By Warren Strybosch
The Find Geelong is a community paper that aims to support all things Geelong. We want to provide a place where all NotFor-Profits (NFP), schools, sporting groups and other like organisations can share their news in one place. For instance, submitting up-and-coming events in the Find Geelong for Free.
We do not proclaim to be another newspaper and we will not be aiming to compete with other news outlets. You can obtain your news from other sources. We feel you get enough of this already. We will keep our news topics to a minimum and only provide what we feel is most relevant topics to you each month.
We invite local council and the current council members to participate by submitting information each month so as to keep us informed of any changes that may be of relevance to us, their local constituents.
EDITORIAL ENQUIRES: Warren Strybosch | 1300 88 38 30 editor@findgeelong.com.au
PUBLISHER: Issuu pty Ltd
POSTAL ADDRESS: 248 Wonga Road, Wararnwood VIC 3134
ADVERTISING AND ACCOUNTS: editor@findgeelong.com.au
GENERAL ENQUIRIES: 1300 88 38 30
EMAIL SPORT: editor@findgeelong.com.au
WEBSITE: www.findgeelong.com.au
We will also try and showcase different organisations throughout the year so you, the reader, can learn more about what is on offer in your local area.
To help support the paper, we invite local businesses owners to sponsor the paper and in return we will provide exclusive advertising and opportunities to submit articles about their businesses. As a community we encourage you to support these businesses/columnists. Without their support, we would not be able to provide this community paper to you.
Lastly, we want to ask you, the local community, to support the fundraising initiatives that we will be developing and
rolling out over the coming years. Our aim is to help as many NFP and other like organisations to raise much needed funds to help them to keep operating. Our fundraising initiatives will never simply ask for money from you. We will also aim to provide something of worth to you before you part with your hardearned money. The first initiative is the Find Cards and Find Coupons – similar to the Entertainment Book but cheaper and more localised. Any NFP and similar organisations e.g., schools, sporting clubs, can participate.
Follow us on facebook (https://www. facebook.com/findgeelong) so you keep up to date with what we are doing.
We value your support,
The Find Geelong Team.
The City of Geelong is one of Victoria’s largest regional capital cities. Geelong had a population of approximately 230,000 as at the 2019 Report which includes 16,000 businesses. Geelong’s location is in strong growth corridor, making it an ideal location for businesses to explore options outside of the capital city.
The Find Geelong acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands where Geelong now stands, the Wadawuarrung people of the Kulin nation, and pays repect to their Elders - past, present and emerging - and acknowledges the important role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within our community.
The Find Geelong was established in 2019 and is owned by the Find Foundation, a Not-For-Profit organisation with is core focus of helping other Not-For-Profits, schools, clubs and other similar organisations in the local community - to bring everyone together in one place and to support each other. We provide the above organisations FREE advertising in the community paper to promote themselves as well as to make the community more aware of the services these organisations can offer. The Find Geelong has a strong editorial focus and is supported via local grants and financed predominantly by local business owners.
Readers are advised that the Find Geelong accepts no responsibility for financial, health or other claims published in advertising or in articles written in this newspaper. All
are of a general nature and do not take into account your personal financial situation, health and/or wellbeing. We recommend you seek professional advice before
anything written herein.
by Mary Ann Barnes
International Day of Charity, observed annually on September 5th, is a global celebration of compassion, generosity, and the power of human kindness.
Established by the United Nations in 2012, this special day aims to raise awareness about the importance of charitable giving and volunteerism. It serves as a platform to recognise the invaluable work of charities and non-profit organisations worldwide, which tirelessly strive to address pressing social and humanitarian issues.
The day is also a call to action, encouraging individuals, communities, and businesses to come together and make a positive impact on the world. Whether it’s through volunteering, donating to a cause, or simply spreading kindness, every act of generosity counts. By supporting charitable initiatives, we can help alleviate suffering, empower marginalised communities, and build a more just and equitable society.
International Day of Charity is a reminder that we are all interconnected and that our actions have the potential to create a ripple effect of positive change. It inspires us to look beyond ourselves and consider the needs of others, fostering a sense of empathy and compassion. By celebrating this day, we honor the spirit of human solidarity and reaffirm our commitment to building a better world for everyone.
Ultimately, International Day of Charity is about recognizing that charity is not just an act of giving, but a powerful force for transformation. It is a catalyst for hope, a bridge between different cultures, and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Let us embrace this opportunity to celebrate the extraordinary work of charities and to inspire a new generation of philanthropists who will carry the torch of compassion into the future.
By Mayor Trent Sullivan
The National Wool Museum is celebrating a decade of local design duo Dowel Jones in its latest exhibition: Ten Years of Dowel Jones.
As the hometown of Dowel Jones, there was no better place than Greater Geelong to celebrate this milestone.
Founded in 2014, Dowel Jones is one of Australia’s leading design studios and champions Australian-made design.
The men behind the brand, Adam Lynch and Dale Hardiman, have taken over an entire gallery of the museum and transformed it into a bright, colourful house filled with twelve collaborative design projects that involved more than 2,000 individuals and companies.
Everything in the exhibition is custom made, including the carpets and walls themselves, to accurately capture the colour and style that represents Dowel Jones.
With the motto Anything but Ordinary, Lynch and Hardiman take a lateral approach to their designs with bright hues and a playfulness that was difficult to find in furniture when they started designing.
This exhibition celebrates the creativity that is found in our community and the pieces include many contributions by Geelong locals.
The Self Portrait Rug was made in collaboration with the Museum of Play and Art – better known as MOPA – and Godfrey Hirst, and Arcade Pendants sees the recreation of an original Dowel Jones work, Arcade Pendant, by James Street Gallery artists.
Dowel Jones have also weaved in Geelong’s historic wool industry through pieces in the exhibit with the use of locally manufactured textiles.
I encourage you to visit and immerse yourself in their custom-made transformation to see a design process in which everyone plays a part.
This exhibition is on now until Sunday 24 November. To experience it for yourself and find out more visit:
By Warren Strybosch
Investment bonds, or insurance bonds as they are also known, are issued by life insurance companies. They have features similar to a managed fund combined with a life insurance policy. They can be a tax effective way to invest if certain rules about contributions and withdrawals are followed.
Investment bonds are used for a range of purposes including:
• A medium to long term lump-sum or regular savings plan
• A tax effective investment for investors on high income earners
• Investment bonds can be taken out by parents, grandparents and the like on the life of a child. The bond can be structured to automatically be transferred into the child’s name at a pre-determined age. This is referred to as ‘child advancement’.
• Estate planning. Because an investment bond is in essence a life insurance policy, it is subject to life insurance rules. This includes the ability of the owner of the investment bond to nominate one or more beneficiaries to receive the proceeds of the bond in the event of the death of the bond owner. By nominating beneficiaries under an investment bond, the bond does not form part of the estate of the bond owner and may be administered separately to their estate.
• Deceased estates that are required to invest bequests that will vest with beneficiaries at a later date.
There three parties to an investment bond; the owner - who subscribes the investment funds, the life insured – who may be the bond owner, or someone else, and the issuer of the bond –the life insurance company.
Some bonds may include fourth party, being a nominated beneficiary. The bond owner may nominate a beneficiary to receive the bond proceeds in the event of the death of the life insured.
withdrawal made Tax Treatment
Within 8 years
In the 8th year
In the 10th year
Aftre 10th year
Where a bond is issued on the life of a child, and its ownership is to vest in the name of the child at a future date, the bond is subject to Child Advancement Conditions. The owner of the bond may nominate an age, up to 25, at which the ownership of the bond will transfer to the child.
Insurance bonds are tax paid investments. This means earnings on the investment are taxed in the hands of the life insurance company at the corporate tax rate. Insurance companies are generally taxed at a rate of 30% however the actual rate of tax payable may be less than 30% when tax deductions, tax offsets, and tax credits available to the life insurer are taken into account.
Investment bonds can be tax effective for long term investors with a marginal tax rate higher than 30%. An investment bond is designed to be held for at least 10 years. If you hold the bond for at least 10 years, the returns on the investment, including additional contributions that meet the 125% rule, will be tax free. In some circumstances, investing in an investment bond for a shorter period may be an appropriate strategy.
If you withdraw money before 10 years is up, some or all of the income will be taxable and included in the investor’s assessable income. This amount is taxed at the investor’s marginal tax rate - however a 30% tax offset is allowed to compensate for the tax already paid by the life insurance company. Where an investor’s personal tax rate is less than 30%, any unused portion
less than 30%, any unused portion of the tax offset can be used to reduce tax payable on other income in the same financial year.
If you make a withdrawal within the first 10 years, the rate at which earnings in the investment bond are taxed will depend on when you make the withdrawal.
Tax treatment of investment bond withdrawals
00% of earnings ot the investme nts bond are included in the investor’s assessable income and a 30% tax offset applies.
2/3 of earnings on the investment are included in the investor’s assessable income and a 30% tax offset applies.
1/3 of earnings on the investment are included in the investor’s assessable income and a 30% tax offset applies.
All earnings on the investment are tax free and do not need to be included in the investor’s assessable income.
The investment earnings are calculated by referencing a formula contained in the Australian Taxation Office’s Income Tax Ruling 2346.
While investment bonds are often described as a ‘single premium’ or lump sum investment, many investment bonds accept both regular and irregular additional investments. Provided the amount invested in any one year – based on the anniversary of the bond commencing – does not exceed the previous year’s investment by more than 125%, it will be considered part of the initial investment.
If you exceeds 125% of the previous years’ investment, the 10 year period will reset. If you do not make a contribution in any one year, a contribution in following years will reset the 10 year rule.
The life office issuing the investment bond may offer a range of investment options such as single asset funds i.e. cash, fixed interest, shares, property or a range of diversified options. Each option has different investment goals, timeframes, risk profiles and underlying assets.
The key risks are largely determined by the nature of the investment chosen. Risks to be aware of include:
• Market risk: The performance of the investment bond will be affected by the assets and securities that it invests into.
• Fees: These may vary depending on the investment bond and investment options chosen and include management and administration fees and buy-sell spreads.
1300 88 38 30 | warren@findwealth.com.au www.findwealth.com.au
Financial Planning is offered via Find Wealth Pty Ltd ACN 140 585 075 t/a Find Wealth & Find Retirement.
Wealth is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No 468091) of Alliance Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 93 161 647 007 (AFSL No.449221).Part of the Centrepoint Alliancegroup https://www.centrepointalliance.com.au/
Warren Strybosch is Authorised representative (No.468091) of Alliance Wealth Pty Ltd. Services offered are superannuation, retirement planning and aged care advice.
This information has been provided as general advice. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice.You should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and seek the assistance of an authorised financial adviser before making any decision regarding any products or strategies mentioned in this communication.
Whilst all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, it is based on our understanding of current regulatory requirements and laws at the publication date. As these laws are subject to change you should talk to an authorised adviser for the most up-todate information. No warranty is given in respect of the information provided and accordingly neither Alliance Wealth nor its related entities, employees or representatives accepts responsibility for any loss suffered by any person arising from reliance on this information.
By Sally Higoe
YEP, it’s a buzz word but the fact is, resilience is the determining factor for the success of your team... and your business.
Resilience is built through attitude and through behaviour that must be lived and demonstrated. It is the ability to positively respond to pressure, to overcome adversity and it has a whole lot to do with both the mental and physical wellbeing of your team.
A highly resilient team will adapt to change more effectively and will have less stressed- and burned-out employees. Some people will naturally be more resilient than others, some will need to develop it with intentional practise. The great news is resilience can be learnt and as a business you can set the tone and put processes in place to keep your team thriving and building resilience.
But how do you know how resilient your business is and how do you know who in your team is more naturally resilient and who may require that extra support?
The culture that you have created is a direct reflection of how resilient you have
have a great culture, you will have a business that does attract high performing people.
If you have more high performing people, your business is going to do better.
Great culture... Higher resilience factor... Business doing better... Greater bottom line.
Crappy culture... Lower resilience factor... Less success... Lower bottom line.
The culture begins with the leader as it is the leader that determines the mission of the business, the vision of the business and most importantly, the values of the organisation. Not many businesses truly have values that they consciously live, work, hire and fire by. It is the values that determine the experience that both staff and clients have, and they also determine that standards by which the business lives and breathes. This is the essence of the culture.
built your business because in the work environment, a big part of resilience comes down to the leadership and the support offered.
So, let’s look at how your culture is fairing.
The culture is made up of the energy that the people bring, it’s the attitude that they have, it’s the style that the business has, the ethos of the business, the intangible stuff that you can’t really touch.
Although you can’t touch it, it makes a massive impact on the experience that the team has inside the business, and a huge impact of the experience that all the customers have. Customers return when they feel they’ve had a great experience.
Therefore, culture improves the bottom line of the business, creating much more financial success; because of having a positive and thriving culture.
A supportive culture will build resilience; a higher ability to overcome challenges, more chance of ‘bouncing back’.
A great culture also really determines what kind of people work inside the organisation. If you have a crappy culture, you’re not going to attract high performers or really great people because they won’t want to work in a crappy culture. If you
Why is it that you can have two coffee shops over the road from each other and one is successful, and one isn’t? Probably not because of the coffee... it’s likely because of the experience... which is the culture, which is determined by the values, standards, attitude, mission, and vision.... the intangibles.
A great culture will support their people, they will have systems and processes in place that build up their team. They will empower the people inside of their organisation to step up to new levels of leadership... this empowerment builds resilience.
A powerful support system will build resilience in your team.
Some people will need more focus and support than others. Typically, if a team member is more confident in their abilities and/or more disciplined in their approach they may be more naturally resilient. However, these people may also simply ‘push through’ at challenging times, seemingly holding their head high... but dissolving beneath the surface. Perhaps they need more social or family support at this time?
The best way to determine a team members resilience factor is to simply ask...
What?... Just ask??
Harvard Business Review states - “One of the first things you can do is establish a “resilience inventory dashboard” Check in 1 by 1 with your team and simply ask -
1. How comfortable are you (insert obstacle or task here)?
2. How do you plan/schedule your workday?
3. How can I support you with any life or family commitments.”
Seek out answers and provide support as necessary.
