financial plan for exiting forbearance will be due by November 1. Rushford NanoElectroChemistry Company is also currently in a


Continued from Page 1

of milestones and financial documentation as the EDA continues to aid in managing the situation. GForce Digital Technologies, LLC (formerly GForce Ink, LLC) has been in forbearance for 40 months. Payments were being made, but stopped. The company has requested 18 months additional forbearance. The EDA countered with 12 months additional to allow time to help negotiate and manage the situation. The business has complied with all other terms. Another option available to the city is the use of a forensic accountant to determine the viability and worth of security on the loan. “A five year old loan is about as relevant as a five-year old cell phone. It’s changed a great deal since the beginning,” noted Driscoll referring to the changing nature of technology in business. “We’re concerned about security position and asking, if it becomes necessary, to engage forensic accountant to make sure security is still there and still valid to make sure we’re collateralized properly,” added City Administrator Steve Sarvi. The city would front cost of audit, then the cost would go on back of the loan. The expected cost of an audit first look is estimated at $10,000. To dig into company worth, including worth of patents and code, the

state of default. While the company is current on all other terms of its agreement, it has not provided financial statements as requested. In forbearance since November 2013, the EDA has repeatedly requested quarterly financial statements, what the city did receive was inadequate or not at all, according to Sarvi. A cure letter with a due date of July 7 was sent, but to date, financials have not been provided. The EDA has determined additional time to cure the default, until August 28. This will allow the owner to compile financial data and for the EDA to review it. Forbearance runs out in September and the EDA is anticipating a request for further forbearance. “We’re not doing any favors kicking it down the path,” added Chiglo. “The options seem reasonable,” noted Councilor Vern Bunk. “There needs to be some urgency applied for this. I encourage the use of a forensic accountant to help structure what the problems are and help formulate a plan.” In other news, the city has come to an agreement with Steven and Joan Lee regarding financial assistance for the cost of a fence to be put up west of the Lee residence on Highway 43/Mill Street and Harry Street. Due to location of the home and high winds in that area, the Lees put up trees in what is the state right-of-way. Those trees have now had 16 years of growth, but the state


is requiring their removal due to the reconstruction of the highway. The property presents a unique situation due to the location of a pipe in the right-of-way which will prohibit the property owners from putting trees back in that location, unlike other properties within the city. The city had initially offered $1,200 assistance for the fence. After some negotiation and further review, the city has approved the $3,208.57 cost (not to exceed) for a 72-foot fence that will be constructed on

Page 23

the property line. Made of PVC and concreted in, the fence has a guaranteed wind resistance to 130 mph. Steven and Joan Lee will pay all installation costs. The council approved the measure 3 to 1, with Councilor Bunke opposed. The city will also place a “No Parking” sign along that section of Highway 43. The next regularly scheduled council meeting is Monday, July 28, at 6:30 p.m., at city hall. The public is encouraged to attend.

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Page 24


Monday, July 21, 2014

216 Union Street (a townhome) was approved. The conveyance Continued from Page 1 will result in two single famognizing the group to be erected ily dwelling uses, which will convisible from the street. form to the R-1 zone. The propIssuance of 2014 Street erties can now be sold individuImprovement Bonds ally or can continue as one owner Mike Bubany, David Drown properties with two rental units. and Associates, asked if everything Kristi Clarke had recommended was ready to go. He was referring approval of the request. to the decision to wait for the •A bid from William Hanson issuance of the bonds at the June in the amount of $8,200 to clean 23 meeting because all necessary up the property at 339 Hawley easements at the Twiford Street Street was approved. Councilor area had not yet been signed. Dave Frank voted against. Young Bubany had advised the council had noted that two proposals to wait until they were sure of the had been submitted, but one was amount of the bonds to be issued. submitted after the posted closThe bid from Zenke, Inc. for all ing time and therefore, it was not of the street projects (Branch and opened. Twiford Streets, St. Albans Place, •The purchase of two new squad and the west Chatfield area) was car video systems was approved at accepted at the June 23 meeting. a cost of $4,820 each as requested City clerk Joel Young said every- by Police Chief Shane Fox. The thing was now ready to go. current systems are about 7 years Bubany recommended a old and are no longer supported. $1.725 million bond issue for the The new systems will be purprojects. The total project costs chased from Watch Guard and are expected to be $1.990 million will be an upgrade. with another $61,000 for bond •A donation towards the Cenrelated costs. State grants will ter for the Arts was noted in the make up the difference between amount of $250 from Meridthe total costs and the bond ian Lodge #25. Two donations amount. The net interest cost on were received for Western Days the ten year bond is estimated to (a $100 donation from Meridian be 2.4 percent. Lodge #25 and a matching grant A resolution was adopted for in the amount of $100 from Minthe competitive negotiated sale of nesota Masonic Charities). the bonds. •Filing dates for candidacy for Other Business In Brief two councilor positions (four •The appointments of Cole year term) and the mayor posiMcKean and John Reed as vol- tion (two year term) were noted unteer firefighters were approved. (between July 29 and August 12). There had been eight applications •Renewal of membership to fill the two vacant positions. dues in the amount of $2,900 •A request from Curt and Peggy was approved to Rochester Area Sorenson to convey or redefine Economic Development, Inc. their property located at 214 and (RAEDI).


NoTICE UPCoMING HARVEST Dealer lenDer consignment

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20 • 9:30AM Sale Site: Gehling Implement and Auction Company, Preston, Minnesota Selling Tractors, Combines, Heads, Choppers and chopping equipment, Hay and Forage equipment, Tillage equipment, all other types of farm equipment, Trucks, Trailers, Vehicles, Plus 2) collections of antique and collectable Tractors, Implements, parts and attachments, A large collection of toy Tractors and miscellaneous farm related collectables.

Advertising deAdline thursdAy, July 31, 2014 to consign a single item or a complete farm line or for more information call gehling Auction Co. 1-800-770-0347 or email or email

College News Dean’s/President’s List •Iowa State University: Gwendolyn Mae Petrillo of Fountain, Minn.; Casey John Ristau of Preston, Minn.; Lucas Allan Johnson of Whalan, Minn.; Kathleen E. Roberts of Wykoff, Minn.; •Drake University: Kyli Torkelson of Rushford, Minn. •Bemidji State University: Cody Hendrickson of Harmony, Minn.; Ashley Christian and Elizabeth Tart of Spring Valley, Minn. •Luther College: Mike Holst of Lanesboro, Minn.; Paige Johnson, Mariah Mierau, Samantha Thorson, and Katie Wolter of Rushford, Minn.; Fred Scaife of Rushford Village, Minn. •University of Dubuque: Victoria Woltz of Wykoff, Minn. •Gustavus Adolphus College: Carl Schiltz of Rushford, Minn. •St. Cloud State University: Kelsey Sauer of Harmony, Minn. •University of Minnesota Morris: Lisa Earley of Wykoff, Minn. •University of Minnesota Twin Cities: Justin R. Blumer and Jacob L. Pierce of Fountain, Minn.; Alyssia Morley of Harmony, Minn.; Tyler A. Johnson of Peterson, Minn.; Andrea Clement, Jessica L. Kaster and Sarah E. O’Connell of Spring Valley, Minn. •University of Wisconsin Eau Claire: Megan Burfield of Chatfield, Minn.; Grace Glor of Lanesboro, Minn.; Lindsey Merchlewitz of Rushford, Minn. •Eastern Oregon University: Joseph Pierce of Ostrander, Minn. •Winona State University: Adrian Anderson, Jasmin Applen, Johanna Bearson, Kiah Halvorson and Karlee Ruen of Lanesboro, Minn.; Taylor Archer, Erin Bernard, Cassondra Boland and Sydney Johnson of Spring Valley, Minn.; Trevor Auman, Amanda Baer, Cassidy Breer, Blake Lea, Cadence McManimon-Myers, Shelby Mierau, Elise Nelson and Haley Wilkemeyer of Rushford, Minn.; Ryan Bigalk, Toby Nelson and Zachary Olstad of Harmony, Minn.; Leah Dols, Nathan Hanson, Samuel Hanson, Sarah McGarvey, Connor Nagle

EstatE salE

sat. July 26 and sun. July 27 8am-5pm Nice selection of antique furniture, dishes, rare household plants, garden sculptures, ladders, tools, 28 Troy-Built snow blower, 30 gallon Sanborn air compressor and much misc. items plus the personal wardrobe of the owner of Bittersweet Boutique.

The FCJ reaches over 13,000 household each week. and Michael Walsh of Preston, Minn.; Justin Gjere, Christy Welscher and Kayla Rasmussen of Mabel, Minn.; Lacey Hamann of Fountain, Minn.; Kalene Hill, Zach Neitzke, and Sidney Robinson of Houston, Minn.; Kayla Rislove of Peterson, Minn. •Minnesota State University - Mankato: Jonn Hansen of Fountain, Minn.; Theodore Hermanson of Lanesboro, Minn.; Alexander Johnson of Mabel, Minn.; Caleb Quanrud of Preston, Minn.; Kindra Hagan, Kenzie Reiland and Jenna Rindels of Spring Valley, Minn.; Natasha Howe and Jade Schmidt of Wykoff, Minn. President’s List •Western Technical College: Crystal Lewis of Mabel, Minn. •Drake University: Jennifer Quanrud of Preston, Minn. Graduations •Luther College: Mariah Mierau of Rushford, Minn., Nursing, Cum Laude; Sara Pecinovsky of Mabel, Minn., Music, Cum Laude. •Gustavus Adolphus: Daniel Bradt of Chatfield, Minn., Biology; Michael Sterling of Chatfield, Minn., Chemistry ACS; McKinze Bunne of Ostrander, Minn., Nursing; Carl Schiltz of Rushford, Minn., Biochem and Molecular Bio, Summa Cum Laude. •North Dakota State University: Rebecca Jo Theede of Fountain, Minn., Bachelor of Science - Nursing; Britten Jeanette Churchill of Rushford, Minn., Bachelor of Science Architecture, Honors.

•University of Minnesota - Duluth: Lydia Becker of Chatfield, Minn., Bachelor of Applied Science, Psychology, departmental honors, Summa Cum Laude; Samuel Peterson of Chatfield, Minn., Bachelor of Business Administration, Finance; Brandon Vogen of Chatfield, Minn., Bachelor of Applied Science, Integrated Elementary and Special Education. •Vermilion Community College: Colton Hampel of Preston, Minn., AA, Liberal Arts and Sciences; Nicholas Duneman of Rushford, Minn., Honors Graduate, CERT, Seasonal Park Law Enforcement Ranger. •Bemidji State University: Ashley Christian of Spring Valley, Minn., Bachelor of Science, Nursing, 4-Year Track. •Rochester Community and Technical College: Joshua Curry of Chatfield, Minn., AAS, Child Development, Honors; Joseph Daily of Chatfield, Minn., AAS, Business Management; Juan Gomez of Chatfield, Minn., AAS, Business Management; Molly Johnson of Chatfield, Minn., AA, Liberal Arts and Sciences; Kala Urban of Chatfield, Minn., CERT, Medical Transcription; Joel Voca of Chatfield, Minn., DIP, Building Utilities Mechanic; Lexie Eberley of Chatfield, Minn., DIP, Administrative Clinic Assistant; Alex Lien of Chatfield, Minn., AA, Liberal Arts and Sciences, Honors; Kim Westphal of Chatfield, Minn., AAS, Health Information Technology; Caleb Rain of Fountain, Minn., AS, See COLLEGE NEWS Page 25 

Moving/going out of Business

Antique sAle

109 Lilac Street • Fountain, MN 55935 Friday, July 25th, 12:00-5:00 everything Saturday, July 26th, 9:00-3:00 must go! Sunday, July 27th, 10:00-3:00 Showcases, Advertising Displays, Pottery: Red Wing, Hull, McCoy, Majolic & More, Postcards, Pocket Watches, Jewelry, Antique Purses, Pictures, Artwork, Toys, Dolls, Books, Linens, Glassware, Kitchenware, Tools, Tons of Collectibles

For more information go to: 507-261-5384 Antiques • tools • toY • HouseHolD

A u c t i o n Sunday, July 27, 2014 - 9:00

Lunch by Gleasons


Sale to be conducted at the

Spring Valley Sales Auction Building 412 East Park Street, Spring Valley, MN

FLOYD SINNING ESTATE AND OTHERS AUCTIONEER NOTE: We will be selling a large selection of furniture, antiques, tools, toys, collectibles, and household items from 2 estates and 2 parties downsizing.

Selling 2 RingS - All DAy 12-14 Hayracks of Smalls

Approx. 1,500 antique farm wrenches and tools selling at 9am 75 Tonka construction toys and misc. toys, 200 pcs. of 1/16 John Deere, i.H., and Ford farm toys, 95/90 new in box, including 30 precision classics, 1/8 scale J.D. B 2 cycled and collector editions selling approx. 11am.

For more info contact auction company or

Treasures for Everyone.

sAle ArrAngeD AnD conDucteD bY spring vAlleY sAles compAnY

CasH ONlY. 703 Kenilworth Lanesboro, Minn.

