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I naddi t i ont oel ect i ngnew member st ot heFi l mpoolBoar dt he AGM of f er smember sanoppor t uni t yt oshar et hei rt hought s aboutt heFi l mpool .

Thi sl egendar yeventr et ur nst oRegi naf ormor ef unand exci t ement .27anxi ousf i l mmaker swi l lvi ew t hei runedi t edand unseenf i l msi nf r ontofanent husi ast i caudi ence.

At wodayl i ght i ngwor kshopwi t hRegi naci nemat ogr apherLayt on Bur t on.Gener alpr i nci pl esofef f ect i vel i ght i ngwi l lbecover ed, i ncl udi ngaf ocusont hepr act i sesandst yl esofGer man Expr essi oni sm

Thi sweekl ongi nt ensi vet akest eenst udent st hr ought he pr oduct i onpr ocessofcr eat i ngashor tf i l m.Cl assesf ocuson f undament al sofvi sualst or yt el l i ngandcr eat i vi t y.Thi sappr oach wel comesst udent sofvar i edexper i enceandski l lwi t hmedi aar t s.

Weekl yf i l mmaki ngcl assesf orst udent sages1317.St udent s col l abor at eonscr eenbasedar tpr oj ect s.

Scr eeni ngofsel ect edl ocalandi nt er nat i onalGer man Expr essi oni stshor tf i l ms.Pr esent edaspar toft heCal i gar iSal on: AnEveni ngofAngst ,Ar t ,Ci nemaandSi deshow

TheThi r dAnnualSI FAswi l lshowcaseandcel ebr at et hebest i ndependentf i l msmadet hi spastyear .Awar dcat egor i esi ncl ude: BestFi l m,BestSt udentFi l m,BestAct i ng,Audi enceChoi ceand i nt r oduci ngf or2016-BestFeat ur eFi l m.

Saskat chewanpr emi er escr eeni ngofDani elRedenbachand Jani neWi ndol ph’ sdr amat i cf eat ur ef i l m shoti nandar oundLa Ronge,SK.

Anopenmi cf or matsoci alf orf i l m,ar tandcul t ur e. Tr ai ni ngont henew gearacqui r edf orr ent ali ncl udi ngt heDJI Roni n3axi sgi mbal ,Kessl erCi nesl i der ,Zoom F8Mul t i t r ackFi el d Recor derandRot ol i ghtNeo3Ki t

f i l mpool . ca

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