26 minute read
By Steve Dahllof
There are many wood surfaces inside a building that need painting. Skirting boards, dados, architraves, window frames picture rails, feature timber walls and furniture – all require different painting technique to plaster walls.
Here is a step-by-step guide to achieving a smooth, painted finish.
1. Cover work surface
Spread plastic sheeting on the floor around the to-be-painted area so it doesn’t get splashed on. Laying newspaper or canvas on top of the plastic will stop you slipping on the plastic beneath and also soaks up paint spills.
2. Prepare wooden surface
Don rubber gloves and goggles or glasses to protect your hands and eyes. Mix a solution of water and TSP, sugar soap or borax according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Dip a cloth in the solution, squeeze dry and wipe all surfaces to be painted. Rinse with another cloth dipped in clear, warm water. Let the timber dry completely.
Now check for any holes, gouges, nicks or scratches. Fill them in with wood filler using a flexible putty knife.
3. Sand the surface
Don a dust mask or respirator and hearing protection. Sand the timber flat areas with a random orbital sander and 200–280 grit sandpaper. This helps the wooden surface to bond with the paint. Sanding by hand is better for uneven surfaces such as you find on furniture.
4. Clean off dust
Using a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, remove the dust and wipe with a damp cloth.
5. Prime wooden surface
Mix your primer well and apply with a brush or roller. When it has dried, check to see if the primer is transparent or streaky; if so, apply the primer a second time. A roller will prime a flat surface more quickly and leave it with a smoother finish.
6. Sand again
Use 220-grit sandpaper to sand down the dry surface again. Apply light pressure so that gouges don’t form. will flatten any bumps or inconsistencies introduced by the roller or paintbrush.
Gently sand by hand with 220-grit sandpaper. If using an orbital sander, attach the sandpaper and run it as lightly as possible over the surface. Do not apply any other weight except that of the sander itself.
After sanding, bunch up a cloth. Keeping it loose, run it lightly over the surface. If you apply too much pressure, the cloth‘s surface may embed itself onto the wood.
7. Clean again
Use a vacuum cleaner and cloth as before to wipe away the dust.
8. Paint the surface
Foam-density rollers are useful for painting large surfaces. Insert a paint tray liner into the paint tray, then pour in paint so that it fills the tray less than halfway. Gently dab the roller into the paint and roll the paint up and down the slope of the tray a few times to distribute the paint evenly onto the roller. Roll the paint lightly onto the wooden surface. A high-density foam roller gives better coverage with thinner latex paint than with oil-based paints.
Paintbrushes are better for fiddlier jobs like window frames and furniture. Insert the bristles of the brush into the paint can just a third of their length each time you need more paint. Once on the wooden surface, stroke the brush in a parallel direction to the wood grain. Use short strokes. Keep a wet edge at all times so that you don’t leave overlapping marks.
For a more professional appearance, you could try spraying the surface rather than using a paint brush.
Do not be tempted to apply a second coat of paint after this coat has dried, as this will cause the paint to tear.
9. Sand the first coat
The way to achieve a smoother finish is to sand and paint one more time. When the first coat has dried, sand as before. This
10. Apply a second coat of paint
Apply a second coat with the roller or brush, and let dry, preferably overnight. Paint is more durable the longer it is left to dry.
For more painting advice on painting in winter, contact Dahllof Painting Services at sjd67@bigpond.net.au. We will be happy to answer all your inquiries.

