Kyle Shields Process Book

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Process: What Process? Kyle Shields



Type Specimen Design Permiutations Grid Hierarchy Font Flag Word Play Ugly Website Regroove Product Package



Font Specimen


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Assignment Choose a font from the DejaVu family, make a Type Specimen page in InDesign, and add it to your Process Book. Process I was relatively new to Indesign, more formely trained in illustrator this project proved to be more difficult then it should have been. I attempted to format the letters in seperate text boxes and had trouble adjusting the spacing between titles and the letters as a result. I did not resize any of the fonts and some tend to be larger than others and optically skew the grid. Final Submission In the future I would have picked fonts that were similar width, and avoided anything condensed or narrow. I would have set up a grid and made the spacing even. In hind sight I did not spend enough time on making the specimen look uniform and I beleive that is where it loses its power.



Design Permutations


Assignment The objective of this particular assignment is to help you to gain insight into the almost infinite range of possibilities available within strict constraints. We were asked to cut and glue our initials in 4 different sets, where we got to adjust the rotatation, weight, size and boarder. Then combine these sets to create off breads and combinations that will be drawn out digitally in illustrator. These initial sets are then developed as finished monograms.


Process Originally I was frusterated when asked to cut and glue so many letters. I thought that the variations we would be able to get would not be interesting. However, after you start to consider the forms as shapes not letters you can really start to create some unusual interactions. The letters 'kas' I perfered in lower case, I found there were more fluid curves and more of a shape so to speak, whereas I found uppercase more like working with blocks or bricks. My breakthrough was when I started connecting the 'a' and the 's', playing around with connecting them. I wanted to lose the readability of the letters, making a more abstract shape, however the restraints made it difficult.



Final Submission Only in my offbreed sets did I start to acheive the abstract goal I was looking for. Creating two that I was especially interested in (see final submission on left). I worked to overlap ascenders, and other protruding strokes from letters. It was hard to find the right placement, because I had to take into account all the different overlaps all at once, and be sure there were no isolated shapes or rough edges. For my final design I path-finded the letters together and created a single shape, my monogram.




Assignment We were asked to choose a magazine and analyze the grid for the title page, the contents, and a two page spread. Process/Final I first looked at the contents page, as it interested me the most. My observations were as follows; The margin was larger than the title pages, and the title “contents� runs vertically along the margin as an ascending line. The contents follow vertically, justified right (in a vertical text box), so ragged left, or down. The hierarchy is confusing, with the title in small letters and the artists names bolded and large, you are not inclined to read the title. The second half of the contents, what looks to be the regular articles is aligned with the margin on the second half of the page, none in bold. The fine print in the bottom again aligns up with the margin. The whole page is laid out on a photograph, which


is credited in the top corner, which the top of the letters aligns with the vertical contents margin (or the top margin). The way that the contents are laid out around the subject matter in the photo makes me believe that the design was created with the photo.

Also I believe the choice to write the contents on a different axis may have to do with the areas on the page, trying to fill it more vertically then horizontally, because with this text the entire right side is filled, taking away the empty space that would have been created had it been written horizontally.


This cover was kept simple yet holds a very strong design. It uses a very large image that is taken from inside the magazine and immediately captures the viewer. This image takes up 75 – 80% of the page and is bled right off three edges. The hierarchy in the font size is obvious, using a very large font for “Juxtapoz”, a smaller font explaining what the magazine is, then even smaller font listing a few of the artists in the magazine (also the capitalized Sam Flores, who is the featured artist on


the cover). The title uses a font with reduced letter spacing, and custom letters that run flush with each other keeping an even space between letters. Everything within the title box lines up with the margin. The spacing is the same from the top of the cover to the artists names, from that baseline to the title, and from “arts and culture magazine,” baseline to the bottom of the blue box.

This space is the same size as the spacing on the right of the title, names etc. This spacing frames the barcode. The bold title bar and the large photo remind me of a comic book cover, with very little overlap. I noticed that it was unlike the typical magazine cover in which is did not feature a full sized photo with over lapping text and titles, rather separated everything and did so with attention to alignment and spacing.


