Yunqin Wang_Graphic design portfolio

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Yunqin Wang City: Ithaca, NY, United States Tel: +16073790262 E-mail: Intern Application

01 New York Travelling Map Data Collection / Graphic Design

11.2021- 12.2021 Individual Work Academic Work at ARCH 6110, Comupatitionl Thinking Instructor: Fleet Hower

For city life explorers, New York City is definitely one of the top-rated travelling destinations. Museums, parks, historical buildings are scattered throughout the city along with bars, cáfes and boutique restaurants. Somehow, the exploding information could be too overwhelming, which causes tourists to feel at loss. The travelling map posted here has pinned out those worth visiting places as well as some facilities and transportations to help tourists find the best travelling route and organize their trips ahead

Subway line Networks of subway stations Path including waterfront spot Path from waterfront spots to adjacent subway stations Path including historic districts Path from historic districts to adjacent subway stations Networks of vendors Magnetic field ( attracted by the average points of waterfront spots, historic spots, vendors and airports) Subway station Waterfront spot Histroci district Vendor Airport


02 Electricity Flow

Metaphor / Concept Design

04.2022 - Ongoing Group Work with Xiaobai Zhao, Haotian Ma, Phasit Rattanachaisit Academic Work at Spring Option Studio, Passive Play Instructor: Florian Idenburg + Karilyn Johanesen, SO – IL

Electricity is the soul of modern life. As a result, we are witnessing booming consumption in the power, but in contrast, the transition to renewable energy is so lagged behind that traditional resources are still major energy origin. With electricity generated, concerns are embedded. We have little resiliance, yet considerable pollutants. In the studio, we are exploring the expanding e-gaming industry, which attracts large audience and also consumes lots of e nergy. Then, what can we do at an e-sport spot to instill sustainable idea into players and audience? In this graphic design, I used a metaphor to illustrate electricity flow as water. If enought water is stored in the pool, it can flow to the other branching pools so that people in the smaller pool can swim, bath, and relax. However, water spills over the container during the flowing. The drawing is intentionally did in an inspiring way and lots of detailed information is contained to let the audience contemplate and reflect.

The graph below illustrates the entire scheme in our design. A way to familiarize people with the electricity flow is to engage the public into the electricity generation, and to lure people to join the program, we gamify the e-sport arena. Gaming is integrated into the sport spot, which means the presence at the arena would be a participation in the game. Based on reasearch, we designed several game levels at the arena, in which players are asked to do assorted cardio exercises, and the kinetic energy can be transformed to electricity and stored to support future e-sport events. In the program, mutual efforts of the entire public is valued as the energy is stored accumulatively. Players can see and take advantage of their contributions to the community.

03 Sink or Swim

Sea Level Rising / Publication

2021.11- 2021.12 Published by all MSAAD22' students Publication: Cornell Print Services, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 14850 ISBN: 978-0-9972602-6-7 Chapter 6 is group work by author, Eric Peter, Haoyaun Wang and Sampriti Sheth Academic Work at Architecture+Urbanism Studio Instructor: Greg Keefe

The coming years present a pivotal moment in the history of our planet. Carbon neutrality is no longer a best-case scenario for the next decades, but an absolute necessity if we hope to slow climate change. As global leaders negotiate a deal to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, we as designers must prepare for drastic change in the built environment. It is widely understood that it is too late to prevent any sea level rise in the coming decades. According to NASA, “Global sea level has risen by about 8 inches since reliable record keeping began in 1880. It is projected to rise another 1 to 8 feet by 2100. This is the result of added water from melting land ice and the expansion of seawater as it warms.” Humans have pumped too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It is too late. That said, there is still hope. We must work quickly and boldly if we hope to mitigate future impacts of climate change, designing our cities to not only save ourselves, but also the planet. This re-imagining of the American city investigates complex infrastructural shifts while also considering the socio-cultural impacts of a changing way of life. These futures, at times strange and absurd to the average citizen, explore what it means to live in a rapidly changing environment. No longer can we continue to live as we once did. Instead, a new way of community building, economic development, and daily life must occur to adapt to the critical threat the rising sea level presents to our communities.