Steve Dahllof
PAINTING AND DECORATING Dahllof Painting services 0407 365 372
By John Van Beveren


Very Smart Reasons To Get An Electric Car On A Novated Lease
By Dan Nicholls
If you’re one of the millions of Australians thinking of making the switch to an electric car (EV), don’t wait. Rising fuel prices, increasing costs of living expenses and climate consciousness are the factors driving people to purchase an EV. They are no longer cool novelty cars that start with the letter T, but economically viable alternatives to the skyrocketing costs of owning and running a petrol car. While an EV will save you at the pump, a loan for an EV won’t come cheap. Prices for a full EV start at around $42,000 and can range up to $200,000. An EV on a novated lease, however, is a very smart solution if you want to save on every aspect of your car ownership.
Because a novated lease uses a carefully calculated combination of your pre-tax pay and take-home pay to fund repayments, plus removes payable GST from the car cost, getting an EV on a novated lease will make you a Teslalevel genius.
1. Bypass The Petrol Pump
A full EV allows you to drive right past the service station, every single time. Unless you need to stop for the paper or a snack, you’ll never have to stop to refuel again. On some EV models, a full battery charge can take you as far as 650 kilometres. Australia currently has over 2000 electric charging stations and more are coming. These charging stations have commercial-grade chargers than can charge the car in minutes. Through a novated lease, we can ensure you receive a home charging kit that will allow you to recharge your EV overnight. This will need to be installed by a professional.
EVs have proven to be significantly cheaper to run than petrol-based cars. ‘Refueling’ savings can be up to 70% and maintenance savings can be up to around 40%. Let’s say you travel the average amount in Australia which is just under 14,000 km per year, you could be saving around $1000 per year on fuel alone.
2. Minimal, Low-cost Maintenance
On a fully maintained novated lease, any maintenance your EV needs will be covered from the deductions from your pay. There will be no surprise out-of-pocket costs if something goes wrong with your car, or if it needs repairing after damage due to an accident. Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVS) have fewer moving parts than petrol or diesel cars so they don’t break down as often or as easily. There is also less servicing needed and no complicated exhaust systems that can deteriorate from carbon build-up.
As you already know, petrol cars can have a seemingly endless array of expensive problems. Whether it is the starter motor, fuel injection system, radiator or one of thousands of other issues, many of the components found in a petrol car are not in an EV. This means less chance of complications and less time at the mechanic. Lauded for their technical performance, EVs are considered the next evolution of the internal combustion engine. They do however have tyres which will need to be repaired and replaced from time to time. An EV with a novated lease will make car servicing and tyre maintenance a stress-free, lower-cost experience. In a bid for a cleaner future, the new Labor government is supporting the purchase of EVs for consumers and businesses. They are setting up legislation to cut import taxes and fringe benefits tax for EVs that fall below the luxury car threshold of $79,650 as of July 1st, 2022. This is part of what has been named the Powering Australia Plan. Their current strategy is designed to have 89% of new car sales as electric by 2030 with at least 15% of all cars on the road electric by the same year. Currently, EVs make up about 2% of on-road cars in Australia. The plan is also going to make it possible to review current building codes to allow more charging options. They also plan to install another 1,800 public charging stations by 2025.
So how much exactly will you save from the government’s plan? If you’re looking at a $60,000 EV, you could save about $3,000 on the import tax cut.
If you’re a business owner, the plan is that you won’t have to worry about Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). As with many Government announcements, there is still a lot of information to come before the finer details can be worked through. Based on policy announcements from the Government during the recent election campaign and since, savings of up to $15,000 on FBT under a novated lease are achievable. For example, FBT savings of around $9,775 on a $50,000 model such as a Nissan Leaf or around $13,600 on a $70,000 model such as a Tesla 3.
4. More Choice of EV
A novated lease opens up your options when it comes to choosing the EV that’s right for you. What might have been a stretch financially under a car loan with payable interest, you’ll find an EV affordable and manageable on a carefully structured novated lease. A good provider will work with you to not only find an EV from a range of manufacturers but work to your budget so you know exactly what you’ll pay - and what you’ll save.
If you’ve been putting off getting an EV because of the cost, a novated lease can help you get on the environmentallyfriendly road sooner. While making the switch to a completely electric car is becoming a more popular option, you can also lease Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) or Petrol Hybrid Vehicles (PHV) if you’re not ready to make the full ‘switch’. Just don’t wait to start the process.
Because of current high demand, orders of new EVs can take several months to be ready for delivery.
5. Save on Charging
Even though your EV will come with a home charging station, you’ll still need to use commercial charging stations from time to time. You may also prefer to use these for a faster charge before a long trip or if you need extra battery power in a hurry. These charging stations do come at a cost, but obviously, they are nowhere near as expensive as petrol. On a novated lease with a petrol car, you would be equipped with a fuel card that allows you to pay for petrol with preloaded funds from your novated lease repayments. These charging stations do come at a cost, but obviously, they are nowhere near as expensive as petrol. On a novated lease with a petrol car, you would be equipped with a fuel card that allows you to pay for petrol with preloaded funds from your novated lease repayments. With an EV, you’ll be able to claim the costs of your charges back through your salary packaging provider. You’ll even be able to claim the costs of the electricity you use at home. To do this accurately, your charging station will need to have its own separate smart meter, which is pretty standard with these installations.
At The Salary Packaging People, we’ve already helped many of our customers make the switch to a cleaner, cheaper car through electric cars on novated leases. If you’re ready, let us get you in your own EV by contacting us or calling 03 5229 4200.
Dan Nicholls