The two page layouts in this magazine mostly feature text on one side and a large format picture on the other side. I found that the text was laid out in a grid of four columns, (a multiple of 12). The columns are evenly spaced and take up the bottom 1/3 of the page. There is a line that separates the text and an image above that takes up the top 2/3 of the page. The image the text and the page number are aligned on the margin. The page number is vertical, following the theme from the contents page. The artists name is featured at the top of the page and aligns to the second column. The spacing above this name is the same on all sides of the page (with the text and image). This page is laid out on a very obvious grid where everything on the page aligns to the margins and columns. In my second page layout, I noticed that the text fit into exactly the same sized columns and each column was the same height, leaving the text to take up the bottom 1/3 of the page. Again the right page is filled with a full sized image that is bled off all four sides. After comparing both page layouts I have decided that even when they are from different editorials and include different types of media and photos the text is located and aligned in the same way. This makes it easy and consistent when reading and allows for a lot of inserts that will not confuse the reader.





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Assignment This is an exercise in creating an information hierarchy in the context of a poster. Text copy and two photographs was provided. The assignment was to create a small poster for the Atlantic Jazz Festival using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe InDesign. Use standard Letter size paper, Portrait mode. Use only the DejaVu family of fonts, black ink only.


Process I had a difficult time with this project. I could not think of a way to include the provided image in an effective way. I tried using black and white, as I found alot of relavent research. However with the amount of type, the image was taking up valuable space, and re-sizing it small looked tacky. I ended up switching my focus completely, feeling the freedom to drop the image completely, I made a text poster. I used an angled grid, hoping to incite movement and energy, something I thought would be relavent to jazz. From there it was a matter of finding the proper sizes and the perfect white/black balance. I used different types of hierarchy, such as location, size, angle, weight, etc. I tried to get the reader to focus on the Jazz concert first, to attract a specific audience. I then wanted what viewers were interested to see and decode the large band names, on the angular grid. this cause the eye to move around effectively awhile nallowing the titles to not compete



Font Flag

Assignment A font flag is intended to generate interest among designers, in the typeface so they will buy and use it. Font flags are visually interesting type specimen sheets in a poster format. Process This project excited me. I had to think about what interested designers, and effect ways to grasp someones attention. I did some research and was leaning towards the more abstract. I wanted to create a poster that a designer would look at, and find visually interesting for



its typographic elements, yet leave much to be desired which I have always found is an effective way to get a response. At first I tried the numeral set 1-9 in a gray scale. I thought it represented the weight of the type well and also was a referance to design, showing a 10 step gray scale, white to black. However, after experimenting with the idea I found it was too boring and just not what I was looking for. I did like the two shown, that

involved bright colors and an elusive typeface, but thought that it didn't tie together well enough. I started doing more research and found alot of examples that used photos, relations to the type face and all sorts of conceptual ideas. I decided to start thinking of what dejavu really meant. The instant of feeling that you have done something before. I wanted to use an image that created a feeling, the same way dejavu

does. I thought I would use an image that the viewer senses the vibe, within the photo. A feeling that is unmistakable. I used some alcatraz images I took a few years earlier however decided that it wasn't the "feeling" that would promote a font. So, I went with a friendly, inviting image that would interest and relate to the viewer, and subconciously give them a feeling of, "DejaVu". (See next page)

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Word Play

Assignment You will be given two words, a noun and an adjective. The first list contains nouns that communicate a negative idea. The second list contains adjectives that communicate a positive idea. Process For this assignment, I was assigned "LUCKY SEWAGE". There was originally a lot of talk about using a photo to convey your messege, which I originally had thought would be the way to go. I had many ideas revolving around the use of a sewer drain. My first task was to make DejaVu Sans look realistic when laid over a photo graph (Seen below). I had done alot of work using images of lottery tickets and money, only to decide that I was more interested in doing an illustration. I figured with more ability to "create" I could communicate effectively, it would just need the right approach.



I began illustrating objects I deemd, "Lucky", in hopes an idea would come to me. I had success in the illustration but less succes in the communication (See Right). I began looking at the letter forms and working in new elements to substitue. The horseshoe being the most obvious, it lead me to work in a lucky 7, a rainbow, and a four leaf clover. The problem now was working the design to make the elements as clear as possible. I refined the clover and really defined the leaves in an attempt to make it more legible. After tweaking the letter forms I reduced the color and was left with the finished product (See next page).