Sea Level Rising & Temperature Rising

State Anuual Temperature From past to Future East Coast Past States 1895

Now 2020

Future 2100

Northern Maine


New Jersey


South Carolina


Florida Southern Annual Average Temperature



High Tide Flooding

High Tide of 2021

Norfolk Southern Railway CSX Transportation Ocean Current Cold Current -> Warm Current Sea Level of 2021

Rising Sea Level The sea level along the east coast of the United States is projected to rise around 10 feet from 2020 to 2100 if no actions are taken from now on. Landscapes, properties, infrustructures among other things will be flooded, and inhabitants need to find new homes.

Rising Temperature States along the east coast have been experiencing the temperature rising during the past century, and are likely to suffer more in the next 80 years. The annual average temperature is estimated to rise approximately 5 degrees by 2100, which indicates that people in 2100 will live as those inhabiting the southern area now.

High Tide Flooding Extreme high tides occur a few times per year when the sun, moon, and earth align, or during storm events, and rainfall or wind pushing water over land can increase flooding levels. Annual occurrences of high tide flooding—exceeding local thresholds for minor impacts to infrastructure—have increased 5- to 10-fold since the 1960s in several U.S. coastal cities. In a sense, today’s flood will become tomorrow’s high tide, as sea level rise will cause flooding to occur more frequently and last for longer durations of time.


Savannah Map




Sea level continues to rise at a rate of about one-eighth of an inch per year. This sinking is being exacerbated by global warming, which is raising sealevel by an alarming and increasing rate. Gradual sea level rise isn’t the only issue –there is also increased storminess due to planetary heating which is leading to storms with incredible surges associated with them. This is some of the most densely populated land in the US: something hasto give. If we are to continue to live by the sea –our cities and their architecture will have to adapt –and quickly... by the end of the century, sea levels will be more than a metre higher than now –and storm surges due to hurricanes could add another 10 metres to that.

Climate Adaptation is one of the most difficult challenges of not only this century but also beyond. Climate change will not stop suddenly: it is likely that it will continue for 500 years at least. This long term impact challenges us as designers to think beyond a singular intervention, but understand a series or process of continual adaptations. ‘Mutability is the epitaph of worlds. Change alone is changeless. People drop out of the history of a life as of a land, though their work or their influence remains.’G Linnaeus Banks. The ManchesterMan 1876.There are also serious ethical issues –leaving the mess for the next or future generations, when it is us and our parents who created the problem is not fair –but investing now in changes that may not be needed for a century or more is equally pointless. We need solutions that deal with both these conflicting positions. This is a wicked problem.

SAVANNAH Sea level rise: 2.40 ft Population: 147780 Population at risk: 1875 1.3% High Social Vulnerability Population: 0.09 % Poverty Population 25.1& or more 10.1% to 15% 15.1% to 25% 2.1% to 10% 2% or less


Up and Out Savannah, Georgia

As one substance dissolves into another, a series of transformations rapidly occur. No longer separate entities, an entirely new solution is created from the action. This design approach works in a very similar way, letting the city dissolve into the sea, creating disparate islands scattered around. As these islands form, the first step is pushing inward toward the high ground, also known as the old city. Over time, these islands can then work to form a network of resources and communities which utilizevertical urbanism to provide for its densified population. As needs and desires for the city shift over time, further expansion is made possible through both layered verticality as well as a reclamation of the land left behind.

As sea level rises during the next 80 years, only white space would still be safe, not influenced by the water. It is categorized as large mainland and small “islands”, and then the conncections are established between mainland and mainland, mainland and islands, and island and islands. Thus, a network is created as the base of the four-phase building scheme.

Neo-Savannah Network

Envision Neo-Savannah Neo-Savannah pushes the dialogue of what a city can become, reclaiming the coastal edge over time.

From the bird view, the macro network is illustrated within a cyberpunk style. Highrises, tunnels, bridges are interwined together as new communities.

From the ground view, living spaces, commercial spaces, landscapes, etc. are all compacted into the tunnel that connects isolated islands. The end of the tunnel is envisioned to be as the train head, guiding the tunnel to "grow" in a certain direction.

