NSCAD University Graduation Catalogue 2009
This catalogue accompanies the NSCAD University Graduation Exhibition 2009. Anna Leonowens Gallery, May 5 - 16, 2009. Published by NSCAD University, 5163 Duke Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3J6 Canada (902) 444 9600 Visit our website for the most current program and admission information at www.nscad.ca ISBN 978 ‑ 0 ‑ 920149 ‑ 24 ‑ 9 © 2009 NSCAD University. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada by Meridian Communications, Halifax, Nova Scotia www.meridiancommunications.ca Work images © of respective artists. Catalogue design and accompanying imagery © Jeremy White. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the publisher. Reasonable effort has been made to identify owners of copyright and to provide accurate information pertaining to students’ work. NSCAD University does not necessarily endorse or condone the ideas and viewpoints expressed by contributors to this catalogue. Body text set in Duke and Granville. View the photography credits for additional information regarding photography and printing information.
ANNA LEONOWENS GALLERY DESIGN & PRODUCTION TEAM Catalogue Designer: Jeremy White Graduation Exhibition Curator: Anna FitzGerald Director: Tonia Di Risio Exhibitions Coordinator: Eleanor King A SPECIAL THANKS TO President David B. Smith, Vice President John Mabley and Director Linda Hutchison from University Relations and all departmental faculty for their support and cooperation. Paul Slipp and the team at Meridian Communications for their generous expertise. Keith McLeod for his contribution of time and expertise. Jeff Wry from the NSCAD Print Shop. The Dawson Print Shop team. Kristine Richer and Nathan Boone for their photo assistance. Kelly Burke for her knowledge and encouragement. Tom Froese for countless hours devoted to this project. And of course, the graduates without whose hard work this publication would not exist.
THE 2009 GRADUATION CATALOGUE IS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE GENEROUS SUPPORT OF THE RBC EMERGING ARTISTS PROJECT This book is printed in Canada by an FSC certified printer, ensuring production complies with international standards governing sound environmental practices. Cover is printed on HannoArt Silk, 130 lb Cover. Text is printed on HannoArt Silk Text, 100 lb Text. Both stocks are acid and elemental chlorine free, and FSC certified.
INTRODUCTORY MESSAGES Message from the President Message from our Sponsor Message from SUNSCAD
1 2 3
THE CATALOGUE Undergraduate Studies Graduate Studies Master of Design Projects Message from the Designer Photography Credits
6 144 154 159 160
Message from the
Message from our
As one of Canada’s most respected corporations, RBC understands the value of creative expression in society. Human nature seeks to understand and interpret the world around us, and we believe it is through the discipline, dedication and skill displayed by our artists that these explorations are enhanced.
A customary memento for many universities is the yearbook. Here at NSCAD University, with the generous assistance of the RBC Emerging Artists Project, we produce the Graduation Catalogue. In it, we feature not simply who we are, but what we do. Instead of a collection of faces, we present our creations: the best work of our enormously talented graduates.
DAVID B. SMITH President
As you look through these pages, you’ll see what happens when talent and passion meet opportunity, when creativity is sparked and challenged through collaboration and guidance. With a NSCAD education, our graduates will go on to inform – even define – the direction of craft, design, film and fine art, both in Canada and beyond, for years to come. Our 2009 graduates are entering an uncertain economy, yet one where the capacity for creativity, critical thinking and innovation offers a genuine competitive edge. I want to thank our continuing partner in this project, RBC, along with the Halifax office of RBC Dominion Securities, for sharing our belief in the value of the arts - and an arts education – to society. No project of this quality and magnitude is possible without exceptional leadership, so I’m delighted to recognize interns, Jeremy White, B.Des ‘09, who designed this catalogue, and Anna FitzGerald, BFA ’09, our exhibition curator. This year’s publication is a testament to their evident talent, commitment and professionalism, and we thank them sincerely.