Website Regroove

Assignment For this project we were given an ugly website that was in need of a re-vamp. We were asked to create an illustrator mock-up of an alternative design. Process My website was the Volunteer Center of southwestern New Bruinswick. The original homepage was boring, included dull color combos and no organization other then "centering". There were a lot of submenus that could only be accessed through other, unrelated menus. They laid out buttons and links as if they were pop



ups and thus rendered them useless. The buttons were not uniform size and were in sets of three off centered. The lack of organization was the first issue I tackled, by adding the missing menu buttons and placing them along the top, in a clear, understandable fashion. I then tried to determine what were links, and what were advertisements, then started to compile a list of "related links". This is how I planned to organize the links and websites that were related or tied in with my website. I felt like they promoted various sites and they included various unnattractive boxes and logos as their links. So i go rid of these and put all the links together.


I laid out a grid and complied some inspiring images that I thought would be more attractive to a younger audience. I did some research and tried to use the large resolution image as the hook, grabbing your attention as you enter the homepage. I had to redo the logo they used and draw it in illustrator, because I felt certain parts of the logo could be improved, also this helped me resize and move the logo freely. My first version had problems with the spacing sizes and perhaps too much value around the sections. I thinned the boxes and evened all the gutters and buttons making the spacing even.



Uses: • pain relief • appetite enhancement • day trips • mind expansion and a general feeling of well-being!

e Honey tan

Instructions: Inhale, apply topically or eat. Visit our website for tasty recipes:






Dosage: Do not use more than twice per day.


We were asked to design a package for a pharmasutical company, disregarding the typical restraints that are set on the industry. Not only that, we were asked to mock the design that is used in lotteries, casinos, instant win cards, etc.

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Product Package


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Utilisations: • soulagement de la douleur • stimulation de l'appétit • voyages d'un jour • élargissement de la conscience et un sentiment général de bien-être Instructions: Inspirez, appliquer localement ou à manger. Visitez notre site Web pour des recettes savoureuses:


A potent extract of psychoactive cannabinoids derived from cannibis sativa grown in Manitoba, Canada under the strict supervision of Health Canada. Avoid eye contact. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Store at room temperature (15–30°C), away from children. See a health care practitioner on a regular basis if you suspect, or are diabetic. Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen. Évitez le contact avec les yeux. Ne pas utiliser en cas de grossesse ou d’allaitement. Gardez à température ambiante (15–30°C) et hors de portée des enfants. Consultez un professionnel de la santé régulièrement si vous êtes diabétique ou si vous soupçonnez être diabétique. Consultez un professionnel de la santé si vos symptô. Visit our website for tasty recipes:

Dose: Ne pas utiliser plus de deux fois par jour.

5ml tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP

This assignment was a great experiance. We got a chance to design a box and take in all the same considerations that a real design might. We had to include both engligh and french text and had a full text copy provided. It was challenging to go against most fundamental design rules. I stretched text, used clashing colors and heavy gradients.

3Manufactured by: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)

Uses: • pain relief • appetite enhancement • day trips • mind expansion and a general feeling of well-being!


• soulagement de la douleur

• stimulation de l'appétit • voyages d'un jour • élargissement de

la conscience

et un sentiment général de bien-être

Instructions: Inhale, apply topically or eat.

Instructions: Inspirez, appliquer localement ou à manger.

Un extrait puissant de cannabinoïdes psychoactifs dérivés de cannabis sativa cultivé au Manitoba, au Canada sous la stricte supervision de Santé Canada.

tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP


Dosage: Do not use more than twice per day.

Dose: Ne pas utiliser plus de deux fois par jour.

Avoid eye contact. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Store at room temperature (15–30°C), away from children.

Évitez le contact avec les yeux. Ne pas utiliser en cas de grossesse ou d’allaitement. Gardez à température ambiante (15–30°C) et hors de portée des enfants.

See a health care practitioner on a regular basis if you suspect, or are diabetic. Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen.

Consultez un professionnel de la santé régulièrement si vous êtes diabétique ou si vous soupçonnez être diabétique. Consultez un professionnel de la santé si vos symptô.

A potent extract of psychoactive cannabinoids derived from cannibis sativa grown in Manitoba, Canada under the strict supervision of Health Canada.

tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP


Fabrication par: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong) Manufactured by: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)



Final Submission I had many trials, having trouble filling the entire space, but using space effectively. I originally was along a different path trying to make repeating patterns and using the honey symbolism. However, it was not the most effective design and I started experimenting with more interesting text and brighter colors. The most effective part of my project would be the gradients and the clipping mask I created to fill the background. Overall if I had to re-do this assignment I would most likely go a different direction.

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Utilisations: • soulagement de la douleur • stimulation de l'appétit • voyages d'un jour • élargissement de la conscience et un sentiment général de bien-être

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Instructions: Inspirez, appliquer localement ou à manger.