To compliment that, a weekly feedback report (submitted end of week) is a powerful method to evaluate where your team are at & where to offer more support.
This simply covers 3 areas-
1. What was achieved/completed this week?
2. New plans/sales ideas/business generating ideas
3. Road blocks
The World Health Organisation states that over a quarter of people say that work is their #1 stressor! Setting up a culture of excellence means that you are setting up a culture of trust. When people feel trust, they feel valued, they feel strength, they build resilience.
These team players are more likely to contribute to the overall success of your business. It’s now more important than ever to build a resilient culture to effectively support your team and ensure longevity of your business.
If you’re looking to build a resilient culture in your business, the best place to begin the change is WITH YOU!
I’m hosting a FREE 1.5-hour online leadership training on 6th September sharing the 5 Steps to Building Inner Resilience
Register now; and register your team so you can begin to speak the same language and together reach your goals.
If you’d like further support around this, reach out for a chat – sally@team-resilience. com.au – I’d love to connect.
Sally Higoe
Leadership & Team Specialist
www.linkedin.com/in/leadership-development-coach/ sally@team-resilience.com.au
By Anjana Jogi
Raw data describes the facts and figures that a business processes every day. Over time, every business hoards a certain amount of data and it only becomes meaningful to a business after it has been processed to add context, relevance and purpose.
For example, in a restaurant, every order will be recorded. However, a restaurant won’t learn much by looking at each one in isolation. However, analysis of the orders will reveal trends and patterns, such as peak dining days or biggestselling menu or bar items. Knowledge of the business comes from the relationship between the singular pieces of information. That restaurant owner may know to do their biggest stock order on a Wednesday by analysing their covers and establishing that sales increase by 38% on Thursdays.
The pace of business in today’s technological times requires businesses to be able to react quickly to changing demands from customers and environmental conditions. The ability to be able to compile, analyse and act on data is increasingly important. In some instances, a high volume of data may need to be accumulated and analysed before trends and patterns emerge.
When you aren’t compiling accurate business data, you can only rely on gut feel and assumptions about past performance to inform your future business decisions.
If your business is already using cloud software for accountancy, project management system or CRM, it’s likely that you’re sitting on a goldmine of data. If properly utilised, this data can greatly aid running a successful business. You’ll have valuable insight into your sales, expenses, profit and staff efficiencies that can help you answer critical questions and drive smart business decisions.
Every business is unique, but here are three quick tips to help you drive data in your business.
1. Data is only powerful if there is context – can you stop to answer these questions?
• What is your primary objective (business or personal)?
• What is happening in the business?
• What isn’t happening?
• How can you influence what happens by analysing and responding to your data?
2. The only way your data can help you drive your business is if it’s accurate and organised appropriately – ask yourself:
• Are your financials up-to-date?
• Do you have any unreconciled transactions?
• Are you tax compliant?
• Are your staff trained on what systems and processes to use for different parts of your business?
• Are your cloud systems being correctly utilised?
• Are you using AI tools to analyse and respond to your data?
3. Understand what the data necessities are and what the niceties are.
• What would you most like to understand about your business?
• What figures pinpoint success for you?
• What are your objectives over the next six to twelve months, and two to five years?
Remember, to focus on what truly matters and build from there. If you want help with the process, we can accumulate, analyse, report and advise on your data; or show you which tools to use.
Please free to contact our office should you have any queries in relation to these announcements.
By Steve Dahllof
It’s a beautiful sunny day. You step outside and look around. You notice that next door’s house looks a bit shabby and could do with a coat of paint. What about yours?
Spring is the best time to refresh your home, inside and out. Although outdoor painting can be done in all seasons, spring is the perfect time. Here are some benefits to painting the exterior of your home in spring.
Paint and bad weather do not go well together. Rain, hail and fog can have adverse effects on your home’s exterior: your paint could stain or grow mildew on the surface due to the moisture content of the surrounding air. Conversely, if the weather is too hot, your paint could dry too quickly, causing it to blister and crack later on. Too hot, too cold – the “Goldilocks” season for painting outside is spring. The weather becomes warmer yet temperatures are not as extreme as on a hot summer’s day.
Over time, your home’s exterior has been exposed to storms, strong ultraviolet rays, dust, debris and more. The paint begins to peel, fade, crack and blister due to sun damage from hot summer. With exposure from these elements, it can change the colour of the existing exterior paint. With the weather not being too hot or too cold in the spring, it’s the perfect time to fix these issues.
Thinking of moving in the near future? With mortgage rates in the rise, you need to look for ways to add value to your home before selling it. Painting the outside of your home is an easy way to dramatically increase the value of your property by improving its appearance. Unless your buyer is a knock-it-down developer, potential home buyers will be on the lookout for not just a block of land but their dream home. A newly painted house makes an immediate good first impression and could add tens of thousands of dollars to the sale price.
Spring is the time when vegetation gets a boost. Trees, shrubs and other wallhugging plants will suddenly produce shoots, leaves and branches. Gardeners also use spring weather to plant flower beds. Painting your house early – before you plant, prune or mulch – will protect your vegetation from being trampled by ladders and footwear.
Sounds obvious but what you paint in spring won’t need to be done in summer. In the holiday months, when you’re spending time on your deck barbecuing or hosting a backyard picnic, you’ll be pleased that you did it in spring.
Pick a day that is not windy – just a light breeze will do. Like the heat of the sun, wind can cause paint to dry too quickly, preventing optimal paint film formation, and can stir up dust and other contaminants that imbed in the paint. Check the weather report to see if it’s going to rain in the afternoon after you’ve chosen to paint in the morning.
Prepare the surface properly before painting. Scrap away peeling old paint, sand uneven surface gently and apply suitable primer before brushing on your first coat of paint. Choose long-lasting paint; many brands supply paint that will last 10 to 15 years, saving you time, energy and money. Apply at least two coats for the most beneficial weather protection.
Painting the exterior of your house is hard work but it will make a difference to the overall feel of your home and will preserve your home’s exterior for many years to come.
Formorepaintingadvice,contactDahllof Painting Services at sjd67@bigpond.net. au. We will be happy to answer all your inquiries.
By Deb Fribbins
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a voluntary business model which many businesses have adopted both in the large corporate sector and with SME’s alike, The idea is to engage your businesses to be socially accountable to your shareholders, customers and indeed the wider community. Setting clear CSR strategies, shows that you accept responsibility for the impact your business has on our society. You will conduct your business in a manner which is sensitive to social, economic, and environmental aspects.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were born at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in 2012. The objective was to produce a set of universal goals that meet the urgent environmental, political and economic challenges facing our world. As per the United Nations Development Program Read here for more information. https:// www.undp.org/content/undp/en/ home/sustainable-development-goals/ background.html
These 17 Global Goals are slowly being chipped away at through the work of the UN with governments and major corporations through the various agreements in different countries around the world. While they work at a higher level what can we do that will impact on the world at our level? The Goals are:-
Many of these we can impact in our own ways, according to our personal preferences and beliefs reflecting in our personal lives and the type of Business we own. What practices can you put into place in your business to show your shareholders, stakeholders and clientele that you really do care about the future. Everything we do impacts in some small way. We may only be able to work on two or three of these, but we influence the outcome by simply updating some of our habits at work and home.
Here are just a few examples of practices we can all support easily. You may already have some or all of these in your business model, and or a suite of other opportunities available to us today.
1. Reduce the number of carry bags
2. Sell and Use products that are good for the environment?
3. Use Sensor lighting or Solar as applicable
4. Recycle as many materials as possible
5. Use water saving measures
1. Plan for usage or sell through of products to reduce waste
2. Form allegiances with businesses to partner with to utilise the waste
3. Improve labour policies to grow your business
4. Buy locally to support those around you
5. Purchase only fairtrade goods if not available locally
1. Be an equal opportunity employer
2. Support the homeless rather than waste food, while reducing greenhouse emissions
3. Support Humane charities where possible
4. Volunteer in the community goods or services
5. Great working environment and privileges for staff
There are many long and short term benefits to your business.
1. Heightened reputation in the market place
2. Increased brand recognition
3. Access to capital more readily
4. Market credibility
5. Increased sales and profit
The personal benefits are
1. A sense of satisfaction that you are doing business for good
2. Increased staff engagement
3. Increased productivity
4. Improved lifesyle
Marketing of your CSR strategies has shown statistically around the world to have increased customer numbers resulting in increased Sales, Profit, basket size and Brand awareness.
If every SME provided just 1% of their net profit back into these Goals imagine the impact that would have on each of the three areas, Social, Environmental and Economic growth in our community.
1. No Poverty - Can you add staff or increase hours as your busines grows?
2. Zero Hunger - If you have a food establishment can you donate to the homeless?
3. Good Health and Wellbeing- Is your business set up to look out for those with a disability? Are you looking after yourself so your business thrives?
4. Quality education - Are you helping your staff to understand your business so they can start their own business or another branch of your business?
5. Gender equality - Do you look at your staff as Male / Female or capable people that will give you a broader perspective in your business
6. Clean Water and SanitationAre you processes polluting the waterways?
7. Affordable Clean energy - If you can’t swap to Solar in your premises do you have motion sensor lighting
8. Decent Work and economic Growth
- SME’s are now the backbone to the economy in Australia. Are you a business that people want to work for? If not, what changes can you make?
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure - The door is wide open for goal 9, depending on your Industry there are so many things that you can so to impact.
10. 10. Reduced inequalities – Are you an equal opportunity employer? Do you pay your staff equally for the work they perform? Do you have the same working conditions for all regardless of sex, age, religious beliefs, nationality. It is all about the work they do.
11. Sustainable cities and Communities Do you service all areas equally?
12. Responsible consumption and production - Are you minimising the waste / landfill, How are you reducing your carbon emission, Are your products recyclable?
13. Climate action - Are you contributing to increased carbon emissions, are you polluting our lands or waterways
14. Life below water – What products do you sell that add to pollution and waste harming the water and the sea life
15. Life on land – How many species will become extinct before we accept the damage we are doing to our planet
16. Peace and Justice strong institutions - Do we practice tolerance with all races, are we prepared to report domestic violence?
17. Partnerships for “The Goals” -
Speed Awareness Monitors (SAMs) are now operational near Moolap Primary School and Highton’s Montpellier Primary School to reduce vehicle speeds and increase safety around school crossings.
We’re trialling the ‘Speed Awareness Monitors program - Drive Slow for SAM’ initiative along Moolap Station Road, Moolap and Mount Pleasant Road, Highton.
The SAMs are designed to reduce speed and change driver behaviour in high pedestrian areas. Previous trials at other councils have been successful with data indicating an average speed reduction of 8.1 km/h by those initially alerted of exceeding the speed limit.
The signage displays each vehicle’s speed and then either a green smiley face for those within the speed limit or a red sad face for those exceeding it. The emojis are also intended to engage young children so that they will encourage their parents and carers to slow down when driving in the area.
The emojis can be updated for seasonal holidays like Christmas and Easter or major events such as the AFL Grand Final. This variety helps prevent driver fatigue from seeing the same signs and serves as a continual reminder to drive safely.
Montpellier Primary School Acting Principal and Cr Ron Nelson with students Callum, Ella and Alice
Trent Sullivan
Council introduced the new initiative to enhance school crossing safety.
By slowing down behind the wheel, we are making our school crossings safer for school children, families and school staff at Moolap Primary School and Montpellier Primary School.
Our new Speed Awareness Monitors will remind drivers that road safety is everyone’s responsibility, as we work towards our Vision Zero goal.
City Transport portfolio chair Councillor Ron Nelson
The Speed Awareness Monitors aim to protect our most vulnerable community members.
We are excited to trial these monitors which have had success in other municipalities and led to a drop in speed of 8.1 km/h by drivers exceeding the speed limit.
Council looks forward to seeing the results of a comprehensive project evaluation following the trial, which will gauge the effectiveness of this initiative at these locations.
Speed Awareness Monitors do not have number plate recognition. They only record how many vehicles pass the monitors and their speed, providing us with valuable data on general driver behaviour and effectiveness of the devices.
Are you an artist or work in the arts sector? Join us for a free two-part masterclass to learn how to get the money you need for your arts organisation, collective or individual art practice.
Supported by the City of Greater Geelong, Creative Australia will deliver ‘Arts Fundraising - The Basics and Beyond’ to equip artists and organisations with the skills to secure non-government or private sector financial support.
Building on last year’s ‘The Fundamentals of Arts Fundraising’ workshop, our sessions on 5 September and 17 October are designed to provide further knowledge, expertise and the confidence to seek financial support from individual donors, trusts and foundations and corporate partners.
Steven Richardson, State Manager for Development and Partnerships at Creative Australia will deliver interactive and engaging sessions on developing a sustainable arts organisation, with opportunities to ask questions for personalised advice for your individual situation and needs.
Tracy Woolacott and Felicia Jong from the Australian Cultural Fund (ACF) will join Steven to explore the many arts fundraising options available. They’ve helped artists raise millions of dollars through the ACF platform, enabling a
wide range of projects to come to life and offering support to Australia’s cultural sector.
These masterclasses will be held at Greater Geelong’s Wurriki Nyal civic precinct building at 137-149 Mercer St, Geelong. Registration is essential.
Session 1 on Thursday 5 September at 1pm - 5pm: Setting up your arts group or organisation for financial success
• Case for support: Building your compelling story
• Fundraising readiness: Building your base camp for fundraising success
• Making your collective a legal entity
• Trusts and foundations strategy
• Boards – Fundraising best practice (board members welcome)
Session 2 on Thursday 17 October 1pm
- 5pm: Approaching fundraising - It’s not as scary as you think!
• Asking for money – The who, when, how and why of asking
• Leveraging – Double your money, double your fun!
• Individual giving strategy – Never forget, it’s people that give
• Australian Cultural Fund – Levelling the playing field
• Fundraising events – Are they worth it and let’s do them better
Mayor Trent Sullivan
The masterclass is part of Council’s commitment to supporting and empowering the local arts industry.
We are proud to partner with Creative Australia to deliver this important arts funding masterclass that will provide general and tailored advice to participants.
