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The Find Foundation was established in 2021 to own and operate the community papers that are being set up across Victoria. Initially, a community paper was set up in 2019 in the Maroondah City Council region, by Find Accountant, as a way of helping the local Not-For-Profits, Schools, Clubs, SME, and other organisations in the area. In 2020, Find was approached to set up other regions e.g., Geelong, Manningham, and Knox. It was from there that the Vision for a community paper in each council city/shire region was born. We were encouraged to set up a Not-For-Profit to own and run the community papers. Thus, in 2021 the Find Foundation was formed. Whilst we are not listed on the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission (ACNC) website because our organisation ‘does more than simply support NFPs’ we were unable to gian that status. However, we are recognised by the ATO as being a Not-For-Profit, and are required to fill in an annual ATO Income Tax Worksheet declaring our status each year as a NFP. The Find Foundation governance board was set up to manage the future direction of the community paper and put in place stringent processes to manage any grants and sponsorship funding that the Find Foundation is going to receive. The Find Foundation is not a newspaper as such, but a community paper that supports all things local, brings community together in one place, and facilities participation from various groups in the local community to work towards supporting one another. It is a platform that meets a need that does not currently exist.