AIESEC in Estonia national partnership package

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AIESEC in Estonia

Na#onal Partnership Package

About AIESEC AIESEC is a global pla*orm for young people to explore and develop their leadership poten3al. We are a non-­‐poli3cal, independent, not-­‐for-­‐profit organisa3on run by students and recent graduates of ins3tu3ons of higher educa3on. We are a global network of young leaders under the age of 30 who are passionate about world issues, leadership development, cultural understanding and experien3al learning. AIESEC in Estonia was established in 1989, with over 120 ac3ve members currently in our 3 local university chapters. Each year, we create over 300 cultural exchange and overseas internship opportuni3es to Estonian youth and bring in interna3onal talents to work and experience the life in Estonia.

! The Leadership We Develop !

In AIESEC, we have developed our unique Leadership Development Model, explaining the leadership quali3es the world needs that we want to develop in youth.


Through different types of AIESEC opportuni3es and experiences, we aim at developing youth that are self-­‐aware world ci<zens with the ability to empower others and being solu<on-­‐oriented.


AIESEC in Numbers


126 Countries 2,400 Universi-es 70,000 Ac-ve Members 66 Years of Experience 1,500 Business Partner & Organisa-ons 500 Conferences annually Na#onally 800 exchange experiences created 120 Ac-ve members 400 Alumni 4 Conferences annually

Our Products AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to par3cipate in interna3onal internships and overseas volunteering work and experience leadership in a global learning environment.

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Recruit interna#onal trainees in • IT • Sales & Marke#ng • Teaching Volunteering abroad programme to engage interna#onal youth volunteers in local social projects Develop the leadership poten#al of local youth through being part of AIESEC's opera#ons in team member and team leader opportuni#es

Other than exchange and leadership programmes, AIESEC in Estonia also offers different youth development ac3vi3es for Estonian youth in every year.

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Na<onal Conferences

Global Talent Process

! Global Talent brings in youth leadership, innova3on, global perspec3ves and func3onal exper3se to provide organisa3ons with a compe33ve edge in talent and leadership pipeline. The program bridges the talent gaps within organisa3ons with students or recent graduate for 3 to 18 month traineeships. Global Talent is both the HR solu3on for organisa3ons and a valuable career kick-­‐start for any young person. 
 Profiles from Global Talent are mostly in IT, Marke3ng & Sales and Teaching.

• Create global environment in your workplace • Customized process • Intern prepara3on handled by AIESEC • Cost effec3ve human resources solu3on • Flexible 3ming







*20% paid when contract is raised, 40% paid when the intern is matched to the company, 40% paid when the intern officially started to work

Global Entrepreneurs is a sub-­‐ product of Global Talent designated for start-­‐ups. We provide a cost-­‐ effec3ve solu3on for start-­‐ups to meet their short term staffing needs with interna3onal talents. The dura3on for Global Entrepreneurs traineeships is 6-­‐8 weeks, with no financial reimbursement needed.

Provide job descrip3on template Promote the job descrip3on to students and recent graduates within AIESEC network of 126 countries & territories Pre-­‐select suitable candidates Coordinate virtual interviews between you and the candidates


Prices I.T.




Your Company




Fill in the provided job descrip3on template

(If needed) Provide home-­‐tasks to the candidates
 Make the final decision a]er the interview

Arrange visa applica3on, accommoda3on, arrival details Provide the intern with pre-­‐arrival informa3on


Provide needed informa3on for visa process

Recep3on for the intern at the
 airport Accompany the intern on his/ her first day at work Assist the intern in integra3ng to the local environment


Provide the interns proper tasks and working condi3ons as set in the job descrip3on

! Global Citizen is a volunteering abroad programme with the aim of facilita3ng cultural exchange and raising the social awareness of youth. Par3cipants will be able to challenge themselves by living and working with cross-­‐cultural teams and families. The experience ranges from 6 to 8 weeks. In Estonia, we also organises various Global Ci3zen projects, engaging youth from all over the world to experience the life in Estonia and gain a deeper understanding of the social reality here. In this year, we will engage over 300 youth in our 7 local projects. Your company may engage in our projects by sponsorship, delivering workshops or other forms of engagements depending on the project nature. For more details regarding partnership in specific projects, please feel free to contact us.

