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Fingal’s new Climate Action Plan is on the way!
Fingal County Council’s Environment, Climate Action and Active Travel Department are preparing a Draft Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 (CAP). This Draft Plan continues the progress made through the Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024, building on the successful outcomes and learnings from the first cycle.
The Draft Plan contains an exciting list of climate actions across six thematic areas including a Community Engagement theme which is a new addition to this CAP and reflects the Councils ambition for the Plan. The other thematic areas include Energy and Buildings, Transport, Flood Resilience, Nature-Based Solutions, Circular Economy and Resource Management. The Plan demonstrates Fingal’s continued commitment to climate action by proposing innovative climate adaptation and mitigation actions which the Council intends to take.
Four key targets have been identified for the Plan:
• 50% improvement in the Council’s energy efficiency by 2030;
• 51% reduction in the Council’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2030;
• To make Dublin a climate resilient region, by reducing the impacts of future climate change-related events; and
• To actively engage and inform our communities on climate action.
An extensive public consultation process will begin in mid-September. The Council will host a series of public information events during this period to actively engage with and inform the public and other stakeholders of the proposed Plan. There will be an opportunity for the public to engage with the draft Plan during this process, and there will be an opportunity for feedback in the form of submissions during the consultation period.
Details of the public information events will be posted on Fingal’s social media in the coming weeks, and we strongly encourage you to take action and come along and have your say!