LDA Catalogue 2015/16

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For Children with Additional Needs


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Positive Behaviour Kit Let’s make more smiles!

For Children with Additional Needs SEN Code of Practice Specific Learning Difficulties Sensory Environments Outdoor


Language & Communication

Positive Behaviour Kit

ï Everything you need in one complete kit! ï Resources use Widgit symbols, making them accessible to users of all ages and abilities ï Useful for children with communication or learning GLIĆFXOWLHV DXWLVP G\VOH[LD DQG G\VSUD[LD '&' ï Can be used in games, social stories and circle time as well as everyday activities and learning


each ÂŁ64.99


Call: 0845 120 4776 Fax: 0800 783 8648 www.ldalearning.com LDA is a division of Findel Education Ltd. Registered in England & Wales No. 1135827.


Tel. 0845 120 4776

Behaviour is a form of communication, so what is it telling us? This comprehensive collection of visual and kinaesthetic resources will help children understand what is and is not appropriate behaviour, express themselves and make their own behaviour choices. Wendy Usher’s teacher resource book Let’s Make More Smiles will also help you understand, deal with and improve negative behaviour and reward positive behaviour. This accessible book uses case studies and the author’s own insight as a parent and a professional, and is jam-packed with practical ideas to help you help children improve their behaviour.


Motor Skills


Literacy Mathemathics Social, Mental & Emotional Needs

Tel. 0845 120 4776 | www.ldalearning.com 0001UKEO15_LDAPCOV.pgs



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