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Welcome to your English Virtual Class for advanced UNIT #2

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English Noun Suffixes Examples of some common names for people in English created through suffixation organized by suffix. Note that unlike the -er, -or, and -ar agent suffixes that attach to verbs, the -ist, -ian, -ess, and -ar /-er/-eur/-ier/-or/-ur suffixes primarily attach to other nouns. • -ist : art – artist, chemistry – chemist, dentistry – dentist, guitarguitarist •-ian: beauty – beautician, comedy – comedian,electricity – electrician •ar/-er/-eur/-ier/-or/-ur: Ø – ambassador*, astronomy – astronomer Ø – author, bar – barrister,cash – cashier

English Noun Suffixes and Professions





Gerund can also have an object itself. In this case, the whole expression (gerund + object) can be the subject, object or complement of the sentence. • Smoking cigarettes costs a lot of money. • I don't like writing letters. • My favorite occupation is reading detective stories. Like nouns, we can use gerunds with adjectives (including articles and other determiners): • • • •

pointless questioning a settling of debts the making of this film his drinking of alcohol

COMPARATIVES There are some rules to help you make comparisons in English. 1- If the adjective (describing word) is one syllable, you can add -er. For example, small – smaller; big – bigger; nice – nicer. 2- If the adjective has two syllables, but ends in -y, you can change the end to -ier. For example, lucky – luckier; happy – happier.



What is like an eccentricity person?

Let´s Practice.!!! Write in your notebook: 6- Sentences using comparatives with adjectives, nouns, participles. 1- Essay of 10 lines describing your personality. 6- Senteces using gerund phrases as object and subject.

Evaluation for this virtual course

Assignments: 30% Forums= 20% Quizzes= 20% Test=30%

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