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Community Events
Failte Isteach conversational English classes will recommence in Holywell Community Centre in September 2023. Classes which are run by volunteers, are informal spaces to practice and improve your language, and a place to meet new people living in your community. Classes take place on Monday from 10.00-12.00. For information contact Jacinta.lowndes@fingal.ie
Swords Circular Economy Workshops: A circular economy aims to keep products in use for as long as possible and avoid waste generation. A series of workshops, talks and walks will take place in Swords in the autumn covering topics such as Food Waste, Sustainable Gardening, Biodiversity and Clothes Upcycling, as well as local nature walks. Events will be posted on the Community Centres social media pages. For more information, please contact Jacinta at jacinta.lowndes@fingal.ie

Information Event for Older People: Sutton/Baldoyle
Following the success of information event for over people in Fingallians GAA Club, Swords earlier in the year, a similar event will take place Suttonians Rugby Club on Thursday 14th September 2023 (2.004.00pm).
National organisations and local groups will be available at stands to provide information on their services and activities for older people in the area. Organisations present will include, Age Friendly Ireland, Age Action, Alone, An Garda Siochana, Fingal Leader Partnership (Care & Repair), Fingal Community Development Office, Fingal Healthy Homes, Libraries, Sage Advocacy, plus many more. For further information contact Cathrina at Cathrina.murphy@fingal. ie

Fingal Inclusion Week 2023

As of August 18, the expression of interest for Fingal inclusion Week 2023 has been closed. We are thrilled with the numerous registration we’ve recieved and are excited about the incredible events that will take place during the week.

Your commitment to fostering inclusion and reducting social exclusion in Fingal is commendable and we are eagar to witness the postive impact of your contribution during this years Inclusion week which will be taking place from 13-19 November.
Thank you for being part of this meaningful initiative. Together, we can create a more inclusive and vibrant community in Fingal. We look forward to seeing you all at the events and activities!