Ride Green leaflet

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History In 1994, the FIM created an Environmental Code containing recommendations and responsibilities to be implemented at our events, thereby developing a better awareness and understanding of environmental issues within our sport. This Code also underpins the FIM’s efforts to take a sustainable approach in the organisation of our events. It is updated annually to take into account the latest global environmental trends and demands as well as the comments received from National Federations and other stakeholders. Furthermore, an FIM Environmental Award has been conferred annually since 1997 to reward a significant contribution to the protection of the environment in our sport. Another important step was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2006 in order to confirm the appropriateness of our sustainable environmental development policy and to enable the FIM to participate in UNEP’s global actions for the protection of the environment.

FIM Environmental Sustainability Policy The FIM is thus committed to respecting and caring for the environment and its goal is to establish a culture of continuous environmental improvement across motorcycle sport worldwide. To achieve this, the FIM will: • Establish and maintain an Environmental Programme, • Comply with all relevant legislation, regulations, policies, local laws and site agreements that are designed to protect the environment, • Monitor advances in technology and environmental best management practices and apply them as appropriate, • Implement an International Environmental Code and establish guidelines for Management Plans that aim to prevent pollution, minimise the potential for adverse environmental impacts, and explore improved environmental options.

“RIDE GREEN” FIM International Environment Commission (CIE) The CIE was created in 1998 and is currently made up of members representing different National Federations and Continental Unions. As one of the FIM’s non-sporting Commissions, the roles of the CIE include the following: • to provide the environmental leadership necessary to ensure that all disciplines of the FIM have a reduced impact on the environment, • to create awareness regarding the protection of the environment in our sport, • to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate an Environmental Work Plan to implement the environmental strategic orientation, • to recommend environmental proposals for the FIM Sporting Commissions, • to develop environmental training programmes and materials, • to promote the annual FIM Environmental Award.

The FIM Environmental Code

The FIM & Environmental Sustainability The responsibility for bestowing a sustainable legacy on future motorcycling generations was one of the main reasons that the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) decided to develop an Environmental Policy in order to organise more sustainable events, create awareness and encourage responsible conduct amongst all motorcyclists.

In addition to serving as the reference for the protection of the environment in our sport, the FIM Environmental Code explains the actions that must be taken by organisers and competitors to reduce their environmental footprint at an event. It also describes the correct environmental conduct for all leisure and transport motorcyclists. It further defines the roles of the Environmental Steward and FIM Environmental Delegate at FIM sanctioned events.

Role of the Environmental Stewards

At each FIM Championship, Prize event or classic gathering, there is an official called the Environmental Steward who deals only with the environmental aspects of the event and who must have successfully completed a seminar organised by the FIM International Environment Commission (CIE). The duties of the Environmental Steward range from ensuring that the FIM Environmental Code is respected to drawing up in a conscientious and appropriate manner a report on the basis of a check-list prepared by the CIE.

Given the application of stricter rules by governments and authorities regarding the environment and the practice of motorcycling, the sustainability policy put in place by the FIM and its National Federations should allow the motorcycling world to establish rules and organisational standards that will fit in with the current laws and highlight the proactive and responsible behaviour of motorcyclists. This approach should improve the current image of motorcycling, which is seen by some as a polluting sport that does not care about the environment. It focuses on the fact that motorcycling is a reliable and committed partner in the global effort to address environmental challenges and that it is also willing to facilitate discussions with local authorities for the organisation of events.

Challenges for the future

In 2007, a new FIM Environmental Awareness programme called “RIDE GREEN” was launched in association with UNEP’s annual World Environment Day. Environmental initiatives were taken at FIM events (such as the planting of trees, a recycling policy and environmental awareness campaigns) with the aim of improving our events and the behaviour of the participants. Furthermore, a “FIM Environmental logo” was launched to create better visibility and to symbolise and unify all environmental actions taken within the motorcycling world. With the participation of our top riders, in collaboration with other stakeholders at FIM motorcycle events, the programme further emphasised the unity created in our sport by addressing environmental issues and creating awareness amongst our fans, through environment-related messages and pictures of their favourite stars.

Working together The FIM, through its Environment Commission, is working closely with other International Motorsport Federations to develop a common sustainable environmental policy and share best environmental practices. An agreement has been reached recently between Dorna, IRTA, MSMA and the FIM, and more promoters will join these efforts in the near future.

Environmental compliance poses a huge challenge for the future. It is up to us all to meet this challenge!!

Litter clean-up

FIM Environmental Ambassadors

Environmental Mat

KiSS Programme Sound testing


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