Announcements DAY of tAke preceDence over AnY ADvertiseD or pre-printeD mAteriAl All of tHe Above mercHAnDise is selling As is, wHere is, witH no wArrAntY. terms: cAsH or gooD cHeck DAY of sAle. notHing to be removeD until settleD for. not responsible for AcciDents or mercHAnDise After solD. pleAse bring proper iDentificAtion.

Auctioneers: Dick Schwade Lic. 23-10018, 507-346-2183 or 7834, Cell 507-251-7313; Tom Jasper 50-113, 507-251-7654; Kevin Grabau 23-91, 507-951-1478 ringmAn: Bob Root, Roger Becker clerk: Spring Valley Sales - Fax 507-346-2163.

Accepting mAjor creDit cArDs. • sAles tAx cHArgeD wHere ApplicAble.

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Mabel-Canton Schools face budget cuts By Hannah Wingert The Mabel-Canton Board of Education met on July 15, 2014 at 7 p.m. Principal Jeff Nolte was not present nor were board members Cristal Adkins, Jane Hall, or Troy Soiney. The minutes from the June 17, 2014 board meeting were reviewed and approved. The board wished to thank the custodial staff for the extra efforts and hard work provided this summer to keep Mabel-Canton School District beautiful. The custodial staff has been busy getting the school building ready for the 2014-15 school year. The consent agenda was approved. It included approval of the membership of the school district into the Minnesota School Board’s Association, the Minnesota Rural Education Association, and the Southeast Service Coop. All three associations have great resources for the school district and have proved helpful to the district so far. Also included on the consent agenda were the approval of Superintendent Backer as ISD 239 Title IX and Human Rights Coordinator and the resignation of choir teacher, Heidi Myhre pending a suitable replacement. Superintendent Backer has been in contact with the superintendent of the Lanesboro School District to see if an agreement can be reached for the two districts to share a choir teacher as both are looking for replacements at this time. She’ll have

more information at a later time. The board approved the Mabel Record as the official school district newspaper. They also approved Mabel-Canton to file for School Board elections. Jeff Ryan, Cristal Adkins, Chris Loppnow, and Troy Soiney’s terms as school board members are up. The fall and winter coaches and advisors for the 2014-15 school year were approved as was the Health and Safety Policy and the grounds/mowing contract. Todd Lechtenberg, Mabel-Canton’s business manager, wasn’t able to attend the meeting, but did send a note that the audit will be done September 8-12. Superintendent Backer noted that every department is being looked at for budget cuts and no one is being singled out, saying, “everybody is part of this.” Cuts have already been made and more will be made to continue to improve the budget in the best interest of the district. The payment of the district bills and electronic fund transfers were approved. It was noted that the Staff Development day will be held August 25 at 7:30 a.m. September 2 is the first day of school and MEA will be October 16-17 and there will be no school those two days. The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held August 19, 2014 at 7 p.m.

Monday, July 21, 2014

COLLEGE NEWS Continued from Page 24

2+2 Business Administration, High Honors; Brittany Milnes of Harmony, Minn., AAS, Veterinary Technician; Sarah Beckman of Lanesboro, Minn., DIP, Administrative Clinic Assistant; Alexis Hall of Lanesboro, Minn., AS, Human Services Specialist, Honors; Caitlin Majerus of Lanesboro, Minn., AS, Biotechnology; Nicollette Meyer of Lanesboro, Minn., AS, Human Services Specialist; Sara Peterson of Lanesboro, Minn., AS, Nursing; Stephanie Staver of Lanesboro, Minn., AAS, Surgical Technology; Tyler Spande of Mabel, Minn., AAS, Law Enforcement; Elizabeth Rice of Ostrander, Minn., AS, Administrative Assistant; Crystal Siskow of Ostrander, Minn., AS, Nursing; Dustin Thorson of Ostrander, Minn., AAS, Surgical Technology; Darren Easley of Preston, Minn., DIP, Automobile Mechanic; Katelin Easley of Preston, Minn., AA, Liberal Arts and Sciences; Kathlyn Marzolf-Harstad of Preston, Minn., AAS, Dental Hygiene, High Honors; Kristina Mart of Rushford, Minn., AS, 2+2 Business Administration and AS, Accounting; Katherine Anderson of Spring Valley, Minn., AA, 2+2 Elementary Education, High Honors; Dustin Blankenship of Spring Valley, Minn., AA, Liberal Arts


and Sciences and AS, Nursing; Amy Buchanan of Spring Valley, Minn., AS, Laboratory Science, Honors; Timothy Lex of Spring Valley, Minn., DIP, Precision Manufacturing Technology, High Honors; Noelle Mildenstein of Spring Valley, Minn., DIP, Administrative Clinic Assistant; Mark Mills of Spring Valley, Minn., A AS, Business Management, High Honors; Megan Oakland of Spring Valley, Minn., AAS, Health Information Technology; Mariah Schwanke of Spring Valley, Minn., AA, Liberal Arts and Sciences, High Honors and AAS, Dental Hygiene, High Honors; Brian Tart of Spring Valley, Minn., AAS, Building Utilities Mechanic, High Honors, and DIP, Building Utilities Mechanic, High Honors; Regan Zimmer of Spring Valley, Minn., AA, Liberal Arts and Sciences. •Stony Brook University New York: Andrew M. Manion of Fountain, Minn., Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics. •Winona State University: Tracy Agrimson of Rushford, Minn., Bachelor of Science Teaching/Elementary Education, Summa Cum Laude; Trevor Auman of Rushford, Minn., Bachelor of Science - Accounting; Riley Bahl of Preston, Minn., Bachelor of Science - Teaching Elementary Education/K-6; Erin Bernard of Spring Valley, Minn., Bachelor of Science - Nursing; Joseph Bublitz of Rushford,

Page 25

Minn., Bachelor of Science Physics; Leah Dols of Preston, Minn., Bachelor of Science Biology, Magna Cum Laude; Kelli Dornink of Harmony, Minn., Bachelor of Social Work; Marianne Florin of Houston, Minn., Bachelor of Science Nursing, Summa Cum Laude; Ashley Gately of Houston, Minn., Bachelor of Science Paralegal, Cum Laude; Nathan Hanson of Preston, Minn., Bacehlor of Science - Sociology: Criminal Justice; McKinzee Johnson of Harmony, Minn., Bachelor of Science - Teaching - Elementary Education/K-6; Tricia Laganiere-Sand of Mabel, Minn., Bachelor of Social Work; Elise Nelson of Rushford, Minn., Bachelor of Arts - English and Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communication, Cum Laude; Tori Speer of Lanesboro, Minn., Bachelor of Science - Nursing; Dustin Tollefsrud of Mabel, Minn., Associate in Arts - Liberal Arts and Sciences; Nicole Vrieze of Spring Valley, Minn., Bachelor of Social Work, Cum Laude; Taylor Wade of Rushford, Minn., Bachelor of Science - Accounting; Katrina Wagner of Lanesboro, Minn., Associate in Arts - Liberal Arts and Sciences; Stephanie Wick of Rushford, Minn., Bachelor of Science - Teaching Business Education, Magna Cum Laude. •University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Derek Scheevel, Doctor of Physical Therapy.

2014 Friday

July 25 thru


Houston Hoedown Days

July 27


3pm • Kiddie Parade – Maple Street 3pm • Flea Market and Magic Shows – All Day – City Park 4pm • Beer Barn Opens – Fest Grounds* 4:30pm • State Qualifying Kiddie Pedal Tractor Pull - – City Park 6pm • Softball Tournament – McSpadden Field & High School Field 6pm • Bingo – City Park 6pm • Garden Tractor Pull – Fest Grounds* 7:30pm • Hoedown Queen Coronation – Elementary School ($2 or button for admission) 9pm–1am • Dance – The WhistleJacks – – Fest Grounds* 10pm • Fireworks – look to the sky north of the fest grounds

Noon • Helicopter Rides – near Nature Center – sponsored by American Legion 1pm • Horseshoe Tournament – City Park 1:30pm • Beer Barn Opens – Fest Grounds* (after parade) 1:30pm • Musical Jamboree – City Park 1:30pm • Bingo – City Park 1:30pm • 40th Annual MN State Horse Pull Championships – Fest Grounds* 2pm–4pm • Hoedown Craft Beer Festival – $10 includes a mug & 10 samples – Fest Grounds* 2pm–5pm • Mini-Golf – City Park (Lions Club) 2pm • Elvis Presley Tribute – Troy Jacobsen – Fest Grounds* 2pm • Houston Fire Department Firefighters Challenge – Maple St 4pm–8pm • Old Time Dance – Top Notchmen – Community Center – Button or $10 at the door 7pm–11pm • Dance – Trouble Shooter – – Fest Grounds*


* Button Required for Admissions ($10.00 Advance & $15.00 at Gate)

7am – 10:30am • Pancake Breakfast – Community Center (Lions Club) 8am • Hoedown Hat Race – 2.5 mile run – start/end at Trailhead Park register on our website 8am • Softball Tournament – McSpadden Field & High School Field 10am–6pm • Model Train Expo & Swap Meet – open to public – no button required food shelf donations appreciated – High School Gym 10am • Tractor Pull – Fest Grounds* 10am • Musbakken 500 Soap Box Derby – Grant Street 10am • Craft/Flea Market and Magic Shows – all day – City Park 10am–6pm • Mini-Golf – City Park (Lions Club) 11am • Beer Barn Opens – Fest Grounds* 11am–2pm • Pork Meal – City Park Noon • Horseshoe Tournament – City Park Noon • Bingo – City Park Noon • Civil Air Patrol F-16 flight simulator –Lincoln Street near the park – sponsored by American Legion Noon • Helicopter Rides – near Nature Center – sponsored by American Legion 3pm–7pm • Music – Almost Everyone – Fest Grounds* 7pm • Modified Tractor Pull – Fest Grounds* 7pm • Trip to the Houston sign on the bluff – meet @ Nature Center Building 9pm–1am • Dance – The Remainders – – Fest Grounds*

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7am–10:30am • Pancake Breakfast – Community Center (Lions Club) 8am • Softball Tournament – McSpadden Field & High School Field 9am • Cowboy Church Service with Gary Froiland – City Park 10am–4pm • Antique Car Display – High School Parking Lot, Elm Street 10am–4pm • Antique Tractor Display – Jackson St, between Elm & Spruce 10am–4pm • Model Train Expo & Swap Meet – open to public – no button required food shelf donations appreciated – High School Gym 10am • Craft/Flea Market and Magic Shows – all day – City Park 10:30am • Boy Scouts Chicken Q – City Park Noon • Grande Parade – Cedar Street Noon • Pie and Ice Cream Social – Community Center Noon • Civil Air Patrol F-16 flight simulator –Lincoln Street near the park – sponsored by American Legion

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2014 Friday

July 25 thru


July 27

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To be a part of the Houston pages, contact Peggi Redalen at 507.450.2291

Page 28


Monday, July 21, 2014

Houston locks into animal control contract By Angie Rodenburg The Houston City Council held a meeting on July 14. At the meeting, Chief David Breault informed the council of the weekly animal complaints which the police department is called to deal with stray or neglected animals in town. Chief Breault suggested that the council contract the services of Marcie Jensen, a local animal control provider. Jenson provides animal control services for other towns in the area, including Brownsville, Hokah, and Spring Grove. She is a certified dog trainer, has an associate’s degree in Criminal Justice, veterinary technician training, and is an executive director at Paws 4 Independence-an organization that trains service dogs. Chief Breault told the council that the department does not have the proper holding facilities to house the animals and also do not have a proper placement plan after the animals are caught. Contracting the services of Jensen would solve those problems. The council approved the $3,000 per year animal control contract. Chief Breault also sought the council’s approval to purchase software with the LETG (Law Enforcement Technology Group). The state now mandates that the Houston Police Department have a virtual private network; working with LETG would make the department

compliant. Access to this network will connect the HPD with surrounding towns, track incidents in real time, and improve case flow, in addition to numerous other benefits. The council approved the purchase at a cost of $7,116, with annual maintenance of $1,160. Mayor Edwards commented that the use of this software, “makes for more effective law enforcement.” At the meeting the council also approved the construction of an access road by the band shell using concrete. The Lion’s Club brought the idea to the council in hopes of making it easier for bands to unload their equipment. The access road will also help to make the bandshell more handicapped accessible. The council also approved the roof repair on City Hall at a cost of $3,000. The repairs will be done by Affordable Siding and Roofing. The council also approved the official election judges for the City of Houston, for the 2014 Primary and General Elections. They are as follows: Larry Jerviss, Christina Peterson, Audrey Hegland, Karyn Olson, Sherman Cole, Paul Kempter, Ruth Ann Stensgard, Kathleen Nelson, and James Skree. The next Houston City Council meeting will be held on Monday, August 11 at 6 p.m. at the City Hall.