Dan Nicholls
Salary Packaging Services

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(03) 5229 4200
Salary Packaging means you can pay less tax, use your pre-tax income to pay for everyday expenses and make your salary go further.
• Comprehensive and always on-time FBT reporting • Direct to employee claim benefits paid in one working day
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Commonwealth Seniors Health Card: increase in income threshold
By Warren Strybosch
Both Labor and the Coalition have announced that they will increase the income test threshold for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) from 1 July 2022. The Prime Minister said the CSHC income test threshold for singles will be increased from $57,761 to around $90,000 (and from $92,416 to $144,000 for couples). The Opposition Leader said Labor would also widen eligibility for the CSHC in line with the Government’s announcement.

By Kerry Kaspi

Kerry Kaspi
Branded Apparel & Marketing Geelong Industrial Monogramming 0412 670 310 Kerry@gim.net.au | www.gim.net.au
By Tim & Narelle Knott
Geelong West Your local team for quality Signs

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What Pristine is all about?
By Daniel Tomlinson
Why Pristine?
At Pristine we are all about saving you time, effort and stress. We service many aspects of property maintenance and the business is set up to cater for commercial and real estate managed properties. So, if you are a Property Manager, we want to hear from you.
Our clients always tell us how difficult it is to find a quality focused business to look after their needs. Pristine have you covered and the beauty is you only need to make one phone call and will have one invoice once the job is done.
We take the time to understand your needs and build trust so you can have peace in the knowledge Pristine is looking after things for you.
What can we help you with?
Real Estate/Property Managers Maintenance Service
Preparation of a property for sale/lease or general maintenance including: -
• Internal clean • External clean i.e. gardens, lawns, rubbish removal • Windows, screens & tracks • Small repairs i.e. plaster, doors, handles etc • Anything else just ask
Any size property suits us as we have commercial equipment covering all bases.
Commercial Grounds Maintenance Service
Flexible services tailored to each and every business working on a one off or regular service schedule basis. Invoice smoothing can also be implemented on scheduled jobs to assist with budgeting year-round. Schools, factories/workshops and offices all covered and out of hours services can be arranged to prevent disruption during working hours.