Solution Map The city responds to flooding by retreating back to the Center forming concentrated vertical development (blue) that does not disrupt the historic city. This strategy allows for water to flow through the city by fragmenting and dissolving parts of the city into water that connect back to the Center. This allows for revival of the wetlands shown in green.

Four Phases of Building Neo-Savannah Phase l: Retreat

Phasell: Flank

As sea level rises during the next 80 years, only white space would still be safe, not influenced by the water. It is categorized as large mainland and small “islands”, and then the conncections are established between mainland and mainland, mainland and islands, and island and islands. Thus, a network is created as the base of the fourphase building scheme.

As sea level rises during the next 80 years, only white space would still be safe, not influenced by the water. It is categorized as large mainland and small “islands”, and then the conncections are established between mainland and mainland, mainland and islands, and island and islands. Thus, a network is created as the base of the fourphase building scheme.

Phase lll: Attack

Phase lV: Dissolve

As sea level rises during the next 80 years, only white space would still be safe, not influenced by the water. It is categorized as large mainland and small “islands”, and then the conncections are established between mainland and mainland, mainland and islands, and island and islands. Thus, a network is created as the base of the fourphase building scheme.

As sea level rises during the next 80 years, only white space would still be safe, not influenced by the water. It is categorized as large mainland and small “islands”, and then the conncections are established between mainland and mainland, mainland and islands, and island and islands. Thus, a network is created as the base of the fourphase building scheme.

04 No Screws Attached Mobile +Tablet / Game Design

02.2022 - Ongoing By Sticky Keys Studios Programmers: Dubem Ogwulumba, Gonzalo Gonzalez, Harry Dang, Justin Ngai, Matthew Guo, Peter Buckman, Michael Guan, Designers: Yunqin Wang (author), Xinyue Geng, Nandini Bhandari Academic Work at INFO5152 Advanced Topics in Computer Game Design Instructed by Walker White

Introduction No Screws Attached is a physics-based construction PVP game, in which players will be frantically constructing and competing for victory. By using strategic creativity to balance blocks and stealing blocks to sabotage others’ missions, players contest to finish the requirements quickly. As buildings topple and time ticks to zero, emotions are sky high while players rush to finish their projects. No Screws Attached is designed for social and competitive gameplay. Although players can choose to keep to themselves, they can opt to get the upper hand by stealing.

This is so players are encouraged to be conscious of their own progress and of those around them. What makes this game unique is clashing of players strategies in a frantic, timepressured setting.

Aligning to the strong feelings, the artistic style is wacky, cartoony, and funny to create an immersive experience.

Keywords building construction competitive multiplayer stealing stacking frantic friends family timed wacky

No Screws Attached Rating: 4+ Strategy Game To be releasesd on Apple Store

Characters Clients The first set of characters designed in the game are clients. Clients are supposed to be picky and unruly. We adopted the hand drawing style to match the wacky feeling of the game.

Avatars The game supports the Maximusa players of six, so we designed a set of avatars for each player. The avatars are all previous chefs, who decided to upgrade their cafe to a construction firm. Therefore, although they are construction workers now, they are still in chef suites, which added to the funny atmosphere.

Building Blocks The construction blocks are categorized into different shapes (circle, square, triangle, and rectangle) and textures (brick, wood, glass, and stone). Based on the real physical characteristics, blocks will be implemented with different structural strengths. Thus, the texture should be easily recognized.

Core Machenism

Are you the best architect among your friends? In the competitive world of construction, find out by assembling the most buildings that satisfy increasingly difficult requirements given by eccentric entrepreneurs. ===========================

BUILD AND STEAL Stack blocks to complete blueprints and steal blocks from others to get the upper hand. But watch out! Others may steal your blocks when you least expect it.

To build 1 Drag from coveyor

2 Release the block

COMPETE AGAINST FRIENDS Play against your friends to complete the most buildings before time runs out! Try to build that one last building before your opponents. 3 Fall on the ground

DISCOVER CREATIVE SOLUTIONS The clients hand out intricate blueprint plans that you must find creative and unique ways to satisfy. Some may be trickier than others!