Branch Manager, RBC Dominion Securities
We put our convictions about creativity into action with the RBC Emerging Artists Project, through which we help talented students make the transition from the academic to the entrepreneurial world of the arts. Our ongoing partnership with NSCAD University in support of the annual graduation exhibition and catalogue provides us the opportunity to share in a culture that fosters creativity and self-expression. Here at RBC Dominion Securities, we take this exciting collaboration a step further by featuring the work of NSCAD students throughout our Halifax office and, as a result, introducing these artists to our many visitors. RBC is proud to celebrate creative vision and artistic talent in our community, and wishes the 2009 NSCAD University graduates continued success.
If a university is defined by the quality of its graduates, then this 2009 catalogue once again confirms NSCAD University’s reputation as one of Canada’s leading fine arts institutions. On behalf of the faculty and staff, I extend our warmest congratulations to our new alumni and wish you every success in your creative careers.
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
NSCAD University
Message from
What you will find within the pages of this catalogue is a testament to the hard work of students at NSCAD University. On the surface you will see a diverse array of art, craft and design practices. By considering only these finished products, the process of education that shaped each and every one of my fellow graduates, is concealed.
This process is about more than a simple exchange of tuition fees for lessons in line, shape, colour, and texture. The education of artists and designers is dependant on the ability of the institution to foster critical thinking and to be open to critiques. Being a NSCAD student involves more than producing art; it means being part of the student movement that dares to insist that education is a right. We have contributed to the NSCAD community just as much as the knowledge and experience gained at NSCAD University formed us. Students will continue to be a force of progressive change, working towards a more equitable society. Our hard work should be measured not only by what we have made during our time at NSCAD, but by what we have fought for.
ALLISON COMRIE Vice President Academic
BECKY WELTER-NOLAN Vice President Cultural Affairs
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
RACHEL COLLYER Vice President Internal
Vice President Finance
Chair of Council: JARED PETERS Drawing Rep: PATRICK BURGOMASTER Fine Arts Rep: SERA SENAKOVICZ Foundation Rep: MARTIN TONNER Graduate Rep: PUDY TONG Interdisc. Rep: WILL VANDERMEULEN Printmaking Rep: DAN HIGHAM Residences Rep: BRIANNE WILLIAMS Sculpture Rep: CHUCK HEILMAN
Vice President External
NSCAD University
NSCAD University
Jessica Amyoony
Chloe Austin
Into Your Soul / 2007 Black and white photograph / 19.69 × 19.82 cm
Opener / 2008 Graphite on black paper / 85 × 60 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD University
Laura Badinski
Caitlin Barrie
Sewer Grate Necklace / 2008 Sterling silver, brass, pearls, steel cable & liver of sulphur / 23 Ă— 23 Ă— 2 cm
Green/Yellow Warp (Woven) / 2008 Hand dyed cotton woven cloth
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Jewellery Design and Metalsmithing
lmbadinski@gmail.com 9
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Textiles
caitlin_db20@hotmail.com NSCAD University
Hayley Blackmore
Chris boni
Lisbon / 2008 Colour photograph / 18 × 18 cm
At helm with / 2008 Oil, enamel, watercolour, ink and gesso on canvas / 170 × 142 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
In 1970, Lowell Darling, AKA Dudley Finds, founded the Fat City School of Finds Art. The school had graduated over 50,000 MFAs before Finds was killed in 1975. The school’s motto, “we don’t make art, we finds it”, is a poignant reminder of Dudley Finds’ important role in art education. The diploma bears the signatures of Dana Atchley (1941-2000) and Mr. Peanuts (Vincent Trasov). The seal of Atchley’s Ace Space Company is affixed. This degree was conferred in the spring of 1972.