Recycling 101 By LaVerne C. Paulson Recycling Education Coordinator There continues to be questions concerning what is and what is not recyclable in Fillmore County. Each county in Minnesota has different lists of what can be recycled in their county. LaVerne C. That is not to Paulson say that one way is much better than another. Recycling is a good thing no matter where you live. The main thing to remember is that the more recyclables you can keep out of the landfill, the less negative impact you will have on the environment. I hope the following paragraphs help answer some of the frequently asked questions you may have concerning recycling in Fillmore County. The more you recycle, the more material can be processed into new products. By far, the most abundant fiber brought here to the recycling center is corrugated cardboard. The other fibers that should be recycled are newspapers and their inserts, junk mail, magazines, catalogs, phone books, box board, such as boxes from cereal, pasta, crackers, tissue paper, cake mixes, and pop, as well as computer paper, school papers, and shredded paper enclosed in a paper bag or cardboard box. These

The FCJ reaches over 13,000 household each week. paper products are not meant to be burned or buried, they should be recycled. Your paper products should be kept clean and dry. Paper egg cartons, fridge packs, any boxes from frozen food, and soiled parts of take home pizza boxes are not recyclable. We get a lot of plastic containers. Please rinse these out and throw away the caps of bottles. The caps melt at a different temperature and contaminate the useable plastic. Pop and water bottles are highly recyclable, but a very large percentage of them are still ending up in landfill. Margarine, Cool Whip, cottage cheese, and yogurt containers (#5) have unrecyclable additives in them and are not recyclable at this time, but most of these can be used for storage or given to churches to take extra food home after a meal is served. If your container has a 1 or a 2 in the “chasing arrows” symbol on the bottom, we want it. The amber pill bottle from the pharmacy should go to the landfill. Children’s toys, lawn furniture, PVC pipe, flower pots, and car parts, are not recyclable. Plastic grocery bags should be taken back to a store that collects them. Most recyclable glass is in the form of bottles and jars. Rinse and remove the lids. The metal lids are also recyclable. All colors of glass are acceptable. We cannot recycle window panes, mirrors, drinking glasses, coffee mugs, incandescent light bulbs, canning jars, dishes, pyrex, or ceramics. They should go to landfill. For safety reasons, please inform your garbage hauler

when there is broken glass in your landfill garbage. Aluminum cans and clean aluminum foil make up a very small portion of our metal recyclables. Tin/steel cans far outnumber them. You don’t have to remove the label, just rinse them out. The entire can is recyclable. Do not flatten your steel cans. The machine in the Cities that separates the materials has been know to recognize a flattened can as corrugated cardboard and that is not good. This is the same machine that has a strong dislike for plastic bags. Larger pieces of metal containing copper, iron, steel, brass, or aluminum should be deposited in the large blue/ black bin just outside the recycling building. Partially used aerosol cans should be brought to the recovery center during Household Hazardous Waste Day. Empty aerosol cans are landfill. Paint cans contalning dried out paint are landfill. Paint cans containing liquid are hazardous waste. Recycling in Fillmore County is not impossible. It isn’t even difficult. It is rather easy and very necessary. Just cut this article out of the paper and keep it near your recycling bins so you can use it as a reference. You may also want to stop by the recycling booth at the fair and pick up a green single stream recycling guide. As always, if you have any questions on recycling, don’t hesitate to e-mail me at We’ve got plenty of room here for your recyclables, so please feel free to add yours to our never ending supply.

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Fillmore County police reports Chatfield Police Department Daniel Zgodava, Jr., 19, Rochester, Minn.; 5/20/2014, Seat Belt Required - Driver and Passengers Must Use; Fees $115. Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office Judy Ann Aberg, 66, Cresco, Iowa; 6/17/2014, Speeding - 68/55; Fees $140. Paul V. Allen, 54, Rochester, Minn.; 6/7/2014, Speeding - 71/55; Fees $150. Cliff Ambrose, Jr., 50, Rochester, Minn.; 4/14/2014, Driver’s License - Driving Without a Valid License or Vehicle Class/Type; Multiple Licenses Prohibited; Fees $190. 4/14/2014, Uninsured Vehicle - Owner Violation; Fees $300. Elisa Marie Bly, 31, Spring Valley, Minn.; 6/2/2014, Speeding - 74/55; Fees $150. Rachel Elene Durkee Walker, 46, Golden Valley, Minn.; 6/1/2014, Speeding - 45/30; Fees $150. Kevin Joseph Graves, 37, Rochester, Minn.; 6/17/2014, Speeding - 64/55; Fees $130. Craig Patrick Haggerty, 51, Mound, Minn.; 5/18/2014, Speeding - Exceed Limit 55 mph Where Appropriate; Fees $210. Dale Edwin Hanka, 75, Cohasset, Minn.; 6/17/2014, Speeding 64/55; Fees $130. Dick Charles Harreld, 39, Spring Valley, Minn.; 5/31/2014, Speeding - 65/55; Fees $130. Allison V. Hartman, 27, Honeoye Falls, N.Y.; 6/17/2014, Speeding 74/55; Fees $150. Michael Thomas Hayes, 59, Denver, Iowa; 5/21/2014, Seat Belt Required - Driver and Passengers Must Use; Fees $115. Christina Marie Hollis, 68, Elizabeth, Ill.; 6/17/2014, Speeding 75/55; Fees $230. Wilson Kailol Kieya, 44, Wykoff,

Minn.; 4/4/2014, Vehicle Registration Required; Fees $120. Daniel Amanda Kohut, 30, Decorah, Iowa; 6/17/2014, Speeding 73/55; Fees $150. Steven Wayne Murley, 58, Rushford, Minn.; 6/20/2014, Speeding - 65/55; Fees $130. Courtney Lynn Neeman, 23, Holy Cross, Iowa; 5/24/2014, Speeding 50/40; Fees $130. Kirk Bjorn Nelson, 21, LeRoy, Minn.; 5/31/2014, Seat Belt Required - Driver and Passengers Must Use; Fees $115. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Enforcement Division Nathanael David Alexander, 31, Chatfield, Minn.; 5/26/2014, Fail to Display Valid Registration; Fees $115. Richard Kenneth Christopherson, 56, Stewartville, Minn.; 6/30/2014, Forestry - Fail to Extinguish Permit Fire, Remain with Permit Fire, or Comply with Permit Conditions; Fees $140. Kyle Allen Thompson, 32, Mabel, Minn.; 5/26/2014, Fail to Display Valid Registration; Fees $115. Blia Shoua Yang, 69, New Hope, Minn.; 11/26/2013, Hunting - Deer Without a License; Fees $190. Minnesota State Patrol Catherine Glynn, 46, Lanesboro, Minn.; 5/5/2014, Speeding - 65/55; Fees $130. Levi Andy Hershberger, 18, Driver’s License - Driving Without a Valid License or Vehicle Class/Type - Multiple Licenses Prohibited; Fees $190. 5/6/2014, Speeding - 55/40; Fees $60. Dustin Junior Holland, 24, Lanesboro, Minn.; 6/2/2014, Seat Belt Required - Driver and Passengers Must Use; Fees $115. Neil Alan Jaspers, 36, Winona, Minn.; 6/14/2014, Speeding - 75/55;

Monday, July 21, 2014 Fees $230. Robert Vernon Kappers, 50, Chatfield, Minn.; 5/22/2014, Seat Belt Required - Driver and Passengers Must Use; Fees $115. Erica June Lane, 36, Chatfield, Minn.; 5/2/2014, Duty to Drive with Due Care - Speed Greater Than Reasonable; Fees $130. Dalynn Ann Melver, 48, Mabel, Minn.; 5/13/2014, Driver Must Carry Proof of Insurance when Operating Vehicle; Stay of Adjudication - Unsupervised probation for six months - Remain law-abiding, No same or similar. Timothy Joseph Howard Rueb, 21, Stillwater, Minn.; 5/30/2014, Speeding - 65/55; Fees $130. Brittney Lorraine Simmons, 25, Inver Grove Heights, Minn.; 5/15/2014, Speeding - 65/55; Fees $130. Tija Rose Smith, 20, Rushford, Minn.; 5/16/2014, Improper Change of Course or Fail to Signal Lane Change; Fees $140. Jamaul Coleone Gayles, 36, Preston, Minn.; 4/18/2014, DWI Refuse to Submit to Chemical Test; Fine of $3,000 (stay $2,100 until 7/1/2016), Total fees $1,020, Local confinement for 365 (stay 335 days for two years - credit for time served for four days - serve as work release - complete by September 1, 2014), Supervised probation for two years Follow all Conditions set forth in the Probation Agreement, Sign Probation Agreement, Remain law-abiding, No same or similar, Aftercare, Complete Individual Therapy and Relapse Prevention as directed by Court Services, No alcohol/controlled substance use, as directed by Court Services, No possession of alcohol or drugs, as directed by Court Services, Do not enter bars or liquor stores, as directed by Court Services, Random testing, as directed by Court Services, Submit to Random Searches, as directed by Court Services, Follow all instructions of probation, No driving without insurance, or valid driver’s license, Sign all releases of information, Attend MADD Impact Panel. 4/18/2014, Open Bottle Law - Possession - Crime Described; Stay of Imposition - Fees $50, Supervised probation for two years. Preston Police Department Daniel E. Hershberger, 28, Spring Valley, Minn.; 5/26/2014, Seat Belt Required - Driver and Passengers Must Use; Fees $115.


Cole Andrew Olson, 21, Preston, Minn.; 6/12/2014, Speeding - 65/55; Fees $130. Todd Oakley Stockdale, 57, LeRoy, Minn.; 6/18/2014, Seat Belt Required - Driver and Passengers Must Use; Fees $115. Nicole Jennifer Watson, 40, Cresco, Iowa; 6/21/2013, Issue Dishonored Check - Value Not More Than $250; Fees $140. Rushford Police Department Jason Lee Boon, 42, Rushford, Minn.; 5/10/2014, Owner Who Is Not Driver Must Later Produce Proof of Insurance If Required; Fees $290, Remain law-abiding, No same or similar. Keely Flood, 26, Lombard, Ill.; 6/14/2014, Speeding - 62/45; Fees $150. Saul Gasca-Hernandez, 48, Rushford, Minn.; 5/27/2014, Driver’s License - Driving After Revocation; Fees $290. 5/27/2014, Driver Must Carry Proof of Insurance when Operating Vehicle; Fees $200. Chase Colton Krenzke, 18, Houston, Minn.; 6/19/2014, Speeding - 40/30; Fees $130. Neal Philip Laneville, 41, Orfordville, Wis.; 6/1/2014, Speeding -

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50/30; Fees $230. Jeremy Mark Olson, 27, Rushford, Minn.; 4/20/2014, DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle - Alcohol Concentration 0.08 Within 2 Hours; Fine of $1,000 (stay $700 until 7/1/2015), Total fees $415, Local confinement for 90 days (stay 90 days for one year), Supervised probation for one year - Remain law-abiding, No same or similar, No alcohol/controlled substance use, No possession of alcohol or drugs, Random testing, No driving without insurance, have valid license to drive, Sign Probation Agreement, follow all rules and recommendations of probation, Do not enter bars or liquor stores, Complete DWI Program, if required, Attend MADD Impact Panel, if required, Submit to chemical testing, Complete chemical assessment, follow all recommendations, Submit to random searches. Beth Louise Schueler, 50, Peterson, Minn.; 6/13/2014, Seat Belt Required - Driver and Passengers Must Use; Fees $115. Hogan Ray Stewart, 20, Chatfield, Minn.; 5/21/2014, Drugs - Over 1.4 Grams Marijuana In Motor Vehicle; Fees $240.

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Page 30


Monday, July 21, 2014

30th Annual Buffalo Bill Days coming soon By Barb Jeffers Buffalo Bill Days in Lanesboro, Minn. is fast approaching and this year’s celebration is a special one being that this year marks the 30th year that Lanesboro has hosted the celebration. The reason behind the name of the event is due to the fact that in 1900 the first Buffalo Bill’s Wild West shows were performed in Lanesboro, according to the city’s website, That show consisted of six Indians (two Iron Maidens), two white men (Buffalo Bill and White Beaver), and a Mr. Man. The celebration takes place each year during the first full weekend in August which lands Buffalo Bill Days this year on August 1, 2, and 3. Traditional Buffalo Bill Days activities will take place this year but also two new events have been added to enhance the fun of the weekend including a “Buffalo Roam” and the “Jim Busta Band” being included in this year’s schedule of events. Grand Marshals for this year are lifelong residents of Lanesboro, Duane and Angel Bakke, who were honored to accept the prestigious title of Grand Marshals and will proudly ride in the Buffalo Bill Days Grand Parade on Sunday, August 3, 2014. The official start of Buffalo Bill Days will be at 4 p.m. on Friday, August 1 with the opening of the Beer & Brat tent for the weekend and music with DJ Chase who is

sure to get the weekend kicked off with good tunes and a great time. At 7 p.m. the Softball Tournament begins with fans gathering at the softball field to cheer on their favorite teams and players. The Commonweal Theatre will be performing “Arsenic and Old Lace” at 7:30 p.m., which is only one of the productions by the Commonweal during the weekend. One highlight during the weekend, the Street Dance, will start at 8:30 p.m. Friday evening in front of the Lanesboro Fire Hall with the band “Trouble Shooter” performing. For those who celebrate a little too much over the weekend R & M Amish Tours will be providing Sober Shuttle Rides from 6 p.m. until 3 a.m. Friday and Saturday nights to get everyone home safely. The phone number for the Sober Shuttle rides is (507) 467-2128. Not only does the Softball Tournament continue on Saturday, August 2 but the Volleyball Tournament also gets underway which brings many teams to the nets near the Beer & Brat Tent with a large crowd always watching the teams go head to head and as if that is not enough sports there is also a Bean Bag Tournament on Saturday. A new event this year, the “Buffalo Roam,” begins at 11:30 a.m. which is a fun run/walk for all ages. Registration for the “Buffalo Roam” will be at 10 a.m. Other

