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Robot Lawyers

When you choose to complete your experience, you may wish to take a moment of gratitude for nature and for the experience you have just had.

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Have you heard of DoNotPay ? It is the first Artificial Intelligent (AI) robot that has been developed to help people in the US to get out of paying parking fees or infringements that were incorrectly issued.

The company was founded in 2015 and will defend its first court case this month. The program will analyze data from past cases to prepare a defense on behalf of person who was issued the parking fine. The AI will even respond to questions in court. DoNotPay has agreed to take on the burden of punishment and pay for the speeding ticket if they fail and the fine has to be paid.

DoNotPay will charge a person $36 to argue the case in court. If they win and continue to do so this will be new breaking technology that is sure to change the landscape of the court system and likely put pressure on lawyers who operate in this space.

DoNotPay believe this will revolutionize the legal system and this is only the beginning. If their AI programs can operate with few errors and more importantly win cases, they will be able to expand their AI into different areas. The benefits of this technology will be vast and it might mean we are seeing an end of litigation as we know it.

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