• Gardens and lawns maintained • Window cleaning • Gutter cleaning • Solar panel cleaning
Signarama How we operate?
Geelong West We like to keep things simple at Pristine and this helps everyone involved in the process. We believe great communication and transparency is key to building lasting relationships with our clients. 1. Initial engagement – Brief conversation about your requirements to establish if we are suited to each other to do business.
This can save a lot of wasted time and effort down the road
2. Property walk through – Detailed discussion about specific requirements and expectations. • Understanding expectation from all parties prevents post completion issues
3. Quote - Detailed service quote presented for approval covering job specific tasks and expectations
4. Schedule – Agreed timeframes, schedule and logistics
5. Leave the rest to us -
6. Invoice - On completion or otherwise stated
All work carried out with commercial quality maintained equipment on a fully insured basis. We work with properties of all sizes from small units to large acreage.
Daniel Tomlinson
Property Services Pristine Outdoor Property Services
0468 485 122
By Kathryn Messenger
Homeopathy is based on the principle that your body has an innate ability to heal, something that drives the body to repair and restore, known as vitality. You only need to study the process of wound healing to understand that the body’s has amazing repair process. Just like using a dressing on a wound provides an environment that allows the body to heal, likewise, homeopathy stimulates the body’s own healing process. This is different to a nutritional product which provides the nutrients that the body uses in the healing process. For this reason, homeopathy can be used to treat most health issues, in most people. It is gentle enough to be used on children and they usually respond well, as their body will heal more efficiently due to increased Marion Rae (Australian Associated Press)vitality. Homeopathy is a gentle, yet powerful system of natural medicines based on the principle of ‘like cures like’. Substances that can cause ailments, can be used to treat that same ailment when diluted. For example, if you are stung by a bee, homeopathic Apis mellifica (bee venom) will relieve the bite. Whilst this may seem counter-intuitive, conventional medicine treats anaphylactic bee allergy with diluted bee venom injections. The homeopathic medicine does not need to be the same as the original substance, just ‘like’ it. Apis will help other bites that are painful, sensitive, and stinging.

“The difference between a medicine and poison is the dose” - Paracelsus 1538
Whilst it might be hard to wrap your head around, we do know that excess of any one thing is not good for us, regardless of how good it might be, and that even paracetamol is fatal in high doses. Homeopathy uses highly diluted substances, some of which are toxic (such as bee venom), but due to the dilution process, they become safe and effective in treating disease.
Homeopathic philosophy recognises that people are different, and just like some people spend a week in bed with a cold whilst others might just have a sore throat for a day, there are nuances to our individual healing process. It takes into account things that make the ailment feel better or worse, for example, do you feel better with ice on your injury, better with gentle movement, better if left alone, or better with rest. It is holistic, and a practitioner will look to find a remedy
What is homeopathy?
Whole Naturopathy has a large range of homeopathy is stock and can choose the best remedy for your unique signs and symptoms.
that fits more than one body system. A remedy is easily confirmed as a good fit for the patient if it fits more than one symptom, such as perhaps a digestive issue, with something unrelated such as something in the eyes, or the emotions.
Homeopathy began in the 1700’s by a German Doctor Samuel Hahnemann, and as this was a time before pathology testing and our modern understanding of disease, choosing the right remedy is based on signs and symptoms. Together with his medical students, Hahnemann set out to prove that the remedies work by testing them on multiple people, which was not commonly done in medicine at that time.
Worldwide homeopathy is used by around 500 million people. In Europe it is prescribed by many doctors, but it is India where it is most commonly used, where homeopathic hospitals and homeopathic doctors form a large part of their medical system. start is with Arnica montana (Arnica), the remedy for bruising.
The mechanism by which homeopathy works is still not fully understood, although advances are being made in the areas of quantum physics and chemistry. For more details on this and for homeopathic research articles, go to www.hri-research. org/

This advice is general in nature and not intended to be prescriptive. For individualised prescriptive advice, please see a naturopath or other health care practitioner.
Kathryn Messenger
The Art Of Storytelling