$1,500 donated to the Rushford-Peterson High School Trapshooting League

highlights for Saturday include many events in Sylvan Park including the Market Place and Farmers’ Market opening at 10 a.m. The Market Place will have approximately 40 vendors and four food trucks. The gazebo in Sylvan Park will hold musicians the “Root River Jam Band” at 11 a.m. just as Bingo gets underway and the “Arnold Bradley Band” beginning at 2 p.m. for people of all ages to enjoy while walking around the park enjoying the Kids Carnival and Petting Zoo which will be open from noon - 4 p.m. Two more chances to watch Commonweal Theatre performances will take place both at 1:30 p.m. with “Arsenic and Old Lace” and again at 7:30 p.m. with the Commonweal’s production of “Around the World in 80 Days” entertaining the audience. While in Lanesboro taking in all that the town celebration has to offer on Saturday be sure to stop in and visit local businesses who will be open all day and have a wide array of unique items and there are many fine eating establishments to try as well. These businesses give great support to Buffalo Bill Days and would appreciate seeing the faces of those who are both visitors for the first time or their regular customers. Saturday evening will be an exciting one with “Next 2 Nothing” playing in the Community Center parking lot from 8 p.m. to midnight. There will be a minimal cover charge of $5 for the dance which is a small price to pay for such high level entertainment. Fireworks off the North bluff are a crowd pleaser each year and will begin at 9:45 p.m. Saturday night which consistently brings people together to watch from sidewalks,

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County parking lots, porches, or anywhere else in order to get a good view. On Sunday, August 3, Volleyball and Softball Tournaments will continue, the Beer & Brat Tent will once again be open, and the Market Place and Farmer’s Market will be open before the “Highway 30” Ecumenical Service at the park gazebo at 10:30 a.m. Canned goods and free will donations will be accepted at the service. Bingo will begin once again at 11 a.m. and the Kids Carnival and Petting Zoo will be open from noon to 4 p.m. Beginning at 11 a.m. Sunday the smell of the Chicken Barbeque coming from the Community Center will draw a lot of hungry people as it always does. Keep an eye on your dinner though as there will be robbers in town. The “Cannon Old West Society” will perform a bank robbery in downtown at 11 a.m. with a second appearance in the park at the gazebo at 12:30 p.m. featuring a good guys vs. bad guys shootout. Streets will be lined with chairs and blankets for the Grand Parade at 1:30 p.m. with children jumping up and down, clapping, and running for candy. The kids will continue their fun after the parade back in the park with free “Kaptain Kirby” train rides. Another new event for Buffalo Bill Days 2014 will be the music of the “Jim Busta Band” in the park gazebo beginning at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Many area residents are familiar with the band and are sure to take a seat in the shade of Sylvan Park and enjoy every note. Take a chance and buy some raffle tickets which will be on sale at the Park Information Booth in Sylvan Park throughout the weekend and you could win cash prizes. The more you buy the better your chances! A Golf Tournament will also be taking place the entire weekend.

Play 18 holes anytime from Friday at 5 p.m. to Sunday at noon. The winner will be announced at the Brat & Beer Tent at approximately 7 p.m. Sunday. For additional information on the Golf Tournament phone (507) 467-3742. Buffalo Bill Days will wind down Sunday evening but there will still be entertainment to be found with a DJ and Karaoke in the Brat & Beer Tent from 5:00 8:30 p.m. Mara Drake, member of the Buffalo Bill Days Committee, stated, “We are very excited to be celebrating the 30th year. So many people before us worked tirelessly to organize it and the fact that it is still going strong is a testament to the community and its many volunteers.” Without all of those volunteers the event could not take place. Members of the Buffalo Bill Days Committee include Mara Drake, Jody Nation, Karen Scheevel, David and Lori Bakke, Melissa Peterson, Diane Marzolf, Roger Jorgenson, and Chase Bakke. These individuals hope to see you in Lanesboro during Buffalo Bill Days to enjoy their hours of planning and hard work along with the help of many others who donate their time to put together a celebration the entire area can enjoy. Drake also shared that anyone can help support Buffalo Bill Days in several different ways including buying beer and brats at the tent, buying raffle tickets, and participating in any of the sporting events. You can also donate to your favorite event such as the parade or fireworks display. For more information on Buffalo Bill Days events visit www. or view the facebook page. Emails can be sent to The phone number for the Lanesboro City Office is (507) 467-3722.

Houston overlook sign program July 26 Photo submitted by Brian Drache The Bluff Country Chapter of the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association donated $1,500 to the Rushford-Peterson High School Trapshooting League. Competitive trapshooting now involves more prep students in Minnesota than hockey does and is by far the state’s fastest-growing school sport. It’s the only sport in which boys and girls compete together and alongside physically challenged students. Over the last 30 years MDHA has improved upon and developed its mission of “working for tomorrow’s wildlife and hunters today.” With approximately 62 chapters and 16,000 members throughout the state, MDHA works in Minnesota for Minnesota through four main tenets which include hunting, habitat, education and legislation. •MDHA produces public policy positions regarding wildlife and hunting •MDHA promotes good sportsmanship, hunting ethics and safe hunting practices •MDHA Promotes and maintains high quality deer habitat •MDHA provides opportunities for deer hunters to meet, share experiences and develop a fraternal spirit •MDHA educates hunters and the public on the value of the sport of deer hunting •MDHA supports the enforcement of regulations which curtail the illegal taking of deer •MDHA supports efforts to increase opportunities for deer hunting on both private and public lands

Visit the HOUSTON overlook sign on Saturday, July 26 at 7 p.m. Meet at the Houston Nature Center. Ever want to go up to see the huge stone “HOUSTON” sign on the hill north of Houston but didn’t know who to call or how to get there? Here’s your chance! All landowners and renters involved have granted the public permission to visit the sign as part of this special program only. (To visit at any other time you must secure per-

mission from the landowners on your own.) Many years ago the only way to get to the sign was a very strenuous hike on foot, but these days we can cheat and drive to within 100 yards of the sign! We’ll meet at the Houston Nature Center at 7 p.m. sharp to carpool to the top of the hill. You’ll find out a little about the history of the sign, get to see the remnant goat prairie around the sign, and take in the beautiful view of Houston in full swing during Houston

SWCD offers $500 returning college student scholarship Are you a college student returning to school this fall? Could you use an additional $500 for college expenses? Are you pursuing a degree in Natural Resources, Agriculture or related field? If you answered “yes” to these questions, then you should apply for the $500 scholarship being awarded by the Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD).

Applications are available at the Fillmore SWCD office located within the USDA Service Center at 900 Washington Street in Preston or online at www. To be eligible, you must be a returning college sophomore, junior, or senior; be pursuing a degree in Natural Resources, Agriculture or related field; be enrolled in

Hoedown Days. Please follow the group up to the sign and do not go ahead on your own for safety reasons, as there is a small chance of encountering rattlesnakes. This program is free and open to the public, but donations are encouraged. The Houston Nature Center is located one block north of the intersection of Highways 16 and 76 in Houston in Trailhead Park. For more information call 507-896-4668 or e-mail classes for fall; and not a prior scholarship recipient. Applications must be received at the Fillmore SWCD office by 4 p.m. on Friday, July 25, 2014 and must include an essay, in 500 words or less, on “What Natural Resource Conservation Means to Me”. The scholarship winner will be chosen by the Fillmore SWCD Board of Supervisors at their August meeting. For more information, please contact Donna Rasmussen at the SWCD office at (507) 765-3878 ext. 3.

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County


Monday, July 21, 2014

Page 31



•Bingo, 11am, Rushford Tenborg Center.* •Reptile and Amphibian Discovery Zoo (RADZoo), 1pm, Chatfield Public Library. •Knit it Together, 3:30-4:30pm, Preston Public Library. Knitting for all levels.* •Bluff Country Toastmasters meet, 5:30pm, Spring Valley Public Library.* •Chatfield AA meets, 7:30pm in the Pio­neer Presbyterian Church, 206 Fillmore St., Chatfield.* •AA Closed Meeting, 8pm, Presbyterian Church, Mill St., Rushford.*

•Free Senior Coffee and Homemade Dessert, 9am, Clara House of Harmony.* •Story Hour, 11am, Harmony Public Library. No school, no story hour.* •Mug Award Party and Surprise Entertainment, 11:30am, Rushford Tenborg Center. •MNSure Enrollment Event, 2-7pm, Preston Public Library. •“Music in the Park” 7:30pm, Chatfield City Park. FREE* •AA Class “Road’s Journey,” 8pm, 301 E. Franklin St., Spring Valley (a yellow house).*

•Ostrander Uff-da Days. Days.html •Riverboat Days, Wabasha, MN. •Spring Valley Area Foodshelf, 9-11am, 1300 West Tracy Rd., Spring Valley, MN.* •Lanesboro Farmers’ Market, 9-noon, Sylvan Park.* •Lanesboro AA Group, 8pm, Bethlehem Lutheran Church. For more info, call 507-251-1771 or 765-2518.*

WEDNESDAY, JULY 23 Printed with Soy ink


•Ostrander Uff-da Days. Days.html •Fountain AA Group closed meeting, 7:30pm, Fountain Lutheran Church, South Main St. and Highway 52.*

•American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1-7pm, Lanesboro Community Center. Call Mimi at 507-467-2265 Printed with Soy inK or 507-951-2657. •Spring Valley Area Foodshelf, 2-4pm, 1300 West Rd., Printed on Tracy recycled paper Spring Valley.* Printed on recycled PaPer


•Ostrander Uff-da Days. Days.html •Riverboat Days, Wabasha, MN. •Magical Mia, 10am, Chatfield Public Library. •Chatfield NA meeting, 7:30pm, Pioneer Presbyterian Church, 206 Fillmore St. Chatfield.*

MONDAY, JULY 28 •Community Coffee, 9am, Park Lane Estates, Preston.* •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 1-3pm, Fillmore County Public Health, 902 Houston Street NW, Preston, MN.*



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Page 32


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Monday, July 21, 2014


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The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Job Openings In Spring Grove





Fillmore Central Community Education is seeking a full-time Lead Daycare Teacher at One Block At A Time. Must be highly motivated, teamoriented, mature and outgoing individual. Be able to develop & nurture children; stimulate emotional, intellectual, & social growth. Provides a save environment; encourages students’ participation; keeps parents informed. 16 post-secondary credits. Ability to respond to individual participants’ learning, physical, and emotional needs. Previous experience in child care center and/or related field preferred. Application can be obtained from: www., any school office or by calling Angi at (507)765.3809. Position open until filled. h21,28-o

Technology Integrationist Houston Public Schools is seeking a fulltime technology integrationist. Knowledge of Infinite Campus or a similar student management system is preferable. The applicant will also need a working knowledge of Google docs, website maintenance and creation, Facebook, Sharepoint and the ability to train adults in the use of these applications. Excellent communication and problem-solving skills are a must. Hardware knowledge of desktop and server computers, LCD projectors and SMART boards is beneficial. An educational background is preferred. AA or AS degree required; BA or BS degree preferred. Interested candidates should send a completed HPS application, letter of interest, and resume, as well as three letters of recommendation to the Office of Superintendent, 306 West Elm Street, Houston, MN 55943. HPS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. h21-o

The Fillmore County DAC currently has openings on our Governing Board that we are looking to fill. We are a non-profit 501 (c)3 Corporation. Do you have experience in education, finance, fundraising, grant writing, social work, public service, or health? Consider joining! Call Lori at 507-765-3378 for more information. h21, 28-o

EMPLOYMENT PART-TIME ANNOUNCER. KFIL Radio-Townsquare Media in Preston is seeking a part-time on-air personality and ad copy production person. Candidate must possess good computer skills and be available flexible daytime hours including possible weekends. Send resume to KFIL Radio, Attention Bruce, P O Box 370, Preston, MN 55965 or email to production@ Townsquare Media is an equal employment opportunity employer. h21,28-o

Monday, July 21, 2014

Front Desk Position

Must be available to work thru Oct. We are located between Mabel and Spring Grove, MN. Call for more details: Renee Ryan 507-498-5881

Spring Valley Senior Living is currently looking for a Full-time Facilities Director to plan and direct the operations of the environmental services department throughout the facility. Work hours are primarily Monday through Friday, Saturdays as needed and on-call. Special Class Boiler’s License required, associate’s or bachelor’s degree in building and facilities maintenance preferred. Previous supervisory experience a plus. To apply send resume to Spring Valley Senior Living, Attn: HR, 800 Memorial Drive, Spring Valley, MN 55975. Or e-mail hr@ EOE h21,28-o Hiring immediately full-time positions for Construction laborers. Must have a valid drivers license. Call Quality Siding & Window 507-288-1221 or send resume to h21,28-x

Be a Substitute Teacher in the Fillmore Central School District!


•••••••••• GET THE JOB DONE

Whether you’re in need of a babysitter or an efficient office manager, you can find the help you deserve by advertising in the Fillmore County Journal Classifieds. And when you’re in search of a better position, our listings can make short work of the situation.

