IN THIS ISSUE Administrative News 1 President’s Letter —By Michael L. Boninger, MD
Washington Update 3 AAP Government Relations Report —Powers, Pyles, Sutter and Verville, PC
Academic Affairs 5 Update from the AAMC —By Lawrence R. Robinson, MD
5 CMSS Update —By Alex Moroz, MD
7 ORR Update —By Barbara Semakula, MD and James F. Wyss, MD, PT
Education 8 AAP Academic Partnership Program 11 Applications for 2012 ABPMR Certification Examinations 14 RREMS& MSSCE Application Forms AAP Committees and Councils 17 Residents/Fellows Council Report —By Daniel C. Herman, MD, PhD
18 AAP Coordinators’ Corner —By Stacey Snead-Peterson and Tammy Wiley-Rice
Member Highlights 19 RMSTP New Trainees —By Michael L. Boninger, MD
20 Joel Delisa, MD Announcements 21 Positions Available
PRESIDENT’S LETTER By Michael L. Boninger, MD
There's an AAP for That! Dear Members, on-typo aside, how often do we hear that expression? Amazing when one considers the fact that five years ago, it was probably never heard. Five years, you blink your eyes and everything changes. As fast as the technology movement is changing our lexicon and the way we interact; medicine is changing as well. The forces of these changes include the explosion of medical knowledge and changing regulatory and political climate related to medicine. We all need an app to keep up with the advances in the science of rehabilitation. Ideally the app would not only help us with clinical care, but would also help with our teaching and research responsibilities. In a figurative sense, the AAP is the “app” for that. As an organization we work to provide our members value in our three core areas: Education, Research and Clinical Care. Our services to our members, from our national Annual Meeting with its clinical education tracts to our council of residency program directors, as well as our ongoing programs, such as the Rehabilitation Medicine Scientist Training Program (RMSTP), Program for Academic Leadership (PAL) and medical student externships (MSSCE and RREMS), reflect these values and our mission. In a literal sense, there actually IS an app for that! We are pleased to announce the newest way to view our Journal, The American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, and access information on the latest advances in the practice, research, and educational aspects of physical medicine and rehabilitation. We have a brand new app for the iPad. With the app you can:
■ Experience videos, images, and articles in a seamless and integrated way; no more interruptions by moving from print to the website ■ Jump quickly from article to article
Copyright © 2012 AAP. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the Association of Academic Physiatrists.
■ Read articles in AJPM&R and easily enlarge the text size using the pinchand-zoom feature As an AAP member, the same AJPM&R content that influences how you and your colleagues practice every day, improving quality care and outcome for patients globally can all be there at your fingertips instantaneously. We hope you will join us at the upcoming AAP Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, February 28–March 3, 2012 to see many of these efforts in action. The program this year, offers six educational tracts (twice the usual amount) focusing on cutting-edge research, education, and clinical care. (Continued on page 2)