To Steal 2 Hold to steal

Swipe to others'plot 1

To Defned 2 Flick to defend

1 Notice the stealing

Screen Flow

Vertical Screen Construction

Horizontal Screen


One Round Enter Game

Host Start Game




Swipe Clients Join Game


Background & Themes The background consists layers of different art assets from back to front on the z-axis. Plot back of the round can be separated into different layers: ground, mid-shot, and sky, which can be used by programmers for rotation. The ground spline will be automatically generated to create assorted topography.

Background Layer

Theme Mountain

Endless Background: Rotation of seamless image


Mid-shot: Appear once Underground

Ground line: Generate by program

Animation Stealing and defending animations are the primary animations in the game. They are supposed to be funny and frenetic to match the game style but simple to be easily understand. The stealing is designed to be hammering the blocks while the defend is combating with a pan, which is compatible with avatars' identities as chefs. The style is hand drawing and cartoony.

05 Charge Happiness First Perspective / Game Design

04.2022 - Ongoing Group Work with Xiaobai Zhao, Haotian Ma, Phasit Rattanachaisit Academic Work at Spring Option Studio, Passive Play Instructor: Florian Idenburg + Karilyn Johanesen, SO – IL

The conceptual game is designed based on the electricity flow in the reality. Through different stages, players will help the "electricity town" to transform into a sustainable living place. To complete missions, players have to collaborate with the citizens, plug-ins with the assorted interface, to unlock materials and maintain the "happiness value". The mechanism aims to instill how the electricity system works into the players in a fun way and inspire players to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

Setting The game is set in an electricity town, which has relied on traditional electricity for decades. However, recent research has shown that citizens in this town are experiencing a continuous decline in their happiness value, which is related to the accumulating environmental problems caused by the traditional electricity industry.

Characters Avatar -- Electricity Bot The bot needs to be charged every day; otherwise, it will run out of battery. It needs to take rest to complete assorted tasks to restore energy. The objective of the bot is to help to transform the town into a sustainable one.

NPCs -- plug-ins Citizens living in this town are all plug-ins with different interfaces. They are evaluated with the happiness value. With a higher value, they are more willing to do the bot a favor; however, if the value is lower than 10 points, they will ignore all the requests.

Mission1 There are three main phases in the game. The first one is about the transformation. The bot should build new facilities as renewable electricity generators in the town and replace the traditional ones.

What facilities to build? First, the players should strategically choose one of the renewable resources based on the hints on the map. For example, if there are lots of windy situations in the town, then choosing wind electricity as the main energy resource will be wise. If players choose the wrong energy, it won't work. ​ When players enter the map view, they can see boxes scattered around the town, which contain construction pieces needed. They can select what they want to collect.

In a town with lots of windy condition, it is more suitable to build wind turbines.

In a town with a river, it is more suitable to build hydroelectricity facilities.

How to get the materials? To unlock the box containing the construction pieces desired, the players need to find specific plugin friends to do the favor, as they are "keys" to the lock. Some types of plug-ins are harder to find and some have a bad temper that is likely to decline the request.

When all the sockets around the box are connected to the plugins, the box can be opened and the materials can be gained by the players.

Here is a mock-up of how players find their friends.

How to assemble? Once all the materials are collected, players can try to assemble them in the correct order. The mock-up shows the assemlelance of a wind turbine.

Finished? With the correct facilities all built, the town now can rely on the proper renewable resources rather than traditional ones. It is the first step of the entire transformation.

Mission2 In the second phase, the players should help to build new electricity storage that can balance the differences in energy supply and demand in the town and provide backup during a power failure, and reduces the use of diesel generators.

How to change lifestyle? The bot will roam the town, and drive, watch movies and play video games... ... with its friends. It might charge the bot 30 units of electricity when the bot does all these activities alone, but in the sharing situation, only half or one-third of the energy will be charged. Meantime, eco-friendly behaviors will elevate the plug-ins' happiness value.

Finished? When the average the happiness value in the town reaches 90 points, the bot has successfully changed the prevailing lifestyle.

End Game With all three stages completed, the electricity town is now a sustainable and desirable living place!


Gallery Graphic Design/ Diagram/ 3D Printing...

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