Eating is Believing Share & Exchange Traditional Food from Our Country
Eating is Believing Online Collaboration Project
In this project you are going to do the following activities: Share and exchange pictures of some fruits or vegetables native to your country (Indonesia or Thailand) Share and exchange a recipe of local/traditional food Create and Share a video presentation of how to cook the food Try the recipe from the other students and give comment about the food
Stages of the activities
Stage 1: Introduction
Stage 2: Share & Exchange Pictures of Local fruits/vegetables
•Introduce your self to your new friends from the partner school. Say something interesting or unique about yourself. You can also give comments to others
•Choose a fruit/vegatable/food native to Indonesia or Thailand. Take a photo or draw a picture of the fruit, vegetable or food •- Prepare some questions that can guide your friends from partner school to guess the fruit (Taste, texture, color, how to cook) •- Post the questions on Edmodo and ask your friends from partner school to guess •- Finally post the picture of the fruit/vegetable/food
Stage 3: Share & Exchange Recipe of Some food
Stage 4: Share & Exchange video presentation
• Choose a recepie from your country that uses some local ingredients • Share the recipe in Edmodo • Add some information regarding vitamins, fibre, protein, etc • Provide some alternative of the ingredients • Explain the taste and when is the best time to eat it
• Make a video presentation on how to cook the food • Upload it on youtube. share it to edmodo • Ask the your friends to evaluate and give comments to the video • Exchange your comments
Good Luck and Enjoy the collaboration