Terrena Boss
Wallace Brannen ANSCAD BFA
&#$%@! (one in series) / 2008 Installation and digital photograph / 28 × 28 cm
Fat City School of Finds Art Diploma / 1972 Offset print / 28 × 23 cm with text
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts: Major in Art History
NSCAD University
Meghan Bray
Ryan Buckley
Nine / 2007 Wood, metal, and masking tape / 12 × 12 × 15 cm
Rock and Snow Study #1 / 2009 Platinotype photograph / 21.6 × 28 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
NSCAD University
Lesley Burt
Caroline Buttery
Highway Chase / 2008 Digital illustration on paper / 43 Ă— 28 cm
Untitled / 2008 Mixed media on paper / 55.8 Ă— 76.2 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Anna Caldwell
Matthew Carswell
Drosera cistiflora (Droseraceae)- cistus-flowered sundew; 0.5mm long / 2008 Stoneware ceramic with barium raku glaze / 48 Ă— 24 Ă— 24 cm
Beard Labour / 2009 Video still
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Ceramics
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in FIlm
NSCAD University
Daekyu Cha
Bryanna Chapeskie
Power Squid (package design) / 2008 Digital print on white mylar / 33 × 15 cm
One and Two / 2008 Acrylic on canvas / 63.5 × 63.5 cm
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD University
Garity Chapman
Kodi Chrisjohn
S. Magee “The Man Who Works The Hand That Is Shared” / 2008 Colour photograph / 76.2 × 101.6 cm
Bounty / 2008 Bounty paper towel / Variable dimensions
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Douglas F. Clark
Jeff clarke
Testimonila Pop / 2008 Oil on canvas / 183 Ă— 366 cm
Invitation/Business Card Holder / 2008 Digital print on recycled paper / 5.75 Ă— 9.75 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
NSCAD University
Gerry Cleary
Rachel Collyer
TDK - Joker / 2008 & Bloody Blacktop / 2008 Pencil and digital print on paper / Variable dimensions
Undergraduate Exhibition On Fire / 2009 Watercolour on paper / 55.9 Ă— 76.2 cm
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
gerrydcleary@gmail.com 27
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
NSCAD University
Laura Cosham
Andrea Crabbe
Product Renderings / 2008 Marker and coloured pencil on paper / Various dimensions
Untitled / 2008 Oil on canvas / 75 Ă— 100 cm
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Émilie Crewe
Leslie Dalton
One Burnt Out Shed / 2009 Video and mixed media installation (video stills) / Variable dimensions Multi-channel, looped video / 9:37 mins.
Memory (My Sister’s Baptism) / 2007 Black and white photograph / 40.64 × 50.8 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
emiliecrewe@hotmail.com 31
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
lesliedalton_@hotmail.com NSCAD University
Emily Davidson
Jill Davis
Message from SUNSCAD rejected by University Relations / 2009 Photocopy of original catalogue proof 16 × 16 cm
Monster / 2008 Oil on canvas / 40 × 61 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
glass_jewel@hotmail.com NSCAD University
Jennifer Debassige
Jaime Dexter
Untitled / 2008 Mixed media installation / Various dimensions
Movements / 2008 White earthenware / 50.8 Ă— 15.2 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Ceramics
NSCAD University
Alexis Doiron
Stephanie Dowell
Sponge Pot / 2008 Ceramic / 70 × 90 × 50cm
The Hut / 2009 Oil on paper / 231 × 112 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Ceramics
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD University
Travis Driscoll
Andrew G. Farrugia
Sky Lark Opera / 2009 Oil on canvas / 150 × 60 cm
Head #1 / 2008 Inkjet print / 218.5 × 218.5 cm (16 pieces @ 50.8 × 50.8 cm)
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
NSCAD University
Amanda Fischer
Anna FitzGerald
Gaia I / 2008 Monoprint collagraph / 56 × 76 cm
History Boys / 2009 Oil on wood / 121.92 × 121.92 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD University
Isaac Fouchard
Tom Froese
I Can Kill Because In God I Trust / 2008 Wheel thrown earthenware / 38 cm diameter
