Rubric grade 9 blog

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How clearly can the student develop and organize relevant ideas?


• The development of ideas is

confusing; supporting details are limited and/or not appropriate

• The ideas are irrelevant and/or repetitive


• •

How correctly does the student produce the required text type?


• The ideas are relevant to some extent

• The development of ideas is evident at times; supporting details are sometimes appropriate


• The ideas are mostly relevant • The development of ideas is

coherent; supporting details are mostly appropriate

• Conventions appropriate to the

• Conventions appropriate to the

• Does not maintain focus

• Blog summarises events • sometimes on-task; purpose is

• Blog summarises events and

To what extent are the conventions of text types appropriate?

text type are very limited

not always clear. Digresses regularly

• The ideas are relevant • The development of ideas is coherent and effective; supporting details are appropriate


• The development of ideas is

coherent and thorough; supporting details are highly appropriate

• The ideas are relevant and effective

• Conventions appropriate to the text type are not used.


text type are evident

makes comment about them

• mostly on-task; purpose can be identified but with occasional digressions

• Conventions appropriate to the text type are effective and evident.

• Blog reflects on events and provides some personal opinion

• stays on-task; purpose is clear with few digressions

• Conventions appropriate to the text type are manipulated effectively and applied with flair.

• Blog reflects on events and clearly draws personal conclusions

• clear attention to the task;

purpose is clear and there are no informal digressions


How effectively and accurately does the student use language?

• some degree of clarity and

• some degree of accuracy in

the use of language is not readily comprehensible many lapses in grammar and sentence fluency

vocabulary, register, and style is rarely accurate, appropriate, or effective

coherence in the use of language

grammar and sentence fluency

• vocabulary, register, and style is sometimes appropriate in connection with the assignment

• adequately clear and coherent use of language

• only a few significant lapses in grammar and sentence fluency

• some care shown in the choice

of vocabulary; adequate use of register and style appropriate to the assignment

• wide range of vocabulary is used accurately and effectively, with very few errors.

• no significant lapses in

grammar and sentence fluency

• effective use of register and style appropriate to the assignment

• wide range of vocabulary is

used accurately and effectively, with no errors

• highly effective register and style appropriate to the assignment

• combines colloquialisms with complex phrases

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