Having the know-how to navigate how to secure funding from individual donors, trusts and foundations and corporate partners can make all the difference when getting a project off the ground.
Creativity and Culture portfolio
chair Councillor Melissa Cadwell
I encourage artists and those working in arts organisations and collectives to register.
Our arts fundraising masterclass is set to provide valuable information on how to leverage your arts organisation or individual practice.
Steven Richardson, Tracy Woolacott and Felicia Jong are experts in the field and their advice will help build your confidence to seek financial support.
L-R: Councillor Melissa Cadwell, Peter ‘Skinny’ Harrison, Member for Geelong Christine Couzens, Member for Corangamite Libby Coker, Mayor Trent Sullivan, Newcomb and District CC president John Elliott.
A brand new cricket practice facility at Grinter Reserve in Newcomb is now open, in time for the 2024-25 cricket season.
The $807,430 nets redevelopment at the home of the Newcomb and District Cricket Club features new turf and synthetic practice nets built to modern standards, replacing the reserve’s existing outdated facilities.
The project was jointly funded by the Australian Government ($680,000 via the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program), the Victorian Government ($100,000 via Sport and Recreation Victoria) and the City of Greater Geelong ($27,430).
The facility was officially opened on Sunday during a ceremony attended by representatives from all three levels of government, as well as Newcomb and
District CC committee members and players.
Federal Member for Corangamite
Libby Coker:
“Supporting local sports, particularly as women’s cricket gains momentum, is more important than ever and that’s why the Albanese Government is supporting and rolling out awesome new facilities across our region.
The Newcomb & District Cricket Club has done an outstanding job in nurturing local talent, and these upgrades will be key to developing the next generation of cricket stars – it’s such an exciting time for our community.”
State Member for Geelong Christine Couzens:
“These new practice nets provide the Newcomb and District Cricket Club with the facilities their members deserve.
This will also enable the club to attract more male and female members.”
Mayor Trent Sullivan:
“The opening of the training facilities is an exciting way for the Dinos to start the season.
The new nets will hopefully make training more enjoyable and will definitely provide a better environment for players to develop their skills.
I’m sure practice nets of this quality will also be a drawcard in attracting new players.”
Newcomb and District CC announced during Sunday’s ceremony that the facility would be known as the Peter ‘Skinny’ Harrison Training Facility, in honour of the club’s long-time curator and legendary player.
Newcomb and District Cricket Club president John Elliott:
“The reserve’s previous training facilities were divided and located in two separate areas. They were tired and run down and had safety related issues.
This separation did not provide for an inclusive environment.
Having a modern and centralised facility will allow us to attract increased involvement from all areas within the community and will complement the work undertaken by the committee and volunteers in recent times to increase junior and diverse participation.
It allows us to promote participation between junior playing groups and senior players, allowing for enhanced junior development and participation, and will afford opportunities for senior members to mentor junior members, foster role model behaviours and develop positive relationships in a sage and inclusive environment.”
A brand-new LED electronic scoreboard and safety netting behind the goals have been unveiled at Burdoo Recreation Reserve in Grovedale.
Members of the Grovedale Tigers Football and Netball Club and Grovedale Cricket Club joined Minister Gayle Tierney MLC, Member for Western Victoria, Mayor Trent Sullivan, Cr Ron Nelson, Cr Melissa Cadwell and Cr Elise Wilkinson to celebrate the project’s completion.
The scoreboard replaces the manual scoreboard, while the safety netting will stop members having to chase wayward balls through a busy carpark, improving safety for players, spectators and drivers.
The new infrastructure was funded by $175,000 from Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) and $50,000 from the City as part our Community Infrastructure Grants.
Our Burdoo Reserve Facility Development Plan identified the need for the electronic scoreboard and safety netting, which was completed in 2022 and funded by the City in partnership with Grovedale Sports Club, Grovedale Cricket Club, Grovedale Tennis Club and Grovedale College.
“The new facilities will help to meet the needs of the local sporting community into the future as it continues to grow.
Council is thrilled to have contributed to the Burdoo Reserve upgrades and hear for ourselves from the clubs what a difference the new infrastructure will make.
The tenanting clubs of Burdoo Reserve are behind getting hundreds of residents involved in footy, cricket, netball and tennis over decades, in fact, they are the lifeblood of Grovedale by offering opportunities for all genders to be physically and socially active.
Burdoo Reserve’s infrastructure has been enhanced over the years in stages, thanks to funding from Council, government partners, and substantial inkind contributions from club volunteers.”
Kardinia ward councillor Ron Nelson
“Burdoo Reserve is well utilised by tenant clubs and community members alike.
We expect increased usage of Burdoo Reserve as our population in Grovedale and surrounds grow.
These upgrades ensure the reserve continues to be at a high standard by increasing community safety and make scoring during games seamless.”
We are inviting the community to have its say in the renewal of the playground at Richmond Oval in Geelong.
The playground suffered damage when it was crashed into by a car earlier this year, forcing its closure.
It has since re-opened in a reduced capacity, but will be relocated within the reserve and renewed early in 2025.
You are invited to have your say on a proposed design of the renewed playground until 13 September.
The relocation of the playground will allow for the construction of a second netball court alongside the existing court in the reserve, which is home to East Geelong Football Netball Club.
Mayor Trent Sullivan
“This is a popular playground and its forced closure this year was felt by the local community.
The relocation and renewal of the playground will be great for children and will also pave the way for the exciting netball upgrade budgeted for this financial year.”
In line with the City’s playground hierarchy, the Richmond Oval playground will remain categorised as a ‘local’ playground.
The existing playground equipment will be replaced with new equipment and a seat will be installed.
Councillor Eddy Kontelj, Chair, Active Spaces portfolio
“As part of the design we will make sure there is somewhere to run, somewhere to swing, somewhere to slide and somewhere to climb.”
We are encouraging residents to take care in outdoor areas where swooping native birds may be active.
Breeding season for native birds has begun and is expected to continue until the middle of November.
Many native birds, such as magpies and masked lapwings (also known as spur-winged plovers), seek to protect their eggs and young during breeding season by swooping.
Community members can minimise the risk of being swooped by avoiding nesting areas where birds are swooping where possible, or protecting the head and eyes and moving through the area quickly.
Residents are advised to contact our Customer Service team on 03 5272 5272 to report a bird swooping on City of Greater Geelong-managed land.
We will place warning signs at the site and assess the behaviour of the bird.
All native birds are protected under the Wildlife Act 1975, so please do not harm or scare swooping birds, or interfere with their nests.
Councillor Elise Wilkinson, deputy chair of the Council’s Environment and Circular Economy portfolio:
Swooping birds are likely to be found across urban and rural areas.
Native birds are an important part of our natural environment and are rightly afforded legal protection.
We should all be aware of potential swooping risks and prepared to modify our behaviour outdoors when needed.
By doing simple things such as protecting our head and either avoiding or moving through a breeding area quickly, we can reduce our chances of being swooped.
While swooping birds can be alarming, the behaviour is confined to approximately 10 per cent of birds and it’s rare for a bird to cause an injury.
Each breeding pair will normally swoop for four to six weeks until their chicks can fly. The Victorian Government’s Swooping Bird Map shows hot spots where people have been swooped during the current or previous breeding season.
We are urging rural landowners to control serrated tussock now, before it starts to seed in late Spring.
A fast-spreading noxious weed, serrated tussock (Nassella trichotoma) can have disastrous environmental and agricultural impacts if left unchecked.
Locally, the worst infestations have historically occurred on farmland in Anakie, Lara and Little River, but the species can be found anywhere in the Greater Geelong region (including lifestyle blocks and in residential gardens).
Starting in the coming weeks, we will be controlling serrated tussock on 311 rural roadsides and on City-managed land through to late September 2024.
In partnership with the Victorian Serrated Tussock Working Party and Agriculture Victoria, we are also reminding landowners of their responsibility to act against serrated tussock and help prevent its spread to neighbouring areas.
Serrated tussock is both a Weed of National Significance and a declared noxious weed under the Catchment and Land Protection (CaLP) Act 1994. Every landowner has a responsibility to prevent the growth and spread of serrated tussock on their land.
Each serrated tussock plant can produce up to 100,000 seeds a year, which can be blown several kilometres, infesting new areas.
Seed can also be spread via moving water, machinery, livestock or in hay.
Mayor Trent Sullivan
“By spraying in late Winter, early Spring, property owners can control plants as soon as they appear, before they seed.
Livestock can become very ill or even die when they eat serrated tussock because they are unable to digest it, while heavy infestations can also lead to loss of pasture and native grasses.
Controlling serrated tussock on Council land and roadsides will be a priority for our team over the coming weeks and we’re asking that all landowners also prioritise this work.
By working together we can help protect our environment and our local farming economy.”
Victorian Serrated Tussock Working Party Community Engagement Officer Ivan Carter:
“Serrated tussock has a fine leaf and will roll smoothly between the index finger and thumb, while native tussocks feel as though they have flat edges.
The leaves also feel rough when you run your fingers downwards due to fine serrations.
A mature serrated tussock plant can produce thousands of seeds in a season, blowing up to 20 kilometres from the parent plant.
Having a healthy pasture and competitive ground cover is one of the most important aspects to weed management, serrated tussock is a prime example of a weed that does not like competition and well established pastures.”
Agriculture Victoria Leading Biosecurity Officer Luke Vinton:
“Effective, long-term control of established invasives such as serrated tussock is best achieved when everyone in the community is working together.”
For more information on how to identify and control serrated tussock, landowners can visit www.serratedtussock.com
For further advice and information on serrated tussock management please contact Agriculture Victoria on 136 186.
The Geelong Small Business Festival has celebrated its 30,000th attendee since the annual event’s inception 14 years ago.
This exciting milestone clicked over when Christopher Bogacki attended the ‘Unleashing Reels, YouTube Shorts and TikTok for Social Media Success’ by Video Vault at Wurriki Nyal, the home of the Geelong Small Business Festival.
Christopher has been presented with the Golden Ticket to the Geelong Small Business Festival, allowing him to attend
as many remaining festival events of his choice for free (which are not sold out).
As part of being the 30,000th ticketholder, Christopher also received a three-month membership at any of our Swim Sport & Leisure venues, a double pass to The Carousel and a double pit pass to the Geelong Revival Motoring Festival. Christopher and four friends will also have the opportunity to tour the Meredith Dairy farm, a behind the scenes experience not available to the public, where he’ll learn about the process to make their delicious
The City of Greater Geelong has opened two expression of interest campaigns for the future Geelong Youth Hub, inviting young people to register their interest in being part of the Youth Hub Reference Group and/or be involved in the creation of a mural.
The Youth Hub Reference Group will be responsible for providing advice to support the effective planning and operations of the Geelong Youth Hub Pilot, ensure that programming is responsive to the needs of young people and endeavour to reduce barriers to accessing services and support.
The City is also seeking to engage young people interested in being involved in the creation of a mural which will be a feature piece at the hub.
Young people with other creative skills and interests such as drawing, digital art, sculpture, creative writing, music, photography, film and video are also encouraged to register their details for other projects at the hub.
The hub is part of a two-year pilot program supported by $400,000 in funding from the Victorian Government and is located on the corner of Gheringhap Street and Transit Place in Geelong CBD.
The hub, which is set to open in 2025, will feature an open plan area for socialising and group activities, a multi-purpose room suitable for a range of creative uses such as music and art, a kitchen capable of hosting cooking classes, and an accessible bathroom.
goat’s cheese, discover their sustainability practices and meet the farm animals.
Additionally, Christopher will have the unique opportunity to collaborate with our team on content highlighting Geelong’s UNESCO City of Design status, in partnership with the National Wool Museum.
Presented by the City of Greater Geelong and the Geelong Chamber of Commerce, the Geelong Small Business Festival supports and inspires community members who are keen to start a business or grow and improve their existing business.
Ending this Friday 23 August, we have free and low-cost workshops, presentations and networking opportunities from business owners and subject matter experts. From business finance, understanding AI and harnessing local media to negotiating commercial leases, developing a business legal action plan or refining brand storytelling, there is something for everyone.
Avoid disappointment and book your tickets at gsbf.com.au
The Youth Hub Reference Group will help ensure the Geelong Youth Hub Pilot aligns with the diverse needs, views, and interests of young people in the Greater Geelong community.
Both expression of interest campaigns can be accessed at online on our Have Your Say platform and close on Sunday 15 September
“The Victorian government wants young people in Geelong to feel that the Youth Hub is their space.
I would encourage young people to express their interest in being a part of the Youth Hub reference Group, and in creating a mural that reflects their artistic contribution to our city.”
“I know how much talent there is in our region and I encourage everybody with an interest in this facility to visit the City’s Have Your Say page to get involved,” Mayor Sullivan said.
“I am particularly excited about the mural and other artistic projects planned for the Busport building.”
We’re inviting the community’s input into the design of a new fenced dog park at Sparrovale Reserve in Armstrong Creek.
Jointly funded by the Victorian Government ($550,000 via the New and Upgraded Dog Parks Program) and the Council ($100,000), the new facility will be built in 2025.
Planned for the residential edge of Sparrovale on Rechenberg Boulevard, Charlemont, the park will look different to other dog parks such as Belmont and Lara due to its more rural-type setting.
It will be larger in scale but more ‘natural’ looking, incorporating indigenous plants, wire farm-type fencing and gravel paths.
Given dogs are not allowed to access the nearby Sparrovale Wetlands due to its environmental significance, the fenced dog park will give local dog owners a place to exercise their pets off-leash in a controlled manner.
State Member for Western Victoria, Gayle Tierney:
“This is great news for our community of dog lovers, who will soon have a dedicated space at Sparrovale Reserve to exercise their pets and connect with fellow pet owners.
This initiative will create a safe and enjoyable environment for our furry friends to play and socialise, while also strengthening the bonds within our community.to address over the next four years.
Community consultation is now open on how we can make LGBTQIA+ residents feel more included in Greater Geelong.
We’re excited to be creating our first LGBTQIA+ Action Plan 2025-29 which will identify issues and actions that specifically impact our local Rainbow community.
The City wants to know how LGBTQIA+ inclusive our region is, how much progress we’ve made in this space, what improvements we can make and key priorities for the City to act on over the next four years.