NSCAD University Graduation Catalogue 2008 / 2008 Print media / 16.2 Ă— 16.2 cm 165 pages
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Ceramics
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
NSCAD University
Amy Funk
Racheal Gallant
Of the room / 2008 Pine, watercolour, gesso, mirror and nails / 167 × 30 × 28 cm
Vomit Type / 2008 Digital print on paper / 27.94 × 43.18 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
amyafunk@gmail.com 45
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
kerntype@gmail.com NSCAD University
Alex Gaskin
Émilienne Gervais
Comfort in Conflict / 2009 Mixed media sculpture / Gallery installation
Between Then and That Other Time / 2008 Video and lithographic installation detail Variable dimensions
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
agaskin@student.nscad.ca 47
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
emilienneg@shaw.ca NSCAD University
Emily Gill
Jessica Gostling
Netted Venation II / 2009 Copper, enamel, sterling silver, rare earth magnets, antique glass pearls / 13 × 5 × 2 cm
Time Capsules / 2009 Wood sculpture / 8 × 8 × 8 cm each
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Jewellery Design and Metalsmithing
emilyegill@gmail.com 49
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
jgostling@gmail.com NSCAD University
Shaunna Grandish
Jennifer Green
Billboard / 2008 & Untitled / 2008 Digitally printed photographs / 33 Ă— 48.3 cm each
Silk Scarf / 2006 Silk organza / 118 Ă— 17 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Textiles
NSCAD University
Paul Green
Stephanie Hanes
Kanye Illustration / 2008 Conte and marker on canson paper / 44 Ă— 28 cm
Sucking me dry / 2009 Encaustic and oil on canvas / 152 Ă— 213 cm
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Caitlin Harben
Kirsten Holden
Burrow / 2009 Polyurethane foam, extruded polystyrene, and rye grass 180 Ă— 130 Ă— 100 cm
Making Maybes / 2008 Ceramics and sound / Gallery installation
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
charben@rogers.com 55
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
suryaloka@hotmail.com NSCAD University
Joel Hooper
Natalie Howard
Common Ground / 2008 Photograph C-print / 76.2 Ă— 76.2 cm
What’s Left Behind / 2009 Interactive animation / Animation stills
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Intermedia
spraypsalm@gmail.com 57
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
NSCAD University
Krista Hull
Leah Hunnakko
These Violent Dreams / 2009 Colour photograph / 40.64 × 50.8 cm
‘The girls go to the market’ locket / 2008 Sterling silver / 30 × 2.5 × 0.6 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Rajee PaÑa Jejishergill
Andrea Lauren John
For my family and for their ashes / 2008 Textiles, video, text installation Urns approx. 27.9 cm × 17.8 cm each
Seeking An Identity / 2008 Acrylic and charcoal on canvas / 91 × 61 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
rajee.jejishergill@gmail.com 61
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
andreajohn83@hotmail.com NSCAD University
Wes Johnston
Alicia “AJ” Kutchaw
Conesphere / 2008 Mixed media / Variable dimensions
A Day in the Life of Loki / 2009 Performance / Mask 40 × 32 × 32 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Benjamin Langille
Jenna Langille
Use your words... / 2008 Digital illustration on paper / 27.9 cm Ă— 43.2 cm
Personal Identity / 2008 Print on paint can / 55.9 cm height
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
NSCAD University
Amanda Larson
Marc LaTulippe
Untitled / 2008 Mixed media / Variable dimensions
Various Design Work / 2006 – 2009 Various print media
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
NSCAD University
Ryan LeBlanc
Lisa Long
Skyline Magazine / 2007 Print media / 21.5 Ă— 28 cm, 16 pages
Nothing Runs Like a Deere / 2009 Digital collage on paper / 76.2 Ă— 99.4 cm
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
NSCAD University
Chris Lowe
Lauren MacDougall
Ouroboros / 2009 Digital illustration / 12.7 Ă— 17.8 cm