Dosa Do n twice

Dose: Ne pas utiliser plus de deux fois par jour.

Uses: Utilisations: • pain reliefde • soulagement • appetite enhancement la douleur • day trips • stimulation de l'appétit • mind expansion • voyages d'un jour and a general feeling of • élargissement well-being! de

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la conscience

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Uses: • pain relief • appetite enhancement • day trips • mind expansion and a general feeling of well-being!

Évitez le contact avec Instructions: les Inhale, apply topically or eat. yeux. Ne pas utiliser en cas de grossesse ou Dosage: Do not use more than twice per day. d’allaitement. Gardez à Avoid eye contact. Do Dose: not use if pregnant or Ne pas utiliser plus de Store at deux foisbreastfeeding. par jour. température ambiante room temperature (15–30°C), away from (15–30°C) et hors de portée children. See a health care des enfants. practitioner Instructions: et un sentiment général Inhale, apply topically de bien-être or eat. Instructions: Inspirez, Dosage: appliquer Do ou not use more than localement twice per day. à manger.

structions: spirez, appliquer calement ou manger.

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Avoid eye contact. Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding. Store at room temperature (15–30°C), away from children.

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Évitez le contact avec les yeux. Ne pas utiliser en cas de grossesse ou d’allaitement. Gardez à température ambiante (15–30°C) et hors de portée des enfants. on a regular basis

if you suspect, or are diabetic.

Consultez un professionnel A potent extract of psychoactive a health care de la santéConsult régulièrement si vous êtes diabétique ou siif symptoms practitioner cannabinoids derived from cannibis vous soupçonnez être worsen. sativa grown in Manitoba, Canada diabétique. Consultez un under the strict supervision of Health professionnel de la santé si Canada. vos symptô.

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tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP

Fabrication par: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong) Manufactured by: Lucky Golden Leaf Ltd. (Hong Kong)


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See a health care practitioner on a regular basis if you suspect, or are diabetic. Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen.

Consultez un professionnel de la santé régulièrement si tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP vous êtes diabétique 5ml ou si vous soupçonnez être diabétique. Consultez un professionnel de la santé si vos symptô.

A potent extract of psychoactive cannabinoids derived from cannibis sativa grown in Manitoba, Canada under the strict supervision of Health Canada.

tetrahydrocannabinol 98% USP







"Home is a concept, I wish I could take it with me everywhere." I was asked to design a product that embodied the concept of "home".

I had many promising ideas so I was stuck with where to take my ideas. Most based around staying in hotles, I wanted to combat the idea of 'the over-travelled businessman'. The idea of travelling for work and always being away from home is something I understand as my father often complains of not being able to sleep in his bed. With this I came up with ideas that reminded me of home like the people, the atmosphere, the surroundings, the smells, the sounds, my bed, my dog, etc. I had ideas such as hotel maid services, live sound links, and smell replicators. I did research into a smell duplicator and found alot of memory/smell related studies. Smell is the one sense that is known to instantaneously give someone a vivd memory. This is because the part of the brain that deals with smell, is dangerously close to the limic system which controls emotion and memory. This made me think that smell was the perfect way to remind someone of home.


Final Submission

"Home Scents"

How it Works:

The relation between smell and memory is constantly being studied, and smell is now being reffered to as the most direct link to memory. The olfactory portion of the brain is the section that distinguishes smells, and is located right beside the emotional, memory based area of our brains, the limbic system. Which means more likely than any other senses, smell is known not only to rekindle lost memories, but instantaneously let the person feel and experience that memory.

'Home Scents' is a product designed to make you feel at home. It is designed to release an ambigious scent that reminds the user of being at home, in a comfertable enviroment. This product is not an instant cure to homesickness, however it is an effective longterm approach to feeling more comfertable and getting better sleeps while away from home.

Smell has a strong link to memory, known to instantaniously incite a memory of a prior incident where you have experianced a similar smell. The user is to set up the 'home sense', every night only while at home, for one month. When you feel you are accustomed to this light scent, it is safe to begin bringing it with you on your travels.

I would like to address the issue of sleep deprivation due to discomfort, stress and being in an unusual sleeping enviroment.


Scents release here

Now the user just has to turn it on before bed, or set the built in alarm clock for a predetermined time and drift off. This unique, light scent will now subconciously remind you that its time for bed, helping calm the body, especially when dealing with added stress from being in an abnormal enviroment.





















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