By Warren Strybosch
The Find Geelong is a community paper that aims to support all things Geelong. We want to provide a place where all NotFor-Profits (NFP), schools, sporting groups and other like organisations can share their news in one place. For instance, submitting up-and-coming events in the Find Geelong for Free.
We do not proclaim to be another newspaper and we will not be aiming to compete with other news outlets. You can obtain your news from other sources. We feel you get enough of this already. We will keep our news topics to a minimum and only provide what we feel is most relevant topics to you each month.
We invite local council and the current council members to participate by submitting information each month so as to keep us informed of any changes that may be of relevance to us, their local constituents.
EDITORIAL ENQUIRES: Warren Strybosch | 1300 88 38 30 editor@findgeelong.com.au
PUBLISHER: Issuu pty Ltd
POSTAL ADDRESS: 248 Wonga Road, Wararnwood VIC 3134
ADVERTISING AND ACCOUNTS: editor@findgeelong.com.au
GENERAL ENQUIRIES: 1300 88 38 30
EMAIL SPORT: editor@findgeelong.com.au
WEBSITE: www.findgeelong.com.au
We will also try and showcase different organisations throughout the year so you, the reader, can learn more about what is on offer in your local area.
To help support the paper, we invite local businesses owners to sponsor the paper and in return we will provide exclusive advertising and opportunities to submit articles about their businesses. As a community we encourage you to support these businesses/columnists. Without their support, we would not be able to provide this community paper to you.
Lastly, we want to ask you, the local community, to support the fundraising initiatives that we will be developing and
rolling out over the coming years. Our aim is to help as many NFP and other like organisations to raise much needed funds to help them to keep operating. Our fundraising initiatives will never simply ask for money from you. We will also aim to provide something of worth to you before you part with your hardearned money. The first initiative is the Find Cards and Find Coupons – similar to the Entertainment Book but cheaper and more localised. Any NFP and similar organisations e.g., schools, sporting clubs, can participate.
Follow us on facebook (https://www. facebook.com/findgeelong) so you keep up to date with what we are doing.
We value your support,
The Find Geelong Team.
The City of Geelong is one of Victoria’s largest regional capital cities. Geelong had a population of approximately 230,000 as at the 2019 Report which includes 16,000 businesses. Geelong’s location is in strong growth corridor, making it an ideal location for businesses to explore options outside of the capital city.
The Find Geelong acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where Geelong now stands, the Wadawuarrung people of the Kulin nation, and pays repect to their Elders - past, present and emerging - and acknowledges the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within our community.
The Find Geelong was established in 2019 and is owned by the Find Foundation, a Not-For-Profit organisation with is core focus of helping other Not-For-Profits, schools, clubs and other similar organisations in the local community - to bring everyone together in one place and to support each other. We provide the above organisations FREE advertising in the community paper to promote themselves as well as to make the community more aware of the services these organisations can offer. The Find Geelong has a strong editorial focus and is supported via local grants and financed predominantly by local business owners.
Readers are advised that the Find Geelong accepts no responsibility for financial, health or other claims published in advertising or in articles written in this newspaper. All comments are of a general nature and do not take into account your personal financial situation, health and/or wellbeing. We recommend you seek professional advice before
anything written herein.
by Mary Ann Barnes
The phrase “Buy Local, Support Local” has become more than just a slogan; it’s a powerful movement that fosters economic growth, community cohesion, and environmental sustainability. When you choose to spend your money within your community, you’re injecting lifeblood into the economy.
These purchases create a ripple effect, supporting jobs, local businesses, and ‘ultimately, the overall wellbeing of your neighbourhood.
Beyond the economic benefits, buying local contributes to the unique character of your community. Local businesses often reflect the area’s culture and values, creating a sense of place. Additionally, supporting local businesses often means supporting sustainable practices, as shorter transportation distances reduce carbon emissions.
Moreover, building relationships with local business owners strengthens community bonds, Engaging with those who live and work in your area fosters a sense of belonging and shared purpose. When you know the people behind the businesses, you’re more invested in their success and the community’s overall prosperity.
Choosing to buy local is a powerful way to make a positive impact on your community. By supporting local businesses, you’re not just making a purchase; you’re investing in a brighter future for everyone. Let’s come together and embrace the “Buy Local, Support Local” movement, creating thriving communities where people and businesses flourish.
Greater Geelong continues to build on its reputation as an events hub and a place to do business.
So it make sense that the Geelong Small Business Festival has been such a success since its inception in 2010.
As the largest dedicated business festival in regional Victoria, it has benefitted hundreds of businesses and nearly 30,000 business owners and community members, highlighting our City’s entrepreneurial spirit.
In the past this event has been a platform for encouraging local businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs to start, grow and enhance their business and this year’s festival shapes as being bigger and better than ever.
The City of Greater Geelong is proud to partner with the Geelong Chamber of Commerce to deliver an exciting program of more than 50 low-cost and free events that have been designed to help connect, inspire and support the vibrant business community of our region.
Event topics range from social media marketing, leadership and utilising artificial intelligence (AI), to workplace culture, sustainability, retaining staff and everything in between.
Communities can only thrive if residents can secure work in their local area and pleasingly, thanks in no small way to small businesses, that is something we continue to see here.
The City of Greater Geelong experienced the largest growth in businesses in Victoria in the twelve months to June 2023, with an additional 301 businesses taking the total to 22,090 in our region.
Incredibly, about 97 per cent of these enterprises are small businesses, highlighting why we place such an emphasis on supporting this festival.
We know small businesses are choosing Greater Geelong as a place to call home more than ever, and it is encouraging to see the ongoing desire that business owners, employers and jobseekers have for our region.
Our small businesses are the driving force behind Greater Geelong’s economy and their success is vital to our community and crucial to our future prosperity.
So join us at the Geelong Small Business Festival and be part of this inspiring event.
Check out the gsbf.com.au website for further information and to get involved.
By Warren Strybosch
Most investments (assets) generally provide you with income on a regular basis. But some investments, like shares and property, can also increase in value. This increase is called growth or capital gain.
If you sell your investment for more than you paid for it then you realise a capital gain and you may have to pay tax on this gain. Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is payable on the taxable portion of a capital gain if you acquired the investment.
If you bought or acquired an asset before 20 September 1985, the CGT rules do not apply. Any capital gain can be received by you tax-free.
You are deemed to acquire an asset if you:
• Buy it
• Inherit it
• Build it, or
• Receive it as a gift
You are deemed to dispose of an asset if you:
• Sell it
• Give it away, or
• It is lost or destroyed
If the transaction is done at a price lower than the asset’s market value, the market value will be deemed to be the acquisition or disposal price, even though this is not the amount of cash you received.
Horace purchased a parcel of shares for $10,000 in May 2004. The shares increased in value and were worth $24,000 in November 2009 when he decided to gift the shares to his son.
Horace did not receive any payment for the shares, but for CGT purposes the shares are deemed to have been sold for $24,000. This means he has realised a capital gain of $14,000 and needs to calculate how much tax is payable on this gain.
Gains on the following assets acquired on or after 20 September 1985 are likely to be subject to CGT:
• Shares
• Managed funds
• Property investments
Not all assets which increase in value will be subject to CGT. Two main assets that are exempt from CGT are:
• Your principal home, and
• Assets purchased before 20 September 1985 (pre-CGT assets)
Your home can continue to be exempt from CGT for up to six years after you move out, provided you do not buy another home that you elect to claim the exemption on.
The taxation of a capital gain depends on how long you have owned the asset.
If you have held the asset for less than 12 months the full amount of the gain less any capital losses (from current year or carried forward from previous years) is added to your assessable income in your tax return. This amount is taxed at your marginal tax rate.
If you have held the asset for 12 months or more, capital losses (from current year or carried forward from previous years) are deducted from the capital gain, then only 50% of the net gain is added to your assessable income and taxed at your marginal tax rate.
Note: if your asset was purchased before 21 September 1999 you could choose to calculate the taxable portion of the gain using an indexation method, but tax advice should be sought.
Horace (in example above) had held the shares for more than 12 months. So his taxable capital gain is reduced by 50% to $7,000. This amount is added to his other assessable income and is taxed at his marginal tax rate.
If Horace had only owned the shares for less than 12 months, tax would be payable on the full $14,000.
If the asset is owned in the name of a company, the 50% exemption does not apply. Further tax concessions may apply if it is a business asset.
If you sell an asset for less than you paid for it, you may realise a capital loss. A capital loss can reduce your taxable capital gains on other assets (as explained above) but cannot be used to reduce tax on other income sources. The reduction is done before you claim the 50% exemption.
Last year Horace sold an asset which realised a capital loss of $2,000. This can be used to reduce his taxable capital gain as follows:
Taxable capital gain = ($14,000 - $2,000) x 50% = $6,000
Horace will only add $6,000 to his assessable income and pay tax at his marginal tax rate on this amount.
If you cannot use the loss in the year that it is realised, the loss can be carried forward to reduce taxable capital gains in future years. However, it is better to use losses as quickly as possible because the value of the loss diminishes over time with inflation.
1300 88 38 30 | warren@findwealth.com.au www.findwealth.com.au
Wealth is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No 468091) of Alliance Wealth Pty LtdABN 93 161 647 007 (AFSL No.449221).Part of the CentrepointAlliancegroup https://www.centrepointalliance.com.au/
Warren Strybosch is Authorised representative (No. 468091) of Alliance Wealth Pty Ltd. Services offered are superannuation, retirement planning and aged care advice.
This information has been provided as general advice.We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives.You should consider the appropriateness of the advice. You should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and seek the assistance of an authorised financial adviser before making any decision regarding any products or strategies mentioned in this communication.
Whilst all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, it is based on our understanding of current regulatory requirements and laws at the publication date. As these laws are subject to change you should talk to an authorised adviser for the most up-to-date information. No warranty is given in respect of the information provided and accordingly neither Alliance Wealth nor its related entities, employees or representatives accepts responsibility for any loss suffered by any person arising from reliance on this information.
By Warren Strybosch
Social Services and Other Legislation Amendment (More Support in the Safety Net) Bill 2024 has now passed both houses of Parliament and will become law.
This Bill implements three measures announced in the 2024 Federal Budget.
10% increase in Rent Assistance
From 20 September 2024, the maximum rate of Rent Assistance will increase by 10%. Regular indexation will also be applied in September on top of the 10% increase.
Increased flexibility for Carer Payment
Currently, to be eligible for a Carer Payment, a carer has a participation limit of 25 hours per week which includes employment, study, volunteering activities and travel time to and from work.
From 20 March 2025, Carer Payment recipients will have increased flexibility to undertake work, study, and volunteering activities whereby recipient’s participation limit will be amended to 100 hours over four weeks and will only apply to employment.
Additionally, if the participation limit is exceeded, payments will be suspended for up to six months, rather than being cancelled.
JobSeeker rate increase for some
From 20 September 2024, the higher rate of JobSeeker Payment will be extended to single clients who have a partial capacity to work up to 14 hours per week.
This measure will provide an additional $54.90 per fortnight income support to these recipients on top of the standard indexation.
By Sally Higoe
Sick of pesky arguments at your weekly meetings?
Hearing a little too much righteousness amongst the team?
Ready to stand up to be a courageous leader?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, it’s time to re-think how you view team disagreements...
...Because business growth, creative ideas, adjustment to change and even respect, can all stem from healthy conflict...
...And these attributes are definitely ones we want to see in our stand-out business, right?!
But what IS ‘healthy conflict’ Sally? Great question!
Master of team management and renowned author of The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team, Patric Lencioni, talks about a CONFLICT CONTINUUM.
Imagine a linear scale... he explains that on one end of this scale is artificial harmony (no conflict, pretending to get along) and the other is harsh negativity (mean spirited, non-productive conversation).
Most Companies live at artificial harmony. But the best place to live is in the middle... to work towards achieving that solid ground in the middle, known as constructive conflict (and this conflict is healthy!).
Lencioni describes healthy conflict as “passionate, unfiltered debate around issues of importance to the team”
The problem, however, is that most businesses will often avoid settling in this place of constructive conflict because it sits on the verge of destructive conflict (also known as ‘hell’ in meetings!).
So, instead of approaching this space with the right agenda and expectations, (which would set you up for healthy conflict) many leaders simply avoid going there at all.
Let’s take a look at why conflict WILL (or should!) occur in a STAND-OUT team...
Despite experiencing the same event, different people will have a varied interpretation of that particular information being presented.
But why does this happen?
Because we digest information through different filters.
These filters are influenced by our personalities, cultures and emotions... every single person has their own map, their own view, based on their life experiences... just like a fingerprint, no two are the same. Cool to know hey? And great to have strong awareness around!
In a high-performing team, you will experience this difference of opinion in the majority of your meetings.
Why? Simply because, in order to reach high-functioning, high-performing team success, you’re driven by having the necessary scope of behavioural styles
within your team, to cover the goals and tasks of a project – you need all different types of people on board!
Which typically means, you’ll have a blend of all styles in your team- you’ll have a cross-section of different behaviours that will each bring a focused skill set to their departments/areas. Which will often mean conflict.
Nurture this.
Despite the flirting with destructive conflict, if you can sustain a level of deliberate, supported, individualised banter across the team, it will inspire all colleagues to feel the deliberate passion of theirs views and ideas as well. With this, you’ve found the balance for healthy conflict.
And a great team will live right on that edge, they’ll teeter between constructive and destructive conflict... because this is where the most access to innovation, creativity and stand-out decisions lay.
Occasionally, even the best teams will step in to destructive territory but because they’ve built the trust, teetering on the edge, they’ll learn from this tipover to the ‘dark-side’ and they will recover with greater courage to live in the space of ‘healthy conflict’, strength in their ability of being able to do just that.
When you can sustain ‘healthy conflict’, you’ve inspired passion, determination, care and often pride. This is a recipe for innovation, creation, problem-solving, resilience building and potential for absolute stand-out success!
Embrace and encourage this with acceptance and you will see workplace vibe -all round-is lifted.
If you’re looking for a more ‘healthy conflict’ approach to your meetings, one that will inspire innovative decision making, creativity, unity and improve future connections, you and your team need to know how to Communicate With Impact.
So check out our next Geelong event here, where we will have an honest conversation with leaders like you about how to Communicate with Impact
Sally Higoe
Leadership & Team Specialist www.linkedin.com/in/leadership-development-coach/ sally@team-resilience.com.au
By Dan Nicholls
If you’re a not-for-profit employee thinking about getting a new or used electric car, we have good news for you. With a novated lease, you can get behind the wheel of your dream electric vehicle, while you save money and the planet! In this article, we’ll show you how, and cover a handful of other salary packaging perks that will make your monthly earnings go the extra mile.
Electric Vehicles (EVs) are eco-friendly, producing zero emissions and helping to reduce your carbon footprint, which fits perfectly with the sustainability and environmental responsibility values of many not-for-profit organisations. Plus, they look amazing! But how eco-friendly are they? After comprehensive tests, a recent study has finally delivered the verdict of which option is more efficient between petrol/diesel powered cars and electric vehicles - and, you guessed it, EVs came out on top.
Saving money, saving the planet
One of the biggest perks of EVs is the savings. And when you buy one with a novated lease, the savings are impressive.
But Electric Vehicles themselves are much cheaper to run than petrol or diesel cars, plus they’re officially more efficient in energy use. EVs also have fewer moving parts than traditional cars, so they cost less to maintain. From an eco-friendly point of view, EVs are not only more energy-efficient but produce no tailpipe emissions, which helps reduce pollution and improve air quality. It’s fair to say that by driving an Electric Vehicle, you’re actively contributing to the fight against climate change.
Now, let’s get you behind the wheel of an EV, and help you save!
A novated lease is the financing agreement that you use to buy your Electric Vehicle.
It’s an agreement between you, your employer, and a finance company that allows you to lease a car through salary packaging. This means you can use your pre-tax salary to pay off your new car, making your monthly payments much lower. There are a bunch of other amazing additional perks, but more on those later.