Call 507.765.2151 • Fax 507.765.2468

NursiNg AssistANts Full-Time & Part-Time $500 Sign-On-Bonus

Chosen Valley Care Center has a great opportunity for employment at our facility. We are looking for caring, energetic, reliable, outgoing people to join our team with the opportunity to grow. We currently have full-time and part-time positions available. We are looking for nursing assistants who are compassionate and who want ot make the difference in the lives our residents. We are willing to train the right applicant. We offer excellent benefits to employees working full-time. • Blue Cross Blue Shield with 100% coverage on Preventative Care • HealthPartners Dental Plan • Life & Accidental Death & Disability • Generous, Flexible PTO • Tuition Reimbursement • Supplemental insurance benefits through AFLAC

Application/Resume should be forwarded to: Chosen Valley Care Center, Attn: Director of Nursing, 1102 Liberty Street SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 or applications may be downloaded at (EOE/AA)

Chosen Valley Care Center, InC. A Senior Living Community

Teachers On Call connects Teachers and Paraprofessionals who are interested in Substitute Teaching in Fillmore Central Schools while providing professional leadership in the classroom. Join our team of Substitutes who make a difference! Teachers On Call is hosting a New Substitute Orientation Session to work with Fillmore Central Schools on Thursday, July 31st. Attend the orientation session upon hire, begin your career in Education and apply with us today!

Apply at 952-346-1656

***Full Time Production*** Great Place to Work! CMG is Hiring for 1st and 2nd shift production positions. F/T Permanent positions with OT on weekends Great Performance is rewarded. Excellent Vacation Pkg., Paid 8hr. for Holidays, Medical & Dental available. Now offering 401K Plan! If you are looking for a company that you can grow with, this is a great opportunity!!!

Drug Testing & Background screen required APPly in Person AT CMG 3707 Commercial Dr. SW Rochester, 55902 Or call 507-923-4955 We look forward to meeting you!

Good Shepherd Lutheran ServiceS

At Wildwood Grove, we have a sincere desire to create a working environment that permits each employee to enjoy self-development and satisfaction in their job, while contributing to the Wildwood Grove philosophy: “We are committed to serving every individual with respect at all times. It is the kind of respect we could wish for if our roles were reversed.

Current Job openings


Resident Aide/Nursing Assistant • Full-Time & Part-Time Shifts Available • Evenings & Overnights • Providing Client Care in Assisted Living & Memory Care Settings Stop in to complete an Contact Us: application: lomartin@ Wildwood Grove 410 East Main Street 507.281.2332 LeRoy, MN 55951 507.281.2632

Please visit us at EEO/AA

has current openings for experienced, mature and caring individuals

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Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider

Page 33

EMPLOYMENT Cook, part time for the Lanesboro Public school during the school year. Food preparation, serving and clean up, concentrating on fresh food preparation. Applications available in school office, 100 Kirkwood ST, Lanesboro MN phone 507-467-2229. Applications due August 8, 2014. h21,28-o Para Plus elementary position at the Lanesboro Public School, full time during school year, start date September 2, 2014. College degree preferred. Applications available at the school office, 100 Kirkwood ST, Lanesboro MN. Phone 507-467-2229, or fax 507-4673026. Applications close August 8, 2014. h21,28-o R-P Schools is hiring for: School Age Child Care Supervisor Part Time: Monday – Friday 3-6 pm Please visit our website for more information at or by calling the R-P Community Ed office at 507-864-7065. h21-o Spring Valley Senior Living is currently looking to hire a Full-time RN Charge Nurse and a Full-time RN Care Coordinator. These positions do include occasional weekends worked and offer a weekend pay differential. Comprehensive benefits package available after 60 days! To apply please send resume to Spring Valley Senior Living, Attn: HR, 800 Memorial Drive, Spring Valley, MN 55975. Or e-mail EOE h21, 28-o Spring Valley Senior Living is seeking a part time RN in the Home Health department. Approximately 20 hours per week. Potential to move in to full-time position at a later date. If interested please send resume to Spring Valley Senior Living, Attn: HR, 800 Memorial Drive, Spring Valley, MN 55975. Or email EOE h21,28-o Lanesboro Sales Commission is looking for help. Must have experience with cattle. Call 507-467-2192. h21-o Green Gables Inn is looking for a housekeeper, days and every other weekend. Can start immediately. Call 507-467-2936. h7/21tfn-o Root River Hardwoods Kiln Dried Lumber Store is looking for a reliable person to work in lumber store. Woodworking experience helpful. Benefit package available with retirement plan. Apply at Hwy. 52 N., Preston, MN. 507-765-2284. h14,21-o Taher Food Service has an opening for a kitchen aid at Mabel-Canton Schools. Hours are Monday-Friday 9:30am-1:30pm. Starting September 2, 2014. Contact Jane Hall at 507.272.9363. h14,21,28-o Someone to stay with an elderly male. Salary plus new house to live in. Can have day job or college classes. Rural Chatfield. 20 minutes to Rochester. Matt 507- 273-2055. h14,21-x Riverside on the Root is seeking prep/dish persons for season. Great opportunity for summertime employment, pizza/prep line cook for 2014 season. Send resume to or contact Riverside on the Root. Mike or Julie (507) 467-3663 for application. h14,21-o Drivers: CDL-B: Great Pay, Hometime! No-Forced Dispatch! New Singles from Dodge Center to surrounding states. Apply: or: 1-877-606-7083. h14,21-x

FOREMEN TO LEAD utility field crews. Outdoor physical work, many positions, paid training, $20/hr plus weekly performance bonuses after promotion, living allowance when traveling, company truck $ Sign On and benefits. Must have1,000 strong leadership skills, good driving history, and able to travel in Minnesota and nearby States. Email resume to or apply online at www.OsmoseUtilities. com. EOE M/F/D/V MCAN

nurse Full Time

WORK AND TRAVEL 6 openings now. $20+ per hour. Full-time travel, paid training, transportation provided, ages 18+. BBB accredited. Apply online www. 812/841-1293 MCAN DRIVERS: NEED CDL A or B, to relocate vehicles to and from various locations throughout U.S. No forced dispatch. We specialize in continuation trips to reduce deadhead!!! 800/501-3783 or under Careers MCAN $1,000 SIGN ON BONUS Midnite Express wants experienced OTR Drivers with Class A CDL. Earn up to $.42 per mile. Full Benefits. Newer Equipment. Call 800/726-8639. Apply online www. MCAN


Page 34



Green Lea Manor is LookinG for speciaL peopLe who want to Make a difference. Must be caring, compassionate, and a team player.

part-time rn/Lpn & cna shifts available. Will train and reimburse for classes, if not on the registry. Bonus Pay on weekends and shift differential.

Contact Nicky or stop by for an application.

Green Lea Manor nursing home



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DirectTV starting at $24.95/mo. Free 3-Months of HBO, Starz, Showtime & Cinemax. Free Receiver Upgrade! 2014 NFL Sunday Ticket Included with Select Packages. Some Exclusions Apply. Call for Details 1-800-269-4217 (MCN)

ALL THINGS BASEMENTY! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-800-640-8195 (MCN) INJURED? IN A LAWSUIT? Need Cash Now? We Can Help! No Monthly Payments to Make. No Credit Check. Fast Service and Low Rates. Call Now 888-271-0463 (Not available in NC, CO & MD) (MCN)

MY COMPUTER WORKS: Computer problems? Viruses, spyware, email, printer issues, bad internet connections - FIX IT NOW! Professional, U.S.-based technicians. $25 off service. Call for immediate help. 1-800-359-7020 (MCN) Printed with Soy ink

Printed with

Soy inK

schroeder drywall ReSidential - CommeRCial Printed on recycled paper

Drywall Hanging • taping • texturing Rusty Schroeder “Free estimates” 507-765-3648 11753 State Hwy 43, Mabel, MN 55954 Craig Henry Shop 507.493.5399 • Mobile 507.450.5573


Randy Haakenson • Commercial • Residential • Agricultural 326 Parkside Dr. SE Res 507-765-2297 Preston, MN 55965 Cell 507-251-5535

TNT Lawn Service Make arrangeMentS now For your Snow Care

• Mowing • StuMp grinding • Fall Clean-up • Snow plowing • iCe ManageMent

• aerating • power BrooMing • inSured • light BaCkhoe work Call: 507-268-4977 or Cellphone: 507-429-6755

(Free eStiMateS)

Printed on recycled PaPer

Abe’s Auto body Complete Auto Body, Restoration, Glass, Towing

Shapmaiiraha’nSdWdeelSding ign re Portable Welding Custom round bailing

Call Shamiah! 507-951-1698 Shamiah Womeldorf, Rural Lanesboro

Clear the Clutter Advertise those unused items in the classifieds!

The Fillmore County Journal is looking for a freelance writer to report on Kingsland School Board meetings and write occasional feature stories.We are looking for someone with good writing skills and an interest in people. Please send a letter of interest and writing sample to Editor, Fillmore County Journal, P.O. Box 496, Preston, MN 55965 or e-mail to jason@fillmorecountyjournal. com or call for more information 507-765-2151.



Phone: 507-765-2151



Home for Sale: 15 3rd Ave SW Harmony, MN. Well maintained ranch style home with 3 bedrooms, newly updated 1 and ½ baths, large eat-in kitchen, laundry room, dining room and living room all on main floor. Newly painted and carpeted. Full walkout basement with separate furnace/ac and ¾ bath. Attached over-sized 2 car garage. New roof and gutters. Call 309-202-5718. r21,28-o

For sale by owner: 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom newly remodeled home with wrap around deck. 611 East Park St., Rushford, MN. Call 507-438-8099. r7/7tfn-o


Adorable 2/1 folk Victorian within walking distance of downtown Lanesboro. Bluff views and many updates. $115,000, 608-397-9662. r30,7,14,21-o

Darr realty lIStINGS!


OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, July 29th 5pm - 7pm Also by Appointment

43790 County Rd 10 - Rushford, MN 55971 $99,900

Legal: SECT-15 TWP-103 RANGE-008 9.89 AC NW1/4 NE1/4 Parcel: 04.0130.010

Property being sold by online auction. Auction starts on or about July 6th and ends on August 18th at 7pm. Being sold “as is” “where is” w/no contingencies. Buyer must do due diligence regarding any financing/ inspections. Successful bidder will sign purchase agreement w/$2000 nonrefundable earnest money (pending clear title). Seller retains the right to sell outright on or before July 27th with an acceptable offer. Seller retains the right to accept or reject any bids.





38567 State Hwy 16 Peterson

COUNTRY HOME: 3 BR, 2 BA w/ large detached garage on 2.5 acres surrounded by beautiful scenery. Deck, pool, fenced garden.



145 fremont St lewiston

lARGE BUilDABlE lOT: 66’ x 208’ with 24’ x 28’ Garage.


25976 State Hwy 43 - Rushford

609 Hanover Ct - Rushford

COUNTRY HOME: 4.24 Acres on pavement - well-maintained. Updates incl roof on house & garage, tiling around basement, updated BA, windows & doors, water heater, septic drain field & submersible well pump.

4 BR, 3 BA: Beautiful home on a large lot w/bluff views. Updated kitchen w/ granite counters, large Great room, private master. Quiet Cul-de-sac.

$244,900 44953 E Goodrich - Rushford 4 BR, 3 BA: Expansive floor plan, master suite, finished throughout. Nearly 4000 sq ft.

$139,900 413 W Stevens Ave - Rushford 3 BR, 2 BA: Enjoy wildlife & waterfalls in your private backyard. Newly updated kitchen & bath, original woodwork, open staircase, sunroom, hardwood floors, fireplace - the list goes on.

40 YeAR expeRienCe



JOURNAL Freelance Writer

…because the journey matters




115 N. Lyndale Ave., Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5436


Share your thoughts at

Monday, July 21, 2014

709 Johnson Ct Rushford


4 BR, 2 BA: All finished! Great room w/frpl, heated gar, mnfl laundry. Open Layout.

$52,000 225 Mill - Peterson AffORDABlE: Charming starter or summer/weekend home only 2 blocks from State Bike Trail.

$88,500 127 Prospect - Peterson 3 BR, 2 BA: Well-maintained home in the quiet town of Peterson close to the bike trail and the Root River.

$69,900 126 Mill - Peterson 3 BR, 1 BA: Great starter home or summer/weekend home. Close to the bike trail and the Root River. A little TLC needed. Seller is willing to provide a $2000 allowance for carpet and paint.

$35,000 207 S Elm - Rushford SUCCESSfUl AUTOMOTivE BUSiNESS: Car repair, auto body and sales equipment and all real estate must go.

Jeff Darr Cell # 715-495-6948

141 fillmore - Peterson Self-serve CARWASH and laundromat: Low utilities. Own your own business.