Shadow / 2007 Colour photographs / 150 Ă— 110 cm each
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
NSCAD University
Bree mackin
Robyn MacKinnon
Dropcloth / 2009 Mixed media / Variable dimensions
Golden Butterfly / 2007 Acrylic on paper / 30 Ă— 25 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD University
Aaron MacLean
Lindsay MacLean
Old woman/ Young woman / 2009 Oil on canvas / 61 × 61 cm
Lace Bobbins / 2008 Sterling silver, lace, pearl / 6 × 8 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Joel MaCleod
Anne Macmillan
Ghostvase (film poster) / 2009 Digital image and illustration / 27 × 42 cm
A shape on a hill / 2008 Sculpture / 76 × 76 × 137 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Film
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Intermedia
NSCAD University
Aaron Mangle
Jordan McDonald
Just as I remember / 2009 Film positive collage / 3.5 Ă— 3.5 cm
Cup / 2008 Earthenware, enamel / 8 cm high
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Ceramics
NSCAD University
Kate McGuire
Family portrait / 2009 Screen printed pigment and dye on silk 112 × 300 cm
Figure 1 / 2008 Pencil and ink on paper / 45 × 81 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
kate.mcguire@hotmail.com 81
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
cate_beth@hotmail.com NSCAD University
Georgina Megens
Stephanie Merrick
Atacama Flood, Path / 2008 Acrylic paint and india ink on canvas 12.7 Ă— 12.7 cm each
Autumn Sunset / 2008 Mercerized cotton / 74 Ă— 45 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
georginamegens_6@hotmail.com 83
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Textiles
stephanie_merrick@hotmail.com NSCAD University
Dan Metcalfe
Kat Miller
Keep Six: Label for sixth can in series / 2007 Digital print on gloss label paper 21.6 Ă— 15.2 cm
Jubilee / 2008 Oil on canvas / 91.44 Ă— 121.92 cm
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
dan.metcalfe@sympatico.ca 85
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
happykat@rogers.com NSCAD University
Amanda Moura
Paula Nelson
Self Portrait / 2008 Acylic on canvas / 121 × 129 cm
What Is It Like? / 2008 Reductive woodblock print / 50 × 39 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD University
Jason William Oliver
Talia Olshefsky
Untitled / 2008 Milled steel and branch / 137.16 Ă— 45.73 cm
Northern Lights / 2008 Photograph C-print / 60 Ă— 48 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
NSCAD University
Rebecca O’Rourke
Michael Peters
Eyes (Sarah) / 2008 Black and white large format photograph / 23 × 47 cm
Cloud Factory / 2008 Mixed media on canvas / 71 × 106 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Brenna Phillips
Ann Pocket
Snow Cave / 2009 Natural elements / 90 × 120 × 210 cm
Connectivity Four, Ring / 2008 Electroformed copper, powdered-coated, polyurethane tubing, ceramit, steel ball bearings / 4.2 × 4.5 × 2.5 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
brennapp@gmail.com 93
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Jewellery Design and Metalsmithing
ann.pocket@gmail.com NSCAD University
Arianne Pollet-Brannen
Jennifer Porter
Redress Exhibition / 2009 Leather, wood, oil pastel on paper / Variable dimensions
Vulpes / 2008 Oil and enamel on canvas / 30 Ă— 30 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD University
Shannon Potter
Caitlyn Rose Purcell
It’s about community / 2008 Earthenware / 133 × 92 cm
Thinking of Michael / 2009 Brass, black glass beads, cubic zirconia 7 × 20 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Ceramics
http://www.shannonpotterstudio.com 97
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Jewellery Design and Metalsmithing
caitlyn_purcell@hotmail.com NSCAD University
Kristine Richer
Lara Ripley
September 25, week 1 & September 25, week 8 / 2008 Black and white photographs / 40.6 Ă— 50.8 cm each
Neil / 2008 Hand rendered and digital imagery on paper 21.98 Ă— 8 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