LGBTQIA+ community members and the broader community are invited to contribute by filling out our online survey or attending a workshop
We are keen to hear your thoughts on participation in community life, building understanding of LGBTQIA+ experiences, visibility, safety and aspirations for the future.
We’ll also be calling for insights from the City’s LGBTQIA+ Advisory Committee, Rainbow Youth Advisory Group and Gender and Sexuality Program (GASP) participants, along with QHub’s LGBTQIA+
I look forward to the positive impact this park will have on both our pets and the broader community.”
Mayor Trent Sullivan:
“The park will offer a win-win solution, protecting wildlife in the wetlands while catering to dogs and their owners.
We’ve seen how popular fenced dog parks have become and this facility will be an important addition to the Armstrong Creek growth area.
I’m sure it will be very well used, and it will also help protect the Sparrovale Wetlands next door by giving dogs a great place to exercise away from the environmentally sensitive parts of the reserve where they’re not allowed.”
The Have Your Say opportunity, where residents can view a concept plan for the park and share their thoughts, is available until Monday 16 September.
Service Providers Network. We started GASP in 1996 to ensure that the strength and diversity of LGBTIQA+ young people are valued, celebrated and affirmed.
Mayor Trent Sullivan
“While the City has been recognised for its work in the LGBTIQA+ space in the past, there is a lot of work to do.
LGBTQIA+ residents make valuable contributions to our cultural and social fabric.
We want to address the societal stigma, discrimination and other challenges that our Rainbow community experiences through the City’s first LGBTQIA+ Action Plan, to ensure a more inclusive region.
I invite LGBTQIA+ residents and visitors, and allies to have their say.”
Cr Sarah Hathway, Chair of Inclusion and Care portfolio and LGBTQIA+ Advisory Committee
“The action plan links strongly to the City’s strategic direction for a ‘healthy, caring and inclusive community’.
This engagement will identify community and stakeholder aspirations for LGBTQIA+ inclusion with respect to the core principles of understanding, inclusion, visibility and safety.
The City wants to have meaningful conversations with the LGBTQIA+ community to understand its key priorities to address over the next four years.”
The City was excited to team up with Geelong Cats players and members of the club to plant more than 1,000 native shrubs, grasses and trees along the Moorabool River.
For the second consecutive year, the planting day took place at the Fyansford Common on Friday 16 August with the goal of restoring the land alongside the river. As the planted seedlings grow, they will provide essential habitat for reptiles, birds and insects as well as for larger animals such as koalas.
This partnership allows Geelong Cats members to put their complimentary $20 Cats Shop voucher towards the Cats’ Plant a Tree program.
In its second year, this ongoing membership option aims to support local revegetation projects, enhance the environment and help biodiversity thrive, while creating a sense of community spirit and ownership.
The City has recently undertaken extensive weed removal along this section of Moorabool River. Our planting initiative with the Geelong Cats forms part of a long-term habitat restoration project to rehabilitate the understorey plant species that have long been missing from this landscape.
More than 80 per cent of the species planted on the day were shrubs and grasses, as they provide food and shelter for native wildlife, improve water quality and drainage, and reduce bank erosion.
This planting day follows the City’s successful National Tree Day initiatives last month where almost 3,000 trees were planted at Lara’s Lavender Drive Reserve.
“This planting day demonstrates how Council and the Cats’ values about preserving nature, sustainability and volunteering strongly align.
Collaboration is key to making a difference on a larger scale and we’re excited to be creating positive environmental change that will benefit the community for years to come.
On behalf of Council, I thank the Cats fans, members and players who will be getting their hands dirty for a good cause.
The City would also like to recognise the dedication and effort of the Friends of Buckley Falls and the Geelong Environment Council.
Their members have volunteered over many years to help make the parkland along the Moorabool and Barwon rivers a place rich in biodiversity that the community can experience local wildlife.”
“We are thrilled to continue our planting partnership with City of Greater Geelong, support this important revegetation work and use our platform in the community to highlight the importance of green initiatives like the planting day.
As a Club, we are committed to investing in positive actions for our environment, and we are pleased to see the support from our members both in choosing to contribute the value of their Cats Shop voucher towards this initiative, and those who were part of the planting session today.”
A recent case has highlighted that early payment of superannuation leading to excess concessional contributions may not be considered a special circumstance allowing reallocation under s 291-465 (2) of the ITAA 1997. With the concessional contributions threshold about to increase, Oldenburger v Commissioner of Taxation reminds employers to revisit their superannuation contribution strategies to avoid tax impositions.
In this case, the applicant applied for a special consideration after receiving a tax bill for exceeding the concessional contributions threshold, which was denied by the Commissioner and later the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).
From 1 July 2024, the concessional contributions cap is set to increase from $27,500 to $30,000.
Announced: 4-May-2023 Updated: 7-May-2024
The Federal government has announced a one-year extension to the increase in the instant asset write-off threshold to $20,000.
Announced as part of the 2024 Federal Budget, this increased threshold applies for the 2024-25 income year and aims to help small businesses with improved cash flows.
An immediate deduction for eligible assets (applied on per asset basis) will become available for small businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $10 million.
Eligible assets must be first used or installed ready for use between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025.
the lens by Federal government to ensure foreign residents are paying their fair share of tax in Australia.
Specified taxable Australian property (TAP) defined under ITAA 1997 s 855-15, which makes foreign residents subject to CGT will be reviewed and broadened.
The principal asset test to determine the indirect interest of a foreign resident in a TAP will now be subject to a 365-day testing period rather than being tested at a "point in time".
Commencing from 1 July 2025, these reforms aim to provide certainty to foreign investors by aligning Australian tax law closely with the OECD standards and international best practice.
Announced: 14-May-2024 Updated: 14-May-2024
Announcement(13-May-2024) Consultation Introduced Passed Royal Assent Date of effect
Announced: 13-May-2024 Updated: 14-May-2024
Announced: 13-May-2024 Updated: 17-May-2024
Amendments to tax legislation have been announced in the 2024 Federal Budget that will give the Commissioner of Taxation a discretion to not use a taxpayer's refund to offset old tax debts.
As per s 8AAZL of the Tax Administration Act 1953, the Commissioner is required to apply refunds in the running balance account (RBA) to offset current or anticipated RBA and non-RBA tax debts.
This discretion will apply to individuals, small businesses and not-for-profits, and will maintain the Commissioner's current administrative approach.
This announcement applies to old tax debts put on hold by the Commissioner prior to 1 July 2017. After the enactment of legislation, we expect the Commissioner to release regulatory resources in relation to the practical application of this announcement.
As part of the 2024 Federal Budget, an announcement may make more carers eligible for government financial assistance and support.
The eligibility requirements will change from 20 March 2025, where the existing 25 hour per week participation limit to receive Carer Payment will be amended to 100 hours over 4 weeks.
Also, currently the participation limit applies to employment, volunteering and study. From 20 March 2025, only employment will count against the participation limit.
Further adjustments will be made, meaning that if an individual goes over these limits, the ramifications relating to future support will not be as severe.
A 2024 Federal Budget announcement will provide additional support for businesses who participate in the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System.
The last adjustment to this scheme was announced in the March 2022 budget, where the Phase Two incentive system payments would begin reducing from 1 July 2024.
The new announcement states that the reduction in incentive payments will not reduce for apprentices, trainees and their employers in priority occupations.
As a result, the expected Phase Two incentive system payments for apprentices in a priority occupation will increase from $3,000 to $5,000 if it was due to received after 1 July 2024. Also, if an apprentice in a priority occupation is hired after 1 July 2024, there will not be a reduction in that incentive payment either.
Announced as part of the 2023 Federal Budget, was a proposed expansion of the general anti-avoidance provisions for income tax.
This announcement intended to allow schemes that achieve an Australian income tax benefit to come into the scope of Part IVA, even if the dominant purpose was to reduce foreign income tax.
This announcement was set to apply from 1 July 2024, however, as per the 2024 Federal budget this has been pushed to income years commencing after amended legislation receives royal assent, regardless of whether the scheme was entered into before that date.
In an initiative to promote women’s economic equality, the Labor government has announced plans to pay superannuation on paid parental leave (PPL) for government-funded payments from 1 July 2025.
If enacted, this measure will provide parents who access the PPL government scheme with super contributions paid into their nominated super account equivalent to 12% of their leave pay.
An expansion to Australia’s PPL is also currently before the Senate, which will give families an additional 6 weeks of PPL, increasing to 22 weeks from July 2024, 24 weeks from July 2025, and 26 weeks from July 2026.
This measure is currently in the announcement stage and requires parliamentary approval to become law.
16.5 km section of track, running from the historic town of Queenscliff to the rapidly growing suburb of Drysdale. Established by volunteers in 1970, the Geelong Steam Preservation Society (GSPS) relocated from Belmont Common in Geelong to Queenscliff in 1976. Today, the society continues to operate as an iconic feature of The Bellarine, through the support of volunteers.
The Bellarine Railway has evolved over its 45-year history, reflecting the dynamic changes in both the rail and tourism industries. On 19 May 1979, after converting the track from broad to narrow gauge, the society celebrated its first departure from Queenscliff. The journey was a sold-out three-carriage service to Lakers Siding, a small industrial platform on the town’s outskirts. These days, the railway offers some of the most immersive, family-friendly railway experiences in Australia, including the popular ‘Day Out With Thomas’ weekends, THE POLAR EXPRESS™ Train Ride, and the scenic weekend heritage ride, ‘The Swan Bay Express’.
The rail experience for passengers reflects the dedication of our volunteers. Recently, we’ve refocused on enhancing the presentation of our locomotives, carriages, and buildings. The maintenance team at Lakers Siding has restored three timber passenger carriages, including a First Class carriage from Tasmania, a Western Australian guards van, and a Queensland suburban seating carriage. Volunteers at the Queenscliff workshops continue to work on several long-term projects, including a rare South Australian passenger carriage and the only remaining ‘Australian Standard Garratt’. This is one of the largest steam locomotives ever built for Australia’s narrow gauge system and a treasured asset of the collection. Additionally, a devoted crew of gardeners and builders continue to maintain and improve upon the railways platforms and station buildings, to provide passengers with a picturesque, historical, and functional venue to gather. These projects and roles showcase the diversity of our rolling stock and the efforts of our volunteers.
To evolve and stay relevant in a changing landscape, a volunteer organisation like this thrives on a diverse range of ideas, skills, and perspectives from its entire volunteer base. In recent years, the GSPS has welcomed an enthusiastic group of younger volunteers, who have played a pivotal role in connecting our country’s rich railway history with the heritage railway audience of the 21st century.
On any given running day at The Bellarine Railway, you’ll see a blend of experienced and new volunteers, all working together to ensure the railway operates smoothly. Whether it’s driving the trains, managing the Booking Office, or contributing to the development of key policies, volunteers of all ages are essential to the continued success of the railway. It has been incredible to witness the passion and excitement that our younger volunteers bring to the heritage railway scene. With combined efforts, the future of The Bellarine Railway shines brightly.
To find out more about volunteering please email membership@bellarinerailway.com.au or drop in for a chat on any running day.
Get ready for a side-splitting evening of comedy, entertainment, and community support at the Comedy Gala for Lifeline Geelong! Following the success of last year’s inaugural event, 2024’s Gala promises to deliver a memorable night, full of laughter and joy, all while supporting a vital cause.
Lifeline Geelong’s Corporate and Community Partnerships Manager, Mr Michael Parker said, “We are very excited to once again partner with the team from Locally Grown Funnies (LGF) and are thrilled with the amazing lineup of comedic talent that will be on stage at the Geelong West Town Hall all in support of Lifeline.”
Headlined by Dilruk Jayasinha, known for his appearances on Utopia, MasterChef Australia, I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, Spicks and Specks, Have You Been Paying Attention, and many other hit shows, Dilruk promises an evening of top-notch humour and entertainment.
Dilruk will be joined by an equally impressive array of local comedians, including Luke Massey, Johnny Katts, Kelsey De Almeida, and Sarah Maree Cameron. Each performer brings their unique style and charisma, ensuring a diverse and laughter-filled experience for all.
This event is set to be a highlight on Geelong’s social calendar. It’s not only a chance to enjoy an incredible night of comedy but also to help raise funds for a cause that makes a real difference in the community.
Friday, 13th September
to 10pm
The Comedy Gala for Lifeline is on Friday 13th of September from 6pm at the Geelong West Town Hall. Tickets are on sale now and are expected to sell out quickly. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this fantastic event while supporting Lifeline Geelong and their crisis support services. For tickets and more information: https://bit.ly/Lifelinegala or visit Lifeline Geelong’s website.
Lifeline Geelong is a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing crisis support and suicide prevention services to the local community. Through its 24/7 helpline and community programs, Lifeline Geelong offers vital assistance to individuals in need.
I came across these words recently, by Mother Theresa:
The man is unreasonable, illogical and ego centric –
It doesn’t matter, love him.
If you do good, they attribute it to your ego –
It doesn’t matter, do good.
If you realise your objectives, you find that you have false friends and true enemies –
It doesn’t matter, realise them.
The good you do today is forgotten tomorrow –
It doesn’t matter, do the good.
Honesty and sincerity make you vulnerable –
It doesn’t matter be frank and honest.
That which you have constructed in a year is destroyed in a moment –
It doesn’t matter, construct.
If you help the people, they resent it –
It doesn’t matter, help them.
You give the world the best of yourself and find that you receive a kick –
It doesn’t matter, give the best of yourself.
Inspirational words – just like Mother Theresa’s life. We continue to encourage and model these behaviours at LPS – kindness is one of our core values. The Kind Kids Club does it particularly well.
The rewards for doing good and being kind even in the midst of difficulties, are enormous. Here’s some of the benefits:
• Our own issues and problems are momentarily forgotten
• We experience fulfillment and a positive mindset
• A sense of purpose develops that adds quality to our lives
• The good comes back to us - we get back as we give out - we reap what we sow
• Everyone benefits
• Our hurts (often caused by unkindness) gradually become unravelled and healed
All the best.