The first step in getting a novated lease is to speak to your employer and your salary packaging provider, which your employer will have an agreement with. If your employer doesn’t have a provider, you can reach out to a provider who will contact your employer to set up a program. The provider will support you in the process of choosing the car most suitable for you and, in some cases, they can leverage their supplier network to secure the best possible car price. If you decide you want a novated lease on your new wheels or your existing car, the paperwork will be handled for you and will just require your agreement. Your repayment amount will also be automated to come directly from your income every pay period.
When you get to the end of your novated lease, there are even more tax savings to come. Through a novated lease, you’re financing the full car cost (with any tax savings taken off). You will choose a term between 1-5 years. At the end of the lease there is a residual payment as ATO rules dictate. When you reach the end of your lease, there are a number of options for dealing with the residual value -
• You can make the final payment and own the car outright.
• You can trade in your car for a new one, clear the residual value and start a new lease
• You can extend the current lease for an extra period.
• You can even sell your car privately, as long as you pay the residual value. Plus, any profit you make on the sale price compared to your final payment is yours to keep, tax-free.
But wait, there’s more
Because your novated lease accesses your pre-tax salary to cover the costs associated with paying off your car and keeping it running, you’ll save even more money. A novated lease will cover necessities like:
• Petrol/EV charging
• Registration and insurance
• Car maintenance
• New tyres
• Professional car cleaning services
Normally, employers pay The Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) when providing cars for private use, but for qualifying electric vehicles, the tax is waived to increase the amount of eco- friendly drivers on the road. For employees, the FBT exemption means the cost of your lease is lower, which means even more savings.
Choosing a novated lease for an Electric Vehicle means you get to drive a cool, efficient car and help the environment at the same time. Plus, with maintenance included, you don’t have to stress about extra costs.
If you’re ready to drive off in your new EV, get in touch with us to discover how CBB The Salary Packaging People can help. With years of experience and all the know-how you could need, we’ve assisted Not-For-Profit organisations and their staff to drive the cars of their dreams, while saving as much as they possibly can.
Salary Packaging means you can pay less tax, use your pre-tax income to pay for everyday expenses and make your salary go further.
• Packaging administration
• One-on-one customer service
• Staff and organisation resources
• Comprehensive and always on-time FBT reporting
• Direct to employee claim benefits paid in one working day
We ensure your staff get the full advantage of their entitlements, because taking care of your staff is our business.
By Deb Fribbins
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a critical component for businesses operating in Australia. The concept of CSR refers to a company’s efforts to go beyond profit-making to include initiatives that benefit society and the environment. In Australia, CSR offers several advantages to businesses, the community, and the environment, fostering sustainable growth and enhanced corporate reputation.
BRAND One of the foremost advantages of CSR in Australia is the enhancement of corporate reputation and brand value. Companies that actively engage in CSR initiatives often enjoy a better public image and increased consumer trust. In an era where consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of ethical and sustainable practices, businesses that demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental responsibility are more likely to attract and retain customers. This enhanced reputation can translate into increased sales, customer loyalty, and a competitive edge in the market.
FINANCIAL CSR initiatives can lead to significant cost savings for companies. By implementing sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and optimizing resource use, businesses can lower their operational costs. For instance, energy-efficient technologies and processes can reduce utility bills, while waste reduction strategies can minimize disposal costs. In the long run, these cost savings contribute to improved financial performance and profitability.
STAFF CSR also plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining talent. Employees today seek more than just a paycheck; they desire to work for companies that align with their values and make a positive impact on society.
Businesses that prioritize CSR often enjoy higher employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention rates. This can lead to increased productivity, reduced recruitment costs, and a more motivated workforce. Furthermore, CSR initiatives provide opportunities for employees to engage in meaningful activities, such as volunteering and community service, which can enhance job satisfaction and overall well-being.
SOCIAL Additionally the internal initiatives can create positive social and environmental impacts in the broader community. Businesses that invest in community development projects, education,healthcare,and environmental conservation contribute to the well-being and sustainability of society. For example, companies that support local schools or sponsor educational programs help improve educational outcomes and future employment prospects for young Australians. Similarly, businesses that engage in environmental conservation efforts contribute to the preservation of natural resources and biodiversity, addressing critical issues such as climate change and habitat destruction.
LEGALITIES From a regulatory perspective, engaging in CSR can assist businesses to navigate and comply with evolving laws and regulations. Governments in Australia are increasingly implementing policies and frameworks that encourage or mandate sustainable practices. Companies that proactively adopt CSR initiatives are better positioned to meet these regulatory requirements, avoiding potential fines and legal issues. Additionally, being ahead of regulatory trends can enhance a company’s reputation as a leader in sustainability and corporate responsibility.
STAKEHOLDERS CSR also fosters stronger relationships with stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and the community. Transparent and ethical business practices build trust and credibility, which are essential for longterm success. By actively engaging with stakeholders and addressing their concerns, businesses can create a positive dialogue and demonstrate their commitment to social and environmental responsibility. This can lead to increased customer loyalty, investor confidence, and community support.
Every little bit helps. No matter which CSR you offer, they contribute to a multitude of advantages for businesses in Australia.
• Enhance your corporate reputation,
• Achieve greater cost savings
• Attracts and retain better talent,
• Create positive social and environmental impacts,
• Ensure regulatory compliance,
• Foster strong stakeholder relationships.
The importance of ethical and sustainable practices continues to grow, businesses that prioritize CSR are more likely to experience long-term success and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable society. By embracing CSR, companies in Australia can not only achieve financial success but also make a meaningful difference in the world.
By Anjana Jogi
New legislation currently before the Australian Senate will amend the transitional provisions of the tax law, providing an increase to the instant asset write-off threshold to $20,000.
This increase is in line with the 2023–24 income year, providing consistency for small business in understanding what new assets you can immediately deduct.
The following conditions must be satisfied in order to be eligible for the instant asset write-off:
- The asset must be first installed or ready to use between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025
- The asset must cost less than $20,000
- The annual aggregated turnover of the business must be less than $10 million.
The $20,000 threshold will apply on a per asset basis, so you can instantly write off multiple assets.
Assets valued at $20,000 or more (which cannot be immediately deducted) can continue to be placed into the small business simplified depreciation pool and depreciated at 15% in the first income year and 30% each income year thereafter.
Small businesses can continue the approach from the previous income year and immediately deduct assets eligible for the instant asset write off.
The intention of this amendment is to assist in your cash flow position compared to deducting assets in the small business depreciation pool and reduces record keeping on asset registers over time.
The provisions that prevent small businesses from re-entering the simplified depreciation regime (lockout rules) for five years if they opt-out will continue to be suspended until 30 June 2025.
Please free to contact our office should you have any queries in relation to these announcements.
By Justin Middleton
You wake up in the morning, check your phone, and see notifications that your online payments have been received through the night, you’ve got notifications from all the different cloud services you use. Everything just works… Right?
In 2023, it is common for a business to use many different cloud services, even for hands-on businesses like electricians, at a minimum you’ll have your bank account, email, website, invoicing, payroll, payment system and that’s as a starting point. Businesses without basic security measures are vulnerable to cyber security attacks, and in 20212022 the average cost per cybercrime reported was $39,000 for small businesses.
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, and it’s good to have a check to see where you and your business stand.
These steps, while simple, are costeffective and can help protect you and your business.
Updates to your devices and software often contain new features or change the functionality of the application you use, but one of the most important aspects of updates is the security updates. These security updates allow the latest bugs to be remedied on devices, whether it be your laptop or your phone and remove the vulnerability.
Patching these security vulnerabilities is made easy with Automatic Updates. Ensuring your device is set to update automatically means you won’t have to even think about updating.
Passwords are vulnerable to compromise, and Multi-Factor Authentication gives you an extra layer of security. MFA will require a combination of multiple pieces of information only you know, such as a password, rolling number (authenticator app, RSA token), physical device or even a biometric reading.
Securing your accounts with an MFA is a must-do in our connected life, some examples of high-quality MFAs are.
• YubiKey (https://www.yubico.com)
• Microsoft Authenticator (https:// www.microsoft.com/en-au/security/ mobile-authenticator-app)
• Google Authenticator (https:// support.google.com/accounts/ answer/1066447)
• Duo (https://duo.com)
How to check if my login information has been compromised
A great online tool run by Australian Troy Hunt is the website Have I Been Pwned This allows you to check if your email and password have been compromised by any large data breaches. No organisation is immune to data breaches with these well-known Australian businesses hit; Optus, Medibank, Latitude Financial, and Pizza Hut, to just name a few recent.
Anti-virus, EDR, XDR, MDR. While there are many names for endpoint protection, and it is an important element in protecting your devices with market leaders offering ransomware protection (rollback) and other advanced features. Protect your business by protecting your devices.
https://www.eff.org https://haveibeenpwned.com https://www.abc.net.au/ news/2023-09-23/cybersecuritytroy-hunt-have-i-been-pwnedfighting-data-breaches/102803748
By Steve Dahllof
If you have metal garden furniture, aluminium window and door frames or an outdoor shed, cooler temperatures are a good time to paint them.
Like all painting, preparation is the key to success. Here are a few handy tips for getting the best appearance and protection for the metal surfaces around the home or office.
1. Clean the metal surface
Using sandpaper or another gentle scraping tool, remove all dust, dirt, debris and grease. A mild detergent should be sufficient but for more persistent deposits, mineral spirits will do the trick. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth and leave to dry thoroughly. Don’t use water as it doesn’t clean metal effectively.
2. Get rid of peeling or loose paint
This applies to preparing all surfaces for painting – get rid of old paint that is loose or peeling. Otherwise, the new paint won’t stick. Use a hand wire brush, a scraper or sandpaper and gently sand back. Too much pressure and the metal surface may be gouged, leading to an uneven finish.
Some people like to use power tools for this part of the cleaning process but beware – this method may end up polishing the metal surface, leaving nothing for the new paint to adhere to. You will need to rub a scuffing pad along the metal surface; the pads will lightly scratch the surface, allowing the primer to stick.
3. Remove the rust
Rust is a sign that the metal is not totally sound. You may need to replace the roof or frames if there is structural damage. If there is rust in just a few places, apply a high-quality primer with rust-inhibiting properties by brushing or sanding. Painting over rust will damage the metal paint by causing it to rust as well.
4. Use the appropriate primer
Check that the primer you choose is compatible with the paint you’ve selected. Follow the instructions on the label as different primers have differing drying times.
Water-based primers are not appropriate for metal surfaces but there are many other options. Rust-inhibiter primers, iron oxide primers and galvanised primers are more suitable, depending on what you are painting.
Apply the primer immediately after the previous surface preparation. This will help prevent flash rusting or dust accumulating. If what you are painting is outdoors (for example, roofs, furniture or sheds), a second coat of primer will add an extra layer of protection against oxidisation.
Metal paints come in oil-based and water-based brush-on or spray-can versions. Oil-based paint is trickier to work with but the results are last longer. Waterbased acrylic paints can be easier to apply but may be difficult to find in spray form for exterior use.
The easiest way to paint metal surfaces is with spray paint. (However, though it’s faster and easier, it doesn’t create as firm a finish.) If you decide to spray paint, hold the can 15 to 30 centimetres away from the metal surface – this prevents the paint from pooling. Using a long sweeping motion, spray whatever it is you want to paint. (Don’t be tempted to hold the can in one place.) If you notice excessive dripping, wipe everything clean and
Whenever you are painting metal surfaces, make sure you protect yourself. Wear a dust mask or respirator, protective goggles and gloves. Work in a well ventilated area – outdoors if possible. If you use power tools (for instance, when getting rid of rust), insert quality ear plugs to protect your hearing.
For more painting advice on painting in winter, contact Dahllof Painting Services at sjd67@bigpond.net.au. We will be happy to answer all your inquiries.
By Ethan Strybosch
In a world where businesses often focus solely on profitability, we have decided to take a bold step with Elmedia Marketing towards making a meaningful impact. Having established the agency just under two years ago, we swiftly carved a niche for ourselves in the digital marketing realm. Offering website development, digital advertising, and a wholistic approach to businesses digital identity we have consistently prioritized tangible business growth. However, our recent pivot to focus on not-for-profits marks a significant evolution in our mission and vision.
Our decision to niche down into the notfor-profit sector is not merely a strategic business move but a heartfelt response
to a growing desire we’ve had to create a positive social impact. We wanted to do something that mattered, that had more meaning and purpose. While we are great at making money for people, it feels more rewarding to do it for those who need it most.
This shift was inspired by our recent successes with not-for-profits. By leveraging our expertise in Google Ads, we helped a not-for-profit organization capitalize on an ad-spend grant. The result was an exceptionally high clickthrough and conversion rate on their ads, which translated into a significant increase in donations. This success story underscored the potential for our skills to drive substantial positive outcomes for organizations dedicated to the greater good.
Our approach to supporting not-forprofits is comprehensive and tailored to
the unique challenges these organizations face. Our strategy is built on three core pillars:
1. A Comprehensive Marketing Audit: We begin by analysing the entire marketing approach of the notfor-profit. This includes a thorough audit of their digital presence to identify areas for improvement and opportunities for greater impact.
2. Affordable Full-Service Marketing:
Understanding that many not-forprofits cannot afford a full-time marketing team, we step in to fill this gap. We act as an entire marketing department for a fraction of the cost, ensuring these organizations can access top-tier marketing services without breaking the bank.
3. Grant Assistance: To further support our clients, we assist in securing marketing-based grants. These grants are crucial for reaching new audiences and spreading the word about the invaluable work these organizations do.
As we embrace this new direction, we are driven by a vision of using our skills and team for the betterment of society. This pivot not only enhances the impact of the not-for-profits we work with but also gives us with a greater sense of purpose. It’s about more than just making money; it’s about making a difference.
In a world where the lines between profit and purpose often blur, we want to stand out as a beacon of hope, like a city on a hill. Our journey from focusing on business growth to championing notfor-profits is a testament to the power of aligning professional expertise with social responsibility.
By Kathryn Messenger
Did you know that some foods can be keeping your blood sugars in the diabetic range, and contributing to the disease, whilst there are others that can help to balance your blood sugar?
Here is an explanation of what each of the foods are and why they make a difference to your diabetes. The principles here are aimed at type 2 diabetes, but should also be helpful in type 1, and gestational diabetes.
Before I get into the details, make sure that your diabetes is being monitored by a doctor and if you do make changes to your diet, be sure to monitor your glucose levels, so that your blood sugars stay within the safe range.
Firstly, we need to start with an understanding of diabetes. Food from carbohydrates is broken down into glucose, meanwhile, your pancreas secretes the hormone insulin, which is required for the cells of your body to use the glucose for energy. Diabetes is generally understood to be a lack of insulin which means that your blood is left with too much glucose as it can’t move into your cells.
But what if the problem is not a lack of insulin, but too much glucose?
I am fully aware that there are genetic components to diabetes, and that some people are more susceptible to it, but what if it was your diet contributing to the disease, or at worst has caused the disease?
3 foods to avoid for diabetes Sugar
Sugar is often seen as a normal part of a balanced diet, but since it has had the vitamins, minerals and fibre stripped from it, it lacks any goodness that the original sugar cane has. Sugar is converted to glucose very quickly and requires a large amount of insulin to metabolise it. Look for all of the places where you might consume sugar, from lollies and hot drinks, to biscuits, cakes and pastries.
But be aware of chemical sweeteners as a sugar replacement are they are sometimes worse for you than the sugar. So if you crave something sweet, eat a piece of fruit or use a little honey instead.
In a very similar way to sugar, white flour products are quickly converted to glucose, and once again are not in their natural form having had the wheatgerm and fibre removed. White flour is not only in bread and baked goods, but also foods like pasta and couscous. Swap to a wholemeal option where you can.