Rodney Darr Cell # 507-951-3843

1-800-852-0010 • Rushford, MN •

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, July 21, 2014


Page 35






Words cannot express how thankful I am for all the kindness shown to Terry and me since my surgery. Thanks so much for the cards, meals, prayers, visits and all other help given to us. We have been so blessed! Kaynel Rindels t21-o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thank you to my family and friends who attended my 95th birthday celebration and to those who sent cards and flowers. Your thoughtfulness was much appreciated. Lois A. Johnson t21-o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wanted: Cropland, farms, hunting land. Call 608-3853212. Roger D. Johnson, Land Broker Auctioneer. Licensed MN, SD, WI, IL. w3tfn-o

2 Bedroom trailer and garage for rent, Lanesboro. Available immediately. Call 888-384-7185. r7/21tfn-o

Need to store snowmobiles, a classic car, or a boat? Do you need storage while in the process of moving? Space is available for rent in a building located in Preston. Call 507-251-5297. r28tfn- x

I would like to say thank you to Kingsley Mercantile, Kerry and Jane for winning the $1,000 Spring 2014 Shopping Giveaway. I had a great time looking through the Spring Merchandise Book picking out all my products. I will put everything to good use. Thanks again, Mike Shanks! t21-o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Wanted: Cars, trucks, buses, and semi trailers, running or not. Serving SE MN and northern IA. Luke Junge, Preston, MN. Call 507-259-4556. w30tfn- o ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLESWANTED. Cash paid for Harley Davidson, Indian or other motorcycles and related parts from 1900 thru 1970. Any condition. Midwest collector will pick up anywhere. Phone 309-645-4623 (MCN)


WE ARE PRAYING for a newborn to love. Open hearted, loving couple wishing you would call. Authorized Medical & legal expenses PAID. Please call Lisa & Frank 1-885-236-7812 (MCN) ADOPTION: Doctor Dad, at-home Mom, music, travel, & lots of LOVE await a baby. Private and confidential. Lori/Mike 1-800-676-1002 (MCN)

Need Copies ? f Let the staf al at the Journ o y u! office help


2 BR House located next to golf course in Harmony. Available 8-1-14. Call James 507-251-2647. r14,21-o For Rent: 2 Bedroom upstairs in Fountain. For more info call 507-2684406 or stop in at the Village Square in Fountain. r6/16tfn-o Grand Meadow 2 Bedroom upstairs apartment. $400 a month plus gas and electric. On site laundry, No Pets, references required. 507-765-4444. r6/9tfn-o 2 large BEDROOM APARTMENT in Harmony. Appliances furnished, no pets. $400/month. 507-452-6178. r5/26tfn-o Grubtown School Studio APT. Furnished, ns tnp. Highland Area. Call 507-467-2941. r5/19tfn-o Looking for a place to celebrate an event? Birthday parties, anniversaries, baby showers! Cost is $25 for up to 2 hours. Includes large TV for games or movies. Bathroom facilities. Free Internet access. Located in Preston. Capacity of up to 25 people. Call 507-251-5297. r4/7tfn-x

8.5x11......... 50¢ each


11x17.......... 35¢ each


11x17.......... 70¢ each

Scenic View TownhomeS • Spacious 2 & 3 bedrooms • Attached garages included • Beautiful area • Starting at $505 Income restrictions apply. 507-864-7880 • Rushford, MN

nd a e s o t d e e N he J C ome t o t

f a x? fic e !

our n al of

r page x ..........50¢ pe Incom ing Fa page ...... $1.00 pe r O ut go ing Fa x

For Rent: Upstairs apartment in Peterson. No pets. Utilities not included. Call 507-875-2643. r3/31tfn-o Nice 2BR apt. in Preston, $350/mo + util. Scott 765-3600. r8tfn- o Large lot in New Horizon Trailer Park in Preston. Available Immediately. 765-2131 or 1-800-770-0347. r10/5tfno

8.5x11......... 25¢ each


OFFICE SPACE for rent in historic downtown Preston, MN, with enough room for 4 to 6 employees. Cost $335/month, includes standard utilities. Common area break room and bathroom facilities. Call 507-251-5297. r30tfn- x

136 St. Anthony Street, Preston P 507.765.2151 • F 507.765.2468

Are you looking for a Great Place to Live? WE LOWERED THE AGE REQUIREMENT… 55 YEARS OR BETTER, HANDICAPPED OR DISABLED!! Lakewood Apartments located in beautiful downtown Chatfield MN offers: • Rent based on income (30%) • Clean, safe, quiet and friendly environment • Off-street Parking and on site laundry • Heat paid • Small pets welcome • Community Room with Big Screen TV and Kitchen

• Elevator • Spacious 1 Bedroom Apartments with appliances • Close to City Library, Churches, Downtown and Medical Center • Patio area for summer activities!!! • Activities, Parties, Pot Lucks and More!

If this is what you’re looking for, look no further. Give us a call to set up a tour! 136 St. anthony Street, Preston P 507.765.2151 • F 507.765.2468


507-867-4791 or just come and visit us at Lakewood Apartments, 420 Bench Street, Chatfield, MN 55923





Page 36




Brenda Sheldon, ABR, GRI


(507) 346-2060 Cell: 507-951-2071 Toll-Free: 888-835-8141

715 North Broadway (Home Federal Bldg.), Spring Valley, MN Email -

open HoUse Open House!

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Monday, July 21, 2014


open HoUse

sat., July 26th 10:30-11:30am

Open House!

Interest rates are stIll Great!!! If you are thInkInG of buyInG or sellInG, noW Is the tIme! GIve me a call and put my experIence to Work for you!!!

open HoUse

20509 Mayapple lane, preston $182,900

sat., July 26th 1:15-2:30pm

sat., July 26 11:45am-1pm th

512 LYNdALE AVE., SPRING VALLEY • $139,900 1019 BuckNELL couRT, SPRING VALLEY • $185,000 24897 790TH AVE., SPRING VALLEY • $245,000 If you are looking for a ‘’cabin’’ retreat that is suitable for year This is a beautifully renovated & updated 4 bdrm, 2 bath w/tuck under garage. Numerous updates include furnace w/humidifier, hot water heater, water softener, windows, shingles, flooring, new cement drive, insulation in attic, screened gazebo, deck & patio. Beautifully landscaped yard w/many perennial gardens. Partially finished lower level, & workshop area. Move in condition!

Todd Hadoff

Cell 507-259-5454 Website: E-mail: New

g istiN






401 SpRiNg St., pREStON 4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, Large Wooded Corner Lot, Appliances Stay, New Furnace and CA.



isti ew L





29535 COUNtY 11, FOUNtAiN

3.5 Acres, Open Floor Plan, Knotty Pine Ceilings, 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 2 Fireplaces, Main Floor Laundry, Vaulted Ceilings, w/ out Lower Level, Wrap Around Deck, 2 car Heated Garage, Spectacular Views, Landscaped, Gazebo, Fenced for Horses.


Deer Ridge • Spectacular Home • Unique Floor Plan • 5 Bdm • 4 Baths • In-Floor Heat In House & Garage • Western Cedar Ceilings • Hickory Floors • Family Room W/30’ Ceilings That Includes Floor To Ceiling Windows To Enjoy Wonderful Scenery & Wildlife • Master Shower With Heated Floor • Must See


Lis New

3 Bedrooms • Main Floor Laundry • Updated Kitchen • Formal Living Room • Dining Room • Kitchen Dining • Large Wrap Around • Large Corner Lot


$354,900 200 HiLLSidE AVE., LANESBORO



6164 39tH AVE Nw, ROCHEStER

Large Ranch • 4 bedrooms • 3 baths • Hardwood floors • 3-car heated garage • large deck • patio • main floor laundry • master bath • large corner lot







$149,900 200 ASHBURN St E, LANESBORO

Old World Charm • Wood Floors throughout • Original Woodwork • Large Living Room • Large Dining Room • Open Kitchen • Great View of Bluffs • 2 Storage Sheds





2 Acres in City Limits • 4 Large Bedrooms • 3 Baths • Sauna • Main Floor Laundry • Formal Living and Dining • Open Floor Plan • Wood Floors • 301 tHiRd St., FOUNtAiN Large Family Room • Rec Room • Wet Bar • Updated Kitchen • Walk-out 804 AUBURN AVE. S, LANESBORO • Deck • Patio • Covered Porch • 25x52 Shop w/Heat and Air • 12x52 4 large bedroom • Wood Floors • New Windows • Formal 310 MApLE St., LANESBORO Building • 14x20 Garden Shed w/Cement Floor • 2+ Heated Attached 3 Bdm on Main Floor • Wheel Chair Assess. In-Floor Heat in Garage • New Roof, Furnace, Air and Water Heater • Mature Trees • Dining Room • Living Room •.48/Acre Lot • Vinyl Siding • Ranch Home On Large Lot • Open Floor Plan • Main Floor Original Woodwork • 2 Kitchenettes Laundry • Private Deck • 2+Garage • Large LL Family Room House & Garage • 3 Baths • Main Floor Laundry • Fireplace Wildlife • Great Views • Private

Select SO Properties




25 Center St. W, Harmony, MN 55939 • Toll Free: 888-839-2142 Each Office Independently Owned & Operated


610 Parkway ave. S, LaNESboro Here is a wonderful opportunity to step into a well ran business and meet new friends. The first motel in Lanesboro, tastefully renovated with five fully furnished rooms with private baths, & AC.


260 1st St NW, HarmoNy

Semi private backyard! 4 bedroom home with a lot to offer. Oak hardwoods. Updated eat-in kitchen. Lower level with 2nd kitchen, 3/4 bath, family room, and bedroom. Attached 2 car garage. $114,900

res .5 aC


Secluded setting with 32’ x 16’ Amish built log cabin nestled in the woods on 7 acres. Enjoy a shady spot on the covered front porch, or sunshine on the 12’ x 24’ deck. Take a walk on the trails, enjoy bird watching, and mushroom hunting right on your own land! $99,000

25562 140th St., PrEStoN

Bring the horses! Hobby farm with spacious four square 2 story home. 3 bedrooms up with full bath, Main floor has updated eat in kitchen, plus main floor office and 3/4 bath. Full basement along with walk up attic. Large shed. $122,500



12995 County 15, HarmoNy

Surrounded by a mature windbreak this 4 bedroom, 2 story offers tons of living space. Open staircase, walk up attic, CA, deck and patio. Attached 2 car garage. Plus sheds, workshop, and garage space, additional land option. Call today! $249,900



26205 Gladiola Ln., LaNESboro

Immaculate ranch home offers 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom. Open floor plan with large kitchen. Lower level offers a family room, walk out, 2 bedrooms, bath, fireplace & in floor heat. Insulated large garage. Garden area & wooded backyard! 3.56 acres.

107 SpRUCE St SE., FOUNtAiN Newer Home • 4 Bedroom • 3 Baths • Wood Floors • Master Bath • 6-Panel Doors • Heated 3 Car Garage • Large Deck • Large Bedroom • Vaulted Ceilings • Kitchen Nook & Bar • Maintenance Free Siding • Dead End Street • Backs up to the Park




$295,000 35064 242Nd St., LANESBORO 12.43 Acre Hobby Farm • Edge of City Limits • Horse Set Up • 4 Large Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Jacuzzi Tub • Open Living Room and Dining Room • Main Floor Laundry • Open Lower Level is Roughed in for Family Room, Bath, 5th Bedroom and Rec Area • Large Deck • 26x36 Pole Shed • 20x36 Shed with 3 stalls • 4 Acres Hayground • Fire Pit • 2 Hunting Sheds • A Lot of Wildlife


Potential is unlimited for many different business opportunities in a high traffic area of scenic Lanesboro. Large main floor can be used for any type of commercial business. Two rental units on 2nd level. Building has been updated to meet Historical Preservation requirements. $224,900


Great opportunity to own large commercial building in a high traffic area. Potential business could be retail, restaurant/bar, convenience store/grocery, crafts or many other uses. Can be divided off. $64,500

110 Spruce St. SE, FoUNtaIN



ACREAGES 15980 County 21, HarmoNy


Kelsey Bergey Real Estate Agent Office 507-886-4221


Roxanne Johnson, Broker, ABR, CRS, GRI Cell: 507-458-6110





346 MAiN St. N, CHAtFiELd



Lis New

Next to State Bike Trail • Wood Floors • Corner Lot • Garage • Storage Shed






Main Floor Living • 2 Large Bedrooms • Open Floor Plan • 2-sided Fireplace • Formal Living • Dining Room • Kitchen Island 24.84 acres – Hobby Farm • 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Wood Floors • Main Floor Laundry • Covered Porch • Private Patio • Main Floor Laundry • Main Floor Bedroom • Formal Living Room • Formal Dining Room • D/O • Mudroom • New Furnace • New C/A • New Windows • Heated 936 sq. ft. Garage • New 36x60 Shop $239,900 with Heat, Air and Bathroom • Horse Barn • Barn with Large Shed • Kennels • Patio • Enclosed Porch


3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Wood Floors • Archways • High Ceilings • Block Exterior • 2 Car Garage



11808 COUNtY ROAd 35, St. CHARLES



Great hobby farm set up! Fenced for horses or other farm animals. Barn, house & garage have newer roofs. New mound system installed in 2008. House has nice updates including some newer windows, walk in shower w/ceramic tile, whirlpool tub, freshly painted interior w/ updated colors. Formal dining area & built in cupboard. Cropland & pasture rented (21.2 acres at $210 per acre).

I Show All MLS Listings Serving SE Minnesota since 1989




18529 160tH st. spring valley $219,900

The Leader In The Real Estate Industry!