Interna-onal Kindergarten

Green Direc-on

• •

Explore Estonia Under the Same Sky

“According to YouthSpeak Survey conducted by AIESEC Interna:onal in 2014, over 70% of respondents think that it is very important for the company they work for to have a posi9ve impact on society.” Discover more youth insights from YouthSpeak Survey Report: h<p://­‐report-­‐1.3-­‐5-­‐2

Our Local Projects Under the Same Sky Date

Project Descrip:on


Number of Par:cipants


Explore Estonia Date


Under the Same Sky is an integra:on (mostly Russian integra:on) project which aims to take the processes to the next level and help to create a beVer integra:on policy. The aim is to show young people what does the world look like through different points of views and make young people aware of the common misconcep:ons in their communi:es and to grow the sense of responsibility to help solve social problems. Both interna:onal volunteers and local student par:cipants will engage in the ac:vi:es. Ac9vi9es include: learning history of Russia and Estonia, lessons on culture of different countries delivered by interns, students get educa:on about project management/team management, financial and IT literacy (general + needed skills for making and running a project) from companies and interns lessons in schools on soW skills and leadership delivered by interns crea:ng business or social project by students companies vo:ng for best projects and give consultancy on realisa:on

Project Descrip:on

Nov-­‐Dec, May-­‐Jul

Number of Par:cipants


Project aims to increase the awareness of tourism, culture, educa:on and business in Estonia. Estonian ci:zens can look at their country from new perspec:ves and foreigners can increase their interest and awareness to Estonia. It will include on-­‐line marke:ng (youtube channels, websites, forums etc) and off-­‐line events (workshops, stories sharing, photo exhibi:ons, movie evenings etc) in Tallinn and Tartu which every person can aVend and par:cipate. Ac9vi9es include: cultural lessons in schools and universi:es (about Estonian culture delivered by interns and about their culture) lessons in schools on soW skills and leadership visi:ng schools/companies/sights by interns and making reports/ videos etc , making surveys on tourism in Estonia, business and educa:on by interns (answers from locals), on-­‐line channels (youtube stories, website, films on tourism in Estonia, business and educa:on) off-­‐line events: 2-­‐3 Global Villages (different ci:es) , Photo Exhibi:on around 10 small events like speaking clubs, movie evenings, cooking evenings

! Interna9onal Kindergarten Date Project Descrip:on


Number of Par:cipants

Green Direc9on ~40

Project aims to develop tolerance, new cultural experience and foreign language skills among children in kindergartens of Tallinn.

Date Project Descrip:on


Number of Par:cipants


Project aims to rise awareness about environment in Tartu. It includes work with universi:es/NGOs/environmental organiza:ons to provide students and ci:zens in general with workshops, seminars, interac:ve games about this topic.

! youth talent offers the opportunity to students and fresh graduates to become a member “AIESECer” by taking team member or team leader roles and engage in prac3cal AIESEC opera3ons. Our members build strong leadership experience in different aspects, such as project management, sales, marke3ng and human resources management.

Local Chapters in


! ! ! ! ! ! !


Partnership Opportuni-es • Recruitment partner • Company workshops • Na3onal conferences supporter

Membership Profile 17% TLU TUT Tartu

36% 47%

Distribu9on of Members


! ! 24%

7% 22% 10% 11%

Business Engineering Law/Poli-cs and Gov. Science Art Studies Others

Academic Background of Members

NaBonal Conference Na3onal conference is the occasion when members and leaders in AIESEC in Estonia come together to receive trainings, develop strategies and engage with stakeholders. It is an intense learning experience which usually last for 3-­‐5 days. Each year, 4 conferences are organised locally, with delega3on size of 50-­‐100.

Starter Conference


Early October

Delega:on size and profile

100-­‐120 delegates Na:onal boards and local execu:ve boards of Estonia, Newly recruited members from local commiVees


Early December

Delega:on size and profile

100-­‐120 delegates Na:onal board, local commiVee execu:ve boards, members and alumni of Estonia


Early March

Delega:on size and profile

100-­‐150 delegates Na:onal board, local commiVee execu:ve boards and members of Estonia

! Your Engagement !! Conference Sponsor

Company Workshop

(€1000 per workshop)

(For Na:onal Partners) Partnership Launch

• Product/Monetary sponsorship • Logo and promo3onal materials presence in conference • Market research by receiving product feedbacks from youth • 1-­‐2 hour session delivered by your company • Diverse workshop content choice including marke3ng, sales skills, human resource management and leadership development • Direct interac3on with selected youth • Company branding opportunity • 15-­‐30 min Partnership Launch session in one of the na3onal conferences • Speech/presenta3on by company

Annual Conference

Spring Conference


*LEAP event will take place in this conference, with around 100 external parCcipants


Early May

Delega:on size and profile

30-­‐50 delegates Current and elects of Na:onal board and local commiVee execu:ve boards

Recruitment Partner In each year, we will organise 2 rounds of member recruitment in all local chapters. As a recruitment partner, you can present your company as a youth development supporter to university students.


By being our Recruitment Partner, your company 3tle will be present in our recruitment materials, Your company will also be introduced during our physical promo3on of programmes. You will be able to get in touch with our target university students.