Being a liquid, this is absorbed quickly and can also cause a sudden high amount of glucose in the blood stream. If you eat the whole fruit with the fibre, this slows down the uptake of the glucose.
To some extent, the foods to include are the opposite of those to avoid, for example:
wholegrains instead of white refined grains, and a piece of fruit, rather than just the juice. But there are a couple of others that are helpful in their own right.
Bitter green leafy vegetables are particularly helpful, they not only regulate insulin, but can help to change your palate to desire less sweet foods. These include roquette, kale, cabbage, and broccoli. Aim to eat some of these each day.
Healthy fats will keep you full and help prevent the sugar cravings, so be sure to add some to every meal.
If you would like further support with diabetes, either with a new diagnosis, or alongside medications, there are many additional herbal and nutritional products that can help support your body back to health. Please let me know if you would like to work with me to improve your insulin resistance or diabetes.
Students from four local primary schools are set to take part in the City’s Walk, Ride, Scoot and Roll Geelong program, aimed at encouraging kids to use active transport to get to and from school.
The Walk, Ride, Scoot and Roll Geelong program is funded by $110,393 from the Victorian Government’s Kids Active Travel Program and up to $10,000 from Council.
In partnership with Bellarine Community Health and Active Geelong, we will deliver the targeted program over 12 months across two phases with the goal of improving the health and wellbeing of children in grades three to six.
This project builds on work already carried out with three of the four school communities about active travel and the positive benefits from increased physical activity.
During phase one, an evidence-based tool will be developed to identify opportunities that encourage active travel and initiatives will be designed with the school communities.
Students from St Leonards Primary School, Leopold Primary School and Portarlington Primary School will develop active travel initiatives that are tailored to each school community’s needs. This could include bike parking and storage, travel friendly technology, safety education programs and signage to promote safe travel routes to school.
Phase two will see the audit tool and co-design approach tested with Newcomb Primary School which has a keen interest in fostering a culture of active travel. Schools involved in phase one will continue to be supported during phase two.
Mayor Trent Sullivan
“The Walk, Ride, Scoot and Roll Geelong program will encourage children and their families to make healthier choices.
We’re looking forward to getting kids excited about physical activity on the way to and from school, whether that’s walking and skipping, riding a bike or hopping on a scooter or skateboard.
The program aims to motivate families to use active travel as their primary mode of transport for school and for students to feel more confident, independent and able to safely navigate local streets near their school.
Council is pleased the Victorian Government granted us funding for this valuable project.”
Member for Bellarine Alison Marchant
“This new program will help local Bellarine kids get active before and after school by riding, walking or scooting to and from school.
Incorporating exercise into the daily school trip will help kids learn healthy habits without adding a lot of time into Bellarine families’ busy schedules.”
Jackie Gillin, Healthy Communities Planner at Bellarine Community Health
“Bellarine Community Health are thrilled to be partnering with the City of Greater Geelong and Active Geelong to support students to be active on the way to and from school.”
Active Geelong Executive Support Michelle Hemley
“Active Geelong’s aim is to inspire community participation in accessible and enjoyable physical activity opportunities,knowing that a little more movement each day can have significant health outcomes.
We are proud to be partnering in this project with the City and Bellarine Community Health and see it as an important step in increasing physical activity levels in the Geelong region.”
Almost 158,000 visitors accessed the City of Greater Geelong’s ‘Have Your Say’ website in 12 months, according to a report presented to Council during its meeting on Tuesday night.
In total, these visitors viewed the website 245,921 times and made approximately 16,200 submissions between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.
These figures form part of the 2024 Community Engagement Policy Impact Report, which outlines community engagement activities in the 12 months to March 2024.
The Have Your Say website is an online platform for the community to view Council projects and initiatives, and provide feedback during engagement periods.
The City adopted a new Community Engagement Policy at Council’s meeting on 28 February 2021 and committed to reporting on its impact and achievements annually.
The 2024 Impact Report is the third of four reports delivered under this commitment, with the Community Engagement Policy scheduled to be reviewed and updated in 2025.
The report identifies a need for continued improvement in gathering feedback from diverse community groups, including First Nations peoples, people with disabilities, LGBTIQA+ community members as well as migrants and people who speak English as a second language.
The new Biyal-a Armstrong Creek Library has been officially opened.
Mayor Trent Sullivan opened the landmark facility by cutting a garland of red gums – linking to the name and place story of the building – during a gathering on Thursday.
Jointly funded by the Council ($20.364 million) and the Victorian Government via a Living Libraries grant ($1.5 million), the $21.864 million facility will be operated by the Geelong Regional Library Corporation.
The library will open its doors to the wider community for the first time at 10am on Thursday 1 August.
The distinctive building, designed by Buchan Architects and built by Nicholson Construction, features more than 30,000 new books and resources, a children’s story time area, outdoor terraces and multipurpose and creative spaces –including media studio and maker space.
Designed in close consultation with the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners to create a ‘living water’ narrative, it is pursuing a 5 Star Green Star Buildings Certification.
Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney:
“I’m really pleased to see the Biyal-a Armstrong Creek Library open. It’s more than a building; it’s a beacon of knowledge, community, and cultural enrichment.
Libraries are vital hubs where ideas flourishandlearningthrives,underscoring our commitment to education and inclusivity. This space will bring residents together to learn, create, and grow. I commend everyone involved and look forward to the positive impact this library will have on our community.”
Mayor Trent Sullivan:
“The official opening is a landmark day for the growing community in Geelong’s south.
Greater Geelong Mayor Trent Sullivan:
“It’s essential that we reach out to all segments of our community to ensure every voice is heard in our decisionmaking process.”
Councillor Ron Nelson:
“Thank-you to the community for your ongoing commitment to sharing your views.
Providing feedback helps Council to make informed decisions that meet the community’s wishes and needs.”
The report can be read in full within the minutes of the July Council meeting via our Council Meetings page.
This is a special building that will support reading and learning, and also serve as a central gathering place for the Armstrong Creek community.
Thanks to everyone who has worked on the project, including Buchan Architects and Nicholson Construction, who have done an outstanding job, to the WadawurrungTraditional Owners for their input into the design,and to theVictorian Government for its funding support.
We’re now delighted to hand the building over to the Geelong Regional Library Corporation to open the doors to the community.
Geelong Regional Libraries CEO Vanessa Schernickau:
Libraries are essential to healthy and thriving local communities.
Biyal-a is a truly modern library – with fully equipped creative spaces, spaces to study, work and read. There are 30,000 brand new books and resources to borrow, and a jam-packed schedule of events and programs to support early literacy,lifelong learning and community connection.
In exciting news, we will soon be launching after hours library access at Biyal-a, recognising that traditional hours don’t suit everyone and increasing opportunities for access for the community.
We’re grateful to the City of Greater Geelong and the Victorian Government fortheirsupport,andencouragethelocal community to come in and explore!
Works to Rossack Drive between Meadowvale Drive and Heyers Road will include road pavement rehabilitation, new asphalt road seal,kerb and channel renewal,driveway works and improved line marking.
Rossack Drive in Waurn Ponds is in line for an upgrade to improve safety and accessibility for all community members, starting in early October.
This key street connects to Waurn Ponds Train Station and the Princes Highway.
Our $3 million project is set to focus on Rossack Drive between Meadowvale Drive and Heyers Road, and will include road pavement rehabilitation, new asphalt road seal, kerb and channel renewal, driveway works and improved line marking.
The City will deliver the staged improvements with the support of funding from the Australian Government’s Roads to Recovery Program and Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Programs, running until March next year.
Roadworks will be completed in various stages, in which a section of the road will be closed to all vehicles including residents’ cars. Impacted residents and businesses will be notified of the start date closer to the project getting underway.
Construction crews will work between 7am-4pm Monday to Friday, dependent on weather conditions. Weekend work may occur if bad weather or unforeseeable circumstances disrupt weekday work.
For the safety of drivers and our staff, detours will be put in place to help manage traffic flow. Residents in these work zones will have pedestrian access to their properties only.
This work follows our $2.1 million upgrade of Sugargum Drive and Bodega Street near Waurn Ponds Train Station which was fully funded via the Australian Government’s Roads to Recovery program.
Construction of a new youth hub in central Geelong, set to open in early 2025, will begin shortly following the awarding of a tender.
Archibald Builders has been selected based on their project experience, expertise, value for money, and assessment of project risks.
Located at the Busport building on the corner of Gheringhap Street and Transit Place, the hub is part of a two-year pilot program supported by $400,000 in funding from the Victorian Government.
It will serve as a fun, welcoming, and inclusive space for young people to gather, enjoy meals, access programs, and connect with support services.
State Member for Geelong Christine Couzens:
“It is fantastic to see the next steps for the new Youth Hub in Geelong, which will engage young people and keep them connected to employment, counselling, and mental health support and services.”
Rossack Drive is used by 11,000 vehicles a day and was in need of repair.
The Roads to Recovery funding from the Australian Government will rejuvenate the road and ensure a safer and smoother journey for surrounding residents, commuters and pedestrians.
We thank the community for its patience while the City carries out these essential works and ask that road users follow signage and traffic detours in place.
Our teams will work to minimise disruptions to the community while the upgrades are underway.
The works will deliver much-needed safety improvements for residents.
Waurn Ponds is fast becoming a key transport hub for the rapidly-growing suburbs of Armstrong Creek, Mount Duneed, and Torquay – that’s why it’s so important that this local arterial link is as safe as possible for pedestrians and road users heading to the train station, work, Deakin University, or the shopping centre.
To make sure projects like this are delivered, the Albanese Labor Government has doubled our Roads to Recovery Funding – we are investing in the regions – and this is a great outcome for our communities.
I’d like to thank locals for their patience and understanding as these upgrades are rolled out.
“Over 1,100 local young people contributed ideas that shaped the design of the new hub.
It’s exciting to see construction begin after such a successful design process led by our local youth.
We want the hub to feel welcoming for all young people, providing access to vital services like mental health support, opportunities to connect with peers, or simply a place to relax.”
More information about the project is available here.
A bold economic development plan designed to foster an entrepreneurial and innovative Geelong region and catapult us onto the national and international stage has been endorsed by Council.
‘Geelong on the Rise: A Clever & Creative International City 2024-34’ aims to deliver a more sustainable, innovative, resilient and future-focused economy that is based on circular economy principles and defines new trends.
The plan aims to attract 55,000 new jobs to the region, increase our Gross Regional Product by $9.7 billion, and provide opportunities for our residents, whose numbers are forecasted to grow by an additional 120,000 by 2041, reaching nearly 400,000.
Actions are centred around positioning Geelong, collaboration and support, talent attraction and development, and planning and advocacy, such as:
• Promote Geelong as a global business and innovation district.
• Attract investment from around the world.
• Deliver vibrant arts and cultural experiences and world class events.
• Proactively support the development of industry clusters.
• Support local businesses to thrive.
• Take a place-based approach to the delivery of thriving retail precincts and city centre.
• Promote our lifestyle and liveability to attract talent.
• Support workforce development, training and skills innovation.
• Support programs and initiatives that seek to reduce disadvantage.
• Plan well so there is sufficient land supply.
• Advocate for key enabling infrastructure.
Geelong on the Rise has been shaped by more than 100 local businesses, industry representative groups and key
stakeholders who helped to identify our competitive advantages, opportunities, barriers, and challenges.
Public consultation over April and May this year saw the majority of respondents agree that the plan meets the needs of our city, with surveys completed by residents across the region.
Community members were particularly interested in the plan’s future-focused commitment, emphasis on people and industry, promotion of a clean economy, international appeal, and its creative aspects.
The plan reflects additional considerations suggested by respondents, including decarbonising transport, attracting more events, ensuring effective resource utilisation with tangible benefits, and enhancing liveability.
“It is time for Geelong to rise and take its rightful place on the national and international stage.
Greater Geelong boasts the fastest population growth in Victoria and second fastest in Australia, the largest regional economy in the state, and the fastest jobs growth of all regional cities.
We need to keep the momentum going and leverage the knowledge, creativity and strengths of our community and industries to develop a more resilient and adaptive economy.
Opportunities for future growth span advanced manufacturing, defence, healthcare, visitor economy and events, agribusiness and food manufacturers, transport, logistics and fulfilment, professional business services, clean economy, and creative industries and digital technologies.”
“Geelong on the Rise will help to grow, diversify and future-proof our economy.
We’ve honed in on our region’s unique strengths, capabilities and key industries where we have competitive advantage that can be leveraged to deliver an international scale clever and creative city.
Geelong on the Rise is supported by a detailed action plan for Council and partner delivery over the next 10 years.”
A strategy to increase the value of major events in Greater Geelong to $131 million per year by 2029 has received council support.
Greater Geelong played host to 18 major events in 2022-23, generating an economic benefit of $77.5 million.
This represented a return on investment of 1:48 on the just over $1.6 million that the City of Greater Geelong invested to support these events.
These events also supported approximately 650 full-time equivalent jobs and drew a substantial audience of 758,000 spectators and participants to the region.
The new Geelong Major Events Strategy 2024 – 2029 aims to build on this success by increasing the economic impact of major events by 10 per cent each year over the next five years.
Importantly, the strategy also seeks to extend its focus beyond economic impact by increasing local resident participation by 30 per cent, halving the carbon footprint of major events and building Geelong’s brand as Australia’s premier regional events destination.
Attracting more arts, music and culture to the region in an effort to promote a greater diversity of major events is also a key feature of the renewed strategy.
In its Tuesday night meeting council voted to endorse new terms of reference, which will guide the Geelong Major Events Committee in implementing this five-year strategy.
Mayor Trent Sullivan
The committee currently includes councillors Anthony Aitken, Ron Nelson, Jim Mason and Melissa Cadwell, along with six external members representing the community.
With elections coming up in October, Council voted to extend the terms of three external members that were scheduled to conclude this month to a revised date of July 2025.
“Major events generate significant economic benefits for businesses the region.
Each year Greater Geelong hosts a colourful and exciting line-up of major events that draw hundreds of thousands of visitors to our beautiful part of the world.
This renewed strategy will help expand our major events calendar and cement Greater Geelong as Australia’s preeminent regional destination for major events.”
Deputy Mayor and Geelong Major Events Designated Committee chair Anthony Aitken
“This new strategy will result in more locations around Greater Geelong hosting a greater diversity of major events.
You will see more cultural events if we’re true to the strategy that we’re adopting.
Geelong is much more than just the waterfront and the CBD, and we have so many more fantastic locations that can be used for major events.”
Greater Geelong is turning green and gold for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games as competition gets underway tomorrow night (AEST time) ahead of Saturday morning’s opening ceremony.
We are excited to cheer on the Aussies including several local talents through a number of activities and initiatives to show our region’s support.
City Hall on Gheringhap Street, The Carousel, catenary lights at Malop and Moorabool streets and the foyer of Geelong’s civic precinct Wurriki Nyal will be illuminated in green and gold in the evenings from Friday, adding to the green-lit trees along Eastern Beach.
Our Swim, Sport & Leisure members are encouraged to register for a short-term ‘Member Olympics Challenge’ throughout the Olympic and Paralympic Games, ending when the Paralympics wrap up on 8 September. The challenge rewards members for visiting 10, 15 and 25 times with prizes from Speedo, NovoFit and Swim, Sport & Leisure up for grabs.
Community members will also spot ‘Go Aussie’ placards, a mobile billboard, digital signage at our Customer Service Centres and flag banners throughout our region.
Mayor Trent Sullivan
“I am looking forward to watching the Aussies compete for glory in Paris.
Geelong Council is proud to get in on all the Olympics action and excitement through activities that show our support for our Australian athletes, including some very special local talents.
I’ll be cheering extra hard for the athletes who are Geelong born-andbred as they take on the world’s best.
Australia’s 11th fastest woman of all time, sprinter Mia Gross, is debuting in Paris after starting her athletic journey at age nine sprinting down the Landy Field track for Grovedale Little Athletics Club.
