Online Professional Development Social Media, Online Learning, and MOOC
Finita Dewi & Anti Rismayanti
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Blended Workshop ICT Integration into Teaching and Learning For Lecturers and Teachers in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam
Funded by:
Bridging the gap requires more Education and Training in terms of both quantity and quality One Month Online Course 6 October-8 November 2012
3 days F2F Workshop During 6-14 December 2012 in 5 countries
Online participants Totally 132 participants from 5 countries
1. SEAMEO RETRAC Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh 2. IIC, Phnom Phenh, Cambodia 3. Dongkhamxang Teacher Training College, Vientiane, Lao PDR 4. Sainampeung School, Bangkok, Thailand 5. SMKN 4 Malang, Indonesia
The e-Learning system is used to: augment traditional lecture-based teaching with e-Learning materials and communication;
provide distance learning using web-based tools to enhance interactivity;
provide distance learning using web-based tools to enhance interactivity; serve region-wide adult learners whose availability for face-to-face learning is limited by time and financial resources.
“These functions are performed using a combination of web-based learning materials with email and online forum discussion. MOODLE (modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment) used as the virtual learning environment.�
Homepage 1. User friendly by providing: a. Q&A corner b. Announcement, reminder and upcoming events c. Overview of the online activities d. Guideline of the online course e. Easy login 2. Good looking by redesign the appearance properly to the context
Course Page
1. User friendly by providing: a. Q&A corner b. Clear instruction 2. Good looking by providing the features needed: a. Message b. Online users c. Modules printed version d. References e. Upcoming events 3. The online modules providing in html version
Learning Activity
1. Designing the stages based on learning activity 2. Chunk the modules into some parts 3. Provide some videos to illustrate the lesson appropriate to the context
1. The online modules providing in html format 2. The participants should learned linearly
“There were 6 assignments and using rubric as assessment tools “
The communication used are messages, chat box and discussion forum
Program Evaluation
Use the questionnaires to evaluate the program. The standard used is Quality Matters Rubric Standards 2011-2013 edition.
Online & F2F Activities
1. Even though the participants followed most of the direction in the online course, most of them did not submit a complete lesson plan that included the ICT and 21st Century Skills to be developed. The course developer already provided the guidelines/template and evaluation items that the participants should refer while they were developing the lesson plan. This situation was corrected in the face to face workshop activities. 2. The attrition of this course is quite high. From 132 participants registered, only about 40% (49 participants) that actively participated. 3. The rest of participants only accessed the program to read the materials but they did not do the exercises, assignments as well as involved in the discussion forum. 4. The passive participants mostly gave reason that they are too busy since the course began on October which is the busy work time for them or holiday time. 5. The participants stated that the course was too short while they thought that there are a lot of activities such as exercises and assignments that need to be done within one month. So they advised that the course should take longer time, probably 1,5 months. 6. The English abilities of participants played important roles in the quality of their participation especially the quality of discussion, exercises and assignments.
Social Media
MOOC Online Learning