Inventing Innovation Among Social Channels The field of innovation is spreading everywhere starting from the business industries to the online communities. Now a days, not only quality is important however creativity & innovation play an important role in order to get success in this competitive business world. As we know innovation drives success, so many organizations are now focusing more on its different aspects. Just take an example of online evolution of innovation among social channels, these social platforms are now innovating themselves and trying to focus more on niche areas so that they can attract only a niche community towards these social platforms.
There are many niche social networking sites like medical community people), game lovers), web, mobile developer & IT expert community). Among these communities, FindNerd is evolving with a great pace which is becoming highly popular among information technology experts and web, mobile developer community. This community allows users to communicate & collaborate among each other for knowledge sharing and enhancing. Apart form this all the tech people can sharpen their tech skills as users can engage with other members through posting C, java, .net, flash, php questions and
answers on this social network for developers. It has also been seen that more number of users are now searching for technology content on the web, so this niche social channel fulfill this requirement where tech people can see content related c, php, java questions and answers, etc. which help be develop their programming skills.