C O N N E C T I N G T H R O U G H C H A L L E N G E , T E A M W O R K A N D N AT U R E
CRICOS Provider No 00140K
The journey is never ending. There’s always growth, improvement, adversity; you just have to take it all in and do what’s right, continue to grow, continue to live in the moment. A.BROWN
INTRODUCTION The Journey Expedition has long been a significant and rewarding learning opportunity for our Year 9 students. We have a proud history of delivering an experience that empowers our students and becomes a great source of inspiration and strength well into their future. Enjoy gaining an insight into the experience the students will be immersed in and the challenges they will work through and overcome. Please click here or scan the QR code to view a short video. Journey Preparation Hike Early Term 4 Lerderderg State Park & Wombat State Forest Journey Expedition Sunday 22 - Sunday 29 November Bogong High Plains
We would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the Bogong High Plains and Mitta Mitta River, through which we will travel through during our Journey Expedition. We would also like to acknowledge and thank the Elders, both those who have passed and those who are with us, for the knowledge they have shared. We also extend this respect to all other Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders of this Nation.
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CRICOS Provider No 00140K
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Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S. ELIOT
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TEAMWORK CRICOS Provider No 00140K
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The truth is that teamwork is at the heart of great achievement. J.C. MAXWELL
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Community is much more than belonging to something; it’s about doing something together that makes belonging matter. B. SOLIS
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CRICOS Provider No 00140K
CRICOS Provider No 00140K
Unless we are willing to encourage our children to reconnect with and appreciate the natural world, we can’t expect them to help protect and care for it. D. SUZUKI
Planning, preparation & organisation
The student can prepare themselves for safe & appropriate outdoor living.
Uses previous experiences to pack appropriately for the program, extended duration and specific activities. Designs an appropriate menu suitable for the venue, activities and subsequent sourcing of appropriate food (i.e. lightweight, etc). Organises and manages personal equipment for an extended duration with increased independence. Shows willingness to explore, seek clarity and reflect on appropriate conduct and contribution.Â
General & technical skills
The student understands and can demonstrate general outdoor skills and technical skills.
Under supervision and instruction, demonstrates a solid level of general outdoor skills to remain safe and comfortable. Ability to maintain high level of skills over a longer duration. Lightweight, challenging, adventure travel. Significant increase in duration, remoteness, challenge and technical skills required.
Safe conduct & risk The students decisions based decision making and actions maintain their own safety and the safety of others whilst challenging themselves.Â
Understands the importance of safe interactions in the outdoors and the consequence of decisions in remote locations. Embraces the challenge philosophy but doing so in a controlled and measured way. Willing to fail to improve and grow. Seeks advice and supervision if unsure to ensure safety. Begins to evaluate others decisions and safety.
Consideration & responsibility
The student takes responsibility for their learning, actions and is able to recognise how their actions impact on others.
Understands the need to be responsible for own attitudes and actions. Begins to recognise they have control and choices about actions, reactions and perceptions. Begins to consider the group and others as a starting point rather than themselves.
The student demonstrates an appropriate emotional and physical response when faced with difficult situations.
Extends personal comfort zone in a safe and supportive environment. Utilises prior learning to devise strategies to cope with a challenging program. Shares feelings and strategies regarding performance and attitude. Distinguishes the difference between 'real' and 'perceived' risks and develops strategies to manage them successfully in consultation with staff. Reflects on positives of challenging experience.
Adaptability & problem solving
The students is able to accept changing situations and adapt accordingly.
Accepts situations and adjusts actions when dealing with an unfamiliar situation. Explores alternative responses and ideas. Takes action to achieve the set goal. Always considers safety and wellbeing of others. Demonstrates respect for environment and the overarching goals.
Relationships & communication
The student is able to contribute to a group with clear and respectful communication.
Encourages and respects others roles within the group. Demonstrates active listening, simple decision making, positive contribution and co-operation with peers. Understands the principles of effective communication (i.e. body language, tone, active listening skills, seeking clarity, negotiation). Interacts positively and constructively with peers.
The student has confidence in themselves and their abilities to undertake new challenges.
Uses past experiences to trust themselves, those around them and their abilities to remain safe. Willingness to take risks and accept the outcome. Accepts feedback.
Environmental considerations & impact
The student is aware of Has a desire to implement 'minimal impact' strategies and begins the way humans impact to actively go further to enhance the place visited (i.e. picking up the environment. other's rubbish). Willing to support more challenging 'minimal impact' strategies (i.e. managing toileting). Can identify human impacts to the specific environment (i.e. inability to drink water untreated). Considers packaging in the planning of food for expeditions.
Understanding environments
The student experiences different environments and how they are unique.
Participates in a journey in a particular environment (i.e. Victorian Alps in summer). Learns first hand the important of natural resources (i.e. water). Has the ability to compare and contrast the same environment in different seasons. Develops an appreciation and connection for remote and often wild places. Understands of Indigenous significance of this environment and environmental impacts (i.e. cattle). Embraces stewardship.
Our job is not to prepare students for something. Our job is to help students prepare themselves for anything. A.J. JULIANI
51 Outer Crescent, Brighton Vic 3186 • ELC - Year 12 • Girls Campus 45 Royal Avenue, Sandringham Vic 3191 • ELC - Year 6 • Co-educational Campus • CRICOS Provider No 00140K