Role of Google+ in Social Media Marketing
What is Google+ Google+ is a social media platform provided from to all the users. It is one of the growing social channel. Google has launched this social media in June 2011. The main features of this platform include posting updates, photos, create different groups based on relationships into Circles. It is also embedded with some advanced features like IM, Hangouts(chat and video chats), events creation, etc.
This social media is hosted by Google itself that’s why it plays an important role in impacting search result on Google, so this is also considered an important platform for social media marketing for any business or a brand. So we must use this channel for promoting any business as a part of our social media marketing strategy along with Facebook and Twitter.
Basic things to remember for profile & business page There are some basic things that we need to remember while creating a Google+ profile and business page in order to get it rank well on search engine result pages. Here I am sharing some of the basic things that I have used in past to set up a perfect Google+ profile and business page. Creating Google+ profile & business page • Complete your profile with your photo and short bio about you.
• Select your business type carefully and create a page for your business.
• Create different circle according to your business need.
• Create... Read Full Blog : Role of Google+ in Social Media Marketing
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