Kindest regards, Rob. LPS Chaplain Robert.Hunter@education.vic.gov.au
6 - 7 APRIL & 5 - 6 OCTOBER
April event now on sale October event: Early May
Pop’ on down to Queenscliff and spend some time with Thomas, Henry, Douglas, those Troublesome Trucks and even Sir Topham Hatt! PLUS
Remember your camera as there will be photo opportunities galore!
Unlimited Troublesome Truck Rides with Thomas Meet and greet with Sir Topham Hatt
A 45-minute train trip along Swan Bay
Visit Henry’s Drivers Cab and blow his whistle
Dr Hubble’s roving bubble show
Find Percy’s Yard Fire Engine Rides Art Activities
Children’s Event Pack
Geelong Waterfront Film brings high-energy real time filmmaking to Geelong with the ’48 Hour Film Frenzy’ shootout.
Taking place from October 11-13, 2024, this exciting event sees filmmakers from across Australia descend on Geelong to create 4–7-minute films that highlight the region. Films must be created, produced and submitted within 48 hours.
Filmmakers of all ages and skill levels are invited to participate, from professionals and students to anyone with a passion for filmmaking. Whether you’re using professional equipment or just a smartphone, there’s a category for everyone. You can enter as an individual or in teams to write a story and find a cast and crew who can shoot and edit their short film in just a single weekend.
The ‘48 Hour Film Frenzy’ offers awards for professionals, secondary school and university students and amateurs, as judged by a panel of professional filmmakers and celebrity judges. All films meeting the criteria will be screened in local cinemas and shared worldwide on digital platforms.
Participants can plan their films in advance, but to ensure originality, a key prop, line of dialogue, and a specific Geelong location will only be disclosed on the event’s kickoff night. These three unique details will push filmmakers’ creativity.
To support participants, Geelong Waterfront Film will host a workshop in the lead up to the event. This workshop will be facilitated by industry professionals and offers newcomers an opportunity to learn from industry experts.
The Geelong Waterfront Film Foundation, run by a small group of passionate volunteers, is proudly supported by the City of Greater Geelong through its Arts Project Grant and through the generous local sponsorship. This event promises to be a fun highlight of the year.
For more information on the ’48 Hour Film Frenzy’ visit www.geelongwaterfrontfilm.com.au
Could you create a short film in 24 hours?
- All films screened - great prizes - Free film making workshop
How safe is your apartment? A new online quiz from Neighbourhood Watch – supported by RACV – will help Victorians answer this question and provide simple and actionable tips to help you feel safe in your apartment.
By completing the quick How Safe Is My Apartment online quiz, users will receive a free report with security tips to help prevent crime in apartments, including tips to help protect valuables in common areas, storage cages, bike storage spaces and car garages.
CEO Neighbourhood Watch Victoria Bambi Gordon said by making a few simple improvements, you can help avoid the loss, inconvenience and stress involved with apartment crime. “Living in a high-rise building doesn’t guarantee absolute security from intruders and it can also present some other issues that can occur in high-density living,” Ms Gordon said.
“The tips and suggestions generated from the answers provided in the How Safe Is My Apartment quiz will be tailored to your apartment, but it’s important to remember you don’t need to do everything at once.
“Start with one or two easy jobs as a few small improvements can make a big difference – even something as simple as getting to know your neighbours. A Neighbourhood Watch or apartment building group is a great way to share information, check up on each other, and know what is happening in the building.”
In Victoria, it’s important that renters are also aware that there are regulations regarding what security must be provided to tenants.
“For example, external windows and doors on rental properties must be able to be locked or secured and each renter whose name is on the rental agreement (lease) must be given a copy of a key or security device,” Ms Gordon said.
“As you read through your personalised How Safe Is My Apartment report, keep in mind that you can approach your rental provider about any additions or measures you would like undertaken about crime prevention.”
Neighbourhood Watch and RACV’s 7 top tips for apartment security
1. Complete the How Safe Is My Apartment quiz: A free report will provide simple and actionable tips to help you feel safe at your home in your apartment.
2. Consider security before you move in: Visit the building at night to sense how safe you feel walking around it and check the crime statistics for the location.
3. Be conscious of who you let in: Make sure no one follows you in before the door closes – even if they said they live there.
4. Upgrade door locks: Most apartments have a relatively high turnover of occupants so check if the door locks have been re keyed and if not, request permission from your landlord if you are a renter. If you don’t have a deadbolt or digital door lock, consider installing one for added security.
5. Secure balcony doors: even if you’re a few levels up, it’s important to keep your balcony doors locked at all times.
6. Keep your storage cage secure, if you have one: Line the inside of your cage walls with a tarp or similar so cover your property. Keep valuable or sentimental items locked safely in your apartment.
7. Make an apartment buddy: Try befriending someone who lives on your floor and help keep an eye out for each other. Building a friendly and supportive community within your apartment complex is invaluable.
To learn more about where your apartment might be at risk of a break-in, complete the online quiz at https://howsafeismyplace. com.au/apartment/
Take a look at our other online quizzes.
How Safe is my Place
How Safe is my Farm
How Safe is my School
In 1971 a couple of locals, Len Lewis and Kevin Ash had an idea for a bowls club in Leopold. The idea took hold, a committee formed and money raised. A location was needed that would have enough space for two bowling greens and a clubhouse. Finally this was located in Kensington Road, our current location and 5 acres purchased for $8500.
In May 1975 the club was officially opened as a family friendly sporting club by Brian Dixon, the then Minister for Youth, Sport and Recreation.
You can see the results for yourself on visiting our club.
There are so many people to thank over many years for their support, encouragement and voluntary help along with the the original crew that helped established the club.
Leopold Sporties, located in Leopold, Victoria, is a club based on sports. We offer Bowls, both social and Pennant, Golf, Racquet Ball and Squash.
FC Leopold was established in 2016 by Jared Larkins and Mitchell Vials. The club is based in Leopold, Victoria and played its first competitive games in 2017. In our first season we had over 100 registered players and expect those numbers to grow in 2018 and continue to grow into the future as the club continues to develop.
The club aims to provide a positive family friendly enviroment for our members to develop their skills off the field and to also become great people off the field.The club is run solely by volunteers and we are always looking to get members involved in helping the club grow and develop.
We are aiming to become a huge part of the Leopold community and look forward to growing the sport of football (soccer) in our beautiful town.
FC Leopold is a community club that fields senior mens teams, a senior womens team and multiple miniroos and junior teams in Geelong competitions.
FC Leopold are looking for enthusiastic members of the community who would like to contribute to the clubs ethos and family friendly feel - whether that is through being a committee member, volunteer, coach or player.
Like the page to keep up to date with the clubs progress as exciting things are happening with lights and a massive COGG funded pavilion project.
• Business Coach • Member of Find Geelong
Deb Fribbins is an entrepreneur, strategic planning coach, mentor, speaker, author, social enterprise up to a scalable sale Business Owners who are empowered to achieve their goals.
Deb enjoyed a long successful career in the corporate retail world with Myer, David Jones, Target, up to $480Million. Since leaving retail she has worked extensively with small business retailers, clients in the UK, Bali, USA and all over Australia. Her experience in each business and her knowledge
Deb is honest and authentic in her approach, gaining the respect of both her clients and their Association of Top Professionals, Outstanding Professional of the Year by Cambridge Publishing.
The Developing Excellence in Business (DEB) philosophy is to empower business owners with the developed is customised for each individual business needs, leading to increased sales, profits
enterprise advocate and champion for equality. Her passion is to support small businesses from start
Target, and Harris Scarfe over more than 30 years. Leading businesses small and large from $240,000 retailers, service providers, manufacturers and wholesalers, both locally and Internationally. Servicing knowledge in a wide range of products enables her to support businesses across the board. their customers. She has been recognised as the Top Private Consultant by the International Publishing.
the knowledge, skills and expertise to achieve and exceed their goals. The unique 5 D process
profits and a greater brand awareness in the marketplace, through increased traffic.
Due to popular demand, Hindley Street Country Club are coming back for another show!
HSCC (The Hindley Street Country Club) are Australia’s very own Global Online Sensation with over a Billion views across multiple platforms touring Australia in 2024.
Described by industry and public alike, as “The Worlds Best Cover Band“ they perform the best songs of arguably the greatest generation in music from the 70” & 80’s.
The incredibly talented Jimeoin is brining his hilarious show to Geelong!
Ever wondered why dogs get so excited around 6pm? Or what the point of the little toe is? Or what to do when you forget someone’s name? Come along and see Jimeoin and you will find out all the answers to the worlds big questions.
With more facial expressions than a baby eating a lemon, don’t miss Jimeoin as he takes you on a journey that’ll have you none the wiser by the time he takes his final bow!
Who’s your man? Why,it’s Jimeoin,of course! Don’t miss out - tickets are on sale now.
“What a fantastic performer, what a wonderful comedian”
Sat, 07 Sep 2024 07:30pm
Creedence Clearwater Collective is a tribute to John Fogerty.
We invite you to join us for a night of Creedence Clearwater Revival and John Fogerty, as we celebrate the music of one of the world’s most iconic bands –from the songs they wrote, to the songs covered, to the songs they wrote for others.
From their album debut in 1968 to their last album in 1972, CCR was a juggernaut of phenomenal proportions.
No other band has created such an impact in such a short time.
The incredibly captivating and beloved Dracula’s: Sanctuary is coming down to Geelong!
Iconic vaudevillian variety show Dracula’s, is bringing their brand-new show, ‘Sanctuary’ to town. After a sold-out tour in 2023 that left audiences breathless (and envious of after-party rumours), they’re on the road again!
This time, ‘Dracula’s: Sanctuary’ opens with a carnal cocktail of the undead and criminally insane. From death-defying aerial acrobatics to knockout vocals – get ready for a blockbuster show, set to dazzle, and delight in a way only Dracula’s can.
With a killer cast of local and international artists, ‘Dracula’s: Sanctuary’ will leave
you screaming for more – and maybe an encore.
Born in a Melbourne laneway in 1980, Dracula’s has become an Australian entertainment icon. The risqué burlesque, comedy show, brought to life by Newman Entertainment, has kept more than five million attendees in suspense, surprise and in stitches over the 43 years it has been running.
Newman Entertainment CEO Luke Newman says audiences should expect the unexpected with Dracula’s.
“What people love about Dracula’s is that you’re never quite certain what you’ll see, but you know you’ll love it. After a season at our Gold Coast venue, ‘Sanctuary’ has been completely re-worked for the road, to be bigger and better than ever. It’s a
The Creedence Clearwater Collective brings to the stage a band that captures the unique CCR sound.
us, a real-life travelling
spectacle of seduction and silliness, with plenty of fangs, feathers, and flirting. It’s naughty, in your face and pure energy. It has it all, and you won’t want to miss it!”
Prepare to be seduced, shocked, and entertained. Just remember, this is a judgement-free zone.
So, what are you waiting for? Check in to ‘Dracula’s: Sanctuary’, where blood is the elixir, but laughter is the best medicine.
Tickets are on sale now!
After the success of last year’s event, Piccadilly Market is returning to Geelong Arts Centre
Get ready to once again indulge in a sensory delight - featuring live entertainment, delicious food, tasty drinks and incredible stalls!
Immerse yourself in a vibrant atmosphere filled with market stalls brimming with artisan produce, handcrafted goods, and unique finds that showcase the best of Geelong’s local talent.
But the magic doesn’t stop there – live entertainment will keep you grooving as you explore the market.
Whether you’re looking for a special gift or simply want to treat yourself to something special, Piccadilly Market at Geelong Arts Centre is the perfect place to discover hidden gems and support local makers. So gather your loved ones, mark your
“It’s about animals!”…”It’s about Imagination!”…“It’s about our Home!”
Based on the book “Imagine” by Alison Lester, published by Allen & Unwin.
Magical and meaningful, IMAGINE LIVE is a celebration of creativity, friendship and our precious natural world. With the help of the audience, performers play and sing their way through the pages of
calendars, and get ready for an evening of shopping and entertainment.
Fri, 13 Sep 2024
07:30pm Fri, 08 Nov 2024 05:00pm
Alison Lester’s iconic best selling book and quickly discover there is WAY more to these pages than they first thought.
Spot a leopard, dive with a dolphin or dig up a dinosaur as this iconic book springs into life before your eyes. Created by the multi-award winning team from Robot Song, IMAGINE LIVE is a 60 min interactive musical performance for families… Nana’s are especially welcome!
Presented by TEG Dainty
Homegrown comedy heroes Sooshi Mango return with their most exciting live show yet, Home Made!
“A show where you can get together with La Familia and not fight…maybe!”
TEG Dainty is thrilled to present one of Australia’s biggest-selling comedy acts, Sooshi Mango, and their all-new tour, Home Made, hitting a whopping 25 cities around the country this August–November. This follows an international tour earlier this year and a sold out Australian tour in 2022 which saw them break the house record at Rod Laver and bring laughter to over 100,000 fans.
The trio, made up of brothers Joe Salanitri, Carlo Salanitri and friend Andrew Manfre, are award-winning comedians, podcasters, and content creators and are among the best-loved comedians working in Australia today, consistently performing to sold out crowds across the country and around the world.
Become an acrobat in training in this workshop by the stars of Patch Theatre and Gravity & Other Myths’ I Wish... Attendees will learn the basics of acrobatics, including balance, coordination, and agility, with the support of talented circus professionals. Discover your inner strength and flexibility as you navigate through exciting challenges and teamwork exercises. This hands-on experience will not only enhance your physical skills but also boost your confidence and creativity, inspiring you to express yourself in new and thrilling ways. Join us to explore the endless possibilities of movement and imagination!
Known for their skits and characters inspired by their beloved Italian family, Sooshi Mango have taken the world by storm in recent years thanks to their relatable, nostalgic humour and hilarious delivery. Now, ‘ethnic dads’ Johnny, Vince, Sam, and all their friends are set to return to the stage with all-new material in Home Made! Think outrageous skits, knee-slappers, and musical numbers galore that will transport you back in time and have you laughing until your ribs are sore. New show, same antics!
“We are going above and beyond to make sure this is not just a comedy show but a memorable comedy event for the people. It’s going to be a comedy rock concert.”