Local high jumper Joel Baden, who competed for Peninsula Little Athletics Club and was a regular at Landy Field, will hope to leap over his personal best of 2.33 metres.
Geelong’s Angus Widdicombe honed his craft as a men’s eight rower along the Barwon, and will be looking to improve on his team’s sixth-place finish at Tokyo 2020.
As a supporter and manager of hundreds of grounds, arenas and facilities, Council is thrilled to have played our part in their sporting development.
Good luck to our local athletes at Paris 2024 – Greater Geelong is behind you!”
Deputy Mayor Anthony Aitken
“There are number of other athletes with connections to our region that we are proud to claim as our own.
Council is proud to rally behind boxer Marissa Williamson Pohlman, basketballer Jock Landale, distance runner Lauren Ryan, Matildas midfielder Kyra Cooney-Cross, shooter Penny Smith, sailor Brin Liddell and rower Ria Thompson, who have spent time in Greater Geelong in their younger years, while training or in school.
Congratulations on making it to the Paris Olympics. We wish you the very best.”
Expressions of Interest are now open for Geelong Design Week 2024, inviting the community to showcase their extraordinary design projects, compelling stories, and unique talents.
From 21-30 November, Geelong will transform into a hub of creativity and innovation, celebrating our esteemed status as a UNESCO City of Design. This festival will feature an array of workshops, exhibitions, and talks that emphasise cutting-edge innovation, sustainable practices, and creative problem-solving.
Geelong Design Week is a dynamic blend of online and in-person events, offering a diverse range of activities including design exhibitions, workshops, tours, collaborations, cultural events, experiences, projections, pop-up spaces, and forums. Events this year will centre around four key themes:
• Built and Natural Environment
• Arts, Design, and Creativity
• Education, Research, and Knowledge
• Sustainability and Circularity
We welcome community members, groups,collectives,networks,organisations, and businesses to express their interest in sharing their design projects or hosting an event. This is a chance to engage with design enthusiasts, professionals, families, and young people.
Trent Sullivan
“Geelong Design Week is a unique annual festival.
We are showcasing local talent, celebrating exceptional design, fostering creativity and collaboration, and inspiring innovative thinking.
By uniting designers, industry leaders, and design enthusiasts from Geelong, Victoria, and beyond, we are strengthening Geelong’s reputation as a global leader in creativity and design excellence.
We encourage designers, businesses, creatives, students, organisations, and collectives to join us in crafting an exciting and insightful program.”
Deputy Mayor Anthony Aitken
“Geelong Design Week 2024 is an unmissable opportunity to make a mark in the design world.
Geelong Design Week 2023 saw a record-breaking 17,288 attendees across 52 events, with participants from Geelong, regional Victoria, Melbourne, and interstate.
Event hosts will benefit from exposure to a vast audience and the opportunity to network and collaborate with local, national, and international design enthusiasts.”
Estimates suggest that last year’s festival brought in $1.6 million in revenue to our local economy from visitors outside Greater Geelong alone.
Join us in shaping the future of design and making a lasting impact on our community and beyond. Applications are open until Sunday 11 August.
We are encouraging residents to take a few minutes to refresh their recycling knowledge with a new recycling campaign funded by Sustainability Victoria.
Contamination in recycling costs the Council hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to remove, and the new Recycle Right campaign aims to help clear up common points of confusion.
Placing materials in yellow recycling bins inside plastic bags is the most common error made by local residents, while items like electronic waste and batteries in kerbside bins have caused several truck fires in Greater Geelong and the Surf Coast Shire this year.
To improve recycling, we’re also stepping up its bin inspection program, with a focus on the small group of households who continue to put bagged rubbish and other contaminants in their recycling after multiple education reminders.
These households will receive a reminder call from the waste education team and may have their bin rejected for collection if serious contamination continues.
The most common recycling mistakes in Greater Geelong are:
• Bagged recycling in paper or plastic bags: Always keep recycling loose.
• Soft plastics and plastic bags: Put these in your red rubbish bin.
• Tissues and paper towels: Put these in your red rubbish bin.
• Batteries and electronics: Drop batteries at supermarkets or Resource Recovery Centres.
Click here to learn more and request a free Which Bin? magnet to be posted to you.
Councillor Peter Murrihy, chair of the Environment and Circular Economy portfolio:
“Recycling correctly is one of the easiest ways to help the planet and keep the costs of waste low for everyone.
Even if you think you know how to recycle, it’s worth taking a few minutes to check you’re doing it right as recycling has changed in recent years.”
Community members looking to start, grow or improve their small business will find a wealth of opportunities at the upcoming 2024 Geelong Small Business Festival.
A collaboration between the City of Greater Geelong and the Geelong Chamber of Commerce, this year’s festival promises over 50 free and low-cost events tailored to empower local businesses.
Running from 12 - 23 August, the festival’s diverse program aims to connect, inspire, and grow the region’s small business community.
Our small business community makes up around 97 per cent of all businesses in the region and represents a huge driver of our local economy.
Now in its 14th year, the Geelong Small Business Festival has benefited hundreds of local businesses and nearly 30,000 business owners and community members; underscoring our vibrant entrepreneurial spirit.
Spanning seven event themes, from marketing and business essentials to sustainability and wellbeing, the festival caters to every aspect of business growth and development. Highlights include workshops, networking sessions, expert panels, and keynote presentations designed to foster innovation and success.
View the full festival program from Tuesday 2 July at gsbf.com.au.
The festival kicks off with a special launch event on Thursday 8 August from 5.308pm at The Pier Geelong. Featuring local agribusiness producers showcasing regional produce, the launch sets the stage for an enriching fortnight ahead.
Keynote Speaker Highlight: Nadia Lee
We’re honoured to have Nadia Lee, Founder and CEO of ThatsMyFace as our keynote speaker. Nadia will share insights including ‘AI is here: Are you ready?,’ exploring how she built a worldfirst solution in identity and reputation management. ThatsMyFace is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) company that safely detects key business assets and people in malicious content at scale. The business is the patent holder for the world’s first privacy-preserving facial recognition software, making biometric identity verification a feasible reality. Nadia’s expertise extends to AI policy research, where she serves as Industry Partner at Reclaim Coalition and contributes to the Content Authenticity Initiative alongside industry giants like Adobe and Microsoft.
Event Details and Registration
Tickets for the launch event sponsored by Morris are $49 plus GST per person, inclusive of canapes and drinks. With
limited spots available, community members are encouraged to book early to avoid missing out.
“The festival has an expanded footprint, with activities this year centering at Geelong’s civic precinct Wurriki Nyal, alongside dedicated days on the Bellarine Peninsula and in Torquay.
This strategic alignment brings together regional business leaders, experts, and industry organisations to share invaluable insights and strategies for success.
The Geelong Small Business Festival is a great opportunity to learn new skills, gain knowledge, be inspired by innovative ideas, and discover new ways of doing business.
There’s something for everyone, from how to start a business, social media and managing people, to social responsibility, sustainability and marketing.
Be quick to secure your spot!”
Geelong Chamber of Commerce CEO Jeremy Crawford
“After a very successful inaugural partnership in 2023, this year will be even bigger with a jam-packed program condensed into two weeks and collated into key themes for business to make the most of the festival.
We are incredibly excited to bring Nadia Lee to Geelong, a pioneering AI futurist, along with so many sessions for leaders to capitalise and focus on their business.”
Leading circular economy speaker Ashleigh Morris will headline the NEXUS Clean Economy Showcase on Friday 23 August with her ‘Living, Working, and Thriving in the Circular Economy: A Vision for the Future’ talk, wrapping up the Geelong Small Business Festival.
Returning to Geelong’s civic precinct Wurriki Nyal on Mercer Street, NEXUS will connect clean economy businesses with government, education, research, finance, and ecosystem supporters to foster strong relationships.
The Nexus Clean Economy Showcase will celebrate the last 10 years of clean economy action and ponder the next 10 years; exploring the economic development outcomes from the clean economy achieved to date. Businesses and innovators are invited to hear from entrepreneurs, founders, established businesses, and local councils who are commercialising local cleantech and climate solutions into new products and services to tackle global problems.
Presentations, panel discussions, and an exhibition of products and initiatives will cover innovation, advanced manufacturing, commercialisation opportunities, climate resilience, sustainable futures, transport & mobility, smart cities & design, circular economy, finance & investment and government & policy.
Ashleigh Morris, CEO & Co-Founder of Coreo is a leader in circular economy and systems thinking and will inspire businesses to revolutionise for a sustainable future.
She is a highly sought after advisor for boards such as Rio Tinto and L’Oreal and is a founding board member of the Australian Circular Economy Hub. Among other achievements, Ashleigh has been named a Top 100 Global Corporate Social Responsibility Influential Leader and a Prime Ministers Scholar & Australian ASEAN Emerging Leader.
To deliver NEXUS this year, the City is partnering with the Victorian Cleantech Cluster, an industry network supporting
companies and founders who are researching, developing, commercialising and promoting clean technology solutions.
Doors open at 11am with the first session being held at 12pm.
Mayor Trent Sullivan
The Geelong Small Business Festival is set to end on a high with the NEXUS Clean Economy Showcase.
There are many local businesses of different sizes looking for opportunities to move into the clean economy space and tackle environmental issues,.
The NEXUS Clean Economy Showcase is an unmissable learning and networking opportunity with major players in this industry who are transforming our economy for a cleaner future.
Join us to celebrate the incredible work of local champions and exchange ideas with like-minded people.
Deputy Mayor Anthony Aitken, Chair of the Strong Local Economy portfolio
Council is proud to host the NEXUS Clean Economy Showcase as part of the Geelong Small Business Festival.
Our support for this event underscores our sustainability efforts to achieve net zero emissions in the Geelong region by 2035.
We’re working to empower local businesses to develop clean economy solutions that assist our community to address climate change mitigation and adaptation, encourage renewables, and complement the transition to a circular economy.
The 2024 Geelong Small Business Festival runs from 12-23 August, featuring more than 50 free and low-cost events tailored to empower local businesses.
A recent case has highlighted that early payment of superannuation leading to excess concessional contributions may not be considered a special circumstance allowing reallocation under s 291-465 (2) of the ITAA 1997. With the concessional contributions threshold about to increase, Oldenburger v Commissioner of Taxation reminds employers to revisit their superannuation contribution strategies to avoid tax impositions.
In this case, the applicant applied for a special consideration after receiving a tax bill for exceeding the concessional contributions threshold, which was denied by the Commissioner and later the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).
From 1 July 2024, the concessional contributions cap is set to increase from $27,500 to $30,000.
Announced: 4-May-2023 Updated: 7-May-2024
The Federal government has announced a one-year extension to the increase in the instant asset write-off threshold to $20,000.
Announced as part of the 2024 Federal Budget, this increased threshold applies for the 2024-25 income year and aims to help small businesses with improved cash flows.
An immediate deduction for eligible assets (applied on per asset basis) will become available for small businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $10 million.
Eligible assets must be first used or installed ready for use between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025.
the lens by Federal government to ensure foreign residents are paying their fair share of tax in Australia.
Specified taxable Australian property (TAP) defined under ITAA 1997 s 855-15, which makes foreign residents subject to CGT will be reviewed and broadened.
The principal asset test to determine the indirect interest of a foreign resident in a TAP will now be subject to a 365-day testing period rather than being tested at a "point in time".
Commencing from 1 July 2025, these reforms aim to provide certainty to foreign investors by aligning Australian tax law closely with the OECD standards and international best practice.
Announced: 14-May-2024 Updated: 14-May-2024
Announcement(13-May-2024) Consultation Introduced Passed Royal Assent Date of effect
Announced: 13-May-2024 Updated: 14-May-2024
Announced: 13-May-2024 Updated: 17-May-2024
Amendments to tax legislation have been announced in the 2024 Federal Budget that will give the Commissioner of Taxation a discretion to not use a taxpayer's refund to offset old tax debts.
As per s 8AAZL of the Tax Administration Act 1953, the Commissioner is required to apply refunds in the running balance account (RBA) to offset current or anticipated RBA and non-RBA tax debts.
This discretion will apply to individuals, small businesses and not-for-profits, and will maintain the Commissioner's current administrative approach.
This announcement applies to old tax debts put on hold by the Commissioner prior to 1 July 2017. After the enactment of legislation, we expect the Commissioner to release regulatory resources in relation to the practical application of this announcement.
As part of the 2024 Federal Budget, an announcement may make more carers eligible for government financial assistance and support.
The eligibility requirements will change from 20 March 2025, where the existing 25 hour per week participation limit to receive Carer Payment will be amended to 100 hours over 4 weeks.
Also, currently the participation limit applies to employment, volunteering and study. From 20 March 2025, only employment will count against the participation limit.
Further adjustments will be made, meaning that if an individual goes over these limits, the ramifications relating to future support will not be as severe.
A 2024 Federal Budget announcement will provide additional support for businesses who participate in the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System.
The last adjustment to this scheme was announced in the March 2022 budget, where the Phase Two incentive system payments would begin reducing from 1 July 2024.
The new announcement states that the reduction in incentive payments will not reduce for apprentices, trainees and their employers in priority occupations.
As a result, the expected Phase Two incentive system payments for apprentices in a priority occupation will increase from $3,000 to $5,000 if it was due to received after 1 July 2024. Also, if an apprentice in a priority occupation is hired after 1 July 2024, there will not be a reduction in that incentive payment either.
Announced as part of the 2023 Federal Budget, was a proposed expansion of the general anti-avoidance provisions for income tax.
This announcement intended to allow schemes that achieve an Australian income tax benefit to come into the scope of Part IVA, even if the dominant purpose was to reduce foreign income tax.
This announcement was set to apply from 1 July 2024, however, as per the 2024 Federal budget this has been pushed to income years commencing after amended legislation receives royal assent, regardless of whether the scheme was entered into before that date.
In an initiative to promote women’s economic equality, the Labor government has announced plans to pay superannuation on paid parental leave (PPL) for government-funded payments from 1 July 2025.
If enacted, this measure will provide parents who access the PPL government scheme with super contributions paid into their nominated super account equivalent to 12% of their leave pay.
An expansion to Australia’s PPL is also currently before the Senate, which will give families an additional 6 weeks of PPL, increasing to 22 weeks from July 2024, 24 weeks from July 2025, and 26 weeks from July 2026.
This measure is currently in the announcement stage and requires parliamentary approval to become law.
Feed Me is more than just a charity; it’s a beacon of hope for those facing food insecurity and a testament to the power of community. Founded in 2019 by Lana Purcell and head chef Ant, this organization has a mission that resonates deeply: to rescue surplus food, respect people, and create a stronger, more compassionate world.
The Problem: Food Waste
In our modern world, food waste is a staggering issue. Perfectly good food often ends up discarded due to inefficiencies in the supply chain, overproduction, or cosmetic imperfections. Meanwhile, countless individuals and families struggle to put meals on their tables.
The Solution: Food Rescue
Feed Me tackles this problem head-on. Every month, they save a jaw-dropping 80,000 kilograms of food from ending up in landfills. Imagine the impact: fresh produce, bakery items, and pantry staples that would have gone to waste are now redirected to those who need them most.
Feed Me recognizes that vulnerability isn’t weakness; it’s an opportunity for compassion. Families facing financial hardship, mental health challenges, or physical limitations can turn to Feed Me for assistance. Their food relief centres are open throughout the week, providing a lifeline to those who might otherwise go hungry.
For those unable to travel due to physical, financial, or mental health reasons, Feed Me offers delivery routes. It’s a simple yet powerful way to ensure that nourishment reaches every doorstep, regardless of circumstances.
Feed Me isn’t just about calories; it’s about community. The founders understood that the hospitality and cheffing industry can be grueling—both physically and mentally. Burnout is common, and the pressure to perform can take a toll. So, they designed a new approach—one that combines food rescue with genuine human connection.