http://oneflapdesign.com 99
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
lararipley@gmail.com NSCAD University
Brittany Roberts
Genevieve Robertson
Joan of Arc / 2008 Watercolour on paper / 10 Ă— 10 cm
Wringing, Clenching, Punching / 2008 Beeswax / Each life sized
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD University
Ryan Robson
Ebony Rose
Hysteria (One in Series) / 2009 Mixed media on canvas / 182 × 121 cm
Untitled from the series KAPLUNK / 2008 Oil on canvas / 167.6 × 167.6 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD University
Sarah Haydon Roy
mia sandhu
Polka Dot Blouse / 2009 Relief monoprint
See Sloth Slide Series 1 / 2008 Oil and acrylic on wood panel / 163 Ă— 61 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD University
Sera senakovicz
Nicole Silvester
Small Pieces our Fingers Now Nervously Hold / 2009 Red Hands Weight / 2009 Monoprint and lithography / 99 Ă— 71 cm each
Octopus vulgaris / 2008 Silver gelatin photographic print / 41 Ă— 51 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
senakovicz@yahoo.ca 107
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
http://www.whiteravenarts.com NSCAD University
Dana Silwadi
Lauren Snider
Seacan Rebranding / 2008 Print media / Various print sizes
Floral Headdress / 2008 Wool, lace, silk, pearls, silver, beads, antique handkerchief 14 Ă— 14 Ă— 3 cm
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
dsilwadi@gmail.com 109
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
Lauren.e.snider@gmail.com NSCAD University
Jenika Sobolewska
ZoË Solomon
View 1 / 2008 Lithograph / 63.5 × 76.2 cm
Faces / 2009 Clay / 2.54 × 1.27 cm each
Bachelor of Arts: Major in Art History
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Emily Alina Misson Spek
Cameron philip Starr-Humphreys
Tourism/Truerism: Another Vision of Halifax / 2008 Colour photography / 17.13 Ă— 11.44 cm each
Hands folding paper / 2006 – 08 Serigraph on paper with light projections Variable dimensions
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
emily.spek@gmail.com 113
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
cameronstarr@handsmadethis.com NSCAD University
Lukas Steinman
Robyn Stephens
Obstacle / 2008 Video 6:35 mins / Production still
Felt Appliqué Coat / 2008 Hand-dyed felt, over-dyed and repurposed wool 100 × 45 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Intermedia
youllbejustfine@hotmail.com 115
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Textiles
http://www.shibangdesigns.com NSCAD University
Matthew Stohlberg
The Veil / 2008 & The Disguise / 2008 Pencil, watercolour, white ink on paper / 42 × 59 cm, 32 × 40 cm
Fisherman / 2008 & Tom Brady / 2008 Acrylic on birch panel / 122 × 61 × 5.1 cm each
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Chia‑ying Su
Erica Sutherland-Barta
Untitled / 2008 Oil and pen on canvas / 122 × 122 cm
Morça Monocle / 2008 Silver and enamel / 3.8 cm diameter
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Jewellery Design and Metalsmithing
NSCAD University
Sarah Tapley
Daina Tavenier
Untitled / 2007 Charcoal on paper / 7.6 Ă— 10.2 cm
Mirror Portrait / 2007 Intaglio, aquatint, and monoprint / 38.1 Ă— 55.9 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Allison Taylor
Katherine Thomas
Sweet Disposition / 2008 Photomontage / 27.94 Ă— 35.56 cm
Tulipierre Series 3: Item 2 / 2008 Porcelain / 92 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Photography
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Ceramics
NSCAD University
Bridget Turner
Dallin J. Ursenbach
Lotus Ring / 2008 Sterling silver and enamel / 5 × 4 × 4 cm
Revelations 18:2 / 2009 Mixed media / 120 × 130 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Jewellery Design and Metalsmithing
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Lauren VanSickle
Erica Veltmeyer
Salt & Pepperbot / 2008 Hand raised copper, rubber o-rings, rubber stoppers 11 Ă— 7 cm
Mushroom Cloud / 2009 Styrene molds / 475 Ă— 300 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