Loaded with Character • Wood Floors Throughout • New Roof • New Windows • High Ceilings • Formal Dining Room • Built In Hutch • Formal Living Room • Unlimited Potential • Deck • Covered Porch


round use, look no further. Here you will find approximately 2.45 acres near historic Forestville State Park where there are several bike & hiking & horse trails, trout streams for fishing, an abundance of wildlife and panoramic views. You will love the 2 bedroom log home with in-floor heat, stone wood fireplace and loft area. Compliant septic system will be installed prior to closing.


! UCeD


eD! eDUC

36 Acres! Excellent location & private setting tucked away on dead end road w/mix of woods, pasture & tillable land. Several outbuildings & fenced area for small animals or livestock. Updates include newer well, compliant septic, c/a, new perm. siding & shingles. 3 bedrooms, main floor laundry, large diningliving room area. Great opportunity to own a beautiful, private & peaceful country acreage.

Fabulous open floor plan! You’ll love the bright & cheery kitchen w/custom Amish built cherry cabinets, ceramic & glass back splash & laminate flooring. Main floor laundry, paneled doors, landscaping complete & cement drive. M. bedroom w/walk in closet, m. bath w/ceramic & glass walk in shower, vanity w/2 sinks & separate closet. The exterior design is very pleasing with vinyl & stone accent.


Ideally located on a dead end street this 5 bedroom 4 bathroom home has lots to offer. Custom hardwood floors, open staircase, 2 fireplaces, 9 ft ceilings. Master bedroom with en suite. LL finished. Insulated 3 car attached garage. $245,000



IstI ew L


South Hill Preston: City Limits, City Utilities

1015 ridge rd. S., PrEStoN

HOME & SHOP: 3 bedroom home on South Hill, Preston with panoramic views! Att 1 car garage. Plus heated work shop/garage with overhead doors all on acreage for $169,900. Additional land available up to 10 acres call for details.

Lot A) 4 acres mostly woods - great buildable site, $55,000 Lot B) almost a half acre lot with good sized storage building, $35,000 Lots C & D) approx 1/3 of an acre building lot, $30,000

UNDER $100,000 UCeD


Super 4 bedroom 2 bathroom home sets high with nice view and easy access to Root River Trail. Large mudroom/entry off kitchen with extra cabinets and laundry. Nice deck for entertaining. Two off street parking spaces. $77,900





317 Fillmore St. W, PrEStoN

21980 County 20, PrEStoN

Affordable living in Greenleafton. Home is packed with nice features! Custom built oak cabinets, finished basement with gas fireplace. Att 1 car garage, patio door to deck with country views. $87,500



4293 trumpeter dr SE, rochester

Move in ready 3 bedroom home with great location and open views from back yard. Open & bright living space. Master bedroom walk in closet. Lower level family room. Maintenance free exterior. Composite decking & LL patio with hot tub, super for summer enjoyment! $172,900

15413 County rd 9, PrEStoN

Nicely updated 2 bedroom home, updates include flooring, lighting, bathroom, furnace, window replacement, siding & roof. Full basement with laundry & storage plus large 2 car detached garage. Rural residential area offers affordable living with country views. $55,000

620 burr oak ave. NE, CHatFIELd

Charming two story home. Beautiful oak hardwoods throughout the home, an open staircase, 6 panel doors, new kitchen flooring. The full basement & updated circuit breaker. Attached 2 car garage and wonderful yard. $139,900

210 Center St. W, HarmoNy

10277 County 116, HarmoNy

Investment property - this affordable 2 bedroom home offers efficient living, near the Upper Iowa River, in Granger, with 2 car garage. Seller had tiled around perimeter, new furnace in 2007 and updated septic. $43,500

401 Hillcrest St. E, LaNESboro

600 4th St. NE, HarmoNy

A Slice of Country! 1 1/2 story home with main floor bedroom, bath, & laundry. Upstairs loft plus 2nd bedroom. 3 season porch & deck. 32 x 24 attached garage. Septic new 2012, private well. Rural zoning, with 3 acres. $69,900




XXX 3rd ave. SE, HarmoNy Lots for Sale!

This remodel is ready for you to select the finishing touches. Gutted & currently at the sheetrock stage, new wiring & plumbing. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Tuckunder, heated 2 car garage. No association fees. $98,500

Harmony’s newest subdivision, with country views and city utilities at an affordable price. No connection fees or building permit fees in 2014! Harmony is a super place to live, offering the quality lifestyle of a small town, with a thriving business district, clinic & health care facilities. Get $5,000+ cash back/EDA incentive! $14,900

An ExcEptionAl opportunity!! Well established Antique Mall. Built in COMMERCIAL 2008 located on Hwy 52 with excellent exposure. Includes: real estate, BUILDING business, equipment, & fixtures. Antique Mall area, separate commercial space, Exceptional location available on plus 1 garage 3 bays. Call today for Highway 52. 4,800 Sq Ft Building, 1.32 more information! Acre Lot.

10207 County 116, HarmoNy

Well maintained and beautifully landscaped, 4 bedroom home. Original woodwork,9 ft. ceilings, pillars, decorative moldings, hardwood floors, and original cabinetry. Full basement, walk up attic, CA, 3 season porch, deck, & flower gardens. $89,900

COMMERCIAL 92 main St., FoUNtaIN Excellent location in Fountain just west of Drury’s. Spacious retail area with possibilities for retail, offices, antiques - use all as one or divide into rentable spaces. Super parking, plus green space. Historic Jailhouse with 2 cells, adds to the charm!

100 Coffee St., LaNESboro Super location across from the winery in Lanesboro. Great location for a boutique or office. Updates include: windows, doors, shingles, rain gutters, circuit breaker, furnace, hot water heater, half bath, & wall AC . Hanging sign post from front of building!

Over 125 ft. of frontage on the Upper Iowa River with good river access. Electric, private well and newer septic. This property also has a one car garage. The perfect spot for camping, parking your RV, or building a home. $34,500

511 New St., WHaLaN

A get away or a place to stay, this 3 bedroom home offers a great yard and an easy walk to the Root River Trail and Root River. Main floor bedroom & bath. 2 car & 1 car detached garages with storage. Garden space and beautiful scenery! $89,900

XXX dupont St., LaNESboro

Vacant lot in Lanesboro on dead end street, surveyed & buildable. Great view of north bluff. 36854 Dogwood Rd Lanesboro SOLD 45742 Cty 29 Mabel SOLD 400 Dupont St Lanesboro SOLD 215 5th St SW Harmony SOLD 230 2nd Ave SW Harmony SOLD 605 Lincoln St Preston SOLD 36117 Dogwood Rd Lanesboro SOLD 131 Main St Caledonia SOLD 30 3rd Ave NW Harmony PeNDiNg 23824 Holly Rd Lanesboro PeNDiNg 625 1st Ave SW Harmony PeNDiNg

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, July 21, 2014






STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF FILLMORE DISTRICT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT Real Estate Court File No. 23-CV-14-341 Johnsons’ Rolling Acres, Partnership Plaintiff, Amended Summons vs. Wayfair Farms, Inc., Rita M. Kelly, Virginia K. Overland and all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, interest or lien in the real estate described in the Complaint herein, Defendants. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney an answer to the Complaint which is herewith served upon you, within Twenty (20) days after service of this Summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. This action involves, affects, or brings into question real property situated in the County of Fillmore, State of Minnesota, legally described as follows: Dated: June 17, 2014 /s/ Matthew T. Nielson Attorney For Plaintiffs Krahmer & Nielsen PA 204 Lake Ave Ste 201 Fairmont, MN 56031 507-238-9432 Publish 7, 14, 21

34 minutes 23 seconds West, a distance of 406.66 feet to a point on the southerly highway right-of-way line of County State Aid Highway No. 10, said right-of-way line being parallel with and 60.00 feet southerly (measured at right angles) of said highway centerline, said point also being on a nontangential circular curve having a radius of 1587.89 feet and a center radius which bears North 26 degrees 03 minutes 25 seconds West; thence northeasterly, along said curve and highway right-ofway, a distance of 264.87 feet through a central angle of 09 degrees 33 minutes 27 seconds to Fillmore County Engineer’s station 6414+00; thence South 35 degrees 36 minutes 52 seconds East, a distance of 25.00 feet; thence northeasterly, parallel with said curve, a distance of 63.34 feet through a central angle of 02 degrees 15 minutes 00 seconds to Fillmore County Engineer’s station 6414+60; thence North 37 degrees 51 minutes 52 seconds West, a distance of 25.00 feet; thence northeasterly, along said curve and highway right-of-way line a distance of 91.84 feet through a central angle of 03 degrees 18 minutes 50 seconds to a point of a line lying parallel with and 200.00 feet south (measured at right angles) of the north line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15; thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 53 seconds East, along said line, a distance of 440.15 feet to the point of beginning. 2. That Plaintiff is in the actual possession of said premises, 3. That Defendants claim, or appear of record to claim, some estate or interest in or lien thereon adverse to Plaintiff. 4. Wherefore, Plaintiff asks Judgment determining that it is the owner of the premises and that the Defendants herein have no estate or interest therein or lien thereon and for costs and disbursements herein. Dated: June 17, 2014 /s/ Matthew T. Nielsen Attorney for Plaintiff Krahmer & Nielsen PA 204 Lake Ave Ste 201 Fairmont, MN 56031 507-238-9432 Publish 7, 14, 21

notice of filing City of Fountain, MN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the period for filing affidavits of candidacy for the City of Fountain, Minnesota shall begin July 29, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. and close on August 12, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. Affidavits of candidacy shall be filed with the City Clerk, Ronda Flattum, at 104 Main Street, Fountain, Minnesota. Filing fee is $2.00. Offices to be filled are: 2) City Council Members – 4 year term 1) Mayor – 2 year term Ronda Flattum, City Clerk City of Fountain, Minnesota Publish 14, 21

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF FILLMORE DISTRICT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT PROBATE DIVISION Court File No.: 23-PR-14-545 In Re: Estate of Conrad Jean Aug, Decedent. NOTICE OF INFORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is given that an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar, along with a Will dated March 27, 2009. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed Dean Aug, whose address is 513 Chatfield Ave NW, Preston, Minnesota 55965, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent’s estate. Any heir, devisee or other Interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters testamentary, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3--801, all creditors having claims against the decedent’s estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: July 17, 2014 /s/ James D. Attwood Registrar James D. Attwood Court Administrator Jennifer A. Gumbel (MN#387724) Springer & Gumbel, P.A. 22 SE 2nd St. P.O. Box 455 Chatfield Minnesota 55923 Telephone: (507) 867-4080 Facsimile: (507) 867-0152

NOTICE OF FILING FOR ELECTION TO THE SCHOOL BOARD INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 239 RUSHFORD-PETERSON SCHOOLS STATE OF MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the filing period for filing affidavits of candidacy for the office of school board member of Independent School District #239 shall begin on Tuesday, July 29, 2014, and shall close at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 12, 2014. The general election shall be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. At that election, three (3) members will be elected to the Board of Education for a four (4) year term. Affidavits of Candidacy are available from the school district clerk designee, Laura Hahn, Rushford-Peterson Schools, 102 North Mill Street, Rushford, MN 55971. The filing fee for this office is $2.00. A criminal background check release form must be completed and a $15.00 fee must be paid at the time of filing. A candidate for this office must be an eligible voter, must be 21 years of age or more on assuming office, must have been a resident of the school district from which the candidates seeks election for 30 days before the general election, and must have no other affidavit on file for any other office at the same general election. The affidavits of candidacy must be filed in the office of the school district clerk and the filing fee paid prior to 5:00 p.m. on August 12, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE SCHOOL BOARD /s/ Julie Koop School District Clerk Publish 7, 14, 21

City of Lanesboro Affidavits of Candidacy Filing Dates Pursuant to MN Statute 205.13 Subdivision 2, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Affidavits of Candidacy may be filed with the City of Lanesboro’s City Clerk’s Office for the following offices to be filled in the General Election held on November 4, 2014: Mayor for 2-year term Two (2) City Council Members for 4-year terms Affidavits of Candidacy must be completed at the City Clerk’s Office, 202 Parkway Avenue South, Lanesboro, MN, between July 29, 2014 and August 12, 2014 during regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and until 5 p.m. on August 12, 2014. The filing fee is $2. David Todd City Administrator Publish 7, 14, 21, 28, 4, 11

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR animal FEEDLOT or manure storage area PERMIT Notice is hereby given per Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 116, that Robert Gulbranson, has made application to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or the County of Fillmore for a permit to construct or expand a feedlot with a capacity of 500 animal units or more. The existing and/or proposed feedlot will be located in Fillmore County, Section 25, Township 102 N, Range 10 West, SW 1/4 NW of 1/4 SW, of Preston Township, MN. The existing facility consists of 1000 head of finishing swine, held in a 51x160 building with a 6’ deep poured reinforced concrete pit under the facility permitted for 300 animal units. The proposed facility will consist of a 51x192 building with an 8’ deep poured reinforced concrete pit under the facility permitted for 360 animal units on this site will be 660 animal units. This publication shall constitute as notice to each resident and each owner of real property within 5,000 feet of the perimeter of the proposed feedlot as required by Minnesota State Law. Published in the Fillmore County Journal, dated July 21, 2014. Publish 21, 28