Cafes, Food Drops, and Engagement
• Cafes: Feed Me operates a coffee and cake café in Ocean Grove. This space serve as hubs for community engagement, where conversations flow as freely as the coffee.
• Food Drops: Volunteers organize food drops, distributing rescued food directly to those in need. It’s a hands-on way to bridge the gap between surplus and scarcity.
• Engagement: By involving the community, Feed Me fosters a sense of purpose. People come together not just to eat but to connect, share stories, and uplift one another.
Donate and Volunteer
• Donations: Feed Me relies on donations from compassionate individuals. Even a small contribution—say, $5—can make a difference. Visit their website to donate securely.
• Volunteer: Whether it’s assisting with food drops, working in the sites, or helping with catering, volunteers play a vital role. If you’re interested, complete the volunteer form on their website.
In the words of Brené Brown, “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage.” Feed Me embodies this courage, turning vulnerability into action. So, let’s celebrate their work, spread the word, and continue building a world where no one goes hungry.
For more information, visit Feed Me’s website
Our children need encouragement and affirmation. It builds them up into positive, healthy individuals.
I have very fond memories as a spectator, of a Junior Football match where the team worked so well together because of the encouragement they were receiving, that they performed way beyond expectations. The encouragement that was being dished out that day was truly uplifting, and possibly ‘over the top’. The atmosphere was exhilarating and the result was an unexpected win. Both the team and the supporters worked together to create a euphoric atmosphere that spurred everyone on.
Most of you will have experienced something similar. It would be great if we could transfer the positivity of those occasions into regular life.
In the poem Children Learn What They Live by Dorothy Law Nolte, five lines stand out in relation to this topic:
If children live with encouragement they learn confidence
If children live with praise they learn appreciation
If children live with acceptance they learn love
If children live with approval they learn to like themselves
If children live with recognition they learn that it is good to have a goal
Ideally these messages need to be realities every day in one form or another. Finding opportunities to do this for our children can be hard. Sometimes it may be necessary to create situations, where our children can achieve success or engage in a positive experience.
If possible turn off the screens and do an activity that involves conversation, play a board/card game, or do something where you know your child will succeed and there will be an opportunity for that word of encouragement.
Keep up the good work everyone.
Kindest regards, Rob. LPS Chaplain. Robert.Hunter@education.vic.gov.au
The commi�ee of Geelong Art Show Inc. Welcomes you to the annual Geelong Art Show! Get ready to ‘immerse yourself in a celebra�on of crea�vity’ with over 200 stunning masterpieces on display.
This promises to be an unforge�able art show with awe-inspiring art that will leave you inspired and amazed. Whether you are an art enthusiast, a collector, or simply someone who appreciates beauty, this is an event you won't want to miss. As you stroll through the gallery, take your �me to admire each piece, le�ng the colours and textures transport you to new worlds.
Feel free to ask ques�ons and share your thoughts and there will be some ar�sts joining us throughout the weekend and would love to hear from you and also have your vote for the people's choice. The atmosphere will be buzzing with excitement, fostering a welcoming experience for all a�endees.
If you fall in love with a par�cular artwork, you will have the opportunity to purchase it, suppor�ng the local ar�s�c community.
All surplus funds each year go to an Australian charity. This year the charity we are suppor�ng is ‘Very Special Kids’ which supports terminally ill children and their families.
We look forward to seeing you there for two days of art, inspira�on, and apprecia�on.
Warm regards,
Deb Fribbins (Chair)
Geelong Art Show Inc.
Saturday 17th August 10am to 5 pm and Sunday 18th 10am to 4 pm
Geelong Art Show Inc.
Cars are increasingly being stolen by criminals using technology to exploit the keyless entry systems found in many modern vehicles. This method, often referred to as a “relay attack,” involves using electronic devices to amplify and relay the signal from a car’s key fob to unlock and start the vehicle. Here’s how the process generally works:
Two-Person Team: Typically, two thieves work together. One stands near the car with a device that can capture the signal from the key fob, and the other stands closer to the house or wherever the key fob is located with another device to relay the signal.
Signal Amplification: The device near the house picks up the key fob signal and amplifies it, sending it to the accomplice’s device near the car.
Unlocking and Starting the Car: The car receives the relayed signal and interprets it as if the key fob is nearby. This allows the thieves to unlock the car and start the engine, driving away without physically possessing the key.
This type of car theft has been reported in various regions, including the UK, but hasn’t yet become widespread in places like Victoria, Australia. However, the risk is still present as the technology becomes more common.
Here are several steps you can take to protect your car from being stolen via a relay attack:
Use a Faraday Pouch: Store your key fob in a Faraday pouch or bag. These pouches are lined with metallic material that blocks the signal, preventing thieves from intercepting it. Make sure you replace your Faraday pouch every 2-3 years as it does degrade with time.
Turn Off Keyless Feature: Some car manufacturers allow you to disable the keyless entry feature. Check your car’s manual or contact the manufacturer to see if this is an option.
Steering Wheel Lock: Use a physical steering wheel lock. This adds a layer of security, making it more difficult for thieves to drive away with your car even if they manage to unlock it. Consider one that comes with an alarm as well.
Park Securely: Whenever possible, park your car in a secure area like a locked garage or a gated facility. If you have to park on the street, choose a well-lit and busy area.
Key Fob Sleep Mode: Some key fobs have a sleep mode that prevents them from emitting a signal when not in use. Check your key fob’s manual to see if this feature is available and how to activate it.
Install an On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) port locking device: The best way to describe OBD is that it is the brain of the car. OBD ports allow car manufacturers, garages, and owners easy access to diagnostic information about their vehicles. Installing an OBD locking device is generally a simple process. However, if your car is still under warranty, it is advisable to consult with the manufacturer to ensure that adding the device will not impact your warranty coverage.
Regular Software Updates: Ensure your car’s software is up to date. Manufacturers often release updates to fix security vulnerabilities.
By taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of your car being stolen through technological means.
Find this information and more at https://nhw.com.au/cars-andvehicles/how-to-decrease-yourchances-of-getting-your-car-stolen/
6 - 7 APRIL & 5 - 6 OCTOBER
April event now on sale October event: Early May
Pop’ on down to Queenscliff and spend some time with Thomas, Henry, Douglas, those Troublesome Trucks and even Sir Topham Hatt! PLUS
Remember your camera as there will be photo opportunities galore!
Unlimited Troublesome Truck Rides with Thomas Meet and greet with Sir Topham Hatt
A 45-minute train trip along Swan Bay
Visit Henry’s Drivers Cab and blow his whistle
Dr Hubble’s roving bubble show
Find Percy’s Yard Fire Engine Rides Art Activities
Children’s Event Pack
Meli is seeking live-in youth mentors (Lead Tenant Volunteers) to provide a safe and supportive living environment for young people transitioning to independent living.
Lead Tenants are positive role models for young people aged 16-21 and foster the development of necessary life skills in the home. They work collaboratively with Meli staff to support the young person’s wellbeing. As part of this valuable experience, rent and utilities are fully subsidised.
What are the benefits of being a Lead Tenant?
• The opportunity to volunteer within the Community Services sector and make a positive impact on a young person
• Fully subsidised rent and utilities
• Access to support, information and training
• 24/7 on-call assistance
To find out more about becoming a Lead Tenant, visit meli.org.au or email:
In 1971 a couple of locals, Len Lewis and Kevin Ash had an idea for a bowls club in Leopold. The idea took hold, a committee formed and money raised. A location was needed that would have enough space for two bowling greens and a clubhouse. Finally this was located in Kensington Road, our current location and 5 acres purchased for $8500.
In May 1975 the club was officially opened as a family friendly sporting club by Brian Dixon, the then Minister for Youth, Sport and Recreation.
You can see the results for yourself on visiting our club.
There are so many people to thank over many years for their support, encouragement and voluntary help along with the the original crew that helped established the club.
Leopold Sporties, located in Leopold, Victoria, is a club based on sports. We offer Bowls, both social and Pennant, Golf, Racquet Ball and Squash.
FC Leopold was established in 2016 by Jared Larkins and Mitchell Vials. The club is based in Leopold, Victoria and played its first competitive games in 2017. In our first season we had over 100 registered players and expect those numbers to grow in 2018 and continue to grow into the future as the club continues to develop.
The club aims to provide a positive family friendly enviroment for our members to develop their skills off the field and to also become great people off the field.The club is run solely by volunteers and we are always looking to get members involved in helping the club grow and develop.
We are aiming to become a huge part of the Leopold community and look forward to growing the sport of football (soccer) in our beautiful town.
FC Leopold is a community club that fields senior mens teams, a senior womens team and multiple miniroos and junior teams in Geelong competitions.
FC Leopold are looking for enthusiastic members of the community who would like to contribute to the clubs ethos and family friendly feel - whether that is through being a committee member, volunteer, coach or player.
Like the page to keep up to date with the clubs progress as exciting things are happening with lights and a massive COGG funded pavilion project.
• Salary Packaging Services
• Founder of Find Geelong
Dan Nicholls is a director at The Salary Packaging People. Having spent over 20 years in leadership & management roles in financial services in the UK and Australia, Dan has brought his energy and expertise to the specialist field of salary packaging in his adopted home city of Geelong. Driven to help employers to recruit, reward and retain their employees through providing benefits that help individuals save thousands of dollars in tax on everyday expenses, entertainment and running their own cars.
The Salary Packaging People provide no fuss, person-to-person Salary Packaging and Novated services to business of any size from our Geelong head office. They’ve been doing it for over 31 years every employer to be able to offer salary packaging to their staff, which is why they make their products employee right through to large teams. And it doesn’t cost employers anything to do it. A zero cost
From healthcare and community organisations to private and public companies, they take care start to finish as their clients need – They can even take care of the back-end payroll.For this month’s business regardless of its structure, state, size and location with Pay-As-You-Go structure and operation.
For this month’s ideal client, it would be any business regardless of its structure, state, size and location Pay-As-You-Go structure and operation.
through expenses, meals
Novated Leasing administration years and they still love it! They want products and services available for even a single cost pay rise!
care of as much of the process from month’s ideal client, it would be any operation.
location with
“Perfect comfort and peaceful nights for you and your Little One with our Sleep Monitoring Ststem”
We at SmartSnugg we have developed a revolutionary baby monitoring system in the form of the world’s first intelligent baby monitoring sleeping bag. The SmartSnugg system is designed to monitors baby’s environmental sleeping temperatures and comfort levels to help parents avoid accidental overheating which is a risk factor of SUID (Sudden Unexpected Infant Death) The SmartSnugg monitoring system was partly developed by Deakin University in Waurn Ponds and has also received grant funding from the City of Greater Geelong. We are pleased to have recently launched our SmartSnugg monitoring system into Baby Bunting stores across Australia and are excited to be starting a new research project with Monash University hospital to help SmartSnugg identify a fever in a sleeping baby. I wanted to reach out to see if you maybe interested in connecting and perhaps covering SmartSnugg’s progress in your publication.
This study has received Deakin University ethics approvals (Reference No.: 2019-450)
Background: Our early life experiences help growth and development throughout our lives. Positive experiences with parents are important for children and aid parent confidence. We are interested in how play may assist this.
To play your part: and Can YOU:
Is your child aged between 1.5 years and 3 years?
Attend a 1.5 hour/week FREE ONLINE parent training play program over 4 consecutive weeks?
Complete interview sessions on your own at mutually agreed and convinient time in Geelong? Attend with your child as required to undertake activities at mutually agreed and convinient times in Geelong?
Access a smart phone/other device allowing you to provide photos/images or short video (under one minute) of playing with your child each week?
Register your details online by scanning this QR code or visiting https://redcap.link/z8ooy7js.
The research team will contact you with further information. Any queries: Email (achrysostom@deakin.edu.au) or call 0421 477 348.
Join Sally Higoe, Leadership & Team Specialist, where you’ll learn how to make your words count and create the results you’re after.
Date and Time
Tue, 13 Aug 2024
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM AEST
Location Wurriki Nyal Civic Precinct 137-149 Mercer Street Geelong, VIC 3220 Australia
Communication is the No. 1 skill we need to master in the workplace.
During this interactive training, we provide proven tools, tips, insights, and frameworks to take your communication to the next level.
The effects of communication breakdowns at work can be serious: poor productivity and disengaged staff affect your bottom line. Choosing the right words, and communicating with clarity, intent and impact, help elevate your conversations and in turn, improve all-around performance.
It could seem simple, but it requires skill and it’s good communication that separates a poor leader from an exceptional one.
If communication is measured by the response you receive, then knowing how to;
• shape and shift your message
• get buy-in and
• be heard ...
... can take your leadership, connection, and influence to the next level.
This is for you if you’re wanting to:
• understand others better
• build connection with your colleagues
• inspire sales
• reduce conflict
• be confident in approach and
• communicate what you actually want to (without offending, questioning yourself or mumbling through what you intended to say)
Being aware is so important as a leader and in a team. When a leader can tap into the mind of others and adjust their conversation to better suit the people that are around them, they get results.
• Afternoon tea will be served
• We will be starting on time so please arrive a few minutes early
Sally Higoe is your leadership and team specialist.
As an evidence-based coach, having globally led sophisticated teams for over two decades, Sally balances deep leadership experience with proven models for change.
She guides leaders under her firm belief that to perform for a team and organisation, a leader must first be able to perform for themselves...
They have to understand who they are, how they work, what they want and how they communicate.
Just like her many of her clients, Sally has led in high-end, pressure-filled environments and felt frustrated, drained, and under-appreciated whilst seeking a valued, aligned, energised approach to leadership. She knows that to reach the goal of leading a functional, harmonious, healthy workplace culture, you must be your best authentic self.
Sally’s work with your leaders - whether it’s working one-on-one, in small teams, or in workshops - is about diving deep into trust, resilience building, relationship development, and self-awareness.
Get in touch with Sally today to discuss her one-on-one coaching options, team facilitation packages, or workshops and keynotes.
$27.78 Get Tickets
David Hobson and Colin Lane have been friends for 25 years. From vastly different backgrounds, they have observed one another’s worlds and always thought, “Gee, wouldn’t it be nice to have a go at what that other guy does?” So here’s their chance to see whether the grass is a little greener.
Colin Lane, Comedian/Professional Show Off is best known as the Lano from Lano and Woodley. David Hobson, tenor and composer, is one of Australia’s bestknown award-winning Opera performers.
PERFORMANCES Sat, 17 Aug 202407:30pm
It’s a unique and hilarious experiment that promises to enthrall and entertain.
“In Tails” launched in 2016/17 with a selection of shows at the Adelaide Cabaret Festival, Festival of Voices, Albury Entertainment Centre, Spiegeltent Hobart and Capital Theatre Bendigo to a resounding applause.
Geelong Arts Centre is the authorised ticket seller for all events sold by Geelong Arts Centre across multiple locations. Tickets purchased from unauthorised re-sellers may be cancelled without notice and/or the holder may be refused admission to the Event. For more information about ticket safety visit geelongartscentre.org.au/safe-tickets-guide/
AGES 7-12 and their adults
Based on the book by Li Cunxin, illustrated by Anne Spudvilas. Adapted for the stage by Eva Di Cesare, Sandie Eldridge and Tim McGarry.
Monkey Baa is thrilled to announce the return of its awardwinning production The Peasant Prince in 2024.
The children’s version of Li Cunxin’s iconic autobiography, Mao’s Last Dancer, The Peasant Prince is the remarkable true story of a 10-year-old peasant boy’s journey from impoverished rural China to the international dance scene. This is a story of courage, resilience and unwavering hope.
“ The Peasant Prince is vital, exuberant, aspirational, and inspirational.”
David Hobson and Colin Lane have been friends for 25 years. From vastly different backgrounds, they have observed one another’s worlds and always thought, “Gee, wouldn’t it be nice to have a go at what that other guy does?” So here’s their chance to see whether the grass is a little greener.