lauren.z.vansickle@gmail.com 127
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
eveltmeyer@gmail.com NSCAD University
Christine Waugh
Salina Wechsler
Journey / 2008 Porcelain, stoneware, and glazes / Variable dimensions
Waldfee / 2009 & Bunte Traeume / 2009 Rayon, Dupioni Silk, and polyester / Variable dimensions
Bachelor of Fine Arts
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Textiles
NSCAD University
Kathryn Weir
Claire Wensveen
Love Is Colour Blind: Interracial Awareness Campaign / 2008 Digital illustration / Various print sizes
I also bought a tie dress that day / 2008 Clay, glaze and glue / 200 Ă— 200 cm
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Ceramics
NSCAD University
Tiffany Westwood
Steve Wiseman
Belly of the Whale / 2009 Film 22 mins. / Production stills
Cremation / 2008 Lithograph / 64.8 Ă— 77.5 cm
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Film
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Susan Wolf
Neal Woodman
Goody / 2009 Pre-fabricated brush, synthetic hair 22 × 6 × 10 cm
The Wipe / 2008 Film stills
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
susiewolf@hotmail.com 135
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Film
http://nealwoodman.com NSCAD University
Claire Worthington
Tammy Worthington
Birds-all-fly / 2008 Sterling silver ring / 3 Ă— 3 Ă— 3.5 cm
Preservation / 2008 Mixed media installation / Variable dimensions
Bachelor of Design: Major in Interdisciplinary Design
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts: Major in Fine Art
NSCAD University
Charley Young
Jennifer Zimmer
44°39’01.6”N 63°34’21.0”W / 2008 Frottaged fabric / Installation various dimensions
Untitled Self Portraits #1-18, from the series ‘Self Centered’ / 2008 Gelatin silver prints / 40.6 × 50.8 cm each
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Interdisciplinary)
NSCAD University
Product design group Bachelor of Design
P.R.O.G. Frogs / 2008 Plastic formed bins / 110 cm Height Contributing members: Salvatore Fuccilla, Jenna Langille, Kristine Richer, Claire Worthington 141
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Mod Pods / 2008 Plastic formed bins / 110 cm Height Contributing members: Salvatore Fuccilla, Jenna Langille, Kristine Richer, Claire Worthington NSCAD University
NSCAD University
Jennifer BÉlanger
Patrick Connelly
POLI: Restoring Shine to Everydayness / 2009 Intervention
Tag Cloud / 2009 Ink on craft paper / 72 Ă— 103 cm
Master of Fine Arts in Fine and Media Arts
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Master of Design
NSCAD University
Alicia H. Coutts
Ege Edener
Poznan’s Swimming Pool (The Lost Synagogues of Poland) / 2009 Inkjet photograph / 55 × 37 cm
Untitled 29a / 2008 Digital photograph / 2592 × 3872 pixels
Master of Fine Arts in Fine and Media Arts
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Master of Fine Arts in Fine and Media Arts
NSCAD University
Claire Hodge
Martina Lantin
Bruce-O-Rama / 2009 Interactive audio/video installation
Sweetheart Plates / 2008 Earthenware / 25 cm²
Master of Fine Arts in Fine and Media Arts
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Master of Fine Arts in Craft
NSCAD University
lÉola Le Blanc
Stephen Rife
Désoreille / 2009 Installation / Sound piece / 80 × 50 cm
Projection / February 6th, 2009, Morses Tea Bldg. flour, propane, espresso, electric fan, wood shavings, copper dust. Video still from performance
Master of Fine Arts
leolaleblanc@hotmail.com 151
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Master of Fine Arts in Fine and Media Arts
stephenrife@yahoo.com NSCAD University
Master of
These are collaborative projects we worked on in our first two terms as Master of Design Students. We designed a new food store concept aimed at helping people make ethical and sustainable food purchases; a series of figurative toys to address cultural and contextual issues; DesignLab, a design consultation and research service for projects that adhere to issues of public concern; and one outcome of the DesignLab: the redesign of the Community and Cultural Affairs portion of the Halifax Regional Municipal website. For more information please visit http://nscadlab.ca STUDENTS INVOLVED Patrick Connelly