I Wish... is an exciting collaboration between two internationally renowned South Australian companies – leaders in children’s performance Patch Theatre and boundary-pushing circus company Gravity & Other Myths.
People are made of stuff – good stuff and bad stuff, happy and sad stuff, stinky, odd, boring, dangerous, funny, sparkling potions of stuff. People also have secret ingredients – what could your secret ingredient be? Enter a world of colour and creativity as performers imagine all the things they could be – from an astronaut to a unicorn More detalis
Celebrating 76 years of creativity in Geelong schools in October!
The Geelong Schools Music and Movement Festival is a celebration of the creativity and passion which exists within the school community.
PERFORMANCES Mon, 16 Sep 2024 01:00pm
17 Sep 2024
17 Sep 2024
18 Sep 2024
18 Sep 2024
This landmark American classic by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Sam Shepard examines the male psyche through an explosive tale of sibling rivalry.
In this darkly witty masterpiece of modern theatre, Austin is an ambitious screenwriter on the verge of his first big hit.
He’s taking sanctuary house-sitting for his mum at their family home in Southern California, but the quiet of the desert is shattered by the unexpected arrival of
his brother, Lee - a part-time thief and fulltime hustler. When Lee embroils himself in Austin’s next film project, tensions quickly flare and brutal ambition gives rise to a deadly stand-off.
TRUE WEST is a searing portrait of blood brothers – polar opposites, inextricably linked, whose savage relationship embodies their country’s pent-up resentments.
Produced by Geelong theatre veteran Derek Ingles, this fiery independent production features blistering performances by Jules Hart (The Lonesome West, Priscilla), Calvin Langley (The Beast), Todd J. Curtis (Tartuffe, Farragut North) and VDL award-winner Sue Rawkins (Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, The Wizard of Oz).
PERFORMANCES Fri, 06 Sep 2024 07:30pm See more dates
Have you ever looked into the night sky and wondered?
Camping together on a star-lit night Dad and Kid wait for a comet passing by for the first time in 50,000 years. While they wait, Kid explains to Dad gravity, light years, space- time and blackholes.
Using puppetry techniques, Lemony S Puppet Theatre transports audiences into space with this striking performance for children and their families
What do a team of astrophysicists have to do with making children’s theatre? Quite a lot at Monash University! LITTLE BLUE DOT has been developed in collaboration with Dr Rosemary Mardling and Dr Alex Wallace from the Monash University School of Physics and Astronomy and commissioned by Monash University Performing Arts Centres with cocommissioning support from Geelong Arts Centre.
Grounded in a camping star-gazing adventure between a child and their dad, LITTLE BLUE DOT tackles the big questions we ask about space, our place in it and why this precious little blue dot floating in space, matters so very much.
PERFORMANCES Wed, 18 Sep 2024 05:00pm TICKET
Suitable for all ages
The ultimate live gig experience for young families.
The old feel young, the young feel like grown-ups, and everyone just meets somewhere in the middle for a rocking good time!
Playing all the Teeny Tiny Stevies favourites along with some sparkly new ones from their most recent offering, The Green Album, Byll, Beth and their band create a snug atmosphere with much delight! Even the most serious adults will find themselves singing, laughing and potentially even moving their bodies in a way that resembles… dancing.
Get ready to make some core memories together.
Sat, 21 Sep 2024 10:30am
The highly successful open-call arts exhibition After Walter Hopps returns to Platform Arts.
Artists from Geelong, Surf Coast, Bellarine, and surrounding G21 regions will have the opportunity to exhibit at Platform Arts on a first-come, first-served basis. The overall aim is to fill the gallery from floor to ceiling, wall to wall, in a show that takes shape both cumulatively and expansively.
This exhibition is inspired by Walter Hopps’ ‘36 Hours’ project held at MOTA (Museum of Temporary Art), Washington, USA in 1978. A renowned non-conformist, maverick curator, and transcender of boundaries, Walter Hopps’ seminal project was an invitation for any artist to take their work to the gallery, without any chance of rejection or censorship.
Artists are invited to drop off works in Gallery One at Platform Arts and provide input on where to install the works around those already installed in the space. Installation will take place outside of the drop-off hours by Platform Arts staff.
With the installation phase closed, After Walter Hopps opens to the public. Artists will have the opportunity to list their work for auction.
The exhibition and auction will close with a celebration party, with prizes kindly donated by Frameline, Geelong.
In 2022, the inaugural ‘After Walter Hopps’ displayed over 200 works and supported 150 artists, culminating in an auction event that brought together members of the arts community from across Geelong and surrounding regions.
To learn more about how to participate as an artist, attend the exhibition, or bid on artworks, visit platformarts.org.au
When Daily from 12 August 2024 to 20 September 2024
Geelong Concert Band in conjunction with Geelong Youth Choir and Voices of Geelong presents Sing It Together.
Join us for an unmissable night of music and song, culminating with a massed performance of the South African folk song Siyahamba (We Are Marching).
When 07 September 2024, 07:30 PM - 09:30 PM
Where R. W. Gibson Centre Wadawurrung Country, Pigdons Rd, Waurn Ponds VIC 3216
Setting up your arts group or organisation for financial success is the first session in the two-part masterclass series, Arts Fundraising - the basics and beyond.
The workshop is free, but registration is essential
The first part of a two-part masterclass, you’ll learn the skills required to raise money for your arts organisation, collective or individual art practice.
Supported by The City of Greater Geelong, Creative Australia will deliver these twopart arts fundraising session to equip artists and arts organisations with the skills to garner non-government or private sector financial support. More info
When 05 September 2024, 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Where Wurriki Nyal
Wadawurrung Country, 137-149 Mercer Street, Geelong VIC 3220
Email: artsculture@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
Phone: 5272 5272
One of Australia’s most accomplished and best-loved sopranos, Antoinette performs regularly with major opera companies and orchestras. Antoinette appears with accompanist Patrick Lawrence.
When 20 September 2024, 07:30 PM - 09:30 PM
• Adult: $55.00
• Concession: $45.00
• Student: $10.00
Contact David Fox
Phone: 0418138627
Associated organisation: Geelong Chamber Music Society Website: https://www.geelongchamber.org
Follow us:
https://www.facebook.com/GeelongChamberMusic https://www.instagram.com/geelongchamber/
Join us for the premiere of two compelling short films created by North Youth Theatre ensemble members, Kiko Wayne Jr and Ali Hosseini. Experience the unique storytelling and creative vision of these talented young filmmakers as they debut their latest works.
in an Australian regional town. They have been dating for a while and are in love but when they decide it is time for them to meet each other’s parents, things get complicated very quickly. Can their relationship
withstand the strain? People Like You is a bittersweet comedy about cross-cultural relationships in contemporary Australia.
The Gift - a film by Ali Hosseini
Three friends find a mysterious box. Maybe it holds the answer to all their problems. But whose is it? Will they want it back? Will their friendships survive? A fast moving comedy, set in Geelong.
Plus a Q&A panel with the filmmakers hosted by Artistic Director, Dr Dave Kelman.
FREE EVENT but bookings essential at https://short-film-premiere.eventbrite. com.au
This project has been supported by the Australian Government’s Fostering Integration grants program through the Department of Home Affairs
When 14 September 2024, 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Where The Pivotonian
Wadawurrung Country, Cnr Moorabool and Verner Streets South Geelong, VIC 3220
Contact Bron Lawson
Email: bronlawson@ bluebirdfoundationinc.org.au
Phone: 5202 4870
Website: https://short-film-premiere. eventbrite.com.au
Want to Start A Playgroup...Join our community playgroup workshops to find out how.
Over 4 sessions, we will guide you through the steps you can take when setting up a playgroup. These workshops aim to build your confidence and skills to be able to run a volunteer-led playgroup in your community.
The topics that will be covered are:-
• Running an effective playgroup
• Safety at playgroup
• Learning through play
• Services and Connections
Contact: Nikki Welsh
Email: childrensevents@geelongcity.vic. gov.au
Phone: +61 423 057 878
Website: https://www. geelongaustralia.com.au/playgroups/ task/item/8dcbc4f86cf1d63. aspx#:~:text=Join%20us%20to%20 learn%20more,Safety%20in%20 playgroup
Follow us: https://www.facebook. com/p/Geelong-Child-andFamily-100069024325106/
We’d like to welcome you to the Barwon Heads Arts & Community Hub to reconnect, check-in and link you with opportunities and other creatives.
When: Thursday 12 September 6:00pm8:00pm
Where: Barwon Heads Arts & Community Hub, Clifford Parade, Barwon Heads RSVP: Free event, but registration is essential.
Due to venue capacity, tickets are strictly limited to 90 attendees.
Join us for an evening of connection, discovery and inspiration across the local creative industries and learn about upcoming opportunities for you and your creative practice.
Contact: Andrea Baranski
Email: artsculture@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
Phone: 5272 5272
Website: https://tickets.geelongaustralia. com.au/event/artists-creativesnetworking-event
The annual Kids+ Luncheon is a community fundraising event.
This event brings together people from across the region for an afternoon of food, drinks and entertainment.
A time to connect with each other and support the work of Kids+.
Tickets on sale from July.
27 September 2024, 12:30 PM - 06:30 PM
Email: artsculture@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
Website: https://kidsplus.org.au/
Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/ KidsPlusFoundation/
https://www.instagram.com/ kidsplusfoundation/
Little Red loves her Granny and her neighbourhood!
She’s like a super-hero in a hoodie- always on the lookout for litterbugs and people who don’t know how to Recycle.
Suitable for ages 3-12. Children under two free admission.
Book online now or alternatively call to speak with our friendly staff.
Potato Shed
Wadawurrung Country, 41 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale VIC 3222
22 September 2024
Contact Lisa Harvey
Email: potatoshed@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
Phone: 03 5251 1998
Associated organisation: Potato Shed
Website: http://www.potatoshed.com.au
This trio of powerhouse Queensland tenors met while touring internationally with The Ten Tenors and have remained friends for over twenty years.
A day at a time in rhyme BY
With a combined seventy years’ experience in the industry, David Kidd, Stewart Morris and Andrew Pryor know exactly how to put on a dynamic, uplifting and hugely entertaining show.
A day at a time in rhyme is an immersive new piece of hybrid theatre written and performed by industry veteran Jane Clifton, comprising spoken word, soundscape, image and music, with source material drawn from her 2019 published poetry diary of the same name.
A one woman tour de force that takes us into a year of Jane’s life as she peels back the layers to share her witty – and often poignant – observations on life.
Nothing is off limits as Jane reflects on –amongst other things – love and death and family, incontinence and wine, war
They bring their sense of fun and sophistication to classics from the worlds of Opera, Music Theatre, Jazz and everything in between.
Individually, they have beautiful voices. Together they sing like the band of brothers they are, with the camaraderie and precision that more than a decade of harmonising together can bring.
Book online now or alternatively call to speak with our friendly staff.
When 07 September 2024, 08:00 PM
Potato Shed
Wadawurrung Country, 41 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale VIC 3222
Lisa Harvey
Email: potatoshed@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
Phone: 03 5251 1998
Associated organisation: Potato Shed Website: http://www.potatoshed.com.au
and sex and Vegemite, footy, children, Christmas, Easter, and the best and worst of times.
Following the performance, join us for an interactive second act where Jane will facilitate a question and answer session and discuss her process of writing poetry and how you can record the simple, everyday things in your life, too.
We might even write a poem together! or call to speak with our friendly staff.
When 15 September 2024, 02:00 PM
Potato Shed
Wadawurrung Country, 41 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale VIC 3222
Lisa Harvey
Email: potatoshed@geelongcity.vic.gov.au
Phone: 03 5251 1998
Associated organisation: Potato Shed
Website: http://www.potatoshed.com.au
Join Archive’s owner and lead educator Graham Sutherland DipWSET as he takes you on a wine tasting journey of six wines from some of South America’s finest regions.
We’ll taste wines from regions including Mendoza & Salta in Argentina as well as the Maipo Valley and Casablanca Valley in Chile.
A fun and informative way to learn about South American wines. We’ll pair six wines with some tasty cheeses, while learning about these unique regions.
When 19 September 2024, 06:30 PM - 07:30 PM
Contact Graham Sutherland
Email: shop@archivewinebar.com.au
Phone: +61 438 113 648
Associated organisation: Archive Wine Bar
Website: https://www.archivewinebar. com.au/events-shop/the-wines-of-southamerica-19th-september-2024
Follow us:
https://www.instagram.com/ archivewinebar/ https://www.facebook.com/ archivewinebar
The Australian Boys Choir and The Kelly Gang present a program drawing inspiration from the night sky, including music conceived by simply looking up and reaching for the stars.
This is an unmissable experience in the lead-up to their upcoming tour of New Zealand featuring music by Trans-Tasman composers.
Nicholas Dinopoulos will conduct, with Timothy Mallis on piano.
When 14 September 2024, 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels Wadawurrung Country, 136 Yarra St, Geelong, Vic
Contact Jane Bashiruddin
Email: music.basilica@bigpond.com
Phone: +61 447 238 432
Associated organisation: Music at the Basilica Inc Website: www.musicatthebasilica.org.au
Follow us: www.facebook.com/MusicattheBasilica
Adult craft session aimed at all skill levels, join us for a creative afternoon at the Lara Library. Held on the second Friday of the month, 2.00pm-3.30pm.
Making things with paper to seasonal decorations for your home, this is the perfect opportunity for adults to have a go at a variety of stimulating craft activities in a fun and friendly environment. Bring your own project along if you prefer.
Various dates from 9 August 2024 to 8 November 2024, 03:30 PM
Contact Lara Library
Email: Lara@grlc.vic.gov.au
Phone: 4201 0668
Associated organisation: Geelong Regional Library Corporation
Website: https://events.grlc.vic.gov.au/ event/11039668
The Business Recovery Advisory Service, delivered by Business Victoria in partnership with Australian Industry Group (Ai Group®), have numerous places available for Geelong small businesses to receive expert free guidance and tailored business support.