PERFORMANCES Thu, 08 Aug 20240 6:00pm TICKET
Aussie music legends, Glenn Shorrock and Brian Cadd have reunited on stage, and are bringing their unmissable show to Geelong!
Our very own Two Amigos will be joined onstage by their 5-piece band to present an evening full of wonderful music, poignant memories and loads of laughs guaranteeing that this will be far more than your average stroll down memory lane.
Shorrock and Cadd will be performing hit after hit after hit including Little Ray of Sunshine, Reminiscing, Ginger Man, Arkansas Grass, Cool Change, Help is on its Way and Don’t You Know It’s Magic from their past supergroups - The Twilights, The Groop, Axiom, The Bootleg Family, and Little River Band.
Following its successful sold-out 50th Anniversary run in the UK & Europe, Tubular Bells in Concert is now heading to Geelong!
The Gold Anniversary of Mike Oldfield’s trailblazing magnum-opus will be performed by an expansive live group, featuring and arranged by Mike Oldfield’s long-term collaborator, Robin A Smith.
The concert will see Tubular Bells performed in full, along with further Oldfield compositions, including “Moonlight Shadow”, “To France”, “Family Man”, and excerpts from “Ommadawn”.
Tubular Bells was the debut studio album by English multi-instrumentalist, composer and songwriter Mike Oldfield conceived in 1971 and finally released in 1973. Oldfield, who was just 17 years old when he started composing the music, recorded and played almost all of the instruments on the album. It gained worldwide acclaim when the opening theme was used for the soundtrack of the horror film, The Exorcist, and the album
Take a journey over FIVE decades with GLENN SHORROCK and BRIAN CADD –The Two Amigos! and two of Australia’s most successful and internationally renowned music legends.
A show not to be missed! Be sure to grab tickets fast!
Sun, 11 Aug 2024 02:00pm
• Full Price -------------- $79
• Concession --------- $76
VENUE The Play House
50 Little Malop St
went on to become the highest selling instrumental album of all time.
Robin A Smith has worked with Mike Oldfield for over 25 years, collaborating Parade in London, The Millennium Bell in Berlin, and the 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony. Robin has also worked with diverse artists including Rod Stewart, Goldie, Andrea Bocelli, Enrique, The 2 Cellos, and Luciano Pavarotti.
Click here for more information
Fri, 16 Aug 2024 08:00pm
$109.90 - $79
By Sensorium Theatre
Sensorium Theatre - Australia’s only theatre company making work specifically designed for young audiences with disability and their friends – invites children to roll the dice and set out along a safe, exhilarating pathway into the unknown.
surprises. As boxes reveal boxes within boxes each child is given the opportunity to find a magical version of themselves. Inside the Wonderbox, micro moments of whole worlds in a matchbox lead into macro universes where EVERYONE, their face reflected in the stars of the Milky Way, is invited to be wonderful!
Due to the format of the show, only participating young people are required to purchase a ticket. Each young person may bring 1 carer free of charge.
PERFORMANCES Fri, 16 Aug 2024 08:00pm
Inside a giant puzzle-box of illusions, kooky-carnival friends with magic in their pockets lead audiences into an immersive multi-sensory wonderland of fantastical large-scale projections, strange tiny delights, and infectious live music. EVERY child’s curiosity is celebrated and rewarded with wondrous
The electrifying show RESPECT journeys through Aretha Franklin’s courageous life of love, tragedy and triumph, while showcasing her greatest hits over the last 50 years!
Starring Australia’s ‘Soul Mama’, Angie Narayan, RESPECT is a masterful piece of storytelling about family, loyalty and victory, layered with glorious harmonies and sassy repartee.
ACT ONE begins with a bang in the 1960s, taking you back in time where Aretha’s
career all began. Introduced to Aretha’s family, you explore her childhood, the church, meeting her Manager/ Husband, the Civil Rights Movement, her biggest musical crush!
ACT TWO starts off in the 70s, which was a rather turbulent decade with bombed albums, failed relationships and family tragedy. Moving into the 80s, ‘Sisters are Doin it for Themselves’, ‘Freeway of Love’, ‘Everyday People’ are just some of the hits guaranteed to have you up dancing out of your seat!
PERFORMANCES Sun, 18 Aug 2024 03:00pm
Following sold out performances of The Billy Joel Story and The Troubadours, the Music Legends team are back with their most ambitious show yet: The Paul McCartney Story!
Undoubtedly the most successful and influential songwriter of all time, Paul McCartney’s music and stories are an essential part of our lives. The story of Paul McCartney’s life and musical career will
be created live on stage through videos, and all the songs you know and love.
Come and celebrate his amazing journey with us, from his humble beginnings in Liverpool, through world conquering adventures with The Beatles, to recreating himself anew in his amazing solo career. This will be an incredibly joyful event, and one not to be missed.
Lady Sings The Blues is back with Volume 2 to embark on more stories of women who have shaped the history of music.
A story about women in song, their hurts, struggles and pain whilst their beauty remains the same. You will be transported from the speakeasy setting to the very heart of our Lady. Prinnie Stevens. The show combines Prinnie’s Musical Theatre, Pop, Soul & Gospel experience to create a diverse show like no other.
Volume 2 will Feature the greats: Billie Holiday, Mahalia Jackson, Nina Simone, Diana Ross, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Tina Turner & more.
Fri, 23 Aug 2024 07:30pm TICKET PRICES
PERFORMANCES Fri, 23 Aug 2024 07:30pm
With “Seventh Wonder,” fans can expect an authentic and exhilarating tribute to one of the most legendary bands in rock history.
The show will showcase the full “Rumours” album, featuring timeless classics such as “Go Your Own Way,” “Dreams,” and “Don’t Stop.” Additionally, Bloom will enchant audiences with Fleetwood Mac’s greatest hits, including “Little Lies,” “Gypsy,” and “Say You Love Me,” among many others.
Fleetwood Mac, a British-American rock band formed in 1967, has left an indelible mark on the music industry, selling over 100 million records worldwide. Their masterpiece album, “Rumours,” released
in 1977, became one of the best-selling albums of all time, with more than 45 million copies sold to date. The album’s emotional depth and timeless melodies have resonated with fans for generations, making it a staple of music collections worldwide.
Bloom’s dedication to honouring the legacy of Fleetwood Mac through her captivating performances has made her an esteemed figure in the music industry. With her exquisite vocal talent and deep
appreciation for the band’s iconic sound, Bloom’s rendition of the “Rumours” album and greatest hits promises to be a night to remember.
Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the magic as Bloom brings Fleetwood Mac’s iconic music to life.
Sat, 24 Aug 2024 08:00pm
In a city where jazz rules the night and fame is the ultimate currency, CHICAGO tells a tantalizing tale of passion, murder, greed, betrayal, and redemption through the journey of two fiercely competitive women – aspiring jazz performer, Roxie Hart and former vaudeville / doublemurderess, Velma Kelly.
“Murder, greed, corruption, exploitation, adultery and treachery…all those things we hold near and dear to our hearts” So begins the international multi-awardwinning musical, CHICAGO. Set amidst the razzle-dazzle decadence of the 1920s,
CHICAGO is the story of Roxie Hart, a housewife and nightclub dancer who murders her lover after he threatens to walk out on her. Desperate to avoid conviction, she dupes the public, the media and her rival cellmate, Velma Kelly, by hiring Chicago’s slickest criminal lawyer to transform her crime into a barrage of sensational headlines, the likes of which might just as easily be ripped from today’s tabloids.
Created by the musical theatre talents of John Kander, Fred Ebb and legendary choreographer Bob Fosse, CHICAGO’s
vivacious, sassy score with one showstopping song after another includes “Razzle Dazzle” and “All That Jazz”. With 6 Tony Awards, 2 Olivier Awards, a Grammy® and thousands of standing ovations, CHICAGO “remains a phenomenon”.
It would be criminal to miss it… tickets are on sale now!
Thu, 29 Aug 2024 07:00pm Fri, 30 Aug 2024 07:00pm Sat, 31 Aug 2024 02:00pm Sat, 31 Aug 2024 07:00pm
Single ------------------------------------------------ $35 Family (2Ad-2Ch or1 Ad - 3Ch) ------ $30
Following sold-out shows and rave reviews on London’s West End, at Sydney Opera House and around the world, Australia’s hottest tap dance sensation, The Tap Pack is coming to Geelong!
Picking up where The Rat Pack left off, The Tap Pack conjures up a modern twist to the crooners and artists from the ‘50s through to the noughties! Featuring songs from Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr to Ed Sheeran, Michael Bublé and Beyoncé.
Join Geelong Canoe Club for a relaxing paddle and explore the Barwon River in Geelong. Part of the Club’s new River Ramble series, these events are relaxed, social paddles open to adults (minimum age 18 years) of all paddling abilities.
The Tap Pack mix slick humour, highenergy entertainment, and world-class tap dance. A show of pure entertainment inspired by the legendary kings of swing, the Rat Pack, freshly created for the audience today. Cool classics with a fresh new twist. All your favourites including “The Lady Is a Tramp”, “Come Fly with Me”, “One For My Baby”, “Me And My Shadow” and much more.
They sing. They dance. They joke. They bring a new, invigorating energy to a timeless style!
The Tap Pack is a family friendly, all-ages production
Thu, 29 Aug 2024 07:30pm
River Rambles are paddles designed for social and community connection, where participants can get out on the water in a friendly, social and safe manner. Led by Paddle Australia qualified guides, participants will learn about the native wildlife, ecology, Indigenous perspectives and history, and the impact of introduced species along the river as they paddle.
All paddling equipment (boat, paddle, life vest) and insurance is provided. While participants do not require previous experience paddling, they need to be able to swim short distances in the unlikely event they end up in the water.
Registration is essential. Register Here
When: 25 August 2024, 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM Where Geelong Canoe Club
Contact: Maree Abate
Email: eventsandbookings@ geelongcanoeclub.org.au
The 2024 Ceres Life Catwalk4Cancer will be hosted by much-loved television presenter, radio host and social media personality, Jacqui Felgate.
Presented by the Barwon Health Foundation, the charity event is set to be held on Saturday 17 August at the Geelong Arts Centre.
The event promises to be an evening filled of fashion, fun and fundraising - that meets the runway
All funds raised will directly support oncology care and treatment and cancer services at Barwon Health.
Now in its 14th year, the event has raised more than $450,000 for the care and treatment of cancer patients in the Geelong region.
17 August 2024, 06:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Join us for an unforgettable afternoon at the Parkinson’s Disease Fundraising Gala Luncheon in support of the Shake It Up Foundation. This event promises an inspiring and entertaining experience for all.
Hear from special guest speakers including Shake It Up CEO, Vicki Miller, Former Minister of Sport, Tourism and Major Events, the Honourable John Eren, plus a special video interview from one of Australia’s most successful female athletes, and Parkinson disease advocates Ellyse Perry.
Talented local singer-songwriter Camryn Fitzgerald will also take the stage to support the event.
There will be exciting raffles and silent auction items, offering a chance to secure some incredible prizes while supporting a great cause.
Tickets include a two course meal and drink on arrival to the luncheon.
Celebrate the strides being made in Parkinson’s research while enjoying a delicious meal and the company of like-minded individuals passionate about making a difference.
Your presence at this special luncheon will help raise critical funds for the Shake It Up Foundation’s efforts in accelerating research and finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease. Let’s come together to shake up the future for those affected by Parkinson’s!
Mark your calendar and secure your tickets for this meaningful event today! Tickets
Email: sean@aflbarwon.com.au
Phone: +61 438 391 832
Website: www.intix.com/event/parkinsons-fundraising-galaluncheon Contact Sean Atkinson
Unleash your superpowers in the EESystem! This is a 1 hour session for kids and parents, offering the perfect opportunity for the whole family to take time-out together.
Our Light & Sound Play sessions are free-flowing, with lights on for kids to move about, play games, read, chat, bring a toy, or rest.
$75 per adult, including kids
Don’t forget the Scalar-enhanced mini medallions for kids! Available online and in person.
Mondays and Thursdays at 4:30 PM and Saturdays at 1:00PM throughout August.
Reduce the effects of stress, bullying, anxiety, depression, learning difficulties, developmental delays and more…
04 August 2024, 10:00 AM - 02:30 PM
Email: geelong@omniwellness.com.au
Kids Art Classes ( ages 6-12 years) Term 3, 2024
Kids Art Room is a children’s art studio based in Geelong, offering artist led art classes for kids and teens who have an interest in art and the creative process.
10 August 2024, 06:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Kids Art Room is owned by Geelong artist and illustrator Katrina Fisher who teaches a variety of art classes for children and teens. Students learn to express their creativity and imagination in a nurturing and supportive environment.
The studio is located at 6 Breakwater Rd, Thomson (East Geelong). Please contact Katrina for more details or visit the website.
Every Monday,Wednesday,Friday of every week from 15 July 2024 to 06 September 2024
Contact: Katrina Fisher
Email: katrina@kidsartroomgeelong.com.au
Phone: 0409236164
Associated organisation: Kids Art Room - Katrina Fisher
Website: https://www. kidsartroomgeelong.com.au/ Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/ kidsartroomgeelong https://www.instagram.com/ kidsartroomgeelong/
Scotchmans Hill invites you to pause, sip, and savour as we host a complete sensory journey for one night only at the Cellar Door. This exclusive event celebrates Scotchmans Hill’s award-winning Shiraz with an exceptional sharing menu crafted by Executive Chef Hamish Hames.
Tantalise the senses as you enjoy the sight of picturesque vineyards, the aroma of aged oak barrels, and the taste of exquisite wines paired with a decadent banquet.
Winemakers Marcus Holt and Peter Armstrong will share their processes and passions, offering the chance to taste six of our finest vintages as you feast on a multi-course menu.
This is truly a feast for the senses. BOOK ONLINE
Email: bookings@scotchmans.com.au Phone: 5251 4431
Associated organisation: Scotchmans Hill Winery
Slate Pool Lounge is set to host an exciting Pool extravaganza as 40 teams from across regional Victoria converge on Geelong. Teams from Geelong, The Surfcoast, Ballarat, Bendigo, Warrnambool, Albury, Portland and many more, will compete over 3 days.
Spectators free!
This event is supported by a Community Events Grant from the City of Greater Geelong.
Daily from 02 August 2024 to 04 August 2024
Slate Pool Lounge
Wadawurrung Country, 50 Little Ryrie St Geelong
Grab your dancing queens, and honey honey’s because Dancing Queen is landing in Ocean Grove! Join us for an evening of dancing, singing, dining and jiving whilst being served a delicious 2-course dinner.
An interactive night serenaded by performers who’ll leave you begging for a man after midnight! The theatrical dining experience costs $99per person and includes a performance, a two-course dinner, complimentary bubbly on arrival and a disco that will have you sending out an S.O.S for more appropriate dancing shoes!
So take a chance on us and book now to secure your ticket!
When 24 August 2024, 06:00 PM - 09:30 PM
Where Manor Suite Wine Bar at Oakdene
Wadawurrung Country, 255 Grubb Road, Wallington
Contact Daniella D’Amore
Email: weddings@mcrestgroup.com
Phone: 03 5255 1255
Associated organisation: Chichester Restaurants
Website: https://www.manorsuitewinebar.com.au/
Follow us:
In partnership with the City of Greater Geelong, the MAV is delivering an information session for the community and prospective candidates. The session can be attended either inperson or online.
The session includes information about:
• Local government and the important role councils play for our local communities
• The role and responsibility of a Councillor, Mayor, Deputy Mayor and CEO
• The election process and candidate requirements
• What newly elected councillors can expect soon after the elections
• Councillor training and development opportunities
When 28 August 2024, 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
Where City Hall
Wadawurrung Country, 30 Gheringhap Street, Geelong VIC 3220
Associated organisation: MAV
Website: https://mavevents.cventevents.com/event/ SFCInformationSessions/summary
Could you be a foster carer and change a child’s life?