By Allison Groot
A great story or video often hinges on an interviewee and the way they deliver the required responses, the questions that have been asked to that interviewee, the execution of the video production team on the day of filming, and the actual crafting of the storyline by the producer or director and the editing of the visuals.
Engaging storytelling is an art form and frequently gets forgotten about in the world of corporate videos. A great story can engage new customers or audiences, inspire them to reach out and also help them to understand if your values as a company or not-forprofit align with theirs.
There are subtle nuances that can be seen in a video that aren’t usually seen in a meeting, brochure or flyer. The camera sees and hears all! From how your staff or team appear in their interviews, body language, work environment down to what is in the background of a shot in the distance.
These things are just as important as what is being said and can really change how a customer or the audience sees your business. 5 key things to consider when putting your initial video ideas together:
1. What is your ethos / or mantra that you live and breathe? 2. How do you want to be seen by your clients and the public? 3. Is there something unique about what you do or even how your company or not-for-profit is different? 4. Type / style of video for you -
Promotional, Corporate, Testimonial,
Animation etc 5. And here’s the big one… are you willing to spend money to showcase your business or not-for-profit?
Cost can be a major factor in your decision-making process when deciding to make a video but “cheap is not always better”, especially in the world of video production.
Remember, do your research, find a company that meets your needs and budget, and ask for guidance if you need help or have never made a video before. If you ask questions and don’t get a great response you’ll know quickly that the company is not right for your needs.
Video production can be a little daunting but from past experience when you find a team that works and really gets you and your company or not-for-profit it can be a fun journey together.
In the coming issues, I will be offering more tips and tricks in regards to how you can utilises video to help build your social media and brand presence.
Please reach out if you have any questions.

Video Production Social Media Content and Posting Photography Graphic Design Marketing Website Design and Building Copywriting Events TV, Radio, Spotify and Cinema Advertising
Creative Director
At Yes Today Media, we make social media and video content with you in mind.
By Warren Strybosch
This information is current as at June 2022. This article is intended to provide general information only and has been prepared without taking into account any particular person’s objectives, financial situation or needs (‘circumstances’). Before acting on such information, you should consider its appropriateness, taking into account your circumstances and obtain your own independent financial, legal or tax advice. You should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before making any decision about a product. While all care has been taken to ensure the information is accurate and reliable, to the maximum extent the law permits, Alliance Wealth and its related bodies corporate, or each of their directors, officers, employees, contractors or agents, will not assume liability to any person for any error or omission in this material however caused, nor be responsible for any loss or damage suffered, sustained or incurred by any person who either does, or omits to do, anything in reliance on the information contained herein.

Warren Strybosch
You can call them on 1300 88 38 30 or email info@findinsurance.com.au www.findinsurance.com.au

Queensland COVID-19 business grants and assistance
Apprentice wage subsidy programs
Temporary fuel excise cut and fuel tax credits
50% minimum pension drawdowns extended for another 12 months
Minimum drawdowns for superannuation pensions have been halved again for the 2022–23 income year. This extension means that the reduction of minimum drawdowns will be available for self-funded retirees from 1 July 2019 through 30 June 2023.
This measure is intended to support retirees in managing the impact of the:
• recent volatility in financial markets, and • prevailing low interest rates on their retirement savings.
All eligible businesses who employ an apprentice between 5 October 2020 and 30 June 2022 are eligible to receive a 50% wage subsidy. The wage subsidy is available for 12 months from commencement of employment. The maximum available subsidy is $7,000 per quarter per apprentice.
This wage subsidy is a stimulus payment announced to effectively boost employment for young people and help businesses transition away from the COVID-19 downturn.
These payments will be received via the Australian Apprentices Incentives Program. This program currently services employers by providing cash payments when apprentices meet certain targets.
Another program for apprentices that was in place prior to 5 October 2020 dealt with keeping apprentices employed (as opposed to employing new apprentices). These subsidies were to combat rising unemployment and an expected economic downturn due to COVID-19.
The wage subsidy was based on which apprentices remained in employment with their employer on 1 March 2020 and 1 July 2020. Originally, only small business employers were eligible to participate. From 1 July 2020, the government extended the measure to include medium-sized businesses. The original wage subsidy commenced for employers from 1 January 2020 and ran through to 31 March 2021.
Excise and excise-equivalent customs duty that applies to petrol and diesel will be temporarily reduced by 50%. The reduction of the fuel excise will be in place for 6 months, beginning at 12:01am on 30 March 2022 and ending at 11:59pm on 28 September 2022. The new temporary excise rate of 22.1 cents per litre will bring excise below the road user charge for businesses who claim fuel tax credits.
Minimum drawdowns for superannuation pensions have been halved again for the 2022–23 income year. This extension means that the reduction of minimum drawdowns will be available for self-funded retirees from 1 July 2019 through 30 June 2023.
This measure is intended to support retirees in managing the impact of the:
• recent volatility in financial markets, and
Announced: 22-Mar-2020 Updated: 12-Apr-2022
Announced: 12-Mar-2020 Updated: 12-Apr-2022
Announcement(29-Mar-2022) Consultation Introduced(30-Mar-2022) Passed(30-Mar-2022) Royal Assent(31-Mar-2022) Date of effect(30-Mar-2022)
Announced: 22-Mar-2020 Updated: 12-Apr-2022