D.M. Jagdish Kumar
Yu Gao
Erin Laende
Jessica Glemnitz
Ying Li
Liz Hardy
Ziming Li
Phil Kneer
Steven Pong
Master of Design
M.Des Pending
Master of Design
M.Des Pending
M.Des Pending
Master of Design
M.Des Pending
M.Des Pending
M.Des Pending
Master of Design
NSCAD University
Origin Food Design Concept / 2008 Website and concept / 1024 Ă— 768 pixels Contributing members: Patrick Connelly, Liz Hardy*, Phil Kneer*, D.M. Jagdish Kumar, Erin Laende* *Master of Design Pending 155
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Figure Toy Exploration / 2008 Digital models / 7.5 - 20 cm Contributing members: Yu Gao*, Jessica Glemnitz, Ying Li*, Ziming Li*, Steven Pong *Master of Design Pending
NSCAD University
DesignLab Brochure / 2008 Digital print on paper / 9 Ă— 9 cm Contributing members: Patrick Connelly, Yu Gao*, Liz Hardy*, Phil Kneer*, D.M. Jagdish Kumar, Erin Laende*, Ying Li*, Ziming Li* *Master of Design Pending 157
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
HRM Web Structure Redesign / 2008 Digital print on paper / 106 Ă— 91.5 cm Contributing members: Patrick Connelly, Yu Gao*, Liz Hardy*, Phil Kneer*, D.M. Jagdish Kumar, Erin Laende*, Ying Li*, Ziming Li* *Master of Design Pending
NSCAD University
Message from the
JEREMY WHITE Catalogue Designer
The overall theme of this catalogue is an observation of the physical spaces that students inhabit within the walls of NSCAD University. It seems no matter how clean a space may be when a project begins, there will always be a layer of mess left behind.
Nathan Boone: responsible for the artwork photography on the following pages: 14, 30, 41, 42, 67, 75, 86, 103, 105, 109, and 119.
This so-called mess isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Like anthropologists studying artifacts left behind by ancient cultures, this residue is evidence of the level of work that each student has accomplished. Each new stain is a representation of a piece of work that was created within the space. With each new artist working within this space, a new layer is added to the floors, walls, and by-standing objects in an accidental manner. The layers of paint, ink, clay and the countless other materials used — which can be commonly seen throughout school — are represented in the catalogue’s theme.
STEVE FARMER: responsible for the image of Stewart Robinson on page 3
The imagery was developed to give the overall aesthetic and tone a more accidental appeal. Instead of just straight-forward painted text, this accidental splatter effect allows each stain to break the barrier of the implied letter. This concept is inspired by the students of NSCAD University: each time one of our graduates leaves after breaking their own barriers, they also leave their mark on the school and inspire the creativity and interest in other students. It has been a great honour working with the Anna Leonowens Gallery staff in creating this project and once again I would like to thank all those involved who helped me to complete it. I hope you enjoyed the work of the 2009 NSCAD graduating class and the mark that they have made.
NSCAD Graduation Catalogue 2009
Keith McLeod: responsible for the profile pictures on the following pages: 11, 14, 19, 27, 28, 40, 47, 50, 53, 57, 62, 66, 71, 72, 74, 76, 79, 93, 95, 100, 119, 128, 130, and 135. Luke Norrad: assisted with the illustration work on page 77 Kristine Richie: responsible for the artwork photography on the following pages: 15, 64, 114, 127, 130, 136, 138, 139 Ryan Richie: responsible for the artwork photography on the following pages: 77, 131 All other accompanying photography © of respective artists except on pages 3, 4, & 159. Images of SUNSCAD members provided by SUNSCAD, image of cheeseburger © McDonald’s.
NSCAD University