Successful Geelong businesses will receive free 1:1 assistance on how to:
• Pinpoint immediate and long-term needs to ensure business continuity and resilience
• Build your business acumen and digital literacy, connecting you with providers and resources to improve business resilience
• Create customised strategies for recovery through mentorship to ensure a stable and sustainable future business model
• Access support services including financial counselling and business coaching
This program is free for Geelong small businesses, open now and will run until the 30th of September 2024.
Applications are quick, simple and via the expression of interest link below.
When 30 September 2024, 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Contact Vlado Baban
Email: Vlado.Baban@aigroup.com.au
Phone: 0418 120 373
Associated organisation: Business Victoria and Ai Group Website: https://business.vic.gov.au/grants-and-programs/ business-recovery-advisory-service#:~:text=Free%2C%20 confidential%2C%20one%2Don,an%20eligible%20local%20 government%20area
The Fire Within showcases Embers of Connection: A Journey Through Fire, Sand and Country – a new site-specific artwork by artist Lowell Hunter (Nyul Nyul) –alongside the groundbreaking immersive digital production The Earth Above: A Deep Time View of Australia’s Epic History. Together, these complementary experiences explore cultural connection to place within both Wadawurrung Country and across Australia.
Djilang (Geelong)-based artist Lowell Hunter, also known as The Salty One, tells stories of family, connection and identity through carving stories into sand using foot movements drawn from traditional dance. This sand-based installation was commissioned to coincide with NAIDOC Week and its theme: Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud. Fire can be seen as a connection to Country, to each other and to the longstanding artistic and cultural traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The Earth Above transports viewers into a world of deep time by exploring Australia’s last 140,000 years of history through both scientific and traditional knowledges. These stories have been shared and co-created by the communities of the people who live and care for that Country. By foregrounding voices and vision of Indigenous communities, this project traces the connections being made between archaeology and Indigenous knowledge systems. The planetarium experience investigates how the combined efforts and knowledge of
Indigenous communities and science can help future-proof Australia’s biodiversity and heritage.
The Earth Above was developed through a collaboration between Deakin Motion Lab and the ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage (CABAH). It seeks to increase public engagement and awareness of Australia’s ancient Indigenous heritage and environmental past and present by combining scientific research expertise with knowledge of filmmaking, participatory media, and immersive technologies.
Various dates from 1 to 27 September 2024, 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Waterfront Gallery, Alfred Deakin Prime Ministerial Library
Wadawurrung Country, Level 1, Building AD (Sally Walker Building Cnr. Western Beach Rd and Cunningham St, Geelong VIC 3220
Contact Amy Clarke
Email: a.clarke@deakin.edu.au
Phone: +61 3 9244 6978
Associated organisation: Deakin University Library Website: https://deakin.au/3KJ9A7r
Join us for a hands-on workshop on Natural Dyeing with Heather Thomas. Discover the art of creating vibrant colours using natural materials which you can forage, grow or buy.
Immerse yourself in a creative atmosphere as you explore the world of natural dyes. Learn how to extract colours from plants, flowers, and other organic sources, and apply them to various wool yarn and fabrics. Create a sample card of fabric and yarns to take home, along with notes and recipes.
Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience, this workshop is suitable for all skill levels. Expand your artistic horizons and leave with newfound knowledge and inspiration.
All materials and supplies will be provided. Please bring an apron and lunch. Spaces are limited.
Suitable for 18 years +
Heather Thomas is a Melbourne based natural dyer, designer and maker of textiles. Heather has been exploring the plant kingdom and working with natural fibres and plant colour for more than two decades.
Through her studio and label Wild Heather she imparts her knowledge and expertise about extracting authentic and beautiful colours from nature.
Heather delivers hands-on workshops using traditional natural dyes, indigo and native flora. She often collaborates with local artists and fashion designers who wish to incorporate natural colours into their work. She recently completed a Churchill Fellowship (2023) investigating established international botanical dye studios to see how such models may be translated locally.
When: 15 September 2024, 11:00 AM - 04:00 PM
National Wool Museum Wadawurrung Country, 26-32 Moorabool Street, Geelong VIC 3220
Website: https://www.wildheather.com.au/
Geelong Waterfront Makers & Growers’ Market is held on the lawns of Steampacket Gardens, the market is held on the first Sunday of each month between 9.30 am to 2 pm (Autumn/Winter) and 9.30 am to 3 pm (Spring/Summer).
The market offers local produce, tasty gourmet treats, beautiful art and handcrafts from regional makers and growers in a stunning setting. There is also local live music and delicious hot food on offer.
The Rotary Club of Geelong Central coordinates the market and is proudly sponsored by Central Geelong Marketing.
Proceeds from The Geelong Waterfront Makers and Growers Market assists the Rotary Club of Geelong Central in supporting a number of community projects, local, interstate and overseas.
The Rotary Club of Geelong Central has run the market for the past 25+ years. It has been very successful in raising funds for the local communities.
Associated organisation: Rotary Club of Geelong Central
Website: https://geelongcentralrotary.com/sitepage/waterfront-market
Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/GeelongWM/
1 September 2024 to 3 August 2025
Geelong are preparing for their 18th Finals campaign in the last 21 years, check out some other stats from the Cats incredible run
Geelong will head to Adelaide for their Qualifying Final on Thursday night, marking their 133rd Finals match since the inaugural VFL season in 1897.
The Cats and September have been a familiar pairing in recent years, with Geelong set for their 18th Finals appearance in the last 21 years.
Take a look at some other key facts and figures as the Hoops gear up for Thursday night’s blockbuster clash.
55 – Geelong’s winning percentage at Adelaide Oval since the redevelopment was completed in 2014. The Cats have played 20 games at the venue winning 11 times, more recently winning four of their past five clashes at the venue.
5 – The total number of Finals matches played between Geelong and Port Adelaide prior to 2024. The Cats will be looking to even the ledger on Thursday night, with the Power currently leading the battle with three wins from those five games.
32 – Geelong’s total number of Finals matches dating back to the start of the VFL competition in 1897.
15 – The number of different teams the Cats have beaten in a Final. Out of the 17 other clubs in the current AFL competition, the only teams Geelong have not beaten in a Finals match are Adelaide and Gold Coast.
14 – Geelong’s total number of top four finishes in the past 18 seasons, stretching from 2007 through to this year. That means the Cats have made the top four in 78% of the last 18 seasons.
36 – Geelong’s average winning margin in their last six Qualifying Final victories. The Cats have won six of their previous 13 Qualifying Finals dating back to 2007, winning those six games by an average of six goals.
3 – The Cats active winning streak in Finals matches (2022 QF to present). Geelong’s longest ever winning streak in Finals sits at five games between 2007 and 2008, with the Cats having the chance to win four consecutive Finals for just the third time in their V/AFL history on Thursday night.
55 – Geelong’s winning percentage when facing Port Adelaide on the road. The Cats have faced the Power as the away team 19 times, recording 10 wins and one draw in that span.
Rachel Kearns will be a test for this week’s clash with North Melbourne Tasmanian Kangaroos after sustaining a chest injury in Geelong’s AFLW seasonopener.
Kearns was initially assessed at the stadium on Saturday night, before being taken to hospital for further assessment, and was back at the Club on Monday.
Geelong Cats Assistant General Manager of Football Brett Johnson said the Club would continue to monitor Kearns throughout the week before determining her availability for Sunday’s match.
“Rachel was a strong performer early in the game against Melbourne on Saturday, including kicking a great goal, before a chest injury ruled her out from finishing the game,” Johnson said.
“We will continue to monitor and assess Rachel throughout the week and ensure her wellbeing is at the forefront of decision-making.”
The Cats otherwise had a clean bill of health out of the game.
Geelong takes on North Melbourne Tasmanian Kangaroos this Sunday at Arden Street Oval, with first bounce at 3.05pm.
Be One in Hoops in 2024 and sign up as a Cats AFLW member today.
Kate Surman will reach an impressive milestone on Saturday night when she plays her 50th AFLW game
Kate Surman is set to play the 50th game of her AFLW career on Saturday night, when the Cats face Melbourne in their 2024 season opener at GMHBA Stadium.
Surman will commence her sixth AFLW season this weekend, her second year at Geelong after joining the Cats via trade in 2023.
The dynamic small forwards first season in the hoops was a success, playing every game and averaging over 10 disposals, two score involvements and nearly four tackles per game.
Surman’s career started on the Gold Coast, signing with the Suns in 2020 and making her debut immediately in round one against the GWS Giants.
Over the next three seasons, Surman featured in 26 games for Gold Coast and booted nine goals, before making the first big move of her AFLW career.
Ahead of the AFLW’s season seven in 2022, Surman headed to the City of Churches when she was traded from the Suns to Port Adelaide.
The 32 year old played 10 games for Port Adelaide in season seven, before another trade saw her traded to Geelong early in 2023.
Providing a vital link between the midfield and deep forwards, Surman will once again be a crucial piece in the Geelong puzzle as they look to build another successful campaign in 2024.
The Cats will kick off their season this Saturday night in a 2023 Semi-Final rematch, when they host Melbourne at GMHBA Stadium with the opening bounce at 7.15pm.
Tickets are available through Ticketmaster or follow the link below to see Geelong AFLW Membership options for 2024.
Geelong United Basketball (GUB) this week held it’s annual Big V Youth League & NBL1 Presentation Night at the Geelong Arena, celebrating our high level teams.
A fantastic crowd of players, family, friends and corporate partners were in attendance to see our players be rewarded for their amazing efforts this season.
Congratulations to all our award winners, and our teams for their fantastic efforts this season.
Check out the full gallery from the evening here
The Surf Coast Sports Hub aims to support youth athletes with specialised & age-appropriate, long-term training to support their sporting, physical fitness & mental health needs whatever their goals may be.
Based on physical literacy & long term athlete development principles, our team are highly experienced working with this age & have literally worked with 1000’s of youth.
Our programs are the perfect blend of fun, fitness, friendship & structure.
Membership Options:
• Option 1: Gym & Recovery Zone access to complete your own program
• Option 2: Gym & Recovery Zone access & be assessed by our staff to have your own program developed
• Option 3: Book into a class
• Option 4: Sporting Edge Academy membership allows access to all the above with access to additional youth athlete training workshops on the topics of mindset skills, athlete well-being, personal development & fuelling education.
Wednesday 28 August 2024 + 23 More Dates 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Castles Dr, Torquay VIC 3228
Book Ticket View Website
Wednesday 28 August 2024 + 99 More Dates 7:30 AM - 11:00 PM 75 White St, Torquay VIC 3228
Book Ticket View Website
We’re excited to share the three Local Hero finalists for Westfield Geelong nominated by you! Help award $30K worth of grants that go back into the community by voting for your Local Hero today.
Visit us in-centre at the exhibition space located on Ground Level, near Mecca from 20 August to 9 September to find out more about your three Local Hero finalists and the incredible work they’ve been doing in the community. Simply scan the QR code incentre to vote or cast your vote online. Don’t miss your opportunity to give back to those who give so much to others. Meet our Local Hero finalists
St Marys Sporting Club Geelong Caring. Inclusive. Selfless.
Damian McKeegan is dedicated to enhancing mental health at St Marys Sporting Club. Following a young player’s suicide, he initiated a support program addressing mental health, drugs and bullying. As a board member and welfare officer at the club, and a police officer, Damian uses his expertise to support 1,800 members.
If Damian is successful, the money will be used to fund development programs within the club including mental health and cultural resilience sessions. The grant will also be used to upgrade facilities within the club to support women’s participation.
Lifeline Direct Empathetic. Resilient. Compassionate.
LeeAnne Edwards is a dedicated crisis supporter for Lifeline Direct She has spent the last four years volunteering, ensuring no one faces their darkest moments alone. LeeAnne finds it a privilege and blessing to offer emotional support and compassion nationwide.
If LeeAnne is successful, the money will help fund the costs associated with running the Lifeline Direct hotline, providing vital training and support to volunteers.
Foundation 61 Passionate. Committed. Focused.
Rob Lytzki, founder of Foundation 61, has dedicated nearly 20 years to supporting people in overcoming addiction. His own struggle with addiction from age 14 to 40 inspired him to help others. Foundation 61 is Geelong’s first non-private, not-for-profit residential rehabilitation centre.
If Robert is successful, the money will cover the cost of providing rehabilitation to eight women for six months.
Welcome to Market Square Shopping Centre – your premier destination for a delightful autumn shopping experience, nestled in the heart of the Geelong CBD!
Enjoy stress-free shopping with ample parking facilities conveniently located via Yarra St.
For more information on the LED glow stick product recall, head to: Market Square Geelong — Promotional LED glow stick torch | Product Safety Australia
The Geelong Waterfront is one of Australia’s most stunning waterfronts. Having started from humble beginnings when Geelong was founded as a port in 1836, the Waterfront has now attracted a series of prestigious awards.
This cosmopolitan and vibrant area is a hive of activity with restaurants and cafes, beautiful landscaped gardens, attractions and public art, all with amazing views of Corio Bay. It also provides a full events calendar, tourism, education and accommodation services:
Our historic Carousel, Poppy Kettle playground and youth activities area is great for kids of all ages. See Geelong’s famous bollards.
There are plenty of possibilities to explore and view the Waterfront: take a ride on a Harley Davidson motorcycle, ride the trackless train if you prefer a more leisurely look around, check out the view from the air in a helicopter or take a boat cruise along Geelong’s spectacular Waterfront.
A visit to Geelong is not complete if you haven’t seen our spectacular waterfront
Situated on the Geelong waterfront, this park is jam-packed with awesome play elements, has beautiful sea views, has picnic facilities, and is a short walk away from cafes and other Geelong attractions. It makes for a beautiful day out for all ages, and is certainly a must-do in summer.
The interactive play equipment include a multi-coloured tubular slide that winds down the hill, a dragon emerging from the ground, a timber tower, swing, boat (atop the sand pit), bouncers, and a unique pyramid climbing net.
The playground is also well known for the interactive Poppy Kettle water fountains and miniature statues, situated amongst a rock area, which seem to be the main attraction for little ones. In fact, this feature was inspired by a children’s book written by local author, Robert Ingpen, and gives the park a magical quality. During the summer months the slide area has additional water play features.