We urgently need more foster carers - nurturing people willing and able to provide stable, loving homes for children unable to live safely with their families.
We welcome carers of any gender, sexuality and culture. You can be single or partnered, working or retired, with or without children of your own. To become a foster carer, your ability to care for and nurture a child is what matters.
We provide full training, 24/7 support and financial assistance to help cover the cost of providing care.
If you’re interested in sharing your home, heart and time with a child or young person in need, please join our free live webinar to learn what’s involved in becoming a foster carer and whether it’s the right fit for you.
We will cover the different types of care, the application and assessment process, the roles and responsibilities of being a foster carer and the support you will receive from Life Without Barriers. Our experienced team will talk you through the process and answer any questions you have - no matter how big or small!
Where Online Event
Wadawurrung Country, Online - ZOOM meeting - https:// www.eventbrite.com.au/cc/vic-foster-care-informationsessions-204609
Life Without Barriers
Email: viccarers@lwb.org.au
Phone: (03) 93132418
Associated organisation: Life Without Barriers Website: https://www.lwb.org.au/foster-care/ Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/LWBAustralia/ https://www.instagram.com/lwbAustralia/
Tuning in to Kids is a 6-week supportive program for parents of children aged four to 10 years.
The program aims to:
• Help parents teach and support their child/children to understand and manage their emotions
• Support parents in encouraging children to express emotions appropriately
• Maximise children’s social, behavioural and learning outcomes
Register Online
Every Wednesday of every week from 07 August 2024 to 11 September 2024
Regional Parenting Service
Email: rps@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
Phone: 03 5272 4741
The program builds on maintaining positive relationships and interactions between parents and adolescents during the ages of 10 to 17 years.
This six-week program will look at having a better understanding and being able to support your adolescent.
• Finding meaningful ways to stay connected with you adolescent.
• Understand that all behaviour and interaction have a meaning attached to it.
• Develop an increased understanding about the messages that they communicate to their adolescent through their behaviour, actions and attitudes.
• Develop skills to identify and manage their stress associated with parenting.
Every Monday of every week from 05 August 2024 to 09 September 2024, 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Email: rps@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
Phone: 03 5272 4741
Vietnam Veterans Day remembers all those men and women who served in the Vietnam War.
The Vietnam Veterans Association, Geelong and District Sub-Branch will gather and march from Geelong North Football Netball Club, Swinburne Street, North Geelong on Sunday 18 August 2024 from 10:45am12:30.
The veterans will march along Swinburne Street pedestrian pathway towards Melbourne Road concluding at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at approximately 11.00am.
A service remembering those that served in the Vietnam War will take place at the Vietnam Memorial at 11.00am. Everyone is welcome to join the service and pay their respects to those that served and those that didn’t return. Email: gdvvaa@gmail.com Phone: 03 5243 3700 Website: https://geelongvietnamvets.com
At the age of 21 Phil Hulands was diagnosed with Behcet’s Disease and at first had minimal symptoms and it disappeared after 3 or 4 months.
At 26 Phil’s condition reappeared and took away the use of his right leg and caused multiple blood clots that travelled to his lungs. Phil was told he would never walk again, even though he was the only person in Australia with this condition and there is no local expertise. This news was devastating to Phil’s mental health and general outlook on life.
In 2024, 12 years after his illness reappeared Phil started working with his new Coach, James Jelley at Complete Health Geelong and over a period of 3 or 4 weeks regained the ability to walk short distances unaided as well as perform a number of new exercises whilst standing.
We are looking for support for Phil to travel overseas and receive stem cell treatment to his legs to help reverse the 12 years of wasting to his muscles, tendons, ligaments and nervous system.
Phil has lost 12 years of his life to this illness and now as a husband and father to two young boys is determined to fight back.
Bringing Up Great Kids is a 6-week program for parents of children aged between 12 months and nine years.
The program aims to:
• develop parents’ skills to enhance communication with their children
• promote positive interactions between parents and their child/ren
• encourage the development of a child’s positive self-identity.
Every Thursday of every week from 01 August 2024 to 05 September 2024, 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Chilwell Primary School
Wadawurrung Country, 313A Pakington Street, Newtown
Contact Regional Parenting Service
Email: rps@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
Phone: 03 5272 4741
Join us for National Science Week at Sparrovale Wetlands, a collaborative effort with Geelong City Council to restore and protect this vital ecosystem connected to Lake Connewarre, an internationally significant RAMSAR site.
Open to all, our event celebrates National Science Week by engaging in a bio-blitz activity to log the unique biodiversity of this site! Paired with a cleanup activity and data collection for CSIRO research. Together, we’ll strengthen climate resilience at our wetland sites, contributing to a healthier planet for all.
** Key Highlights **
Weeding invasive species and logging vegetation. Litter and data collection for CSIRO research. Collaboration and team bonding with like-minded community members. Free lunch included.
Mark your calendar and be part of this impactful environmental initiative.
Register now to secure your spot and join us in making a difference.
When: 07 August 2024, 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Contact: Leah Edwards
Email: ledwards@cva.org.au
Phone: +61 429 103 510
Associated organisation: Conservation Volunteers Australia
Website: https://volunteerportal. conservationvolunteers.com.au/s/makebooking?id=a0rJ4000002GRVeIAO
Follow us: www.facebook.com/groups/cvmelbourne/
Local families are invited to our FREE Science Week Event exploring the native flora and fauna in the Geelong Region.
This free event will include lots of hands-on activities suitable for kids from 0 to 8 years old, including sensory play and native plant potting to take home.
Please note parental supervision is required at all times. The event is funded thanks to a grant from Inspiring Australia Victoria and Royal Society
When 10 August 2024, 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Email: Info@grovedaletoylibrary.org.au
Associated organisation: Grovedale Toy Library
Website: www.grovedaletoylibrary.org.au
Follow us: www.instagram.com/grovedale_toy_library www.facebook.com/grovedaletoylibrary
21 August 2024
05:30 pm - 08:30 pm
For the first time ever, the Coonawarra Wine Tasting Roadshow is coming to Geelong!
Taste the best of Coonawarra with producers coming direct from SA, for one evening at the Novotel Geelong Waterfront.
Join us for an eye-opening session led by Kelly Brough, Data and AI Lead for Accenture, as we explore the transformative power of AI in the workplace.
This is your chance to discover how AI is reshaping roles, boosting productivity, and redefining organisational structures.
Kelly will cover:
The Imperative of AI Adoption: Understand why integrating AI is no longer optional and the risks involved in ignoring it.
Boosting Workplace Productivity: Learn how AI is enhancing efficiency and output across various sectors.
Redefining Organisational Structures: See how AI is altering the face of companies and their hierarchies.
Impact on Disciplines and Specialties: Find out which fields are being revolutionised by AI right now.
AI Integration in Current Roles: Discover how AI is being seamlessly incorporated into existing roles.
Future-Proofing with AI: Gain insights on how savvy managers can leverage AI to stay ahead.
Consequences of Ignoring AI: Understand the potential setbacks for companies that fail to embrace AI.
This session will challenge and expand your perspective as a HR professional, manager and employer.
You’ll leave equipped with knowledge on how to effectively integrate AI into your operations and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving technological landscape.
Featuring: Banks Thargo Wines | Bellwether Wines | Brand’s Laira Coonawarra | DiGiorgio Family Wines | Hollick Estate | Katnook Estate | Leconfield Coonawarra | Majella Wines | Parker Estate | Patrick of Coonawarra | Raidis Estate | Redman Wines | Whistle Post Estate | Wynns Coonawarra | Zema Estate
TICKETS $75pp (+ Booking fee)
* Admission to the event
* Souvenir Plumm wine glass (valued at $29.95),
* 3 hours of wine tastings
* Meet the Makers
* Complimentary Food Offering
Book here
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get on the superhighway of AI-driven transformation.
Secure your spot today!
This event forms part of the Geelong Small Business Festival.
When 14 August 2024, 09:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Contact: Maree Herath
Email: info@harvesthr.com.au
Phone: +61 438 517 085
Associated organisation: Harvest Talent Recruitment & People Solutions
Website: http://www.harvesthr.com.au
Follow us:
https://www.instagram.com/harvesthr https://www.linkedin.com company/2254300
A spooky, silly and heartwarming one act musical - fun for all the family!
This play is a short story written by members of the Bellarine Jongleurs; Jesse & Alisa.
“Young farm girl Maxine decides to try to bring her deceased family back to life, but instead resurrects all of her local graveyard!
Death sends her apprentice to swoop in and put things right, and with the help of the town’s teen ghost gang ‘the misfits’, they set out to break the spell.”
Exploring themes of love, loss and laughter in a light-hearted way, ‘Death’s Apprentice’ may be best enjoyed by children aged 10 and up, or at the family/ guardians discretion.
or call our friendly box office staff to book over the phone with credit card.
31 August 2024
Upcoming dates
31 August 2024, 07:00 PM - 07:45 PM
31 August 2024, 01:00 PM - 01:45 PM
Contact Lisa Harvey
Email: potatoshed@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
Phone: 52724907
Associated organisation: Bellarine Jongleurs
We are thrilled to present Requiem by Karl Jenkins in its original version with full orchestral accompaniment. Over the centuries many composers have composed Requiems (think Victoria, Mozart, Verdi to name three) but Jenkins, in his usual fashion, creates a completely distinctive, contemporary composition.
In this deeply moving work, he combines the traditional Latin movements of the Mass for the Dead with five Japanese haiku: in this case, poems concerned with nature and the water cycle, which the Japanese view as being synonymous with life. In this journey of life and death, Jenkins utilises a wide palette of orchestral colours and rhythms (including hiphop) whilst referencing other settings of the Requiem by Fauré, Duruflé and Lloyd-Webber. Book here
18 August 2024, 02:30 PM - 12:00 PM
Wesley Uniting Church Wadawurrung Country, 100 Yarra Street Geelong
Join us on 3 separate dates at Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre and let your children’s curiosity and wonder run free as they create their own potions.
The first lot of sessions are fully booked but book in for our next sessions on the 20th of August, 21st of August and 23rd of August.
Each session goes for 1 hour and is just $5! Parents/ Guardians are to stay and watch the kid engage in this fun experience. Recommended for 3 years plus.
Book here
20 August 2024 to 20 August 2024
Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre
Wadawurrung Country, Cnr Colac & Pioneer Rd Waurn Ponds VIC 3216 Australia
Immerse yourself in the soothing light, sound and vibrations at our upcoming Sound Bath event. Join us for a two-hour journey in which you will be guided through a gentle meditation and then bathed in the healing vibrations of the crystal bowls, all whilst being immersed in the powerfully transformative Energy Enhancement System.
Allow stress and tension to melt away as you experience this calming session that will leave you feeling inspired, refreshed and revitalised. Book your spot now and treat yourself to a blissful evening! Book here
When 29 August 2024, 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Where Omni Wellness
If you have ever wondered what makes Shiraz Australia’s most popular red wine or how Shiraz is produced differently from Pinot Noir, perhaps you are curious to see a perfectly cellared example plucked from the Provenance Wine museum reserves.
This wine masterclass is the best way to treat yourself or that lucky someone with incredible insights into the Shiraz grape. After the entertaining session, put your new-found knowledge into practice with a lavish lunch menu curated specifically for Shiraz lovers.
Daily from 03 August 2024 to 04 August 2024
At a pivotal moment in the game, the ball could not have been in better hands when Lawson Humphries found space inside 50 and got on the receiving end of an Ollie Dempsey handball.
Despite being just six games into his AFL career, Humphries showed poise and class as he calmly rolled onto his right boot and curled home an important goal to reclaim the lead for Geelong.
It proved to be a crucial moment for the Cats, with Jeremy Cameron booting one more major moments later as they held on for a five point win over the Crows.
Humphries provided insight to the first goal of his AFL career, when he spoke to Cats Media following the game.
“It was pretty special,” Humphries said.
“I was trying to get into space, Ollie Dempsey tried to draw a player which he does so well.
“He put me into space which was nice, I put it on the boot and had a good look.
The start of Humphries AFL journey has been nothing short of extraordinary, winning an AFL Rising Star nomination in his third game at the top level.
Saturday night was an important win for the Cats in the context of their season, staying within striking distance of the top four with just three games remaining.
Humphries said that with the competition so tight this season, the Cats can not afford to take any game lightly.
“With the ladder being so tight, you just need to keep knocking those wins off,” Humphries said.
“It was an epic win, we just need to keep getting back to our game plan.
“We probably went away from it a little bit, but Adelaide were really good and full credit to them and they kept coming at us.
“We just need to be ready for that because we are going to play a lot of dangerous teams, so I think later in the year it will be even hotter and we have to be ready for it.
“We need to be ready to play our game for four quarters.”
Mitch Knevitt responded strongly in his return to the VFL on the weekend, putting together a dominant performance to help lead Geelong to another win.
Collecting 27 disposals against North Melbourne, Knevitt has gathered 20 disposals or more in nine of his last eleven VFL games.
The 21 year old showed his versatility on the weekend spending time as an inside midfielder, winning seven clearances and laying nine tackles in a dominant display.
Knevitt said he is working on strengthening his abilities as an inside midfielder, while still spending quality time on the wing to develop his craft.
“I am trying to work on being able to play both on the wing and as an inside midfielder,” Knevitt said to Cats Media.
“Playing inside in the VFL helps my craft a lot, then at times playing out on the wing because that’s more my position at AFL level.
“I am just working on those things, trying to be around the footy more.”
Knevitt also pushed forward and booted two goals against the Kangaroos, helping the Cats to secure second place on the VFL ladder with a 21 point win.
With just two games left in their home and away season, Geelong cannot finish lower than eighth position meaning they have secured a spot in the postseason.
Knevitt said the team is looking to work on their consistency as they head towards September action.
“We are working on our lapses, the last couple of weeks we have started well and then dropped away at times,” Knevitt said.
“We started quite well against North Melbourne just before the rain hit, then we probably didn’t play to the conditions in the second quarter and let them back in.
What’s Driving Ollie Dempsey in 2024? Driven Ep 3
Take an in depth look at Ollie Dempsey’s motivations during a typical training week.
Proudly Presented by Ford Australia.
“We got back into gear in the second half, we used the conditions to our advantage and got the footy forward.
“We are trying to stay consistent for four quarters, if we play to our strengths we have a fair bit of talent and it will hold us in good stead this year.”
The VFL Cats will enjoy a bye this weekend, before returning home next Saturday to take on Carlton at GMHBA Stadium.
Claudia Gunjaca has shared how a special moment with Tom Hawkins led to her wearing the number 26 at Geelong
Tom Hawkins has built an incredible legacy in the number 26 guernsey, and his influence has extended to the AFLW with Claudia Gunjaca wearing the number in honour of one of her childhood heroes.
Hawkins is into his 18th season with the Cats, breaking the club games record this year while moving into 13th place on the all-time goal kicking.
The storied career of the big forward includes three premierships, a Coleman Medal, five All-Australian selections and a Carji Greeves Medal.
Gunjaca joined the Cats AFLW program in 2022, quickly developing into one of the competition’s best one on one defenders.
On the launch episode of Yeah the Girls Season 2, Gunjaca told the story of how Hawkins inspired her to wear the number 26.
“Back in grade three, Tom Hawkins came to my school at Kardinia College,” Gunjaca said.
“He was drafted that year, my dad was telling me all about his dad, Jumping Jack Hawkins the night before so I was so hyped up and ready for Tom Hawkins to come to my school the next day.
“He came along, we had a goal kicking competition and it came down to me and one other boy out of all the grade three students.
“Tom put him off on his last kick and helped me win, so since then Tom Hawkins had been one of my favourite players.
“When the opportunity came to take the number 26 at Geelong I thought I would.
“It is a memory I will never forget, that shows the impact that you have on everyone’s lives that really love and enjoy watching you play.”
The crew are back for another season and joined by new co-host Claudia Gunjaca, had live season launch at the Round 19 Geelong VS Bulldogs game! Special guests Tom Hawkins and Meg McDonald joined!