•Increase brand awareness among youth •Massive reach with low cost •Employer branding •Distribu:on of surveys and get feedbacks from target customers

! Recruitment Period



Partnership proposal

• Onsite promo:on in 3 universi:es (TLU, TUT, Tartu) or other college and universi:es (upon discussion) • Online promo:on on AIESEC in Estonia Facebook page and website • Internal promo:on to members


€1000 per recruitment (2 weeks duraBon)

! ! Meet the CEO is a programme offered by AIESEC in Estonia to connect businesses with Estonian students. It is a 1-­‐day event in which businesses organises visits and workshops to allow par3cipants to understand their business opera3ons. The purpose of Meet the CEO is to let students gain insights in business reali3es. During the visit, students get the chance to meet with the CEO or top management and learn from their experiences.



Included all promo3onal costs, selec3on service, collec3on of feedbacks and data and evalua3on report


Segmenta3on: Your company select the target student profile and group size


Selec3on: AIESEC carry out promo3on in campus and select par3cipants according to target profile


Delivery: Your company organises the visit and deliver workshops/talks


Evalua3on: AIESEC collects par3cipants’ feedbacks and generate a report for your company

• Employer branding • Direct interac3on with selected youth according to your company’s target profile • Simple process with AIESEC handling promo3on and logis3cs arrangement • Branding of company at low cost

! LEAP is a new ini3a3ve by AIESEC in Estonia in 2015. The event aims to boost the entrepreneurial spirit of Estonian youth through crea3ng an interac3ve learning space for Estonian students, startups and investors to exchange knowledge and validate ideas. In 2016, LEAP will be organised again to bring businesses and students together and con3nuing the theme of entrepreneurship.

• Employer branding • Direct interac3on with youth who are interested in entrepreneurship and start-­‐ups • Massive reach at low cost • Entry to CV database

LEAP 2015 Guest Speakers

Olle Tischler

Co-­‐Founder, Taxify

Country Manager, Oracle

March, 2016

Expected Delega:on Size

200 Guest Speaker • Keynote speech/Topic speaker • Guest in panel discussion

Partnership Proposal Company workshop • Same as details of company workshop proposal • Entrepreneurship related workshop topic


18 Guest Speakers including:

Mar:n Villig

Event Time

Argo Virkebau CEO, Tele2

€3000 for Premium Partner Package (Title sponsor, keynote speech and company workshop)

NaBonal Partner “Support Youth Leadership Development with AIESEC in Estonia!”


If your company shares the same value with us and want to support youth leadership development in Estonia, being our Na3onal Partner will be the right choice for you!


By being our Na3onal Partner, your company can engage in our events throughout the year, and enjoy year round promo3on with extra partnership benefits.

Na:onal Partner • Company workshop for 2 or more naConal conference • Engagement in external event (LEAP) • Monetary Sponsorship

Pla:num Partnership €10,000

Gold Partnership €7,000

Silver Partnership €5,000

*The payment for the sponsorship is one-­‐off, the partnership Ctle is valid for 1 year *The amounts are subject to changes upon discussion

NaBonal Partner Benefits Original Price(€)

Pla:num Partnership €10,000

Gold Partnership €7,000

Silver Partnership €5,000


Upon Discussion

✔(discounted price)

Discounted price for Global Talent Programme


Free of charge for “Meet The CEO” Programme


✔(discounted price)


✔(only 1 workshop)

Distribu:on of survey and feedback collec:on in our network


✔(discounted price)

Free recruitment partner package


Physical presence in 4 internal conferences (roll-­‐ups/leaflets)


✔ (only roll-­‐up)

Premium Partner :tle and company engagement in LEAP 2016


✔(discounted price)

✔(discounted price)

500 (for 5 quotas)

✔ (5 quotas)

✔ (3 quotas)

✔ (1 quota)

500 (for 5 posts)

✔(≤5 posts)

✔(≤3 posts)

✔(discounted price)

30 minute partnership launch session in AIESEC in Estonia conference


✔ (15min)

Access to AIESEC in Estonia member and alumni network for promo:on (e-­‐mail, newsleVer)


Branded internal annual award


Produc:on of company-­‐AIESEC partnership promo:onal video (10 min max.)


Logo presence in AIESEC in Estonia online channels (website, Facebook Page, e-­‐ mail signature) Company promo:on in interna:onal conference (AIESEC Interna:onal Congress, EuroCo, EuroXpro, CEELDS) by Estonia delega:on

Free company workshop to AIESEC in Estonia members and leaders throughout whole year

Company par:cipa:on in Gala Dinner Company promo:on posts on AIESEC in Estonia Facebook Page

! Other Partnership OpportuniBes

! ! ! !

We are more than willing to listen.


Tell us what you think and how can we help your business to grow.

! Contact Us Fion TSANG Director of Business Development AIESEC in Estonia Tel: +372 58237238 Email:

Tell us what you think

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