A trip to this playground can be combined with a walk or bike ride along Geelong’s famous Bollard walk or a visit to The Carousel. Geelong’s Youth Activity Precinct is located a stones’ throw away from the playground, and features basketball ring, seating areas, open multipurpose area, and skate ramps.
This is the one of the most perfectly positioned playgrounds for so many reasons.
Skate parks in Geelong have a variety of facilities available for skate boarders, bladers and BMX bike riders including quarter pipes, handrails, funboxes, vert ramps, pyramids, banked ramps, and stairsets.
We strongly advise the wearing of helmets and padding when using our Skate Parks, and enforce compulsory wearing of helmets at all skate events.
Looking to get into skating or want to know more about skating in Geelong?
Young people interested in joining in activities can call the Skate Program Worker on 03 5272 5272.
We have more skate parks per capital than any other municipality in Australia.
The Pier Geelong offers uninterrupted bay views stretching from Rippleside to Point Wilson and the Geelong city skyline. It provides a large impressive area catering for small events to up to 800 guests seated or 1000 guests’ cocktail style.
The venue also housed City Quarter Bar a trendy lounge bar on Level 1. With loft ceilings, three decks, comfortable lounges, fireplace, gourmet pizzas and world inspired tapas, CQ is perfect for hosting engagements, birthday parties, hen’s high teas or pre or post event drinks.
Also housed within this iconic building is Wah Wah Gee, a funky Asian-inspired restaurant, offering an extensive menu leaving you feeling satisfied and content in an exciting atmosphere. Enjoy our delicious cuisine with floor to ceiling views of Geelong’s bay - you’ll feel like you’re floating on water.
Geelong’s iconic waterfront function venue is perfect for every occasion. Experience the most unique function venue in Geelong.
Geelong’s best kept secret The Fyansford Paper Mill is set on the Barwon River and overlooks the picturesque Buckley Falls. It was constructed in the 1870s and is one of the oldest paper mills in Australia.
The site is being transformed into a food, beverage, arts and cultural precinct, located within 10 minutes of Geelong’s CBD. With just under 5,000m2 of building space, the Mill is home to over 15 businesses, including a winery, café, gallery, yoga studio, homewares shop and escape room. There are also a number of small independent artists who have private studios across the site.
Visit the Fyansford Paper Mill once of Geelong’s historic places to visits. Discover all kinds of food, arts, activities, as well as our great history, see what’s on in Geelong here.
Fyansford Paper Mill once of Geelong’s most historic places to visit.
The area between Johnstone Park and Ryrie Street to the west of the shopping and business district of Geelong is known as the Geelong Arts Precinct. This area is also home to the Geelong Town Hall, which is the main council offices of the City of Greater Geelong.
The city is currently seeking funds for a radical overhaul of the precinct where the current facilities will receive a substantial redevelopment. There are also plans for some pretty innovative landscaping and street works which will bring the area into line with the rest of our recently rejuvenated city. This massive renovation will make the precinct one of the best arts and cultural precincts in the state. The scale of the project put the cost of the whole redevelopment in the vicinity of over 130 million dollars.
The Geelong Art Gallery is attached to the Geelong Town Hall, and it houses a magnificent and varied collection of artworks. Two paintings in particular are extremely special to our Gallery, first being the “View of Geelong” which was painted by Eugene von Guerad in 1856. This painting was bought recently by the museum from legendary English musical creator Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber. “A Bush Burial” by Fredrick McCubbin, painted in 1890 is another of the gallery’s most precious works.
Geelong Arts Centre, formerly the Geelong Performing Arts Centre, is a performing arts, functions and events venue located in Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
In those days there was an unwritten rule designating Western Beach for men’s bathing and Eastern Beach for women. But some ‘dastardly gentlemen’ would disregard the agreement scaring respectable women away.
Today the area is rarely used for swimming, but it’s still a popular stretch of foreshore connecting Rippleside to the rest of the Waterfront.
Here you’ll find the Boat House restaurant (Geelong’s best spot for fish and chips), the Poppykettle Playground, a designated fishing area, and the marvelous Western Beach Boardwalk.
Curving out over the water the boardwalk has well-placed seats where you can sit back and watch the sea birds duck dive for fish. In the early morning, it’s perfect for watching the sun come up over the bay.
People have been swimming, boating, fishing and playing at Western
Located on the western edge of the Waterfront, Rippleside Park Geelong is a pretty grass-covered foreshore reserve.
Popular with locals, Rippleside is less well-known to tourists who drive past en-route to more popular areas.
The park has magnificent bay views and is particularly appealing to families with young children who love the adventure playground.
The huge wooden structure has ramps, walkways, steps, and plenty of nooks and crannies to explore.
When the kids tire of the playground the reserve has wide-open spaces to run around in. Don’t forget to bring your footy!
Tucked in next to the reserve is tiny Rippleside Beach where you can bask in the sunshine or splash around in the water.
Overlooking the whole area is the bright and spacious Ripples On The Bay cafe. This stunning cafe serves excellent coffee and has huge windows with to-die-for water views.
Other amenities include picnic and barbecue facilities, toilets, and plenty of car parking spaces.
A community built wooden Adventure playground built over six days in 2001 with all the usual ramps, walkways, steps, nooks and crannies to explore.
A path on the northern edge connecting the gardens to the bay has seats where you can enjoy the sea breeze and watch the nearby helicopter toing and froing.
On the eastern side you’ll find the Wharfshed Cafe serving yummy meals and to the west sits the delightful historic carousel.
There are some interesting art sculptures dotted around the park. Be sure to check out the Volunteer Rifle Band bollards and The Buoys sculpture, a group of former channel buoys that have been turned into a powerful piece of artwork.
The Geelong Waterfront Makers and Growers market (Steampacket Market) is held here on the first Sunday of each month. This popular market offers local produce, beautiful art and handicrafts, and lots of tasty treats.
Located right beside the water Steampacket Gardens Geelong is a big rectangle of lush lawn that’s perfect for a relaxing picnic or a game of frisbee.
One of only a few in the world this beautifully restored carousel is considered by many to be the best that’s still in use today.
Housed in a modern steel and glass enclosure the pavilion has an old-world carnival atmosphere that’s enhanced by a pipe organ playing Dixieland melodies.
A ride on this enchanting carousel is a magical experience for children of all ages and abilities, with a mobility lift that assists wheelchairs onto the attraction.
Entry into the pavilion is free. Tickets to ride the Carousel are $5.00.
The Carousel Pavilion can be booked for wedding ceremonies, wedding receptions, photo shoots, and private or corporate functions.
Housing a beautifully restored Carousel, this competitively priced, exclusive allweather venue is available for private hire seven days a week from 3:00pm.
The Carousel Geelong is a rare 1892 Armitage-Herschell hand-carved wooden carousel.
The Geelong Gaol Museum is housed in the 170-year-old Geelong Gaol, the third oldest prison in Victoria. Opening in 1853 and closing in 1991 it housed male and female prisoners.
Over its history, it has been used as an industrial school for young girls, a hospital gaol and a military detention barracks. It was the site of 6 executions.
Today it houses display illustrating not only the history of the Geelong Gaol but the history of the corrections of Victoria.
It features displays on the Hulks, Colonial Prisons, Executions and Saga Behind the Armour along with some of the prisoner stories who have spent time behind the bluestone walls.
The Geelong Gaol Museum is open on weekends, school holidays and public holidays.
A 19th century gaol which operated from 1853-1991 in the same conditions you see today.
Help the local community know you exist and what sets you a part compared to other aged care facilities, Financial Planners and other providers in the local area.
We have developed Find Aged Care Services (www.findagedcare.services) so you can promote your facilities and services to the general public. You can also place any job vacancies on our website that is available in your facilities.
By Warren Strybosch
With continuing uncertainty around the world, Australia, despite the current challenges it is facing, is still better poised to cope these uncertainties than most other countries around the world. Some take home points include:
1. $28.5% in budget improvements, with the underlying cash deficit in 2022-23 expected to be $36.9bn, down significantly from that announced in the March 2022 Budget.
2. The economy is expected to grow by 3¼% in 2022-23 before slowing to 1½% in 2023-24.
3. Unemployment is at a historic low level and is expected to remain low through until June 2024.
4. Rising interest rates and inflation are negatively impacting many families with wages growth not keeping pace with increased costs of living. Inflation is expected to hit 7¾% by the end of 2022 before starting to ease over the following two years.
Introducing a once-off $4000 credit
It will be easier to obtain the CSHC Card.
Extending eligibility to Downsizer superannuation contributions
Housing stock is a real issue for young families. For many retirees, their home, is their largest asset and with significant prices rises over the last decade, these retirees are holding on to a greater amount of wealth than they had anticipated. It makes sense then to create a way for retirees to benefit from selling their principle homes to free up equity they can invest and generate an income whilst at the same time increase the amount of properties that younger people can purchase.
So it makes sense that the government, in their bid to tackle housing accessibility, has announced the extension of the downsizer superannuation contribution to those between the age of 55 and 59.
This measure was first introduced in 2017 and was previously restricted to those aged 60 and older. Now, it will become available to anyone over the age of 55.
The downsizer contribution allows people to make a one-off post-tax contribution to their superannuation of up to $300,000 per person (up to $600,000 per couple) from the proceeds of selling their home. Both members of a couple can contribute, and these contributions do not count towards their respective non-concessional contribution caps
Whilst not legislated, it is believed this measure will gain bi-partisan support and be passed in the first quarter of next year.
When retirees sell their home, they have to act quickly with the sale proceeds before the money is deemed by Centrelink. Often, retirees need longer than 12 months to build the new home and/or move into the new place of residency. It can become a real shock to some retirees, when they have been relying on their age pension, to have it either reduced or stopped all together and in some circumstances, having to pay back some money.
From 1 January 2023, it is proposed that a two-year asset test exemption will be available for home sale proceeds that are going to be used to buy, build, rebuild, repair or renovate a new principal home. Currently, the proceeds from a home sale that are earmarked to buy, build, rebuild, repair or renovate a new principal home are only exempt from the asset test for 12 months.
Only the amount of sale proceeds that will be used for the new home are exempt. For example, if your home is sold for $1 million and $800,000 of this will be used for the new home, the amount exempt under the asset test is limited to $800,000. The impact of home sale proceeds during the exemption period will also reduce under the income test. Sale proceeds are often deemed to earn an income at the higher 2.25% rate. Under this measure, the exempt amount will have the lower deeming rate applied (currently 0.25% frozen until 30 June 2024).
This measure will be a great relief for all retirees who are currently receiving the age pension. It will mean that they will have plenty of time to move into their new principle place of residents and not have those funds deemed.
The Government is committing $2.5 billion over the next four years to help fund more care for older Australians and to increase nursing numbers in care facilities. The package includes:
• Mandating that facilities have a registered nurse on site 24 hours per day from 1 July 2023
• Increasing average care minutes per resident to 215 minutes per day from 1 October 2024
• Better food options which are fresh, healthy, and safe
• Strengthening regulation of aged care providers
• Capping administration and management fees charged by providers in the Home Care Packages Program
Cost of medication to decrease
From 1 January 2023, the Government will decrease the general patient co-payment for treatments on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme from $42.50 to $30.00. This provides a $12.50 reduction per script for those paying the general rate.
Reduced impact of employment income on pensioners
Currently, the Work Bonus system allows age and veterans pensioners (both employees and the self-employed) to earn $7,800 per year of employment income with no impact on their pension
payments under the income test. The Government has proposed to add a oneoff credit of $4,000 to their Work Bonus income bank effectively increasing the amount of exempt employment income that can be generated in this financial year from $7,800 to $11,800.
The additional $4,000 income credit will be available until 30 June 2023. Other measures supporting working pensioners include a proposal to allow employment income to exceed the income limits for up to two years without a need to re-submit a pension claim and the Pensioner Concession Card will also be retained for a period of two years where the pensioner has a nil rate of pension due to employment income.
Commonwealth Senior Health Card income thresholds increase
The Government will increase the income thresholds for eligibility to the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card to:
• $90,000 per year for singles (up from $61,284) and
• $144,000 combined per year for couples (up from $98,054)
Financial Planning, SMSF, Super, Insurance, PreRetirement & Retirement Planning (Financial Planning) are offered via Find Wealth Pty Ltd ACN 140 585 075 t/a Find Wealth, Find Insurance and Find Retirement. Find Wealth Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No 468091) of Alliance Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 93 161 647 007 (AFSL No. 449221).Part of the
Centrepoint Alliance group (www.centrepointalliance.com.au/fsg/aw).
Warren Strybosch is Authorised representative (No. 468091) of Alliance Wealth Pty Ltd.
This information has been provided as general advice. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice. You should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and seek the assistance of an authorised financial adviser before making any decision regarding any products or strategies mentioned in this communication.
Whilst all care has been taken in the preparation of this material, it is based on our understanding of current regulatory requirements and laws at the publication date.As these laws are subject to change you should talk to an authorised adviser for the most up-to-date information.No warranty is given in respect of the information provided and accordingly neither Alliance Wealth nor its related entities, employees or representatives accepts responsibility for any loss suffered by any person arising from reliance on this information.
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.....Imagine a team where each individual is so strong in self that their focus is how to move together as one....
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Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
Go to www.findgeelong.com.au/graphic-design to upload your details and we will create this for you.
The Dimensions of the Ads are:
If you have any questions, contact the editor on 1300 88 38 30 or Email warren@findnetwork.com.au
Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
Go to www.findgeelong.com.au/graphic-design to upload your details and we will create this for you.
The Dimensions of the Ads are:
If you have any questions, contact the editor on 1300 88 38 30 or Email warren@findnetwork.com.au
Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
details and we will create this for you.
The Dimensions of the Ads are:
If you have any questions, contact the editor on 1300 88 38 30 or
Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
x 98 mm - 1/8 Small Size
x 96 mm - 1/4 Page Portrait
If you have any questions, contact the editor on 1300 88 38 30 or Email warren@findnetwork.com.au
Email your artwork to editor@findgeelong.com.au. If you wish us to create your ad, we will do this for a minimal cost.
Go to www.findgeelong.com.au/graphic-design to upload your details and we will create this for you. Go to www.findgeelong.com.au/graphic-design to upload your details and we will create this for you.
x 96 mm - 1/4 Page Portrait
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