Queensland land tax to include interstate landholdings
Temporary fuel excise cut and fuel tax credits
Sole traders and partners in a partnership may be able to utilise a safe harbour to deduct non-commercial losses against other assessable income.
The draft PCG bypasses the Commissioner’s discretion under the non-commercial loss rules, where a business has been directly affected by floods, bushfires or the COVID-19 pandemic.
The business will be required to show necessary evidence to support using the safe harbour.
Once finalised, the draft guideline will apply to the 2019–20, 2020–21 and 2021–22 income years.
Sole traders and partners in a partnership may be able to utilise a safe harbour to deduct non-commercial losses against other assessable income. The draft PCG bypasses the Commissioner’s discretion under the non-commercial loss rules, where a business has been directly affected by floods, bushfires or the COVID-19 pandemic. The business will be required to show necessary evidence to support using the safe harbour. On 23 February 2022, the ATO released TR 2022/D1 and PCG 2022/D1 in relation to distributions made by trustees of discretionary trusts. This was complemented by TA 2022/1, which discusses parents benefitting from the trust entitlements of the adult children. All 3 documents focus on schemes where income is diverted from an intended beneficiary in order to reduce tax liabilities. The rulings discuss these at detail and include significant attention to an important carve out for dealings that are “ordinary family or commercial” dealings. These dealings are excluded from the anti-avoidance provisions. Following on from the release of the draft guidance, the ATO has reiterated its stance in many areas relating to s 100A. In particular, where situations would generally come under an ordinary family or commercial dealing. Trustees need to make sure that their distributions are in accordance with the expectations of the ATO, otherwise they may be subject to an audit. Helping them understand their obligations is paramount coming up to the end of the current income year. Once finalised, the draft guideline will apply to the 2019–20, 2020–21 and 2021–22 income years.
Queensland has become the first jurisdiction in Australia to change land tax rules relating to taxable landholdings.
Under the proposed changes, a landholder will have their land tax calculated based on their total Australian landholdings. The calculation will then be pro-rated to reflect a taxpayer’s Queensland-only taxable landholdings.
Once passed, the new legislation will commence from 1 January 2023, meaning that the first calculation under the new rules will take place on 30 June 2023.
Excise and excise-equivalent customs duty that applies to petrol and diesel will be temporarily reduced by 50%.
The reduction of the fuel excise will be in place for 6 months, beginning at 12:01am on 30 March 2022 and ending at 11:59pm on 28 September 2022.
The new temporary excise rate of 22.1 cents per litre will bring excise below the road user charge for businesses who claim fuel tax credits.
Announcement(11-May-2022) Consultation period(21-Jun-2022) Released
Announcement(23-Feb-2022) Consultation period(29-Apr-2022) Released
Announcement(21-Jun-2022) Consultation Introduced(21-Jun-2022) Passed(24-Jun-2022) Royal Assent Date of effect
Announcement(29-Mar-2022) Consultation Introduced(30-Mar-2022) Passed(30-Mar-2022) Royal Assent(31-Mar-2022) Date of effect(30-Mar-2022)
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