Gunjaca is joining Becky Webster and Georgie Rankin as co-host of the Cats AFLW Podcast, ‘Yeah the Girls’ for their second season in 2024.
Hawkins joined the podcast as a special guest on Saturday night, sharing his own experiences as a junior footballer and his early memories of the Geelong Football Club.
“I remember as kid I was a Geelong supporter growing up, I came to a young members day in the early 2000’s here,” Hawkins said.
“Steven King made a big impression on me just randomly when he was captain, then subsequently played with him a few years later and now he is one of my coaches.
“It is incredible when we are in a position we are in, playing professional sport that it is a really important part of what we do, having conversations and experiences like that.
“I never forget the experiences that I had with Geelong people.”
Be One in Hoops for the 2024 NAB AFLW Season and sign up to become an AFLW member for just $75. Head to membership.geelongcats.com.au
Geelong United Basketball (GUB) this week held it’s annual Big V Youth League & NBL1 Presentation Night at the Geelong Arena, celebrating our high level teams.
A fantastic crowd of players, family, friends and corporate partners were in attendance to see our players be rewarded for their amazing efforts this season.
Congratulations to all our award winners, and our teams for their fantastic efforts this season.
Check out the full gallery from the evening here
Come along to our coached Sunday morning squad. Bring a drink bottle, swim goggles, fins, and a pull buoy to each session. While not compulsory, swim snorkel and paddles are recommended. Sessions suit a variety of ability levels and cover general fitness, stroke correction, and open water and pool competition preparation.
Saturday 1 June 2024 - Saturday 26 October 2024 (UTC+10)
Kardinia Aquatic Centre
25 Park crescent , South Geelong VIC 3220
Cost: $6.00
We’re thrilled to extend an invitation to you for the St. Therese & Ghanda Annual Father’s Day Golf Classic on Friday, August 30th (AFL bye weekend). Your sponsorship of $400 for hole advertising will undoubtedly have a significant impact on our school, and we wholeheartedly appreciate your generous contribution. Additionally, we have included team entry, $900, to ensure your active participation in the day’s events. Please select one of the two options provided.
Sunday 28 April 2024 10:33 AM - Friday 23 August 2024 12:00 AM (UTC+10) THE SANDS TORQUAY
Sands Boulevard, Torquay vic 3228
Cost: $400.00 - $2500.00
This month, Westfield centres around Australia will become the official live sites for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, streaming key events and matches direct from Paris.
Catch all the action and enjoy Olympic-themed events, live music and more at Westfield Geelong!
Live Sites
When: Friday 26 July - Sunday 11 Aug
Where: Centre Court, on the ground floor near Myer Time: Centre trading hours
Concierge Desk - Geelong
25 Jul - 9 Sep
To celebrate our official partnership with the 2024 Australian & New Zealand Olympic and Paralympic Teams, Westfield is giving 7 lucky members the chance to win $10,000. From 25th July to 9th September, enter daily for your chance to win 1 of 7 $10,000 prizes, exclusive to Westfield members.
Experience that winning feeling! Enter daily via the Westfield app from 25th July to 9th September to increase your chances to win.
Welcome to Market Square Shopping Centre – your premier destination for a delightful autumn shopping experience, nestled in the heart of the Geelong CBD!
Enjoy stress-free shopping with ample parking facilities conveniently located via Yarra St.
For more information on the LED glow stick product recall, head to: Market Square Geelong — Promotional LED glow stick torch | Product Safety Australia
The Geelong Waterfront is one of Australia’s most stunning waterfronts. Having started from humble beginnings when Geelong was founded as a port in 1836, the Waterfront has now attracted a series of prestigious awards.
This cosmopolitan and vibrant area is a hive of activity with restaurants and cafes, beautiful landscaped gardens, attractions and public art, all with amazing views of Corio Bay. It also provides a full events calendar, tourism, education and accommodation services:
Our historic Carousel, Poppy Kettle playground and youth activities area is great for kids of all ages. See Geelong’s famous bollards.
There are plenty of possibilities to explore and view the Waterfront: take a ride on a Harley Davidson motorcycle, ride the trackless train if you prefer a more leisurely look around, check out the view from the air in a helicopter or take a boat cruise along Geelong’s spectacular Waterfront.
A visit to Geelong is not complete if you haven’t seen our spectacular waterfront
Situated on the Geelong waterfront, this park is jam-packed with awesome play elements, has beautiful sea views, has picnic facilities, and is a short walk away from cafes and other Geelong attractions. It makes for a beautiful day out for all ages, and is certainly a must-do in summer.
The interactive play equipment include a multi-coloured tubular slide that winds down the hill, a dragon emerging from the ground, a timber tower, swing, boat (atop the sand pit), bouncers, and a unique pyramid climbing net.
The playground is also well known for the interactive Poppy Kettle water fountains and miniature statues, situated amongst a rock area, which seem to be the main attraction for little ones. In fact, this feature was inspired by a children’s book written by local author, Robert Ingpen, and gives the park a magical quality. During the summer months the slide area has additional water play features.
A trip to this playground can be combined with a walk or bike ride along Geelong’s famous Bollard walk or a visit to The Carousel. Geelong’s Youth Activity Precinct is located a stones’ throw away from the playground, and features basketball ring, seating areas, open multipurpose area, and skate ramps.
This is the one of the most perfectly positioned playgrounds for so many reasons.
Skate parks in Geelong have a variety of facilities available for skate boarders, bladers and BMX bike riders including quarter pipes, handrails, funboxes, vert ramps, pyramids, banked ramps, and stairsets.
We strongly advise the wearing of helmets and padding when using our Skate Parks, and enforce compulsory wearing of helmets at all skate events.
Looking to get into skating or want to know more about skating in Geelong?
Young people interested in joining in activities can call the Skate Program Worker on 03 5272 5272.
We have more skate parks per capital than any other municipality in Australia.
The Pier Geelong offers uninterrupted bay views stretching from Rippleside to Point Wilson and the Geelong city skyline. It provides a large impressive area catering for small events to up to 800 guests seated or 1000 guests’ cocktail style.
The venue also housed City Quarter Bar a trendy lounge bar on Level 1. With loft ceilings, three decks, comfortable lounges, fireplace, gourmet pizzas and world inspired tapas, CQ is perfect for hosting engagements, birthday parties, hen’s high teas or pre or post event drinks.
Also housed within this iconic building is Wah Wah Gee, a funky Asian-inspired restaurant, offering an extensive menu leaving you feeling satisfied and content in an exciting atmosphere. Enjoy our delicious cuisine with floor to ceiling views of Geelong’s bay - you’ll feel like you’re floating on water.
Geelong’s iconic waterfront function venue is perfect for every occasion. Experience the most unique function venue in Geelong.
Geelong’s best kept secret The Fyansford Paper Mill is set on the Barwon River and overlooks the picturesque Buckley Falls. It was constructed in the 1870s and is one of the oldest paper mills in Australia.
The site is being transformed into a food, beverage, arts and cultural precinct, located within 10 minutes of Geelong’s CBD. With just under 5,000m2 of building space, the Mill is home to over 15 businesses, including a winery, café, gallery, yoga studio, homewares shop and escape room. There are also a number of small independent artists who have private studios across the site.
Visit the Fyansford Paper Mill once of Geelong’s historic places to visits. Discover all kinds of food, arts, activities, as well as our great history, see what’s on in Geelong here.
Fyansford Paper Mill once of Geelong’s most historic places to visit.
The area between Johnstone Park and Ryrie Street to the west of the shopping and business district of Geelong is known as the Geelong Arts Precinct. This area is also home to the Geelong Town Hall, which is the main council offices of the City of Greater Geelong.
The city is currently seeking funds for a radical overhaul of the precinct where the current facilities will receive a substantial redevelopment. There are also plans for some pretty innovative landscaping and street works which will bring the area into line with the rest of our recently rejuvenated city. This massive renovation will make the precinct one of the best arts and cultural precincts in the state. The scale of the project put the cost of the whole redevelopment in the vicinity of over 130 million dollars.
The Geelong Art Gallery is attached to the Geelong Town Hall, and it houses a magnificent and varied collection of artworks. Two paintings in particular are extremely special to our Gallery, first being the “View of Geelong” which was painted by Eugene von Guerad in 1856. This painting was bought recently by the museum from legendary English musical creator Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. “A Bush Burial” by Fredrick McCubbin, painted in 1890 is another of the gallery’s most precious works.
Geelong Arts Centre, formerly the Geelong Performing Arts Centre, is a performing arts, functions and events venue located in Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
In those days there was an unwritten rule designating Western Beach for men’s bathing and Eastern Beach for women. But some ‘dastardly gentlemen’ would disregard the agreement scaring respectable women away.
Today the area is rarely used for swimming, but it’s still a popular stretch of foreshore connecting Rippleside to the rest of the Waterfront.
Here you’ll find the Boat House restaurant (Geelong’s best spot for fish and chips), the Poppykettle Playground, a designated fishing area, and the marvelous Western Beach Boardwalk.
Curving out over the water the boardwalk has well-placed seats where you can sit back and watch the sea birds duck dive for fish. In the early morning, it’s perfect for watching the sun come up over the bay.
People have been swimming, boating, fishing and playing at Western
Located on the western edge of the Waterfront, Rippleside Park Geelong is a pretty grass-covered foreshore reserve.
Popular with locals, Rippleside is less well-known to tourists who drive past en-route to more popular areas.
The park has magnificent bay views and is particularly appealing to families with young children who love the adventure playground.
The huge wooden structure has ramps, walkways, steps, and plenty of nooks and crannies to explore.
When the kids tire of the playground the reserve has wide-open spaces to run around in. Don’t forget to bring your footy!
Tucked in next to the reserve is tiny Rippleside Beach where you can bask in the sunshine or splash around in the water.
Overlooking the whole area is the bright and spacious Ripples On The Bay cafe. This stunning cafe serves excellent coffee and has huge windows with to-die-for water views.
Other amenities include picnic and barbecue facilities, toilets, and plenty of car parking spaces.
A community built wooden Adventure playground built over six days in 2001 with all the usual ramps, walkways, steps, nooks and crannies to explore.
A path on the northern edge connecting the gardens to the bay has seats where you can enjoy the sea breeze and watch the nearby helicopter toing and froing.
On the eastern side you’ll find the Wharfshed Cafe serving yummy meals and to the west sits the delightful historic carousel.
There are some interesting art sculptures dotted around the park. Be sure to check out the Volunteer Rifle Band bollards and The Buoys sculpture, a group of former channel buoys that have been turned into a powerful piece of artwork.
The Geelong Waterfront Makers and Growers market (Steampacket Market) is held here on the first Sunday of each month. This popular market offers local produce, beautiful art and handicrafts, and lots of tasty treats.
Located right beside the water Steampacket Gardens Geelong is a big rectangle of lush lawn that’s perfect for a relaxing picnic or a game of frisbee.
One of only a few in the world this beautifully restored carousel is considered by many to be the best that’s still in use today.
Housed in a modern steel and glass enclosure the pavilion has an old-world carnival atmosphere that’s enhanced by a pipe organ playing Dixieland melodies.
A ride on this enchanting carousel is a magical experience for children of all ages and abilities, with a mobility lift that assists wheelchairs onto the attraction.
Entry into the pavilion is free. Tickets to ride the Carousel are $5.00.
The Carousel Pavilion can be booked for wedding ceremonies, wedding receptions, photo shoots, and private or corporate functions.
Housing a beautifully restored Carousel, this competitively priced, exclusive allweather venue is available for private hire seven days a week from 3:00pm.
The Carousel Geelong is a rare 1892 Armitage-Herschell hand-carved wooden carousel.
The Geelong Gaol Museum is housed in the 170-year-old Geelong Gaol, the third oldest prison in Victoria. Opening in 1853 and closing in 1991 it housed male and female prisoners.
Over its history, it has been used as an industrial school for young girls, a hospital gaol and a military detention barracks. It was the site of 6 executions.
Today it houses display illustrating not only the history of the Geelong Gaol but the history of the corrections of Victoria.
It features displays on the Hulks, Colonial Prisons, Executions and Saga Behind the Armour along with some of the prisoner stories who have spent time behind the bluestone walls.
The Geelong Gaol Museum is open on weekends, school holidays and public holidays.
A 19th century gaol which operated from 1853-1991 in the same conditions you see today.
Help the local community know you exist and what sets you a part compared to other aged care facilities, Financial Planners and other providers in the local area.
We have developed Find Aged Care Services (www.findagedcare.services) so you can promote your facilities and services to the general public. You can also place any job vacancies on our website that is available in your facilities.
By Warren Strybosch
The time you’ll spend in retirement and the lifestyle you’re planning both make a difference to the savings and income you’ll need. Being realistic and getting clear about plans for your future can help you figure out the cost of your ideal retirement.
“I’ve always lived on a budget and live comfortably... I still believe in budgeting, wise spending, but I don’t feel restricted. People who are retired re-evaluate priorities and where you are willing to spend the money”. Donna, aged 66, retired for two years.
Start with a ballpark estimate
Retirement Standard figures from The Association of Super Funds of Australia (ASFA) make a good starting point for estimating the income you might want or need. By comparing these calculations with your own spending plans, you’ll get a rough idea of how your overall spending in retirement could add up.
The Retirement Standard estimates the total annual budget for either a comfortable or modest lifestyle for retired singles and couples. Figures are updated each quarter in line with the changing costs of living in retirement and include detailed budget breakdowns for all sorts of living costs. What they don’t include is rent or home loan payments. Each estimate assumes an individual or couple live in their own home, mortgage free.
The retirement you’ll be planning for will be as unique as you are. Maybe dining out isn’t your thing but you couldn’t bear to give up overseas travel. The things you need to make life more comfortable could be quite different from assumptions made for these estimates.
Online retirement spending planners such as Challenger’s for singles and couples can help you figure out how much you may ‘need’ in retirement (essential spending) and how much you ‘want’ (discretionary spending).
How much can you safely spend?
Figuring out how much you’ll need to spend in retirement is a good start for your retirement planning. Knowing what you can afford to spend based on the savings you have will also help you by identifying any gaps between your expectations and reality.
Retirement income model
Challenger have a comprehensive retirement income model that they use in their research, tools and calculators.
This model calculates safe spending rates, taking into account the means tested Age Pension, as well as the three major risks to your retirement income (inflation, market and longevity).
By testing 2,000 simulations, they can calculate the degree of confidence that your savings balance could support a specific level of spending.
The tables on the next page show the ‘safety’ of different spending rates for couples and singles of different levels of wealth, retiring at age 67 today.
A spending level is considered to be ‘safe’ if the household has a high degree of confidence that they can continue spending their desired amount for at least as long as both spouses are expected to live (their life expectancy). You may have a different idea of the amount you can safely spend and still have confidence that your savings will last.
Australian safe spending rates for a 67-year-old and female couple (assuming spending keeps pace with inflation)
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If you have any questions, contact the editor on 1300 88 38 30 or Email warren@findnetwork.com.au
Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
Go to www.findgeelong.com.au/graphic-design to upload your details and we will create this for you.
The Dimensions of the Ads are:
If you have any questions, contact the editor on 1300 88 38 30 or Email warren@findnetwork.com.au
Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
details and we will create this for you.
The Dimensions of the Ads are:
If you have any questions, contact the editor on 1300 88 38 30 or
Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
x 98 mm - 1/8 Small Size
x 96 mm - 1/4 Page Portrait
If you have any questions, contact the editor on 1300 88 38 30 or Email warren@findnetwork.com.au
Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
Go to www.findgeelong.com.au/graphic-design to upload your details and we will create this for you. Go to www.findgeelong.com.au/graphic-design to upload your details and we will create this for you.
x 96 mm - 1/4 Page Portrait
If you have any questions, contact the editor on 1300 88 38 30 or Email warren@findnetwork.com.au