! ad

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF FILLMORE DISTRICT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT Real Estate Court Case No.: 23-CV-14-341 Johnsons’ Rolling Acres, Partnership Plaintiff, vs. Amended Complaint to Determine Adverse Claims Virginia K. Overland, Rita M. Kelly Wayfair Farms, Inc. and all other persons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, interest or lien in the real estate described in the Complaint herein, Defendants. 1. That Plaintiff is the owner in fee of the following described premises, situated in Fillmore County, State of Minnesota: A tract of land in the Northeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 103 North, Range 8 West, Fillmore County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Section 15; thence South 00 degrees 42 minutes 48 seconds East, along the east line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15, a distance of 2625.68 feet to the East Quarter corner of said Section 15; thence North 89 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds West, along the south line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15, a distance of 1441.06 feet to the east line of the west 71.5 acres of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15; thence North 00 degrees 34 minutes 23 seconds West, along said east line, a distance of 2257.72 feet to a point at which said line intersects the west line of the east 86.5 acres of said Northeast Quarter; thence North 00 degrees 42 minutes 48 seconds West, along said west line, a distance of 366.95 feet to the north line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15; thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 53 seconds East, along said north line, a distance of 1435.52 feet to the point of beginning. AND A tract of land in the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 103 North, Range 8 West, Fillmore County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the North Quarter comer of said Section 15; thence South 89 degrees 39 minutes 53 seconds East, along the north line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15, a distance of 1186.97 feet to the northeast comer of the West 71.5 acres of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15; thence South 00 degrees 34 minutes 23 seconds East, along the east line of said West 71.5 acres, a distance of 200.03 feet to the point of beginning said point being on a line lying parallel with and 200.00 feet south (measured at right angles) of the north line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15; thence continuing South 00 degrees 34 minutes 23 seconds East, along the east line of said 71.5 acres, a distance of 2424.63 feet to the south line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15; thence North 89 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds West, along the south line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15, a distance of 1186.98 feet to the Southwest comer of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15; thence North 00 degrees 34 minutes 23 seconds West, along the west line of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 15, a distance of 1783.78 feet to a point lying 840.12 feet south (as measured along the west line of the Northeast Quarter) of the North Quarter comer of said Section 15; then South 89 degrees 40 minutes 07 seconds East, a distance of 396.50 feet; thence North 00 degrees

Notice of public hearing Fillmore County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 5, 2014 at 10 a.m. in the Fillmore County Courthouse, Commissioners’ Boardroom – Room 601L, 101 Fillmore St. W., Preston, MN, for the purpose of considering the adoption of an ordinance establishing regulations and charges regarding the wastewater treatment facilities for the Greenleafton Subordinate Service District. For additional information, please see Announcements at Bobbie Vickerman Fillmore County Coordinator Publish 21, 28


Publish 21, 28



NOTICES Jonsgaard Reunion: Sat. 8/02/14. Noon Potluck picnic at Creekside Park in Rushford. n21-o INJURED in an auto accident? Call InjuryFone for a free case evaluation. Never a cost to you. Don`t wait, call now 800/791-1048. MCAN ARE YOU in big trouble with the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, un-filed tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt fast. Seen on CNN. A BBB. Call 800/402-0732. MCAN CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75% on all your medication needs. Call today 800/259-1096 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. MCAN INJURED in an auto accident? Call InjuryFone for a free case evaluation. Never a cost to you. Don`t wait, call now 800/791-1048 MCAN LOSE UP TO 30 POUNDS in 60 Days with Phentrazine 37.5! Once daily appetite suppressant burns fat and boosts energy for healthy weightloss. 60 day supply - $59.95. Call: 844-465-2121 (MCN) If you or a loved one suffered a stroke, heart attack or died after using testosterone supplements, you may be entitled to monetary damages. Call 866368-0546 (MCN) You may qualify for Disability if you have a health condition that prevents you from working for a year or more. Call now! 855-548-8161. (M-Th 9-7 & Fri 9-5 Eastern) (MCN) ATTENTION: VIAGRA AND CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - $99 FREE Shipping! 100 Percent Guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-800-795-9687(MCN) GET CASH NOW for your Annuity or Structured Settlement. Top Dollars Paid. Fast, No Hassle Service! Call: 1-877-7400888 (Mon-Fri - 9am-6pm CT) (MCN) VIAGRA - Pfizer brand! – Lowest Price from USA Pharmacies. No doctor visit needed! Discreet Home Delivery. Call 1-877-916-0542 (MCN) MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800-357-4970 (MCN) STOP GNAT & MOSQUITO BITES! Buy Swamp Gator Natural Insect Repellent. Family & Pet Safe. Available at Hardware Stores or Buy Online at (MCN) HERO MILES - To Find Out More About How You Can Help Our Service Members, Veterans and Their Families in Their Time of Need, Visit the Fisher House Website at (MCN) EEOICPA CLAIM DENIED? Diagnosed with cancer or another illness working for DOE in U.S. Nuclear Weapons Program? You may be entitled to $150,000 $400,000. Call Attorney Hugh Stephens 866-643-1894. 2495 Main S., Suite 442, Buffalo, NY (MCN) SAFE, EASY WEIGHTLOSS! Phentrazine 37.5, a once daily appetite suppressant, boosts energy and burns fat. 60 day supply - only $59.95! To order, call 1-800-953-5962 (MCN)

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Page 37

136 St. Anthony Street P.O. Box 496 Preston, MN 55965

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Page 38

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Monday, July 21, 2014





For Sale: Tiger River Bengal Spa Cover, 6 ft. x 7 ft. 2in. Brown w/ 1 fold, rounded-square corners, 3” skirt w/ wind straps, 6 months old. Paid $450.00 new, asking $225.00. Call 507-438-2622. s21,28,4-x

SUMMER SALE: Low Prices AT MEL’S GOLF CARS, LLC. New 2014 colored Yamaha electric and fuel injected gas golf carts. Many used carts available, We take trades. We are an authorized Yamaha dealer. MEL’S GOLF CARS, LLC. 132 Garfield Ave., S., Albert Lea, MN (Just South of Kwik Trip) 507-4382705. s21,28,4-x

Selmer B Clairnet. Excellent condition 507-251-2980. Ping pong table - like new. s21-o

BILL’S GUN SHOP. Buy, sell, trade, and repair. We are your local MUCK BOOT dealer. Hours: 7pm-10pm M-F, Saturday 8am-5pm, Sunday by appointment. 1 1/4 miles south of Carimona, 19708 Kava Rd. Preston. 507-765-2762 s10eow- o

EZ-GO & Yamaha GOlf Carts SaleS & Service New & USed


Be energy independent with an outdoor wood furnace from Central Boiler. Heat all your buildings. 25 year warranty available. Theobald Heating Solutions 507-533-4523. s7,14,21-o

Rochester, MN 866-657-4910

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103 20th St. NE, Stewartville, MN ~ Just off Hwy 63

WATER is HIGH, PRICES are LOW at MEL’S GOLF CARTS. New 2014 colored Yamaha Electric and Fuel Injected Gas Golf Carts. Many used cars available. We take trades. We are an authorized Yamaha dealer. Mel’s Golf Cars, 132 Garfield Ave. S., Albert Lea, MN (Just South of Kwik Trip). 507-4382705. s7,14,21-x

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• 500 Gallon Fuel Trailer • 2013 Car Bumper Pull • 16' Bumper Stock • 7' x 20' Stock • 7'6" x 32' Stock • 7' x 24' Stock • Kiefer Flatbeds Stock USEd FeatHerlite trailerS: • 17' Alum. Flatbed • 20' Alum Stock • 8'x24' Stock USEd EqUipMENt: • Bobcat S205 w/cab • Kubota RTV 1100-Loaded • 24' Show Stock • 16' Goose Neck Stock

• Bobcat S650 • Bobcat 2200 Utility Vehicle • Bobcat 463 w/cab • Bobcat T190

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Tickets ~ $5 Adult • $4 Kids & Seniors


Friday, Saturday & Sunday July 25th, 26th & 27th.…….....7:30pm Rated R • Run Time: 1 hour 37 minutes

AUCTION CALENDAR Sat., July 26 9am - Complete Farm Retirement. Tractors, Tillage and Harvesting Equipment, Misc. Equip. and Farm Misc. Sale held at 9218 Saint Ave., Cresco, IA. For more information contact Spring Valley Sales at or 507-346-2183. Sun., July 27 9am - Floyd Sinning Estate and Others. Selling 2 Rings All Day. Sale held at Spring Valley Sales Auction Building, 412 East Park Street, Spring Valley, MN. For more information contact Spring Valley Sales at www. or 507-346-2183. Listing in the Journal Sat., August 16 10am - Absolute Estate Auction - July Estate, 14576 State Highway 16, Spring Valley. Real Estate, Shop Tools & Equipment, Furniture & Household. For more info contact Gehling Auction at 1-800-770-0347. Wed., Aug. 20 9:30am - Tractors, Combines, Heads, Choppers, Tillage Equipment and more! Auction held at Gehling Implement & Auction Company, Preston. Advertising Deadline Thursday, July 31, 2014. To consign an item please contact Denny at 800.770.0347.

To list your Auction 507-765-2151



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Fillmore County Weather Forecast July 21 Monday

July 22 Tuesday

July 23 Wednesday

July 24 Thursday

July 25 Friday

July 26 Saturday

July 27 Sunday

Partly Sunny

Partly Sunny



Mostly Sunny






70 85

66 86



61 80

64 80


This is a projected forecast, for the most up-to-date weather go to and click on the weather icon.

Sun & Moon Schedule

Date: SunriSe & SunSet MoonriSe & MoonSet 07/21/14 5:46am 8:42pm 1:40am 4:24pm 07/22/14 5:47am 8:41pm 2:22am 5:19pm 07/23/14 5:48am 8:40pm 3:08am 6:10pm 07/24/14 5:49am 8:39pm 3:58am 6:55pm 07/25/14 5:50am 8:38pm 4:51am 7:35pm 07/26/14 5:52am 8:37pm 5:46am 8:10pm 07/27/14 5:53am 8:36pm 6:43am 8:43pm


Moon Phases • July-August new




Morgan Morey 1st Grade Chatfield Elementary JuLy 26

auguSt 3

auguSt 10

auguSt 17

All children 13 and under are welcome to submit Weather Art. Send your picture to Fillmore County Journal P.O. Box 496, Preston, MN 55965 or email it to: or drop it off at the Fillmore County Journal 136 St. Anthony St., Preston, MN Be sure to include Child’s First and Last Name, Age, Town and Title of Art Work.

Preston equiPment

Preston equiPment

Jct. 52 & 16, Preston, mn Ph: 507-765-3803

New JohN deere TracTors • 1025R • 5100E • 6105D

• 6115D • 6125R • 7250R

Tillage • 09’ JD 2310 34’9 Finisher • JD 2623 VT Disc 26’ NEW • JD 630 Disc 15’ • (2) 980 FC 32’/27 1/2 / 21’ • 512 Disc Ripper 7 Shank • 39’ JD 726 Finisher

PlaNTers • (1) 1750 6r Dry • (1) 1750 6r Lqu • (1) 1790 12/24 Lqu • AG-System 15R Applicator

Check out our display at the Fillmore County Fair!

Used TracTors row croP & UTiliTy

Jct. 52 & 16, Preston, mn Ph: 507-765-3803

lawn traCtors 2000 JD LX279 42

2010 JD X300 42

• ‘13 JD 8235R • (2) ‘12 JD 6430 MFWD IVT/673 Loader • ‘12 8235R IUT/ILS Front Duals • ‘10 7330 Prem IVT/673 Loader • ‘09 5065E Open ST/553 • ‘09 6430 2W Prem • ‘08 6430 2W Prem • (2) 6420 MFWD 640 Loader

2007 JD X300 42

2009 JD X320 48

2007 JD Z225 42

2011 JD X320 48

• ‘11 9230 4x4 • ‘11 9330 4x4


New graiN carTs

•Brent 1282 tracks •Brent 782 •Brent 1082

Used graiN carTs • Brent 880 • Brent 1282 • Brent 644


2007 JD X320 48

Garden traCtors

Hd’s 2003 JD X485 62 2008 JD X720 54 2008 JD X720 54 OLD 2008 JD X724S62

2001 JD 345 48

2006 JD X540 54

2006 JD GT245 54

2007 JD X540 54

2009 JD X724 54

2005 JD GX255 54

2009 JD X540 54

2010 JD X724 62

2005 JD 325 48

2010 JD X530 54

2000 JD 345 54

w/47 blower

2010 JD X729 62

2011 JD X530 54

2011 JD X729 62

CompaCt Utility traCtors CUT 2005 JD 2210 62 Loader

2007 JD X740 62 2009 JD X740 54

2007 Kubota BX2350 60

XUV/4X4 2006 Polaris 500 TM Snow BL 2011 JD 825 DX CAB 2011 JD 825 OLIVE/BL 2012 Polaris 800EFI Ranger XP, 650 miles

Check out these great rides!

it’s Lawn and Garden time!

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